#uni be keeping me busy 😔
truthundressing · 2 years
still drinking a flask of coffee at 6pm oh its bad for me
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celestie0 · 3 months
ellie’s millionth gojo x reader idea
i rly wanna write an au (have sort of already started) where gojo works as a babysitter (idk for why yet, maybe another au where he just really needs the money or something haha) and he starts babysitting yuuji (who is just five years old) and the kid’s an absolute MENACE so gojo is ab to rip his hair off tryna keep an eye on him. and then you’re yuuji’s hot older sister who’s in grad school and is incredibly off limits bc gojo’s so screwed if your mom finds out he has the hots for you n she would kill him (then fire him) if he made a move on you. also did i mention he really needs the money 😔
i’m just picturing gojo not knowing how to cook anything for yuuji other than microwaved dino nuggets and he has to write yuuji’s allergies on the back of his hand w marker so he doesn’t forget he’s only allowed to give the kid almond butter and not peanut butter or else he WILL GO INTO ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK. also he’s always staring at the pics of you that your mom hung up on the fridge (your 4-year uni grad photos) n he knows he’s not supposed to contact you unless it’s an emergency bc you’re a busy woman but he texts you all the time anyways (stupid shit all day like “hey where does yuuji keep his light up sneakers he really wants to wear them to school today” n you’re at your wits end like “…second cabinet from the left”)
for christmas you come down to visit and he’s biting his fist to make sure he doesn’t flirt with you in front of your mom n all your relatives at the table during the family holiday dinner (kiddo yuuji begged for gojo to be invited too) n then things get hot n heavy when gojo goes upstairs to grab something for your mom n he accidentally runs into you changing in your old bedroom n idK I ONLY HAD ONE SENTENCE PLANNED BUT I KEPT TYPING THIS OUT PLS
idk basically lots of “no way, your mom would kill me if i laid a finger on you” but he has a death wish so he does it anyway
🧍🏻‍♀️adding to my very long list of wips
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cizzyart · 1 month
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My depression and anxiety keeping me from being chill and happy. Look, I'm going through my angsty era y'all 😔 🙃
Anyways, still busy with my Uni classes, so not a lot time for Art right now🥲😶
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on-leatheredwings · 2 months
damn..... at least i was smart enough to copy it
talia hating you with passion just to slowly warm up to you cus you make her son happy (smth which was considered nearly impossible).... yummy...... 🤤
sadly, i don't can't fully get into comics right now since I'm kinda busy with uni and paperwork but the stuff I've read so far was fun
my only question is WHy there are so many of them?!?? good for the fans ig but how am i supposed to read it without a guide??
I remember picking up some Batman and Robin volume where Batman turned out to be Dick. "is Bruce dead or something?" i thought jokingly.... 😔
Yes. Yes, he was dead, as i quickly found out..... At least now i put more thoughts into what i pick up to read
about btd - if your only problem is the artstyle you may check out The Price of Flesh. it was created by one of btd artists (the one who drew the fox guy) and it's relatively new, so the visuals are way better
no like getting into comics is genuinely so ridiculous and dumb lmao .... like the only way to read them is to go by like... character i guess?
if u wanna read damian, read batman and robin by tomasi and all its related runs, robin 2021 ... to read tim, read a lonely place for dying, robin '91, a lot of 90s batman also has tim as robin but not all-- UGH ITS SO FRUSTRATING.... kinda why i was a cartoons-and-video-games-only girlie back in 2017-2020 like i just need less options/more streamlined progression 😭😭😭😭
and hmmmmm !?!? ill check out tpof :3
something that makes me laugh is how bruce really should be like fucking 60-70 but so he can keep being batman, he's just eternally 40s-very early 50s. i think canonically the timeline from dick > jason > jason DYING > tim > jason COMING BACK > steph's small robin stint > damian > duke/cass is like. 10 years. which is kind of insane considering the decades of content. they would have to undergo these arcs EVERY DAMN DAY FOR THIS TO MAKE SENSE 😭
if dc was brave they'd retire batman and have cass take over while damian does more growing to inherit (altho he shouldn't . imo.) and what the fuck is tim doing
ppl are kinda fine with it but i feel him going robin > red robin > drake > robin is such a lame regression. he should have his own identity. red robin was already too much like robin, but now hes just ROBIN while damian is also robin. which is fine without context, im okay with multiple robins but come on can tim be his own hero now.
