bewareofchris · 9 months
👀 more cards writing, you say? How about #13, dealers choice on pairing or rating (maybe the jujutsu kaisen boys you've been a fan of recently?)
Hey there Christmas is over and I definitely did not do this as promised in a timely manner. But um, happy new year?
The ‘why the fuck would anyone buy this for me, this has to be a joke, but oh god it’s not and now I’m just holding this atrocity while everyone stares me’ gift
Sass | R for naughty words |
There was, in Malik's estimation, no harder part of being a parent than sitting wedged into the side of a Christmas tree at four-fucking-thirty in the goddamn morning, having just opened some unidentifiable item in front of four beaming faces and having to summon the energy and intent to pretend to have seen nothing so amazing in all his life. Between the fact that Jaida had violently pulled him by the pajama pants away from the coffee pot and the way Altair was smiling from behind the kids' backs Malik could barely force his mouth to form a smile.
He wasn't thinking, oh-wow-what-effort or even how-thoughtful-are-you but something more like, as-soon-as-i-escape-this-I'm-stabbing-you. No, the only thing saving the moment was that the triplets were so overcome with sudden sympathy for his one-handed-struggle to remove whatever-the-fuck-it-was from the box that they didn't seem to notice he couldn't keep a smile on his face.
Darim pulled the box right out of his lap, Sef wrapped both his fists around the corner of it and pulled with all his bony might while Tazim bypassed the struggle entirely to wrap his arm around Malik's shoulders with his knees digging into his thigh. His voice was wet and loud, but that was forgivable because he was stage whispering, "its a paperweight!"
"Hey!" Darim shouted in outrage. "We promised we wouldn't say." he might have thrown himself forward, rolled up like a cannonball, but Altair managed to catch him by the waist before he got that far. "You pink promised!"
Sef was mission-oriented, so completely focused on the task at hand that he didn't notice the betrayal or Darim's removal. He only looked up when Jaida leaned in to lift the paperweight out of the box. From how it seemed to pull her downwards, it was definitely heavy enough to weigh down some papers and probably his whole desk too.
Removed from the tissue paper and cardboard, the thing was even more incomprehensible. It looked both as if it had been crafted lovingly and deliberately and as if eight separate little hands had balled clay in their hands and then squeezed it out between their fingers. It was glazed a deep charcoal gray with two teal dots on the flattest part of it.
"Oh," he said with as much energy as he could manage, "that's going to keep my desk in place."
Jaida laughed and that was for the best because the triplets followed her lead on what was and what was not funny. She shook her head at him, one hand on his shoulder as she very earnestly assured him, "it's for papers. Daddy said you'd love it."
Altair was outshining the sun with how proud he was of himself for the unbalanced monstrosity that was too spikey, too round, too flat and too heavy for Malik to keep holding. "Don't you love it?" he asked.
He would definitely love throwing it at his husband's head later. "I do," he said to his children, who were waiting so patiently for him, "I'm going to take a picture of it and send it to everyone so they can see what a good job you've done. Then maybe we'll see how many papers it can hold down."
That must have been enough for the kids because they abandoned him to flock back to their dad who was the one throwing gifts to them like a zoo keeper feeding wild beasts.
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thou-babbling-brook · 2 years
after making a list of animation/animatic ideas I’ve had for various ac characters I’ve realized I’ve a) projected way too fucking much b) given too much character to bitches with 20 min of screen time and c) have way too many ideas for said characters with limited screen time
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shortpirateking · 4 years
Ja(*reeees in confusion and how to come up with good qualities*)
2. What’s 3 things your f/o likes about you?
I have....literally no idea- especially on specific F/o’s... I guess for the general it’d be creativity, adventurous, and silly???
11. Free pass to gush about your f/o
Okay so!!! I have many many many *MANY* f/o’s- all from different fandoms and even to a few of my friend’s oc’s!! so it’s hard to list every single one but I am ABSOLUTELY going to list many of them with a little ramble(and the fandom because sO MANY CHARACTERS. (not counting transformers characters, book characters, or Oc’s/ readers for the sake of space)
Dark Crystal(first ofc)
SkekTek: oh do I LOVE this boy!!! His intelligence, his backstory!! I just wish to hold him close, protect him from the world and go on a vacation with him and Sidetic!!!
SkekVar: Originally I wasn’t so fond of him- but his dumb himbo self has grown on me- i remember having a dream a long time ago of the skeksis turning human after saving thra(long plotline) and becoming like teasing partners who playfought a lot. I wantthis still.
