#OC: Agidel
trucbiduleschouettes · 8 months
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Will the Menagerie defeats the tabaxi lich Dorian? Are all four of them going to make it out alive? Will Calaindo's nephew forgives the party for seemingly attacking him out of nowhere and keeping him unconscious and in holy water for three days?
Answers to come this Saturday, for the last Noluna session! *falls on the floor and starts sobbing*
A thousand thank you to @sessenaa for DMing this wonderful campaign! I'm forever glad I got the chance to hop into it and get to play Niquis!
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katarrinskey · 1 year
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The sheer amount of sketches I did for our last session with then, yeesh! 1 - party discovers their local eladrin consumes an ungodly amount of sugar daily. Everyone is horrified, mindflayer scientist who lives in their basement is taking notes 2 -Niquis apologized for something that wasn't her fault. Brings wine as gift. Gets a one handed arm for her trouble 3 - party travels to literal hell. Mikal down almost instantly, Corvis to the resque 4- fight keeps not going well. My bard almost gets disemboweled in one turn, dimention doors himself and terrified warlock to relative safety
5 - fight keeps on not going well. Corvis goes down just before the end, Niquis still terrified for everyone but she has a health potion, hurray Noone ended u dying, so we r good. Concerned for what's next but good
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Updated the one-year-since-joining Noluna art to fit Niquis’ new hair strand! 
She also probably have some nasty scars where the axe got her too pfff
Again, I’m forever glad that I joined this party a year ago today, it’s the best thing to have happened to me since Aotearoa perhaps. 
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Since in a week and a half, it will be a year since I joined the Noluna crew, I really wanted to draw something to celebrate it! (Hey look, Niquis is alive- as alive as undead allows it- here!) 
Forever grateful to @sessenaa for being such an amazing DM and letting me in! 
-Mikal is @bubbakenzie ‘s rogue
-Niquis is my silly little warlock of course
-Agidel is @nleynan ‘s ranger
-Corvis is Hayden’s paladin
-And Calaindo is @katarrinskey2pointzero ‘s bard! 
 You guys are the coolest and made this past year amazing, both in and out of game! Wishing us all a very “let’s hope no one else die in Hell” arc and hopefully another year playing DnD all together! 
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Follow up to that one doodle ; aka things didn’t go quite well, and Calaindo got hurt-
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Continuing with more doodles... I like those lil guys and I like them being put in situations 
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Finally added @nleynan ‘s amazing ranger Agidel to the Hades!AU 
We had a blackout in town earlier so all the work I did was voided BUT I redid it again! Yeehaw!
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trucbiduleschouettes · 9 months
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Tonight was the second to last session of Noluna and I'm full of FEELS-
We had a handful of fights and honestly, did pretty great- But the last fight will be against a litch catboy so wish us luck for our last session pfff
Niquis was genuinely useful today, so proud of her!
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Niquis: what do you mean your house-
@nleynan ‘s ranger came back to Noluna and everyone was a bit confused about whose house it is- 
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We got a fucking fright because the hag tried to *counterspell* the ressurection spell BUT our dubious ally that I love counterspelled the counterspell-
Also Niquis met her goddess and got a cool white hair strand out of it! She also got a big hug from Calaindo before running away all together- 
The rest was. Cala losing his mind as usual, Agidel being great and being chill about things, so many more silly shenanigans, including Niquis now having a little fanclub of imps who loved her magic tricks and then she taught them some in return, all to make sure the party could keep sleeping and not wake up with bugs in their pockets-
Niquis also tried to buddy ? up? with Jolene? They are all SO awkward and dumb, all of them. 
You can tell this session was super intense in fun because I barely remembered to doodle along as I was laughing hard and enjoying it all. 
It’s been a year fully since I joined Noluna, and it was the best thing to happen to me this year. 
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Today’s dnd session was pretty fun! We fought a devil, were pretty low on health, the older war criminal Niquis somewhat imprinted on like a baby duckling got her bones crushed but Niquis kept her from dying, our bard got a cool ass sword which is sentient and Changed Him (literally-)
Can’t wait for next session!
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Noluna crew emojis: now updated to include @nleynan ‘s character too!
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🖊+ what better time to talk about an OC after they're dead! niquis
*snorts* extremely fitting yes!
And since you mentioned her death, let me tell you how unfortunately well it went with how the session went down on her side:
So, the party is currently in Hell (literally)
At the start of the session during the short rest, she was about to write down her dads' name and her address so that in case she'd die, the party would know where to return her body. However, she ended up not doing so as she got annoyed at the bard, Calaindo, because Niquis got sensitive about a topic of death, being abandoned to die as a baby, and how people should leave children at orphanages instead of, you know, leaving them to die in the snow.
So, Niquis decided not to ask him for things to write it down yet, as she believed she would have time anyway (ahahahah-)
Due to a Night Hag magic, the party got separated one by one, in the dark, as she was holding the hands of two party members- Calaindo and Agidel, the ranger. Now, one of Niquis' biggest fear is being left alone; she isn't used to it, and she hates it, especially in those circumstances. Calaindo was holding her and trying to reassure her when he, too, vanished. Niquis was the last one to be taken away, as she was running blind in the dark, while crows were laughing all around.
The party all got teleported? In identical, separate rooms, with only a mirror.
Niquis was fully panicking and almost lost her voice, calling for everyone repeatedly while slamming her hand and fist against the stone walls till it drew blood.
And then, we started fighting our clones.
The whole time, Niquis fully believed that the party would somehow break in, and she didn't use her health potion as she wants to keep it for the others; they matter the most, and again, she thought they'd get reunited. Her clone was unfortunately very good at trying to kill her, and pulled Niquis into an illusion of the one moment Niquis did a screw up and was so scared she ran away from home on impulse.
And so, Niquis did what she did back then- she tried to run. But by going out of the illusion, she took a massive amount of damages, and went down.
With an undead ability, she was able to get conscious for just a turn again- but it wasn't enough of course.
Her clone killed her with a replica of the axe her dad got Niquis as well- and the last thing Niquis did was look at her hands where she tied the matching leather bracelet she bought for the party, and the tattoos she gave herself that reminded her of the party and her dads.
She heard the sound of howling wolves that belongs to her goddess as she died.
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