so yeah in general i just pick and choose what arcs i wanna read... i was huge into injustice back in the day which was an alternate universe games/comics canon. its rlly simpler living that way 🚬
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canayams-art · 8 months
the immortality concept in tgcf is always interesting to think about, especially with the age range that the human mind cannot really comprehend... but maybe it's best for me not to think too much about it at midnight when i have uni early in the morning 😞😭 there are a lot of thoughts tho
you described the dynamic i had in mind for them perfectly!! mq's way of showing care by scolding and nagging and teasing that at time could come out as a touch too sharp. lqq's of being loud when defending and engaging into banter but keeping it light and not taking the teasing too close to heart unless it comes to his morality stands. they just weirdly compliment one another, especially with the way you said lqq takes the spotlight on the stage while mq is more "behind the curtain" type when dealing with things. you're so right, thinking about them makes me deranged as well
i do feel like the gods would be more vocal about the dislike towards mq when he was still a young god, and yeah especially those 33. while mq we see is well respected, and still very much disliked and distrusted, it is mq of 800+ years of presence in the heavenly court, and i do think many would be tight lipped around him regarding whatever his business are. but thinking about the backlash he would be facing during their earlier years/ centuries of friendship, i think they would be more vocal about it, if a bit sneaky with the way they would talk considering mq's temper with fx and general reputation that has been following him. 🤔 and well... there's also the broom throwing thing that has been going on apparently :'))
and he would definitely be on the bigger receiving end of it than lqq, especially considering their backgrounds and what the heaven considers "right". while lqq may be considered naive, he is still a noble that technically belongs in a way mq never could in their eyes.
but lqq still not standing by the bullying, even during the 'fight' is ekejjejejeej especially because i lqq knows that bullying is wrong no matter who's at the receiving end and, parallel to the mulian situation, there would be no shielding behind the higher authority to make it stop, just a very straightforward way to handle it. and i feel like mq, even if he is somewhat even struggling to admit he's miserable without lqq, would feel extremely touched knowing the way lqq would handle it 🥹🥹
no shade at mulian, literally my fave ship ever! i talk about them so much to my friends i feel like all of our brains are fried at this point lol they can fit so much angst and there are honestly dozens of ideas for fics that would likely never see the light of the day but we have the hope cuz we're all delusional 😔✊
just the parallels between them make me absolutely crazy, especially since i always kinda pictured mq as a type to get particularly adopted by the idealistic "sunshine type" people around him and get dragged around while he scowls and acts like he doesn't enjoy it, and then eventually ending up genuinely liking them, no matter how much they would clash at times with their ideologies. xl, sqx, i have an ongoing rants about mq and qyz friendship every other week. kinda pissed off that i didn't remember lqq until recently but it's never too late to start the brainrot anyway
i also went and checked the extras qianqing interaction, and it was actually mq seeing that lqq was in an awkward position being both the victim and the culprit and trying to send him back to heaven (it was the extra chapter where xl felt pain bcs of the guoshi mask he melted into a key?? i only searched for their names so again i have no idea/) but that was enough to have me covering my mouth and squealing
no at this point i will have to write *something* about qianqing, it would literally eat at me alive if i don't. life is busy and hard rn, but it will have to be done in this lifetime 😭
Mq has always given me the sense that he seeks out people with more emotional freedom than he feels he has. He spends so much of his time showing restraint and being distant that whenever I read sections of the book where Fu Yao makes an appearance, I see the way he lets his personality come out more. Maybe choosing the name “Fu Yao” was (among other reasons) mq’s way of literally saying he’s giving himself more freedom.
So like— it makes sense that mq has a pattern of associating with people who express themselves so freely— even if he sometimes takes shots at those people (mostly fx but also occasionally xl). Lqq is entirely unrestrained in a way that’s familiar but still unique. He’s one of the few gods who would step in or stand up for another without any ulterior motives— there’s nothing lqq would want to gain by standing up for mq in their early years. Whether he’s still angry with mq or not— it’s the right thing to do and that’s enough for him.
Meanwhile I feel like mq hates feeling like he’s once again being seen to hide behind another prince for protection. Mq likes to be in control of his circumstances— even if he could ask for help.
“I don’t need anyone fighting my battles.”
“No— but someone should have your back.”
