#OC Vampire! Vyrthaal
boethiahsboytoy · 1 year
i come with emojis for the ask game!!!!! :D
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Wheee!! Thank u Rosemary :3 I'll b answering these for Vulon, Ivrasi, and Vyrthaal! They've been on my Brain lately uwu
OC emoji ask meme here!
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
Vulon: Vulon doesn't cry easily, but something that Does make it cry is the thought of its loved ones being in danger. It knows everyone it cares about can handle themselves, hut it is always so worried for them all the time forever.
Ivrasi: Ivrasi is really good at keeping control over her emotions, so she doesn't cry very easily. But I think, when she meets Erik and convinces his dad to let him join her on her Adventures so he can learn a bit abt being a traveling mercenary, the first time he gets hurt she starts crying;; Also when she slays Mirmulnir and absorbs his soul; it would overwhelm her to the point she bursts into tears Immediately and all the guards + Irileth are just like 😶 ma'am u good?
Vyrthaal: Vyr cries easily!! He cries over cute dogs. They cry over pretty sunrises. They cry bc Kili smiled at him. He cries because he bought a gift for Isran. Vyrthaal is SUCH an emotional lad.
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
Vulon: TW for child abuse. It's most vivid memory is of its parents abusing it after it cut its own hair. It was about...six or seven? And ended up locked in its room for a week and only being given one small meal a day. ON A HAPPIER NOTE. another vivid memory of that time was seeing a group of performers and clowns for (random event), one of which came over and did some fun sleight of hand magic tricks to try and make Vulon smile. It worked, and this one small, happy memory is why Vulon wants to be a clown so bad.
Ivrasi: I haven't thought too much about her childhood BUT it would definitely be smthn related to her getting her first blade or smthn,,,,,mayne being taught how 2 make potions?? Smthn like That.
Vyrthaal: Watching the sun rise w his biological parents, being held by his mother after greeting the sun. That, Or the first time he was brought along with his parents when they traveled to a Dwemer city, it scared him a Lot bc its the first time they've been underground and all the noise is Overstimulating;;
📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
Vulon: Vulon isn't good at volume control, often speaking too loudly OR quietly than appropriate. It's very casual for the most part, and tends to refer to people as "friend" (which can be very unsettling). It's very good at being polite though. I've decided Vulon has my voice :3
Ivrasi: Ivrasi pretty much always speaks in a neutral-toned "indoor voice" provided she's not goofing off w/family or friends. But she speaks very confidently, so even if she's being quiet people tend to listen to her. I don't have a voice claim for her.
Vyrthaal: Vyrthaal tends to be on the quiet side, but like Ivrasi speaks with a confidence that make people listen (at least as an older teen and adult). They also tend to be quite formal and a little aloof when not speaking with family or friends, but most people assume it's because thays just how vampire hunters Are. Like Ivrasi, Vyrthaal doesn't have a voice claim.
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
Vulon: It's comfort drink is green tea with strawberry flavoring and honey
Ivrasi: She doesn't know how to swim and is a little afraid of large bodies of water.
Vyrthaal: He has a pollen allergy.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Vulon: Most people assume like...ur basic Daedra Worshipper Stereotypes; it's cruel and sadistic, doesn't care about anyone, and would sacrifice any of its "loved ones" in a heartbeat. And that's really far from the mark! Vulon is an asshole, but it isn't cruel. It's just...rude and stubborn and sometimes it's impulsiveness hurts people. But it loves people very deeply and would do anything to protect those that it cares about. It would never, under any circumstance, intentionally hurt anyone that it cares about, and in the event it does so accidentally Vulon does it's absolute best to fix any damage done and make sure it never repeats the mistake again. A correct assumption that is often made about it though is that it IS just a little bit off-putting and difficult to be around.
Ivrasi: Because she Looks scary and intimidating she'd get similar treatment as Vulon, with people thinking she's some mean evil daedra worshipping bitch, but honestly she's pretty nice!! She has social anxiety that often comes off as rudeness or her being cold, but it's literally just because she doesn't know how to talk casually to people, outside the context of "I am a mercenary and you are hiring me" when shes around someone who isn't family or a friend. People also assume she's always looking for a fight which is Sort of true; she DOES enjoy a good-spirited brawl between warriors!
