boethiahsboytoy · 2 years
I can't remember which of your OCs are Dragonborn so 9, 13, 28, 34 for whoever you want
WHOOO!!! Only two, Vulon and Vyrthaal !! Thank you !!!!
9) Dragonborn's name and the meaning behind it?
Vulon: It picked its own name after it began studying Dovahzul. Night-Sun-Scream. I wanted to name it Starscream >:3
Vyrthaal: Fantasy Name Generator my BELOVED. But the in universe origin is his parents wanted to name him. After Vyrthur. (: An important religious figure to their people. (:
13) Does your Dragonborn have any hobbies? Are they particularly attached to any of them?
Vulon: It considers its study of magic a hobby! It also journals and likes drawing and embroidery :3
Vyrthaal: Embroidery and sewing! He embroiders all his cloaks and robes and sews a bunch of clothes for Kili and Serana once they've all settled down.
28) What did your Dragonborn feel when they killed their first dragon?
Vulon: Overwhelmed and confused, but so So powerful. It would never admit it, but it felt *good.* It's never liked how power hungry it is, but in that moment it felt incredible. That, plus the thrill of the battle that ended Mirmulnir's life, was one of the most exhilarating moments of its life.
Vyrthaal: Scared, mostly. Because he realizes in that instant that this is going to be A Thing. When Auri-El resurrected him he was told that there was more to his fate than just the Dawnguard, and he puts two and two together REAL quick.
34) Does their journey ever end?
Vulon: Yes! It ends with it killing Miraak (who it freed to kill Alduin for it, but then he set off conquering Tamriel and killing the remaining Dragons for their power so Vulon stepped up to overthrow him), Invoking Lord Boethiah to aid it. It kills Miraak and absorbs his Soul and all the Souls *he's* absorbed before succumbing to its wounds and dying. Lord Boethiah steps in and claims its Soul before Akatosh can drag it away with him, and now it lives at the top of Snakemount with its Lord ♡♡♡♡
Vyrthaal: It does, yes, but a lot less dramatically than Vulon's. He just slowly gets older, taking on less and less jobs with the Dawnguard, until he lives permanently in the hive with Kili where he passes away happily and peacefully.
YAY THANK U LUCY!! these were fun :3
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boethiahsboytoy · 2 years
These are for Vyrthaal and Vulon from the ‘30 questions for your Dragonborn’ ask game thingie
Also I have no clue which of these are actually dragonborn? So sorry if I ask a dragonborn specific question if it doesn’t apply(I did my best to guess lol)
For Vrythaal(also what are their pronouns, and are there multiple of them?):
1, 6, 11, 10, 18, 19, 22, 26, 31
For Vulon:
1, 4, 5, 10, 14, 18, 21, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31
For Jo’saffir:
1, 9, 13, 17, 19, 21, 22, 26, 31
Sorry, I know that’s a lot of questions lol, but your ocs are really interesting and your brain is on the next level
i would also like to hear about the Vyrthaals because that has me so confused and curious at the same time
Thank you so much!
Vyrthaal uses he/him primarily, but he also likes they/them :3 Really just depends on his mood. Vyrthaal and Vulon are my my Dragonborn OCs BUT my fiance and I have a universe where All our OCs are together, with one of his (Ko'jiirah) is the Last Dragonborn n everyone else has their own roles and stories! Jo'safiir originated as a Dragonborn but as I developed him he's become a Demiprince of Hermaeus Mora! Ko'jiirah is his absolute BEST friend that he met in Helgen, and he journeys with her through all of Skyrim's main questline (barring the part where you go to Sovengard. Toby and I have joked that he would have been allowed but the College was having finals week and he was helping his students prepare XD). Now for the responses!! Thank you for sending so many questions and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get them done :')
