#OC: Yuu Imamura
subukunojess · 2 years
Legends Over The Horizon: Ramshackle Dorm Notes
I know it’s a little early to reveal this, but I want to jot down ideas for Ramshackle for my Twisted Wonderland fanfiction series. I just love the idea of the Prefect trying to make Ramshackle an actual dorm even though it’s just them and Grim. Without further ado: here’s what I have for “Legends Over The Horizon” under the cut:
Founded on the Creativeness of the Boogeyman
Yuu Imamura (1st Year/Dorm Leader)
Felix Cavatica (2nd Year/Vice Dorm Leader)
Grim (1st Year/Student with Yuu)
The Ghosts of Ramshackle (Honorary Unofficial Members)
• This Ramshackle is based mostly on Disney’s Haunted Mansion and Nightmare Before Christmas’s Halloween Town, but with Oogie Boogie as the Mascot/Spirit Influence. • Yuu got the idea due to Felix’s stories about the Boogeyman and how they could sometimes see a Phantom of Oogie Boogie around Felix.
• Three dorm colors: Navy Green (Ramshackle Ghosts Attire), Dark Violet (Grim’s Gem), and Light Brown/Beige (Oogie’s Burlap)
• There are two Dorm Uniforms. The main one is comfy/casual since most of the time they’re in the house by themselves, so it usually consists of baggy clothing such as a poncho-like shirt or sweatpants. When there is something formal or a school event (if Crowley allows them to attend), Felix insists on getting fancy suits and fedoras to wear. Similar to Octavinelle style except the suits have stripes and are usually in bright colors. Grim gets a ribbon and a fedora if he wants to.
• Yuu wanted to surprise Felix by creating a stand-in statue of Oogie to put in the front yard near the entrance, but managed to make a small almost sloppy version out of clay in Art class. For the New Year, Malleus comes to create a proper statue of Oogie for Yuu and Felix that looks just as grand as the Great Seven Statues.
• The Dorm Crest has skulls, dice, and the trio of Ramshackle Ghosts who had first seen Yuu. Needless to say, they were very happy and honored. • Out of the main 7 dorms, Diasomnia treats Ramshackle with mutual respect the most. Both Dorm Leaders strive to make sure that the other gets the same experiences. Lilia mentions a possible story where the Fairy of Nobility had once helped the Boogeyman of Creativity in his time of need, but it’s only a story.
• Even though Ramshackle only has two students (Yuu and Grim count as one), and there are some events they don’t participate in (mainly due to Crowley), Yuu tries to make sure that the dorm participates and gets involved, mainly as a promise to both Grim and Felix in giving them the best School Year experience.
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subukunojess · 2 years
Twist OC Reference- Part 1
A little bit of a Twisted Wonderland kick right now, but I was taking a break from my studies to discover this: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1407730 
A Twist Picrew to create avatars based on the NRC students. I do not own this, please check it out for yourselves. I wanted to test it out by doing three of my OCs so far and see how they look!
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First off is my version of Yuu/MC, Yuu Imamura. I tried to create a curly hair look for this one. A little self-insert like but I also tried to do Moana as well. I did not see the shade of gem that Grim wears, so I went with the Octavinelle gem for plot reasons. I feel like Yuu would alternate between bowtie and tie, but would usually go with the bow.
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Next up is Harold Quintus, the 1st Year Heartslabyul Student who is a twist version of a Bandersnatch. As such, I tried to go for animal features that would represent a Bandersnatch well. Unfortunately, I could not put black speckles on his hair, but the majority of his hair is white. Out of the card suits, I think a spade would be perfect for him. Harold is this mischievous guy who is really fast and he sometimes surprises people with his knowledge of ingredients and potions. He’s rebellious sometimes and teases ADeuce when he can.
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Finally, we have one of my guilty pleasure/main OCs, Koura Hira. He is a 1st year Octavinelle student who is a twist version of Tamatoa. (He started two years late, he is 18 here, but I’m going with the maximum age of NRC being 21.) I was just playing around with his design and trying to get something original for my take of him. I felt that he tends to take off his jacket and shoes at times. Most of the time, he ties his hair in a bun. I actually like purple for his eyes. I don’t know if I should rename his hometown to something else, but I want to do a twist version of Lalotai. Current placeholder name is Realm of Monsters for now. There is rumors that in this universe, Koura’s great grandfather was the Great Monster Coconut Crab who ruled the Realm of Monsters. Koura, like his counterpart, is mostly interested in himself, shiny things, performing for and charming others. He is also very curious, hungry, and tall. He does have a monster crab form and his Unique Magic “Piata Mai Nei” lets him make any target noticeable. He’s a good singer too!
I probably might do some more OCs on a later date. I hope these gave you an idea of what they might look like.
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subukunojess · 2 years
Overblot Plans for “Legends Over The Horizon”
With the second part of the Ignihyde chapter revealing many interesting secrets, it made me think about my Twisted Wonderland fanfiction series and it helps a little, but I'm still a little stuck. Along with making three new OCs, I also got into thinking on some of the major plot points for the main fic.
Slight Spoilers of Ch 6 Part 2 and "Legends Over The Horizon" under the cut:
I won't reveal major things about my Yuu just yet, but I can say that it helped with the prologue a bit as well as the "curse" Yuu has. 
