#OASE 79
spyroskaprinis · 2 years
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“James Stirling’s Island” _ 05.03.2023 _ SK
A collage of axonometric drawings by James Stirling and Leon Krier.
Drawings source: https://www.oasejournal.nl/en/Issues/79
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De Algemene Verwarring #79 - 3 October 2022
The seventy-ninth episode of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday October 3, 2022, and you can listen to it by clicking on the Mixcloud widget below. And if that does not work, here’s the direct link to the Mixcloud page:
Pictured below is Philadelphia, US band Executive Slacks. They are one of the bands that always remind me of those mid and late eighties, where the only possible way of listening to music was radio, because I didn’t have the monye yet to buy records. I was dubbing music from national radio, but also from illegal radio stations broadcasting from the North of France, where they played the kind of dark industrial stuff that I’m still into nowadays. That’s where it all began, folks. There was of course Luc Janssen with his Domino radio show on Saturday nights, that’s the show where I first heard bands such as Sonic Youth, Big Black, Coil, Swans, Einstürzende Neubauten, and also Executive Slacks, and in fact, the track I played in this episode, “Our Lady”, was the very first track I ever heard of the band and I just recently picked up that 12″ on a local record fair. Those were exciting years and I sill have a lot of tapes from those times, I should dig them up and give them a listen. Anyway, there’s still only one record player available in the Quindo studio, so I’m switching between vinyl and cds, which means there is some old music from the likes of Girls Against Boys, Tussle, Yellow Swans, The Little Killers, Wire and Come, but there’s also new music from Bad Mojos, Amateur Hour, Pinch Points, and Delphine Dora. And beneath the photo you can find the playlist for this show. Enjoy!
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Bad Mojos: Autobahn (LP “Songs That Make You Wanna Die” on Voodoo Rhythm Records, 2022)
The Little Killers: Some Of These Days (CD “A Real Good One” on Gern Blandsten, 2006)
Attrix: Lost Lenoré (7” “Lost Lenoré/Hard Times”, reissue on Munster Records, originally released in 1978 on Attrix Records)
Wire: Reuters (CD “Pink Flag” reissue on EMI, 1994, originally released on Harvest Records, 1977)
The Dicks: Hate The Police (7” “The Dicks Hate The Police”, reissue on 1-2-3-4 Go! Records, 2020, originally released on Radical Records, 1980)
Girls Against Boys: My Night Of Pleasure (CD “Tropic Of Scorpio” on Adult Swim, 1992)
Pinch Points: Reasons To Be Anxious (LP “Proces” on Mistletone Records & Exploding in Soud Records, 2022)
Come: Yr Reign (CD “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” on Beggars Banquet, 1994)
Honeymoon Killers: Kansas City Milkman (7” Kansas City Milkman” on Insipid Records, 1991)
Billy Childish & Dan Melchior: Length Of Pipe (CD V/A “Root Damage” on Sympathy For The Record Industry, 2003)
The Sundays: Can’t Be Sure (7” “Can’t Be Sure” on Rough Trade, 1989)
Delphine Dora: S’extraire de l’abîme (CD “Hymnes Apophatiques” on Morc Records, 2022)
Amateur Hour: Baby You’re All That I Want (LP “Krökta Tankar Och Brända Vanor” on Appetite Records, 2022)
Yellow Swans: Our Oases (CD “At All Ends” on Load Records, 2007)
Executive Slacks: Our Lady (12” “Our Lady” on Red Music, 1984)
Tussle: Warning (CD “Telescope Mind” on Smalltown Supersound, 2006)
Läuten Der Seele: Irres Flackern Vor Den Altglascontainern (LP “Läuten Der Seele” on Hands In The Dark, 2022)
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texaxwib · 2 years
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● Balsam: For Priests, Kings and Everyday People
Balsam or balm has been very important since ancient times. Here are a few interesting facts.
- Balsam was an ingredient in the anointing oil of the Jewish priests.
- The Queen of Sheba brought balsam as a gift to King Solomon.
- Ishmaelites were traders who sold slaves, spices, myrrh and balm (or balsam).
- Common names for the balsam tree are the balm of Gilead, balsam of Gilead, and balsam of Mecca.
- The Greek term balsamon means “fragrant oil”.
- Ancient Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, and Turks all prized the balm of Gilead. But the fact is, it was precious and highly valued by everyone because of its healing qualities.
“Balm of Gilead, known also as the Judaean balsam, grew only around the Dead Sea Basin in antiquity and achieved fame by its highly reputed aroma and medical properties but has been extinct in this area for many centuries. The resin of this crop was sold, by weight, at a price twice that of gold, the highest price ever paid for an agricultural commodity. This crop was an important source of income for the many rulers of ancient Judea; the farmers’ guild that produced the balm of Gilead survived over 1,000 years.” (Source)
“Balsam was counted among the renowned perfume and incense plants, like myrrh and frankincense, that grew in restricted habitats. The plant grew wild in Arabia. Its great importance stemmed from its rarity; only in Judea and in the oases of Jericho and Ein Gedi did it grow as a cultivated plant, as noted by Pliny the Elder (23–79 CE): ‘But every other scent ranks below balsamum. The only country to which this plant has been vouchsafed is Judaea.’ “ (Source)
Additional References:
Medicinal Herb Info: Balm
Medicinal Uses of Balm of Gilead
History of Perfumery
Essential Oils: Balsam Fir
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 6 years
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By Ripley Cook 
Etymology: Jagged Tooth Reptile
First Described By: Stromer, 1931
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Carnosauria, Allosauroidea, Allosauria, Carcharodontosauria, Carcharodontosauridae, Carcharodontosaurinae
Referred Species: C. saharicus, C. iguidensis
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: Carcharodontosaurus lived from about 112 million years ago until 93.5 million years ago, from the Albian through the Cenomanian of the Early to Late Cretaceous 
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Carcharodontosaurus lived in a wide variety of environments - the Continental Intercalaire Formation of Algeria and Tunisia, the Chenini Member of the Aïn el Guettar Formation of Tunisia, the Bahariya Formation of Egypt, the Mut Member of the Quseir Formation, the Aoufous and Ifezouane Formations of Morocco, and the Tagrezou Sandstone and Echkar Formations of Niger.  
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Physical Description: Carcharodontosaurus was a very large theropod dinosaur - one of the biggest known, in fact - and a Carnosaur, a group of predatory dinosaurs which were extremely common from the Jurassic through the early-middle Cretaceous. Like other large meat eating dinosaurs, they had short arms, strong necks, and huge heads - meaning, they manipulated and interacted with their environment primarily through their heads, and relied on their jaws for capturing and taking down prey. Carcharodontosaurus was one of the longest predatory dinosaurs, ranging up to 13.3 meters long, and weighing between 6.2 and 15.1 tons. A good chunk of that length was made up of the skull of Carcharodontosaurus, which was truly enormous - as long as 2 meters.
That mouth was filled with long, sharp, serrated teeth, reaching up to 8 inches in length - these teeth are so distinctive that the animal was named for them! Carcharodontosaurus had a brain very similar to that of its earlier relative, Allosaurus, and seemed to have a well developed sense of smell and sight. Still, it was of typical intelligence for a non-avian dinosaur. It had a triangle inner ear configuration like Allosaurus and other nonavian reptiles, but the brain projected into the area of the canals like the situation found in other theropods, birds, and pterosaurs. 