SkekGra and Urgoh: They’re just!!!! So sweet!!! I want to snuggle with them, make puppet shows together with them and just enjoy being hermits!!!!
UrVa: Husband material?? yes?? His voice is amazing and i just want to be wrapped in his arms in the forest, learn archery and!!! AAAHSUAIHSA
SkekMal: Scary forest man who shits in the woods with a dark and sexy voice??? sign me tf UP *So many things i’d do with this feral lad*
UrSol: I just....love him so much- I want to snuggle, spoil, tease, and sing with him. 
UrTih: I would do ANYTHING to make him blush, embarrass him then snuggle him as he hides his face. UrTih is mY LAD
UrSan: She’s literally a mermaid and she’s so!!! PRETTY I’M SO GAY FOR HER
SkekLi: As a musical/history/folklore nerd. I’d kill to sit by a fire, sing folk songs and tell stories, make up our own plays, and just...enjoy being silly without the worry of being ridiculed.
SkekShod(Sorry shroom-): My??? My love?? I want to give this Skeksis my treasure chest of shiny rocks- I want to hold him close, love and kiss him- if he ever told me he loved me i’d *melt*
Assassin’s Creed
Ezio Auditore: he is *beyond* handsome- and good golly is he just!!! PERFECT. He has so much character development- i just want to learn Italian, follow his adventures and see all the things he has seen!!! (and befriend all of his friends)
Yusuf Tazim: Turkish lad??? Dorky, and just so silly??? yes??? I just....want to run through Istanbul with him---
Altair Ibn La-ahad: Oh boy have I had so mANY DAYDREAMS WITH THIS MAN. I’d kill to have the frenemies to lovers romance with him, aid him in his quests, become his right hand man and just....Share life with him and Maria- being the weird aunt of Darim and Sef
Malik Al-Sayf: SAME HERE WITH MALIK. I just...want to grow up with him and Kadar, learn to be an assassin with them and just- help him through his grief, change the course of time- or if not, be there for Tazim as he grows.
Charles Vane: I have literally no reason to like this man, but I do. 
Anne Bonney and Mary Reed: Amazing tough pirate gorls who kick ass and take names- what is there to NOT love?!?!?! (I just want to flirt and love on both of them- and many other NSFW things)
The Hobbit/Lotr
Aragorn: a king and warrior, strong and brave- and just!!! iosjdisada
Boromir: I really feel bad for this lad- he was merely a mortal, and sacrificed so much to regain his honor... I wish I could have saved him- or gave him comfort-
Bofur: He is the life of the party and I want nothing more than to dance on a table with him while singing at the top of our lungs. 10/10 best friends as lovers
Bifur: I want nothing more than to learn Khuzdul, speak with him and just...hold hands as I watch him make such intricate toys, see both that wild side and gentle side. 
Nori: I just like his stupid starfish hair and shenanigans okay??? he’s a little shithead thief
Kili: babbi boi....babi
Tauriel: Strong independent woman??? Red hair??? badass?? I don’t care that she wasn’t in the book, I WANT HER HAND IN MARRIAGE
Marble Hornets
Tim Wright: husband?? I would have loved to hold him- before all went to shit- i’d love to be in a poly/open relationship with him, Jay and Brian(brian we’d share, but Jay would be is(As he is CANON GAY AND I’VE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY BEFORE MY HC WAS RIGHT)
Alex Kralie: Honestly was probably an adorable dork before the sickness got to him- I still love the bad ending @probably-rabid and I roleplayed before-
Arata Kangatari(manga is the best)
Kannagi I just- love his character arc so much!!! even afterwards he’s such a dORK AND I LOVE HIM
Yorunami: Okay look- we both went through so much from our parents- so much trauma. I wish to hold him and help him to let go, to forgive but understand that doesn’t mean he has to excuse behavior.
Isora: He went through so much...so much... he didn’t deserve anything that he got, like at all... the fact he turned evil is not a surprise at all- i would have too...I just wish I could love on him, allow him to know there is love.
Eto: He’s such a good big brother....I just...want to love him... so much
Hannah Anafeloz: She was my first gay crush I can remember(then again I can’t remember too much of my childhood at all so-) and I love her so much-
Claude Faustus: I fucking hate him- and yet I love him sso sosososo much(Legit he is more of a yandere f/o and I rEEEE)
Herman Greenhill: Idc what happened in the manga- Often daydreamed about getting into Weston high and just... having him question his sexuality(As I’d be presenting as male the entire time) and just--- !!!!
