#but i might change my mind haha i do still need to gif the actual mubank stage
ambivartence · 1 year
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J-MIN & HANGYUL Ending Fairies 'GT' ✧ 230512 Music Bank
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
I'm sorry but I need more, so I'm going to ask.
LO King Yoongi, I'd love to see how things go after MC's wound heals, please. If possible.
Thank you so much
A/N: Nah, I get it, LO Yoongi IS very nice to write for as well so no worries haha
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It's pretty clear to you that while Yoongi might hold a good amount of respect for you, he didn't choose you out of love.
And that in it's entirety isn't surprising to you. Not at all, considering that Temian people don't actually 'marry' traditionally like humans do. They just see social connections as valuably if they can get something from them- and in your case, Yoongi simply 'chose' you because in his eyes and the eyes of his people, you've proven your strength despite being of a 'weaker' kind.
And funnily enough, you don't mind that. He's awfully kind, if you look past his rough ways.
"Are you fully human?" Yoongi wonders, as he runs his fingers through your still somewhat damp hair, workers having just returned you to the throne room after helping you bathe and wash yourself. The cut is healing well- though slow, for Temian standards, meaning that you still need help to re-dress it every time you want to wash yourself.
"Huh?" You ask, turning a bit towards his face that's still resting on his hand, eyes watching yours. "Yeah." You nod.
He hums an answer, before he stops his other hand, instead letting it rest on the throne behind you. He's keeping you on his lap a lot- told you it's because he want's and needs to make sure you're not threatened due to the message of his choice having gone out now. It's a delicate time- if you were to be harmed now, he'd have failed at his task already, and his choice would be called into question as well.
"I've been told you never complain during the care of your wound." He simply explains, leaning back more comfortably. "You only cry."
"Ah, I cry a lot and easily.." You shrug, hissing a bit, back still tender. "I've been made fun of it a lot." You tell him, and he doesn't change his face at all.
"I can imagine. Humans feast on each other's weaknesses." He says, and you can only quietly agree.
"I can learn to stop." You nod to him, making him turn his head properly towards you now, interest peaked. "I.. have to be a good queen, right?" You ask, and he leans his head a bit to the side, visibly scanning your face for something.
"You're interesting." He just says, catching you off guard. "How come you don't complain?"
"There's nothing to complain about." You simply answer. "I have a place to live, regular meals, a purpose- I have all I need, so the least I can do is do well at my purpose." You explain, making him nod.
"That's a very intelligent point of view." He says, before his hand moves some hair over your shoulder. "I'd like to.. get to know you more." He says.
"There's.. not much to know, really." You respond, surprised. "And it's not necessary either-"
"Maybe not, but you intrigue me." He argues boldly. "I can see us having a partnership beyond simple necessity." The king offers, and you're caught off guard to the point of genuinely turning shy- because you know what he's potentially talking about. And even though Yoongi has never cared for things like that in the past-
he can't deny the appeal of your red cheeks and shy smile.
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heartbeatbookclub · 3 months
About the partners headcanons ask, i meant the latter! sorry if it wasn’t obvious haha
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shit this has been sitting in my askbox a while--
I have been thinking about this a good while, but I did also...kinda forget about it for a little lmao...part of the time spent thinking was of how exactly I wanted to format it. I considered doing more of a bullet points sort of thing, but I think in general it's just easier to do this the way I typically explain things on this blog.
Rather than doing specific explanations of the potential relationships between each computation of the girls together, I'm going to speak broadly over each of them and talk about it in a more Poly Dokis sense, since that's typically how I do it anyway. With that intro out of the way, here's my vision in no particular order:
Sayori in general is a very lovey sort of person, regardless of if you're just close friends, or in an actual relationship. As a result, not a great deal actually changes in that respect. She is an absolute cuddlebug and physical touch is definitely her top love language to give, to most people's enjoyment, and some people's slight annoyance (Natsuki). I imagine she works down everyone's personal bubble until it feels weirder to not have a Sayori nuzzling somewhere on their body. She likes playing with everyone's hair. They also like playing with hers; it's a win-win. She's also a big fan of spending time with the others, whatever it is. Anything is fun as long as they're together.
On terms of receiving, Sayori very much likes words of affection, though she doesn't always believe them. She needs a lot of reassurance and reciprocation to be sure that she's doing enough in the relationship, and has a constant worry that she's being overbearing, or that her own failures and stupidity makes her a burden to others around her. Regardless of who she's with, all 3 of them try their best to make it clear that she's doing perfectly fine, and they still love her, obviously.
Sayori relies very heavily on Monika emotionally. I think that's a universal truth of their relationship no matter how it's spun. She does her best to be honest with the other 2, hard as that might be sometimes, but Monika is the only one she feels she can truly be herself around, and Monika is more than happy to oblige. In return, Sayori tries her hardest to help her as well.
She genuinely likes listening to Yuri talk about whatever she's passionate about. It makes her happy to hear Yuri so passionate about something, and she's always glad to encourage her to come out of her shell more. She lets Yuri go at her own pace on terms of how they take their relationship and in general gives her a lot of patience, but as long as Yuri doesn't mind, she will take every opportunity she can get to cuddle up to her. Once she gets past her initial embarrassment, Yuri really appreciates her wordless style of affection and makes an effort to reciprocate. Occasionally, she uses Sayori like a weighted blanket.
Sayori understands that Natsuki needs more space, but is quite persistent in her efforts to break her out of her shell, too. Natsuki is initially pretty put off by Sayori's style of affection (go figure) but doesn't exactly dislike it, it's more like...not what she's used to. She initially rebuffs her, but doesn't exactly fight it very hard. She's also glad to have someone to genuinely talk about manga with, though she gets the sense that Sayori isn't exactly reading into it as much as she is...
Monika has never been in a real relationship in her life, and it shows! She treads very lightly, feeling completely out of her depth, uncertain of what's correct or expected, as though that's a normal question to have in a relationship. She's fairly naive and stumbling her way through it to start. Once she finds her footing though, she's happy to be able to provide love to the people closest to her. Maybe too happy. She tries exceptionally hard to be a good girlfriend, with little attention given to herself. This is something the other 3 try very hard to make up for.
Her primary love language has gotta be words of affection. She loves using pet names and giving lots of compliments. Once she gets over the initial embarrassment of saying "I love you", it becomes her most used phrase, and no matter how many times they hear it, it absolutely melts the others every time. She's also a huge acts of service girlie. She loves being able to buy them lunch, or give them a ride, or help them with homework, or something. She's absolutely the type of person to buy you a lunch when she hears you don't have money for one, and won't hear anything about you paying her back.
She is incredibly bad at receiving affection. She'll minimize your compliment, she'll make sure she gives you something in return for any act of service, and she doesn't want to waste your time if you have somewhere else to be. The other 3 work incredibly hard to just get her to accept that they love her, too, which forces her to introspect on the matter. The one thing she doesn't suck at receiving is physical affection, and consequently it becomes her favorite, particularly from Sayori.
Oh yeah, this is somewhat offhand, but she's a terrible kisser, at least to start. Just thought I'd throw that in too
I think the biggest thing I'd like to establish in what the other 3 see in her is that she makes you feel absolutely safe and welcome in her presence. Whenever you talk to her, suddenly all of your problems and everything stressing you out are miles away, and everything is going to be okay. And she is very happy to provide that for other people; hearing that always makes her heart happy.
She tries her absolute hardest to make sure Sayori gets everything she needs in the validation department. Monika and Sayori reflect each other a lot, to the point that they both generally know what the other is thinking even when they don't voice this. Whenever Sayori is refusing to say something because she doesn't want to create friction, but it needs to be said, Monika will say it for her. Monika voices her needs when she doesn't want to, and she trusts Sayori to do it in return.
She vents to Yuri often whenever she just needs someone to listen, and Yuri likes to rub her back to ease her stress. She does her best to listen to what Yuri has to say in return, as well as humor her talking about her interests, but has a hard time saying she shares the same passion she does for them.
Monika is the one who most enjoys flustering Natsuki, and is also typically the most successful. Natsuki, of course, really enjoys turning the tables and flustering her in return. Natsuki in particular finds it funny that Monika has turned to manga as something of a guilty pleasure.
This is something else tangentially related, but I just realized that because I only advanced my DDLC shipping thoughts in a discord server, I never posted this here, so I think an essential part here is that I think all of the other girls have a huuuuge crush on Monika. Like head over heels, for various reasons. Sayori is obvious but the others find it hard to deny, she's like, the perfect woman. Monika has no concept of anyone having a crush on her prior to them admitting this, and is completely shocked.
Yuri has a somewhat warped view of what romance looks like, given to her by media she consumes. Very pure and romantic and dripping with prose. The thought in the back of her head is constantly "I could never do that...I guess I'll be single forever..." and when she actually ends up in a relationship it ends up throwing her entire worldview out of whack in that respect. In general, the others all spend a lot of time reassuring her that they all love her for her, particularly when she's herself, unabashedly weird. Eventually, with enough persistence and some soul searching, she starts to believe it, and comes further out of her shell.
She really likes feeling important to people. She's a great listener, and her favorite thing to do is to just let other people vent about their problems to her. Her primary means of affection is quality time, with some physical affection once Sayori REALLY breaks down her sense of personal space. She'll sidle up to the others like a cat. Sayori finds this absolutely adorable. She mostly just enjoys spending time silently around other people. The others invite her places and just let her vibe. She loves it. I've mentioned it before, but she also really enjoys sending people songs and things that made her think of them. She also likes buying things that made her think of them as a gift. She's very muted in her expression of love, but she spends a lot of her time away from the others thinking of them.
I also think that Yuri kinda sucks at receiving affection, though in a different way than Monika. Monika will instinctively reject it; Yuri has no clue how to respond. It flusters her, every time, without fail, until eventually she gets used to it and her response seems somewhat flat. Although for particularly sweet gestures, she is unable to contain her excitement.
