ambivartence · 1 year
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J-MIN & HANGYUL Ending Fairies 'GT' ✧ 230512 Music Bank
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escapingpost · 5 years
Five Things Cho Seungyoun Knows About You
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Sequel to “Five Things I Know About Cho Seungyoun”
1.) You were losing eye sight.
“Give me back my phone.” You sternly say.
“Can you not check Instagram for at least one hour?” Seungyoun towers over you and any other effort was futile.
You curse, “You can’t tell me what to do.”
Seungyoun lowers your phone from above him, knowing fully well that you were right. “I bet you can’t go one day without your phone.”
“ ’Course not.  I have this common case of being a female and I need it for emergencies.” You snatch your phone away from him.
“Emergencies, huh? Wanna make a bet?” Seungyoun smirks, “I’ll follow you the rest of the day and make sure you stay safe. You let me hang on to your phone and you can’t use it for any reason.” Seungyoun pauses to think, “Actually, maybe for your mom, but that’s all.”
You think about his weird proposition. No, the weird part was not losing your phone. It was Seungyoun following you for the rest of the day. You and Seungyoun already followed each other, everywhere. “What’s in it for me?”
“Whoever loses has to do one thing the other person wants.” Seungyoun crosses his arms.
You return his smirk, “Are you ready for clubbing part two? This time, we can invite all your friends.”
Flashbacks of the night in Itaewon scares him on the spot. He was not ready to becoming your packing mule again.
You slip your phone in his pocket, “Starting now.”
And the determined look on your face was indescribably attractive annoying so Seungyoun forgets how to use his common sense for a few seconds and repeats what you say. 
2.) You don’t need a man to complete you. There wasn’t even a you to complete.
There was something off when you made bets with Seungyoun. You had this willpower to always prove him wrong and you always won.
After baiting you with multiple text messages from a certain someone, or the occasional instagram post from your favorite celebrity, it was already the end of the day.
The end of the day usually ended at Seungyoun’s house or studio. Neither of you questioned it.
“I’ll let you know my wish a later time.” You are sitting on his reclining chair in front of his mix table.
“Hangyul texted you.” Seungyoun handed your phone to you, admitting defeat.
You open the text message as Seungyoun pretends to accidentally catch a glimpse while playing with his mixer.
They were merely two text messages, but you could already tell how much, for lack of a better word, game Hangyul actually had.
hey, how are you?
Okay, small talk sucks. its really hot, how about ice cream?
You look at the time it was sent and see it was several hours ago.
“Wow, how desperate. Two consecutive text messages.” Seungyoun says under his breath.
You give him a look because he was one to talk.
sorry for the late reply, I had a bet with-
sorry for the late reply, is it too late
sorry for the late reply, i couldn’t use my phone
You let out a huge sigh.
Seungyoun watches you struggle with answering back and places his hand on your head, “Just answer with whatever, he’ll take anything. Trust me.”
You realize Seungyoun has been looking the whole time and turn off your screen.
"No.” You crinkle your nose, “Hangyul’s too dangerous.”
Seungyoun gives you a confused look, “I know he looks a little angry sometimes, but he was actually trying to catch frogs the other day?”
You half laugh, “That’s not what I meant.“ Your gaze on Seungyoun is too long for both of you not to notice.
But, this was a reoccurring action. Both of you had no idea how to exactly bring these up: The longing looks, your constant need to think about him, and his constant need not to picture you in his studio completely nake-andstoprightTh!erebigguy.
3) You’re not his best friend. He is your manager.
In which, Seungyoun needs to start getting paid because the amount of people that contact him with your name was unbearable.
At first, it was harmless because most of the time it was his own friends asking him if you were with him or if he could relay a message to you.
It was not until a stranger asked about you that he realizes that you were very much available.
“Hey, you’re Seungyoun, right?” A guy who looked like he attended the same school came up to your manager best friend.
Seungyoun nods and scans the almost familiar face, “Oh, you’re in one of my classes.”
“Name is Choi Byungchan.”
