#OH YEA the shirts yea I considered the idea that they have the same shitty shirts idk it was a funny thought to me
wadesart · 1 year
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tried to imagine Beavis and Butt-Head if they were my age (mid 20s)
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a-writing-bear · 5 years
[PruCan] Chapter 11: Soft-Spoken Calling, They Want Their Shyness Back
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This Has been cross-posted onto FF & Ao3 under Aliases: BearBooper
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Fandom: Hetalia Axis Powers
Main Pairing: Gilbert Beilschmidt & Matthew Williams (Prussia & Canada)
AU:  College AU - Art Student Matthew and Media/Film Student Gilbert
Age Rating/Mature:  Teen And Up Audiences (12+ due to mentions of mature themes as well as swearing)
Trigger Warnings: Recreational Drugs & minor connotations of anxiety (Future addiction to mention themes such as addiction, rape etc.) WITHIN THIS CHAPTER - Mentions a lot of Weed. Unwanted touching (just mentions but slightly uncomfortable) 
10 pm was a good time to arrive at a party, they decided. Vanilla milkshakes always made Matthew feel better- however maybe it wasn’t a good idea to have one after that coffee from earlier, and especially considering he was about to jacked up. Oh well. That’s something I'll deal with tomorrow. The Dutchman and himself had been on their way to Matthias & Lukas’ house, music-making his head pound already and feeling antsy over the prospect of more socialising. They had made very little conversation as the Mattie drove- only vaguely keeping attention to Tim’s random commentary and occasional directions. The Nordic couple had been renting out some house in the suburbs with 3 other students- very obviously avoiding living anywhere near the student dorms or the student housing as they liked to prevent interaction with the rest of Himaruya Academy; when you were hosting smoke outs and various amounts of overzealous drinkers and gambling, you tend to want to avoid the loud crowds. These events were closed doors, invite-only per se. Nothing like Alfred’s big bash parties that turned the university dorms into the likes of open summer festivals. They had only just touched the gravel of the house pavement when Matthew was hit with the familiar whistle of a certain Cuban man who had recognised their red car.
“EYYY LUKAS, TIM AND MATTIE ARE HERE.” the Cuban accent used to make Matthew shiver but was meaningless once he learnt Carlos was very straight, and if evidence needed planting then Carlos already on the porch with some girls he didn’t recognise and was flagged to go in after a friendly wave as he was too busy flirting to give Matt and actual hello. Tim had followed behind, loosening his tie as they sauntered up the door, only to have it ripped open by an unimpressed looking face of the shorter man known by Lukas.
The Norwegian seemed to raise his eyebrows to see that they both arrived together, usually, it would always be Tim first before Matthew came coming in. “Hej. Earlier than usual. Matthias is already down in the den with Jack.”
Tim had disappeared into the kitchen, making haste to avoid the heavy drinkers that surrounded the living room and especially avoid that Russian dude that seems to be pouring what looked like half a bottle of vodka into his cup. Meanwhile, Lukas had offered to stash away Matthew’s precious hoodie in the closet as he made their way down to the basement. The hypnotising dragging voice of Tame Impala's Kevin Parker grew louder as Matthew's sneakers hit the staircase floorboards down into the dreary but comfortable den. Jack must have picked the music, but I can dig it. Already he could smell the stink of imported kush, the haziness of what seemed like a spiked stream flowing around- only placated and diluted due to the small basement hopper window that let the smoke out. Matthew kicked off his sneakers at the bottom, already enjoying the vibe- or perhaps already being affected by secondhand smoke. Matthias had opened the basement bathroom to double steam the first few sessions of weed but it proved worthless as there seems to be a continuous stream of smokers mingling in and out of the den. Matthias was a tall blonde mess, a big optimist who wore long shirts under brightly coloured tees- a stark contrast to the bland wardrobe that Lukas wore (Opposites do attract I suppose) and the Danish guy was laying belly up on some very tacky shag carpet, at the feet of Jack who was lazed around on some beanbag, bong in his lap haphazardly.
“Oi Mate- bout time you showed up, I was getting bored. Where’s Timtam?” Matthew shrugged and sat cross-legged right near the dazed Dane’s face.
“Don’t call him that, he’ll throw a fit. What’s this? Yours or Tim’s?”
Jack snickered, the Australian clearly buzzed on something, “Buddy if this was Tim’s hooch I wouldn’t be sharing with goldie over here” he pointed and laughed as he listened to Matthias whine in offence. To be fair, the guy did go through more weed than Jack and Matthew combined so it was a fair enough statement. Matthew leant back, arms behind him as he dug his hands into the soft and a bit scruffy faux fur of the carpet- Matthias was giggling high about something and had pushed his head into Matthew’s lap.
“Hold kæft! I’m not that shit! Fuck Mattttt where’s Tim?”
“Upstairs I think- please pass the bong Jack” Matthew carefully stroked the hair that weaselled its way into his lap, he didn’t mind touchy stoners, he was the same whenever he got a hit- he just wished the big couch wasn’t full of clothes so he wouldn't have to sit on the floor. Just as he had the glass bulb in his hand Tim had marched in from upstairs, throwing a bag of chips and lots of biscuits into the beanbag next to Jack. Matthew tutted as Matthias apologised about not having those maple cookies he liked, whereas the Australian was more pleased to see some recognisable red liquorice. The green-eyed man had pulled out a pipe and dragged the spare beanbag to be behind Matthew, and it was not long before all four of the boys had taken a few hits and became a bunch of giggling messes.
“So whattya been up to mate?”
“Maybe he finally went back to Canada or something right Mattttt?
“Ahaha yea seen any geese or something mate?? Shit, we should have gone- BC bud hol-y” the conversation seemed disjointed and Matthew was already too far gone to think about going back to Canada. He notes that yeah, it’s been a bit since he’d come for a smoke out, and he didn't answer as he was too preoccupied with the stem of his bong and the noise of shouting celebrations of poker players upstairs.
“Schatje has a new uh...gig” Tim snorted, he, however, was definitely less jacked than the 3 who seemed to light up at the sentence.
“Oooooooo who be it?? Who is it, Mattie?” Matthew let out a wail of disapproval at the conversation, Tim was supposed to be his friend yet he’s pushed him into a corner of answers.
