#OH i also saw svt last year for bets
luvshuas · 1 year
since i am here rn…hello 😼😼😼
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dalkyeom · 1 year
omg pls do talk abt Shua with me!! I've only been a carat for two months and there is so much i still get to discover!! Tell me about your favorite somewhat insane thing Shua has done? Tell me which Shua fit has had you in its clutches ever since you first saw it? Tell me about your favorie Shua smile? What's your favorite thing to draw abt Shua? I am here for anything you'll give me!!!! ✨🥰🌸
I hope you have a lovely day!!
a baby carat?! Welcome to Caratland, nonnie!! enjoy your time here!
How did you get into them? who’s your bias/bias line? 👀 also mood bc I remember when I became a carat last year and it was like 7 years of content to discover 😭 there’s always something new to learn about them also this might get long so—
BSBDD THE SHUA INDULGENCE! amg so out of all the insane things Shua has done, the one thing he did that made me laugh super hard was the suction prince, Shua! segment from One Fine Day 😭😭😭 it surprised me so much like I don’t think any Shua moment can top how funny that was. In the clip, I think it was their free time and some members were trying to make each other laugh. While they were going back and forth, Shua took a bottle and started inhaling it and it was so funny bc it was so random 😭
(it’s at the 37:00 minute mark like istg it’s so funny me describing it won’t do it justice)
other than that, tbh Shua is such a funny dude like his humor is top tier
As for Shua fit— amg nonnie idk what to tell uou bc that man can walk around in the most ridiculous outfit and I would still think he is the most handsome man to make the world his runway.
But if I have to choose it would be the 2021 KBS Song Festival fit like my brain goes insane! HE LIVES FOREVER IN MY HEART! He looks so good in the deep red and the gLOVES. OH MY GOD THE GLOVES THE EVERYTHING HE CAN MARRY ME RN! JSND&2$,!
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Tbh Joshu in gloves…. is my kryptonite. It weakens me bc he looks good with gloves on.
My runner ups would be: Hanbok!Shua from Super mv, Groom!Shua from the FML (Carat ver), his BeTS prince fit (especially the white variant from their Japan leg! Tbh one of my fave looks for ot13)
🥺 shua’s smile is sooo cute tbh! Like especially when he goes nyorong bc I love eye smiles so much. He looks so soft and cute like I want to hold his face in my hands 😔 and we can ✨🌸(nvn)🌸✨ together
as for drawing amg— so tbh, Shua’s my ideal type to draw bc he has very gentle features. Like this man is not super angular (I have Dokey for that. Man is sculpted like a mortal god).
Shua’s facial features is very soft and ethereal so I love drawing and studying him the most. He is very compatible w/ my art style so overall I love drawing his face 🥺 but my favorite part to draw is his eyes bc his eyes are the most striking/key feature of his face. I find the shape unique!
Tysm for letting me indulge in Shua talks, nonnie!! Like tbh he is just so 🥺💖 I love talking about him (and svt in general lol they are my sun)
I hope you’ll have a great day too!
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baekhvuns · 2 years
your whole reply got me smiling as crazy, man i really missed u and being here :((
my exams went pretty well as u probably saw, i got a 10/10 on everything except my native language that went on 9/10 but that was also crazy for me cause i never got a grade on it so high so yeah 😭😭😭 and the shitty guy is gone, absolutely gone. i spoke to him a few times b4 the break but it was out of my polite ass 😭😭😭
AND THANK U!! honestly it makes me smile u saying congrats to me bc i lost my friends bc of that average but like it's not my fault entirely so yeah wtv friends suck so much!!! and yes it's definitely a new era for starry and heh praying it will last for a long time - at least for the summer 😁😁 AND ITS AN AUDI A4 I BELIEVE I'm not good with cars but I remember seeing the 4 circles and an A4 on the back so😭😭😭 AND NAUR NOT THE SUMMER ROMANCE but hey i need some1 to drive me around so the end justifies the means imo!!
ill definitely take it for granted as ive taken the ones so far😭 and damn im sorry ur last year went like that BUT I'LL BE DOING ALL THOSE THINGS FOR U I PROMISE!! and praying for that scholarship honestly 🥲😔
OMG CONGRATULATIONS AS WELL!! /?! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!! and oh wdym there's no summer.. then what is the point 😀 NO DONT GET BLOODY DISTRACTED ISTG MISS BAEKHVUNS I'LL HUNT U DOWN AND MAKE U WRITE MY BODYGUARD HWA and no way omg 700$??? FUCKING SVT😭😭 if they come to Europe im not even gonna TRY I'll just pretend im there by making a playlist of the set list, get the caratbong and make the audio on concert hall😭😭
no bc im so excited ncbsk
your whole reply got me smiling as crazy, man i really missed u and being here :((
my exams went pretty well as u probably saw, i got a 10/10 on everything except my native language that went on 9/10 but that was also crazy for me cause i never got a grade on it so high so yeah 😭😭😭 and the shitty guy is gone, absolutely gone. i spoke to him a few times b4 the break but it was out of my polite ass 😭😭😭
AND THANK U!! honestly it makes me smile u saying congrats to me bc i lost my friends bc of that average but like it's not my fault entirely so yeah wtv friends suck so much!!! and yes it's definitely a new era for starry and heh praying it will last for a long time - at least for the summer 😁😁 AND ITS AN AUDI A4 I BELIEVE I'm not good with cars but I remember seeing the 4 circles and an A4 on the back so😭😭😭 AND NAUR NOT THE SUMMER ROMANCE but hey i need some1 to drive me around so the end justifies the means imo!!
YOU WHAT??? WHAT TYPE OF FRIENDS DO U HAVE WHAT THE HECK???? they stopped being friends with u bc of ur high grades?? they were never in it for the friendship bestie wtf 😭😭😭??? LOVE THIS NEW ERA OF U THE VIBES R CRAZY GOOD,, he has a a-audi a4…. o-oh my god
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ill definitely take it for granted as ive taken the ones so far😭 and damn im sorry ur last year went like that BUT I'LL BE DOING ALL THOSE THINGS FOR U I PROMISE!! and praying for that scholarship honestly 🥲😔
OMG CONGRATULATIONS AS WELL!! /?! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!! and oh wdym there's no summer.. then what is the point 😀 NO DONT GET BLOODY DISTRACTED ISTG MISS BAEKHVUNS I'LL HUNT U DOWN AND MAKE U WRITE MY BODYGUARD HWA and no way omg 700$??? FUCKING SVT😭😭 if they come to Europe im not even gonna TRY I'll just pretend im there by making a playlist of the set list, get the caratbong and make the audio on concert hall😭😭
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lieuwrites · 6 years
In It To Win It | Xu Minghao | Oneshot
Title: In It To Win It
Pairing: Xu Minghao x Reader
Synopsis: Minghao’s rivalry with his fellow classmate gets serious.
Genre/Warnings: Fluff, High School!AU, Rivals to Lovers, female reader, Svt side characters (95 line and 97 line), non-idol!AU
Words: 7.9k
POV: Third Person
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Minghao walked the halls of the school, pushing past the loitering students. There was two minutes before the bell rang, signalling the start of the school day, and he had never been late to a class. In fact, Minghao was almost always the first student in homeroom. Other times it was (y/n).
“Get out of the way before I run you over!” A voice yelled from behind him. He turned and met eyes with (y/n), who was bolting towards him, before increasing his walking speed and eventually breaking into a sprint to his destination. The students around them did as usual and moved out of the way. It wasn’t an unexpected occurrence for the two to be racing towards their classroom. The two were eventually neck and neck with each other, the goal of the race clear in their vision. Minghao reached his hand out to grab the doorknob but instead was met with a smaller hand.
“You’re a second too late,” The girl boasted. She pushed his hand off of hers by turning the knob and walking into class first. He scoffed at her as he followed closely behind and then took the seat right next to her. The rivalry between the two was of a different sort. Although they bickered constantly and teased each other whenever they could, there was rarely a moment when the two were apart. They sat together in class, hung out during their break and walked home together. These occurrences were of course littered with excuses such as “It’s easier to see the board from these seats”, “We don’t hang out together, we just happen to have the same group of friends” and “Our houses just happen to be in the same direction.”
It was hard for anyone except themselves to understand but the competition between Minghao and (y/n) created a sort of friendship which, in it’s own way, was simply complicated.
As the bell rang for class to begin, their fellow classmates started to file into the room, followed by the teacher Mr Kim. His eyes trailed to the pair that sat directly in front of his desk and the usual sigh escaped his lips. The start of class also meant the start of their childish antics. Classwork was never their main priority as they were too busy with their little competitions. Today’s challenge was ‘who can stack their pens the highest’ and the winner was obvious.
“You know, you’re only gonna win this because you have more pens than me,” The boy spoke.
“It’s not my fault you don’t care enough to bring spare equipment to class. Look at your pile, half of those pens are mine that I’ve lent you when you forgot your stuff at home,” (y/n) convicted.
Minghao huffed and softly shook her side of the shared desk causing the girl’s tower of pens to topple over while his stood tall.
“Hey! That’s cheating!”
“You know, if you two spent your time competing against each other on something more important like— oh I don’t know— your studies, I wouldn’t be such a stressed out teacher and you guys would probably be top of the class.” Mr Kim walked over to his desk after writing down the task on the board and continued to mark the previous night’s homework.