Maybe that’s what it is about them actually? Lqq is so quick to jump up and declare injustice that mq thinks lqq would be trying to shield him when lqq is actually trying to advocate for his better treatment. Lqq learned the importance of unity and he practiced it well before ascending, so his type of support might be less about defending mq personally and more about shaming the gods for not setting a better example. Maybe he doesn’t even give mq the option to hide behind him.
(Related note, I can’t help thinking this type of tension would rise if lqq caught mq throwing a broom or snapping it in half— like ofc lqq is still mad but ofc he’s gonna try and connect the dots— maybe he even heard some of the gods laughing about their “gifts” to the young General.)
But okay now I’m thinking about the extra you mentioned and oooooooo
Mq confronting lqq in the mortal realm and failing to convince him to return to heaven. It’s a side of lqq mq has never seen. He’s not driven by a sense for justice anymore, now lqq wants revenge— maybe mq tells him that. Maybe it only angers lqq more. Either way, lqq doesn’t return.
(I actually have a similar scenario in my brain between lqq and newly-mortal pei xiu, which was actually the idea that got me started in qianxiu rarepair hell but that’s a separate space altogether LMAO)
Anyway—! If writing is too exhausting given life’s demands I am always happy to keep exploring these deranged (affectionate) scenarios. Life persists, but so does the brainrot!
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🤩a WIP snippet about or with dialogue from Radar and 😔
Thanks so much for the ask!! Sorry that it took me a few days to get to, I was away for the weekend and have been busy with uni.
Snippet from a Whumptober piece I haven't finished (we're going to ignore the fact that I barely finished any of the prompts in October itself bc I was so swamped with school, I'm still going to post them all). The piece is yet to be titled, but the prompt was: debris, pinned down, and "it's broken." I love Radar so much and even though he isn't the focal point of this piece, I still enjoy having him in it!! For context, Della is one of my OCs.
“Make it stop!” Radar wailed, though she couldn’t tell if he was asking her or some higher power. The quake had to have been going for at least five minutes… it would end any time now, right? Right? Another sheet of metal from the ceiling smashed to the floor, causing them both to scream. Della bit her lip, wanting to beg as Radar had for it to stop, but if she couldn’t comfort, she had to at least get her head back on her shoulders. 
Slowly, the shaking began to recede. Della held onto Radar, feeling the boy trembling in her grasp even once the ground had settled. In the hustle and bustle of camp, everyone seemed to forget how young Radar really was. He ran the place so efficiently and, being in a war zone, it’s hard to remember that some of these soldiers are fresh out of school. Radar was only a kid. 
Della leaned her head against his when he whimpered her name. “I’m right here. Are you hurt?”
“Okay, good. Good.” She removed one arm from around his head to rub his back. “You’re okay, kiddo. You’re alright.”
She didn’t move until he did. After a few moments of stillness, Radar stirred and pulled away, satisfied that the quake was over, at least for the time being. He pulled back and looked at Della, his face blotchy and tear-streaked. She reached out and wiped a stray tear with her thumb. “You’re okay, hun.”
Briefly, Radar closed his eyes, humming as he nodded. When he opened them again, his gaze was immediately drawn to the shard of glass in her arm. “Della, you’re hurt!”
“Oh, it’s not that bad. I just didn’t want to take it out while everything was still shaking and risk getting dirt in it.”
Radar nodded. “Okay.”
“C’mon, let’s go check on the others. Was anyone in the OR?”
He took the hand she held out to him, careful not to touch any of the broken glass or metal. “Not that I know of. You don’t think someone got hit with a stray scalpel, do you?”
“No, no, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, eh?”
“Let’s check post-op first then.”
Radar followed at her heels, nearly walking into her when she froze in the doorway and gasped. “What? What is it—”
Della spun around and put her hands on his shoulders, backing out of the room. “Don’t look.”
“Huh? What is it? What happened?”
“Radar, no. Please. Don’t fight me on this just…” She gulped. “Just don’t.”
The boy’s voice trembled when he spoke. “Who was it?”
Della shook her head, covering her mouth with one hand. 
“Please, Dell. Who died? I—”
And for the other one...
This one was a bit harder... Most of the angst I've written that I found hard was for the BSD fandom because I love to put poor Kenji in a blender... But this was also difficult to write. It also comes from a fic that has miss Della in it. Here is a section from my fic, "God, Keep My Head Above Water," which starts during GFA.
