whalesforhands · 5 months
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dotster001 · 10 months
For Tuna; General End
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Choose another ending
A/N: as always, add your votes for the next end here. Also, this end is going to be...familiar at first, but that's just what happens when you jump dimensions.
"So, the end has arrived."
Grim pushed his lens-less glasses down his nose and stared at Silver and Lilia, both of whom were sitting on the other side of a desk.
"I'll be honest, neither of you two is the richest here. That title belongs to Malleus and Leona, respectively. But Malleus will prioritize his country over me, I mean Y/N, and Leona, well let's face it, it's only a matter of time before he disgraces himself and is off the kingdom's payroll."
Grim waved around a sheet of paper.
"Which puts both of you in third place. Oddly enough, your finance situation is nearly identical. So it comes down to who I think would be a better dad. I know this will come as a shock to you both, but Y/N isn't actually my henchhuman. They're my parent."
Lilia gasped in mock shock as Silver just stared.
Grim sighed heavily, leaning back in his seat. “An anonymous source has told me that Lilia is the type of dad to leave his son's alone in the woods to fend for themselves. So Silver, congratulations, I guess.”
Lilia jumped out of his seat, excitedly hugging Silver.
“My boy! Congratulations! We shall have a splendid wedding!”
“Father,” Silver said sternly, gently pushing Lilia away. “We don't have to do this anymore.”
Lilia quirked an eyebrow in confusion, as Grim just stared.
“I know I'll always be your little boy to you, but I'm not a child anymore. You don't have to always put me first.”
Lilia stiffened, but attempted to cover it up with a smile.
“I know, but-”
“Y/N and I don't love each other. Our relationship is purely platonic,” Silver said firmly. “I never wanted to do this, especially knowing how in love with them you are, but now that I've beaten you at something, I can tell you to man up, and confess your feelings.”
Lilia 's jaw dropped. Silver felt the urge to retreat, but stood his ground. He couldn't let his father live with regret. So he played one more card.
“It would be a nice way to complete our family. Y/N would be the perfect step parent for me. I just know it.”
Lilia 's expression softened. “Silver…”
“A true warrior doesn't hesitate in battle! Go!” Silver said with uncharacteristic firmness, making Lilia actually jump and begin to run to the door, before stopping himself with a laugh.
“I've raised the perfect little general,” he giggled.
“Go!” Silver shouted. And Lilia went.
“What the heck was that?” Grim shouted at Silver.
“I'm your big brother now, that's what that was,” Silver grinned, with a mischievous look that could have only come from his father.
There was a knock on the front door. Grim was out for the night, promising there would be no bill. So you were just enjoying a quiet night in. You had no doubt that if you opened that door right now, it would be someone who would cause chaos. Probably Ace. Definitely Ace.
One of the ghosts moved to open the door, but you pressed a finger to your lips. He gave a quiet snicker and a nod, and went back upstairs, ignoring the knock.
The knock stopped after a moment, and the room was silent again.
“Who are you hiding from?” A voice whispered right next to your ear, and you screamed.
You grabbed a pillow to defend yourself, and jumped off the couch, turning to face your attacker. Lilia was doing the equivalent of laying on his stomach, and kicking his legs up, except in midair. He was giggling excitedly, and you gave him a nasty glare.
“What the hell, Lilia!” You screamed. “How did you get in?”
He just giggled again, ignoring the question.
“I heard you were all alone tonight. I didn't want you to be lonely,” he hummed.
“I- I'm not lonely!” You shouted. “I have half a mind to kick you out!”
“You won't.”
“I most certainly will.”
“You won't.”
“And why, oh wise Lilia, won't I kick you out of my house?”
He grinned, and floated closer to you.
“Because you, radiant Y/N, are absolutely mad for me.”
You choked on your own spit, your face instantly growing hot.
“Egh ugh, nuh uh!”
“How eloquent!” He burst into laughter. “But a falsehood, I am certain.”
He slipped even closer to you. You took one step back, but after that froze. He gently wrapped his arms around your neck, looking into your eyes, his own burning passionately.