Oh, also she's probably the best kisser out of the bunch, though she is frequently too embarrassed to do much more than a peck on the cheek to start.
Sayori is her go-to whenever she wants to infodump about something she's been really into lately, because she actively listens and tries to engage her, mostly because she really enjoys it whenever Yuri is excited about something. Despite her initial hesitancy, she actually really appreciates the kind of casual physical affection which Sayori employs, because she really likes and wants physical affection, but doesn't know how to ask without feeling awkward.
She likes it when Monika vents to her. She always feels incredibly at ease around Monika, which is difficult for her to find anywhere else, much less with another person, and she really wants to give back in return what Monika gives to her. She feels comfortable enough to freely talk with Monika based on this fact, partially because she knows Monika feels the same to her. It makes her feel wanted, and she likes that.
She really tries her hardest to help when Natsuki has problems, listening to her vent about her dad, or other people, or the world, or anything else that's giving her trouble at the moment. Yuri does her best to help steer her more towards the kind of person she wants to be, and to reassure her that she isn't a terrible person.
Natsuki is averse to being in a relationship on the risk that she turns out like her parents. The only reason she's here is because the others assured her they would help her not to be. Despite her hesitancy, and her pushing back on a lot of what's given to her, she does enjoy it. (She just doesn't think she deserves it.) In general, she's just very awkward at navigating anything and everything related to it, and is very easily embarrassed by the whole thing. It takes time to get her comfortable with it.
She's very acts of service heavy. She likes making things for other people, and spends a lot of time and effort doing so. She derives a lot of joy out of directly providing for people, and particularly in the beginning, she's still convinced that's all she can provide, but she does grow better at avoiding that sort of thinking with time. She also likes spending quality time with people, probably baking, maybe chatting about/reading manga.
She is absolutely head over heels for Monika, despite finding that realization...kind of annoying. She thinks she is literally the most beautiful, perfect girl she has ever met, and despite her best efforts to ignore that powerful urge to heap praise onto her, she can't help but make an effort to impress her, which is frequently successful!...which only goads her on to do it more. She tries to get Monika to read some of the series she's more seriously invested in, because she knows Monika will get a deeper understanding of the themes and subtext.
She's envious of how easily Sayori can make friends with anyone, and finds her to be so sweet it's hard to handle. She is absolutely terrified of ever doing anything to hurt her because she knows that whatever it was, Sayori would never let go. Sayori takes great lengths to remind her that she would never do that, because she is her, not her father. She is initially annoyed by Sayori's very heavy physical affection, but also seriously appreciates it because she would never in a million years ask for a hug.
Yuri and Natsuki's relationship is special. They eventually get to a point where they just understand each other. Yuri will push back on her just enough that Natsuki is confident trusting that what she says is honest, including that she really does love her and will never leave her. She seriously appreciates that. She finds it really fun to try and get Yuri to move outside her comfort zone.
...I might have more posts in this vein to make soon, among other things, but I thought I'd get this out of my askbox now so you don't have to wait in suspense. I'm gonna go sleep. I was sorta running on fumes towards the end here, so if it seems a little more clipped there, I apologizeee
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morathicain · 4 months
Very impressed both with the number of WIPs you have and the mysterious way you title them. How do you remember what is what haha.
If no one asked already, what happens in "It could be worse"? Or and just to know, "Hyckey licious" :p
Hey, hi! Thank you, I've collected them for quite a while, some are YEARS old! And well, regarding remembering them ... good question! Sometimes I can't remember them at all XD Like, I've written so much and some titles I remember and some I totally don't. Which means I maybe need to find a new system to keep wips and finished work separated lol
Well, so those two! "It could be worse" is a multichapter fic for 3wbf and I have the first two chapters uploaded already. I had it all planned out so well and then I got stuck and probably have to change my plans to continue (after over a year *cough*). It's an AU in which Shin is actually following his father's path more and works for the company instead of pursuing an artist career. Secretly he is working and conspiring against his dad tho. During a charity event he gets kidnapped by Miw and Neo who actually don't work together but for different groups but had the same plan at the same time. On the way, the three of them learn more about each other, bond and plans get ruined for different reasons. Oh, and of course they will fall in love :D So, some adventure-kidnapping-shenanigans with slightly ooc-characters, which I usually love to write for them. Just need to get back to it again!
The excerpt is from the new chapter that's not been uploaded and still might change:
What he did know though, was, that this might be his chance to get Neo on his side, before it was too late. And he’d have to do it fast, otherwise Miw would do the same. And Shin still had no idea what her goal was. What her reasons were and her resources. But the fact, that she also seemed to be shocked by Neo’s announcement, had to mean something, didn’t it? Or the fact, that she’d been checking her phone a few times already since they’d taken off, even though she’d tried to be subtle. Maybe he should ask now or lead to the topic carefully or quietly or ... the boat rocked, thrown by an especially powerful wave and suddenly there were two hands gripping his thighs, reflexively, bringing Shin’s brain to a full stop. He looked down. Just in time to see Miw’s hand being pulled back as if she’d burned herself. As if this was more than she’d wanted to admit. But Neo? Neo’s hand stayed and his grip tightened. And Shin? Shin realised why his father had never trusted him enough to make big decisions. Not when he said shit like ... “I betrayed my father.”
And "Hickey-licious" is an Utsukushii Kare ff I thought of after watching the movie! It will be mostly smut with Hira finding all the spots to leave hickeys on on Kiyoi :P There's a lot of notes but nothing written yet, although I have it all planned out in my mind. Nothing too long, just Hira taking and marking and Kiyoi giving and enjoying it all!
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Thank you again for asking! <3
More wip titles you can ask about
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hurt-comfort-lover · 11 months
Mirabel AU / Mirabel Angst / Mama Mirabel / Part Ten
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“Ah! Sorry- sorry I didn’t mean to- uh-” He stops not knowing what to say. Mirabel was so surprised that she stopped shaking and her breathing slowed. 
“Tio Bruno…? What are you doing here?”
“Well- um, I kind of live here? Unless you mean like- like in this area which is because I heard someone in the passageways, and then I saw my vision and you know uh, yeah.”
“Oh.. um, what do you mean live here? How?”
“It’s a bit hard to explain, it might be easier for me to just show you.” He says offering his hand, Mirabel takes it, pulling herself up. He takes her through the passageways to his “room.” Mirabel walks by and sees cracks that are covered in cement.
“Are you patching up the cracks?”
“Oh! No no no no no, I don’t go near those. All the patching is done by Hernando.”
“Who is Hernan-” Bruno puts up his cape and says,
“I’m Hernando and I’m afraid of nothing!” he pauses, “It’s actually me, I say my real gift was ‘acting,’ haha.” Mirabel looks at him and she can’t decide whether to find it funny, charming or concerning.
“I’m Jorge, I make the spackle,” Bruno says. Mirabel decides she should probably be concerned. They make it into Bruno's room. It’s filled with rats messing with his stuff, and his room is small and covered in small things he’d collected over the years. 
“You never left?”
“Well, I left my tower- a lot of stairs you know. It’s kitchen adjacent, and-” He goes over to the television, “free entertainment! Telenovelas!” He says as he flips through different cutouts for the rats. He sits down on his red chair.
“Their love could never be.”
“I don’t understand, why did you leave, but not actually leave?”
“Well, free food, and uh ya know.” He just shrugs. Mirabel looks through a hole in the wall to see the dining table, and then looks at a small table that’s labeled with his name, showing that he uses it to pretend like he’s still a part of the family. Bruno stands up and walks behind her.
“Yeah, my gift wasn’t really helping the family, but, I love my family, ya know?” Bruno says. Mirabel nods and looks at the vision in her arms.
“Nobody was ever meant to see that vision.”
“Why- why did you take the vision?”
“Well, after you didn’t get your gift Abuela was worried about the magic and asked me to take a vision. When I saw the vision I knew how it was going to look, because I’m Bruno and everyone always assumes the worst, so.. So I left.”
“You left… for me?”
“I mean not just that, but yeah I guess. You are my niece after all.” Mirabel smiled sadly, just happy that he cared that much.
“Thank you, Tio.”
“Ah- no don’t- I uh, you don’t need to,” he stumbled.
“I feel like I should though. I messed up Isabella’s proposal and now I’m hiding in here instead of facing Abuela. I know I don’t have a gift but I love my family and I just want to help.”
“You are helping.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do know sobrina. I still know a little about what goes on in the Casita. You’re doing fine. Whatever is happening with Isabella, it’ll be ok.”
“Gracias Tio,” Mirabel says as she hugs him. He awkwardly hugs back,
“Anytime, kid.” 
“I think I know what I need to do. I need to apologize to Isabella.” She says as she goes to leave but Bruno stops her.
“Wait, before you go, if you save the miracle, could you visit sometime?”
“When I save the miracle, I’m bringing you home,” Mirabel says confidently. Bruno smiles and then knocks on a bunch of wood as Mirabel leaves. 
Mirabel walks up to Isabella’s door, and a lot of emotions run through her, debating if this was the right decision. She goes into the room anyway to see an angry Isabella.
“What are you doing here?!” She says irritated.
“I came to apologize.”
“I’m listening.”
“I’m sorry for ruining your proposal, I’m going to talk to Mariano and try to fix this.”
“Don’t bother.”
“It’s not like he’ll change his mind.”
“You don’t know that- Do you… want to marry Mariano?” Isabella looks surprised at the question and thinks.
“I- I mean yeah. It’s good for the Ecanto, and Abuela-”
“I’m not asking about that, I’m asking if you want to marry Mariano.”
“I don’t know. I mean, I thought I was fine with it, but now- now that I have a chance out… I don’t know.”
“Why would you marry someone you don’t love?” Mirabel asks.
“Well, I don’t really want to get married, but Abuela just seemed so happy when Mariano and I started getting along. When she suggested getting engaged, I-”
“-Wanted to make her proud?”
“Yeah. I don’t know why I’m even telling you this. You know Abuela is livid right now? Mami and Papi were arguing with her and everyone’s looking for you.”