Vyrthaal: Lots of people assume Vyrthaal is some dignified, poised, elegant and refined young man, and that's because he puts up that front 1) when doing vampire and malicious daedra hunting work and 2) when he's around people he's unfamiliar with. In reality he's loud and boisterous and hyperactive once he's comfortable. Others assume that because he's Dragonborn they're weighted down by their fate OR extremely proud of it. Both are equally true.
Thank you again these were really fun !!! :D I always love thinking abt my funky guys,,
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boethiahsboytoy · 1 year
Helloooo there silly little MERIDIA KISSER/OC ANON coming on in to say 1: happy Valentine’s Day if you celebrate and/or even care about it BUT!!! Some RANDOM QUESTIONS!! How do your ocs (however many you wanna answer for) spend valuable time with their loved ones? Can be romantic, but it could just be with their friends, whoever you wish to answer for! Hope you have a good day and have had a good little while!!! :^]
I should come up with some silly little sign off that’s easier than “meridia kisser/oc anon” but whatever oh well that’s for later on lol anyways!!
Hello Meridia kisser OC anon !!! Happy Valentine's day to you too ✨️ I hope you've been doin okay ! Thanks for the question hehehe :3
Hmmm so Vyrthaal's favorite way to spend time with his loved ones is to make things with them. Either collaborative things, like cooking a meal together, or separate things--when he and Kili are grown n move in with each other, Vyr will often be working on repairing armor and weapons while Kili does his work as an alchemist. But even before then, with his Stronghold, everyone places a heavy emphasis on working together so that's the environment he's spent most of his life in ! I also can see Vyr and Serana sparring together a lot, especially when they become full time vampire hunters. Helps them attune themselves to how the other fights and of course keeps their skills sharp.
Vulon loves going Out and doing stuff. That can be anything from...the entirety of the Dawnguard questline to just walkin' from Breezehome to the marketplace! With Serana it also just loves to sit and talk while working on little crafting projects. And while it doesn't consider Miraak a loved one he was an ally for a time, and it loved learning Dovahzul with him, and sparring as well. With Lord Boethiah it just loves doing anything with them. Sparring is something they do often, but Vulon especially loves working on art while they hang out, and they often take the form of a lil snake to hang around Vulon's shoulders while it gardens.
Sethsa's preferred way to spend time with people she likes is to just sit quietly with them. She can often be found in her and Chal's room while he does Chal things, just sitting at her desk or in bed, reading or just resting. With Rune it's much the same, with him doing stuff and her hanging out, except he'll be sitting in her lap or something. She also loves having her hair get braided, and teaches Rune how to do it uwu
Jo'safiir is rather busy as the Arch Mage, but when he's free his favorite thing to do with loved ones is cook! He cooks often for the students, at least once a week, and Miraak always helps out. He's also a social drinker too, so sharing some booze is also one of his favorite ways to spend time with people! His secret favorite thing to do with Miraak is to cook him a huge whole big dinner, usually of things he grew up eating and are childhood favorites, and just share that with him. After thousands of years in Apocrypha, Miraak sort of forgets what food is like. He's touched that his husband wants to share smthn so important with him uwu
Varla, even if he wasn't a Seeker, would love learning things from his loved ones. He was always a bit of an Outcast with his peers even before he was outed for Daedra worship, but the few he got along decently with he'd love hearing abt their latest research, or pet projects, or that one niche area of interest they had. When he grows closer to Hermaeus Mora, he would often ask his Master questions he could easily find answers to on his own, just for the happiness of someone he loves teaching him something new.