“Urgh, nuh uh,” you whispered.
“Nuh uh?” He smiled slyly.
“Nuh uh,” you said half heartedly.
“Hm,” he hummed. “Then prove it. Kiss me.”
You choked on your spit again.
“If you can kiss me, and then tell me you really don't love me, I'll believe you and never bring it up again.”
You couldn't do that. You absolutely couldn't kiss him. Because when he was proved right, you'd definitely want to punch the smug smile off his face.
“Time's up!” He shouted, before pressing his lips to yours. 
You hated how good he was at kissing. Even if you didn't love him, you wouldn't have been able to think straight after this, and would accidentally send him the wrong message. But you did love him, which meant you didn't want to stop kissing him.
But Lilia knew that. And he liked to play with his prey. He pulled away, licking his lips as he grinned.
“Well? Still ‘nuh uh’?”
“Nuh uh,” you whispered.
“Mhm. That's what I thought. Anything you want to say?”
You yanked him back in, threading your fingers through his hair, and kissing him as hard as you could. You could feel the vibrations of his triumphant giggle. 
You pulled your pillow holding arm slowly back to hit him, but he quickly separated, gently twisting your arm behind your back, and forcing you to drop the pillow. He giggled and pressed his mouth to your neck.
“I see we'll never get bored together,” he whispered. “You're absolutely amazing.”
“Ha ha,” you said snarkily. He grazed his canines against your neck, and you froze. You knew some of your classmates said he was a vampire but…
"You just smell so delicious," he purred.
“Kidding! Let's make out some more,” before you could glare at him again, and say something snarky, he yanked you to the couch and started kissing you again.
You could get back at him tomorrow. 
He was way too good at kissing.
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl @xxoomiii @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @bre99 @stupidsimp @sus0daddy @a-small-tyrant @imlost-sendhelp @mizukiblogs @itslucieen @nico707 @red-viewe @fucthisshitimout @kazumify @busycloudy @ny0000mw00m
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mmgwritings · 3 months
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Characters: Kaz Brekker / Dreg!Reader
Prompts: When Kaz felt guilty and decided to handle his problems by shoving them into a dusty, forgotten corner so he doesn’t have to face them... until now.
Warnings: angst; smut; nsfw; canon divergence.
The cart rumbled down the narrow alleyway, laden with crates of drinks, tobacco, and spices from the distant lands of Shu Han — or so it seemed from the merchants' slurred accents. One of the oxen snorted as a wheel got stuck in a muddy puddle, momentarily halting the small caravan trailing behind.
The passengers of the caravan, weary from days on the road, decided to step out of the vehicle and surround the ox cart, slowly carrying their belongings to the main street. Their worn and thick clothes marked them as ordinary people from inland villages, seeking opportunities in Ketterdam now that Shu Han had opened its borders for small exports.
It was a new government measure, introduced after years of peace negotiations between Ravka, Kerch, and Shu Han following the fall of the Fold. The law, ostensibly about simplifying the import and export of goods, was a stroke of Ravkan ingenuity. While its simplicity aimed to facilitate trade, it inadvertently opened the door to cruelty. The same freedom extended to the movement of products was also interpreted and applied to humans, leading to a troubling rise in child abductions and the proliferation of exotic brothels. This grim reality didn't go unnoticed by Inej — and, consequently, by Kaz.
A letter from Inej reached Kaz's hands just a month ago. In the meantime, the crows, who had previously managed the taverns and tourists' finances, were now stationed at the city's entrances, keeping a vigilant eye out for potential slavers. It was a straightforward task: watch people through the cracks in the city patrol loft, handle the work that the corrupt officials neglected, and, if suspicions arose, track their movements.
After that, the grimy details fell to Kaz's officers. That was the part I preferred not to know about, but I was content just imagining it.
Today, it was my turn to guard the entrance to Shu Han, northwest of the city. I sat alone on a dusty crate, peering through a crack in the attic window to keep watch over the alley. Wylan typically joined me during the early hours of the night, but today he had been given special leave to celebrate Jesper's birthday.