Seungyoun looks around waiting for something to happen. He did not have to introduce himself, so he was in a confusing position.
“I guess I shouldn’t beat around the bush. Are you close?” Your name comes out of Byungchan’s mouth quietly, but with purpose.
Seungyoun makes an “o” with his mouth and lightly hits the boy’s shoulder, “We’re pretty much best friends. Why?” Seungyoun watches Byungchan hesitate.
And Seungyoun is only smart when it comes to your social life so he figures out exactly what Byungchan was getting at. He assures Byungchan that you were a chill person and to sit next to you in class next time.
Seungyoun gave one look at this handsome, tall boy and knew nothing was going to happen.
This was not the final instance.
“Song Yubin? I don’t know him that well.” You clasp your hands together, “He’s that guy that joined one of those survival programs, right?” He was well-known around campus just for that. 
Seungyoun nods with a blank expression on his face.
“You better not be joking.”
“I was confused too.” Seungyoun says it out of spite and “just because”. “He seems like the type of guy to date someone humble, delicate, and sweet.”
You smack his shoulder, “Are you saying I’m none of those things?”
Seungyoun sees your expression change with this popular guy possibly having interest in you, “I’m just the pigeon sending you his note, okay?”
Yubin was a little more courageous than Byungchan because he actually gave Seungyoun a note with his number to give to you.
Just like Byungchan, Seungyoun gave it to you with no hesitation.
At some point, Seungyoun knew he had to carry around business cards that had his name in huge letters attached with Underpaid Best-friend Secretary. He would put an e-mail where they can contact him. Maybe he could make your merchandise.
The cherry on top was Lee Jinhyuk. Just when Seungyoun thought your suitors could not get any better, the student body’s president personally comes to find Seungyoun.
“So, I heard you were dating someone.”
“No, we’re not dating. We’re only best friends.” Seungyoun says like a broken record.
Jinhyuk grins, “So I’m guessing you know what I was going to ask?”
Jinhyuk and Seungyoun were not complete strangers like the others, so he assures Jinhyuk that he would ask you.
“Are you having fun play cupid or?” You were surprised Seungyoun would call you at night just for this.
“I promised him that I would ask you before I gave him your number.”
“Is he. Well what. Are you.” You try to find a way to start your sentences because Seungyoun was practically offering every guy out there to get rid you you? Yes, it did make you want to raise hell, “Would you trust him with my number?”
Seungyoun does not hesitate to say yes because the guy was the student body president and a well-rounded leader.
You were grateful he could not see your facial expression over the phone, “Okay, tell him to call me when he’s not busy.” 
4) You had plans. You will have plans.
Seungyoun figured everything would die down after Jinhyuk, but he had the best wake up call when he found out that you did take one of his suggestions.
The part that made him angry and betrayed was he had to hear it from the winner, himself, Lee Hangyul.
“My bad, I thought you guys were really close.” The perfect skin, two to eight hair-part ratio, and collarbone charmer was rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“Yeah, we’re best friends.” Seungyoun said it a million times before, but he was more than glad to repeat it a few more times for Hangyul to hear.
Hangyul slowly nods, now rubbing his arm.
“When did you guys even hang out?” He tries to remember the exact days you could have betrayed him to go on a date with Hangyul.
“About a month ago?”
Seungyoun’s expression was calm. Too calm.
“You good?” Hangyul has never been this itchy before, as he scratches behind his ear.
Seungyoun furiously nods his head, “I have to go, but this was a good talk.”
“Ah.” Before Hangyul could say anything, Seungyoun was out of sight. “Best-friends, huh.”
younie: How can you do this to me?
NOT MY Bestfriend: ..?
younie: I was going to make business cards for you.
In your years of friendship, you knew when the conversation turned into one you could not comprehend, it was best to call him.
“Yes, this is betrayed and disappointed, how can I help you?”
“What did I do?”
“You know, you are playing the victim card really well.”
“Cho Seungyoun!”
“How was your date with Hangyul?”
The lines goes quiet and all Seungyoun hears is a soft, “Oh.”