“Oh… well, I’m sorry. For all of this. I hope that you can get the ending that you want. I think I need to talk to Abuela,” Mirabel says. Isabella nods,
“It’s fine I guess. You kind of gave me a chance out, so thank you.” Isabella says. Mirabel walks out of the room and goes to talk to her Abuela, though she runs into her mami first.
“Mirabel! There you are!” she says as she pulls her youngest daughter into a hug.
“Hola mami.”
“I don’t know what’s going on. Your Abuela is being unreasonable and there are cracks littered around the house. I don’t understand.”
“I think it’s the miracle mami. I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet, but I need to talk to Abuela,” Mirabel asserts. Julietta just nods and lets her youngest go. Mirabel goes to the living room to see Abuela talking with Senora Guzman. She goes up to both of them, and Senora Guzman sees her first.
“Mirabel,” she says. Abuela turns around to see her youngest granddaughter, anger written all over her face.
“You need to fix this,” Abuela says.
“Lo siento Abuela. I won’t. Isabella-”
“What?! Don’t disrespect me.”
“I didn’t mean-”
“No, you listen to me. I don’t know why you weren’t given a gift but it is not an excuse to hurt this family.” Abuela says with venom. To Mirabel, it feels like a stab in her heart. Senora Guzman looks shocked. Her Papi comes to see what’s going on while Dolores and Camilo were sitting on the couch nearby. Tia Pepa and Felix were near the kitchen.
“I will never be good enough for you… will I? No matter how I try- No matter how hard everyone tries! Luisa will never be strong enough! Isabella will never be perfect enough! Tio Bruno left because you always saw the worst in him!”
“Bruno did not care about this family!” Cracks begin to form on the walls and ceiling.
“He loves this family, I love this family, we all love this family! You’re the one that doesn’t care.”
“Don’t you ever-!”
“The Miracle is dying because of you!” As Mirabel finishes her sentence the house begins to fall apart. Mirabel runs straight for the candle, while Casita tries to help her while also pushing everyone out of the house. Everyone is yelling at her to stop, telling her it’s not worth it. She continues though. As she goes up she sees her Tio Bruno escape the house with a bucket on his head, and she smiles slightly to herself. She makes it to the candle but the house is too far gone. Casita’s last efforts are covering Mirabel with furniture to protect her. The Casita was gone, all that was left was the rubble of what it once was. Mirabel holds the unlit candle as her Mami runs over to her.
“Mirabel! What were you thinking?! Are you hurt?” Julieta says while checking her, Mirabel is despondent, still looking at the candle. Julietta looks at her daughter, who had dropped the candle on the ground, and then back out hearing her hermana call her. 
“I’ll be right back- don’t move,” Julietta says as she runs towards her hermana. 
When most of the fog clears and most of the familia is together, they realize that Mirabel is gone. They call out to her but there’s no response. Everyone goes looking for her, including Abuela. After hours of searching it just so happens that Abuela ended up finding her, she found her holding her knees to her chest while crying next to a lake she knew too well. She walks up to Mirabel and sits beside her.
“I’m sorry, I- I just wanted to help. Instead, all I ended up doing was hurting us.” Mirabel says as she cries into her knees.
“No, it’s not you. Mirabel, this is on me. You are a child, I’m an adult. Ever since we got our miracle I’ve tried so hard to give back to the world. Why out of all people did I deserve a miracle? Instead, I’ve been so focused on the miracle that, now that it’s gone, I can see clearly. Mi familia, they are the most important thing. Not the candle, mi familia. So truly, I’m so sorry Mirabel. I don’t deserve forgiveness yet, but I’ll do my best.” Abuela says as her hand glides against the current. Mirabel looks over to Abuela and pulls her into a hug.
“I could never stay mad at you, of course, I forgive you. You’re mi Abuela, you’re one of the bravest women I’ve ever met.”
“Gracias Mirabel, you’re too kind.” They break from the hug as Bruno jumps through the bushes with a horse, and jumps off.
“Don’t blame her! I gave her a vision-” he says before his mami pulls him into a hug.
“Oh mi Brunito, I missed you. I’m so sorry I pushed you away.” She says as she squeezes him tightly. He wheezes, 
“I think I missed something.” He smiles sheepishly as all three of them jump on the horse.
“Mirabel! Mija I was so worried!” Julietta exclaimed as she pulled Mirabel into a tight hug. 
“Lo siento Mami,” Mirabel says while muffled by her mother’s arms. The familia gathers, happy that Mirabel was found and the entire familia was together. After Mirabel was released from Julietta’s death grip, Antonio jumped on her, Mirabel caught him and hugged him as well. From behind the horse came both Abuela and Bruno. Julietta and Pepa both look to see their brother, Pepa goes up to him first and slaps him in the face, and then pulls him into a hug.
“Don’t you ever do that again pendejo,” she says. Bruno awkwardly hugs her back.
“Lo siento hermana..” he says, not sure if she’s happy he’s back or angry he left. Pepa let him go and then Julietta hugged him as well.
“Welcome back hermano,” Julietta says.When the familia was reunited they realized they needed to figure out a plan as to where they were staying, and how they were going to rebuild their home. Despite earlier events, the townspeople all came to help including the Guzmans. Multiple people had guestrooms for the family to stay, Senora Gabriela had two guestrooms that Mirabel and Bruno took, the Garcias had a guest room that Julietta and Agustin stayed in, the Lopeses had one spare bedroom with two beds that both Isabella and Luisa too, the Guzmans had two extra guest rooms, which Pepa and Felix shared one, while Antonio took the other, Lastly the Gomezes had two extra bedrooms that Dolores and Camilo stayed in. The family was really grateful to all the townspeople, but they insisted because the Madrigals had helped them so much over the years. Plans were made for the next day of clearing the rubble from the area, while also planning out the blueprints for the Casita. That night though, the Madrigals got some much-needed sleep, at least most of them. Mirabel couldn’t sleep no matter how hard she tried, despite the apology from her Abuela, which she was elated about, her negative thoughts still flooded her brain. It was almost as if they got worse. Did she deserve to be apologized to? Does she deserve forgiveness? The more she lay in a bed that was not her own, the louder the thoughts became.
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emberwood-if · 2 years
Emberwood Update #1 (9/30/2022)
I guess I'm doing these now? but anyway, hi! I wanted to post a general update because my presence here has started becoming sporadic.
As of right now, I’m officially around 85% done with the Halloween special! I just have to write the platonic route (which is the group date route). When I’m done with that, I’ll do a quick round of editing and will be adding some meat to the solo routes since some scenes left me a bit unsatisfied. I wasn't planning on making the specials a particularly long or complicated affair but ofc...my ambitions always leave me with so much more coding and writing lol but I prefer it that way. I'd rather have to do more and finish with a better piece of work than publish something I'm not proud of.
I'm hoping to release in early October, mostly because I'm traveling later in the month and won't be online. Worst case scenario, it'll release either mid October or right before Halloween.
Just to repeat: this specific special will be free! I do get a few asks about that.
If everything goes well, this will be the first and last piece of bonus content before Chapter 2 releases. HOPEFULLY. I really want to release Chapter 2 before the year ends, but my full time job makes that pretty difficult (I work nine hours—I’m usually tired by the time I’m done haha).
My brain is already running with ideas for a New Years Special and a birthday extra story (since one of the ROs bday is in December)) but Chapter 2 will take priority.
Chapter 2 is looking to be hefty already, but I might trim it down for pacing purposes.
I really really really want to release chapter 2 as soon as possible but it really depends on my free time.
That goes to my third point, with the way chapter 2 is progressing and how many components I'm adding to it, I feel like it won't be feasible for me to publish chapters without getting more eyes on it. There's so much branching, scene changes, choices, variables that publishing with little errors is def not likely hahaha.
When Chapter 2 is close to finishing, I guess I’ll look for beta testers/early readers
It depends on interest, I kind of want a beta reader/tester for each route (+the platonic route).
I created a form just to see if there is interest in being a beta tester.
(I hope the form works I never actually made one before lmao)
This is NOT an application (???) I just want to make sure there is some general interest.
Also, the visual masterpost is still coming haha It has slipped my mind but I will be posting that still!
Anyway, that’s all :) you’ll probably have a guess of how close I am to finishing chapter two once the (possible) beta forms come out (if people are interested), because that’s when I’ll have enough content to justify needing more eyes.
That’s all! As always, my inbox is always open <3
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ashes-writing · 2 years
born to be my baby pt two | stranger things ; s.harrington
tag list babes || req rules / fandoms+characters || send a req? || masterlist
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one can be found by clicking. stranger things masterlist is here.
so this story also has me in a chokehold now along with my gareth emerson one. i have major plans. this is going to serve as my foray into writing the actual canon events -as close as I can, maybe with changes as needed. This came to me almost the second I hit post on the first part so I figured that since I was up and it was on my mind I might as well get it out.
You guys have seriously blown me away because I never post anything with any intent beyond getting it out of my head, so all the comments/likes/reblogs/reblogs with tags are just ahhhhh.. I'm so blown away every single time because it means the world to me.
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-- You were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man and sooner or later, we'll get there.
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
( beyond female parts, outfit / personality / hairstyle descriptions given, reader is pretty much a blank slate.. to the best of my ability.)
swearing, mutual pining, friends to lovers with a kind of slow burn but not too slow. Upside Down and it's unholy terrors will be making appearances in this but things will be changed to fit my personal narrative as needed. Eventual filth maybe? Angst, so much angst and pining, ugh.
@aurumbelis @allelitesmut @aries-arcade @cole22ann @chieflawyerpastatoad @ebonybloom @hcloangcls @heyaitsklaudia @hoeshii @hotgirlsshareaccounts @icequeen1371 @krys-orion @letsbedragonstogether @louderfortheback @musichealsscars @oflavenderandevie @secretsicanthideanymore @scoobiessnacks @suits-and-smirks @thechoiceslookgrimm @untitledarea are the only people present on my taglist currently. If you'd like to be added, click the link up top or let me know, I'll add you.