Father Mulcahy sat at his desk with his back to the door, his head down. It was likely, she realized, that he was writing a sermon or something similar and was so deep in thought that he hadn’t heard her. She slipped inside and dusted herself off before walking over to him and laying a hand on his shoulder. “John?”
Father Mulcahy made a noise somewhere between a yelp and a cry, trying to turn so quickly that he fell off his chair and crashed to the floor. Della drew her hand to her chest, brows raised and eyes wide as she stared down at her friend, sprawled on the ground at her feet.  She blinked a few times as he stared up at her, his face morphing from panic to recognition to dread, and then finally to plain startled. His voice wavered as he spoke to her, forcing a smile onto his face. “Della. It’s good to see you.”
Della surveyed his face as she crouched in front of him. “Are you alright? I didn’t mean to startle you.”
For a moment he just stared at her before giving her a jerky nod. 
“You must’ve been deep in thought,” she continued, having turned to right the chair. “You’ve never been jumpy.” Della turned back to him and her eyes were immediately drawn to the wound on the side of his head. She leaned forward, her hand hovering beside the shrapnel scars, brows raised and parted lips downturned. “You are hurt…” She took his face in her hands, then tilted his head to get a better look. “John… what were you thinking?”
She let go of him and sat back on her heels, brows raised. His eyes widened, realizing she’d been speaking to him and was expecting a response. He mirrored her expression. 
Della furrowed her brows. “What were you thinking?”
He shrugged. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Della leant forward and rested the back of her hand on his forehead. “You’re not acting like yourself.” No fever, so it probably wasn’t that his wound was infected… “Is it your head?” She checked both of his eyes for uneven pupils, and the icy blue glistened with unshed tears. “Are you in pain?” Della pulled back and held him at an arm’s length, once again waiting for an answer. 
Mulcahy could only blink at her, brows cinched in fear. 
“John? What is it? What’s the matter?” She studied his face as she spoke, finally noticing that he wasn’t looking her in the eyes but was instead staring at her lips. On top of that, when he didn’t answer her, she hadn’t spoken to him with her face in full view. She sat back again and stared at him for a moment, jaw slack. “You can’t hear me… Can you…?”
The tears clinging to Mulcahy’s lashes spilled over and fell down his cheeks. He shook his head and looked down, head hanging as his shoulders started jumping. Della’s chest tightened as if someone had knocked the wind out of her at the sight of his tears, and her heartbeat, which had been in her ears only a moment ago, seemed to have slowed nearly to a stop. In any other situation, she’d know exactly what to do–they had been through a lot together over the course of the war. A hug and soothing words were usually enough to console him in a typical instance, but how was she supposed to proceed with something like this? When it was fear, and pain, and his usual feelings of uselessness likely magnified tenfold… What was she supposed to do with something that could change the entire course of his life so drastically? How could she even attempt to console him when she couldn’t use her words…
When a particularly rough sob tore from Mulcahy’s throat, she snapped out of her thoughts. He clutched his elbows, posture crumpled in on himself, still sitting on the floor. Whatever she’d been wondering before didn’t matter–she’d do whatever she had to, even if she couldn’t use her words. By instinct, she settled on her knees and wrapped her arms around Mulcahy. 
Thank you so much again for the ask! If you don't know much about my OC Della, long story short is she's Father Mulcahy's best friend and also kind of an older sibling to Radar. I have plenty of MASH OCs but Della was my first and is my favourite by far. Anyway, yeah, those are the two fics I wanted to share from. I'm hoping to finish the first one soon as well as update the second one on AO3 soon as well.
Anyone else, please feel free to send an ask to my inbox! I'll pin the post it's from on my profile :)
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hoonvrs · 9 months
so much has been going on in my life outside of tumblr 😭 academics to drama at school in general frfr
I HOPE IM NOT THE ONLY ONE BUT WHY DID AFTER LEAVING FOR SO LONG.. i wanna start my account new again like new works new layouts everything… should i do that? idk im scared that my own audience might not recognize me anymore
but enough of me aheemm i need updates how has everything been for you BAEE hope ur doing well <3
jungwon is so bf here like be my bf 😔‼️
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NO I GET IT😭 that time of the year where lit everyone on blr is busy with school and life it’s funny
samee i would start over but i’m lazy and ik if i did i’d give up🥸 but honestly ur audience will probably eventually find you or even starting fresh with ur own acc now i don’t see why not🫂
i feel like i’ve been everywhere and nowhere at once girlll i’m tired.. so much is happening and i’m barely home now cause i’m alw at my aunties but also uni in a few weeks 💔💔 i think cause i’m out the house so much even js to family i feel busy cause obvi id be spending time with them not on blr but even the motivation to write and keep up is leaving meee😭 anywayss sounds like i’m complaining but i acc love it cause i see my baby cousins and i love them so win for mee RAHH💪🏼
hopefully school starts to chill a bit cause imu😞 give me back my chae NOW
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cieloclercs · 9 months
lover, you should’ve come over - let's do f1 or tennis you can choose, male preference!