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Size Comparison (Carcharodontosaurus in purple, second from the left) by Dinoguy2, CC BY-SA 3.0 
Carcharodontosaurus was fairly long in body besides the huge head, with a long tail and long torso. Its legs were fairly well developed, but not as thickly muscled as those found in, say, Tyrannosaurs and Abelisaurs. It also probably had a crest on its head, which would have been helpful in display. As a large animal, it is very unlikely for it to have had feathers - if it did, they would have been solely ornamental in function (it is important to note, of course, that its close relative Concavenator may have had proto-wings, but this is a hotly debated topic, and Concavenator was smaller than Carcharodontosaurus by a lot).
Diet: Carcharodontosaurus would have been a hypercarnivore, feeding primarily on other larger animals, especially sauropods.
Behavior: Carcharodontosaurus was an extremely common animal in North Africa during the middle Cretaceous, and so it isn’t unlikely that it lived at least in family groups, potentially forming mobs to take down particularly large sauropod prey. It would have used its jaws to take down food, opening them wide and using the teeth to slash at prey and leading to it bleeding out so that Carcharodontosaurus could proceed to feeding. It would have relied on it’s decent sense of smell to find food, using it to help pinpoint food from far and wide in its environment. It could even lift animals weighing up to a thousand pounds with its jaws, so if it didn’t want to work together in a group of bring down larger food, it could grab a variety of snacks just to have on its own.
If Carcharodontosaurus lived in groups, they weren’t the most congenial of family arrangements - there are fossils of Carcharodontosaurus that indicate it was wounded with something that made circle punctures in the bone, which sounds about right for fighting with another Carcharodontosaurus. Still, it seems at least somewhat likely that this animal would have cared for its young in some form. 
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By Fred Wierum, CC BY-SA 4.0 
Ecosystem: Carcharodontosaurus lived in a variety of ecosystems across North Africa in the middle Cretaceous, in a variety of different environments. It lived in open floodplains, as well as near mangrove forests, but not as associated with wet ecosystems as Spinosaurus was. It would have fed almost entirely on land-based prey, and thus, didn’t come into competition with Spinosaurus very frequently.
Carcharodontosaurus lived in the Bahariya Formation of Egypt, with Spinosaurus, Sigilmassasaurus, Deltadromeus, and Bahariasaurus as other theropods. There were huge titanosaurs for it to feed on, namely Aegyptosaurus and Paralititan. This was an environment filled with confirers, water ferns, and tree ferns, as the climate switched between the swamp to a drier environment due to dramatic seasonal fluctuations.
It was also found in the Mut Member of the Quseir Formation, a more muddy environment than the Bahariya Formation; though Carcharodontosaurus lived alongside Spinosaurus, it’s uncertain what Carcharodontosaurus would have eaten - no major land animals are known from this environment.
Carcharodontosaurus in Tunisia is known from the Chenini Member of the Aïn el Guettar Formation, which was also a water based environment with Spinosaurus and many fish, but the other dinosaurs present - which would have probably been Carcharodontosaurus’ main source of food - are not formally named.
Also in Tunisia, and Algeria, Carcharodontosaurus was in a drier, pebbled environment, probably at least something of a scrub environment, though there were some cycads and conifers. Here it lived alongside animals like the sailed sauropod Rebbachisaurus, and the weird theropod Elaphrosaurus. There was also the large crocodilian Sarcosuchus, and many different reptiles and fish. 
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By Scott Reid 
In Morocco, Spinosaurus is known from the famous Kem Kem Beds - a flooding river ecosystem, with distinct dry and wet seasons. The Aoufous was the earlier environment, followed by the Ifezouane environment. Here, Carcharodontosaurus lived alongside Spinosaurus, Deltadromeus, and Sigilmassassaurus - as before - but also other theropods like Sauroniops and Inosaurus. Rebbachisaurus was here too, a good source of food for Carcharodontosaurus. There were large fish, crocodilians, and pterosaurs like Alanqa, Siroccopteryx, Colobrhynchus, and Xericeps - other decent sources of food, if only Carcharodontosaurus can catch them.
Carcharodontosaurus, finally, is known from the Echkar Formation of Niger. Here, it lived alongside Spinosaurus and Bahariasaurus, as well as Spinostropheus and Rugops, and the large sauropod Rebbachisaurus and Aegyptosaurus - a great place for Carcharodontosaurus to find food.
Other: Carcharodontosaurus, like Spinosaurus, was actually lost during World War II, because nazis literally ruin everything. Fossils of it have been found since, and luckily it doesn’t seem to be quite as much of a mystery as our old sailback friend.
Species Differences: C. saharicus comes from more northern locations of Africa, while C. iguidensis is more from the south. They also have somewhat differently shaped jaws and brains.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources under the Cut
Apesteguía, S.; Nathan D. Smith; Rubén Juárez Valieri; Peter J. Makovicky (2016). "An Unusual New Theropod with a Didactyl Manus from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia, Argentina". PLoS ONE. 11 (7): e0157793.
Amiot, R., X. Wang, C. Lécuyer, E. Buffetaut, L. Boudad, L. Cavin, Z. Ding, F. Fluteau, A. W. A. Kellner, H. Tong, and F. Zhang. 2010. Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of middle Cretaceous vertebrates from North Africa and Brazil: Ecological and environmental significance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 297(2):439-451
Bassoullet, J.-P. and J. Iliou. 1967. Découverte des Dinosauriens associés à des Crocodiliens et des Poissons dans le Crétacé inférieur de l'Atlas saharien (Algérie) [Discovery of dinosaurs associated with crocodilians and fish in the Lower Cretaceous of the Saharan Atlas (Algeria)]. Société Géologique de la France, Comptes Rendus Sommaire des Sciences 1967:294-295
Bouaziz, S., E. Buffetaut, M. Ghanmi, J.-J. Jaeger, M. Martin, J.-M. Mazin, and H. Tong. 1988. Nouvelles découvertes de vertébrés fossiles dans l'Albien du sud tunisien [New discoveries of fossil vertebrates in the Albian of southern Tunisia]. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 8e série 4(2):335-339
Brusatte, S.L. and Sereno, P.C. (2007). "A new species of Carcharodontosaurus (dinosauria: theropoda) from the Cenomanian of Niger and a revision of the genus." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 27(4).
Buffetaut, E. 1989. New remains of the enigmatic dinosaur Spinosaurus from the Cretaceous of Morocco and the affinities between Spinosaurus and Baryonyx. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte 1989(2):79-87
Calvo, J.O.; Coria, R.A. (1998). "New specimen of Giganotosaurus carolinii (CORIA & SALGADO, 1995), supports it as the largest theropod ever found" Gaia. 15: 117–122.
Churcher, C. S., and D. A. Russell. 1992. Terrestrial vertebrates from Campanians strata in Wadi el-Gedid (Kharga and Dakleh Oases), western desert of Egypt. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 12(3, suppl.):23A
Deparet, C.; Savornin, J. (1925). "Sur la decouverte d'une faune de vertebres albiens a Timimoun (Sahara occidental)". Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris. 181: 1108–1111.
Deparet, C.; Savornin, J. (1927). "La faune de reptiles et de poisons albiens de Timimoun (Sahara algérien)". Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. 27: 257–265.