Wolfram Gelzer: Big bad guy who learned to love?? Like!!! He is so sweet!!! big scary Germany teddy bear. 10/10 would snuggle. Also I love sullivan so we’d team up to tease the crap out of him
Gregory Violet: emo boi...likes black and cloaks. He is my goth boi and just...I want to draw with him- save him from Bravat along with the others- and other things that are plot related
Lawrence Bluer: Same for him-and I love how he is! I feel like he’d be a blushing nerd sometimes- but also be calm and collected. gOD I JUST WANT TO HOLD HIS HAND AS WE SHARE A BOOK
The Triplets(thompson, timber, and canterbury): I have no reason to love them- yet i do.
Agni: *incoherent screaming and sobbing as I recall what happened* HE DESERVED SO MUCH AND I LOVE HIMMMMMMMMMMMM
Snake: Babbi boi...babbi pt 2- I love him so much- he was my first ever cosplay, tricked my uncle into naming his snake after one of his(Keats). I just want to snuggle this boi.
Joker: sweet boi put into bad situation- I wish I could have saved him and the rest of the circus act-
Jumbo: okay but he is literally like 10ft tall. I want his height. I WANT TO BE CARRIED BY THIS MAN. LET ME BE CARRIED BY MY SUPER TALL HUSBAND OKAY?!?!?!
(I have so so so so SO MANY MORE- but that’s the main ones. Thank you for my TedTalk)
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hikingofthenoldor · 8 years
The ‘getting to know people’ game
I am in exactly the same situation as @frvx which means I have more important stuff to do but I don’t want to do any of it.
Name: Katharina
Nicknames: Katta. Katte. Jack. Ka (this one stuck from childhood days.) My parents call me Hasi. :’)
Gender: female with an annoyed question mark?
Star Sign: [zodiac] Gemini
Sexual Orientation: no fucking clue. I like people in general. So pan/bi. But I hardly ever crush on anyone ever. Like I appreciate beauty when I see it. And I appreciate great personalities when I meet one. But oh well. Leave that question. I’m single as fuck and I want to change that and not change that at the same time. Help.
Ilvermorny House: Wampus
Favourite Colour: Golden colours. Like warm yellow, orange, red and brown. But also dark green. Both warm and cold.
Favourite Animal: most animals are cute. I like birds. 
Time Right Now: 18:42
Average Hours of Sleep: 8h. And that’s also the amont of hours I need to work. So that’s good.
Cat or Dog Person: Cat. I was raised as acat person. But i learned to like dogs, too.
Favourite Fictional Characters: Hagen von Tronje. Alexey Zubov. Kostja Suaschkin. Erlkönig Manöver Kleist. Regulus Black. Karl von Moor. Ogg. Malik af Sayf. Yusuf Tazim. Boromir. Finrod Felagund. Galadriel. (Why can’t I think of more female characters...?)
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: Just one.
Favourite Singer/Band: At the moment I listen to a lot of Russkaja and Sabaton. But my all time favourite is probably Runrig.
Dream Trip: All I want is continuing my city trips with @nonejohnnywithleftslime. I want to see Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Dublin, Edinburgh, Warsaw. Vienna. Istanbul. where ever. Or we go hiking. Maybe...?
Dream Job: I have no clue tbh. I never knew how to answer that question. Not even as a child. Maybe something where I can build stuff?
When was this Blog Created: Can I look this up somewhere? Oh yeah. so 2012 apparently.
When did your blog reach its peak? Back in 2013 i had one post that blew up and got 1366 notes. It was dump as hell. But Follower wise I had two little peaks. Once when I joined the Silmarillion fandom and the second when the Erlkönig Fandom came to life.
What made you decide to get tumblr? A friend said it’s nice but I diodn’t like what happen to said freind. Like the Tumblr Noob addiction was so bad. But then I tried because all of deviant was suddenly moving here. So I moved to and got pretty addicted as well.
Tag some folks you want to know: whoever wants to. 
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bewareofchris · 7 years
New headcanon: Sass-Badger vs Son-Of-No-One is actually Sef's second biography about the story that matters.
that poor, poor bastard.  
(but yeah, more or less.  Then Tazim reads it and is like: the fuck???  You couldn’t like, let them be happy?  You waited to the last page of 4929202 pages for them to even actually like one another in person AND THEN IT’S OVER, oh my god.  oh my ever loving god.  FIX IT, SEF, FIX IT IMMEDIATELY.)
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