But what about Your OCs :3c Like how do they express their love ! And how do they like spending time with their loved ones too? I love hearing abt peoples OCs and how they are w their loved ones (platonic, romantic, familial, whatever I just think it's SO sweet and fun🥺🥺)
Thank u for stopping by ! I love hearing from u :3 Hope u have a good day/night ! Also lmk any time u think of a different sign off/tag lmao hehe :3
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
maybe someone more knowledgeable on mara can fight me on this but if i was the goddess of love and family and a traumatized little kid who had been spurned by his mortal parent and hated by his daedric parent came 2 me looking for comfort and reassurance that he wasnt a monster i would take him in and love him as i would all my children idk
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
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so basically its like this
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
For the most part, the Vyrthaals just kind of hang out in their Planes of Oblivion after the Vyrthaal-Verse Adventure. They'll each wander outside to find their Kilis and help their Falmer eventually. But Vampire! Vyrthaal remains on Nirn. I've talked abt him meeting and being adopted by Erandur (and Mara). And I think that he would eventually build his own Temple of Mara, one that doubles as an orphanage. He doesn't try to enforce religion on his kids or anything, if they're not interested in praying to or worshipping Mara he understands -- religion is deeply personal and he's the last person who would judge someone for rejecting a God. He Does teach them all a little bit of combat, you can never go wrong with knowing some self defense, but for the most part focuses on things like reading, history, cooking, etc. etc. Hes always an incredibly kind and patient person who never raises his voice and makes sure his kids always know that they're safe and loved and well cared for. He wants to make sure they never feel hated and abandoned like he was.
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
you mean i have to CHOOSE between angsty vampire vyr and soft vyr? why can't we have both??
GOD get ready for so much rambling and im sorry if this is like. Super disorganized im still trying to work out some details n shit so like, bear with me if stuff doesn’t add up or sounds Just Plain Bad for the time being, this is still very much an idea-in-progress (and if anyone has any ideas or suggestions feel free to send them to me, preferably as an ask so i can hang onto them in some way)
so like.........what if instead of just a Regular Vampire he actually was a moldy balls demiprince. and his mortal parent ends up renouncing molag bal for whatever reason, in turn abandoning vyr. cue him just sort of Existing Alone for a while with horrible abandonment issues and being too afraid to ever turn to his daedric parent because like. he’s a fucking CHILD and also not. A Disgusting Person. but the isolation gets to him and when, by some stroke of misfortune, the volkihar clan finds him and takes him in. and at this point he’s just so desperate to not be on his own and to have people who actually care about him he stays, because harkon is a good liar and convinces vyrthaal that it’ll be good, he’ll treat him the way a son of moldy balls should be and be a good father etc etc etc.
but like...he HATES this. he hates molag bal, he hates his mortal parent (long dead but y’know), he hates harkon, and he hates the rest of the volkihar clan. he, like, Kind Of likes serana but is understandably wary of her But they do become friends after a while. so when he gets pulled into the Vyrthaal-Verse Plot(tm) he tries SO hard to hide he’s actually a demiprince, playing it off as him being there bc he’s a vampire lord and hey, that’s pretty powerful right?? and there’s so MANY demiprinces (and an aedra’s child) that like...everyone’s sense of magicka is just REALLY thrown off so most of the others are just like “yea a’ight” (pery doesn’t fall for it, it’s part of their job to know where Every Prince Is and they’re extending that to This Fuck Shit. mora knows because what doesn’t it know, and boe knows bc of their parent being a direct rival to bal but like, they’re SO fucking stressed by all of this bullshit they JUST want to go home and like, feed the hunger or touch some lava who CARES if this fucker is lying abt who he is!!!!) (og vyr can Definitely sense it but like. he can Immediately see the similarities between him and serana that like. he just feels so bad that he’s been forced into this and, unlike serana, it isn’t as easy to get away from this and he just wants to hug him and be There For Him).
so like.....there’s THAT.
FOLLOWING THE CONCLUSION of the Vyrthaal-Verse Plot(tm) (also yes there’s an actual plot believe it or not, i needed to find a way to “justify” its existence so i Do Kind Of Have one but its. its still just a way for me to throw a bunch of vyrthaals in a room and have them all Experience Friendship so like. fuck it), he just......leaves the volkihar clan. my original intention was that he seeks out Vaermina to get his vampirism reversed and he then devotes himself to her as payment but like. That’s Not Happening, Lmao. BUT i still want him to like. have Something good going for him back in his own universe, so like. Here We Go.