Holtz, Thomas R. Jr. (2012) Dinosaurs: The Most Complete, Up-to-Date Encyclopedia for Dinosaur Lovers of All Ages, Winter 2011
Lapparent, A. F. d. 1951. Découverte de Dinosauriens, associés à une faune de Reptiles et de Poissons, dans le Crétacé inférieur de l'Extrême Sud tunisien [Discovery of dinosaurs associated with a reptile and fish fauna in the Lower Cretaceous of extreme southern Tunisia]. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences à Paris 232:1430-1432
Lapparent, A. F. d. 1953. Gisements de Dinosauriens dans le "Continental intercalaire" d'In Abangarit (Sahara méridional) [Dinosaur localities in the "Continental Intercalaire" of In Abangarit (southern Sahara)]. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences à Paris 236:1905-1906
Lapparent, A. F. d. 1957. The Cretaceous dinosaurs of Africa and India. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India 2:109-112
Lapparent, A. F. d. 1959. Les dinosauriens du Sahara central [The dinosaurs of the central Sahara]. Comptes Rendus de la Société Géologique de France 1959:87
Lapparent, A. F. d. 1960. Les Dinosauriens du "Continental intercalaire" du Saharal central [The dinosaurs of the "Continental Intercalaire" of the central Sahara]. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France, nouvelle série 39(88A):1-57
Larsson, H.C.E. 2001. Endocranial anatomy of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus (Theropoda: Allosauroidea) and its implications for theropod brain evolution. pp. 19–33. In: Mesozoic Vertebrate Life. Ed.s Tanke, D. H., Carpenter, K., Skrepnick, M. W. Indiana University Press.
Paul, G.S., 2010, The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs, Princeton University Press.
Russell, D. A. 1996. Isolated dinosaur bones from the Middle Cretaceous of the Tafilalt, Morocco. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 4e série, section C 18(2-3):349-402
Schlüter, T., and W. Schwarzhans. 1978. Eine Bonebed-Lagerstätte aus dem Wealden Süd-Tunisiens (Umgebung Ksar Krerachfa) [A bonebed from the Wealden of southern Tunisia (near Ksar Krerachfa)]. Berliner Geowissenschaften Abhandlungen A 8:53-65
Seebacher, F. (2001). "A New Method to Calculate Allometric Length-Mass Relationships of Dinosaurs" (PDF). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 21 (1): 51–60.
Sereno, P. C.; Dutheil, D. B.; Iarochene, M.; Larsson, H. C. E.; Lyon, G. H.; Magwene, P. M.; Sidor, C. A.; Varricchio, D. J.; Wilson, J. A. (1996). "Predatory Dinosaurs from the Sahara and Late Cretaceous Faunal Differentiation". Science. 272 (5264): 986–991.
Smith, J. B., M. C. Lamanna, K. J. Lacovara, P. Dodson, J. R. Smith, J. C. Poole, R. Giegengack and Y. Attia. 2001. A giant sauropod dinosaur from an Upper Cretaceous mangrove deposit in Egypt. Science 292:1704-1706
Stromer, E. 1915. Results of research trips by Prof. E. Stromer in the deserts of Egypt. II. Vertebrate remains of the Baharîje stage (lowest Cenomanian). 3. The original of the Theropod Spinosaurus aegyptiacus nov. gen., nov. spec. Treatises of the Royal Bavarian Academy of Sciences Mathematical-physical class Treatise 28 (3) : 1-31
Stromer, E. (1931). "Wirbeltiere-Reste der Baharijestufe (unterestes Canoman). Ein Skelett-Rest von Carcharodontosaurus nov. gen." Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung, 9(Neue Folge): 1–23.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Who Won The Baseball Game Between The Democrats And Republicans
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-won-the-baseball-game-between-the-democrats-and-republicans/
Who Won The Baseball Game Between The Democrats And Republicans
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Democrats And Republicans Take Fight To The Baseball Field
Republicans and Democrats honor Rep. Steve Scalise at annual baseball game
For one night every summer, Rep. Cedric Richmond is the most powerful man in Congress.
On Thursday, following one of the most bitter party clashes ever witnessed on the House floor, the right-handed Louisiana lawmaker will try to lead his Democratic colleagues to their eighth consecutive win over Republicans in the annual Congressional Baseball Game at Nationals Park.
The game is one of the longest-running rivalries in both sports and politics. Organized by professional baseball player-turned-congressman John Tener, it was first played in 1909. Yet no match-up in recent memory has taken place under such partisan hostility: Thursday’s game follows an on Democratic sit-in over gun control measures that began before noon Wednesday and stretched through the next afternoon.
With both parties doing battle in the chamber well into the early morning hours, there also looms the question as to which side of the aisle will win the annual game, which has been sponsored since 1962 by Roll Call, the media outlet that presents the Roll Call Trophy.
It’s an extremely competitive game because the players are the most competitive people in the world, said former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, a long-time Democratic team member during his time in Congress.
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The Virginia Shooting Fallout Was Predictably Partisan Can This Ever Be Fixed
Some see in the gulf between Democrats and Republicans a parallel to discourse prior to the civil war, while others hope Americans will tire of the anger
It would be hard to imagine an institution more out of tune with the prevailing tone of modern American politics than the annual congressional baseball game. The Republican and Democratic teams play each other to win, but they do so in a spirit of friendship across the aisle that is all but nonexistent on Capitol Hill these days.
Even the running score between them entering the week of the contest was thoroughly bipartisan: 79 encounters since 1909, 39 wins each .
So the Republicans practice ground in Alexandria, Virginia, on the day before this years engagement made for an especially jarring choice of target when a lone gunman opened fire at 7.09am on Wednesday, critically injuring the House majority whip Steve Scalise and wounding three others. It was as if one of the last oases of civility in American public life had been torn by an outburst of violent hatred.
Partisan violence, at that. When details emerged of the shooter, himself killed in the exchange of fire, it turned out that James T Hodgkinson was a self-styled democratic socialist with a track record of assailing Donald Trump on social media. One of his Facebook entries called Trump a traitor and said: Its Time to Destroy Trump & Co.
Decorum is gone, John Hernandez, a 52-year-old realtor, lamented.
Democrats And Republicans Display Rare Unity At Congressional Ballgame After Shooting
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The Annual Event Comes Exactly One Year After A Morning Practice Turned Violent When A Gunman Opened Fire On Republican Lawmakers Gravely Wounding The Louisiana Lawmaker And Others
9:10 PM on Jun 14, 2018 CDT
WASHINGTON ;They say theres no crying in baseball.
But that was before a member of Congress ;House Majority Whip Steve Scalise ;was gravely wounded in a shooting during practice for a charity game, spent a year in painstaking recovery, and returned to the diamond for the annual contest just one year later.
On the games first pitch, he fielded a grounder and, from his knees,;threw out California Democrat Raul Ruiz. The crowd erupted as lawmakers, even Ruiz, huddled with him in celebration.
And with that, the 2018 Congressional Baseball Game was underway ;though the Republican excitement would soon fade as the Democrats continued their winning streak with a blowout 21-5 victory.
Sweet moment as Rep. Steve Scalise is mobbed by his teammates after snagging a grounder on the first pitch of tonight’s congressional baseball game.A year ago, Scalise was among four people shot during a GOP practice for the annual charity contest.
ABC News
The annual event comes exactly one year after a morning practice turned violent when James Hodgkinson, of Illinois, opened fire on the lawmakers, wounding;Scalise and lobbyist Matt Mika, as well as Austin Rep. Roger Williams aide Zack Barth and Capitol Police officer Crystal Griner. The gunman died after exchanging fire with Scalises security detail.
Roomies that gear together, stay together, Brady, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, tweeted earlier this week.
Congressional Baseball Game Takes On Greater Meaning After Shooting
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WASHINGTON; Republicans and Democrats took the field for their annual charity baseball game;Thursday, setting aside politics for a few hours of;spirited competition;a day after a shooting rampage left a wounded colleague fighting for survival.
The Congressional Baseball Game for Charity, played before a record crowd,;took on a more serious tone this year, as;organizers and attendees said it was a chance to show the nation that more u
nites Americans of both parties than divides them, and that the event could not be shut down by a gunman.