“Some dude..guy...fucking cute- uh Gil..red eyes oof real red...shiny eyes.” his mind wandered as he let himself lean on the edge of Tim’s beanbag, Matthias had already stumbled off the floor, excited and eager to hear like some high school girl. Jack had his eyebrows raised and the singlet wearing man moved closer from his position to meet Matthew’s rosy expression.
“Wow, Matties got the giggles for someone huh? Hah Timtam good luck mate.” Tim avoided any eye contact and instead focused on his pipe and refilled it with some mary jane from the communal bag nearby. An indignant noise came out of Tim as he growled at the stupid nickname.
“Wait- Gil? Gilbert? The band shirt guy? Isn’t he the one who got wasted at Francis’ big blowout last time” Matthias mentioned, arms waving and dismissed as he continued to squirm along the floor.
“Oh Gilllly boy, mates with uh Antonio or something, that bitch?”
“Fuck I don’t know...he listens to uh...mom jeans too ya know- fuck me.” the two laughed at Matthew’s comment but didn’t push for more- it’s been too long since Matthew had shown interest in someone, who were they to question. Especially not while they were all getting smoked. Tim looked disinterested in the topic anyway and was more concerned with tangling his fingers in Matthew’s strawberry blonde hair as the Canadian had sat between his legs. God fuck cuddles were nice. Matthew's voice broke out into more wailing as he sung along to Snowy Dunes. The music was soothing. He hoped there was more.
The music melted out into something he didn't quite recognise: “Who the FUCK put Queens of stone age on the queue?” Jack complained. ah fuck. he agreed over the change in the artist. shame, he quite liked Snowy Dunes more than Queens of Stone age At some point, Lukas had dragged his very giggly boyfriend upstairs and Jack had been huddled in a corner snacking by himself. Matthew didn’t know what time it was but he’d wiggled his way from his scarf-wearing friend and clambered up the staircase, laughing at the terrible decor on the walls- he could paint better graffiti than the shitty art pieces the house owners had displayed. He didn’t realise how he’d find himself on the couch near Ivan and some other foreign sounding students. Ivan was cool. Weird. Haha, I V A N. fuck ‘ee van.’ who names their kid Ivan anyway? Doesn't get more Russian than that. Shit ice hockey. Russian players are always so grabby. Man, I’d kill for some Cheetos right now.  
There were about 10 people in the room- and some Matthew only recognised by name. Everyone here barely attempted to talk outside of this safe house. What happened on Saturday nights never got passed the lawn, it was an unspoken law. Matthew always wondered was that because of the copious amount of shagging that happened? The excessive card games or maybe the fact that all these people were just kids who can’t bear to go to the bigger parties. Matthew couldn’t decide. He couldn’t even figure out why he was here. Why was anyone here? Why are we still here? Just to suffer? He laughed at his inner joke.
The teen’s mind wandered in circles and had been offered a drink by some Finnish kid he recognised as Lukas’ housemate. The music up here was incessantly blasting rock- something that he’d love if it wasn’t so dizzy. He melted further into the couch, barely turning to watch the poker match of some guys a few meters away. Matthew liked this house. Even with people here, it wasn’t suffocating. He could feel someone touching his hair again. Hosers. Why always my hair. The fingers started roaming his shoulders...and his thigh. Suddenly Matthew felt more sobered as he shuffled away and tried to find a pillow to hide behind. He felt woozy and extremely giddy despite his anxiousness to escape anymore touching. He stood up throwing the pillow outside and went hunting for some water. He didn’t want to feel this light anymore. Not now. Matthew couldn’t remember feeling this light and heavy all at the same time. And suddenly, he just couldn’t remember a lot of things. There was a lot of loud singing. He laughed.
Alfred had been dropped off at his dorm building at around 9:20 pm, and by 9:30 he’d launched his discord chat and set up his microphone so that he could huddle on his bed without having to jostle his laptop so much later. The blue-eyed American had only one reason to not be out partying like he usually did with his cousin Francis, only one other reason why he was studying with his brother and one other reason why he hadn’t been chasing up local girls and guys
“Hey, Keeks!”
His voice rattled with poorly disguised joy as his Japanese friend had picked up. Alfred and Kiku had hit it off foundation year, and while it was upsetting that eventually, the black-haired beauty had to transfer back to the other campus, Alfred had made it his job to stay in contact. Kiku was a genius. On par if not smarter than Alfred and that was considered high praise. The two shared stories, For the Asian man it was only just the start of the day so Alfred accompanied him through his breakfast as they shared concepts for different additions to each other’s current project. Robotics has always intrigued Alfred but there was no secret that his wonder had not been merely just been present because of the technological prowess that his crush displayed.
“Alfred-kun. I thought you said you had something with your Brother tonight.” Kiku’s soft voice filtered through the screen, he knew all about Alfred’s personal life and was under the impression the call was cancelled for some family bonding.
“Nah, dude. He’s out with his not-boyfriend. I don’t know what he’s up to. Probably exchanging spit or reading together again.” Alfred Sighed. Knowing his boring brother, he was just watching some movie with Tim again. He’s probably just sleeping.