He winds up in Dawnstar bc maybe that dude with a boat sees Something fucky happening at Volkihar castle and bravely makes a trip out there (or maybe Vyr uses his power to draw the dude to him so he can get the Fuck off this awful chunk of rock), and that’s when he learns the town is being plagued by nightmares. He can immediately sense it’s Vaermina’s Fuck Shit and is about to skip town completely when he hears of Erandur. So he goes to him because he wants to do something to help, even though he like, probably shouldn’t. and Erandur right off the bat sees that this is a child who’s been afflicted with vampirism. or maybe Mara speaks to him and tells him that he’s a demiprince!!!! i think that would be so cool!! and like....Erandur can’t just let this clearly traumatized and lonely kid just Be On His Own. So Erandur!!!! adopts vyrthaal. well. not officially at first. but he does ask if Vyrthaal would perhaps like to travel with him when he’s done here--he was planning on making a pilgramage to the Temple of Mara in Riften! he understands if Vyrthaal wants to stay away from Temples, but Vyrthaal decides he wants to go too. So they journey together. And eventually Vyr confides in Erandur of what he is. what he did while with the VOlkihar clan. and Erandur  tells him that he loves Vyr all the same, and BAM!!! father time :3
so vyrthaal is still a demiprince. but he decides he’ll give up his daedric side and that he will die as a mortal, never taking a piece of Coldharbour as his own. but he still has the other vyrthaals as his family, and a father who genuinely loves him and cares for him!! and he’s more than happy with his new family :3
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
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Vaermina devotee! Vyrthaal :3 He begins worshipping the Prince after she cures him of vampirism following the conclusion of the Dawnguard questline. He doesn’t enjoy serving her, but is too afraid to leave (although he doesn’t mind the fact that this has led to him becoming a master alchemist). Don’t worry though, Erandur and Serana help him.
If you like my art, please consider giving it a reblog! Just don’t repost or remove the caption, please.
(IMAGE ID: A digital drawing of a snow elf done in a cartoony style. He stands with his hands clasped in front of him with a sweet smile on his face. His skin is a pale icy blue and he has deep purple eyes with glowing white irises and pale purple hair. He has bright purple swirls tattooed on his face and streaks of black makeup running down his cheeks as if he’s been crying. His hair is wavy and goes just past his shoulders. He wears a deep purple robe with glowing, bright purple swirls on it, and beneath that has a dark purple long sleeve shirt. Over the robe he wears an even darker purple vest decorated with soft purple flecks and more glowing purple swirls. END ID.)
Meme version that’s the real reason I drew this under the cut :3
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(IMAGE ID: The same image as before, this time with “I AM A NORMAL ALCHEMIST.” at the top and “I WILL NOT HURT YOU.” at the bottom. Both lines of text are written in bold white font. END ID.)
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
I have not Mentioned This Here but im OBSESSED with the idea of sethsa getting a boyfriend and he's this ordinary dude. Like.........not a thief, no special Talents, nothing Unique about him at all he's literally Just Some Guy who loves his scary thief Demiprince gf SO fuckin much
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boethiahsboytoy · 4 years
Modern AU Vyrthaal has a YouTube channel and he posts Dwemer cringe comp videos (they're all of him shooting Dwemer automatons with Auriel's bow from like 30 feet away and commenting on how easily they fall apart)
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boethiahsboytoy · 4 years
so i “started” the college of winterhold questline w/vyrthaal when serana suggested they go there to find dexion n just picked it back up a few days ago
and i’m just imagine this tiny snow elf sprinting up to the college, casting random high-level magic to show he’s serious and worthy enough to enter, then running inside frantically asking abt moth priests (all followed by serana the Obvious Vampire) then running off without another word, before coming back a few weeks later in a full set of way-too-big ancient falmer armor and carrying auri-el’s bow, followed by a now-human serana, a falmer, and a whole-ass chaurus he calls his pet, here to continue his studies of magic
also his mom is probably there too to make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
🥀 VYRTHAAL ? >:3
First of all anon, and i do this with love, but *sprays you with water for being Mean To Him, even tho I am Also Mean To Him*
Second of all ;;;;;;;;
🥀 Has your OC ever been hurt by someone they love? Ever been betrayed? Abused? Attacked? Give me the angst! (if you’d like, write a short drabble about it!)