“I have some friends who are interns who were talking about going, and after the shooting, I mean, I have to go,” said Emily Cleveland of;Danville, Ill., as she entered Nationals Park for the game. “I think it’s a big statement that they’re still having it. I think it’s saying a lot because it’s America’s pastime. It’s a really American thing to do, to just go ahead anyway.”
A gunman opened fire on the;Republican;baseball team’s practice on a suburban Virginia field Wednesday, critically wounding Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise and injuring three other people as;legislators and staffers;scrambled for cover;amid a barrage of bullets.
Scalise, the third most powerful Republican in the House, was shot through the hip and was listed in critical condition at Medstar Washington Hospital Center Thursday after undergoing;several surgeries.
The shooting only drew more people to the game Thursday evening.
Tonight we are all Team Scalise, Pelosi said.
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Bleach Peddler: Trump Consumed ‘miracle Cure’
Ed Pilkington
The leader of a spurious church which peddled industrial bleach as a miracle cure for Covid-19 is claiming he provided Donald Trump with the product in the White House shortly before the former president made his notorious remarks about using disinfectant to treat the disease.
In the 90-minute interview he effectively presents himself as the source of Trumps fixation with the healing powers of disinfectant.
We were able to give through a contact with Trumps family a family member the bottles in my book, Grenon says. And he mentioned it on TV: I found this disinfectant.
Full story:
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Donald Trump has zero desire to be speaker of the House of Representatives, his spokesman has said, though the former president continues to entertain discussion of the outlandish idea.
Under congressional rules, the House speaker does not have to be a sitting member of Congress, though all of them so far have been.
The notion of a Trump speakership was raised by his former adviser Steve Bannon. Trump himself called it so interesting last week, while current House minority leader and aspiring speaker Kevin McCarthy perhaps ironically misspoke when he seemed to encourage speculation.
McCarthy told Fox News: You know, Ive talked to President Trump many times, he tells me he wants to be speaker, and I think he should be president.
A spokesperson later said the California representative had meant to say Trump thought McCarthy should be speaker.
On Monday, Trump was asked about the idea in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network. Characteristically, he failed to fully disown it.
Well, Trump said, Ive heard the talk and its getting more and more. But its not something that I would have considered but certainly theres a lot of talk about it.
I have a good relationship with Kevin, and hopefully we will do everything traditionally so I have seen talk about that but its nothing that Ive ever considered.
Punchbowl News asked Jason Miller, Trumps outgoing spokesman, for comment.
Trump, Miller said, has zero desire to be speaker.
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In Washington To Stall A Texas Gop
By Gromer Jeffers Jr.
6:09 PM on Aug 12, 2021 CDT
AUSTIN–Texas House Democrats who are camped in Washington and pushing for federal election reform legislation have more than voting rights in mind.
They also hope that getting a requirement that state election law changes must have federal approval will impact the upcoming process to redraw Texas legislative boundaries. There are also separate proposals that would curb the gerrymandering of legislative districts.
The Texas Legislature is expected to convene this fall for a special session on redistricting, where Republicans controlling the Senate, House and governors office will have nearly unchecked power to draw whatever legislative boundaries they want.
Just as they are doing with the controversial elections bill, Democrats hope federal lawmakers will be their cavalry.
Were very pleased that our advocacy in Washington last month has helped contribute to this accelerated timetable, said Rep. Chris Turner, D-Grand Prairie and chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. Having a strong Voting Rights Act with preclearances is an essential tool to combating regressive Republican voting laws, as well as discriminatory redistricting plans. It was one of the key tools that was used in the last round of redistricting.
On Thursday the federal government began releasing population data from the most recent census that will be used to redraw local and federal election boundaries.
Do You Think Key Members Of The Biden Cabinet Should Resign In The Wake Of The Chaotic Withdrawal From Afghanistan
Batter Up: Republicans, Democrats Gear Up for 56th Congressional Baseball Game
Republicans have been wary of the media for decades, most put off by such irritants as a pronounced liberal bias in much news coverage plus a tendency among journalists to mix news with opinion and political slant. The trend, however, has gotten worse.
In just five years, the percentage of Republicans with at least some trust in national news organizations has been cut in half dropping from 70% in 2016 to 35% this year. This decline is fueling the continued widening of the partisan gap in trust of the media, says a new Pew Research Center analysis based on a jumbo survey of over 10,000 people.
Nearly eight-in-ten Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say they have a lot or some trust in the information that comes from national news organizations 43 percentage points higher than Republicans and Republican leaners , wrote analysts Jeffrey Gottfried and Jacob Liedke.
TOP STORIES‘Shaken to the core’: Terrorism fears increasing for U.S. allies, Hagerty says
This partisan gap is the largest of any time that this question has been asked since 2016. And it grows even wider to 53 points between liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans the authors said.
The 35% of Republicans who have at least some trust in national news organizations in 2021 is half that of in 2016 and has dropped 14 points since late 2019 . By comparison, Democrats have remained far more consistent in the past five years, ranging somewhere between 78% and 86%.
Recommended Reading: Do Republicans Want To Cut Social Security And Medicare
Trump Has Zero Desire To Be Speaker Of House Spokesman Says
Oregon progressive Senator Jeff Merkley and Minnesotas Senator and former Democratic presidential candidate, Amy Klobuchar, introduced the For the People Act, along with majority leader Chuck Schumer, in the Senate in March.
Jeff Merkley
. is absolutely right. This bill is critical for our country. We must fight with everything we’ve got to pass the For the People Act and save our democracy.
Today they probably know it is going to be parked in a cul-de-sac and the Republicans, aided by Democrat Joe Manchin, are going to throw away the keys.
Heres what Merkley tweeted yesterday.
Jeff Merkley
Make no mistake: Our democracy is in crisis. Republican lawmakers are trying to restrict Americans’ right to vote all across the country. Tomorrow we have a chance to right these wrongs by passing the For the People Act. We must get it done!
And heres Klobuchar earlier today reminding everyone that Barack Obama has spoken out to support a compromise version of the bill put forward by Manchin .
Amy Klobuchar
Biden’s Gain Is Democratic Baseball’s Loss With Cedric Richmond
Cedric RichmondSunday shows – Biden domestic agenda, Texas abortion law dominateBiden adviser: ‘Full steam ahead’ on .5T package despite Manchin warningMORE , who announced Tuesday he would join the new administration as a senior adviser to the president-elect.
Democrats are losing perhaps the best player in the long history of the Congressional Baseball Game, which began in 1909.
With a fastball that regularly flirted with 80 miles per hour, Richmond was the games star player during a five-year Democratic winning streak from 2011 to 2015.
Over those five years, Richmond compiled a 2.85 ERA and 45 strikeouts in 27 innings pitched.;
When hes on, hes just unhittable, said ex-Rep. Joe BartonJoe Linus BartonRep. Ron Wright dies after contracting COVID-19Biden’s gain is Democratic baseball’s loss with Cedric RichmondBottom lineMORE , the former longtime coach of the GOP side.
Democrats have won eight of the last nine games in large part due to Richmond, 47, who played outfield for Morehouse College and picked up the game in Little League starting when he was;5 years old.
Richmond accumulated a 2.5 wins above replacement, an advanced statistic that measures a players worth in wins above a replacement-level player, in eight career games, FiveThirtyEight;reported;in 2019.
We always say that Democrats have a deep bench, but when it comes to baseball, it was pretty much just Cedric, said ex-Rep. Joseph Crowley , a former player on the Democratic team.