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queencassshh · 6 years
1 - 104 🙃🙃🙃
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? awks. thats my boss lol2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?nonya'bidness3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?yes maam. 4. Is your last name longer than six letters?no5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?sober6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?oh of course7. What does your last received text say?"lets get tacos and out, im ready to drink" @9:15pm8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?a few9. Where was your last kiss at?an apartment complex lol10. When is the last time you saw your sister?when i punched her in the nose lol 11. What do you drink in the morning?cranberry juice or coffee12. Where did you sleep last night?Jasmines house13. Do you think relationships are hard?kinda14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?oh fuckin absolutely15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?probably yeah lol16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?sunny17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?yes maam18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?im actually naked so....19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?im honestly not sure20. Does anyone like you?yes21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?yes22. Is the last person you kissed gay?oh absolutely 23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?YES24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?I got me one25. In the past week have you cried?yes26. What breed was the last dog you saw? Pitbull27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?in the shower28. Have you ever kissed a football player?yes she was ridiculously stupid29. Do you think you’re old?kinda30. Do you like text messaging?yes31. What type of day are you having?shitty hahaha32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?i already have it33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?cold34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?yes maam35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?right now? fling. 36. Are you a simple or complicated person?complicated for sure37. What song are you listening to?nothing currently38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?Yes, very much so..39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?yes40. What made you start liking the person you like now?who knows41. When did you last receive a text message?probs .2 seconds ago42. What is wrong with you right now?im a fuckin train wreck 43. How well do you know the last female you texted?very very well44. Does anyone disgust you?yes :) 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?nope.46. Are you in a good mood right now?meh i guess so :)47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?a friend48. What color shirt are you wearing?none 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?yep! 50. Anyone you’re giving up on?no51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?no not a single bit52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?yes53. Do you like rain? absolutely yes. you kinda gotta when you live in seattle54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?nah55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? nah balls to the wall man56. Do you like to cuddle?oh god yes57. Are you shy? nope not one bit58. Do you get along with girls?yes59. Have you dated the person you texted last? yes60. What do you carry with you at all times? Phone, Keys and a photo of my son61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? faaaaak yes62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? yeah lol63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? yes i was64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?i guess? 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?yes 66. How old are the last three people you kissed?23, 23, 2667. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? im not a huge fan68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? neither omg 69. Do you have any stickers on your car? nope70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? Luke Bryan for sure71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? IPhone72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? who knows i really dont like pizza73. Do you like diet soda? nope74. What color are the walls in your room? Light Grey75. Are you 16 or older? Yes76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? what even is that?77. Do you have a job? yes78. What are your initials? KLC79. Did you ever have braces? No maam80. Are you from the south? no maam81. What does your last status on facebook say? tryna adopt this dog ya know? idk its a reblog 82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? no83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? Mama84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? Gym for a little while85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? some scary movie that sucked86. Do you smoke? yes87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? floppies88. Is your phone touch screen? yes89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? straight90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? oh gawd yes91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? lake92. Have you ever made out in a car? yes maam 93. …Had sex in a car? yaaaas94. Are you single or in a relationship? nonya'bidness95. What were you doing last night at midnight? at Jasmines Drinking wine96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? um. probably new years97. Do you like the camera on your phone? i guess98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? yea lololol99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? ya lol100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? yep gotta keep em close ya know101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? yep102. Name your favorite Kesha song: I have no idea103. Do you have any tan lines right now? NOPE BC SEATTLE104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? no no no
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oddree13 · 7 years
Bittersweet Nursey/Dex RP
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like nurseydex, and dex/nursey.
Stranger: What sort of coffee do you want. I'm at Annie's. -WP
You: If I tell you my order will you chirp me? DN
Stranger: Nah -WP
Stranger: I'm in a nice mood today -WP
You: Fine. Can you get me the salted caramel mocha please. Largest they have. I'll pay you back. DN
Stranger: Yes, yes, and no. -WP
You: Dude it's a pricey drink so let me just pay for it. DN
Stranger: I don't mind, honestly. You get stuff for me sometimes. -WP
You: Yeah but that's because reasons. DN
Stranger: Cuz what reasons? -WP
You: Just reasons dude. DN Like you never expect and that particular smile is a good look on you. ND
Stranger: ... -WP
Stranger: I Feel like I'm doing that smile rn -WP
You: Probably not. You've probably got on that bashful smile you get when someone compliments you not for your hard work. DN
Stranger: You're documenting all of my smiles now? -WP
Stranger: God gave me the gayest roommate -WP
You: Look I didn't try to, I just notice things...DN
Stranger: It's fine -WP
Stranger: I actually like that you pay attention to me. Makes me feel less stupid for doing the same to you -WP
You: Funny Poindexter. Like you'd waste time on me. DN
Stranger: How can you go from being chill to an ass in 3 seconds? -WP
You: I'm not an ass just realistic. DN You've got better things to do then pay attention to me off the ice. DN
Stranger: Then I'm a fucking moron for not doing whatever better things I've got to do. -WP
You: I didn't say that. You're putting words in my mouth. DN
Stranger: I literally did not accuse you of saying that, I'm saying it about my own goddamn self -WP
Stranger: Jesus Christ i'm trying to be civil and you act like we're still freshman and i've got it out for you -WP
You: You aren't a moron at all. DN
You: And you're right I got defensive sorry. ND
Stranger: All of you like... fucking harped on me to change and I've been doing my best, and I think I'm doing good but I feel like I'm being treated like I pull the same shit I used to. -WP
Stranger: Just... let me be nice. Stop thinking it's a joke or I'm being sarcastic or whatever shit goes through your head. -WP
You: I don't think like that because it's coming from you. I think that about everyone. DN And you've changed. A lot. It's noticable and I'm super proud of you dude. DN
Stranger: Well I'm doing one of those stupid smiles again so thx for that -WP
Stranger: I'm almost back to the Haus -WP I got Chowder 2 of those cake bars. Let him know? He's not answering his texts (is Cait over????) -WP
You: Yeah Cait is over. I've got music going on in our room for that reason. DN
Stranger: Baaaaarffff -WP I guess we can have the cake bars then I don't want them getting old and gross -WP
You: More for us then. DN
Stranger: I like them anyways. They're like cake pops but bigger -WP
You: Oh yeah those a great. DN
Stranger: Can you come get the door for me I panicked and left without one of those drink carriers -WP
You: Nursey chuckled and put down his phone. Walking downstairs, and trying to not hear the noise coming from Chowder's room, he opened the door for Dex and helped him with the drinks. "What do you mean you panicked?"
Stranger: Dex nodded a thank-you at Nursey and handed him his large drink. "Thank god for Siri or our stuff would've eaten shit." He entered the room, his face getting red after hearing a shout and a laugh coming from Chowder's room. After closing his door he tossed the bag of cake treats onto Nursey's bottom bunk. "Jeez. They sound like they're having way too much fun, the fuck."
Stranger: *He didn't really want to explain his weird bouts of panic, so he hoped that if he ignored it Nursey wouldn't ask again.
You: "I've been told sex can be fun," he snorted, and sat on his bunk, sipping the warm caffeinated drink and sighing contentedly. "Thank you again Dex and I'm sorry for being an ass." He offered and opened the cake bag to see two different flavors. "Half and half?"