Vyrthaal: OOUUGHH I don't want to say Vyrthur bc obviously they never would have been close, but. Finding one of the very last remains of his people And then having him trying to kill him and use his best friend to fuck up the world Really, REALLY fucks him up. Fighting Vyrthur was genuinely one of the hardest things he's ever done and killing him haunts him for the rest of his life. He always feels like there could have been SOME way to get through to him, or to make him see reason. And when he learns that there IS a cure for vampirism it only hurts him more, and for a while a part of him even resents Serana for curing herself, because Why Couldn't They Have Done That For Vyrthur.
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
⚡ for Kili pls :3c
Send me a ⚡️ and an oc and I’ll give u five facts ab them
Favorite foods are soups n stews !! Vyrthaal makes a really good mushroom soup it's his most favorite
Kili isn't a vampire hunter like Vyrthaal, and normally stays behind on Vyr's jobs. But because he is a master alchemist he always brews plenty of potions of cure disease for him, in case Vyr encounters someone who recently got infected.
Loves flowers!! Has a collection of pressed flowers that Vyrthaal makes for him, and when he moves into the Forgotten Vale he starts his own little flower garden
I kind of headcanon this as a Falmer thing but Kili really hates loud noises. His sense of hearing is very sensitive, but Also loud noises aren't common unless it's coming from someone Attacking, or Dwemer machinery (possibly also attacking)
Has a pet chaurus with Vyrthaal!! They both love her so much.
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
What scares your character? What makes your character angry? What else inspires strong emotion in your character?
Hehe I'm gonna answer for Vyrthaal, Jo'safiir, n Serene ùwú
VYRTHAAL: The thought of letting people down scares him the most. As a kid he always had impossible standards to live up to, and it only got worse after he got involved with the Dawnguard. Yeah he had the power of Auri-El and anime on his side, but failure meant vampires potentially destroying, or at least permanently fucking over, Nirn. And even as an adult being a vampire hunter, long after honing his skills and becoming a minor legend across Skyrim, he still fears he's not good enough. What makes him most angry is when people refuse to listen to him. His bio parents never did, and a lot of people refuse to listen to him after Marzog takes him in. A lot of times it's bc hes a child, but he also unfortunately has to deal with people refusing to take an elf's opinion or get angry and impatient with his difficulty speaking modern Tamrielic. As an adult he gets incredibly snappy if not outright rude to people who refuse to listen to him in any way. For the last question, Vyrthaal has always been a very emotional person, feeling things Very Strongly any time he feels anything!! Since I talked abt 2 negative emotions here's some positive: He is often moved to tears simply seeing people existing peacefully and happily, reassured that there's good in the world and therefore a reason to keep fighting for the safety of Nirn. Small acts of kindness or hearing strangers sing together unprompted jist hit him right in the feels, and reassures him that Things Are Okay Sometimes :)
SERENE (I know I never talk about him but he's still here): He'd never admit it, but he's scared of being alone. Used to having to work and exist around others, whether it's other Dremora, random other Daedra, or Jo'safiir, he's never been Alone. Serene has a fairly short temper but what really pisses him off is how Jo'safiir treats him like absolute garbage when he's first bound to him. Ignoring him outright or being rude and dis.issive, while Serene is unable to ask for even a Tiny amount of respect from his Demiprince. Jo'safiir learns later about how shitty he makes Serene feels and makes an active effort to change and help Serene feel welcome, but it takes a while. Beyond that he's not a super emotional person tho!! He definitely feels Something about Jo'safiir when he starts apologizing and actually begins caring abt him, but isn't sure What (it's friendship he'll die before admitting he sees Jo'safiir as a friend).
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boethiahsboytoy · 4 years
List of my OCs:
Jo'safiir, a Khajiit mage (but wait, there's more!), and Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold. Learns he's the child of Hermaeus Mora after spending months in Apocrypha. Big fucking nerd. As he grows older he eventually tasked up his role as a Demi Prince and takes control of his own portion of Apopcrypha, the Forbidden Archives. A place where all manner of ancient, lost, and of cours forbidden magic can be found, studied, and practiced. Still thrives on the Power Of Friendship (and has “stolen” his husband Miraak and made him his “Champion” to spite his Father).