The two looked at each other and scoffed.
“Hah, can you believe him? Us compete in studies? That’s not even a competition,” (y/n) laughed, one hand holding her stomach whilst the other landed on Minghao’s shoulder.
“I know right? I would definitely smash you.”
Her laughter stopped suddenly and she turned glared at her seatmate. “I’m pretty sure I’d be kicking your ass in class.” Both glared quietly at the other for a second before abruptly turning their heads towards their teacher and yelling at the same time.
“What did Minghao get in the last test?”
“What did (y/n) get in the last test?”
All Mr Kim could do was let out a sigh. “When will you kids give me a break? Look it doesn’t matter what either of you got, you were both below average. I suggest stepping your game up and actually spending your time studying instead of doing whatever you guys are doing now. This year’s final exams start on the 13th of october and that’s your chance to turn this all around.”
It was like a truck had hit them. Neither of the two noticed how much this rivalry had affected their studies until now. With a new goal in mind, (y/n) held her hand out to Minghao and he grabbed it, indicating that he too had the same idea. “Whoever has the better grades for finals, wins.”
And that was where the newest competition began.
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Tuesday, September 13 (30 days until finals)
The next morning (y/n) ran to class as she normally would however this time the halls were empty. She had spent the previous night studying and learning whatever she hadn’t picked up in class and there was still so much more to learn. Because of her late night studies, the girl had slept past her alarm and ended up late for class.
(Y/n) barged into the room to be met with the sight of Mr Kim and the rest of the students already working on the day’s lesson. “Oh, (y/n)! Looks like I beat you today.” Minghao smirked as the girl huffed in annoyance. She dragged her feet as she walked to sit down and ended up walking past her usual spot, much to the surprise of Minghao, and instead sat next to their class’s resident smart boy, Lee Seokmin.
“Well, that’s a change.” Mr Kim walked over and placed a detention slip for being late onto the desk in front of the girl and (y/n) groaned.
“C’mon sir, just let me off this one time. I’m only late cause I listened to what you said yesterday and ended up staying up late studying. A detention will disrupt my learning experience!”
She was answered with a chuckle and a shake of the teacher’s head as he walked back to his seat. “Consider this an additional learning experience then. Get to class on time.”
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Minghao stood outside the school gates waiting for (y/n) to walk out so they could go home together as usual. She only lived a block away from him and it was routine for them to walk home together. He knew he had to wait an additional 30 minutes for her to get out of detention --Minghao couldn’t help the smirk that slipped onto his face whenever he thought about it-- but it had been almost an hour and she hadn’t shown up yet.
After what felt like decades, the familiar figure of the girl exited the building’s door. She walked directly towards Minghao and he turned around to lead the way. It was a few minutes into their walk when he noticed she was lagging behind. The boy looked back over his shoulder and saw the stack of textbooks in her arms. It was a wonder he didn’t notice them before as the stack was so big that it was definitely too much for the girl to carry all the way back by herself.
He turned around and held his arms out for her to place some books into his grasp and she complied, grateful for his offer. The two continued to walk in silence until Minghao spoke up.
“I’m not doing this for free, okay? I’m taking one of these books to study off of for tonight.”
“No way! I didn’t spend half an hour in detention, 15 minutes looking for all these books and then another 15 minutes arguing with the librarian—”
“—Why were you arguing with the librarian?”
“I had some overdue books from 1st grade that I never returned— But that’s not the point! The point is, I didn’t spend that much time in school for you to take one of my textbooks. I need to catch up on so much study!” (Y/n) exclaimed, as if her life depended on the multiple textbooks she checked out.
“You act like you’re the only one who wasted an hour at school. I had to wait for you when I could’ve been catching up on study that I’ve missed.”
“Firstly, it wasn’t a waste of my hour if I was able to borrow some books and secondly, you didn’t have to wait. I would’ve been totally fine walking home by myself.”
The two reached the front of (y/n)’s house which prompted Minghao to turn to the girl and drop the bundle of books he was holding into the girl’s arms, causing a few of them to tumble out of her grasp. He chuckled at her and bent down to pick up the fallen items. When he stood, the girl dumped the rest of the books into his arms and fished for her house keys in her bag.
“Yep, you definitely would’ve been totally fine walking home by yourself.” He watched the girl step into her house and gave her back her pile of textbooks before saluting and jogging away from her house.
(Y/n) stood at her door and waited for Minghao to leave her line of sight. He turned back one more time to call out to her –“Don’t be late to class tomorrow! Oh and thanks for the book!”– and ran to the next block where his house was stationed, waving a stolen textbook in the air tauntingly at her.
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A few hours after he got home, Minghao sat at his desk, the wall clock above reading 11:48 at night, flicking through the textbook he had taken from his rival. Honestly, he took the first book he could and it ended up being biology, a subject he was already well versed in. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to nab her history textbook which is the subject he really needed to work on.
Minghao was a smart boy, no doubt about it. He was the type who crammed the night before a test as he could easily pick up content, however, history was the one exception to his natural blessing. He didn’t know how (y/n)’s intelligence compared to his but he was sure her ambition to win their bet was on par with his which meant he wasn’t going to leave his studying till last minute, as he usually did.
Just as the thought of her passed his mind, Minghao’s phone lit up with a message from the girl herself.
Sent Tuesday, 11:51 pm (Y/n) to Minghao: You may have taken my bio textbook but I was still able to regurgitate notes for the subject :-p [IMAGE ATTACHED]
As he unlocked the phone to view the image and a wave of confidence washed over him, he was definitely going to win this bet. Reading over the many --jesus, this girl had a lot of time-- notes in her picture, he could tell that (y/n) had written what she could remember from the top of her head. Although there was a lot of information written down, she had matched different concepts with the incorrect theories, her vocabulary list was lacking many important words, her discovery timeline was jumbled and many of the facts were either missing some content or just completely wrong.
Minghao laughed at her attempt and opened up the text book he borrowed, snapping pictures of the correct concepts, facts and timelines before typing a response and attaching the pictures.
Sent Tuesday, 11:55 pm Minghao to (y/n): You might wanna double check those notes of yours. [5 IMAGES ATTACHED]
The ’seen, 11:55 pm’ message popped up and the boy waited a bit for a response before concluding that (y/n) had gone to correct her mistakes. He looked at the same image she sent him, admiring her neat handwriting. The notes were perfectly colour coded and a clear highlighting system was visible. As his eyes continued to scan the notes, the sound of his message tone went off once again, alerting him of another message.
It was simply another picture of (y/n)’s notes, the new and corrected information was messily scribbled onto the paper, squeezed into the little spaces between each line and over any useless, unneeded details. The message was then pushed up by a few more pictures of her notes. They were just as neat as the first picture she sent however they contained different information.
Sent Wednesday, 12:05 am (Y/n) to Minghao: Here’s a thank you for helping me with my bio notes.
Minghao scanned through the new pictures and realised they were her history notes. He could tell that what she had written down would’ve taken him a while to read over in the textbook but her notes perfectly condensed the information he needed into a quick read over.
Sent Wednesday, 12:07 am Minghao to (y/n): How’d you know I was struggling with history?
Sent Wednesday, 12:08 am (Y/n) to Minghao: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess I’m just psychic.
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(Y/n) was in fact, not psychic but she was in contact with Lee Seokmin. Seokmin was a friend of Minghao’s and although they hung in the same group, (y/n) had never had a one on one conversation with the boy. After she had decided to sit next to him to avoid being distracted by Minghao, she was able to get to know him more. He was even nice enough to offer some tutoring sessions to her at the end of class before he packed up his stuff and left for the day.
(”Oh come on, the whole class knows about your new bet with Minghao. You guys made such a big deal about it yesterday, it’d be a wonder if someone in this class didn’t know about it.” Seokmin followed his fellow classmates as he closed his book and started to pack his stationery away.
The girl stayed put in her spot, sighing at the thought of having to stay back for detention. “Okay but why are you offering to tutor me? You’re closer to Minghao than you are to me. If anything, you’ve teamed up with him to teach me the wrong topics for the upcoming tests. You guys could be in kahootz!”
“Believe me, I would never. You think you two are the only people in the school who like to make bets? I have one going on with Mingyu. He thinks Minghao will win because that boy has a photographic memory. He can cram the night before an exam and still pass. I’m still in shock that Mr Kim said he was below average. I, however, believe you can win this bet.”
“Because I’m smart?” She asked hopefully.
“Because you’re lucky and are currently on a winning streak.”
“So to be clear, you think I’m going to win because I’m lucky and not because I’m smart?”
“And because I’m going to tutor you!” Seokmin insisted.
“And again, to be clear, you are going to tutor me because I’m lucky but not smart?”
“I take back what I said- I think you’ll win, not because you’re lucky but because you’re smart, happy?”
“Say that last part again?” The girl teased with a grin spread across her face.
“I think I know why you and Minghao bicker all the time.”)
As soon as (y/n) got home, she ate and went straight to writing her notes. It was around 11 at night that she finished writing the last of her notes --biology was a struggle without her textbook-- and sent the end product to both Minghao and Seokmin. What seemed like almost instantly, Seokmin replied with a long text correcting her biology notes to which she replied with a quick thank you and started to scribble over her notes messily.