Stranger: Dex rolled his eyes and sat next to Nursey on his bed. "Well yeah, but like... They're having SO much fun and honestly, I'm sort of jealous?" He shrugged and broke the other cake bar in half. He took and gave a half before eating one of them and hummed. "Is this Of Monsters and Men? Nice."
You: "Yeah I just put a radio station on to drown out their fun," he shrugged, and wanted to tell Dex that he could easily have that much fun. He'd seen the looks his defenseman got at parties from anyone with eyes. "Well there's a kegster coming up if that envy lingers."
Stranger: Dex huffed and leaned back, resting his temple against the post of the ladder. "Eh... I'm not, like, into sex with strangers. The idea of it kind of freaks me out." Dex took a long sip of his minty mocha iced drink. "And I don't even know if I want like, actual sex. Cuddling sounds just as nice."
You: "I mean that's legit too. You might be ace or somewhere on the spectrum if sex like that squicks you out," he offered.
Stranger: Dex nodded. "Yeah. I've considered that. I guess my awkwardness has that going for me, because I've never really had to deal with people coming onto me." Dex looked at his cake pop and turned it in his hands before eating a piece. "Pretty sure I like dudes too, though. Aesthetically, at least."
You: Nursey choked on his drink at that. There was Dex, conservative uptight Dex, confessing his attraction to dudes. "Yeah," he squeaked out, "they're pretty nice to look at."
Stranger: Dex smirked, watching Nursey get a little flustered. It was kind of funny. He was glad he waited for the right moment to come out-- the right moment being when Nursey was taking a drink. "And like, I get insanely jealous when I see guys with really nice beards. But it's like, do I want to be them, or be with them? I don't know! I can't tell who I'm attracted to because I've never really been attracted to anyone. Nothing more than like, "yeah, that's kinda hot"."
You: Nursey couldn't help the hand that went to his face, lamenting his lack of facial hair that would be an simple attraction for Dex. "I feel that. I mean that's how I figured it out, but it's cool if you never get based 'yea that's kinda hot' for anyone."
Stranger: Dex stared at his drink, stirring the whipped cream around with his spoon. "Yeah. So.. I kinda just.. Don't try? And if I meet someone that wants to date me despite me being weird about sex, then yeah I'll try it. I just don't want to go throwing myself out to the wolves."
You: "I'm sure you'll find a lot of people just willing to be with you, sex or no sex. You'd be a great boyfriend," he assured, trying not to come off as hestitant from jealousy.
Stranger: Dex smiled and he stretched his foot out and gently kicked Nursey's side. "Well, thanks dude. It just may take me forever. I don't really get out much y'know?" Dex took another bite of his cake pop. "Maybe I've got to ride on Chowder's shoulders and I'll end up toppling over onto my true love."
You: "I mean yeah but Chowder was riding my shoulder's when you knocked us into her," he pointed out.
Stranger: Dex tossed a cake bit at Nursey. "It doesn't matter who was being ridden, dude. C still scored." Out of context that sounded hilariously dirty, and Dex was grinning from it. "What about you? You listen to shitty pining songs all the time but I don't see you trying to find a beau."
You: "Oh well, I just like that music," he lied, trying his hardest not to say that he was pining for the redhead next to him, smiling the grin he gets when he's being devious.
Stranger: Dex rolled his eyes and he lifted his foot up to push it against Nursey's neck and jaw. "Shut the fuck up, it's deeper than that we both know it. Don't make me shove my foot down your throat."
You: Nursey flushed at the thought of those things of Dex's he'd like down his throat, but kept it to himself. "Fine, I like someone, but they're just a friend. I tried hooking up a lot to get them out of my system but it didn't work so instead I'm just being."
Stranger: Dex grinned a little and he set his drink down and then crawled over to sit down right next to Nursey and pester him. He poked at his friend's arm, over the tattoo just barely peeking out from under his shirt. "Come on bro, you gotta tell me who. A friend? Is it a friend I know or one of your poetry people?"
You: Had Dex been poking him like this a year ago he would have thought his D-man had lost it. But now, he was a more tactile person which did little for Nursey's resolve. "I'd really rather not talk about it. Doing my best to forget them after all."
Stranger: Dex pouted a little and he put his hands on Nursey's cheeks, squishing them. "Yooo, come on man." He brought his hands lower, squeezing the corner of Derek's mouth to make his lips pucker hilariously with each word. "Tell. Me. At least a name? A basic description?"
You: It took everything Nursey had in him to not turn his head and kiss Dex's palm. "I can tell you that if they wanted me that they'd be it for me. I wouldn't want anyone else."
Stranger: Dex blinked, looking at Nursey with a bit of surprise. His hand dropped. "Shit...Really? That's like.. Serious stuff, Nurse." He backed off, feeling a little.... What even was that? Dejection? No, Nursey being in love was a /happy/ thing. Maybe it was just sad that Nursey didn't think he could be with them. "Have you tried making a move?"
You: "Once, but they weren't into it. I backed off," he mumbled, sipping his drink. "And it's not that serious. Most people would think it was the fleeting delusions of a young twenty something."
Stranger: Dex frowned. Who the hell wouldn't want Nursey? "Dude, it sounds kinda serious. And who cares if you're young? My parents got together in /high school/ and everyone told them that it wouldn't work because they were young and stupid and in love. Look at them now. Still together and shit." He shrugged. "You're, like... a really nice dude. I'm sorry this person doesn't see that."
You: "No, don't get me wrong. He think's I'm great, but a great friend. And it's chill if that's all I get to be. He doesn't owe me anything," he added, trying to not bask in the praise Dex was laying on him.
Stranger: Dex nodded his head slow. "Oh... Okay. Well that's better than like, him /not/ seeing how cool you are. Still that kinda sucks." Dex reached over Nursey to grab his drink and he took an experimental sip of it. It was a little too salty for him, but still decent. "How long ago did you ask him out?"
You: "I didn't ask him out. I just told him that he looked good and whatnot and he didn't react well. So, I got the hint."
Stranger: Dex frowned. "Well... That's not much of anything, bro." He gave Derek's arm a gentle slap. "Everyone on the team throws around random-ass compliments all the time. So maybe he's been around people like that. Maybe he had no idea you meant in in like, a genuine, I-Want-You kind of way."