With a groan and the gurgling of oxen and two men, the cart — now half-empty after the merchants had collected their belongings — finally got unstuck and trundled onward into the city. I looked beyond the city gates and saw nothing but two patrol officers lounging under a street lamp, smoking cigarettes and chatting idly. Beyond them, the road stretched out, dark and empty.
With a sigh, I stretched and stood up from the crate, my eyes burning from hours of distant observation. The Stadwatch loft, once housing for patrol rookies before they were relocated to a building in the Exchange, was a spacious, open area with no partitions. It was filled with neatly arranged beds and small dressers, two desks, and a stack of old paperwork in the corner. The small, dusty windows were perfect for monitoring the street but couldn’t be opened, leaving the room with a stale smell. On the plus side, the thick walls kept the sounds from travelling outside — Wylan even used to play music when he was bored.
Even with the street empty and no sign of new arrivals at the gates of Ketterdam, I had to stick to my watch schedule until the next guard relieved me in four hours. It was while sitting at one of the desks, feet propped up and munching on a sandwich, that Kaz found me.
Despite the cane, the boots, the wooden floor, and the guards outside, I didn't hear him coming. One moment the loft door was closed, and the next, there was Kaz, his dark coat gleaming in a patch of light from the night dew. His stoic expression scanned the room with interest, his lips pursed as he took in the musty smell.
“Good evening, boss” I said, shifting in the chair and setting the sandwich aside. “Come to check on the poor soul stuck here?”
“No, I’m just joining them,” he replied, lowering his voice as he walked over and sat on my abandoned crate. “Clive can’t make it today — caught a nasty cold and can’t stop sneezing. I’ll keep watch with you.”
“Then enjoy; it’s your turn to stare at the vast nothingness,” I murmured, returning to my sandwich with a smirk. Kaz, always busy and never idle, had come personally to take on a task that involved doing absolutely nothing. And above all, spend a considerable amount of time in my company. Someone he had been avoiding like the plague for the past few weeks.
That would be funny.
As anticipated, five minutes later, the complete silence was broken by his first sigh of boredom. Seven minutes after that, he began rummaging through some of the old paperwork.
When the dust started to rise, I decided it was time to stop. I didn’t want to end up competing with Clive and his sneezing.
“So, have you decided whether it really happened, or are you going to keep avoiding it?” I asked, my eyes fixed on him. Though he had his back to me, I saw him stiffen as he grasped the weight of my question. “You’ve been avoiding me for weeks, you even stationed me here at this end of the world, so far from everyone that Wylan felt sorry enough to keep me company.”
“I didn’t mean to put you here; it’s part of your job—”
“Don’t even start, Kaz. You know exactly what you’re doing. You felt guilty and decided to handle your problems—me—by shoving them into a dusty, forgotten corner so you don’t have to face them.”
Kaz, still with his back turned and hiding his emotions as he always does when cornered, remained silent. The weight of the truth settled in the attic, spreading through the shadows.
Over the past few weeks, as I spent hours watching the city, I replayed our past interactions in my mind and planned what I would say to Kaz when I finally saw him.
I fantasized about him offering a gentlemanly apology, imagining him walking through the door, confessing some naïve and heartfelt sentiments, and making promises. But once I accepted that it was all just a fantasy, my frustration grew. Clive, my watch partner, sometimes found me with angry tears streaming down my face. He’d ask what was wrong, but what could I tell him? That his boss was a smug asshole who was indifferent to other people’s feelings?
And that this same smug asshole was in front of me and still didn't say anything?
“It’s not my fault that you love Inej. It’s not my fault you’re hung up on someone who hasn’t been around for seven years. And it’s definitely not my fault that I love you more than you even like me,” I said, my voice cracking, the weight of my emotions evident as tears threatened to spill.
I stood up from my chair and grabbed my coat. “If you want to live like this, fine. But don’t pretend like nothing happened… because it did.”
Kaz sighed, slowly turning to face me. His expression was almost tortured, his eyes bright and warm.