Another minute later Minghao sent a set of pictures of the textbook he had taken which was almost as good as Seokmin’s text. There was just too much information for her to look through but Seokmin’s texts were straight to the point. (Y/n) was still thankful for Minghao’s help.
Sent Tuesday, 11:56 pm (Y/n) to Seokmin: What subject does Minghao struggle with the most?
Sent Tuesday, 11:56 pm Seokmin to (y/n): History. Why? Planning on sending him fake notes to increase your chances of winning?
Sent Tuesday, 11:57 pm (Y/n) to Seokmin: As tempting as that sounds, my conscience isn’t strong enough for such an evil plan. I thought you said I was smart! I don’t need to play dirty to win >:-(
Sent Tuesday, 11:58 pm Seokmin to (y/n): You are smart!! I believe in you completely!! But there’s nothing wrong with a little help ;-)
The girl rolled her eyes at the text, snapping pictures of her notes and sending them over to Minghao. After a few more minutes of talk, (y/n) bid both boys goodnight and got up to get ready for bed.
Sent Wednesday, 12:17 am Minghao to (y/n): Goodnight ya weirdo. Don’t be late for class today!
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Wednesday, September 14 (29 days until finals)
As if the universe was against him, Minghao had found himself in the very same predicament as (y/n) was in the day before. He was up late reading over (y/n)’s notes and ended up hitting the snooze button on his alarm in his sleep deprived state. When he had finally woken up, his eyes adjusted to the bright light from his phone and his heart hammered in his chest when he realised just how late he was for class.
The boy sped to school and bolted through the hallways until he was able to burst through the classroom door. His hair was a mess and the buttons on his uniform shirt were misaligned. ’Oh, (y/n) is going to have a field day making fun of me.’ As he moved towards his desk, Minghao noticed the empty seat beside his and smirked. Despite how late he was, he had won once again.
A detention slip was then placed on his desk by the teacher and Minghao groaned in annoyance, laying his head down on top of the detention slip. “I thought you would’ve learned from (y/n)’s experience yesterday, she sure did.”
The boy’s head whipped up and turned around to look at the rest of the class. Most students had their heads down and pens busy, working on their first class task but Minghao’s eyes landed on (y/n), who was seated next to Seokmin, the same seat as yesterday.
She smirked at the boy and tauntingly wiggled her fingers as a wave. She then went back to working on the paper in front of her, looking for answers in the textbook propped up like a wall in front of her on her desk.
Minghao’s phone vibrated in his pocket and he held it under the desk as an attempt to hide it from Mr Kim while he read the message he received.
He had a few missed calls and some texts from Mingyu asking where he was but his most recent message was from (y/n).
Sent Wednesday, 8:53 am (Y/n) to Minghao: “Don’t be late to class today” says the boy who is now 50 minutes late to class.
Before he could attempt to respond, Mr Kim called out to him to confiscate the phone.
“Phones aren’t supposed to be used in class Minghao. You know the rules, you’ll get it back at the end of the day.”
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After the seemingly excruciatingly long day, Minghao left the building of the almost empty school. The half hour of detention wasn’t much of a punishment as the aura of the classroom motivated him to do some study and left him with a sense of accomplishment. He walked to the gate and stopped to look around for (y/n) but she was nowhere in sight.
“I can’t believe she went home without me.” Minghao sighed and went on his way home.
He arrived home and sat down at his desk, ready to do some catch up studying. “If (y/n) is so determined to rush home and study, then I guess I’m going to have to step up my game,” the boy muttered to himself.
Minghao gathered some snacks and all his study essentials, prepared to go the rest of the day at his desk.
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“I honestly don’t understand how you got all of that from how the author described the weather.” The girl threw her arms up in the air in exasperation before dropping them back down onto the library desk, causing a loud bang to resonate around the library. The other students around her, who were also studying, shushed her and went back to their books.
“It’s not the author’s thoughts on the weather, it’s the character’s thoughts on the weather. He called sun unbearably hot and then compared the heat to satan’s asshole, he’s obviously annoyed.” Seokmin made sure to put emphasis on the words that helped him deduce the answer to the practise quiz’ question.
“Well if it were summer and we were in the middle of a heatwave I doubt he’d compare it to god’s embrace,” The girl scoffed out, adding quotation marks around ‘god’s embrace’.
Seokmin put his pen down and turned towards the girl next to him, placing his hands firmly on (y/n)’s shoulders. The usual smile on his face was pressed into a firm line and his eyebrows were knitted together in a look of panic. He then shook her back and forth while he whispered --it felt more like a yell to (y/n)-- at the girl, in attempt at being quiet to not annoy the students around them.
“Do you know what’s at stake for me here? You and Minghao have your fun and games, someone wins a bet between you two and they get bragging rights! Mingyu and I? One of us wins this bet and they get cash! You need to work with me, girl!”
Seokmin then released her and brushed off her shoulders, straightening the sleeves of her shirt which crumpled under his grasp.
“Did you let it all out?” She asked calmly.
“For today? Yes. For the next few weeks of me tutoring you? That is T.B.D, to be determined.”
“Okay well since we have weeks to study, how about we take a break and leave early today? What do you think?”
“I think you’re trying to bail on your first day of me tutoring you,” Seokmin countered.
“You are completely correct my good sir!” Before Seokmin could protest, (y/n) looked up at him with pleading eyes and a pout. He gave her a hard stare but eventually gave in.
“Okay fine, but just this once. After today, I’m gonna make you study so hard, you’ll have bragging rights for the rest of your high school life.”
“I love when you talk dirty,” She joked in a sultry tone.
“Don’t be gross, (y/n).”
The two packed up their stuff and left the school library, parting ways at the entrance.
(Y/n) waved goodbye to Seokmin and went over to the school gate, expecting to see Minghao waiting for her as usual but he wasn’t at the gate. She checked her watch, which read 3:45 pm, and the girl sat down on the concrete to wait.
’Minghao should’ve gotten out of detention at 3:30. Maybe he’s taking his time to get here,’ She thought. After a few more minutes of waiting, she concluded that Minghao had already went home without her.
By the time she got home and changed out of her uniform, her message tone rang out. (Y/n) picked it up expecting it to be Minghao but was instead greeted with Seokmin’s name.
Sent Wednesday, 4:18 pm Seokmin to (y/n): Don’t forget to go over the content we learned today! I also slipped a practise test into your bag while we were packing up. I expect it to be done by tomorrow.
Sent Wednesday, 4:19 pm (Y/n) to Seokmin: Alright MOM, I’ll get them done! Now don’t text me, I need to get in the zone.
She exited the conversation and her thumb hovered over the most recent contact under Seokmin. She chewed her lip while contemplating on whether or not to send a message before clicking the conversation.
Sent Wednesday, 4:22 pm (Y/n) to Minghao: I walked home alone today.
Her eyes fell to the ‘seen, 4:23 pm’ and then moved towards the typing bubble.
Sent Wednesday, 4:24 pm Minghao to (y/n): You sure did.
Three simple words held enough power to make her heart drop. It was hard to convey your mood over text but she was so sure Minghao was annoyed at her. Was it because she got his phone confiscated? Or maybe he was just having a bad day after detention.
She quickly typed a message in –’Sorry for getting your phone confiscated’– but quickly deleted it and turned her phone off.
“It’s not my fault that he couldn’t hide his phone from the teacher properly,” she mumbled to herself and then pulled out the practise tests from her bag.
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Tuesday, September 20 (23 days until finals)
The group of friends sat at the lunch table with their food in front of them, and ate whilst making conversation. The exceptions in this group were Minghao and (y/n), who instead of lunch had books and notes in front of them.
“Kids, studying is good and all but you won’t be able to focus unless you have some food in your system,” Jeonghan chided, bringing a spoon of rice to Minghao’s lips. Minghao opened his mouth, gladly accepted the food from his senior and kept studying.
“It’s nice having these two quietly studying though. It beats their constant bickering,” Seungcheol added, following in Jeonghan’s actions and feeding the girl next to him.
“I guess so, but don’t you miss it? These kids butting heads was my source of entertainment.” Jeonghan ruffled Minghao’s hair and paused for a thought. “Come to think of it, they haven’t spoken to each other at all these past few days.”
It was true, the pair hadn’t spoken since wednesday. Their bickering had turned into complete silence, save for the very few times they would throw venom laced words at the other.
“That’s not true,” Mingyu chimed in, “(y/n) called him ‘a nuisance to the world’ today in class.”
“Can you stop talking about us like we’re not here?” The girl demanded. “And Minghao is a nuisance to the world.”
Said boy glared at her from across the table. “I wasn’t the one who wasn’t watching where I was going,” he accused.
“I don’t need to watch where I’m going! Who in their right mind stops walking in a doorway?” (Y/n)’s voice started to raise. From that point onwards, the two started arguing in a swift back and forth manner.
“I was going to tie my shoelace!”
“And you couldn’t have waited till you were inside the classroom to do that?”
“I’m going to drop this argument.”
“Why, because I’m right?” She accused.
“Because you’re stupid and this argument is stupid.” Minghao slammed his palm onto the table, causing Jisoo’s drink to spill onto the girl’s notes. The table went silent for a second, staring at the ruined paper, the ink bleeding and unintelligible, before (y/n) spoke up.