Serene, Jo'safiir's Dremora that he "stole" from Mehrunes Dagon. Big piece of shit, loves causing trouble. Later servers Jo'safiir when he takes his own mini plane of Oblivion within Apocrypha. Mellows out a bit, but if he catches you alone in the Archives with the Arch Mage nowhere to be found, you may not return to Mundus alive...
Vyrthaal, a snow elf child preserved for thousands of years. Not only was he gifted Aurie-El's Bow by Akatosh himself, he was then given the soul of a Dragon to help defeat Lord Harkon. BFFs with Serana and largely ignored by the prophecy of the Last Dragonborn. Loves ska.
Sinarwyn Ice-Blade, a snow elf and former Knight-Paladin of Auri-El, given the name “Ice Blade" from a found family. Adopts Vyrthaal after meeting his other adoptive mom, Marzog. Helps him and Serana find Auri-El’s Bow and fight off Lord Harkon’s Army before deciding to stay with Gelebor at the Chantry for a while, reuniting with her long lost friend.
Kill, a young Falmer that Vyrthaal eventually meets and who travels with him and his moms. A very talented cook and alchemist! Helps translate many times when the group wanders into various Falmer Caves.
Tiika, a kind mushroom farmer and elder of a Falmer clan in the Forgotten Vale. Assists Vyrthaal and co. to the Chantry after they help fight off the feral Falmer that attacked his clan. He’s a loving father figure and caretaker for any young Falmer born in the Vale.
Niralek, a Spriggan who once lived in the Riften woods before her home was overtaken by vampires hunting for the Redwater spring. Unable to fend them off she reluctantly offered her aid to the Dawnguard, where she made unlikely friends with Pelaril, an Altmer, and Isran. Returns to her home after Harkon's defeat but remains friends with the Dawnguard, who still call for her aid at times. She always readily gives it to her friends.
Gorbek, an Orsimer Priest of Kynareth who works in Whiterun after being exiled from his stronghold. Also known as one of the best cooks in the Hold, a title he bears with pride. He's so big because he's filled with love. A bit of a “filler character” to give Whiterun more life (and me an excuse to make a big soft Orc Dad OC) but I love him so much. 
Daronan, a Forsworn Breton. Hircine's champion, and gifted with Lycanthropy by the Daedric Lord himself. Apprenticed as a healer to his mother until he decided to travel Skyrim for a little while, where he meets and befriends a Nord named Sybilla. He’s very quiet and surprisingly gentle, but is also the sort to playfully wrestle or spar with his close friends at a moment’s notice. 
Sethsa: A blind Dunmer woman and daughter of Nocturnal, she is the Demi Prince of fear and is rumored to be summoned by utering her name. Feared through the Thieves Guild for her cunning, cruel streak, and prowess as a conjuration and illusion mage. Aided by a daedra known as Deathcry who commonly takes the form of a massive hound made of gore. Her only known friend is Chal, a Dwemer, and she bears a grudge against Clavicus Vile. 
Deathcry: Sethsa's mysterious companion and service "dog." Really spooky but loves kids and belly rubs. Often gets "treats" of fingers from Sethsa's...erm....friends.
Hjorvar: A Nord, and member of the inner Circle of the Companions. Makes an unlikely friendship with Daro thru their mutual friend Sybilla. Gets flustered easily. Would die for his family. He’s the sort of man that looks terrifying at first glance, but as son as he opens his mouth you realize “Oh, this is just a walking teddy bear.” He of course is still a strong and capable warrior, but when he doesn’t have to fight he’s the most gentle giant you’ll meet (besides Gorbek).
Illorna: Altmer Demi Prince of Meridia who came to Nirn to aid the Dawnguard in fighting Lord Harkon. Decides mortals are more than just tools for Daedra to control and sticks around after Harkon is defeated after growing close to several of them. I still like her but I don’t know if I actually want this to be her story or nah. SHe’s fun tho!