I waited, but no words came from him. It wasn't necessary, not when in three quick steps he was in front of me, with his hands adorning my face, with his lips on mine, demanding a desolate kiss.
His tongue slid across my lips, which, with my surprise, parted in a breathless sigh, allowing him to greedily suck my tongue and massage it with his own. I was too stunned to react, surrendering any control over my body as I followed his lead. His hands moved persistently from my face to my waist, drawing me closer until our bodies pressed together.
Noticing my lack of reaction—or perhaps sensing my need to breathe—Kaz pulled his face slightly away from mine. He placed gentle kisses on my flushed cheeks and trailed them halfway down my chin. “You are the stupidest person in the world for not realizing that if there was a lack of words on my part, it was because I couldn't explain how much I want you”
“You’re the stupidest person in the world for not realizing that if I was at a loss for words, it was because I couldn’t find a way to express how much I want you,” he said, his eyes finally meeting mine. “If there was any ghost from the past, you’ve exorcised it. Any teenage feelings are nothing compared to what you make me feel. Don’t you understand? You didn't realize any of this when, that night, I was more yours than I ever was mine?”
His eyes were clear and filled with truth—the same eyes I gradually fell in love with over the years. One night, driven by youthful impulse and drink, I boldly declared my feelings to Kaz with a kiss. That kiss led to a messy night in his room, only for me to wake up alone and to live with his indifference. Or that's what I thought.
"That doesn't make any sense. Nina told me you're still-" my thoughts didn't align.
“And what does Nina know about my feelings? What does she know about all the times I think about you? I’m sorry; I didn’t know what to do that day. I was an asshole, irresponsible, a coward—any term you want to use. But I don’t deny that I do love you, and it’s much more than you love me.”
Kaz’s voice was assertive, as if he were stating an undeniable truth. He loved me. He’d made a mistake out of fear. I was scared too, but nothing compared to the fear that gripped me when he admitted, in so many words, that he loved me.
His lips found mine again, this time demanding much more. His hands moved to pull my body even closer, fingers reaching for the ties of my vest and moving up to my breasts, squeezing them as he guided me towards one of the beds.
My heart raced and my body was covered in goosebumps.
“Kaz, please,” I murmured, trying to pull him closer. I didn't even know what I was begging for, I just wanted more.
It felt so good to have him there, feeling the heat of his body, his weight pressing down on me, and his lips trailing kisses across my chest. Pulling my shirt aside, his lips find my nipple, pebbled by his fingers.
It was all so different from last time, that we were scared enough to take off our clothes, just finding pleasure through our hands.
Now, Kaz suddenly stopped. His eyes marveling at my bare breasts. And I marveled at him. With his swollen lips, heavy breathing, which made his chest rise and fall quickly. With his body pressed against mine, hips unconsciously rubbing against mine in search of relief.
Finding some independence, my hands pushed him until Kaz was kneeling over me. That way, I completely removed my blouse, and when I heard a sigh coming from him, I smiled. "Beautiful" he whispered.
My hands then went towards his vest, agilely undoing it and throwing it onto one of the dressers. The black, long-sleeved shirt remained on his body.
I knew enough about Kaz to see his limits. Clothes were his limit. But not mine.
Gathering up some courage, I hugged Kaz and in a kiss, pulled him on top of me again, and when we were lying down, I rolled on top of him.
"I want to try something." I whispered in his ear, my hand trailing down his body, caressing his abdomen and trailing down to his groin.
There, I found the bulge of his dick, and when I stroked it again I got a deep breath from him. "Yes, do whatever you want," Kaz replied, already too lost in his desires.
I got up quickly, Kaz was surprised and looked at me questioningly. Then he understood when I started pulling my pants down, removing my boots too. I laughed a little when I lost my balance while removing one of my shoes and fell with my face on Kaz's abdomen, too close to his crotch.
Taking advantage of the moment, I planted a playful kiss on Kaz's face and went down to the end of the bed to remove his boots.
He was in a good mood and trying to contain himself from laughing. His face was red, his hair was messy and he had an anxious expression.