Now for the questions!! This got SO long omg I'm sorry :'D
1. What is their background and backstory, summarised into a paragraph?
Tbis is the longest summary EVER but Vyrthaal is my beloved baby boy whom i love;;;;
He is a snow elf, born into nobility shortly before the Atmorans began invading Skyrim. When they began attacking his home city (he was around 11/12) his parents knew they wouldn't survive and brought Vyrthaal deep underground their home, to a bunker they created to try and protect him. There they sealed him away and he managed to be preserved for thousands of years, until an aspiring linguist trying to learn the ancient Falmeri language uncovered the bare remains of his home, and in turn, Vyrthaal. She awoke him and, after great difficulty, calmed him down and convinced him to come with her to her Stronghold--a nomadic group of Orcs that forged their own family and were roaming Skyrim at the time. There her and her family took him in, learned what happened, and offered him a home with them. Helping him recover and build up his strength. After two years (so at 13/14 technically) he had grown into a strong blacksmith and incredible archer. He already had an aptitude for magic and learned as much as he could with his Stronghold, though none of them were mages so he relied on their Wise Woman to teach him what she knew. At some point in their travels he meets Kili, a young Falmer a year older than him. He's shaken to actually see what had become of his people, but he sees that despite the torture the Dwemer put them through, they are still strong and thriving just in a new way. Him and Kili become incredibly close friends and occasionally travel together. It's during these travels that he begins the Dawnguard Questline, and since this is SO long already I'm going to skip to roughly the end. Facing off against Vyrthur he's killed, but Auri-El gives Vyrthaal his Blessing, breathing life and Sunfire into him and making him Dragonborn. OH my god that took forever--but I'm writing a fanfic about him and his life, it's on Ao3, my username is StarsDotTXT and it's the only thing I've got up on it XD I have one chapter posted and so many other in bits written out of order :')
6. How are they perceived by the major villains- Alduin, Harkon, Miraak, etc.?
Harkon: Originally not a threat at all. A mere child, though curious as he was an Ancient Falmer. Harkon really did want to convince Vyrthaal to join the Volkihar clan, but he could tell from the start that would NEVER happen. He underestimates Vyrthaal though, not thinking anything of him, until he returns later blessed by Auri-El and weilding his bow, realizing just how much of a threat he is now but Also knowing that if he doesn't kill this kid, it'll be him that dies.
Miraak: This one is....Oof. Miraak also underestimates him bc hes a child (around 15 or so when they meet), but pities him for that as well. Still, he has a goal and he won't be stopped. But jokes on Miraak, Vyrthaal is a metaphorical ray of sunshine just as much as he is a magickal one, and with the Power Of Love Vyr frees his stinky ass from Mora's grasp and drags him back to Nirn. There he reluctantly become allies with Vyrthaal (and Serana!) and appoints himself Vyr's Dovahkiin Mentor. He ends up loving this boy so much and becomes his UncleDad uwu
Alduin: Fuckin' hates this kid. Partially because at this point Vyr is so exhausted and traumatized and burnt out he isn't afraid anymore. But also because, despite that, Vyrthaal is determined. He has a home, he has a family, he has lives he'd do ANYTHING protect. Even if it means going to the place most hostile and dangerous and awful for him, all on his own, to fight a World Eater. But he'd do it a thousand times again to defend his family.
Ulfric Stormcloak: Doesn't matter Vyrthaal killed him uwu
11. If they had a pet or magical familiar as in ESO (excluding the dogs in Skyrim) what creature would it be?
A chaurus!! For a while I Did give him a chaurus but idk how well it would be able to travel with him :( But like. Vyrthaal Deserves A Chaurus.
10. Which factions are they aligned with? Including civil war sides, Thalmor, guilds etc.
Just the Dawnguard, though he's also orc blood kin.
18. Your Dragonborn is now an actual dragon- what do they look like? Do they possess any unique features or abilities?
He would look like living ice, glowing with sunfire from within :3
19. Which NPC have they killed and regretted it?
VYRTHUR;;;;;;;; It haunts him for the rest of his life. Gelebor tells him there was no other way, nothing he could have done, but he'll never forgive himself for killing him.
