#OC: Julio Eckels
subukunojess · 3 years
So, what do you think Bruno from Encanto's Twisted Wonderland counterpart would be like? What dorm would he be in and what kind of magic does he have?
After seeing the Encanto film (which is pretty good and I liked it a lot), I gave in and created my version of Bruno’s Twist in Twisted Wonderland:
Julio Eckels 
(I forgot the reference for his surname, but I will look it up again to see. As for the first name, I wanted something to rhyme with Bruno and Spanish)
Julio is a 3rd Year Diasomnia Student who is in the same class as Malleus (3D). I am not sure of whether he should be from Pyroxene or the Valley of Thorns. He is bilingual in Spanish which Yuu is happy about (my Yuu is Puerto Rican/Japanese). 
I’m still trying to develop Julio so that there would some differences between him and Bruno, but he’s going to be like Bruno in that he’s the quiet, awkward boy no one understands, yet there are rumors about him. As for the main story of “Legends Over The Horizon” would go, Julio is officially introduced when the Writing Tutor/Literature Professor/Librarian Professor Papillion encourages Yuu to create a Creative Writing club for NRC as an inspiration for upcoming mages to learn beyond their studies, but mainly because some of their writing skills/papers suck. Papillion introduces Julio to Yuu as the other member. 
I’m still debating on whether or not Julio has been sneaking into Ramshackle and going through its walls, but he definitely knows some secret pathways. He’s going to be like the comic-relief sidekick/psychic mentor who advises Yuu to be careful about the school and the world they found themselves in. Julio also may or may not know what had happened to Felix. 
Julio’s Unique Magic is called Eco Futura or “Future’s Echo”. It’s inspired by the lyric: “when he calls your name, it all fades to black”. Julio can call out a person’s name and either he alone or the person he calls is mentally thrown into this realm where there are echoes of possible futures and the major/loudest one is shown as the future vision. The Magic is specific in that it can only be for one person at a time and most of the time, it comes naturally and unintentional. He could be calling Ruggie from across the hall and depending if Ruggie heard him, Julio and Ruggie could both have the future vision. It does not happen every time, so Julio would sometimes call people nicknames so that he wouldn’t activate his magic by accident. 
If Julio were in the game, I think the special events where he would have a major role in would be:
Wish Upon A Star - Because wishes and future. Most likely in a Geppetto-role in that he performs with marionettes.
Scary Monsters - In the first Halloween event, he would initially wear the Diasomnia costume theme, but when everyone plans to scare the Magicam Monsters, Julio embraces the “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” persona: the 7 foot frame, feast on your dreams, that sort of thing. 
Lyreless Brawl - He’s a Farmer and he just wants to survive. Would find himself in Vil’s group and get roped in. Understandably is wary of Floyd.  
And that’s what I have so far. 
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subukunojess · 3 years
Overblot Plans for “Legends Over The Horizon”
With the second part of the Ignihyde chapter revealing many interesting secrets, it made me think about my Twisted Wonderland fanfiction series and it helps a little, but I'm still a little stuck. Along with making three new OCs, I also got into thinking on some of the major plot points for the main fic.
Slight Spoilers of Ch 6 Part 2 and "Legends Over The Horizon" under the cut:
I won't reveal major things about my Yuu just yet, but I can say that it helped with the prologue a bit as well as the "curse" Yuu has. 
Originally, I had planned for seven main Twist OCs with a monster theme in mind that have their significant spotlights here and there, but there was so much about Overblot I learned this week that made me think more about it. There are still major plot points that I need to figure out, but I'll show what I have so far:
There might be more OCs on the way depending on the situation, but in general, the two OCs that have a major focus in the overall series plot-wise are Koura (Twst Tamatoa) and Felix (Twst Oogie Boogie)
Out of the side student OCs (currently three), the one with the major focus is Julio (Twst Bruno, yes I gave in)
Out of the main seven OCs, Koura is the only one so far who is definitely planned to Overblot. Not only because of the Moana themes with Yuu, but he is also the one who is most likely to Overblot due to his insecurities and power. Originally, the main seven were planned to Overblot, but due to the specific nature of Overblot, it has changed.
Whatever happens in the rest of the 6th chapter, I still have some alterations in mind for the AU. Specifically a "Half Overblot" state, which like the name suggests is someone on the verge of Overblot or an Overblot state without the Phantom (the ink monster with the glass head behind the victim). There are many variations of the Half Overblot state.