Reader is the same age as Steve. Both are 18+ here. Reader has her own place / is independent from her family, thus making this also a found family fic eventually (ie, the gang adopts her, haha). The Upside Down / events will occur here BUT BUT.. no deaths most likely and things miiight be changed if needed.
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– later that night
“Carol and Nicole are still bitchy, I see.” you muse as Robin laughs and shrugs. “Mhm. They still think they run Hawkins too.” and you laugh about that. “Yeah, I got that vibe from Carol earlier. They were saying shit about Steve working in Scoops Ahoy, I think? Then they noticed me and started that whole fake nice thing they’re soooo good at.” you turn into the parking lot behind the bar and pull into the parking space with a big yellow 02 spraypainted in between the lines. 
Robin’s gazing at the building hesitantly. You giggle softly. “Look, I know it looks sketchy but.. The guy who owns the bar actually gave me a huge deal? Especially when I told him I’d do most of the legwork in painting and stuff in my unit. He takes off like, ten or fifteen percent of the rent? And he didn’t ask too many questions when I came in to look at the place, so.. I’m not complaining, honestly.” you take a drag of your cigarette and thump it out of your window, stepping on it when you get out of your car, crushing it beneath your shoe. You shut the car door with your hip and Robin shuts the door on her side. “Aren’t you gonna lock the car?” she asks.
You palm your face and double back, opening the door and locking it, then reaching across to do the same with her door. She’s lingering close, shuffling her sneakers against the pavement. You catch up to her and the two of you make your way up the back stairwell quickly. Not quite quick enough, as you happen to come in on the tail end of a fight that spills over into the little hallway, one of the bikers who frequents the bar settling in a drunken heap at your feet. You smush yourself against the wall and Robin does the same and the two of you make a break for it.
“Is it always like this?” Robin asks as you turn the corner and start up the second flight of stairs that it takes to get to your apartment. She spots the bright red door from the top of the stairwell and smirks, nodding to it. “Your door, I’m guessing?”
You laugh and nod. “Gus, he’s the owner. Said he’s gonna let everybody paint the  door whatever color they want. Gonna let ‘em do their own thing because he can’t be bothered to hire anyone.”
“And that one contractor in town only takes on high paying jobs. Apparently, he’s the one who put in Steve’s pool. I know because he came in and asked Steve how the heated pool was.” she’s telling you all about it as you unlock your door. Robin steps in behind you and her eyes are darting around as she grins. “Yeah, this is definitely your apartment.”
“Oh yeah?” you purr as you reach down and slip a finger down into the back of the heel you’re wearing, lifting your foot to let it settle on the floor. You take off the other heel and flex your toes, glaring at the shoes. “I am.. Not entirely sure those were the best purchases I’ve ever made.”
Robin’s snickering because you’ve got Richie Sambora front and center on the wall over your second hand couch. “Richie? Of all the men you could’ve put here, you have Richie Sambora?”
“Look at him!” you gesture at the framed print. Robin laughs when she turns and finds herself faced with a piece of leopard print cloth you’d gotten from the general store downtown and tacked up as a curtain to separate your bedroom and bathroom from the front of the apartment and the clear beads tacked over the top of it.
“Oh that. That’s where the magic doesn’t happen. Yet.” you laugh and wave a hand at the area dismissively as you start to take out the groceries you’d stopped to get on the way back from picking up Robin in preparation for the weekend ahead of you both.
“Wow, since when do you cook?”
“Robbie, c’mon.. Since we were eleven, at least. Remember?” “I remember a lot of visits from Hawkins Fire.” Robin retorts, making you pout. “Yeah?” you poke out your tongue, “Well, I got into it, it’s actually kinda relaxing. Still set shit on fire though, bite me.” you pout a little as you admit it to her.
“I thought so.”
“Hafuckingha, Robbie.”
“You’re painting a wall red?”
You glance over at Robin as she peeks into your bedroom and bathroom. You laugh and nod. “Mhm. I found some of that peel and stick leopard print drawer liner, that’s gonna go up too.” you drag a hand through your hair, “Unless I buy a huge frame and frame it.”
“Woman, what the hell?” Robin gestures to the chair sitting at your crowded vanity that’s loaded down with clothes. You laugh. “Gotta fix the hanging rod in the closet, apparently, it was not equipped or prepared for my clothes. I uh..Err.. I may have a problem?” you laugh it off sheepishly. You flip the light switch and Robin turns in a circle in the small bedroom that’s mostly taken up by your king sized mattresses. The bed frame pissed you off so it’s currently propped on the wall next to the bathroom door. She nods to the door. “That’s the bathroom, huh?”
“It’s tiny.” you warn as she disappears inside. Robin calls out through the closed door, “It’s the size of a closet!”
“I know!” you laugh as you flop down onto the bed, taking off the stockings you’d worn with your outfit for the day. After that, you took off the earrings and all your bracelets, the necklaces and your leather jacket, tossing the jacket at the chair. You’ve just started grabbing your favorite satin pajama shorts and the matching top and robe when Robin steps out. “I’m glad I’m not claustrophobic.”
“That’s what I said. But..” you step into the bathroom to change and take off your makeup, the door cracked so you can still talk, “It’s my space. At least now I don’t have to deal with Bob and Melanie and their excuses. Now they don’t have to bother making excuses, either. It works for everybody. Honestly, I’m surprised, “ you wet a black washcloth and pour some astringent into it, squishing until there’s a bit of foam coming through the rag, “That they said they’d help out with money if I need it?”
You step out of the bathroom and into the bedroom and Robin’s made herself at home, flopped across the bed, reading one of your issues of Cosmopolitan. “They did, huh?”
“Yeah, when they won that money and we moved, they really surprised me, they were very free with the money.” you shrug it off, grimacing. “Anyway, that doesn’t matter. How’s Hawkins High? What’s been going on since I left. I mean, I was shocked when I found out they were opening a mall here.” 
Robin laughs, raising to sit. “Yeah. Well, the highlight of the moment is the mall. It’s still boring as hell. Oh.. That note I said I’d give Tammy?”
You smile, your face lighting up only to fall when Robin frowns. “I didn’t.”
“Why the hell not, woman?”
“Well I mean… We don’t exactly live in a friendly place for… ya know.. My kind.”
You sigh and nod. “Yeah, makes sense I guess. Did you at least talk to her?”
Robin cringes and you groan quietly, shaking your head. Robin pouts. “I tried, okay? I tried.”
“Yeah, I know. Didn’t she move to Tennessee or something to try singing?”
“She did.” Robin laughs and you cringe about it. “Why, I’ll never know. I know you were in love with her but like.. Your girl could not sing.”
“Yeah, she really couldn’t.”
“Okay, so what about new prospects?”
Robin shrugs. “I’ve been busy between work and school and band.”
“Yeah.” you smile, nodding.
“So what’d you and Steve talk about earlier during your smoke break?”
You shrug. “Nothing, really.”
The lights flicker and the two of you share a look, your breath catching in your throat. You hate blackouts, the dark in general. And you hate it so much more when there’s bad weather as the cause. “I hope this storm doesn’t get as bad as they were saying on the radio on the way in.”
“Me too.”
The sounds of rowdy hard rock music and laughter and swearing drifts up through the floorboards and when the power goes out entirely, you can just faintly hear the patrons of the bar below raising hell about it. Thunder rattles the window and you and Robin jump a little.
“It’s fine, it’s fine. I’ve got candles and a flashlight.” the two of you make your way out into the kitchen and living room of the apartment and you find your flashlight and the box of matches. You and Robin go around lighting as many candles as you can and sink back down on the couch with the box of pizza you’d brought on the way sitting on the table in front of the sofa. And the topic of conversation turns back to school and people you knew or people Robin’s met in your absence.
“There’s a guy who lives in Forest Hills. He’d love you so much, holy shit, I mean.. You’re probably just his type. His name is Eddie.”
“Wait.. Eddie Munson, right?” you ask, laughing softly.
“Yeah! Wait, when did you meet him?”
“Well, you know I’ve always been nocturnal. We used to uh.. Wander around at night when everybody else was asleep. He’s sweet but like.. That spark isn’t there.”
“You mean the spark you feel around a certain dingus?”
“Hey, whoa.. He’s pretty, okay? Let’s not..” you take a bite of your slice of pizza and swallow it, “Let’s not go saying anything that serious. Besides, isn’t he dating that girl? Norah, Nelly… Nancy, that’s her name…”
“No, that ended last year. She’s dating some guy named Jonathan now.” Robin takes a bite of her pizza and shrugs. You laugh. “Then he’s got girls on top of girls on top of girls. Y’know I’m not his type.”
“Yeah, that’s what I told him earlier when he was asking a thousand questions.” Robin’s kind of giggling when she says it, searching your face for a reaction of some kind. You bite your lip and you try to stay quiet, you try to act casual, but in the end, your curiosity wins out. “What’d he ask?”
“I knew it!”
“Hey, I’m just curious what he’s asking about me.” you shrug it off and finish the slice of pizza up to the crust, sitting the crust in the box to grab another piece. You take a bite and wait.
“He was asking who you were. Then I told him and he remembered? And he was asking if you were dating anybody, stuff like that.” Robin’s smirking when you nearly choke on your pizza, reaching out to hit you between the shoulders. “Don’t die on me, he’s just a mere dingus.”
“Ha ha.” you gasp the word out, laughing. “What’d he remember?”
“More than I would’ve ever given the guy credit for noticing, truth be told.” 
“Such as?”
“The red cardigan you always wore? The way it covered your fingers? You doodled on your test papers, too. He remembered that.”
You giggle. “Yeah, I think that day the teacher let us grade each other’s papers, he got mine. I covered the one side in leopard dots and little hearts and stuff.”
“You’re not over him, are you?”
You shrug. “Maybe? Maybe not? I..” you trail off, biting your lip as you try to figure out the answer for yourself because you’re not really sure yet. “I dunno, to be honest. I mean I thought I was over him but then I saw him today and even in that stupid fucking uniform.” you fan yourself and Robin pretends to gag.