You: "I'm good Dex. Really. He deserves more than me, and I wouldn't even know what I'd tell him."
Stranger: Dex rolled his eyes. "Alright. Well, if you think so." He shifted back to his original spot near the opposite end of the bed and leaned against the post. "Kinda stupid that you won't like, give the guy a proper choice to go out with you though. He could very well think that you're too good for him."
You: "Right, like he'd think that," he snorted and wondered why Dex had moved so far, missing the proximity. In the middle of songs transitioning a noise from Chowder's room came through the walls, and Nursey winced.
Stranger: Dex made a face as well and he got a little red. There was a short silence between them and Dex rubbed at his face. "What the fuck. My brain keeps trying to imagine what's going on in there and I'm like, please stop." Dex sat up to bang his fist on the wall. "Hey!! Tone it down like, two notches?! Please?!"
You: After that they both heard a giggle Cait yell sorry. "Don't imagine it because you'll be half pissed and half jealous," he laughed.
Stranger: Dex snorted and he shifted, wedging his feet underneath Nursey's legs. He liked sitting and pressing close to his friend. He wasn't used to simple affection and proximity. "I don't know who I'm more jealous of, honestly. Like..." He shrugged. "I don't know. It'd be nice to have someone feel me up, I think. S'not like I get touched often."
You: Nursey begged every deity he could think of for strength. "I know what you mean," he agreed trying to keep the image of fingers ghosting over freckled skin from his mind.
Stranger: Dex pushed his foot more against Nursey's knee. He wished Nursey could be one of those dudes that would just... /offer/ affection. Dex didn't know how to ask for it. "Well.. You're better at getting that shit done. You don't have a problem with doing it with strangers. That's nice for you."
You: "I don't fuck strangers though...I mean not in the usual sense. But I haven't really since last year, so yeah," he muttered, reaching out to take Dex's foot and massage it a bit.
Stranger: "Oh." Dex shrugged. His toes flexed and he sighed a little when Nursey began to massage his foot. That felt really nice. "Well... There's nothing wrong with that if you still want to. It doesn't... I don't know. I think people make too big a deal of saving themselves for one person. If they want to have casual sex along the way, it's no big deal. Unless they're contracting dangerous diseases. Then it gets like... yikes."
You: "I know, I just found myself doing it to replace him...and it wasn't fair to myself or the people I was with," he explained, smiling at the sigh Dex gave.
Stranger: Dex nodded a little and he smiled. "Well that's cute. You're such a chill dude. It's nice." His head tipped back and his breathing slowed. Nursey's fingers were working deep into his foot and... "Nhh.."
You: No. This was not happening. Nursey could not get hard from giving his crush a foot massage and hearing him relax. "Feel good?"
Stranger: Dex puffed air through his nose. "Is that even a real question? Yeah, it feels good." He tried not to overthink this whole thing. Nursey was just rubbing his foot. That didn't mean the guy was into him or was going to try to make a move on him.. Even though a part of Dex wanted him to. "Don't stop on my account."
You: "Just wanted to make sure that you were into it," he smirked, and moved on to the next foot before moving up to his calf.
Stranger: "Oh ha, ha." Dex used his free foot to kick at Derek. "How about if I /don't/ like something, I'll tell you. Makes it a lot less complicated." Dex was really glad he was wearing his tri-stripe adidas shorts. Nursey's hands felt so nice over his skin.
You: Nursey just nodded and worked his way up his roommate's legs, until he finished the thighs, not wanting to do more, despite Dex now looking very realxed.
Stranger: Dex knew Nursey was moving closer, but when he felt his friend rub at his thighs he opened his eyes and stared at him. "You...uh. You're good at.. good with your hands." Nursey's face was so distractingly close and Dex's brain wouldn't function right.
You: "Thanks, um, did I go too far?" he asked, knowing that he was almost in Dex's lap with the way he was sitting. It would be so easy just to lean forward and kiss him.
Stranger: Dex took another slow breath and his head shook slowly. "Well I didn't tell you to stop," Dex reminded, his eyes flicking over Nursey's face. The music that was playing only made Dex feel more into the moment. It was a nice sountrack.
You: "Is there another place you want me to touch?" he asked, unaware of how it sounded.
Stranger: Dex snorted and he ducked his head a little, before he reached for Nursey's hand. He slowly pulled it to his hip, and his face got hotter. "Just...Anywhere... I want to know what it's like. If that's cool."
You: Dex was asking him what it was like to be touched and wanted, and if Nursey swore he was dying. Clearly he'd passed out during English class and this was heaven. But after a breath he pulled away. "I can't...fuck, I can't...it's not real like this."
Stranger: Dex mumbled a string of curses under his breath and he pulled his legs back, curling up and away from Derek. "Can we just forget I ever--? Fuck, this is so fucking embarrassing." Dex pulled the pillow out from under him and lay flat, instead pulling the pillow down over his face.
You: "No Dex, no," he began, moving to lay beside the redhead who was trying to suffocate himself. "It's not you. It's me. God, I would give anything to just trace my fingers over your skin but you're not into me like that. I get that I'm safe bet if you wanted to experiment but I can't do it if it's not real."
Stranger: Dex felt his face flush hot at Derek's words. He wanted to feel Derek touch him, too. He trusted Derek a lot. "I.. But I.. I want this, from you. I wouldn't go fuckin'... Asking one of the other guys to do this. You... I trust you and.. I mean, you're hot and.. If I had a solid type I'm pretty sure you'd fit it."
You: "I might be your type and you might not ask one of the other guys, but I'm telling you Dex I can't do it because of trust. I like you, so much, it hurts to be around you sometime. You think I know that you have 14 distinct smile because I'm bored? No I know because I can't stop watching your fucking gorgeous face for more than a few minutes. I'd be happy to touch you Dex, but I won't because I'm not deluding myself into thinking I get to have you."
Stranger: Dex let out a long sigh and he pushed the pillow off his face to flop under his head instead. He had to let this go, but... Fuck. Nursey liked him. Like...Actually liked him. Thought he could be The One. "I'm sorry." Dex pushed his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry I tried to.. talk you into this. It just felt so good, and--Fuck, it was selfish. I'm really sorry I can't be the kind of guy you're after. I wish I could know for sure whether what I feel is just loneliness or a desire to be with you."