Read Also: What Is Difference Between Democrats And Republicans
The Crack Of Gunfire Shatters The Comity Of One Remaining Bipartisan Tradition
Nationals Park in Washington, where the Congressional Baseball Game is scheduled to take place Thursday, a day after Rep. Steve Scalise and four others were shot during practice Wednesday.hide caption
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Nationals Park in Washington, where the Congressional Baseball Game is scheduled to take place Thursday, a day after Rep. Steve Scalise and four others were shot during practice Wednesday.
There’s nothing that quite says summer like baseball.
A baseball field is a sanctuary for millions of boys and girls, moms and dads. From the working class to the white collar, from the Marine to the congressman, America’s pastime has been a respite from the day-to-day grind for generations.
Republicans Disappointed In Mlb All
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WASHINGTON The Republican National Committee is pushing back against Major League Baseballs decision to move the All-Star game out of Atlanta, Georgia, in opposition to the states new election rules.
I think the best thing that MLB can do now is to immediately retract their decision, Congresswoman Claudia Tenney said.
Tenney says the decision hurts local businesses and minority communities.
Its looking like a potentially, $100-million loss and then theyre going to move it to Colorado which has more restrictive voting rules, Tenney said.
In a statement Friday, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel blamed President Joe Biden, saying Georgias Black-owned small businesses are paying the price for his reckless misinformation campaign.
But Democrats say Major League Baseball has a right to take a stand against overly restrictive voting rules.
Well, I was actually glad to see Major League Baseball stand up and say that were not going to be in a place where leaders are deliberately moving backwards, Congressman Jim Himes said.
Himes and the White House say Georgia Republicans are worried about losing power.
The Republican party sadly has realized that when lots of people vote, you get an outcome like you got in Georgia, of all places. They dont win, Himes said.
For politicians who didnt like the outcome, theyre not changing their policies to win more votes, theyre changing the rules to exclude more voters, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said.
Recommended Reading: How Many Seats Do The Republicans Have In Senate
Rogue City Leaders: How Republicans Are Taking Power Away From Mayors
State lawmakers are preempting the ability of city leaders to enforce their own regulations. The moves represent a sharp ideological shift for a party that has long championed local control.
Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey arrives for a news conference to talk about the latest Arizona COVID-19 information in Phoenix on Dec. 2, 2020. | Ross D. Franklin/AP Photo
06/23/2021 04:30 AM EDT
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Mayors and city councils across Arizona issued face mask mandates during the pandemic to prevent the spread of Covid-19, angering conservative state lawmakers who decried government overreach. So the legislators turned to the newest Republican playbook and passed a law allowing businesses to ignore those public health requirements.
The one-line preemption law signed in April by Republican Gov. Doug Ducey, who refused to issue a statewide mask order, wont make much of an immediate difference now. It doesnt go into effect until later this year, and local officials have lifted mask mandates in compliance with CDC guidelines as the threat of the virus subsides.
But the bills main sponsor says it was needed to ensure rogue city leaders cant impose mask mandates again, should another outbreak occur.
An usher holds a sign to remind fans to wear masks during a spring training baseball game between the Oakland Athletics and the Arizona Diamondbacks in Scottdale, Ariz. | Ashley Landis/AP Photo
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khalilhumam · 4 years
Figure of the week: Economics research on Africa is not evenly distributed across countries
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/figure-of-the-week-economics-research-on-africa-is-not-evenly-distributed-across-countries/
Figure of the week: Economics research on Africa is not evenly distributed across countries
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By Chris Heitzig In 2018, the Financial Times called the 21st century “Africa’s to lose” due to its potential for rapid economic expansion. Over the last few decades, this potential has garnered significant attention from China and Western investors and policymakers. Over this same time period, the research community shifted its attention to Africa too: Indeed, the share of peer-reviewed economics articles about Africa has more than tripled since the 1980s. Importantly, it seems that some African countries have been the focus of more research than other ones—a lot more, in fact—according to a new paper by Middlebury Assistant Professor of Economics Obie Porteous in which he reviews all articles related to African countries published between 2000-2019 in peer-reviewed economics journals in order to assess the geographic concentration of economics research in the region. In particular, Porteous finds that 65 percent of articles published in the top five economics journals (the American Economic Review, Econometrica, the Journal of the Political Economy, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, and the Review of Economic Studies) and 45 percent of all articles published in economics journals during this time focus on just five countries (Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Uganda, and Malawi), which account for only 16 percent of Africa’s population. In comparison, a group of seven countries—Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Somalia, Guinea, Chad, and South Sudan—have the same combined population but account for just 4.7 percent of articles in top-five publications and 3.5 percent of all articles. Figure 1 depicts the distribution of total and per capita research articles by African nation.
Figure 1. Total research articles (left) and research articles per capita (right)
Source: Porteous (2020), “Research and Oases: Evidence from 27 thousand economics journal articles on Africa” Note: Maps are color coded by quantiles (27 with two countries in each) and represent the tally of articles from all 1,980 EconLit journals. The color scale ranges from dark blue for the lowest tally to dark red for the highest. The per capita tally is calculated using average annual population data for 2000-2019. Porteous also seeks to explain the variation in the number of peer-reviewed articles across countries, as, he says, population alone can explain 60 percent of the unequal distribution. He then considers three additional variables—a country’s rank on the Global Peace Index, a country’s number of international tourist arrivals, and whether or not the country has English as an official language—and states that the combination of these variables can explain 91 percent of the distribution. Notably, Porteous finds that these variables are highly relevant to the concentration of research regardless of whether the authors belong to an African institution or an institution outside Africa. In fact, international tourist arrivals can better explain the country-level variation in the number of journal articles written by authors at African institutions, a fact which Porteous surmises reflects the “overall level of engagement with the international community.” Table 1 contains the number of peer-reviewed journal articles by journal ranking (determined by citations per article) and the proportion of which are authored by those at African institutions (referred to as “African authors”). The proportion varies widely by country: 73 percent of all economics articles on South Africa are written by African authors, whereas only 9 percent of articles on Madagascar are written by African authors. The table also reinforces that while population is the most salient determinant of the number of journal articles, there are contexts, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where conducting research is hard despite the great population, even for African authors.
Table 1. Economics journal articles on African countries, 2000–2019
Country All Journals Top 200 Top 10 Dev. Journals Top 5 Percent African Author South Africa 5463 765 263 18 73% Nigeria 2620 280 110 5 72% Ghana 1686 419 230 10 49% Kenya 1497 525 211 36 40% Ethiopia 1239 561 281 4 34% Tunisia 1119 105 24 1 72% Egypt 1046 172 47 4 38% Uganda 1009 410 237 11 30% Tanzania 987 383 198 10 29% Malawi 604 262 118 9 32% Morocco 576 87 22 1 38% Zimbabwe 552 139 82 2 55% Cameroon 462 82 37 0 60% Zambia 435 164 71 4 35% Algeria 393 35 4 1 57% Senegal 374 108 62 0 24% Mozambique 370 135 61 0 22% Burkina Faso 319 117 63 0 29% Rwanda 303 91 52 3 17% Botswana 294 38 17 0 65% Ivory Coast 254 81 45 2 34% Madagascar 242 102 59 0 9% Mali 233 82 48 1 14% Sudan 231 32 12 0 24% D.R. Congo 212 35 15 5 18% Mauritius 206 26 14 1 72% Benin 182 61 32 1 33% Namibia 165 20 4 0 48% Sierra Leone 162 36 15 5 17% Niger 151 62 31 1 28% Angola 122 15 3 1 16% Lesotho 109 18 11 0 58% Somalia 102 17 6 0 6% Libya 99 11 2 1 29% Liberia 92 29 13 2 12% Congo 79 16 8 0 24% Burundi 77 25 15 1 13% Togo 67 10 7 0 47% Eritrea 66 9 5 0 31% Guinea 61 10 4 0 19% Swaziland 58 11 8 0 67% Gambia 57 18 9 0 32% Chad 42 10 4 0 19% Mauritania 32 8 4 1 14% Gabon 28 7 5 0 52% Cape Verde 26 4 3 0 9% Central African Rep. 20 2 0 0 24% Seychelles 18 6 1 0 8% Guinea-Bissau 13 2 1 0 11% South Sudan 11 1 0 0 20% Djibouti 8 3 2 0 0% Sao Tome and Pr. 8 2 1 0 0% Equatorial Guinea 5 0 0 0 0% Comoros 1 0 0 0 0%
Source: Porteous (2020), “Research and Oases: Evidence from 27 thousand economics journal articles on Africa” Demand from under-researched countries for context-specific evidence outstrips the supply of such evidence in many African nations, but it is an expensive gap to close. The author concludes the paper by modeling the costs and benefits to conducting research in Africa, exploring whether factors like previous research or development aid make research uptake more appealing, and suggests eliminating impediments to access or collect data as a feasible short-run solution to improving the evidence base in under-represented countries.