“I was gonna tell you, if it came up in conversation.”
“So, never?”
“It’s hard to bring up the fact I went on a date with one of your close friends.”
“Hangyul seemed to bring it up just fine.”
Just like that, you were quiet once again. You wait for him to talk, but nothing. “I’m sorry for not telling you.”
“You’re bad.” Seungyoun did not have to heart to say anything worse.
“I’ll make it up to you?” Your tone of voice was sweeter than usual.
“Like what?” And Seungyoun bought into it as quick as lightning.
“Lets do something tomorrow?”
“You said you were busy.”
“I’ll just cancel. Its fine.”
Seungyoun wanted to agree because he needed to see you so you could talk to him about your date, but a little voice called out to him in the back of his head.
Ask her what plans she was going to cancel.
He had a inkling of your answer, but for world peace he asks, “What were you going to do tomorrow?” in the best nonchalant way he was capable of.
Your silence was just enough of an answer.
“My god, you have another date with Hangyul?”
“We can hang out the three of us, like the club!” You quickly respond.
“You mean, I can third wheel you guys?”
“Seungyoun, please. You were the one who introduced me to him.” Your voice was soft.
You were right.
And some other people were right about Hangyul. too.
Now, Seungyoun’s board of advisers (ie: Seungwoo, Wooseok, Yohan, Dongpyo) were at a split decision whether or not he should crash your date accept your invitation.
“No, you better not third wheel. That’s so pathetic, hyung.”
“Go for it. That is your best friend right there.”
“When you end your friendship with Hangyul, I’m not hating him because you hate him.”
“Hey, all’s fair in love friendship and war.”
In the end, he was the deciding factor.
5) The two of you have plans. 
“Hope you didn’t mind.” Seungyoun puts his arm over Hangyul’s shoulder.
“Of course not, we’re all close friends. “ Luckily, Hangyul naturally looked for the positivity in awkward situations.
“Of course, he minds.” You glare at Seungyoun and take a shot of soju.
Hangyul chuckles, “Just a little.”
Seungyoun removes you from Hangyul’s side like a crane and attaches himself next to the troubled boy.
You give Hangyul an apologetic look, “Sorry about my annoying friend.”
Seungyoun does not know if it was because you omitted the “best” in best friend, but the caveman had to invent fire sooner or later.
In Seungyoun’s case, not only did he light a fire somewhere, he also learned how to hunt for his prey.
It was that realization that everyone was waiting for and wherever his board of advisors were, they felt the urge to text him all at the same time.
The late bloomer has finally caught up?
Whatever you do, don’t pull her wrist. That is not an actual romantic action and only deserves a restraining order.
Hangyul will understand.
She’ll follow you out no matter what. I know it.
And all of them were one hundred percent correct, so the two of you ended up separating from Hangyul and were arguing in one of the alleys near the restaurants and businesses.
The God of Dramatic Hollywood Scenes cued the rain and the two of you were fighting about Hangyul, Seungyoun’s messy studio causing his insomnia, your social media addiction, Seungyoun’s wet bangs in the rain, and any other petty card you two could throw at each other.
Then, Seungyoun has your back against a dirty wall with his lips pressed against yours because that was the only way the two of you could hear each other in the loud rain. He feels your hands curl on the edge of his wet shirt and he waits to be pushed off, but you tip toe even closer to him.
He pulls your waist closer to him so you two could exchange warmth, but you only gasp giving him a passage to that beautiful mouth, leaving you breathless. And Seungyoun was rude the whole night from crashing your date to making Hangyul drink too many soju shots, but it was your turn to be rude back.
You snake your freezing fingers up under his shirt and onto his warm skin, earning a low growl from him, but he does not detach himself from you.
Seungyoun knew anything other than soju made you too drunk, too quickly so he banned other alcohols indefinitely.
However, the two of you only had soju to drink for the night so Seungyoun either had to ban soju or ban you, as a whole.
But, the combination of you and soju tasted so sweet, so he was going to make an exception for that night.
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