“He’s not that bad. I got the feeling when we talked the little bit we did talk earlier while we were smoking out back of the mall that he’s kinda like… Lonely?”
Robin groans and palms her face. “Be careful, you know how those guys are. I know he’s not that bad, but.. He is a dingus.”
“I know how they can be, but like… I dunno” you lean back into the sofa and let out a dramatic sigh. Robin nods to the Richie Sambora picture and laughs. “You kinda have a type.”
“Well, Richie kinda has the hair situation Steve’s got going on. So do half of these other guys you have hanging up all over, come to think of it.” Robin’s teasing you and you pout, sticking your tongue out at her. 
“So he was asking about me, huh?” you mumble, mostly to yourself. Robin laughs and whacks you with one of the throw pillows you’d covered in black velvet fabric. “Hey! It was just a question, I’m not thinking about doing anything…”
But you kind of are. You just don’t know what exactly.
Friends. Maybe you could try being the guy’s friend. He certainly seemed like he needed those if the shit Carol was whispering to Nicole about him earlier were anything to go by.  
“I know that look, ___. You are.”
You shake your head, despite knowing damn well that yeah, maybe you are. “Maybe you could cut him some slack too?” you give her the smallest pleading look. “He just looked down earlier? Not himself, I dunno. Like Steve was always a mile a minute, Mr. Smooth talker and tonight he just… Wasn’t?” you look at her and she grumbles. “Fine. I’ll try.”
You smile a little.
“You.. do not go diving headfirst though, alright?”
You nod. Her advice makes sense.
“Yeah, yeah. Okay.”
“I mean it.” Robin repeats, firmer.
“Okay, alright! I swear. I’ll even pinky promise.” you hold out your pinky, linking with Robin’s.
–( steve’s house )
The phone rings and it cuts through the combination of big empty house and loud noisy mind. When he picks up and he hears the pop and hiss of static from the Camp Knowwhere payphone, Steve chuckles and grins. “Henderson, hey buddy.”
“Hey! How’s it going?”
“It’s going, man. You know me, always busy.” Steve says it, but in reality, he’s flipping through old yearbooks. He spots the picture of you in the 83 year book and he’s biting his lip. Trying to figure out which version of you he prefers. He remembers you a lot better now than he realized. He actually had a little bit of a crush on you at the beginning of the year, but then Nancy Wheeler caught his eye and he just kind of shoved that out of his head.
Carol always used to pick on you and it always used to piss him off.
To be fair, it always bothered him when Carol would start picking on anyone, but he remembers you specifically because it was one of the first times he ever voiced how it made him feel before he could stop himself from saying it.
“I’m here, Henderson. Just ah..” he laughs and stands, pacing the living room with the phone in his hand and the cord near to wrapping his tall and muscular frame. “Just looking through yearbooks.”
“Ah, so you miss Hawkins High already, hm?”
“No, no. I was looking for a girl. I saw her earlier today in the mall? She used to live here but she moved or something and now she’s moved back.” he rubs his forehead. “Anyway, I just wanted to see something.”
“Uh huh, sure.”
“It’s not like that, Henderson.”
“Sure. You’re Steve Harrington, buddy. I know you. I know it has to be something. Did you talk to her? What’d she say?”
“Hey, whoa.. How about you tell me about how camp’s going so far, huh? I wanna hear all about it.”
Steve falls back against an expensive sofa and reclines his legs over the back of it. Laughing as Dustin starts to tell him about his camp girlfriend Suzy and the fact that they’re letting them build robots and they’re going to launch rockets on the last day. And Steve is smiling, laughing. Listening to Dustin because he feels a lot less lonely.
He has somebody to talk to right now, when his mind just won’t shut up.
He can talk to Dustin and the house doesn’t seem so big or so empty. And the kid’s fast become like the little sibling he never got to have.
He’s hesitant to tell Dustin this, of course, but it goes without saying.
As soon as he hangs up with Dustin, he’s flipping through the annual again, looking for a sneaky candid. Anything else that’ll give him another glimpse of you. And towards the back, he finds it. It’s a picture of you and Robin at a school carnival, in the face painting booth. The smile on your face makes him smile a little and as soon as he realizes it, he slams the yearbook shut and places it back into the cardboard box.
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moaserendipity · 2 years
Between us ep1 messy review
ITS FINALLY HERE!!! We have waited so damn long for this BL! I think we waited since 2019!!!! It’s almost 2023 guys!! But the wait is over!!! So let’s dive in!!!
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We start with both of them waking up. You immediately see the differences in their characters. So is Win up and ready to go, while Team is still in bed and late🤭 Win is looking hot once again, while walking the school grounds!!
AHHH OUR QUEEN IS BACK! And falling into Prueks arms because she tripped! I love this so much! Oh I love how they did this, the way Team immediately got Wins attention by just being there!
Ah I see what they are doing, they are introducing the cast. Okay cool just hope it won’t pull away the attention from the main couple, because that would not be okay!
HELLO DEAN👀 Pruek has it bad already doesn’t he🤭 have you never met the one??…. YES HE HAS, haha Team has his full attention, I love this, love at first sight!
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Being hard on Team right away, give the kid a break my sexy man! I get that they want to treat all students the same but what use is that scholarship if you still have to qualify? I mean what if you don’t then you lose your scholarship😲 anyway MY FAVORITE TRIO ARE BACK😍 I missed them so much! Awww of course they will come and support you! He is going to do amazing because it’s Team💪🏻
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Really Win you didn’t hear Team?! Come on that’s not cool but why did I forget they stayed in the same dorm🤔 why didn’t I know Santa would be in this? But I don’t mind because he is a great actor from what I’ve seen🥰 gosh who is watching porn….LMAO OF COURSE ITS YATCH🤭 please stop watching all that porn my man! 😂 but he looks HOT👀
Aww Team is nervous, I get it though because he could lose his scholarship! Again I love this friendship! Manow is so relatable😂
Team looking good! Come on you got this! Wins eyes really follow Team around the entire time. I love this🥰🥹 Ah Pruek saw his target as well🤭 ohhhhhh the moment Dean & Pharm spotted each other! It’s so refreshing to see the other pov of this! I am here for it! The tears in Deans eyes, my gosh🥹 Dean really looks like a strict captain! Don’t wanna mess with him or Win for that matter🙈
OH WHAT WAS THAT! I know Team has a trauma but didn’t expect that! I am curious now! Go team though!! 💪🏻 FIRST PLACE AS HE SHOULD!!😍💪🏻 Oh Win, it’s getting obvious now👀 that little head tilt when Team was in the water smiling🤭
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Ah this scene. The first actual meeting of Dean & Pharm. I was already devastated when this happened. Poor Pharm crying and why did I always think this was happening in the evening, while it most definitely is during the day🤔 I love how we see that Pharm calls Team because he is upset. I always wondered if Pharm friends had an inkling about what was going on and I love that at least Team did know and didn’t judge him but just tried to be there for him. At first I wondered why Win was following him but it’s probably to make sure everything was okay AND to see what kind of person Team is🥹 also he might think Pharm is his boyfriend? Because they do look close enough for that tbh🤔
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Ahhh nice! The Beach! Lmao these 4 hot guys, they make perfect friends! 😂 Teambuilding is always nice to do but I prefer no heavy activities 🤭 ugh I wish I could be in Thailand and swimming in the ocean😍 don’t laugh too hard because there will be karma🤭 sigh of course Team hurts himself. The way Win is treating Team, I mean don’t be too hard on him! The way Team is sulking after those harsh words from Win. Like the dude cut his feet don’t need to tell him he still has to attend training🙈 oh Win didn’t like Team talking back at him😲 but Team made it better by thanking him🥰
Ah Dean staring into the distance. He doesn’t have issues, he just missed something or someone in his life and now he has found that person. He must be so confused but also happy?! Seriously Dean stop standing there, jeez🙈 it’s kind of sad that Win feels like he never had something to call his, thankfully that will change soon because you will have Team all to yourself🥹 Dean is not wrong here! You probably have some walls up Win🥹
Okay Win just go after him. I mean the staring is not going to do anything🤭 Oh these friends, like really don’t pull him away from the food!! Especially not for watching porn🙈 Poor Team he really is innocent isn’t he, gosh he better get a cold shower🙈 also his friends teasing him like that while he definitely is uncomfortable, that’s not cool guys. Not everyone enjoys watching porn with friends…
Team you should get a shower INSIDE, because there you have it. Win on his evening round… (is he a stalker though because he is everywhere👀) Win is teasing but also right in his face, jeez what happened with Hi my name is👀 WOW KISSING ALREADY, I SAY LET’S GO😏
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OHHHHHHH HOLY!!! YEAH JUST FOLLOW HIM TO HIS ROOM, LIKE WHY NOT👀🫣 Win really knows what he wants huh… like I get it but damn this is fast, NOT COMPLAINING THOUGH!!
Also the way he asks those question is seriously SEXY! The way he makes sure that Team is not drunk and will remember everything, the way he makes sure he knows where and with whom he is, this is seriously sexy! I LOVE IT!! Consent like this, just wow!🔥
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And they really ended it in the middle of it, like do they love to torture us, probably but damn I need to see more!!!!!!!!!! Those 3 years of waiting were definitely worth it! See you next time👋
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aceouttatime · 1 year
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Hello, I have come with a few-- not too many just this list here-- questions about the man Sylvan, please please. <3
First, I would love to know just the basics of him and his situation. Age, height (if shrunk, before and after shrink would be lovely), job, general personality and things. What are his flaws/damages that he/the story wants to change or heal? Where do we really get to meet him in his story? What happened before that, did something major lead him here or is something major about to happen? Do you just kind of focus on the one story/life of Sylvan or do you have AUs? Would love to know a bit of the setting(s)!