You: "I get it," he sighed, his body aching from anxiety, and knowing that he was right in the first place to not open up. Dex had pried out of him information about his crush and now his heart was breaking into pieces. "I'm going to go for a walk okay?"
Stranger: Dex kept his body curled up as closer as he could, feeling a range of flaring emotions. "Y-yeah. No I don't blame you." He was near silent until the moment Nursey left and that's when his frustration bubbled over into rage. He shoved a few thing off his desk in a fit of anger at himself, not caring at the moment that he had broken a favorite mug of his.
You: Nursey ignored the way Chowder was calling his name as he went down the stairs and out the door, only realizing after he was a block away that he'd left without shoes on. Sighing, he made his way to the English building knowing which deserted parts he could hide and breakdown in without being bothered.
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agricultureexam · 7 years
all of them 😣😣 dyinf to know!! 😥💦
1. You wake up naked beside the last person you texted, what would you say? -Hi dad....?2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?-He wanna date but I really don't anymore //: 3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?-Weed is fine but no hard drugs4. Is your last name longer than six letters?-Yep5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?-Sober6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?-Yeeeeeep7. What does your last received text say?-"were out shopping for nothing"8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?-10?"9. Where was your last kiss at?-in my home 10. When is the last time you saw your sister?-i don't have a sister11. What do you drink in the morning?-juice12. Where did you sleep last night?-university dorm13. Do you think relationships are hard?-yep14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?-yes maam15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?-his breath nasty and his dick small16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?-rainy17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?-nope18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?-Leggings19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?-yes20. Does anyone like you?-yes21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?-yes 22. Is the last person you kissed gay?-no23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?-yep Bella Thorne24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?-have one but u want more25. In the past week have you cried?-last night26. What breed was the last dog you saw? -cat breed27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?-out28. Have you ever kissed a football player?-i've banged 3 football players get on my level29. Do you think you’re old?-old soul30. Do you like text messaging?-yea more than snapchat 31. What type of day are you having?-i'm so tired32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?-i want my septum pierced33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?-warm but not hot34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?-BURNEEEEEP35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?-Fling36. Are you a simple or complicated person?-complicated 37. What song are you listening to?-Wii Theme Song38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?-mostly39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?-keely40. What made you start liking the person you like now?-he is a cat and i love him 41. When did you last receive a text message?-11:43am42. What is wrong with you right now?-tryna figure out how to break up with this guy /:43. How well do you know the last female you texted?-not that well44. Does anyone disgust you?-YEP 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?-id date nolan46. Are you in a good mood right now?-ehhhh47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?-Mikayla 48. What color shirt are you wearing?-grey49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?-yes50. Anyone you’re giving up on?-yep 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?-no i'm just upset it ended 52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?-yes53. Do you like rain?-love rain 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?-not at all55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?-all the time56. Do you like to cuddle?-sorta yea57. Are you shy?-depends 58. Do you get along with girls?-not really59. Have you dated the person you texted last?-no cause it's my dad 60. What do you carry with you at all times?-phone and money61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?-hell yes 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?-right now? hell no 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?-yea and i really loved him 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?-YES BUT HSHSJSJSIH65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?-not really tbh66. How old are the last three people you kissed?-16 17 and 2067. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? -i don't want my nails done cause i do too many sports 68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? -zebra cause black and white69. Do you have any stickers on your car? -i don't have a car70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? -lil wayne71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? -iphone72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?-a long long time ago73. Do you like diet soda? -NO74. What color are the walls in your room? -grey75. Are you 16 or older? -yes76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? -no way77. Do you have a job? -yes78. What are your initials? -A M 79. Did you ever have braces? -no80. Are you from the south? -no81. What does your last status on facebook say? -i don't post on facebook82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? -yes83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? -dad84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? -nope 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? -honestly i have no idea86. Do you smoke?-recreationally the weeds 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? -flip flops 88. Is your phone touch screen? -no shit89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? -curly90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? -yep to get dick 91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? -pool 92. Have you ever made out in a car? -yep93. …Had sex in a car? -multiple times 94. Are you single or in a relationship? -tryna peace out95. What were you doing last night at midnight? -catching a Z96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? -July 1st97. Do you like the camera on your phone? -nah it's pretty shit 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? -oh hell yea that's my fave99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? -yep 😂😂100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? -i don't go on facebook101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? -YEP102. Name your favorite Kesha song: -Take It Off103. Do you have any tan lines right now? -yea just on my legs104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? -ye ye SHITTY ANSWERS CAUSE IM IN A PUBLIC PLACE IN A CLASS AND COULDNT THINK
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poklina · 7 years
for the au prompt- jimon #40
hey pal i don’t know why this is 3k words but it is lmao
thanks fr the prompt i had a Party writing it
bump in the night-3k
The bar was just like any other seedy Brooklyn bar at 1 in the morning; stale beer, a faint undercurrent of weed, and the quiet sound of long days being drowned out in shots of whiskey. It wasn't as crowded as it has been when Simon got here, and the noise level had stabilized quite nicely, leaving him alone with all of the other alcoholics and mistake-makers Brooklyn had to offer.
Home sweet home.
He sighed as he looked down into his beer, something that they had on tap that he'd been halfway drinking for the past 3 hours. He was only on his 2nd glass, considering that most of those three hours had been spent looking blankly at his phone and making forced small talk with the people that came up to try and take him home.
Simon wasn't really sure where his day had started to go so horridly wrong, but he suspected that it may have had something to do with the fact that as soon as he stepped outside this morning, it had started to rain. If that wasn't a sign of terrible things, then he didn't know what was.
The domino's just kept falling from there. First, he was late to work, then he realized that he had left one of his client's files on his counter, followed by a spectacular incident of spilling his lunch down the front of his shirt, which all culminated in him being called into his bosses office, and after a short speech about "company downsizing" and "having to keep the reputation of our clients," he'd been laid off and sent home with 6 months of severance the only thing that would keep him afloat for the coming months. He'd already started mentally applying for jobs anywhere he could find a "Now Hiring" sign in the window.
And after all of that, he'd ended up here, and hadn't left his seat since.