Studies-by-Moonlight: An Argonian scholar who's primary focus was formerly the Dwemer, until she began to study the Falmer. Deciding to dedicate her work to helping them fix the damage caused to them by the Dwemer. It takes years for her to build trust with one of the Falmer Clans but she becomes recognized as a safe person and spends a great deal of time studying Falmer society. Eventually just sort of....hanging out in Blackreach for the most part.
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! May your day be filled with cake, friends, and good vibes! 🎉🎈🎂 :D ~☆
It's one of your character's birthdays! Who's the birthday person? Who shoves the cake in in said birthday person's face face? Who finally gets the pinata to fall? Who switched out the candy in the pinata for something else? Who gets stuck on cake cutting/handing out duty?
Aaaaaaaaaa late response HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!! Ik I sent u an ask on my main but Still !!! I hope u had a good one !!!!
Gona,,,,,,,,,finally answer this now lol,,
I'm gonna be Self Indulgent and answer for All The Vyrthaals, bc they'd share a birthday and want to celebrate with each other :3
So for Starters, OG! Vyr would host them all!! Isran Very Generously allows them to have their party in Fort Dawnguard, if only because he knows they'd all be down to fuck up some vampires on short notice (ESPECIALLY Vampire! Vyrthaal. He deserves to.)
Who's shoving cake in people's faces?
Boethiah! Vyr is Definitely trying to at least wipe icing all over everyone. They get an unsuspecting Jay, who's probably trying to cut the cakes so everyone gets even slices, and she promptly grabs hers n smushes it in their face. Namira! and Sheo! Vyrthaals both think this is an invitation to Go Crazy Go Stupid n smushes their slices on whoever is unfortunate enough to be next to them (probably random members of the Dawnguard who came to hang out with the Birthday Kids). Mephala! Vyr is laughing her ass off until Boethiah! Vyrthal Also gets cake on her face :3 Sanguine! Vyr probably shoves some cake in Dagon! Vyr's face but like. Theyd be best friends and both would think it's hilarious. Vaermina! and Nocturnal! Vyrthaal specifically target Azura! and Meridia! Vyr, bc no one else has >:3
Who gets the piñata to fall?
Dagon! Vyr!!!! So far everyone who's gone before him has either missed horribly, or wasn't able to, and They Want Candy, Dammit!! So he decides fuck it, grabs the stick, and Destroys It. The Vyrthaals are screaming with delight. Chaos reigns.
Who switches the candy out for something else?
LISTEN. I know Serana isn't an OC but she would ABSOLUTELY want to prank her siblings (YES they all adopt her and she adopts them. Even Vampire! Vyrthaal, bc This Serana cured her vampirism ASAP). She replaces all the candy with confetti and like, probably gets Vile! Vyrthaal to help. Mmmmmmaybe Mephala! Vyrthaal too, so she puts a hunch of little plastic insects in it. Vile! Vyr probably puts in little smoke bombs or something similar that pop when they hit the ground. The other Vyrthaals love it (and Serana of course still kept the candy and brings it out for them all). They each keep some of Mephala! Vyr's little insects :')
Who's stuck with cake cutting and handing out?
Jay of course! She willingly volunteers for it so she can make sure everyone gets the exact same amount of cake. She also probably decorated them, with Pery!, Meridia!, and Azura! Vyrthaals' help (they all know that they need like, twenty cakes). Pery! Vyr would offer to help but she Insists on doing it.
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
💋 📙😊 💧💤 and 🎀 for vyr? pls and thank! -ratjester :3
Disclaimer: I wrote this on mobile so I'm sorry if the formatting is kind of weird;;
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
Vyrthaal is a VERY physically affectionate kid: if he likes you there's a 100% chance he will try to hug you whenever he sees you, hold your hand, lean against you, playfully bump into you, etc. etc (provided you're comfortable the physical touch). When he was growing up his biological parents weren't very physically affectionate with him and now that he has a loving family hes a very cuddly and touched starved person.
With his (orc) family he loves to wrestle with them and, occasionally, spar!! Orcs play wrestling and sparring etc. to show love is my favorite thing ok don't @ me. But I don't feel like Serana would be too keen on that, I think their affection would be more brief like gently bumping into each other.