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goyangpastudioblr · 5 years
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Republication of OASE#79, novel 2, 2019
by Cheawon Shin
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1weltreisender · 5 years
Vila Galé Collection Elvas in historischer Festungsstadt im Alentejo - stilvoll residieren im alten Paulanerkloster
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Mitten im historischen Zentrum der portugiesischen UNESCO-Weltkulturerbestadt Elvas liegt das neue Hotel Vila Galé Collection Elvas. Insgesamt neun Millionen Euro investierte die Hotelgruppe Vila Galé, um das einstige Paulanerkloster aus dem Jahre 1721 in neuem Glanz erstrahlen zu lassen. Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte fungierte das Bauwerk zudem als Militärgericht und Kaserne. Das neue Vier-Sterne-Haus steht daher ganz im Zeichen seiner bewegten Vergangenheit und zollt der bedeutenden Geschichte der Festungsstadt Elvas Tribut. Die Architektur aus dem 18. Jahrhundert wurde weitestgehend erhalten und bei der Umwandlung des historischen Bauwerks in ein Hotel sinnvoll integriert. Gäste finden im alten Kreuzgang mit Palmengarten einen Ort der Stille. Die ehemalige Klosterkirche stellt den Rahmen für festliche Veranstaltungen. In Zusammenarbeit mit den örtlichen Museen präsentiert das Hotel Werke zeitgenössischer portugiesischer Maler und Bildhauer, militärische Ausstellungsstücke sowie sakrale Kunst und verbindet Historie und Moderne in stimmiger Weise. Die Preise für ein Doppelzimmer inklusive Frühstück starten bei 110 Euro.
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Vila Galé Collection Elvas in historischer Festungsstadt im Alentejo / Foto: Vila Galé Eine Oase der Ruhe im Hotel ist auch der Außenpool, der sich harmonisch in das historische Gebäudeensemble einfügt. Für noch mehr Entspannung sorgt das Satsanga Spa mit Jacuzzi, türkischem Bad, Sauna, Fitnessraum, Innenpool und wohltuenden Massagen. Zwei Restaurants, das Versátil und das Inevitável, überzeugen mit hochwertiger regionaler Küche. An der Conde de Lippe-Bar, benannt nach Graf Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe, einem deutschen Militärstrategen, klingt der Tag gemütlich aus. Das Haus verfügt über 79 Zimmer, darunter 14 Suiten und zwei Familienzimmer. Zwei Konferenzräume sowie ein 400 Quadratmeter großer Veranstaltungssaal ermöglichen die Durchführung von Meetings und Events in stilvollem Rahmen. Das Vila Galé Collection Elvas ist als erstes Haus der Hotelgruppe mit Ladestationen für Elektroautos ausgestattet.
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Mitten im historischen Zentrum der portugiesischen UNESCO-Weltkulturerbestadt Elvas liegt das neue Vila Galé Collection Elvas. / Foto: Vila Galé Nach dem Vila Galé Collection Palácio dos Arcos nahe Lissabon und dem Vila Galé Collection Braga nördlich von Porto ist das Vila Galé Collection Elvas das dritte historische Haus, das die Gruppe in den vergangenen Jahren zu neuem Leben erweckt hat. Es ist zugleich das erste Hotel, das vom „Revive“-Programm der portugiesischen Regierung unterstützt wurde. Die Initiative ermöglicht es privaten Investoren, öffentliche Gebäude für den Tourismus zu entwickeln und instand zu setzen. Weitere Informationen
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Restaurant Vila Galé Collection Elvas / Foto: Vila Galé / tpc.46graus.com Mehr Informationen über die Hotelgruppe Vila Galé Vila Galé Collection Elvas in historischer Festungsstadt im Alentejo – stilvoll residieren im alten Paulanerkloster Portugal: Urlauben, wo vorzüglicher Wein gemacht wird – die Vila Galé Weinhotels Portugal: Vila Galé Coimbra – 4-Sterne-Hotel in perfekter Lage – Fotostrecke Hotel Vila Galé Coimbra – Interview mit General-Managerin Sara Palhota Portugal: Vila Galé Coimbra – 4-Sterne-Hotel im historischen Zentrum – ein Steckbrief Portugal: Vila Galé Porto Ribeira – charmantes 4-Sterne-Hotel direkt am Douro – Fotostrecke Portugal: Vila Galé Porto Ribeira – charmantes 4-Sterne-Hotel direkt am Douro gelegen – ein Steckbrief Über die Festungsstadt Elvas Elvas wurde 2012 ins UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe aufgenommen. Aufgrund ihrer strategischen Lage spielte die Festungsstadt Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts bei den Unabhängigkeitskämpfen gegen Spanien eine zentrale Rolle. Während der Napoleonischen Kriege zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts diente sie General Wellington als Basis. Zahlreiche militärische Bauwerke sind noch heute zu besichtigen. Die sternförmig angelegten Verteidigungsbauten umfassen mit einem Umfang von rund zehn Kilometern das historische Zentrum. Im Inneren der Stadt begegnet man auf Schritt und Tritt dem prunkvollen kulturellen Erbe des historischen Kleinods im Alentejo. Allein zwanzig Kirchen und Klöster und zahlreiche Paläste aus unterschiedlichen Epochen von Barock und Rokoko bis hin zu Romantik zeugen von der glorreichen Vergangenheit. Besonders zu erwähnen sind hierbei das gotische Dominikanerkloster sowie der achteckige Bau der Dominikanerinnen-Kirche. Beeindruckend ist auch der sieben Kilometer lange Aquädukt mit seinen insgesamt 843 Bögen, der vom Erbauer des Torre de Belém, Francisco de Arruda, stammt. Titelfoto / Das Aquädukt von Elvas / Foto: Vial Galé
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Blick in ein Standardzimmer des Hotels Vila Galé Collection Elvas / Fotos: Vila Galé / tpc.46graus.com
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Familienzimmer im Hotel Vila Galé Collection Elvas / Foto: Vila Gale / tpc.46graus.com
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Das Vila Galé Collection Elvas / Foto: Vila Galé / tpc.46graus.com
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Hotel Vila Galé Collection Elvas / Foto: Vila Galé / tpc.46graus.com Auch interessant: Vila Galé Collection Elvas in historischer Festungsstadt im Alentejo – stilvoll residieren im alten Paulanerkloster Portugal: Urlauben, wo vorzüglicher Wein gemacht wird – die Vila Galé Weinhotels Portugal: Weihnachten und Silvester in Lissabon – Lichterglanz, Musik und portugiesische Bräuche In Portugal ist Kunst allgegenwärtig – ein Erlebnisbericht Portugal: 13 Fotos vom Szene-Viertel Lx Factory Lissabon Lx Factory Lissabon: Kunst im Bezirk Alcântara – Fotostrecke Portugal: 13 Fotos der Universitätsstadt Coimbra mit wunderschöner historischer Altstadt
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Insgesamt neun Millionen Euro investierte die Hotelgruppe Vila Galé, um das einstige Paulanerkloster aus dem Jahre 1721 in neuem Glanz erstrahlen zu lassen. / Foto: Vila Galé / tpc.46graus.com
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An der Conde de Lippe-Bar, benannt nach Graf Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe, einem deutschen Militärstrategen, klingt der Tag gemütlich aus. / Foto: Vila Galé / tpc.46graus.com
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Hotel Vila Galé Collection Elvas / Foto: Vila Galé   Read the full article
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stresemann12 · 4 years
Kloriositäten rund ums Örtchen
Kloriositäten rund ums Örtchen
das Örtchen von einer ganz anderen Seite
Zwischen Klo-Papier und Seife Alle wissen es, aber niemand redet darüber: Das stille Örtchen ist eine Oase der Kreativität. Aber es ist auch ein kreativer Ort des Humors. Dabei gibt es Unterschiede. Da ist einmal der grobe Klo-Witz, um den es hier aber nicht gehen soll. Sondern um den anderen: Das feine Schmunzeln über jegliche Art von Geschehen auf einem…
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spyroskaprinis · 2 years
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“James Stirling’s Observatory” _ 04.12.2022 _ SK
A collage of four axonometric drawings by James Stirling: 
1. Sheffield University, 1953 _ 2. The Florey Building, Queen’s College, Oxford, 1966 _ 3. Olivetti Headquarters, Milton Keynes, 1971 _ 4. Arts Centre, Saint Andrews University, 1971.
