whalesforhands · 5 months
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kyulkyungs · 7 years
reverse-idol!jaemin | pt. 2
can you do part2 of reverse idol jaemin pleaseee djabsnaja - @estrellajaemin
omg your reverse!idol with jaemin was so cute !! 😤💞 could you do a part two, please? - anon
Jaemin reverse idol! Part 2? - anon 2
Hi, hello~ I love-love-love your reversed idol au for Jaemin (my bby doesn’t have too many imagines...) and I was wondering if you could make a part like the others, if not then thank you anyways~! - anon 3
(part 1 found here!)
others: doyoung (part 2) | jaehyun (part 2) | haechan (part 2) | renjun | jisung
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tbh jaemin never really saw you in person for a while since the school visit you did
he was all caught up on vlives and news info your group had from time to time
but there wasn’t much else going on other than music shows and the occasional appearance from you on the vlive itself
your members basically called you out saying you were shy and didn’t really like being on camera by yourself and everyone exploded because
wow you are a hardcore stage presence up there but backstage??? the fluffiest softest blushiest person who is stuttering a thanks to a staff member giving you a water bottle
the members caught that on film and now the whole world knows
or at least those who didn’t really know that much at least
but jaemin was like sEE!! I TOLD YOU THEY WERE SWEET AND CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!!! to everyone else
and he totally can’t forget that shy smile you showed him when seeing he was the most enthusiastic to see you... just you
he hasn’t actually seen you guys live since he’s a broke high school kid als;dnglksfng :(
he helps out his neighbors from time to time for some extra money though and usually buys some merch sometimes
has one of the first light sticks made and it’s even been signed by you guys on the handle of it since he bought it off one of his pals who wanted to trade for three of his photocards
he treasures this relic and absolutely adores it
he even notices that everyone’s signature has changed over time and there are certain things that are different
he even loves the little heart you never fail to doodle next to your name and it makes him so happy because wow you’re really cute
one of the loving fans who loves your shy side off stage along with your epic persona on stage
he gets a little upset inside when he finds that fans only see you as a cool and confident person and just that like he wants them to know that they only see the surface and what the company wants them to see?
screw you companies
but he adores your quiet side and your peeking into the cameras occasionally backstage
and the goofing off in front of the cameras with your members as if there is no camera in the first place
when comes the time where the managers wanted your group to be doing solo vlives, he knew that you were probably dreading that moment
and you were
because you wouldn’t have anyone to do the talking for you or to talk with you, or to just give the gif makers moments to gif by staring at the camera and making some faces or staring at the member with you
he wanted to see how’d you do and was prepared to spam hearts and comment a whole bunch of supportive comments
you can bet he tried to get so many of his followers and pals to signal boost his post telling everyone to support ‘his shy bb’
you didn’t know any of this until the day before your supposed vlive schedule was one of the members bringing up a bunch of posts about everyone loving you regardless of your shyness
granted there were those fans who didn’t even realize your shyness or were like ?soft stans just being soft stans where is the cute?
but regardless everyone was sending you support
which made you much more confident and ready to do your vlive
unlike the other members............. who all did their vlives in the dorms, on their bed, or in the practice rooms and walking around the building and being surrounded by familiar faces
this was when you were doing an errand for the group
you were completely fine with this until you realized that oops you had a vlive to do and this is probably why your manager insisted that you take the weird selfie stick with you
you were going to be doing a vlive in  p u b l i c oh golly you were NOT ready because not only were you out there by yourself but you’re just walking around talking to a phone on a stick that’s a foot or so away from you
okay, you weren’t going that far so someone has seen you around the area a bunch of times and you were only going a block away
so halfway to some shop for snacks you were fiddling around with the stick and the phone and you were seriously hesitating on pressing any of the buttons to start it up
and that’s when you realize that you didn’t put the phone in properly and it might fall out if you don’t fix it
so you’re fiddling even more with the phone and stick and your shaky hands are being such a nuisance to you because the phone just 
will. not .go. in. its. place!!!!!
until somebody takes their hands over yours and guides them to put your phone into place properly
and you look up thinking it’s some creep but no??? it’s..... a cutie
who you recognize as the guy who was so happy to see you when you did your school visits and at first you’re like how is he here?
and you remember that in order to do the school visits you guys had to go to places nearby and at most you guys covered three high schools, two middle schools, and a kindergarten
so those schools aren’t really that far away, at most maybe an hour or two
and when he sees that you remember him he gets so excited and happy and starts to jump around a little bit like
!!!! HI!!! i know you and!!! you know me, right??
he’s just a happy kid and you let him do his thing because you don’t really know how to tell him to stop and plus
you don’t really want to?
he finally realizes that he’s still holding your hands and doesn’t pull away that quickly because he’s afraid of knocking the phone out and breaking it
but his touch lingers and you find that it’s warm and very...
he smiles and is like
‘my name is jaemin!! you’re my favorite!’ this sudden burst out makes you jump but it also makes your heart jump? not in shock or fear but like
it’s fluttering so wildly inside.........
and then he’s watching you and taking in your features like !!!IT’s reaLLy yOu!!!
but then he also realizes that you’re also setting up for your vlive and instead of being super jumpy and excited he just gets super calm and nice and he smiles warmly at you
and that smile being directed at you, just you, makes your cheeks warm and a small smile peek up on your own
now jaemin may look calm on the outside but listen he’s screaming
but he manages to keep his nerves on check and says ‘hey, no matter what, nobody with judge you for anything. nobody is always going to be watching. if they are, it’s because of your stunning radiance.’
and his words strike a powerful cord inside of you because he’s..... right there’s not a lot of people out here and even still nobody bats an eye that you’re carrying around a selfie stick still
before you say anything else, jaemin holds up his phone like ‘beSIDES THEY’LL BE WATCHING ME SO GO AHEAD AND DO WHATEVER, I’LL COVER FOR YOU’
and then he runs off and is prancing and jumping around like nonsense and now the very few people still out at the moment are all watching him look at his phone and jump and squeal and you’re about to laugh because
he’s super dorky looking and this is honestly so cute
you may or may nor have snapped a picture or two, just for later
and then you start your vlive
and you’re calm and confident and you deliver just enough to please the viewers and make your members and managers proud of you, but also still show your signature shyness and cute smiles
jaemin is now squealing because of you on the vlive instead of just randomly, but he was also squealing because of you earlier
and then you start talking about how you were going to pick up some snacks for the members and on the way you were having troubles starting it up because you were so shy
and you can see a certain comment from a certain someone, don’t ask, you just know
it’s telling you that you’re strong and beautiful and have all the support
and this leads to a whole bunch of other supportive comments and now you’re being flooded and it’s been maybe ten minutes into the cast
as you walk you talk about a ‘really nice person’ who helped you get the phone set up because you were having troubles
jaemin tries not to scream too loudly about it to his friends because in actuality, you said a ‘really nice friend’
and oh boy was this the beginning
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