22. Which Daedric Prince(s) do they end up most aligned to, if any? Which artifacts do they own and which do they actively make use of?
He worships Malacath and is His Champion! He wields Volendrung but because he's more skilled at archery than he is at close combat he doesn't use it as often as Auri-El's Bow.
It was also the only weapon he brought with him to Apocrypha when he faced off against Miraak besides his own magicka :3
26. Which follower(s) would they never go anywhere without? On a personal level, what is their relationship with the follower(s) in question like and why do they stick with them?
Serana!!!! That's his BEST friend and adopted sister. They feel safer together too after the events of the Dawnguard Questline. The pair of them also get real good at fighting together, covering each other's weaknesses and boosting their strong points.
31. VERY IMPORTANT BONUS QUESTION: In their opinion, who is the best dog in all Skyrim?
I answered this one in the last ask I got, but the Dawnguard pubbies!!! He doesn't know how to care for animals tho, but he loves to feed them when he's staying at the Fort for an extended time uwu
1. What is their background and backstory, summarised into a paragraph?
Vulon is my self insert! It's history is now a Secret, Kept by Hermaeus Mora. But it's also just me but in Skyrim, so!! It grew up with abusive parents that had very high standards for it, basically outlined its whole life before it was even born. And Vulon hated every second of it. They refused to acknowledge who it was, what it liked, what it felt. And one day, after a particularly bad fight with them, Vulon left. It attacked its parents, severely wounding them, and fled. Along it's travels it caught the gaze of Hermaeus Mora. It was a knowledge-hungry fledgling Mage with a deep secret that tortured it, of COURSE Mora wanted it. And Vulon wanted Mora. It offered Him its past: every secret that it kept about itself, every piece of knowledge about who it was forced to be, in exchange for Devotion. And Mora, for a moment feeling something close to kindness, took its secrets and locked them away where no one would ever find them, because He would never give them up. And Vulon kept its oath, becoming one of Mora's most devoted Seekers. Sharing its findings with Mora, developing new spells and spellcasting techniques, filling tomes with its discoveries that had happy homes in Apocrypha. With Vulon's Devotion and Love, Mora knew He found a new Champion. But He also knew that Vulon carried within it the Soul of a Dragon, just like His current Champion. He knew the two would meet, and when they did Vulon's journey as the Last Dragonborn would begin uwu
4. At present, how are they perceived by the people of Skyrim? By the general population, and by different factions?
Despite being the LDB, Vulon isn't actually very well known as such. It's creepy and off-putting, and looking at it for too long gives most people headaches. Most people don't trust it because of this. Jarl Balgruuf does, because it's never actually harmed anyone (as far as he knows) and actually does a good job of slaying Dragons and protecting Whiterun. He doesn't like it exactly, and warns his children to stay away from him (citing his open Daedra worship as the reason), but he also trusts it to not go on a killing spree or anything. Let's see... It's probably wanted by the Thalmor for the whole murdering it's parents and fleeing from the Dominion thing. And snowballing off of that the Enpire probably doesn't want him unless it's behind bars. It outright murders Ulfric though, so they're not fond of him either. It gets on well with the Thieves Guild once Mercer's gone though! It isn't a part of it but it Does steal here and there. It's a member of the Dark Brotherhood but I don't know if it's Listener, only bc there's enough going on with it as it is. BUT Cicero is one of its best friends!!! So there's that :3 It does do the Dawnguard Questline bc its my FAVORITE and ofc sides with the Dawnguard. Isran actually quite likes it, which surprises everyone. But Vulon is a damn good vampire hunter and hates the Volkihar clan--namely Harkon. It immediately realizes that he's just as foul and abusive towards Serana as it's own parents were, just in other ways. And it's incredibly protective of Serana in the face of her parents. It knows she can defend herself but also knows how terrifying going against your own parents can be.
