gooeykit · 6 months
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aggies with @oyesteryells @bjdeogame @memorycycle @gaiagruel
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ketelarts · 6 months
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All the characters in the first DnD campaign I ever ran (and the only one).
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gooeykit · 2 years
Erm these freaklets
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gooeykit · 2 years
hiiiiiii 🍇🍔 for Reagan, 🍓 for Arvi aaand 🍷 for Roe ?
🍇-what kind of friend are they + what group dynamic do they serve?
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Reagan's the type of person to show affection through teasing and meanness. He's very good at not crossing boundaries, but will still do so deliberately, he's a bit of a manipulator. Still, at the same time, he's a very caring person and tends to put others before himself. His spot in the dynamic is someone with a lot of reliability and, despite his stature, is someone everyone can lean on. He does tend to overextend himself, but believe me you, he does so knowingly and with little self regard.
🍔- are there any recent trends you think your OC would hate/love?
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In the sense of 'behavioral patterns' type of trends and not tiktok dances, Reagan hates that everything is always being recorded. He's got a bounty on his head, and a pricy one at that, which makes having a social life at all difficult. He'd at least like to feel safe existing in public whenever he's able to *be* in public, but alas.
🍓- does your OC have any particular scents they like/hate?
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Arvi loves cave exploration for many reasons so a dank cavern is enough to draw her in. She's also a forager, so mushrooms or basically any earthy scent is right for her, as well as metalic ones. As for smells she does't? Not much, she's smelled enough bad stuff to be pretty used to a lot of things.
🍷- what's one of your OC's pet peeves concerning food.
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Roe . . Has very little in the ways of preference, food is food. Non-food is food. He raised himself in the woods for a great number of years, you dont wanna know half of what he's eaten. All this to say, his pet peeve is that people are scared of fake things like 'disease' and 'parasites' to get away with being picky.
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ketelarts · 6 months
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Ro, my friend's first dnd character. She's a trickster cleric.
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gooeykit · 2 years
She's protective
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gooeykit · 2 years
4got 2 post this one from march
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gooeykit · 3 years
This just in: 19 year old with dreams and aspirations accidentally adopts a hyperactive feral human child
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gooeykit · 3 years
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gooeykit · 3 years
Once every 500 years I draw this boy, hi Roe :)
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gooeykit · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
What is one of your character's secrets? Why is this a secret? What would happen if this secret got out?
Arvi knows Roe's mom is dead but wont tell him so that he still travels with her. Prince Urem feeds her info and locations to travel to with Roe to use his magic and aid in their liberation, Arvi only tells him she's got a lead in whatever location she's given.
If the secret were to be admitted naturally, Roe wouldnt have been mad and would have even come to Arvi for comfort, instead, in an act to separate Arvi from Roe, Urem tells Roe but in a way to make Arvi look like much more of a villain. Roe throws a tantrum and runs away just when he ends up being needed most
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