The worst part of this whole thing was that he couldn't even call anyone to come and join him in this pity party, because they were all either sleeping or having a grand old time with someone that actually cared about them. Clary was off on a date with Izzy, Magnus was staying at Alec's house, and Raphael...yeah. No sense in going down that path again.
"Hey, we're gonna be closing up here pretty soon. Can I call you a cab?" The bartender came over with a rag as she wiped down the counter. Her nametag read Maia. Simon would definitely be interested if it was any other night but tonight, but he just sighed and pushed the mostly full glass of lukewarm beer towards her.
"No, thanks though. I think I'm going to just walk home tonight. Clear my head."
"Are you sure? Don't want you getting mugged or anything." She looked up at him, her warm brown eyes looking straight at him, almost seeing right through him, filled with pity.
"Yea, it's okay. I only live a couple blocks away. Thanks, though. Appreciate it." Simon rubbed his hands quickly over his jeans before digging out his wallet and handing her a 10.
"Um, you've already paid for your drinks tonight, I don't-"
"It's your tip. Thanks for not kicking me out 2 hours ago." Simon smiled quickly, his heart not in it to keep it up.
"Oh. Um, thanks. I hope-well, I hope you have a good night, sir."
"You too, Maia."
He dug his hands into his pockets before shouldering the door open and walking into the cool grey of an early Brooklyn morning.
This was Simon's favorite time of day. Usually, he was asleep by now, exhausted from a day of accounting and such, but when he did find himself awake at the careful moments between midnight and the sun starting to rise, he would just stand at the one window in his tiny, shoe box apartment and breathe it in. The city noises, still alive and breathing even now, the quiet flickers of what stars he could see through the light pollution, the small line of grey just on the horizon, letting him know that there will be another day, and another, and another.
If he could live in this in between world for the rest of his life, he would gladly accept.
He was so caught up in the feeling that his eyes actually slipped shut, which of course lead him to walk straight into a brick wall.
Simon stumbled backwards, tripping over his feet and landing flat on his ass on the sidewalk, hands launching out to catch him, but only achieving scraped wrists in the process. He let out a groan internally as he scrambled to his feet again, already letting out a rapid fire apology.
"Shit, I am so sorry, I totally wasn't looking, please don't hurt me, I am-"
His words died a quick death in his throat as he looked into the blue brown eyes of the guy he just ran into.
Of course, he thought bitterly,of fucking course this is how my day ends. I'm a good person, what on Earth did I do to deserve this?
They stood in silence for what seemed to be an eternity, when it was actually probably only about 30 seconds, before Jace cleared his throat and spoke to him for the first time in 4 years.
"Hey. It's...it's been awhile."
"Yeah, yeah. You could say that." Simon muttered, his hand nervously coming to scratch the back of his neck. Jace had broken up with him 4 years ago over text, and Simon immediately blocked his number and never looked back. In retrospect, it probably wasn't a good idea for them to get together, seeing that they were just so different, but Simon had felt that Jace...Jace was something new. Something exciting. They had been together for 2 years before it started to fall apart. However, it had taken him just as long to get over him.
Simon looked at him again and as their eyes connected, he could feel every wall that he had carefully constructed around what they once had coming down with incredible efficiency. He knew that he never really got over Jace, but seeing him here, right in front of him, just made those feelings come screeching back to he front of his mind.
"So...uh, how're you?" Jace looked at him, face twisted into something that looked like either pity or regret or sadness, Simon couldn't tell.
"I've been pretty good. I mean, up until today, but, you know. What about you?" Simon forced out between gritted teeth, cursing his brain for the lack of a filter.
"I've been better. Like, a lot better. But yea." Jace hadn't taken his eyes off of Simon this whole conversation, glittering with something that looked a lot like sadness and hell. He'd had such a shitty day, there was no one else that was going to talk to him, and he'd already made plenty of bad decisions that day, so what was one more?
"You know what's great for shitty days, seeing that we both had one? Milkshakes. Right now. I mean, if you want to join me, that's be really cool, but I know we haven't seen each other in years and I totally get it if you just wanna pretend that this never happened but you know I'm just feeling pretty lonely and you look like you are too so-" Once the floodgates had opened, the torrent of feelings almost swept  Simon off of his feet with how much there was for Jace, once again cursing himself for the lack of a filter. Jace broke in quietly, but with just enough power to make him stop talking.
"Si. I'd love to. I know a great little diner a couple blocks away, unless you had another place?" Jace trailed off as Simon felt his heart rate pick up a tiny amount just from hearing that old nickname slip out of Jace's mouth like nothing was wrong. Simon was very glad it was dark outside, because he was pretty sure that he was blushing right now, and that is not something he could easily live down.
"No, no, uh. Lead on."
As Jace turned around and started walking, Simon could've sworn that he saw a smile flash across his face.
Jace pulled open the door and gestured Simon through, as he laughed mirthlessly at the name.
"Happy Days Diner. Wow, what a fitting name for today." he muttered under his breath as he walked inside and waited for Jace to follow and show him where to sit. He walked all the way to the back corner and slid into the booth as if he'd done it 100 times before. Simon did the same, the vinyl protesting slightly underneath him before settling. He looked down at the table, tracing the swirls of the wood with his eyes and drumming his fingers on his leg before he heard the approaching of shoes.
"Jace! Been awhile, my friend. Who's this?"  The waiter approached their table with a giant grin on his face, and Jace mirrored him, smile breaking out.
"Hey Luke, good to see you. This is Simon, he's...he's-"
"A friend." Simon cut in, sensing that Jace was obviously struggling to pinpoint exactly what they were right now.
"Yea, he's a friend."
"Well, what can I get for you guys? Do you need a menu, or..?"
"No, we're good. Can we just get 2 milkshakes?" Jace replied, looking to Simon for confirmation, and Simon nodded back.
"Alright, 2 milkshakes coming right up." Luke scribbled on his pad before disappearing back behind the counter. The diner was mostly empty, save for one or two people scattered around, picking at their burgers and whatnot. Even though it was mostly empty and fairly dark outside, Simon still felt...comfortable here. Like he was coming home.
Maybe it was the beer.
(Maybe it's Jace, a voice whispered in his head.)
Yep. Definitely the beer.