Drawings source: https://www.oasejournal.nl/en/Issues/79
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poetryofchrist · 6 years
Aleph Bet Gimel Dalet Heh Vav Zayin Xet Tet Yod Kaf Lamed Mem Nun Samek Ayin Peh Tsade Qof Resh Shin Sin Taf נא please (196) if you (132) now (31) it (2) pray tell (2) for us (1) uncook (1) נאד bottle (6) נאה lovely (12) haunt (10) loveliness (2) נאם oracle (371) נאף adulterer (9) adultery (6) commit adultery (5) committed adultery (4) commits adultery (3) adulteress (1) committing adultery (1) נאץ spurn (24) blasphemy (5) blaspheme (1) נאר nullify (2) נבא prophesy (113) prophecy (2) through prophesy (1) נבב hollow (4) נבזב award (2) נבח woof (1) נבחז Nibxaz (1) נבט take note (39) notice (11) took note (10) takes note (4) look (1) notability (1) see take note (1) taken note (1) taking note (1) took notice (1) נביא prophet (304) prophetess (5) prophets' (1) נבך fountainhead (1) נבל corpse (49) lute (22) senseless (22) wither (15) senselessness (11) skin-bottle (8) demean (1) jar (1) senseless women (1) נבע ferment (8) tumble (2) bubble (1) bubble up (1) font (1) zealous (1) נגב south (42) southward (26) southern (2) נגד clear (130) told (75) tell (51) announce (41) herald (37) in front of (36) before (27) evident (26) before you (10) from before (9) before me (8) before him (7) conspicuous (7) and before (6) in front of me (6) -- (4) aristocrat (4) before it (3) before them (3) evidence (3) aloof (2) and in front of (2) in front of him (2) what in front of (2) avoid (1) away from (1) heralded with (1) heraldry (1) in front (1) in front of them (1) in my presence (1) known (1) sight (1) sure clear (1) toward (1) נגה illumination (16) illuminate (7) luminous (4) נגח gore (7) push back (4) pushing back (1) נגן string (10) perform (8) music (5) vat (4) accompany (1) musician (1) orchestra (1) performance (1) performed music (1) vats (1) warble (1) נגע touch (143) contagion (79) join (4) נגף plague (73) stub (3) -- (1) נגר wrung out (6) wring out (2) wrings out (1) נגשׁ overture (36) come close (35) came close (25) bring close (8) brought close (8) bump (1) lump (1) נגשׂ taskmaster (11) harass (5) exact (4) exploit (2) נדב freewill offering (23) prince (20) willing (13) willingly offer (7) freewill (2) offer willingly (2) offered willingly (2) willingly (2) freely offer (1) willing offering (1) נדבך layer (2) נדד fled (12) flee (10) sequester (6) fle (2) ride (2) vagrant (1) נדה segregation (21) segregate (4) perk (1) postpone (1) נדח banish (40) entice (8) impel (4) being banish (1) נדן sleeve (2) tips (1) נדף blow (4) wind-blown (3) blown (1) נדר vow (50) vows (35) נה merit (1) נהג drove (12) drive (7) lead (6) driven (2) advance (1) drife (1) led (1) נהה moan (12) plaintive (1) נהל refresh (10) oases (1) נהם growl (8) disquiet (2) נהק bray (2) נהר river (126) flow together (5) radiance (3) hollows (1) radiant (1) sunbeam (1) two river (1) נוא hinder (8) hindrance (2) נוב profit (10) נוד aimless (8) heap (7) condole (6) waver (4) nod (2) asking sympathy (1) flit (1) move aimless (1) show sympathy (1) sympathy (1) נוה home (35) stayed home (1) נוח rest (64) restful (42) given rest (14) give rest (9) repose (9) gave rest (3) resting-place (3) came rest (2) there rest (2) appease (1) gives repose (1) holiday (1) rest given (1) נוט displace (1) נולו dunghill (3) נום slumber (10) snooze (3) נון parasite (1) propagate (1) נוס withdrew (64) withdraw (58) haven (14) withdrawn (14) withdrawal (2) -- (1) such withdraw (1) נוע totter (11) wag (6) wavering fro (5) vagabond (4) filter (2) judder (2) waver fro (2) disarrange (1) nod (1) totter off (1) waggle (1) wavered fro (1) נוף elevate (29) wave offering (29) elevation (7) brandish (3) sprinkle (2) wave (1) נוץ bud (2) נושׁ despondent (1) נזה spatter (24) נזל flow (15) exude (1) zodiac (1) נזם earring (15) -r (1) ring (1) נזק affront (4) נזר consecration (27) nazirite (13) consecrate (7) abstain (2) consecrate self (1) consecrated one (1) consecrated thing (1) constellation (1) נחה guide (36) superintend (2) נחל inheritance (207) wadi (85) inherit (47) torrent (47) legacy (6) heritage (3) gave inheritance (2) given inheritance (2) effect inheritance (1) given inherit (1) leaves inheritance (1) נחם comfort (76) sigh (29) regret (7) consolation (4) show pity (2) console (1) re-create (1) showed pity (1) נחץ press (1) נחר sniffler (1) snuffle (1) נחשׁ brass (130) snake (26) brass chain (7) augury (5) brazen (5) serpent (5) -- (2) brazen say (1) brazenness (1) copper (1) took omen (1) use augury (1) uses augury (1) נחשׁתן Nehushtan (1) נחת penetrate (5) pinned (5) pinned down (4) stow (3) pin (1) pin down (1) pins (1) נטה stretched out (65) bend (56) stretch out (33) bent (20) stretching out (9) stretch (8) push (7) swerve (5) decline (2) stretches out (2) bulge (1) hearten (1) look bend (1) nuance (1) push off (1) though stretched out (1) נטל tolerate (3) carrier (1) taken up (1) tolerable (1) נטע plant (66) נטף drop (12) stutter (6) droplet (2) ear-droplet (1) storax (1) נטר cell (12) hold back (4) mind (4) target (3) held back (1) holds back (1) נטשׁ abandon (37) tendril (2) out tendril (1) נין posterity (3) ניסן Nisan (2) ניר lamp (50) fire (9) fiery (8) nigh lamp (1) נכא crestfallen (5) gum (2) נכד descendant (3) נכה struck (321) strike (181) neko (8) stricken (8) gash (1) mill (1) who struck (1) נכח opposite (19) straightforward (5) opposite it (2) what straightforward (2) and straightforward (1) and the straightforward (1) forthright (1) straightforward of (1) the straightforward (1) נכל cunning (3) canny (1) con (1) נכס material wealth (7) נכר alien (40) recognize (38) foreign (30) unrecognizable (3) alienation (2) looking foreign (2) alien woman (1) alienate (1) expression (1) foreign colleague (1) mask (1) recognizable (1) נכת fortune (2) נלה benefaction (1) נמל ants (1) ant (1) נמר leopard (7) נסג relocate (10) נסה prove (17) tempt (14) tried out (2) venture (2) proven (1) נסח extirpate (6) נסך libation (71) molten image (16) spilled out (10) molten metal (9) spill out (9) spilling out (3) offer libation (2) offered libation (2) duke (1) נסס standard (19) spinnaker (1) symptom (1) נסע pulled out (99) pull out (18) migrate (11) migration (9) pulls out (5) began migrate (3) begin migration (3) sprung (3) migration order (2) import (1) missile (1) pulling out (1) נסק take off (1) take up (1) taken up (1) took up (1) נסרך Nisrok (2) נעל sandal (15) door-bolt (6) shoe (6) bolt (3) pair sandal (2) shod (2) put sandal (1) נעם pleasant (14) pleasure (9) pleasantness (5) Pleasure (2) נענע sistrum (1) נעצוץ thorn-bush (2) נער lad (98) youth (86) lads (46) lass (42) youngster (20) toss (5) brushed off (2) brush (1) brush off (1) tinder (1) tossed around (1) yell (1) young (1) young lass (1) youthful (1) נפח stoke (7) exhale (6) apricot (2) apricot tree (2) petulant (2) bellow (1) נפך emerald (3) נפל fall (215) fell (110) fallen (74) miscarry (7) there fell (6) lot fall (3) miscarriage (3) fall down (2) fall out (2) fallen down (2) anything fall (1) fell helter-skelter (1) flap (1) helter-skelter (1) let fall (1) pending fall (1) such fall (1) there fallen (1) נפץ smash (21) populate (3) disembark (1) sledgehammer (1) נפק appropriate (8) came out (2) outlay (2) come out (1) נפשׁ being (218) integrity (93) very self (57) group (48) self (44) throat (34) cadaver (28) -- (11) anyone (7) regroup (3) very selves (3) group being (2) peril (2) selfish (2) selves (2) -hold (1) being - being (1) everyone (1) groups together (1) self- (1) such selves (1) נפת honeycomb (4) even flowing honey (1) נץ hawk (3) נצב monument (33) monitor (21) stand firm (12) stood firm (9) taking stand (8) garrison (6) standing firm (6) take stand (5) post (4) laid out (3) stands firm (3) took stand (3) firmness (2) stood firmly (2) haft (1) lay out (1) stand firmly (1) takes stand (1) tortoise (1) women stand (1) נצה struggle (16) plumage (5) נצח leader (60) perpetuity (29) lead (5) perpetual (5) always (4) juice (2) lasting (1) leadership (1) never (1) victory (1) נצל deliver (197) deliverance (5) remove (4) delivery (1) emancipate (1) נצץ sparkle (4) spark (1) נצר preserve (33) observe (19) blockade (3) observation (2) scion (2) nip (1) observant (1) preservation (1) preserved thing (1) translate (1) נקב female (22) drill (12) pierce (9) bore through (1) distinctly say (1) full hole (1) hammer (1) hammer out (1) pick-ax (1) נקד speckle (7) cracker (1) herdsfolk (1) herdsman (1) stud (1) נקה innocent (51) hold innocent (11) held innocent (9) acquit (5) exempt (5) cleaning pan (4) innocence (4) holding innocent (2) innocent twig (1) pristine (1) נקיק cavern (3) נקם vengeance (44) avenge (22) -- (2) take vengeance (2) revenge (1) taken vengeance (1) took revenge (1) vengeance sure (1) נקף encompass (14) circuit (3) striking off (2) strikings off (2) due course (1) halter (1) strike (1) נקר quarry (5) crevice (1) נקשׁ lay trap (3) knock (1) laid trap (1) lays trap (1) נר till (4) נרגל Nergal (4) נרד spikenard (3) נשׁא lure (17) claim (7) allure (3) creditor (2) give credit (1) נשׁב dispatch (3) נשׁה oblivious (5) contracted debt (2) tendon (2) usurious (2) usury (2) debt (1) oblivion (1) there contracted debt (1) נשׁך interest (11) bite (4) bit (2) take interest (2) bitten (1) chomp (1) takes interest (1) there (1) נשׁל cleared out (2) take off (2) bounce (1) clear out (1) drop off (1) relinquish (1) נשׁם breath (18) breath-bearing (7) swan (3) bear breath (1) נשׁף twilight (11) barn owl (3) blew twilight (1) breeze (1) twilight hour (1) נשׁק kiss (32) equip (9) assault (6) -- (1) armory (1) kissed other (1) נשׁר eagle (23) -- (1) נשׁת dumbfound (1) נשׁתון written record (1) epistle (1) return mail (1) נשׂא bear (220) lifted up (150) lift up (133) principal (128) load (59) bore (37) borne (23) lifting up (17) take (9) lifts up (8) swell (6) assume liability (5) partial (5) took (5) mist (4) take up (4) forbearance (3) liability (3) lift (3) assumed liability (2) bear up (2) being lifted up (2) forbear (2) shown partiality (2) supply (2) calculate (1) care package (1) cart (1) loade (1) partiality (1) show partiality (1) shows partiality (1) such take (1) wave (1) נ��ׂג overtake (30) afford (10) overtook (6) affordable (2) overtaken (1) נשׂק ignite (2) נתב pathway (25) נתח piece (13) cut (3) cut piece (2) cut piece piece (2) נתיב ways means (1) נתך poured forth (19) pour forth (3) נתן give (802) gave (402) given (279) position (83) assign (81) consign (61) permit (54) yield (39) daub (23) put forth (11) grant (10) connect (7) demonstrate (6) donation (3) give up (3) prevent (3) -- (2) chant (2) take (2) tighten (2) gave permission (1) give here (1) giving due (1) let (1) net (1) play (1) refrain give (1) responsible (1) though give (1) though permit (1) נתס disfigure (1) נתץ broke down (14) broken down (10) break down (9) break off (5) broken off (2) breaks off (1) broke off (1) נתק snap (18) scurf (14) detach (5) gallery (5) נתר release (8) alkali (2) נתשׁ deport (17) blot out (2) blotted out (1) from Blogger https://ift.tt/2P0lvz4 via IFTTT
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scharfeimpressionen · 7 years
Vinotheca (Wiesloch)
Die Pika Pika Chili Kompositionen in Wiesloch
Vinotheca -die kleine Oase für große Genießer- Hauptstr. 85/2 (in der Fußgängerzone) 69168 Wiesloch Tel. 06222-38 79 841 Fax 06222-38 98 050 Mobil 0151-56021853
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goyangpastudioblr · 5 years
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Republication of OASE#79, novel 1, 2019
by Cheawon Shin
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