“Like I said,”—she stood and collected the few notes that were unruined—”a nuisance, to the world.” Her words were heavy with spite and the girl stormed out of the cafeteria, leaving the boys quiet.
Jeonghan was the first to break the silence, “You guys felt that right? It’s not the same light hearted bickering that I enjoy.” Minghao stood up as well, packing his things, and exiting in the other direction.
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Tuesday, September 27 (16 days until finals)
Although the school day had finished and Minghao had gone home already, he found himself on his way back to school. When he got home that day, the biology textbook he had taken from (y/n) was still on his desk.
He picked it up and shook his head, “Two weeks. She’ll end up getting into another fight with the librarian over her overdue books if I don’t return this.”
Which led to where he was now, at the school’s library. After dropping the book into the return pile, Minghao walked over to the history section to find a textbook for himself.
His eyes scanned the shelves until something caught his attention. From between the books he could see (y/n), studying. She looked up at his direction and Minghao froze, thinking he had been caught, until a figure walked towards her with a book in hand. The girl’s eyes followed the figure and when it sat down next to her, Minghao could see it was Seokmin.
It was strange seeing the two together out of class. He thought their relationship had only gone as far as deskmates, seeing as that was the new norm for her. (Y/n) had been sitting in the seat next to Seokmin since the bet started. There were no more stupid competitions on who could build the tallest pen tower or who could make the loudest sound without getting in trouble with Mr Kim, hell– their races to class even stopped. The only time any of the two would interact was during lunch and that was only to insult each other.
Minghao chose a book from the shelf and checked it out before leaving to go back home.
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Wednesday, September 28 (15 days until finals)
Minghao was early to class as usual. There were a few other students inside as well but the teacher was still out seeing as there were still 10 minutes left before school officially started.
(Y/n) walked in and sat in her spot --Seokmin had yet to arrive-- and started to unpack. Minghao took the chance and stood up, walking towards his rival and seating himself down in Seokmin’s spot. They could feel the attention of the students who were in the classroom with them turn towards them.
“Can I help you, Minghao?” She sighed out, as if she were already fed up with their conversation.
“Good morning to you too, (y/n),” He responded in a chipper tone. The girl gave him a look in response that told him to get to the point.
“I saw you studying in the library with Seokmin the other day.”
“Yeah? He’s the smartest kid in our class, of course I’m going to get him to help me study. I’m in it to win it, baby,” She replied in a ‘matter of fact’ tone, crossing her arms.
“That’s got to be cheating or something.”
“I’m just using my resources. I suggest you do the same if you want to beat me.” Just then, Seokmin walked into class and towards his desk, which was Minghao’s cue to move.
“Oh? Good morning Minghao, (y/n),” Seokmin greeted, slightly confused with the sight of the two rivals together once again.
“Good morning Seokmin. I’ll see you two later.” And with that, Minghao was back to his seat at the front of the class.
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Just as the day before, Minghao found (y/n) sitting at the same table in the library, concentrating on the textbook in front of her. He pulled the seat out across from her, sat down, and started to unpack.
“Hey Seokmin can you help me with this question?” She looked up and a wave of surprise washed over her features before quickly morphing into a look of suspicion.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing?” She accused.
“I’m taking your advice and using my resources like you said. I’m in it to win it, baby,” He mocked.
“Hey guys!”—Seokmin arrived—”Let’s get our study on!” He was then shushed by the surrounding students who were trying to focus on their own work.
Seokmin pulled out his pre-prepared practise quizzes that he usually brought for (y/n) and distributed them. “I brought spares so Minghao could work on the same ones as us.”
As the rest of their study session went on, the girl continuously asked questions about the practise quiz. Seokmin was patient and explained everything he needed to until she understood the question. Minghao, however, stayed quiet and continued to do his work.
“You know, if you’re not here to study then you might as well be at home,” The girl threw out to Minghao.
“What makes you think I’m not studying?”
“You’re too quiet. You’re not asking Seokmin for help on the questions you don’t understand. I bet you’re just here to throw me off cause you know your presence irks me.”
Minghao finished the question he was working on, which happened to be the last question on the quiz, and handed it over to Seokmin. (Y/n) looked over at the paper while Seokmin marked it and it was littered with green ticks, signalling his correct marks.
“Wow good job dude! You lost a few marks for some questions but this is definitely a pass. It’s a top mark in my books!” Seokmin praised.
Minghao grinned at them and (y/n) cursed under her breath.
“Wipe that smug look off your face, it’s irritating.”
“Don’t worry, you won’t have to look at my ‘irritating’ face anymore. I will be taking my leave.” And with those words, Minghao stood up, grabbed his bag and left.
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Monday, October 3 (10 days until finals)
Minghao sat across from (y/n) in the library, both studying one of the tests Seokmin gave them the day before. Unfortunately, Seokmin couldn’t make it to school cause he was sick which meant he wasn’t able to monitor their study session. During the time the two were studying together, the girl had somehow been able to keep turning the conversation onto the topic of Seokmin.
“I just hope he’s okay you know? I know he texted and said it was just a cold and then when I called him he sounded fine, except for his blocked nose, but I can’t help but worry about him.”
“Will you please shut up? You’ve been going on about him for the past hour,” Minghao groaned.
“I can’t help it, I’m just so used to having him here and helping me and now I can’t do this—”
“—Which question are you stuck on?”
The girl sighed and reluctantly slipped her paper across the table to Minghao. “Oh that one? All you have to do is balance the chemical equations and then apply it to the experiment.” The boy then got up to move into the seat next to (y/n) and started to solve the problems. He explained it just as well as Seokmin would and the girl finally understood.
“You, Xu Minghao, are a genius,” She praised.
The day went on exactly like that, Minghao explaining the solutions to the questions she was stuck on and vice versa. The bitter aura around the two rivals slowly dissipated during the study session until it was eventually forgotten. When the clock hit 4:50pm, the librarian announced that the library would be closing in 10 minutes which translated to ‘pack up and go home.’
It had been a while since the pair walked home together. The sun was starting to set and littered the streets with rays of warm orange. The breeze was cool against their skin and the sounds of crickets starting to chirp set the aura for a peaceful stroll.
“The weather’s nice right now,” Minghao spoke up.
“It is. We’ve never gone for a walk this late.”
The conversation stopped there but it was evident that the two still had more they wanted to say. As they finally reached (y/n)’s house, the girl bid Minghao goodbye and turned to open her front door. As she stepped into the doorway, Minghao caught her wrist, causing her to turn around. Their eyes connected and the two stared at each other for a bit before the boy spoke up.
“Same time tomorrow?” He asked hopefully.
(Y/n)’s eyes softened and she responded, “Definitely, same time tomorrow.”
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Tuesday, October 4 (9 days until finals)
When (y/n) walked into the class, everyone was surprised to see her take the seat next to Minghao. Mr Kim strode into class, not a second later, and sighed at the sight of the same troublemakers sitting together once again.
“I want to remind you all”—He paused to look pointedly at Minghao and (y/n)—”that the final exams are coming up in almost a week. This means that these last few classes are important and you shouldn’t get off track from your studies.”
The girl grinned at her teacher, before speaking, “Come on Mr Kim, we know you’re talking about us. Relax a bit, will you?”
“You won’t even notice the change.” Minghao added.
“Dear god, I hope so.”
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Tuesday, October 18 (A day after finals)
Their final exams went for a painstakingly long four days, starting on the 13th and ending on the 17th. By the end of it, Minghao and (y/n) looked like zombies, which the guys kept joking about, teasing their haggard appearances.
The group of students sat at their usual table in the cafeteria, the three seniors, Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Jisoo, and the four juniors, Seokmin, Mingyu, Minghao and (y/n).
“Guys, halloween isn’t for two weeks! You need to take off those costumes, they’re starting to look terribly realistic.” Jeonghan held his hand up for a high five which Jisoo stared at and then completely ignored.
(Y/n) replied with a sarcastic laugh which stopped abruptly and finished with her middle finger directed straight at Jeonghan. “Bite me, Jeonghan.”
“Isn’t that your job, (y/n)?” Jeonghan fired back quickly, holding his hand up once again to Jisoo, who rejected him another time.
“Don’t worry, (y/n),” Seokmin interjected, “I think you pull off the ‘dead inside’ look excellently. Minghao, however, needs a little work.”
She rolled her eyes at the boy before speaking, “I don’t know if I should be offended or not by that.”
Minghao rested his hand on the girl’s shoulder and shook his head whilst looking at her empathetically “Be offended, I know I am.”
“Where will the lies end, bro? I know you don’t feel offended, zombies don’t have feelings.” Mingyu teased, earning him a high five from Seokmin.
Jeonghan looked at the duo longingly before turning to Jisoo and feigning sorrow. “That could be us but you think you’re too cool for high fives.”
“What can I say? I’m just not one to give high fives easily,” Jisoo replied with a shrug.
“Seungcheol wouldn’t do me that dirty.” Jeonghan turned hopefully towards Seungcheol, who held his hand up for Jeonghan. As Jeonghan’s hand was about to connect with Seungcheol’s, Jisoo intercepted their contact and instead, high fived Seungcheol.
Jeonghan looked at Jisoo and exclaimed, “Thief! You stole my high five!”
“I’m glad our exams are done. We can relax and just enjoy these idiots being, well… idiots.” The girl spoke, directing her comment to her fellow juniors who laughed at the scene in front of them.