Still figuring out the specific details of Felix's backstory, but basically students snuck into abandoned Ramshackle (while the ghosts were out mind you) to party. In the middle of the party, an old room at the basement of the building starts to collapse. Felix uses his Unique Magic (which is basically a "hive mind" that is supposed to last for a short amount of time) to help others escape. However, he uses his magic on too many students and at the time, he was inexperienced. Complications happen and just when he's about to Overblot, debris fell on him. As a result, Felix is in an in-between state between life and death, okay and overblot. Crowley theorizes that whatever happened to Felix confused his body, soul, and blot.
Felix is a very rare case due to his current situation. He has to be extra cautious using magic. Most fear that any strong magic or emotion would cause him to go to full Overblot and/or worse, die. He is considered a "monster" and is nicknamed "the Boogeyman of Ramshackle". He can also communicate and attract/influence ghosts. Although many people believe that Felix is destined for the afterlife, Yuu is determined to help him with his needs and wants, being optimistic that he would have a happy ending. They convince Crowley to let Felix be a student for at least a year (to complete unfinished business/encourage him to choose to live).
Due to the "darkness" that covered Yuu's eyes and ears in the Prologue, Yuu sometimes has hallucinations/altered vision when seeing some of their classmates. Along with this, they can see and hear things that others can't such as some languages from different species and in this case, Phantoms when they are about to form. Throughout the first five main arcs, they will refer to Phantoms as "Shadows". During the Overblot fights, they would hear Phantoms with a blend of the victim and the Disney Character they are based on. (Ex. Riddle's Phantom sounds like Riddle and the Queen of Hearts speaking at the same time). The Phantoms voice every desire and negative emotion the person is feeling.
When Yuu and Grim meet Felix for the first time, Yuu can see and hear Felix's Phantom (who because of the rare state, is usually invisible to most people). It is basically a ghost who follows and haunts Felix, waiting for him to Overblot. Sometimes Yuu notices and could interact with it, telling it not to eat or harm Felix. Felix's Phantom takes on the form of the last appearance of Oogie Boogie in the film: a colony of insects in the shape of Oogie with a glass head. Yuu has also seen the Phantom as Shadow Oogie or Blacklight/Neon Oogie depending on Felix's mood.
I'm not going to reveal any other major plot points for Yuu, but let's just say that one of their discovered abilities is connected to the Half Overblots that happen.
Specific for chapter 6 that I want to mention here because I have planned for Felix to be part of the Board Game club with Azul and Idia. Plus I thought it would be interesting. At first, Idia wouldn't care/not notice anything because he'd be more focused on what he's playing at the time and be a little intrigued at Felix's gaming skills. But throughout the story, Idia would notice a few things yet he would not act or say anything about it for several reasons. When chapter 6 happens, there's going to be major angst between Idia and Felix. Felix is not only this once in a lifetime specimen who has been in a state no mage has been before (perhaps), but as far as Idia is concerned, Felix should be considered dead/a Phantom that should be kept away/under the care of S.T.Y.X. There's also going to be tension between Idia and Yuu with Idia scolding/arguing with Yuu about interacting with the Phantoms and calling them "Shadows". Phantoms are dangerous/a lost cause in Idia's perspective. There is no reasoning with them, so why bother?
And that’s what I have so far! May talk about something later to add to this. 
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subukunojess · 3 years
What kind of Events would the Twisted Wonderland OCs take part in?
Do you mean the canon events or some fan/original events I could make up? Because I plan to make some up for my version of Twisted Wonderland. So far I have one, but it’s borderline between an Event and a SSR Dorm Uniform story?
Without giving too much away, Azul and Jade get “sick” with something that makes them stay in their true forms for a while but inconviently, the twist version of Anton Ego from Ratatouille is coming in a few days to review Mostro Lounge. Azul basically blackmails First Year Koura (My Tamatoa Twist) into running Mostro Lounge with Floyd until Azul and Jade recover. So it’s Koura trying to gather the best people to help run a special event for the food critic all while dealing with Floyd, ha ha!