"So, what happened to you today? No offense, but you look like shit." Jace leaned across the table and crossed his arms against his chest, leaning his forearms on the table and looking intently at Simon.
"Well, um. I got laid off today. So, there's that." Simon muttered, hand coming to tangle in his hair, watching as Jace's eyes followed the movement and stopped on his lips.
"Oh, dude. That sucks, man, I'm so sorry. Still doing the accounting thing?"
"Yeah, but maybe this is a sign that I need to, you know, not do that." Simon said bitterly, and was surprised when Jace let out a soft chuckle in response. It'd been so long since he heard that, he'd forgotten how nice it had sounded.
"That's it. The universe is sending you a sign, Lewis. Don't fuck it up."
"Well, fuck up is my middle name, so we'll see how that goes."
This time, they both laughed, and Simon felt his defenses fall down faster and harder than before. All of the things that he had so carefully tried to forget when he blocked Jace's number were coming back in full force, from the way he liked his coffee (black, no sugar because "sugar's for pussies and grandma's, Lewis."), to his favorite kind of cereal (Raisin Bran, for some godforsaken reason), to that once spot right on his collarbone that made him go completely weak in the knees-
Before he could continue down that road, he was interrupted by Luke reaching their table with the 2 milkshakes in his hands and setting them down.
"Two chocolate milkshakes, because you both look like you need some sweetness in your lives right now." Luke grinned down at them, half jokingly, half completely serious (he wasn't blind, you don't get those eye bags without going through some serious shit).
"Thank you so much, Luke." Jace answered, grabbing the one closest to him and ripping the paper off of the straw.
"Yeah, thank you."
"Anytime. Well, if you need anything, just holler." Luke said, and walked away, back behind the counter and into the small kitchen once again.
Simon watched as Jace eagerly stuck the straw into the milkshake and started drinking, cheeks hollowing out, Adam's apple bobbing with each swallow. He didn't let his train of thought go any further, for fear of what he may think if he did. Finally, Jace came up for breath, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Simon jolted out of whatever strange trance he'd just been in, returning to the current conversation.
"So, uh, what happened to you today?"
At that, Jace seemed to shut down, eyes growing darker as he remembered whatever had happened to him, visibly upset at the memory.
"Uh, well. I guess...I got fired too. And then I got in a pretty bad fight with my roommate...so he kicked me out. I didn't even grab my charger. Or any clothes. So...um. Yeah. Pretty shit day." Jace spoke in halting sentences, eyes downcast and completely focused on the patterns on the table. Simon felt his heart break a little at the sight of him, curled in on himself and looking so much smaller than the larger than life character he walked in here with. Before he could stop himself, Simon opened his mouth and made yet another probably very, very bad decision.
"You can stay with me." Jace glanced up slowly, some of the life returning to his eyes.
"Are you sure? I mean, I don't want to like, intrude or anything-" he stuttered out, hands twisting together nervously before Simon interrupted.
"No, no it's totally fine. I can sleep on the couch for a night or two."
"Simon...I-thank you. So much."
The way Jace said his name made Simon reconsider every decision he'd made in the past 4 years, starting with blocking his number. The way he was looking at him, the way he said his name, all of it filled Simon with something that he hadn't felt in 4 years, not even with the assortment of dates and relationships that had filled them. It was something that he had only ever felt around Jace. It started in his chest and expanded, cutting off his air and pressing his heart against his ribcage. It was warm and comforting and so, so good.
Simon felt a smile grow on his mouth, looking at Jace over the top of his glasses before quickly sliding back to his milkshake.
They sat there for what seemed like forever, quietly sipping and tossing jokes and bad puns back and forth. It was...nice. For the first time that whole day, Simon felt like he wasn't at risk of massively screwing anything up. Behind them, the night slipped slowly into dawn, grey light filtering through the trees, preparing for the beating sun to come back out.
Simon noticed the time around 3 am. It certainly didn't feel like they'd been there for 2 hours, but Simon...well, he wasn't complaining. Jace let out a wide yawn across from him, and he chuckled.
"I guess that's code for 'I'm exhausted, take me home, Prince Charming.'" Simon smiled from across the table and slid out of the booth, stretching his arms out above his head. Jace followed, stepping out of the booth, before digging into his pocket and pulling out his wallet. Suddenly, Luke called out from where he was cleaning the counter.
"Jace, don't worry about it. On the house tonight."
Jace smiled. "You sure Luke? It's no big deal-"
"Jesus, Wayland, take the free milkshake and go." Luke grinned back, laughing at the same time.
"Thanks, Luke. Have a great night." he said as they started walking toward the door, Simon following close behind Jace.
"Yea, you too."
Jace pushed open the door and waved Simon through, before following him into the cool Brooklyn morning.
They walked side by side in comfortable silence, punctuated by occasional jabs and soft laughter. Simon hadn't done anything like this is forever, and he was 100% sure he wanted to do it a thousand times more.
Finally, they reached Simon's brownstone building, and he buzzed them both up and opened the door to his apartment. He walked in and started to try and collect some of the dirty dishes scattered around, dumping them in the sink while giving a rushed apology.
"Sorry this place is such a mess, it's been a really weird week, and I wasn't expecting company-"
"Simon, it's fine. I'm just grateful that I don't have to sleep on a bench in a park somewhere."
"Nah, you're too pretty for that. Someone would've picked you up way before that."
They both laughed at that, and Jace stepped into Simon's space, barely a foot away from him. Simon felt his breath catch in his throat as he looked Jace up and down, taking in the way his hands rubbed together nervously, how his eyes glittered in the low light of the moon from the window, how his lips looked so perfect and they were just right there. They stood like that for a split second, before Jace cleared his throat, and the moment was broken.
"Well. Um, I'll take the couch. Thanks, again. For...everything."
Even though Simon wanted to argue that he could take the couch, because what kind of host lets their guest sleep on the couch, but the way he said it left no room for argument.
"Oh, um. Okay. Well, night, Jace." Simon said before turning and walking to his door, but right before he stepped in he turned around again.
"Hey. I...I had fun tonight."
Jace looked back up at him from where he was sitting on the threadbare couch and taking off his jacket to serve as a pillow, a half smile breaking on his lips.
"Yea, I did too. Night, Lewis."
And with that, Simon walked into his room and shut the door.
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