That's just about its only notable relations to any factions tho!!
5. How were they perceived before their Dragonborn identity became widely known?
Uhhhh. Poorly!! Again, it's incredibly off-putting at best. At worst it's horrifying! Lots of people thought (somewhat correctly) that it was a murderer, or thief. It's also just.....awkward when it isn't being needlessly spooky, and is just straight up Weird sometimes. So even Without all the non-mortal fuckery about it, it still wouldn't be very popular I think :3
10. Which factions are they aligned with? Including civil war sides, Thalmor, guilds etc.
Dawnguard and the Dark Brotherhood! Again, it's not a part of the Thieves Guild, but it's on good terms with the Guild in general, is welcome in the cistern, etc.
14. What is their personal favourite place in Skyrim- a town, hold, home, dungeon, or just a natural spot they happen to have a fondness for?
I think it would really like the little mushroom circle near the DB sanctuary in Falkreath!! It probably meditates in that area uwu I know there are more locations it would like that I can't remember but I'd need to boot up Skyrim and run around for a bit to jog my memory. I'll try to make note of them tho !!
I feel like Apocrypha goes without saying, but also Apocrypha feels more kike a home to it than any place on Nirn.
18. Your Dragonborn is now an actual dragon- what do they look like? Do they possess any unique features or abilities?
Like it crawled out of the depths of Apocrypha!! A vibrant, neon green with black ink oozing from between its scales, glowing orange eyes, and barbed tentacles wrapping around its body like armor that it lashes out with for close range attacks uwu
21. Do they worship any of the Divines, and if so, which do they have the strongest affinity for?
It does Not uwu
24. How did they respond to Miraak and what do they feel about him? Do they regret killing him? Did they spare him?
!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes this is a Good question for it !!
Mora tells it about Miraak. That it isn't the only Dragonborn in existence. Then He tells it that Miraak is His Champion--but Miraak hates it. He wants to escape Apocrypha and betray his Master, use the tools he was given against Him. Less to manipulate Vulon into killing him, more to give it permission. But Miraak doesn't find out about Vulon until it's too late. Until it's broken into whatever fake sanctuary Miraak thought he had, not even letting him get to the Summit of Apocrypha. Vulon tells Miraak that it's Master doesn't take kindly to a Champion that plans to betray Him and then challenges him, and it's only when they fight and Vulon Shouts that Miraak realizes this isn't some half-crazed Seeker vying for Mora's attention.
Vulon kills Miraak and ascends as Mora's Champion. It wears this title with pride and Love, and Mora is genuinely...fond of it. Vulon doesn't regret it's decision.
27. If your Dragonborn were an in-game boss fight, what would their lair be like? What enemies would help them in the fight (if any) and what quest might lead to another hero having to fight them?
I touched on it in the other ask I've answered, here! :3 Unfortunately I haven't thought of much more detail for this yet...
28. What are their greatest assets, both in terms of in-game skills and otherwise? What gave them the upper hand that allowed them to defeat Alduin?
Ok. Sorry. UM real talk even before being approached by Mora it was an incredibly skilled and passionate mage, that loved figuring new ways of casting spells specifically in fights. So it's very good at using its terrain or environment to its advantage in general as well as improvise when things go unexpectedly wrong. And ik in game it seems like only Dragons can make new Shouts easily but I feel like it would be good at Doing Just That. It learns humans created a Shout to fuck up the Dragons and thinks "well shit, I can do that easy" and then it Does. Like I don't think that would be hard. Might piss off Alduin tho, but boo hoo.
30. Are they proud of themselves? Do they see themselves as a hero?
It is Absolutely proud of itself, but not bc its fooled itself into thinking its a hero. No, it's just a broken, traumatized, and scared young man that made it through what broke and traumatized it and came out Okay, and even happy.