Originally, I had planned for seven main Twist OCs with a monster theme in mind that have their significant spotlights here and there, but there was so much about Overblot I learned this week that made me think more about it. There are still major plot points that I need to figure out, but I'll show what I have so far:
There might be more OCs on the way depending on the situation, but in general, the two OCs that have a major focus in the overall series plot-wise are Koura (Twst Tamatoa) and Felix (Twst Oogie Boogie)
Out of the side student OCs (currently three), the one with the major focus is Julio (Twst Bruno, yes I gave in)
Out of the main seven OCs, Koura is the only one so far who is definitely planned to Overblot. Not only because of the Moana themes with Yuu, but he is also the one who is most likely to Overblot due to his insecurities and power. Originally, the main seven were planned to Overblot, but due to the specific nature of Overblot, it has changed.
Whatever happens in the rest of the 6th chapter, I still have some alterations in mind for the AU. Specifically a "Half Overblot" state, which like the name suggests is someone on the verge of Overblot or an Overblot state without the Phantom (the ink monster with the glass head behind the victim). There are many variations of the Half Overblot state.
Still figuring out the specific details of Felix's backstory, but basically students snuck into abandoned Ramshackle (while the ghosts were out mind you) to party. In the middle of the party, an old room at the basement of the building starts to collapse. Felix uses his Unique Magic (which is basically a "hive mind" that is supposed to last for a short amount of time) to help others escape. However, he uses his magic on too many students and at the time, he was inexperienced. Complications happen and just when he's about to Overblot, debris fell on him. As a result, Felix is in an in-between state between life and death, okay and overblot. Crowley theorizes that whatever happened to Felix confused his body, soul, and blot.
Felix is a very rare case due to his current situation. He has to be extra cautious using magic. Most fear that any strong magic or emotion would cause him to go to full Overblot and/or worse, die. He is considered a "monster" and is nicknamed "the Boogeyman of Ramshackle". He can also communicate and attract/influence ghosts. Although many people believe that Felix is destined for the afterlife, Yuu is determined to help him with his needs and wants, being optimistic that he would have a happy ending. They convince Crowley to let Felix be a student for at least a year (to complete unfinished business/encourage him to choose to live).
Due to the "darkness" that covered Yuu's eyes and ears in the Prologue, Yuu sometimes has hallucinations/altered vision when seeing some of their classmates. Along with this, they can see and hear things that others can't such as some languages from different species and in this case, Phantoms when they are about to form. Throughout the first five main arcs, they will refer to Phantoms as "Shadows". During the Overblot fights, they would hear Phantoms with a blend of the victim and the Disney Character they are based on. (Ex. Riddle's Phantom sounds like Riddle and the Queen of Hearts speaking at the same time). The Phantoms voice every desire and negative emotion the person is feeling.
When Yuu and Grim meet Felix for the first time, Yuu can see and hear Felix's Phantom (who because of the rare state, is usually invisible to most people). It is basically a ghost who follows and haunts Felix, waiting for him to Overblot. Sometimes Yuu notices and could interact with it, telling it not to eat or harm Felix. Felix's Phantom takes on the form of the last appearance of Oogie Boogie in the film: a colony of insects in the shape of Oogie with a glass head. Yuu has also seen the Phantom as Shadow Oogie or Blacklight/Neon Oogie depending on Felix's mood.
I'm not going to reveal any other major plot points for Yuu, but let's just say that one of their discovered abilities is connected to the Half Overblots that happen.
Specific for chapter 6 that I want to mention here because I have planned for Felix to be part of the Board Game club with Azul and Idia. Plus I thought it would be interesting. At first, Idia wouldn't care/not notice anything because he'd be more focused on what he's playing at the time and be a little intrigued at Felix's gaming skills. But throughout the story, Idia would notice a few things yet he would not act or say anything about it for several reasons. When chapter 6 happens, there's going to be major angst between Idia and Felix. Felix is not only this once in a lifetime specimen who has been in a state no mage has been before (perhaps), but as far as Idia is concerned, Felix should be considered dead/a Phantom that should be kept away/under the care of S.T.Y.X. There's also going to be tension between Idia and Yuu with Idia scolding/arguing with Yuu about interacting with the Phantoms and calling them "Shadows". Phantoms are dangerous/a lost cause in Idia's perspective. There is no reasoning with them, so why bother?
And that’s what I have so far! May talk about something later to add to this. 
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subukunojess · 3 years
List of My Twisted Wonderland OCs for “Legends Over The Horizon” and other Twisted Wonderland Stories
After binge-watching the latest Endless Halloween Event on YouTube, I got inspired to do an official list of my main Twst OCs here. I might do a separate post on how my OCs would fare at the event, but for now I’m going to list them in general for my records:
??? “Yuu” Imamura - 1st Year w/Grim (Ramshackle) - Twst: Moana/Mickey/Oswald
Harold Quintus - 1st Year (Heartslabyul) - Twst: Bandersnatch (Alice In Wonderland)
Pri Kingsley - 2nd Year (Savanaclaw) - Twst: King Louie (The Jungle Book)
Koura Hira - 1st Year (Octavinelle) - Twst: Tamatoa (Moana)
Latif Salib - 1st Year (Scarabia) - Twst: Samir (Aladdin the Series)
Tryst *Will Update With His Last Name* - 2nd Year (Pomfiore) - Twst: King Candy (Wreck It Ralph)
Draven Salib - 1st Year (Ignihyde) - Twst: Rhino (James And The Giant Peach)
Felix Cavatica - ??? Year (Diasomnia/Ramshackle) - Twst: Oogie Boogie (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Professor Ricard Papillon - Librarian/Writing Tutor - Twst: Caterpillar (Alice In Wonderland)
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