“Relax? You can’t relax just yet. Don’t you four have a bet going on?” Seungcheol joined.
Jisoo looked at him confusedly before asking, “I thought only Minghao and (y/n) had a bet going on? What do the other kids have to do with that?”
“Seokmin and Mingyu placed bets on who would have the higher test scores between the two rivals. Mingyu thinks Minghao is gonna win while Seokmin thinks (y/n) is gonna win.” Jeonghan drawled, followed by a simultaneous ‘what?’ from Minghao and Jisoo.
Minghao looked at Mingyu in mock anger “I can’t believe you were betting on me.”
Jisoo nodded along with Minghao in agreement. “Yeah, I can believe you were placing bets on these two. Especially without including the rest of us!”
The seniors chorused along with Jisoo until Mingyu and Seokmin agreed to let them join. “Each person on the winning team gets $20 from each person on the losing team.”
“Um- Excuse me, we’re sitting right here,” The girl reminded the group.
“Yeah! you two can’t just whore us out for money to these guys!” Minghao added.
Much to the dismay of the two rivals, the 5 other boys shook hands --quite chaotically, each of them forgetting who they’ve already shook hands with and who they had yet to shake hands with-- and ended with a cheer.
“I’m sorry, the deal has been done.”
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Thursday, October 24 (A week after finals - Result day)
The halls of the school were empty, with the only sounds being made by Minghao’s footsteps. He had received a text from (y/n) the night before, asking him to come early before the influx of students. Usually, only the teachers were at school that early but Minghao didn’t mind, he was more curious about what was so important for him to be at school so early for.
As he reached the classroom, he opened the door and was met with the sight of (y/n), sitting at their usual table with a cake that read ‘Happy Birthday!’ The girl looked up and smiled at him before blowing into a hello kitty party horn, emitting an obnoxious sound throughout the room.
“Congratulations, dude!”
Minghao walked towards her, slightly confused, and sat in his seat. “Thanks but… it’s not my birthday.” Upon closer inspection, he could see a line of icing crossing out the writing on the cake.
“I know that! This is the only cake I could get on such late notice. This is to celebrate us completing exams! I wanted to do this before we got our results,” the girl gushed, proud of her set up.
She bent over and reached into her bag before pulling out two party hats, one saying ‘genius’ and the other saying ‘dunce’. “Excited for the results?” She grinned mischievously.
“Of course I am. You seem a bit too eager to lose,” Minghao grabbed the ‘genius’ hat from her hand and wore it.
“Okay, enjoy wearing that for now, I’ll be the one flaunting it around school later.” And with those words, the girl brought out some plates and utensils. She cut the cake and set out four plates stating, “Mingyu and Seokmin have yet to arrive.”
Not a moment after, the sounds of the two other boys talking was heard from outside. They then entered the room and greeted Minghao and (y/n).
“Wait, whose birthday is it?”
“No one’s! I bought this cake so we could celebrate the end of exams,” (y/n) clarified once again. She then passed a plate to each of them, Mingyu not noticing her offer due to the fact that he was inspecting the cardboard cone he had found on the table.
“A dunce cone?” He scoffed, “Really? Isn’t this going a little too far?”
Minghao shrugged and pointed his fork accusingly at the girl next to him. “I had no idea about this stuff. She just showed up with it in her bag,” He explained, mouth full of cake.
She shrugged and spooned a piece of cake into her own mouth. “It’s not like we’re getting anything else out of this bet. This just adds to our bragging rights.”
After the conversation died down, the sound of chewing replaced their voices. Minghao cleared his throat in attempt at gaining everyone’s attention. They turned to him and he smirked, however, his look of confidence didn’t reach his eyes. It seemed to be masking another underlying feeling. Nervousness? Anxiety? “I think we should propose different stakes. Wearing these party hats do seem a bit over the top.”
“Scared, Hao?” (Y/n) provoked.
“Not one bit,” He denied, “But there is something else I’d rather have.”
“And what may that be?” The girl enquired curiously.
“If I end up with the higher test scores, I get to take you out on a date.”
The two other boys looked at him with the same surprised expressions on their faces while the girl kept his gaze.
“Okay, I’ll agree to that, but if I win, you have to buy me a meal.” Minghao nodded and held his hand out to seal the deal.
Eventually, the four had to cut their party short as class was about to start but the deal remained in the back of their minds. The teacher mentioned that the results would be given at the end of the day which ended up building up their anticipation and the day went about just as a normal school day would.
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The entire squad joined Minghao and (y/n) on their walk home that day. Minghao invited everyone over to his place for dinner and most importantly, for the results reveal. As they arrived, the gang went about setting everything up. Setting up the dishes, ordering pizza, making space in the lounge and in Jeonghan’s case, taking a nap on Minghao’s couch. When the food finally arrived and Jisoo was finally able to wake Jeonghan up, the group gathered around in a circle, while Seungcheol held the two envelopes in his hands. Everyone had agreed on Seungcheol being the middleman who opened the results and compared each test score.
Everyone began to drum their hands on their laps, following Seungcheol’s flamboyant ‘drumroll, please!’ The eldest ripped open each packet and eyed the results, not allowing anyone else to see them. He then walked over to the two rivals and sat between them, holding a hand in each of his.
“And… The winner is,”—Seungcheol shot his hand up, bringing Minghao’s along with it—”Xu Minghao!”
The boy cheered along with Mingyu, Seungcheol and Jisoo whilst Seokmin and Jeonghan sulked. Minghao turned to (y/n), expecting her to look disheartened but was instead met with a smiling face.
“I just kicked your ass, why do you look so happy to lose?” Minghao joked.
“Remember the stakes we set? If I won, you would’ve had to buy me a meal but now that you’ve won, I have to go on a date with you and I’m assuming that on that date, you will eventually be buying me a meal. So I don’t think I’m the loser here. Either way, I would’ve won,” She explained, proud of her reasoning.
Minghao laughed and walked over, hugging the girl, surprising the seniors who were unaware of that part of the bet.
“I guess that meant that whatever the outcome, I would’ve still won too,”— Minghao replied, the girl still wrapped in his arms,—”Because either way, I’d have you.”
The guys around them booed his cheesy line and made fake retching noises.
“Anyways, that was cute and all but I still want my money,” Mingyu interrupted, holding his hand out towards Seokmin and Jeonghan expectantly.
“Did you not hear the girl? She said she won!” Jeonghan reasoned. Seokmin shrugged like he didn’t care and handed a crisp $20 bill to Mingyu who grinned, thanking him for his good sportsmanship. Before he could pocket the money, Seokmin snatched the bill right back.
“Hey! I won our bet!” Mingyu protested.
“I think you’ve forgotten our other bet we made during this year’s first semester. If these two love birds got together before the end of the school year, you owe me $20. So you see, Mingyu, whatever the outcome, I would’ve still won,” Seokmin spoke, mocking the previous conversation.
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Okay I have two orders of business I gotta get to before I start to ramble:
I use (y/n) a lot in my writing- I know. obviously you’re supposed read it as your own name but when I read fics like this, I literally read it as “Your name” in my head idk. So I suggest you download this chrome extension (if you’re not on google chrome then wtf are you doing yo?) which replaces ‘(y/n)’ for you automatically. It works on any fic you read (as long as it contains y/n) so ya big recommends from me :-)
I haven’t edited this and probably won’t do it soon so if you happen to find any mistakes, hmu and I’ll get to is asap !!
OLRITEY WHEW I DID IT !! I spent so fuckin long typing this up and this is the longest fic I have ever written (writers who write more than this- hOW ??). This oneshot is my child because I spent the most time on it and it’s my second favourite genre –Rivals to Lovers (my first being Enemies to Lovers, there is a clear difference between the two okay)–
I wanna mention that the dates used in this fic were for 2016 if you guys were curious. Also, I know this story ended awkwardly and there wasn’t much interaction between Minghao and the reader but I couldn’t help myself from adding the interaction between the side characters.
Request here, follow here and read my other works here !!
AO3: Junshuji
10 notes · View notes
horanggae · 3 years
hi my dear aera! (=^・ェ・^=)
wow, your major is so cool! what made you decide studying psych sci? aww, yes it was!!<3 a fun fact about me is that my grandparents also have their birthdays on july a few days before and after mine so that’s why we celebrate all together! yes, they mainly serve breakfast dishes (everything related with eggs and bacon) and they’re mainly famous because of their pancakes!! but every time I go there I usually order chicken tenders or burgers because I’m not so keen to eating scramble eggs outside home (i hope this doesn’t sound too weird). oh, may I know when its your birthday? is it soon? I kinda feel your birthday was on spring because you give me warm vibes.
oh really? that sounds so easy, i really thought it was something more complicated (*μ_μ) thanks for the help!! you’re pisces!! (i just googled the dates between this sign and you might be a baby born in spring or late winter!!). I’m glad you don’t know who am I yeeet! (I swear I have pressed the damn follow button around three times already?? instead of your inbox, i’m really clumsy (>﹏<) oh, and are you good with handling alcohol? actually I don’t drink any type of alcohol, I only have tasted strawberry soju (it was really good but definitely burned up my throat) and radler’s! (germany’s lemon beer, and it is really good).