31. VERY IMPORTANT BONUS QUESTION: In their opinion, who is the best dog in all Skyrim?
Answered this one too :D it's Meeko!! It would feel so worried for this poor dog, esp. after finding his owner :( It would bury him with his journal tho, and take good care of Meeko uwu
And I'll answer what I can for Jo'safiir!
1. What is their background and backstory, summarised into a paragraph?
Jo'safiir is the best friend of the Last Dragonborn, Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold, husband of Miraak, and a Demiprince of Hermaeus Mora. He was taken in by two ordinary merchant Khajiit around the same time they had their first litter. They raised him with love and care just like all his siblings, teaching him their trade, and making sure he grew up healthy. They very quickly learned that he had an affinity for magic and began buying any spell tomes they could find for him. There weren't really any instructors or tutors for a young mage (at least not that they could get a hold of) so he was entirely self taught! But he always dreamed of studying magic Officially, and when he turned 18 his parents surprised him with money and supplies for travel to the College of Winterhold. He got there safely and very quickly proved himself to be incredibly skilled naturally, with a drive to learn more that surpassed any of his peers. Savos Aren in particular appreciated this and took him on as an apprentice. About halfway through his time at the College he told his peers he would be traveling back home to visit his parents, but in reality he journeyed to Apocrypha. Ambitious as ever he was determined to unlock hidden and forgotten ancient magics, and immediately Mora noticed his son had returned. He didn't reveal Jo'safiir's "family history" to him, instead acting as a mentor for a while before letting Jo'safiir return to Winterhold. Not much goes on before The Questline happens, and with Jo'safiir having been Savos' apprentice that he had been training to take his place, Jo'safiir was comfortable taking his position early (though he grieved deeply over his master's death and always feels like it's his fault). After a few years he goes home to visit his family and along his way back he winds up getting arrested alongside the LDB, another Khajiit named Ko'jiirah, and that Kickstarts the main questline! :3
9. Whether they are magical or not- if they were to invent a spell for their own uses, that does not already exist in Skyrim, what kind of spell would they come up with?
Well he is the Arch Mage so I'd sure hope he's magical XD Lmao but anyways--I think he'd team up with J'zargo to help perfect his flame cloak scrolls, first of all. I think he'd come up with a few different combat spells that combined preexisting destruction spells, and maybe a magelight that isn't so bright, perfect for late night reading while your husband tries to sleep uwu
13. Dungeon delving- are they a fan? Do they do it for fun, or money, or just because of circumstance? Do they prefer Dwemer or Nordic ruins?
He doesn't do it for fun but Ko'jiirah drags him into it x3 To be fair though, they Do adventure together a lot. Hmm. He'd prefer Nord dungeons bc he doesn't wat to intrude upon the Falmer tho :3 He doesn't loot much from dungeons tho, but if he sees any old books or journals he'll take them!
17. What’s their style- do they tend to wear armour and if so, what sort? Otherwise what’s their average day-to-day clothing?
He doesn't wear armor except on very rare occasions where he'll have some chainmail and leather armor, typically worn under a robe. He's very much a stereotypical mage in that he's always wearing robes. Some light ones for warm weather, and many heavy, fur-lined ones for Winterhold (something Miraak always teases him for XD).
19. Which NPC have they killed and regretted it?
Yknow he doesn't actually do a lot of killing aside from bandits or like, genuinely fucked up people like the weird motherfucker who imprisoned the ghosts of a bunch of women he was creepy towards. I think he'd regret it in that it was like, a little traumatizing for him but not because he didn't think the people deserved to die.
21. Do they worship any of the Divines, and if so, which do they have the strongest affinity for?
He really doesn't, but he's not like....disrespectful towards them? He acknowledges them and acknowledges that they're. Well. Divine!
22. Which Daedric Prince(s) do they end up most aligned to, if any? Which artifacts do they own and which do they actively make use of?
Mora, simply because he's His Demiprince! He's also on good terms with Sheogorath, Mephala, and Azura.