If it’s the former, I could which OCs would be focuses on for each event under the cut:
Harp - Felix (Monster/Giant), Koura (Monster/Giant), Latif (Farmer), Harold (Monster/Giant), William (Farmer)
For Beans Day, It’s gonna be like canon but with a few twists to the traditions and what happens during the game. Like I want to implement the harp more and develop my Yuu’s character further. This version focuses on Yuu trying to prove they are useful and worthy while the Giant team gets surprised in multiple ways.
Lyreless - Tryst (Farmer), Draven (Monster), Pri (Farmer), Julio (Farmer), Ash (Monster)
In this version, I’m still figuring things out on what I want to do with the other characters, but I do know that this is a completely new adventure with a Farmer Team focus and Julio is the main protagonist.
Scary Monsters - Pri (Pirate), Tryst (Vampire), Draven (Pumpkin Knight), Ash (Skeleton/Ghoul), and Julio (Eastern Dragon/Don’t Talk About Julio)
This mostly remains the same along with some added original content such as more creative interactions with other characters and a rendition of “We Don’t Talk About Julio (Bruno)” sung by Diasomnia and Ramshackle. Might need to think about it more. 
Endless Halloween - Koura (Mummy), Latif (Werewolf), Harold (Skeleton), William (Skeleton), and Felix (Boogeyman/Birthday)
This event is more developed and thought-up since I’ve been planning and daydreaming for weeks about it last year. There’s this added storyline behind the scenes of the main event which is Felix reveals that October 31st is his birthday after the first Halloween event, so there’s this secret plan to throw him a surprise birthday party. So while the main fic would focus on the rescue teams bonding and doing character development, there’s this bittersweet storyline of Yuu wanting to give Felix as much opportunities as they could so to help him decide on his future. It’s going to help with character development and foreshadow some events down the line. 
Fairy Gala - Latif and Koura
Yeeah... I haven’t watched the actual gameplay of this, but I heard about it and read a fanfic version of the event. I feel weird with the whole “theme” of the gala, so I’m going to change it down the line. These two are definitely going to be in it though. One original thing about it is that there’s this misunderstanding where Yuu’s Ocean/Water Fairy friend was talking about them and she accidentally comes up with the story of how Yuu’s Performance Persona “Pilot” is a large fairy who is friends with a monster crab (Koura) and is kind to the other fairies, so the Fairy Queen sends an invitation to Mostro Lounge requesting for Pilot and Koura to come, so extra pressure right there.
Ghost Marriage - Harold, Tryst, Ash, and Felix
A month ago, I had read the translations for the event and I came up with some ideas to make it different/original. Ace character development and Ace and Yuu friendship, here we go! Also, this is a great opportunity for Felix since he’s in an inbetween state and how he interacts with other ghosts besides the Ramshackle ghosts. So Felix feeling outcast/like a monster angst! There’s also this thing where Eliza is reminded of her royal friend from another country that may have something to do with Eliza and her Kingdom’s death, so when Yuu gets involved, there’s going to be some angst there. Overall, it’ll be interesting. 
Wish Upon A Star - Julio
 I only have the Pinocchio influence so far with this and I wanted Julio to be added as like a Geppetto type for the event. He could be a puppeteer while Deuce, Trey, Idia, and Ortho do their thing.
Master Chef - Pri and Felix
Pri and Felix are the only OCs I know can cook. Felix will definitely have his own personal stories of him cooking for Yuu and Grim, but I can imagine him and Pri in the cafeteria doing the Master Chef and chaos reigns with the ghosts. 
Vargas Camp - Harold, William, and Tryst
 Out of all my OCs who go to a Sport Club, we have a confident rebel, a go-with-the-flow lizard who gets easily startled, and a two-faced student from Pomfiore. All three of them are in the woods. With the other clubs. With monsters and fairies. This writes itself.
Scalding Sands - Latif and Draven
So far, I only have the Salib Twins coming since their mother originally came from Kalim and Jamil’s hometown. One day, I will finish watching the event and adding to it. 
Kelkkarotu - Team Monster Nightingale- Harold (Wolf), Julio (Raccoon), Felix (Rabbit), and Draven (Fox)
Note to self, finish watching the latest event another time. These characters were chosen because of character interactions and how often I use them. The story is that Felix also got invited because he’s part of Ramshackle and other students got interested for different reasons. So Epel decides that two teams representing NRC would be okay. Yuu decided on the team name based on the fairytale by Hans Christian Anderson and how a nightingale is like a light similar to the apple lantern.
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subukunojess · 3 years
What do the OC students think, about their dorms?