I'll leave it there for now and then come back with more questions and/or follow ups whenever you have time to answer and I have time to send an ask again <3
Much love to ur face, Belle <3
Hello, dearie! Thank you for your, in all honesty, frighteningly intense interest in my blorbo, Sylvan--it both warms my heart and concerns me just a little haha <3
The Rundown "So, I'll start. My name is Sylvan Okeanoú, and I am a private investigator working for the NYCPD. As we've discussed, and is evident by the fact that I'm standing on your desk, I've been through hell and back in the past twelve hours." -Mr. S. Okeanoú, 2023 Sylvan (he, him, his) is ~31 years old, 6'1, and is probably too smart for his own good. To answer your question, yes, he does end up a bit shorter after a series of unfortunate mishaps that I'll definitely highlight when I actually get around to writing his story. Specifically, he ends up around 4 inches tall, and I can say with certainty that the lad will *not* have a good time with that (at least at first). So, yes, he ends up quite liddol :)))
Flaws n' General Aims of Story Ok, so Syl's most significant flaws are probably his independence and his ego, both of which stem from his upbringing (bits and pieces will probably be revealed throughout the story) and his intrinsic need to prove his worth. His job suits his perfectionism and feeds into his...sliiight...superiority complex. Even so, behind all that cold curtness and false bravado is a severely neglected, softer side riddled with anxiety and distrust that has led to a sense of belonging and loneliness. The story I plan to tell will focus mainly on him opening up and letting himself be okay with reliance on others. Perhaps he doesn't have to be the strong one all the time. It's been a struggle for him to be vulnerable throughout his life, and learning to trust someone in the face of forced vulnerability might bring out a new side of him. Gotta break that toxic machismo somehow--sorry, I don't make the rules, I just break 'em for story purposes XD
Story Framework Well, beyond it being a G/t story, the big, kind of *genre* it falls into is a modern-day detective plot. Okeanoú and his colleagues have been investigating a series of disappearances that have happened over the course of about a year now, consistently coming up empty-handed in terms of new leads. Things are tense, his reputation plummeting, and funding is drying up. If Syl doesn't pull something together soon, more people will get hurt, and all of his hard work will have been for nothing. That low point is where we meet him: desperate for a lead, drunk on lack of sleep, caffeine, and cheap spirits, and even more of a short-tempered prick than he is typical. He finds a strange note, however, that changes everything and kicks off what could be described as the worst month of his life. ;)
AU Shenanigans HMMM...alright, I'll let you in on a secret that's not really much of a secret. I have a University!AU that was originally going to be his main story, but I've since decided didn't have the stakes I was aiming for. It still exists in the recesses of my and @imvenusasaboy 's minds, and we talk about it occasionally. If you've heard me talk about Vir or Viri, that's the universe it was set in. I may do something more with it later, but for now, it's on the mental backburner. I have a good writing buddy that's helped me flesh out some of my ideas for the story, as well as a few very important characters--I'd give her a better shoutout, but she doesn't have a Tumblr, sadly. So, here, thank you fatraccoons for your lovely help! You're a saint <3 Other than that, he's not featured in much else. I do a bunch of artwork of him because I'm a goofball who enjoys pretty men with long hair.
Anywho, that's about it! Thank you bunches for your questions and just being a sweetheart in general! I love your work, and I love you loads, Belle <3 Your friendly-neighborhood-littleman, Alex P.S. Take this Sylvan painting as a lil sneak peak :)
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demonichikikomori · 1 year
Your replies are like poetry, I love that so much 😔💞 matches the beautiful way you have to write your fics 💗
I wanted to ask your opinion~ how do you think Ruggie would be about making a family with his darling?
Would he worry about how much money it costs to raise a baby? I think that would be a important matter that will make him think twice about having kids 🤔
But also there's... his ✨rut✨ which would make him not think about anything but put a baby inside his darling.
I can't make up my mind about how would Ruggie be about this, I wanted to know your thoughts ✨
AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! You’re so sweet haha. I actually took poetry classes when I was younger. I just think it’s fun to try and use some of the skills, even though I think I suck! <3 I’ll have to try and find some of the old stuff I wrote, but that might be a talk with my parents. After all that was 4-6 years ago.
Now, this is the part where I insert a bunch of emojis representing the familiar shine of anime glasses. It’s to show you how massive my brain is when it comes to this question. I think I’ve answered it before or something in a similar fashion? But I don’t mind doing it again since this feels more direct than before!
Ruggie wants to be the dad he never got to have. Ruggie wants to have the nuclear family all the other kids had. He loves his Grammy, he truly does! He loves and appreciates everything she has ever done for him and will continue to do, but, it’s not the same. Having to explain why he’s the only kid on the block without parents can seriously be hard when you’re a kid. And he doesn’t want his future children to feel that way! Of course of things happen, he won’t mind being a single father, but he still wants to be better than his dad.
Ruggie is no stranger to flings and grinding when he isn’t supposed to, but he’s aware of the consequences that come with children. He wants to finish school first, and he wants to find a super good job. Raising a child is expensive! In this world, the poor cannot afford such a luxury! So he does his best to study so he can get good recommendations for after school… He wants something reliable!
Ah the naughty part of the question.
So, with Ruggie being a beastman, he cannot fight the hardwiring in his brain that commands him to mount something. He’s spent his ruts alone plenty of times, but being with a partner changes things drastically.
A toy is no longer enough. His hand is no longer enough. His imagination is no longer enough. Ruggie might become feral the longer he’s alone with his thoughts and the scent of his partner lingering around his room. Spam calling until they answer, trying to convince them to come over and visit. He won’t bite, he just needs a little assistance. Be a doll and come over?
If they choose to come over? It’s snowballing downhill from there. Ruggie has surprisingly good stamina since he works so much and he’s used to the lack of breaks. From doggy, to a mating press, moving to letting his partner ride. He just needs to make sure they’re full of him. He wants to be a dad. Nothing else matters. Just let him do what nature commands.
Once his rut is over he’s overridden with anxiety, especially if his partner is able to reproduce. He’s apologetic and is willing to bend over backwards as an apology. Don’t spoil him anymore! What if things got out of hand?! Neither of you can afford to have little hyenas running around until he has a fancy suit and tie job! Next time…
Deny all of his calls! No matter how pushy he is!
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
September List
Exactly one year ago, I wrote the first of my monthly motivation lists, hoping to get a bit of a system into my steadily growing WIP list and up my productivity. Now, twelve lists later, I can happily report that I have not only finished one major project with When Stars Ignite but can actually see the finish line of the second, equally as big project, A Search for Balance. I have also pretty much mapped out most of the rest of the big ones yet to come, several mini-series planned and more than doubled the amount of shorts, challenges and other projects on my masterlist in the last twelve months. Looks like the lists are working, right? Maybe, they are actually working a little bit too well. I have felt increasingly tired lately, the creative part of my brain is harder and harder to activate but never quiet enough for me to actually rest. This September will bring many personal changes for me - after two years of being a stay-at-home-mum, my kid transitions into daycare this month, and after he's settled in, I will return to work, something I'm incredibly looking forward to. But participating more in the 'real' life also means that the time I have to spend on here will be reduced, or at least, its pattern will change, which - for this month of transition and creative recovery, in any case - will be reflected in this month's to-do list. Take care, everyone 💛
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This month I need to:
This month I *need* to do nothing at all. Whatever I will do on the creative front I will do because it inspires me, and if it doesn't, well, I just won't do it. I might drum out 100k words or none at all. Both of them are legit, and both of them are fine.
The only thing I need to do is try and be more mindful of my time instead of brainless scrolling through TikTok, Tumblr and the likes. I will still be around, but I also want to try and detox my digital habits a little until they reach a healthier level.
WIP Progress: A Search for Balance
Estimated Goal: No estimated goal this month Reached Goal: 40/52 (+1)
This month I want to:
❌ Read a book ❌ Write a story from the Vault ❌ Script a story from the Vault ❌ Profile updates ❌ Timelines ❌ HPMA series Y1 ❌ Legacy series Y1 ❌ Map out Caro's series ❌ Caitlin's profile ❌ Dana's run-up stories to my Christmas series (0/2)
Publishing Schedule:
I'm adding this little section to my list to let you know that while the "Back to School"-Challenge by @cursebreakerfarrier runs for the first week of the month (which I will not be participating in), A Search for Balance goes on a one week break. Regular publishing schedule will continue on September 9th with bi-weekly posts until the Pre-Season finishes with C12 on September 30th.
I will take another publishing break during the whole month of October to edit and brush up on the second section of the story.
To not disappear from your feeds entirely (sorry if I got your hopes up there for a sec, haha), I will be posting the first two chapters of my Rockstar AU mini-series Before the Spark in this publishing break, the masterlist of which will go live on October 3rd, which I headcanon as Orion's birthday.
Until then, my lovely friends 💛
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linawritestwst · 1 year
hello, lina! congrats on 1k, i'd like a matchup if there are still some slots open? ^_^ i use she/her pronouns, my MBTI is INFJ, and my zodiac sign is Libra!
personality: i've been told i'm a nurturing and perceptive person who can notice the emotions of and encourage the people around me. i have good social skills and can lead when needed but i prefer to be a follower since i'm actually little reserved myself. i also prefer to show my candid self to a select few who i really trust. i laugh at silly things really easily but i usually stifle my laughter. i am also a bit physically affectionate!
interests: poetry/literature, history, intellectual and philosophical topics, documentaries, nature and anything related to tea and herbs.
hobbies: reading books, writing poems, stargazing, taking walks during nighttime.
what i'm looking for a partner: someone who can indulge me on my interests (they don't have to necessarily share them. if they're willing to indulge me even if they don't know what it's about, that is more than enough!), who can tell me to step back when i get too distracted taking care of others, who wouldn't mind that i can be a bit childish and silly at heart, someone who can be honest with me and keep me grounded.
what i'm not looking for in a partner: someone who is brutally inconsiderate, who is impulsive and follows their emotions too much (i value emotions myself but not to the point of carelessness/recklessness without logic), who is self-absorbed, or anyone who is dishonest and don't put the least bit of efforts.
i don't have a preference for specific years or dorms! i really, really want to know who i might be compatible with in your eyes and also, don't forget to take a break when you need it! thank you so much and congrats, lina. your works are always the best <3
THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU'RE TOO SWEET.. i'm so sorry for being so late, but i hope you like this matchup anyway!
the character that i think would be a good partner for you is..
riddle rosehearts!