I do count this asks as convos! that’s so nice to read!! (I really try to always send you nice asks so I’m really happy that you get to experience some of my feelings and emotions) no way aera!, but I consider you such a good english speaker? I really thought you were from north america or europe because of your way of writing and the use of some words I have never read before! May I ask when did u became so good with english? I bet you’re really good with your mother tongue! thanks for the recommendations! I’ll try to write some drabbles this last vacation days!
oh it’s really cool to read your type of sleeping! for me once I lay down I completely die and wake up until the very next day, so I’m a heavy sleeper (alarms never work for me unless I have something pretty important like an exam or a vacation trip, and when I’m really worried about something).
oh! me too<3 on real life (well not real? just in person lol) I really tend to talk a lot so I’m glad I’m not overwhelming you with all of my questions and writing! thank u for the nice wishes, obviously I wish you to stay safe as well ^^ oh so you’re also fully protected now! did u get any side effects after the two shoots? I couldn’t move my arm for the whole day haha. oh my I have never thought about living the y/n lifestyle?? maybe I am??
this is already so long and I haven’t answered your questions, i’m deeply sorry!
oh I would totally love to see you become part of the performance unit!! and also if you really get to marry hao can I go to your wedding? (・ω<)☆  shipping expenses are really the worst way of spending money (。╯︵╰。)
time to reply back!!
what’s in the ihop menu & your favorite item on it? – somehow I already replied to this question at the beginning! ^^ but it is chicken tenders with dip of honey mustard!
astro sign? – i’m leo!
do you like alcohol? if yes, what type and/or brand! – haha, again I already talked about this! I don’t dislike it but I’m also not the greatest fan? and the only one I like drinking is any brand of radler beer! (I don’t have so much experience with alcohol) a small fact: I started to drink alcohol only two years ago when I was studying abroad!
which unit would you like to join? – vocal unit!! I would love to be part of the creating process of writing a song and also would love to learn how to sing (I don’t know how to sing but I would love to learn from any of the members!! specially dk’s!!)
kiss, date, marry: hoshi, jun & dino!! – i see what you have done here      ♡( ◡‿◡ ) i would kiss dino, date hoshi and marry jun. (I think of dino as someone to take care of, for hoshi I think it would be kinda overwhelming because he deserves a lot and also is kinda highly demanding? and for jun, he’s my type! tall, funny, smart and caring<3.)
your fave album? – teen age or you make my dawn! both albums have some of my all time favorite tracks also the special units on teen age are something worth repeating!!
your current stash of svt goods or maybe are you starting collect rn? – I happen to also pay a lot on shipping and I also recently started to like svt, so far I have bought some albums along with my sister who’s also a big fan (we have one of each of this albums: semicolon, director’s cut, an ode, henggarae and for your choice we bought the three versions!) I think I’m only missing their first ver. of lightstick because its the prettiest lightstick I have ever seen! (also my bank account suffers every time I buy something (╥_╥).
how is it working at your sister’s cafe? (any out of the ordinary happening (✷‿✷) – it’s really great! i love spending time there and I also love to work with coffee! I also enjoy preparing food (we sell salads and sandwiches). I think asia’s cafe’s are something from another world? they are so pretty and have such a wide variety of drinking options! i really enjoy bubble tea drinks! do u like milk tea with boba?
this is really long, please take all the time you need to reply and don’t feel obligated to answer all of it (I just wanted to share all my thoughts with you)!! I hope you’re having a great week, wishing you a lot of health and happiness, also a lot of luck with your college homework! (≧◡≦) ♡
hello f🐯❤️ how are you doing!
IHOP sounds like a nice place to chill before classes and probably late into the night... Naw it doesn't weird though, it's your preference! I don't eat prawns outside of home either, I just find it icky(?). You're right!!!! I'm a spring march baby! I swear I never receive notifications from you at all? Only recently the one I saw was tmttxt (?) but I think they changed their username so I can't find out now when I tried searching for them again. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
I've always wanted to learn and understand the human mind more when I was in high school but my grades didn't allow me to pursue psychology in college (in my country you'll have to be the top percentile to get into courses like psych) so I ended up diverging from what I want, to something that piqued my interest as a child, which was design. Loved it as a pastime and as a getaway but I couldn't churn anything out for assignments. I decided to just follow what I really wanted in uni since I was still set on studying psych even after meeting with a college guide + I had a window of opportunity and now here I am as a year 1! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
I enjoy alcohol but my tolerance level isn't high :-( so I usually drink with caution unless I'm with the people I trust! I prefer cider more though bc of the crisp and light taste! Talking to you feels like a writing to a penpal; we are living our own respective lives, but we make time for each other to write back!!! I enjoy talking to you sm like there isn't any pressure to immediately reply back and it's really like receiving a letter but in asks form!! ❤️❤️❤️
English is my first language, but i kinda winged it the entire time when I was younger! I learned a lot of English words from reading; I was an avid reader until I was 17 when I started using smartphones, my reading habit disappeared. But when it comes to grammar and sentence structure, embarrassingly, I'm extremely bad at it. (´ . .̫ . `) my vocabulary is pretty strong bc of the books I've read over the years! I just started picking up reading again and have just finished the miracles of namiya general store & the seventh day, both recommended by wonwoo! I'm so happy I managed to read a little everyday and still retaining the same eagerness and anticipation (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Do link me your drabbles if you ever do write, I'd love to read your works!!! ( ◜‿◝ )♡ aw man i wish I was a heavy sleeper like before ㅠ ㅠ feels like growing older made me a light sleeper. The first was worst in terms of soreness, the second was mild— felt like they didn't administer the vaccine at all ahskskdlflr but I did felt a little feverish during the night but everything is fine! How about you, are you feeling better now?? If I ever get married to hao that is (≧ ᴗ ≦) but I'd love for hao to just be a friend who I can speak freely to under the stars hehe.
I realised I haven't asked about your major, also why did you pick that major?
I hope you're doing well in the cafe! Damn, makes me wanna work in a cafe too... There's vacancy at my uni's Starbucks but it's too far of a commute for me to consider </3 ㅠ ㅠI hope interesting things happen at the cafe so that it spice up your vacation break hehe.
0 notes
joshpup · 7 years
Beginners Guide to Memeteen
No one asked for this, but i made it anyways
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General Info:
So the memeteen group signed under Pledis which also has Pristin, Nu’est, Orange Caramel and After School (Everyone has issues with Pledis don’t even get us started about them). 
Group name Seventeen with 13 members because 13 members, 3 units and 1 team equals 13 (also originally they had 17 members but this works too). 
They finally debuted on May 26, 2015 after being pushed back for far to long 
debuted with the amazing song Adore U, and so far have had 8 comebacks: Mansae, Pretty U, Very Nice, Boom Boom,  Don’t Want to Cry, Clap, Thanks, Oh My!
They also have an mv for their song Healing, Love Letter, Shining Diamond, Smile Flower, and Q&A (just scoups, woozi and vernon), Change Up (scoups, woozi, and hoshi)
Have 9 amazing albums: 17 Carat, Boys Be, Love & Letter (Repackaged), Going Seventeen, A|1, Teen,Age, Director’s Cut , and You Make My Day (buy the albums tho) 
They made their Japanese debut on May 16, 2018 with Call Call Call! and released an album called We Make You
Hip-Hop Unit:
Scoups (leader), Wonwoo, Mingyu, Vernon
-created the masterpiece that is Check-In
Mansae Hip Hop Ver.
Trauma MV
Vocal Unit:
Woozi (leader), Jeonghan, Joshua, Dk, Seungkwan
-created the masterpiece that is Chocolate
Adore U Acoustic Ver.
Very Nice Acoustic Ver.
Pinwheel MV
Performance Unit:
Hoshi (leader), Jun, The8, Dino
Adore U Perf Ver.
Mansae Perf Ver.
-created the masterpiece that is Highlight rip carats
Lilili Yabbay MV
Hoshi, DK, Seungkwan
Just Do It
Just Do It Dance Practice
Scoups/Seungcheol {info} aka the dad 
-So he’s the leader of memeteen, #1 dad lets be real, longest trainee in svt, someone please give this boy a puppy he just needs a dog in his life okay. super sweet and caring, best leader ever honestly no one else could handle those other 12 boys. 
-appeard in Nu’est Face MV, After School Blue’s ‘Wonder Boy’ MV, Happy Pledis ‘Love Letter’ MV (pledis boys ver)
Jeonghan {info} aka the mom
-one of his nicknames in angel, but don’t let that fool you, he’s a swindler. Will not hesitate to cheat watch out for this one. sleeps everywhere possible anytime possible. each comeback his hair gets shorter, lets just hope he doesn’t go bald. Exo’s Sehuns worst nightmare.
Joshua/Jisoo {info} aka the church boy
-Oh shua, our beloved meme and church oppa this is a very dead joke now plz dont use it but if you see it thats shua. 1/2 of american line. Seems quiet and normal but the longer you know him the weirder you realise he truely is. Has a weird obsession with aliens (1,2) Stan talent, stan pindropping shua. huge anime lover. He has also had pink and purple hair and every carat cried 
-beautifully covered Overcome  with Nu’est’s Minhyun
-The jokes that never die: Drink water, not Alcohol, when in doubt, sings Sunday Morning, and his crappy beautiful rapping
Jun/Junhui {info} aka the real mom of the group
-Crazy for you cover
-1/2 of china line. Best eye rolls the world will ever know. people call him greasy, hes not reall but whatever. very sassy. his legendary part in Mansae that makes him look like the McDonalds logo. Also the time he dressed up in an actually carrot costume. 