I'm currently a 3rd year in uni studying statistics with a triple minor holy hell, in CompSci, Business Analytics, and Mathematics. I'm in my uni's marching band and I play the tuba, I'm on staff and I adore my rookies. Literally the shortest person in the section but I love the jokes they're all good fun.
Something about my face screams to people to tell me all about their relationship woes/stories and I honestly don't mind I love getting to know them a bit more. I'm not huge on physical touch but I'll warm up to it if you're a close friend. Very fluent in sarcasm but I know when to pull back. My friends would say I'm very dependable and chill. My love languages are words of affirmation and quality time.
I love to bake when I have the supplies, huge marvel nerd movies + comics, I'm horrible at finishing tv shows I either binge it all in one night or it'll take me 5 months to finish one season, tysm!
i ship you with sebastian vettel!
— ok so i know seb isn’t technically on the grid anymore and he’s kind of old BUT if we’re talking younger red bull seb omg this is SPEAKING to me !! you seem like such a go with the flow person but at the same time super ambitious and just like you know exactly what you want ?? if that makes sense ?? correct me if i’m wrong but that’s the vibe i’m getting from this 😭 and i feel like red bull seb would ADORE that
— ok you have no idea how much i love this imaginary dynamic but i’m picturing seb being totally infatuated with you before you guys get together, and i’m talking like he’ll follow you around, flirt shamelessly and basically just do classic seb things, but (at first) you’d shoot him down every. single. time. mostly just because you find it funny watching him tie himself into knots BUT ALSO maybe because you’re a little intrigued 😏😏 i can imagine you’d keep up this pretence for a while wondering when seb will finally have had enough and move onto his next conquest, BUT WHEN HE DOESNT you begin to think that maybeee this guy is worth sticking your neck out for 😏
— of course once you guys are together, the shameless flirting still won’t stop. i mean who are we kidding it’s sebastian vettel being a flirt is part of his genetic makeup 😭 but you have this superpower where you can just not react and it’s so funny because seb will turn it into some kind of competition to see who’ll crack first (you always win 😉) honestly you guys are the funniest couple ever but in the driest kind of way. i genuinely love you both. if this was real you’d be my otp (i’m getting too invested 😔)
— mini head cannon bc i forgot to add it in before: seb is fully convinced you’re the smartest person on earth and if anyone argues otherwise he will FIGHT them. even if they’re arguing einstein is smarter he’ll still do it. the guy honestly worships you and it’s hilarious (but also v cute 🥹)
— you’re definitely kind of seb’s mental health support 😭 like he’ll tell you everything that goes on in his team, and i mean everything (even when he’s not supposed to 🤫) when he has a bad race, you’re there to listen to him and let him just vent out all his frustrations. when he has a good race, you’re always there to lift him up. i feel like the kind of mutual understanding you guys have is really rare. like, the kind of bordering on telepathy understanding where you can just tell how the other is feeling from one look 🥹 of course, seb’s a gentlemen so he always works hard to give you everything you could possibly want in a relationship. even despite his busy schedule, he always makes sure to take you out on lots of cute, thoughtful dates, and even sends you little notes throughout the day just to remind you how much he loves you 🥹 honestly he’s so cute i adore him
— and a final bonus headcannon !! i feel like seb himself can be a bit of a nerd when it comes to certain things (we’ve all seen him in grill the grid, the guy just absorbs knowledge) even though he may not be a marvel fan originally, when he finds out you are, he works sooo hard to get caught up with all the movies and the comic lore so he can talk to you about it ��� then of course come the marvel movie nights (instigated by him) where you literally stay up for hours bingeing as many of them as possible (seb definitely gets so invested and cries at infinity war and endgame 😭) he just wants to spend as much time with you doing things you love as possible !! 🥹🤍
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luminesparkz · 2 years
[📌] Hello, I'm Sparkz!