Fun Fact: OG Dragonborn Jo'safiir was originally going to be a Champion of Meridia, bc he was my first OC and that was my first Daedric Quest :3 he still has his original dislike for the undead but now it's more him being mildly unnerved by them rather than a hatred (for them or for necromancers).
26. Which follower(s) would they never go anywhere without? On a personal level, what is their relationship with the follower(s) in question like and why do they stick with them?
Hmm I'm gonna count Miraak bc there Is the Miraak follower mod :3 That's his husband!! He comes along with Jo'safiir and Ko'jiirah on most or their travels, unless one of them is needed at the College.
31. VERY IMPORTANT BONUS QUESTION: In their opinion, who is the best dog in all Skyrim?
I think Jo'safiir would be allergic to dogs unfortunately :')
No worries about the questions, I LOVE talking about my OCs!!! I'm sorry I took so long responding to this though :') But it was LOTS of fun !!
As for the Vyrthaals--it started from me thinking "what if Vyrthaal was discovered by the Volkihar Clan instead of Marzog," and then evolved into "What if in multiple alternate timelines each Daedric Prince had Vyrthaal as a child, and then what if bc of The Hubris Of Mortals Trying To Harness Daedric Powers From Across Dimensions dragged them together into a weird new dimension that they had to work together to fight their way out of and bond together over?" And now I have a surprisingly somewhat-serious "Into the Vyrthaal-Verse" idea :') Not every Demiprince Vyrthaal is well developed, bc this is purely just a fun and goofy little adventure for me to play with in my brain, but I love the idea so much I've posted about it a bunch here and the Vyrthaals r all their own characters now :3
So if anyone wants a funky Demiprince snow elf buddy for one of their OCs-- (joking unless anyone else is down hehehe).
Thank you for asking !!! Again this was LOTS of fun I love talking about my funky guys :D
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! May your day be filled with cake, friends, and good vibes! 🎉🎈🎂 :D ~☆
It's one of your character's birthdays! Who's the birthday person? Who shoves the cake in in said birthday person's face face? Who finally gets the pinata to fall? Who switched out the candy in the pinata for something else? Who gets stuck on cake cutting/handing out duty?
Aaaaaaaaaa late response HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!! Ik I sent u an ask on my main but Still !!! I hope u had a good one !!!!
Gona,,,,,,,,,finally answer this now lol,,
I'm gonna be Self Indulgent and answer for All The Vyrthaals, bc they'd share a birthday and want to celebrate with each other :3
So for Starters, OG! Vyr would host them all!! Isran Very Generously allows them to have their party in Fort Dawnguard, if only because he knows they'd all be down to fuck up some vampires on short notice (ESPECIALLY Vampire! Vyrthaal. He deserves to.)
Who's shoving cake in people's faces?
Boethiah! Vyr is Definitely trying to at least wipe icing all over everyone. They get an unsuspecting Jay, who's probably trying to cut the cakes so everyone gets even slices, and she promptly grabs hers n smushes it in their face. Namira! and Sheo! Vyrthaals both think this is an invitation to Go Crazy Go Stupid n smushes their slices on whoever is unfortunate enough to be next to them (probably random members of the Dawnguard who came to hang out with the Birthday Kids). Mephala! Vyr is laughing her ass off until Boethiah! Vyrthal Also gets cake on her face :3 Sanguine! Vyr probably shoves some cake in Dagon! Vyr's face but like. Theyd be best friends and both would think it's hilarious. Vaermina! and Nocturnal! Vyrthaal specifically target Azura! and Meridia! Vyr, bc no one else has >:3
Who gets the piñata to fall?
Dagon! Vyr!!!! So far everyone who's gone before him has either missed horribly, or wasn't able to, and They Want Candy, Dammit!! So he decides fuck it, grabs the stick, and Destroys It. The Vyrthaals are screaming with delight. Chaos reigns.
Who switches the candy out for something else?