Films: The Pye-Dog {pt.1 pt.2} (sorry i couldn’t find it in one part), Ip Man: The Legend Is Born, Intouchable (a series)
Hoshi/Soonyoung {info} aka naega hosh
-Okay so choreographs all their dances goals so naturally, best dancer ever. LOUD. Also shinee’s biggest fanboy, if you thought that you were shinees biggest fan ur wrong its Hosh proof: 1, 2, 3. a cute little hamster i die everyday. 10 hours 10 minutes. Black belt in Taekwondo... why dont we ever get to see anything ??
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
Wonwoo {info} aka rbf master
-was originally a singer, but switched to rapping before debuting, so not only does wonu have an amazing voice but can rap suuuuuper well, and can easily switch between the two its stunning. always calm and usually has an rbf but hes actaully really fun love our emo wonwoo. kinda reminds me of a sloth but i love him even more becasue of that lol
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
Woozi/Jihoon {info} aka smol fairy devil
-fear him. He may look tiny and soft but he will crush you. Composes almost all of svt’s songs. Super cute and hes coming to except this as time goes on lmao. shortest member. one of the big reasons svt became a self producing group
- first to get a solo in svt called Simple
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
Dk/Seokmin {info} aka literal sunshine
the sunshine of svt, always smiling. i saw a video of him crying once and my world shattered. LOUD pt2. super funny i love him. one of the most stable vocals in svt. can hit those high notes like nobody else. 
-has this beautiful cover
Mingyu {info} aka gaint germ
-walking puppy? yes actually he is. also a gaint germ (1,2) so get ready. sneezes everywhere then touches everything. can go from cute to sexy with no time in between its insane. If he’s not your bias he’s your bias wrecker. Wild orange hair durning Check In era end everyone made fun of him or loved it no in between.
-Svt’s personal hairstylist  
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
The8/Minghao {info} aka arthao
-Literally has become the biggest artist in the world what an icon
-other half of chine line. last member to join the group. He did b-boying in china for like 6 years. here is baby hao b-boying at age 12 (he’s the tallest skinny guy and also the leader). crazy good Martial arts skills.  comes off super cute a fluffy and sweet with that voice and all but a serious thug tho like 1, 2, 3 
Seungkwan {info} aka future mc 
Boo Seungkwan our sassy little guy that i love more than life itself. LOUD pt3. gonna star in the next hollywood film because of his flawless acting. Also one of the most stable vocals in svt. hits high notes so easily its not fair (like in pretty u i died). a cutie from jeju. Koreas next best MC watch out world Seungkwan is coming. pretty much helps set the happy fun tone in svt
-covered Beautiful Tomorrow perfectly
Vernon/Hansol {info} aka the living meme
oh vernon. other half of american line. best friends with Seungkwan. literally a walking meme. anything he does is dumb and i love it. example: his weird dance from Boom Boom. lots of Hotline Bling. His iconic: “mom, i won this.” terrible hair durning mansae era 
-was on “Kids Explore Life” when he was little. Also a contestant on ‘JTBC Made in U’ .... headlines headlines ....
-appeared on one of Eric Nams Can’t Help Myself stages and Hello Venus ‘Venus’ MV, Sickness ft. Eunwoo of Pristin
Dino/Chan {info} aka the baby
The baby of the group. Once a baby always a baby. Dino, nugu aegi? tragic hair durning mansae era as well. best glow up of the world let me tell you i called this. Like if you think jungkook of bts had a glow up time to meet Lee Chan because his was more intense and if not faster. Fresh out of High school and living life large lol
-This amazing fancam
-his song Zero (here is the performance) and you can bet i cried when i heard this. He grew up so fast T.T
Active Twitter Fansites
Seventeen’s One Fine Day: Season 1: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, Season 2  
Best Stages
Girl Group Medley / Relay 
Sorry Sorry cover
Tell Me (Immortal Songs)
Boy Group Remix
Bindaetteok Gentleman
My Ears Candy (Jun and Mingyu)
My Ears Candy (Seungkwan and DK)
Who (performance unit) oddly enough this song isn’t talked about much, i think it killed every carat cause it killed me
and some of my personal faves: Show Me Your Love, Honey + Very Nice (Remix), 2016 Melon awards: Very Nice
Dance Practices/Part Switches
Adore U: Fixed Ver, Follow Ver, Part Switch Ver
Mansae: Hide Ver, Seek Ver, Follow Me Ver, Part Switch Ver
Pretty U: Love Ver, Letter Ver, Dear Carat Ver
Very Nice: Roof Top Ver, Dance Practice Ver, Part Switch Ver
Boom Boom: Front Ver, Review Ver, Santa Ver 
Don’t Wanna Cry: Front Ver, Review Ver, Part Switch Ver
Clap: Practice
Thanks: Choreography Video
Other Video worth mentioning: Highlight (13 Member Ver), No. 1 Cover, Without You
Offical Links:
Offical Website // Youtube // V App // Twitter // Instagram // Weibo // Soundcloud //Facebook
Seventeen TV
Boys Wish Kindergarten Skit    
Bongbong gyus precious child (a few of the many insta posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, also bongbongie has no gender so stan talent)
the famous English Time w/ Svt
the memeteen diaries (ive never laughed so hard tbh)
ISAC aerobics - inspired by Transformers 
ISAC 400m Dash
ISAC warm up dance created by our boys (ft dokyeoms singing)
Seventeen and Monsta x interactions (they’re debut buddies if you don’t die everytime they interact with each other you are doing something wrong)
Seventeen x Nu’est stage Heaven (aka the best crossover the world has yet to see)
so yah stan talent stan my memes Seventeen
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k-histoires-blog · 7 years
Family is one's strength, and one's weakness
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► characters: Kim Taehyung (BTS), Jeon Jungkook (BTS), Kim Mingyu (SVT), Jeon Wonwoo (SVT)
► pairings: Vkook, Meanie
► genre: fluff
► word count: 2,105
► warnings: none
► summary: Kim Taehyung and Kim Mingyu are brothers with an amazing, brotherly relationship. Sadly, they don’t see each other often since Taehyung doesn’t live at home anymore and goes to university. But when they do see each other, they spend every precious minute together.Jeon Wonwoo and Jeon Jungkook are also brothers, but brothers with a terrible brotherly relationship. Because of their awful bond, they attend other high schools, and try to avoid each other as much as possible, but still.Taehyung has been dating Jungkook, who goes to a high school next to the university, for a half year now. Everybody at home knows this, but they have never seen, nor met Taehyung’s boyfriend.Mingyu attends the same high school as Wonwoo, and has been dating the older boy a little over three weeks. This weekend Taehyung is coming home since it’s a calm period at the university, and Mingyu is planning on telling his older brother the great news then.“Mingyu I’m so happy for you! I can’t wait to meet the lucky guy!”“Maybe we should go on a double date to celebrate us both having boyfriends! Then I can finally meet yours!”“Yes, let’s do that! I bet Kookie would love this!”