•Twin sister of the infamous @citrusdandelfly (Consider me the way less cool twin!! I cannot even compare!!) •📚I'm a busy Uni student (currently getting my BFA in Illustration) so I apologize if I do not respond to anything in the future. (With that in mind, I may not message!) •My Account with Citrus: @citrussparkz •❌DNI: Proshitters, z00, homophobes/transphobes, racists, ableists, or just any hateful people in general!!! (You will be blocked) •You might be looking for my castaway comic: #castaway au comic •My Instagram/Twitter is also luminesparkz! (Although, I have not been as active on Instagram as of late.)
•☕My Kofi: If you would like to financially support me while getting a drawing of your choice, my ko-fi is here! (And you get a GUARANTEED drawing and it will be A LOT FASTER than in my ask box!)
💡Things to keep in mind!
•✅I am open to many ships and do not object to any! (Unless they are shown to be problematic in some way, of course.) I love to see people's personal headcanons, AUs, and opinions no matter how different they are to mine, so never be afraid to voice your opinions to me! (However, there are some ships that do make me feel uncomfortable based on my own perceptions of media.) •✅This is account is SFW! (If anything I may do dirty jokes VERY rarely, but that's about it! And that is very rare!) •📩My ask box is open! You can put anything there. A question, request, or anything! It can be of any subject or fandom. In fact I encourage this because I never get requests. 😔 Even with that said, I cannot guarantee that they will all be answered, though. •✅Anyone is free to use my art as their banner/pfp/etc AS LONG AS YOU CREDIT ME!! I don't mind reposting on other apps as well but again, PLEASE CREDIT ME!! And please tag me or mention me (or BOTH) if you do credit me! I appreciate it!!
#️⃣Hastags! (Totally didn't copy my sister.)
#sparkz inbox (Any inbox submission answers) #sparkz reblogs (Any posts that are reblogged/not mine) #sparkz art (All of my original art) #sparkz other (Posts of mine that aren't art)
One last thing before you go! I know someone out there may need this. You are loved and wanted. You mean something to someone, and you matter. Your life matters, you are an amazing, strong person. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Don’t let yourself tell you otherwise. You are worth so much more than you think you’re worth.
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amelee23 · 7 months
Heyy Lee 👋 I'm really sorry that I'm not so interactive and ALSO I know I haven't sent you the pics of your other poems on my wall (it's because I haven't write it down yet..) I have piles of assignments that are yet to be completed 😔 Plus everytime I attempt to do it, I never end up rewriting it til' the end because it always ends up in the rubbish bin 😮‍💨 (There's DEFINITELY something wrong with me, my sister keeps saying I have OCD) But um.. anyways, I'll definitely send you those pics and I'll try not to throw it away this time... Okay now that's already settled, do you mind if you could help me review my poem? After I read your poems (to the point where I remember them by heart) I got inspired to write one of my own. It's not that great but I don't think I did that bad either.
Hey lovely! 🖤
I'm glad to hear from you again! Don't worry, life gets busy. I'm also in uni and buried in books 💀
They call it OCD, I call it passion and dedication 😂 (I'm also a perfectionist) But a therapist would probably say I shouldn't enable your tendencies 🤣 so uhhh... Sometimes it's okay to settle for knowing you have tried your best, even if it's not perfect ❤️
You have read my poems to the point of memorizing them? I will need five working days to process that.... Thank you so much 😭
I would love to read your poem! You can dm it to me anytime! (I would advise against sending it to me in a public ask since I've had issues with my work being stolen and I've grown anxious since.)
You make my day every time you talk to me I swear to God 😂😭🖤
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jaylaxies · 2 years
it’s been a MINUTE FOR SUREE but how are you ❤️
the things i’d do just to get one chance with 02z and hee 😔
- mae 🧃
MAE IT’S BEEN LONG FR i have missed you! i’m doing well ig, uni is keeping me busy‼️ how are youu? :3
IDK WHAT IS UP WITH IDOLS HAVING A WHOLE DIFFERENT VIBE IN AMERICA BUT I LOVE TO SEE IT, jay looks so so good i’m drooling i’m sorry and hee?? UGH I AM SO IN LOVE WITH HIS SMILE HES PERFECT and yes jay is the loml i can’t believe people are getting to see them irl what💔💔
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onlyswan · 1 month
Woahhh your last drabble 🥺😭😭❤️‍🩹 That was sooo beautiful, at the end I almost wanted to join jk in the bathroom to cry a little....