LISTEN. I know Serana isn't an OC but she would ABSOLUTELY want to prank her siblings (YES they all adopt her and she adopts them. Even Vampire! Vyrthaal, bc This Serana cured her vampirism ASAP). She replaces all the candy with confetti and like, probably gets Vile! Vyrthaal to help. Mmmmmmaybe Mephala! Vyrthaal too, so she puts a hunch of little plastic insects in it. Vile! Vyr probably puts in little smoke bombs or something similar that pop when they hit the ground. The other Vyrthaals love it (and Serana of course still kept the candy and brings it out for them all). They each keep some of Mephala! Vyr's little insects :')
Who's stuck with cake cutting and handing out?
Jay of course! She willingly volunteers for it so she can make sure everyone gets the exact same amount of cake. She also probably decorated them, with Pery!, Meridia!, and Azura! Vyrthaals' help (they all know that they need like, twenty cakes). Pery! Vyr would offer to help but she Insists on doing it.
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boethiahsboytoy · 2 years
OOUUGH VYRTHAAL TIME..im listening 2 a ska cover of welcome to the black parade and its Very good for the Vibes here
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
vyrthaal my beloved <3
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boethiahsboytoy · 4 years
Very quick drabble abt being in the Soul Cairn. I'm not really a writer, but wandering around here and getting pissed as FUCK abt the thunder jump scaring me every two seconds made me need a break. Feedback is appreciated as I'm super rusty!
The Soul Cairn terrified him. Used to the endless, ever-changing landscape of Apocrypha, Jo'safiir had thought securing an Elder Scroll hidden away this vile land would be easy. But no. This was not Apocrypha, a realm which once yielded to his touch and catered to his whims as Mora's former Champion. Thankfully this place did not fight bitterly against him and obstruct his every move the way Apocrypha now lashed against him but that was a very small reassurance. This place was sinister in ways new to the Mage. The very air seemed to sting his soul, forcing him to stop and catch his breath for the third time since they had started their journey as he struggled to keep moving. The snow elves he accompanied with Serana seemed to be faring better than him, but Sinarwyn was a seasoned Paladin and Vyrthaal....well, who knew how the little one was really doing. He had a talent for hiding pain that Jo'safiir envied. His thoughts were interrupted by a frigid hand over one of his and jolted him back to reality.
"Are you alright?" Serana's voice, normally cold like the rest of her, held a certain warmth to it. Worry, Jo'safiir realized. And in looking up he saw their other two companions looking him with the same amount of concern. He forced a grim smile.
"Far greater hardships than this has Jo'safiir endured. Worry not my friends; this one merely needs to catch his breath."
It wasn't at all reassuring, and Jo'safiir could tell. If anything, it made the three look more worried. "Jo'safiir. You're a terrible liar. But we all need rest. Let's sit for a while." Sinarwyn, always sensible. Serana agreed, and it was settled--they moved to a crumbling tower some feet away and Jo'safiir sat heavily. Vyrthaal was next, cuddling against his soft robes with a tired huff, small fingers finding folds in the fabric to grip onto. Sinarwyn sat next to her son and pet his hair soothingly, murmuring softly in their ancient tongue.
Jo'safiir felt his heart ache at the sight. Here in this desolate plane his desire to be with his loved ones manifested itself in a dull ache in his chest, and he looked away. He wished he were home in the College, perhaps having tea with Tolfdir as they graded essays together, or sitting quietly in the library as he read. Or better yet, laying in bed with Miraak, holding his beloved close and feeling like they were in their own little paradise together. He wondered if he would have that again, or if the Soul Cairn would claim him the way Oblivion tried, digging it's claws into his soul in a horrible attempt to keep him tethered here. Jo'safiir had felt his resolve crumbling with each minute spent here and it was wearing him down in the same way the chilling winds of this place lashed at the ancient towers dotting the landscape, slowly wearing them down until they were nothing but crumbling ruins.
"My death will come here," he thought in his hopelessness as tears pricked at his eyes. "There is no escape."
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