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i'll explain why i chose him:
i think your dynamic would be so cute! riddle could definitely use a s/o who's good at noticing other people's emotions and how their mood changes, haha. also i think that him being more of a leader because, you know, he's literally a dorm leader and he's based on queen of hearts, and you being more of a follower is a very interesting and fun concept! it's like he can be the one who's good at leading people and you can be there to follow him, but also gently guide him and give him advice in case he does something wrong.
it's hard for riddle to admit it, but he actually would love to hear you laugh more often. you can really notice him showing favoritism when he hears ace or cater laughing at something dumb and tells them to stop, but then he sees you trying really hard not to laugh at the same joke and for some reason.. he doesn't say anything and pretends not to see it. also he's not used to physical affection and he has no idea what to do when he receives it, but.. to be honest, he actually kinda likes it. please pretend you didn't hear that from him.
riddle may be a bit very impulsive sometimes, considering his temper, but he started to work on that after his overblot and also he just feels more calm whenever you're around. and even though it can be very hard for him to control his emotions, he still tries his best and trust him, he would never hurt you. he wants to help you as much as you help him, so if he notices you spending too much time taking care of others while forgetting about your own needs, he will remind you that you're just as important as those other people, so you should remember to take care of yourself too. also, you two share quite a lot of interests, so i'm sure you two would have lots of fun together!
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
how is yoongi's aftercare? 👁👁
Nonexistent. Jk don't worry haha
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He's holding you, close, tightly, with arms all around you and your head held close to his chest. You're trembling, shivering not from the cold but simply exhaustion, and he knows exactly what you need right now.
"There you go.." he hums towards you. "Absolutely perfect.." he praises, never loosens his hold, knows how sensitive you are right in this moment. He's still inside you, and you're still clenching occasionally, his cum already leaking down his own thigh. But he doesn't mind. "You're my baby, aren't you?" He asks, tests, and you only nod, frantically so, clinging closer. "You are." He reassures because of that, doesn't move yet.
He doesn't mind you taking your time right now. He's taken his sweet time as well, after all.
It's when you slowly lessen your tension on him that he actually manages to get up, his workout fruitful as he's able to carry you with him, to set you down on the toilet so you can half-consciously do your post-sex business while he runs the bath, and sets out towels for after.
Anyone else might go change the sheets, or shower, maybe- but he knows from experience that you shouldn't be alone right now. Not yet.
Inside the warm tub, he carefully cleans your skin, uses the vanilla scented body scrub you love because it makes your skin soft and smooth- and he has to agree, that it does indeed. He loves your skin. Not just because it's nice, looks good, but because..
He loves your soul, most of all. But that, he can't touch. Your skin, however, he can. That's why he loves it, that's why he takes such good care of it- of your body, in general.
His hands run over the cleaned skin in slow movements, a kiss placed on the tip of your shoulder, and you smile, leaning into him. "Yoongi?" You wonder, and now he knows, you're back.
"Hm?" He wonders, snakes his arms around you, leans his head on your shoulder- the tips of his hair wet.
"I love you." You tell him, and he smiles, nodding, relaxing, enjoying this moment of softness and warmth for a little while.
"So do I." He says to you just a breath later, not because that's what you say in moments like these-
But because he means it, with his whole heart.
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ppoppokari · 2 months
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Oh my...
Je suis tellement timide que je commence en français.
Avant tout, merci. J'aimerais aussi être ton ami, et je suis désolée de ne pas t'avoir envoyé de message privé, mais j'étais si timide. Tu as l'air d'être un homme parfait 😙 J'essaie de rester calme, mais Jaehyun a toujours les meilleurs admirateurs.
Je n'ai jamais été aussi audacieux, alors je vais me calmer, mais j'accepte toujours ton offre d'amitié.
Now back to English, thank you so much for requesting sweetheart and I hope this ship made it to you at the right time and that you like it! And I haven't spoken French in a hot minute so I hope it's passable haha. I promise I will actively talk to you and be a friend or mutual, I just wanted to use this ship as a way to ask if we could be friends. I was actually spending so much time trying to word this in a way where I wouldn't seem like a simp.
I'll stop rambling so enjoy and I hope you're having a good day!
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There is something so right about shipping you with Minho. Sometimes love lacks its loud and boisterous ways yet it’s still the truest type of love you could ever feel when looking at someone.
This is the case for you and Minho, so much could be said in a look and Minho’s deep brown eyes hold all the answers to your questions. What I’m saying is that there is such confidence in your relationship, you both know that you are each other’s ideal and that no one would be able to change how you feel about each other.
It started as a deep relationship, one born from mutual soul searching and it only got deeper overtime. Minho was all too prepared for this to be a ride or die situation, he just knew that he would want to stay with you for what could be the rest of his life.
Since this is an overall ship, I definitely took into consideration how amazing you would look with Minho by your side (you don’t need him to look attractive, but you do look good as a couple if you get what I mean).  
Both of you possess this air of confidence, a knowing smirk, and while it could seem obnoxious it isn’t in this case. Both of you have what could only be labelled as charm.
While there are some mutual features that make you both seem mature and well beyond your years in personality and intelligence there is still such a pretty contrast between you. We all know Minho has such cold, ice prince-like visuals but somehow you make him look so young, wide-eyed, and youthful.
It’s literally so crazy how you make him look like the naïve princess of the relationship. Again, he isn’t but it is just so amazing pretty both of your visuals are.
You on the other hand look like the definition of the handsome boy next door, this might sound odd, but your visuals seem humbler? Quieter almost? Then the average person. You’re mysteriously pretty and your visuals alone say so much about your personality. Combine this with Minho and you have a match made in heaven.
Now back to the more wholesome written part of your ship.
Everything you said about your personality and your hobbies lines up with Minho’s energy, he may not have the exact same interests but everything that you are, everything you like, creates a sense of stability for Minho.
The combination of your love of vintage or classical things and your love of the commonalities of life creates such a nice atmosphere for you to share what you like or dislike about life. This also relates to the fact that Minho absolutely adores your critical nature. Minho is also a pretty blunt and honest person, and he feels so comfortable in a relationship where you can both speak your minds without any extra judgement. He actually encourages you to just let it all out, because amongst everything you say there might be a confession of love.
Another thing to add to the wholesomeness meter is the way you spend time with each other.
Minho really feels like he is living his best domestic life when you go out to a café and have a coffee, or better yet sitting at an airport with you when you’re resting between travelling with a hot coffee or tea and the ambience of people going about their lives.
Somehow overhearing the lives of strangers helps to ground you and reminds you that amongst the millions of people in the world you were able to find each other.
It was so hard to ship you with just one person so I just wanted to say I also really ship you with Baekhyun (EXO), Taeyang (SF9) and Kihyun (Monsta X).
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bewitchingivy · 1 year
May I please take part in Valentine's Game?
I am UR, 🦄
Here's my reading for you:
What you should know about them?
He is someone who can cling on to hope even in dark times and rise again. He may be prone to anxiety and worries. Far-sighted. Can let things go if needed in his path for greater good that is.
What they love about you?
Even in times of difficulties how you can still hold on and succeed! He loves your strength. You may be good with money, with handling it, may love how you are so good with financial matters. He likes your optimism, light and positivity. Fills him with hope.
A message from him:
When are we gonna meet? I want to grow with you so much.
You know how I tend to worry, your balanced approach to life really gives me clarity.
I really admire your quality to lead and how strong you are.
I want to exist with you, and live with you, I love you.
Thank you for giving me the chance to do a reading for you in exchange of mine.
If possible can you please give feedback in this reading? I have never read for someone outside my family and friends and this is the first time so it will help me a lot! Thank you!
Lots of love and light to you 💕🫂🪔
❛ love again ; entry #011
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Hello! Thank you so much for joining my game and for following the rules <3 As promised, here's your reading! I hope you'll enjoy it :)  Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
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his first impression of you
Smile by Katy Perry On your first meeting, he would see you as someone who's laid back, happy, friendly. You might just have an aura that's giving him carefree or happy-go-lucky vibes. He'd definitely think that your smile is pretty too!
your first date together
Snow On The Beach by Taylor Swift feat. Lana Del Rey Shit I'm a sucker for this song. Obviously, it would be at the beach! Although there wouldn't be snow, I suppose HAHA. I strongly feel that in your first date the both of you are not in an "official relationship," if you get what I mean. It's more like you're friends at first, and then he must've asked you out and all that, and on this date it's when you both decide to make it official :)
what you should know about him
Blow Your Mind by Dua Lipa A confident person asf. He might come off as someone who's cocky to other people, but in truth he's actually not, he's just confident and someone who is assured that everything will work out in his favor. He' pretty quiet most of the time, you might just get surprised that he's actually extroverted. He's not the life of the party sorta person, but there's something very charismatic about him.
what he loves about you
I am Enough by Cimorelli I mentioned he's confident, and damn right away I am getting that he admires your confidence too. Like it's just so damn attractive to him that you respect and love yourself for who you are. You don't change for the sake of others, and that you never settle for less. He absolutely loves that about  you.