Jealous oc is so funny lol but don't we all relate a little 🤭 I wanna give them a big hug thoo, their heart it's too soft (but also strong in many ways) for this world!
And jk's mom 🥺🥺🥺 saying she missed her baby too 🥺🥺🥺 I'm so happy that oc finally has someone they can trust and who can be so understanding, besides jk - and damn right he feeds his baby well 💝
-“you love me and you never let me forget that.” - yea so for the 19376708 time, I WANT WHATEVER THEY HAVE PLSSS
But then again, if someone were to say that to me, or make me feel this way idk how I'd survive 🤧
Thank you for your work, Art!!!!! I LOVE YOU I LOVE I LOVE YOUUU and I hope your taking care of yourself , you know, after your finals! So everything went well right? 🥹 Is life also getting busier for you? I can imagine... but we have to keep going right..
And god I miss the tannies so muchhhh 😭😭 I sometimes find stuff I used to watch a lot in my baby army days and it makes me so nostalgic.. like I just wanna feel that happy again, without having anything else to worry about 😔
BABYYYY i missed you!!! thank you so much 🥹🩵
hehe it was so fun writing jealous oc too 🤭 the strongest soldier fr six years of having the hottest bf on earth… can u even imagine the amount of ppl manifesting him to be theirs omfg . ANYWAYS
oc being everybody’s baby just as they should be <333
But then again, if someone were to say that to me, or make me feel this way idk how I'd survive 🤧
oh you’d survive… (sighs wistfully) you’d want nothing more but to survive
NOOOOO WHY R U BEING SO CUTE I WILL CRY 😭😭😭 i love love love you more than you can imagine!!!! 💕 and yes i’m trying to catch up on all the sleep that i didn’t get for yk… the past year… my life has been wildly different since i started uni i love and hate it at the same time 😭 even though you’re busy keeping going i hope you never forget to take care of yourself and do things that make you happy 🫂<3
me too :( you know what used to be my favorite day of the week? tuesdays! i miss run bts tuesdays! 😭 i always had a reason to push through because i got to hang out with my seven bffs and laugh together :( i miss them so much
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woozi · 2 months
hello my yza ms yza my darling wife! it has been SO long i think, how have you been? are you still in corporate, how are you finding it?
svt comeback soon i think, what are your thoughts? i've not yet listened to the highlight medley or anything but i'm dying to know what ur thinking!
my exam results were SO bad it's not even funny i thought the world would end. anyway i have more exams in may-jun and that should be the last of it and if i fail again i won't get into uni... i am so scared. eel
i hope your days have been treating you SO well <33 i always love to see you on my dash you are such a ray of sunshine ☀ love you my yza 💕💕
your beloved wife honey 💍
life's been very fast and busy for me these days!! i'm still in corporate, but now i'm out of the family business hehehe i'm trying to venture out on my own and build my own network which was scary at first!!!!! but now it's chill, i really am thankful i made the decision to step out of my comfort zone hehehe
I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SO EXCITED TBH?????????????????? i haven't been this excited for a sebong cb since i've gotten busy last year 😭 when the track samplers and medley came out i already KNEWWW i would be liking track 2 and i'm so so glad it lived up to my expectations in the medley (SHE TURNED OUT TO BE A PERF U SONG TOO????? MY WIN) ehehhe also LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that they took this direction, and i'm glad they're always changing it up for us (after all the freshteen content the past cb i'm glad it's darkteen again)!! ALSO HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR A SCI-FI CONCEPT FOR YEARS AND U DONT KNOW HOW HAPPYYYYYYYY I AM THAT THEY FINALLY DELIVERED <333333333 i keep winning LMFAOOO my only gripe w it is that it's an anthology album and yk what the streets r saying abt that 😔 also hate how they used ai in the teaser (i hope they dont do it in the mv), but so far i think their take on it is that ai isn't very beneficial but nonetheless,,,,,,, i hope the ai they used was fed w their own input at the very least
also so sorry to hear that 🥺 would you not be able to retake them anymore after this? but the good thing is that you're familiar now with how they work, and you'd be better prepared than u were the first time around!! hoping everything will turn out better this time!! and it's ok to be scared <333 sometimes we really feel as if the world is ending, but the sun will always rise and one day we'll wake up realizing that everything turned out fine and even if outcomes aren't always the best, we will be ok!! i truly truly believe that everything we're going through has a purpose, and they would never be for naught!! i'm always cheering u on, and i hope u know i'm always here if u need someone <33 lmk if there's any way i can help!!
i should be thanking YOU for always being so so kind and so sweet </3 thanks for sharing the gift of friend chip as well as ur life w me!! hope the days are kinder to u, and that you'd also be kind to urself even when things aren't going the way u expect them to <33 LOV U EVEN MORE MY HONEYYYYYYYYYYYY wishing u all the best!!