► author’s note: This is the first fic I’ve ever posted. I oved the idea of writing a Kim & Jeon crossover and this became of that thought. Really, that’s the only motivation i had for this bc the story is very bad lol
If you’d rather read it on a fanfiction site here are the links:
- admin Boa
It was Saturday morning and Mingyu was already awake, anticipating his brother’s arrival. He walked down the stairs to see his parents already having breakfast. “Good morning, dear.” His mother and father sang in harmony, both giddy that their son was finally coming home for the weekend. “Morning, mom. Morning Dad. When will Taehyung arrive?” Mingyu swiftly asked with his happy voice. “Soon, son. Soon.” His dad chuckled. Mingyu pouted. “Mom, can you please give me a more accurate answer?” His mother granted him a big smile “He should be here any minute now.” *** “Hello, dear family! Missed me?” Taehyung had returned home, and didn’t hesitate to put up a very Taehyung-like act. “Hyung, I’ve missed you so much!” Mingyu ran towards his older, yet smaller brother, and nearly hugged him to death. “Woah, woah, I missed you too, big guy.” Taehyung giggled. *** After the mother of the brothers had shed a few tears of happiness, and Taehyung had received some encouraging pats on the back from his father, the two brothers went up to Mingyu’s room to catch up on how they were doing and play around like they used to. “Hyung, I have big news.” Mingyu announced with a proud smile on his face. “Ooh, tell me! I want to know!” Taehyung urged. Mingyu chuckled at the sight of the excited, childlike expression on his older brother’s face. “I’ve got a boyfriend.” He pleasingly declared. “His name is Wonwoo, and he attends the same high school as I do. We’ve only been dating for three weeks, but I really like him!” Taehyung blinked a few times in surprise, but quickly replaced his surprised face for a humungous smile. “Mingyu I’m so happy for you! I can’t wait to meet the lucky guy!” “Maybe we should go on a double date to celebrate us both having boyfriends! Then I can finally meet yours!” Mingyu exclaimed matter-of-factly. “Yes, let’s do that! I bet Kookie would love this!” *** “Stay away from me and my room, you dipshit!” It was another ‘normal’ day in the Jeon household as the two siblings that lived there were bickering, again. “Jungkook, shut your trap! I was just going to the bathroom! Get your eyes checked imbecile!” “Boys, just leave each other be and get on with what you were doing!” Their mother interrupted. “But mom,” Junkook whined. “He started it” He pointed his finger at Wonwoo, who then huffed in disbelief. “Yeah, right! I was the one being paranoia.” “You wanted to walk into my room and-” “ENOUGH.” Their mother yelled. The brothers looked up in astonishment as their mother raised her voice at them. “Go to your rooms, both of you, and don’t come out until you can properly communicate with each other!” She yelled again. The two boys huffed and cursed at each other, and then retreated to their respected bedrooms. *** It was Monday morning, and Mingyu was glad he could finally see Wonwoo again. “Hey babe, how was your weekend?” Mingyu asked his boyfriend as he leaned in to plant a kiss on the shorter’s cheek. “Ugh, let’s just talk about your weekend. Your brother, Taehyung, came to visit, right.” Wonwoo said, desperate to change the subject. Mingyu’s face lit up at the mentioning of his brother. “Yes! It was great, just like old times!” He exclaimed. “Talking about my brother, I want you to meet him.” Wonwoo smiled at his boyfriend. If only he could have such a relationship with his brother that Mingyu had with his… “Of course, I would love to meet your brother.” Wonwoo said with a big smile across his face. “Great! That’s a double date then!” Mingyu said while clasping his hands together. “Double date? I thought I was going to meet your brother?” Wonwoo chuckled. “You will! My brother also has a boyfriend but I’ve never seen him before since he goes to a high school near Taehyung’s university.” Mingyu explained. Wonwoo nodded in acknowledgement. “Ah, I see. Well, I really would like to meet your brother, and go on a date with you, so I’m in!” Mingyu let a small excited noise escape his mouth, and flung his arms around his boyfriend to show how happy he was. “Jeon Wonwoo, you’re the best boyfriend, ever!” *** Monday afternoon Jungkook walked to the school exit and found his boyfriend waiting at the gates. The younger waved at his boyfriend and came running to him. “Hey, easy there kid.” Jungkook’s boyfriend, Taehyung, said with a chuckle when the younger bumped into him. “Taehyung, I missed you.” The younger pouted. “It’s been too long since I last spent time with you.” “Hmm, has it?” The older asked playfully. “It’s not funny!” Jungkook exclaimed desperately. “Did you even miss me?” “Of course, I did! What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t miss you?” Taehyung said with a pout on his face. Jungkook began smiling again, he loved Taehyung’s facial expressions. “Let’s go on a double date.” The older suddenly suggested out of the blue. “With who? I’m not going on a double date with those university student friends of yours. That double date last month with your roommate was awful.” Jungkook shuddered at the thoughts of that double date. Taehyung giggled. “They are high schoolers, like you.” Jungkook gave Taehyung a confused look. Taehyung suddenly enlivened a bit more. “My brother has a boyfriend. He smiled a lot when he talked about him this weekend. I thought, since you’ve never seen my brother and I’ve never seen his boyfriend, we could go on a double date and get to know each other.” Jungkook’s face also brightened as the older explained. “Taehyung, that’s great! I would love meet them! Count me in!” *** Taehyung was walking back to his dorm after spending the afternoon with Jungkook. He grabbed his phone and decided to call his brother. “Hello?” “Hey, Mingyu. It’s Taehyung.” “Hi, Taehyung! I asked Wonwoo this morning and he agreed!” “That’s great, Jungkook also wanted to come and meet you!” “Aah, I can’t wait!” “When should we go?” “Hmm, can you go this weekend on Saturday? And we could go to that restaurant with the nice view we used to go to with mom and dad, the food there is still amazing!” “Okay, sounds like a plan!” “I’ve written it down. Can’t wait to see you this weekend! Bye!” “Bye-bye!” *** Saturday evening had arrived and the Jeon house was in an uproar. “Wonwoo, did you steal my tie?! I need it!” Jungkook yelled. “Why would I steal your crappy tie when I have ten much better-looking ties?!” Wonwoo retorted. “Aaargh, Wonwoo! You’re really something, you know that? I have something important to attend tonight!” The younger brother shouted back in frustration. “I know I’m something, something way above you. Now stop annoying me, I too have something important to go to tonight.” Suddenly the doorbell rang. Jungkook quickly snatched a tie from his brother and ran down stairs while tying it. “Hello gorgeous, ready for the big night?” Taehyung greeted the younger when the door was opened. Taehyung then looked down at the younger’s chest and giggled a bit. Jungkook looked at his boyfriend with a frown until he saw what the older was laughing about. His tie was tied completely wrong. “Here, let me help you.” The older offered using his deep voice. He stepped towards Jungkook, who had his head down in humiliation, and began tying the tie properly. When the tie was tied accordingly, the two left the Jeon household and walked towards the Kim’s house. They were greeted by a very happy Mingyu. “Hello! Oh, you must be Jungkook. It’s great to finally meet you since you’ve been dating my brother for half a year!” Mingyu giggled at his own remark. Jungkook blushed, but didn’t hesitate showed a big smile. “I’m glad I finally get to meet Taehyung’s brother! He’s told me so much about you, and it seems your brother is right about everything!” Mingyu blushed back at Jungkook, but quickly recovered. “What are you standing outside for? Come on in!” *** Once the boys had settled in the living room, the bell chimed through the Kim house. “Oh, he must be here now!” Mingyu exclaimed as he practically ran to the door. “Babe, I’m so happy you’re here!” The couple in the living room could hear Mingyu squeal as he opened the front door. “Hey love, I’m glad I’m here too.” A deep voice answered Jungkook head snapped to the door. He recognized the low voice but couldn’t pinpoint it yet. Mingyu returned to the living room. “Guys, I would like you to meet my boyfriend.” A tall figure entered the room, but the boy was still slightly shorter than Mingyu. Jungkook’s jaw dropped when he finally realized to whom the familiar, deep voice belonged. His boyfriend’s brother’s boyfriend was no one other than his own brother… Wonwoo. *** The four boys were walking towards the restaurant. Jungkook was at Taehyung’s side, and Wonwoo at Mingyu’s. The Jeon brothers had never mentioned each other to their boyfriends, which made the situation even more awkward for the two, but Taehyung and Mingyu didn’t suspise or overthink anything. *** They arrived at the restaurant and decided to sit at the window so the foursome could enjoy the view as well as the food. “I have to go to the toilet.” Jungkook announced, eyeing Wonwoo into doing the same. Wonwoo got the hint. “I have to go too, let’s go and find it together.” Taehyung and Mingyu shared a happy moment, their boyfriends were getting along so well! *** When the brother’s entered the bathroom, Wonwoo immediately turned to Jungkook. “Of all the people you could date, you chose my boyfriend’s brother?!” “I could ask you the same thing.” Jungkook retorted. “What should we do? They’re bound to find out! Is… is that my tie?” Wonwoo would love to strangle his brother here and now, but he didn’t think his boyfriend would appreciate it. “You didn’t tell me where my tie was, so I took yours.” Jungkook shrugged. “God, you’re annoying. But seriously, what should we do?” Wonwoo asked his younger brother with a panicked tone. “Let’s tell them we’re brothers too. But let’s not talk about our situation in depth, okay?” “Okay.” *** The boys were back at the table, enjoying their main course. Jungkook looked at Wonwoo for permission and the older gave him a brief nod. “Uhm, there’s something Wonwoo and I would like to tell you.” Jungkook started off shyly. “The fact is… that we are brothers too.” Wonwoo added to the announcement. Taehyung and Mingyu looked at each other before looking back at the other two, who were apparently brothers. “Why didn’t you tell us earlier?” Taehyung asked. He was taken aback by the statement, but nonetheless liked the idea of the four being closer because of the family bonds. Jungkook searched Wonwoo’s eyes for help, and that’s exactly what the older brother did. “We didn’t know our boyfriends were brothers until the evening.” He explained nervously. “We were still in a shock so we decided to tell it later in the evening.” He looked up at Mingyu, who was smiling ear to ear. “I like this confession.” The tallest said while clasping his hands. “Now we can spend more time together!” Mingyu and Taehyung started laughing, and soon the other two joined in. Jungkook and Wonwoo were both relieved at how the two other brothers took the statement. That would be one less problem. *** It was later in the evening and the boys had enjoyed an exquisite meal. The Jeon brothers walked the Kim brothers to their doorstep, and said their goodbyes to each other. Now the brothers were walking alongside each other to their own house. “I’m so happy everything went well tonight.” Wonwoo said, in the hope of starting a conversation with his younger brother. “Yeah, me too.” Jungkook answered. “How do you like Taehyung?” He asked, suddenly eager for his opinion. “He’s nice, but I like Mingyu better.” Wonwoo said with a teasing smile. Jungkook huffed. “You have no taste in men, or anything for that matter, Jeon Wonwoo!” Wonwoo laughed at his younger brother’s statement. “That tie around your neck, to whom does it belong?” “Hey, that’s unfair! My tie disappeared!” Jungkook exclaimed, but there was a smile on his face too. The two brothers kept on laughing, bickering, and teasing. Even when they came back home, and long after that. The Kim brothers changed the Jeon brothers, for the better.
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