how would he show his love to you
Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars EEEEEKKK- Okay, I am getting that words of affirmations could be a love language of his. He would show his love to you by reminding you how an amazing person you are. You may be a confident person, but we all have those moments when we don't feel at all, and so he would remind you how beautiful and awesome you are when you don't feel like it :) 
signs you see about him
champagne problems by Taylor Swift One sign that I am getting for you is that when you meet this person, he will be in a point in his life where a lot of changes are happening for him. Particularly in his relationships, it could be that he's leaving his family? I just heard that. He's not looking for a romantic relationship when you both meet though, he would just put his focus on his personal life. Oh, and I saw 333 while doing your reading :)
a message from him
This Love by Taylor Swift a little note from me: I just noticed that there's already three songs by Taytay here, and earlier I was getting a little hint that this person could be a Swiftie, or he just listens to Taylor's music a lot, hehe <3 Gotta love 'im for that. "Hey, we've been through some rough patches, but our love has stayed strong. I cherish the time we've spent together and can't wait for more adventures with you. You're the one I want by my side, through thick and thin. What we have is something so precious, and I'm never letting go of it."
my feedback
Wow, have confidence in giving readings to others outside your family and friends love, because this? *chef's kiss* It resonated much with me! <3 I am indeed a person who's optimistic and just trying to vibe positively everyday, hehe. I really appreciate that he would love my resilience (because.. AAGHH imma cri-) 🥹🥹 And yeaahh, I suppose I handle money quite well. And woah, I have heard from other readings that he's someone who's resilient too, and definitely heard of his anxieties and worries! I really appreciate the messages you channeled!! They're so spot on and I definitely resonated with them!!! <333 Thank you so much for this reading! <3
Please don't forget to leave a feedback, tell me what resonates and what doesn't, and whatever you want to add! :)
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snappleapple · 3 years
their favorite types of kisses
people in this - dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, wilbur, punz, jschlatt, awesamdude, quackity
the most disgusting fluff i’ve ever written
warning - cursing, i think that’s all but if there is more please do not hesitate to tell me :)
word count - 2k
a/n: okay okay, i might’ve lied earlier about that being my last post but this was short and easy to make which is why i would like to feed my readers this early haha. anyways, enjoy and please disregard the errors in this post, i hate proof reading anything lol. also, i’ve been very indecisive on the title and i might change it later and ooh, my masterlist will be made soon. i’ve just been feeling very unproductive these days. also, please put in requests, i am so bored and dumb therefore there are no ideas in this brain. and if you’d like a part 2, i might add more people for the part 2!anyways, peace!
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dream -
i get the feeling that dream’s favorite type of kisses would be cheek kisses
he just likes to watch as you struggle to reach his height
“aw look at those little legs do their thing.”
ends up with you not giving him his kiss
and mans becomes SO pouty
“y/n…come on. don’t be this way.” :(
if you don’t kiss him on the cheek, will also become SO clingy and whiny
“why won’t you KISS ME!”
clenches his fists and stomps away like a teenage girl during puberty
slamming the door to your room
so then you have to go and give him all the kisses he wants
his face is slammed into your pillow
you sit on the side of the bed and pet his hair
leading him to stare up at you with puppy dog eyes
“i will give you all the kisses you want. so stop being so pouty, you big baby.”
will literally leave zero feet of space between you and him
taps his cheek to tell you he wants kisses
when you go on dates, will literally make you stand on your tippy toes to get his kisses
does not bend down at all and actually lifts his head higher to tease you
in other words, clingy but rude hoe
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george -
george is a classic romantic
he loves just lip kisses
pecks or lingering ones
he doesn’t care
mans don’t need too many kisses
nor does he need to be too clingy
total opposite of dream and sapnap *ahem clingy ahem*
if he wants a kiss,
he will come over to you and get it
doesn’t get pouty if you’re busy
just waits patiently
doesn’t enjoy it when you interrupt him when he’s streaming so you do your own thing
when you’re watching a movie with him,
he will literally only stare at you with his cute smile
and listen to your every criticism of the movie
he likes to just peck your lips whenever he feels like it
and you’re just not surprised anymore
just likes to stare at your lips whenever you talk
overall, is very sweet but not to an extent with showing affection
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sapnap -
sapnap just vibes with neck kisses
it tickles his neck and he loves them
giggles when you pepper kisses along his neck and flushes a deep red
“y/n. stop.” giggles between each word
but when you do, becomes the saddest person in the whole world
“i was joking.” :(
when he’s streaming and he begins to miss you
would leave his room and find you just to get a kiss
just like dream, would get angry if you give him no kisses
very amusing for you
and you love to tease him
“i don’t want to give you kissies.”
continues to stare at you with a large frown until you give in and give him kissies
lsg supremacy but i’ll get into this later hehe
you better give him kisses or you’ll be dealing with a very sad sapnap
sadnap :(
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wilbur -
wilbur, wilbur, wilbur
what can i even say
total nose kiss guy
i bet he’ll boop your nose twenty four seven
asks stupid questions just to get your attention
“yes wilbur?”
“is a hotdog a sandwich?”
“did you just say boop while you booped my nose?”
if he’s streaming and you bring him a snack
he will hold your face still and leave kisses on your nose
not too clingy but not too distant
likes to be just right with you
if its snowy outside and your noses get red
makes dumb jokes about he is rudolph and you’re mrs. rudolph
just a lot of smooches from wilby
takes you to a lot of hidden cafes in the city
and while you read, he balances his head on his palm, staring at you in admiration
if you’re insecure about your nose, you legit can’t be around wilbur because he will go on a tangent about how beautiful it is
substantially, soft boy hours all day bro, besides when he gets mad then you leave the hormonal man tf alone
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punz -
i don’t see a lot of punz on tumblr so here we go
punz loves hand kisses
not to an extent where he has a hand fetish
god no but just like
when your holding hands, he’ll occasionally pull your hand up to his lips and leave a kiss
lots of hand holding
and i mean lots
constantly gets mad fun of for being a simp but ignores those comments because he genuinely loves you so much
likes it when you play with his hair and messing it up
also likes to compare hand sizes with you
always has a hand on your thigh or your hand in his whenever he is driving somewhere with you
even when you go on dates, always holding hands
no matter how sweaty your hand gets, he will hold on
sometimes if he holds on for too long, you have to tell him to let go
“punz, my hand is super sweaty. lets take a break from the hand holding.”
would flat out decline so you would have to pry your hand out of his
he would also love it when you would kiss his hand
makes him feel all polite and precious LOL
would also wrap his pinky along yours when you walk together
he once came with you to a family gathering for christmas and was so SHY
shy boy held your hand for security while your younger siblings made fun of you
afterwards, when you were under a mistletoe, he kisses you on the lips before kissing you on his favorite part of your body,
your hand
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c!jschlatt -
jschlatt is a whole mess
the first time you met, he confessed that he would hate you for as long as you lived because you made fun of his boots
now he says he still strongly dislikes you but you’re more tolerable
doesn’t like it when you make him soft and HATES it when he blushes
“why must you do this to me, mother nature?”
also “hates” it when you even touch him because he “hates” you
when he actually confessed to you that he liked you with his grumpy usual grandpa voice,
you kissed him on his forehead, after he bent down of course
he is an actual giant and threatens to squash you like an ant if he feels the need to
is an absolute monster to you but loves it when you kiss his forehead because it makes him feel secure and loved
likes to watch the wind blow through your hair and mess it up but gives you his hat because he like you being “all pretty and shit”
gets SUPER jealous when you hug children
like for example, when you went over to a family gathering at his house, his cousins came up to hug you
and when you let go of the child, the man child comes and lugs you over his shoulder
gets yelled at by his mom and gives her a sheepish smile before rolling his eyes and throwing you down on the sofa set next to him
his mom doesn’t approve of the way he treats you but you tell her its fine because he’s cute
when you are far from any type of civilization or in the safety and solitude of your own home, he wants kisses on the forehead
pointing up to it and bending down so you could reach it
“y/n, i only love you because of your forehead kisses.”
“you only love me for my kisses?” :(
actually feels slightly bad
“and because of your personality.”
“thank you-“
“shut up. we don’t talk about this.”
in conclusion, give him his forehead kisses or perish
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awesamdude -
sam just adores it when you give him jawline kisses
not because it’s basically the only place you could reach but because it’s a sweet gesture
sam is all about sweetness
i mean have you even seen this man on his stream
he likes to watch you while you have conversations with your friends
not in a creepy way but more like an adoring way
cause man does he love you
i mean not only does he love you but his whole family does
and when you’re alone with sam, you love to bury him underneath all of your love
“i love you sam!”
“no i love you more y/n!”
“NO i LOVE you more!”
“NO i LOVE you MORE!”
“okay thank you sweet pea.”
leaving you a bit confused but happy that he accepts your love
when you cuddle, omg
he never stops peppering kisses all over your face and vice versa because your relationship is disgustingly fluffy
when he lends you one of his sweatshirts, you sure as hell better wear that shit out or else (i am leaving a blank threat here)
sam loves technology but you guys sort of have a system
a system that involves mailing each other love letters rather than texting them
you guys also go on a ton of walks just about anywhere
hand holding is mandatory even though you probably look like a child compared to him
just give sam lots of love and in return, you’ll receive lots of love
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quackity -
mans cannot leave you tf alone
likes to do ANYTHING freaky around you
“i will follow you to the ends of the earth, mi amor.” or
“ayy, back off.” if anyone gets too close to you
messes with you twenty four seven and makes it his job to drive you insane
plays horror games at two in the morning for fun
and when he gets scared, hides in the safety of your arms
“mi amor. i’m scared.”
“shut the fuck up and sleep, alex.”
“okay.” shuts up quickly and snuggles deeper into the crook of your neck
loves you so deeply but HATES your cat
“look at that little dumb thing stare at me. you got a problem bro?”
your cat also HATES alex
scratches him all the time and hisses at him
if you think sapnap is babie, wait till you meet alex
“y/n he bit me!”
when you glance down, you don’t even see a scratch
“kiss my boo boo.”
“what boo boo? there’s nothing there.”
gasps as if you offended him
“this boo boo that your el demonio did to me.”
this man will do anything to get boo boo kisses
istg, you once found him provoking your cat to get some scratches
in alex’s mind, ouchies = kisses from y/n
always has ouchies from god knows where and shows it to you
even though you find it annoying at first, you grow used to it and it sorta becomes your thing with alex
alex is babie and you need to take good care of him :)
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