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sparklepony · 3 months
I feel like a wee muppet I was talking to this guy and he is in his final year of uni and has an essay to write and said he’d still like to take me out and I told him to focus on his studies but still tried to keep a conversation going but then he hasn’t responded for a week and like we got to a point of writing a message once a day but I feel like I’m being ghosted now which is so unchic of him and it’s making me really sad because I liked him quite a lot but maybe I’m being dramatic bc people have busy lives and so do I but I can make time to write a message everyday but also we don’t know eachother ans don’t owe eachother anything but also I need to know everything about him 😔
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emepe · 1 year
Totally feel you on that last reblog of not knowing how to write anymore.
At first I gave the excuse that it was just writer’s block. But now a year has passed since I wrote anything for Seasons and I have all these ideas in my head and yet any half sentence or bullet point outline I can manage to write down is incoherent cringe 😭
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fr 😔 I can't even get myself to write at all or even brainstorm. It makes me sad to think I might’ve lost my creativity 😞. It's such a suckish feeling bc I used to be struck with inspo at the most random times (I even outlined a couple mini series before I went on hiatus), and now it just feels like my brain has been turned off for the past year. I keep thinking that maybe I'll bounce back, but it's easier said than done :/
I hope you're not being too hard on yourself though! Remember it's a hobby. There's no reason for it to feel like a chore! I hope you've been doing well, Addie. I think the last time we talked was when we were both wrapping up our last semesters of uni (?) and we were both pretty busy. Message me if you ever want to talk okay?
Love you <3
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alsoyooraiyah · 1 year
HELLO IAH sorry if this is weird but u were in my dream last nite!
On it we were uni classmates that didn't really talk but got put together for a wood etching assignment (?) & so after that class we walked to my place so we could work on it there.
You surprised me bc you seemed intimidating in class but actually talked a lot and were rly chill and funny... It was autumn & as we walked down the streets the sun was starting to fall a little bit and our surroundings started to get progressively more unsettling in a nightvale-esque way? I.e the lights from inside the houses were really creepy for some reason, we watched smth black ooze from under a door, so on and so forth. Then you got a call from your mom? aunt? and had to leave quick so we never even got to do our assignment and i was alone in the nightvale version of my neighborhood shdjdn ✌💀
Also! In the dream u looked like a perfect balance between ur icon and dola?? (Your hair was longer like hers? U were crazy pretty and i was literally >3< awestruck, whoever faceclaimed(?) u in my dreams...hmu... You had a really cool leather backpack wit a white bear charm? as well and i now want one :(
sorry this is v outta nowhere and so long winded but i had to let u know & also wrote it v fast this mornin so as to not forget it 😔🖤
sobs now i can never show my actual face… how can i live up to the dream version of me ;w; wtf a balance between my icon and dola… what a dream indeed ahdjshs
sorry it took a bit to get to this but i had to deal with some horrors and needed to keep my mood as stable as possible which… somehow seems to only happen when i’m playing sdv?? anyway anyway my gosh!! what an honor to be in your dream, even tho i apparently had to run off to do something and leave you alone to suffer with acads >.< the acads seem fun though… i’d love to do some actual wood etching and i always did fairly well whenever the class was a more hands-on one
it seems a little accurate to my current situation tbh? i feel like i’ve been busy and having to deal with a bunch of calls and communications between family (somewhat against my will too >.>)
so happy btw that it seems like the me in your dream was chill and funny ;w; i’m kinda thinking about how things wouldve gone if we met in uni somehow, like if we went the same one… it seems pretty accurate to how stuff usually went for me in uni tbh, save for the way the world around us slowly turned into nightvale >.<
(semi-prophetic dreams in terms of symbolism perhaps? <-are u into this kinda thing >.<)
i hope you’ve been doing well!! ;w; sorry if this whole reply seems like a mess ajdjshs i kinda feel like one
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