With Kili he learns many ways the Falmer show affection (that I headcanon), with his favorite being touching foreheads together. He also really likes giving his partner lots and Lots of cheek and head kisses, and they're almost always holding hands with their fingers intertwined when they're traveling together or just hanging out. (Kili and Vyrthaal don't actually Start Dating until they're both around 17 but it's also Very obvious they have crushes on each other like...years before then)
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun? What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
My boy LOVES enchanting (until traveling to the Soul Cairn). He will info dump about various enchantments and the right techniques for what for HOURS if you ask him to. Even before being adopted by Marzog. After, when she teaches him blacksmithing, that becomes Another Favorite Subject and he learns everything about it that his Stronghold can teach him. One of his hobbies is embroidery, whenever he can he tries to embroider things into his friends' clothes. Mainly flowers but also things related to them or that they like !!
In his teenage years he's VERY snobbish towards Nord blacksmithing techniques. He looks down on it and claims that it's just senseless hitting hot metal with hammers. (It isn't until he grows up and matures some that he begins to understand it and respect it as it's own craft and art form).
As for things that bore him I hadn't really thought of that Too much but I DO know he doesn't like baking. It's too precise and takes Way too much time no matter What you're making he's WAY too impatient to sit around and, say, wait for his bread to rise properly (assuming he doesn't accidentally kill the yeast beforehand).
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC genrally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
I feel like this is universal for literally Every OC I've ever made but a fresh meal made with love will ALWAYS cheer him up No Matter What. It's literally one of the few things Absolutely Constant with every one of my OCs that I can think of. Even Serene, who doesn't technically need to eat, appreciates the first time Jo'safiir makes him food. So yeah, that will always cheer him up, at least a Little.
Vyr tries Very hard to be upbeat and positive and a ray of sunshine (pun intented) but at his core he's still a very traumatized and upset kid who doesn't know how to handle and recover from that in a healthy way. He does like to make people happy but a lot of times his happiness is very much faked.
As for what about him makes people happy, I would guess it's his upbeat and excited attitude, as well as his chaotic, silly, gremlin energy. But also his willingness to just sit quietly with someone and relax, if that's what they need. He's a very caring person all throughout his life.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
His earliest memory would be the first time his parents took him into a Dwemer city. They were nobility and it was a meeting with Dwemer leaders. He had never been anywhere Near Dwemer *anything* and even though he was really young it terrified him enough that he remembers it decades later ;;
His first Positive memory would be being carried by his biological mother and watching the sun rise together :')
The clothes that Marzog found him with is all that was left from his home. He cherishes them for the rest of his life and does everything he can to keep them well taken care of and preserved. He wishes he had more.
💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets?
As a baby: Very giggly and loud. A bundle of energy. Loved playing and babbled Constantly.
As a child: Excited and energetic at first, then his parents started really drilling the Quiet, Refined, Nobility BS into him and he was forced to calm down and act more cold and aloof.
As a teen: He gets his energy and excitement back !! And gets a little Rowdy, having spent so long woth his orc family. :) Definitely uhhhh Going Through It so there are days where the trauma Really hits and he's nonverbal or on edge or just....depressed and numb. But on better days he's got Big Gremlin Energy.
When he reaches adulthood he's learned how to handle and process his emotions in a healthy manner. He's obviously not Completely Healed And Healthy, but he can take care of himself emotionally. Gets good at being formal again, he Does become a professional vampire hunter so he has to be good at being calm and collected when helping people who are victims of vampire attacks and such. But he'll also always have that hyperactive gremlin vibe going on--
🎀 Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care?
He keeps a lot of handmade things from his family on him (jewelry, daggers, knives, things like that) at all times! Normally he will wear his Ancient Falmer armor whenever he can, but he does have comfortable and sensible Traveling Armor that he wears too. When he wants to be comfy at home though he likes wearing dresses or loose shirts and pants. When he needs to be formal he'll normally just wear the Ancient Falmer armor--its that good Magical Aedric Shit so it never gets fucked up from fighting and grows with him, so it always looks beautiful and Fancy. (Someone tell this boy that armor is NOT black tie apparel PLEASE--)
Thank you!!!! 🧡
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