Since I have more than ten students, I’m putting this under a read more and separating it into the different dorms. Note that Yuu isn’t on this list.
Harold: The first time? Colorful and full of potential until you spend one day over there. Then it would Boring. Strict rules. A ruthless tyrant. He only gets along with Ace, Deuce (when his “bad boy” is showing) and other free-spirited students who wants things to change. Trey and Cater are alright, he guesses. After his debut, he’ll be more humble and grow accustomed to Riddle and the rules.  
William: At first, he dreaded every day where he had to memorize hundreds of rules and Riddle kept collaring a lot of people. So much stress! However when things got better for the dorm and William realized how the other dorms had their own problems, he suddenly appreciates his dorm.
Ash: For the most part, he likes and respects his dorm with its accomplishments and flaws. If he could, he would get lost in the mazes forever to enjoy the view. He respects Riddle more out of the other dorm members. Ash gets iffy about Painting the Roses, however. For some reason, he tries not to get paint on himself should he ever be tasked of painting them. 
Pri: It’s meh. It’s a little dry for his liking, but he likes the atmosphere and Leona’s attitude at times. He just wishes that the dorm isn’t so physical activity-oriented. Sure, he’s strong and fast when he needs to be, but Pri would rather play, dance, eat, and discover new things both scientifically and magically that could make him stronger or that interests him. 
Koura: Koura definitely likes the motto/theme of taking care of yourself for the dorm and he likes coming over to the Lounge once in a while to get a drink by himself every now and then. And the dorm uniform is fancy, but he wishes there was at least a bit of color or shine to it. As far as Azul and the Leech Twins go, he’s wary and cautious around them. The three are devious and Koura does not want to get involved if he could help it. He has his own agenda to worry about. When Koura gets accepted as a singer in Mostro Lounge, he gradually eases himself with the trio and the four scheme together. He’s still careful around Azul though.
Latif: He loves the dorm he was chosen to be in! It reminds him of the Scalding Sands where he grew up in and he likes Kalim and Jamil very much personality wise. He wishes that his twin brother could be at the same dorm with him, but maybe the Mirror chose them their dorms for a reason. There’s dancing and food and parades. He likes having fun. However, he does get stressed out when Kalim would seem to change. Nonetheless, Latif would make the most of his school experience. Plus he and Jamil seem to have a bond with dancing.
Tryst: It is fancy and presenting regality just like him! Sure Vil would shape the students to be perfect in his own way, but Tryst could handle it. He had the style and talent to keep up! Rook’s a little annoying but he respects him at the same time. And Epel... sure is something. As long as Tryst gets to be gazed upon, race, and keep with the candy business, he’ll be just fine. 
Draven: Draven had his doubts when he was put in another dorm than his twin brother’s and the dorm leader happened to be a talking floating tablet, but he was more surprised when he saw a glimpse of Idia Shroud for himself. That was Idia Shroud? Sure he went to the Ilse of Woe with his father at a young age for a while and has heard about the Shroud family, but he has not seen Idia face to face until now... and he’s semi-regretting it. Draven is an introvert but it’s saying something when he and Ortho are the only two people in Ignihyde who wants to be outgoing and social. Feeling that he’s the only one getting things done around in the dorm and seeing that there is no Vice Dorm Leader, Draven would take the spot whether he wants to or not. If he has to make his and Latif’s experience in school the best he could be, he has to do it with his own hands!
Julio: Julio feels like he belongs in Diasomnia for sure! He was a little intimidated being in the same dorm and class as the Malleus Draconia, but once he got to know him and experience his ‘family’, Julio feels proud and honored to be a student of this dorm. Sometimes it does backfire when he wants to make friends or help his peers and people are intimidated or make rumors like they do in his hometown, but he’s used to it. Besides, he can also go to Ramshackle to feel better. 
Felix: Imagine being semi-asleep for nearly an entire year in an abandoned building only to have a human from another world and a cat who wants to be a powerful sorcerer come to live in your new home against your will and then the Headmage decides to create a new dorm for reasons unknown to you. Felix can’t believe what is happening. This complete stranger is nice and wants him to have a second chance at school by creating the dorm of his dreams? It’s never going to work! Although it’s nice to be involved in designing everything... and the thought of including his personal hero as inspiration is sweet... and it doesn’t feel so bad having living people around who enjoy being around you and care about you. 
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