"There, done. I hope you don't mind the socks" I said pointing to my mismatched socks with a smile on my face.
"I couldn't care less," he replied, hands resting on my waist as I straddled him. "But I care about one thing..." she spoke, her fingers lightly tugging at the hem of my panties.
"Worry about this little thing?" I asked, adjusting myself into a better, much more comfortable position, one that was on...
"I'm a petty man" He sighed, his eyebrows furrowing and betraying his pleasure. I moved a little, enough to make him abandon any kind of argument he was making.
His fingers found space between the hem of my panties, lightly caressing the crease between my leg. But not there, not where I wanted most, where I needed it. Just close.
Truly, a petty man.
Kaz's vibrant blue eyes were completely dilated as I began rubbing myself over his cock. Trying to find some pleasurable point, my panties were wet over the seam of his pants.
His other hand, not needed to guide me, moved up towards my nipple, squeezing it painfully, only to be tamed by his warm tongue. Now, the two of us sitting, me straddling him and Kaz sucking my tits, were like two teenagers in heat.
"I can't," I said, almost crying. My face hidden in his hair, my hands gripping his shoulders.
Then Kaz mercifully slid his fingers over my core. Not inside, where I wanted most, where my walls squeezed with emptiness. "Please, Kaz." I whispered in his ear, seeking his lips for a sloppy kiss.
As we kissed, as I sucked his tongue and kneaded his shirt, Kaz's hands went down to his pants, undoing the button and zipper, trying to pull them down. Realizing this, I helped him, putting my hand in his pants and freeing his dick.
It was wet with cum, it was big and it stood completely hard. It was as pink as Kaz's swollen lips, and all I could think about was how good it would taste in my mouth.
But I didn't have time for that. I felt like I was going to cum just from rubbing against Kaz. And he also felt the same way, as he quickly pulled my panties to the side and I guided the head of his cock towards my clitoris, rubbing it lightly, enough to make everything wet with my desire and his.
Kaz groaned throatily. Laying down on the bed and watching me as I slid down his cock, my folds wetting him all over and my white panties were almost transparent.
Unable to hold it any longer, I stood up and pushed his cock into my pussy. Feeling myself open up as he slid in, all the way to the base. Allowing myself to stand still for a moment, with goosebumps rising through my body, a painful moan escaped my lips in unison with Kaz's.
Me, stark naked and Kaz completely clothed. My hands found support on his chest as I slowly moved up and down his dick, finding a good rhythm for both of us. Kaz's eyes met mine, and that way, as he filled me and rolled his hips to meet my pussy mid-motion.
His mouth, swollen from all the kisses, was open, panting. His cheeks were pink, his forehead was sweaty and his hair stuck to it. Kaz was a beautiful sight.
With his eyes locked on mine, Kaz's hands went to my ass, helping me with the rhythm. Making me slide on it instead of going up and down. This way, my clitoris rubbed against the base of his dick, finding the perfect friction in the movement.
"Good?" he asked as I closed my eyes and groaned. "Perfect" I replied with a drunken smile.
"Open your mouth" I order Kaz, with a tone very similar to the one he used in meetings with the Dregs.
I opened it, my eyes still closed. I felt Kaz sit down, his chest against mine, my sensitive nipples against his shirt. Kaz, stuck a thumb in my mouth, gently touching my tongue and massaging it.
Instinctively I closed my mouth over his finger and sucked. Kaz put his face to mine and moaned. I thought I was going to keep that substitute for his cock in my mouth, but Kaz removed his finger and replaced it with his tongue.
His thumb, coated with saliva, trailed down to our junction. His dick filled me very well, but the need for more arose from the moment Kaz started massaging my pussy. I thought it couldn't get any better.
It was instinctive, as I had never experienced any of that rationally before. I moaned into his kiss and hugged him, trying to get closer, rubbing myself even more, trying to find relief from that sweet torment.
Kaz also felt the same, his dick moved inside me, trying to go deeper. I felt our sweaty bodies clinging to each other and Kaz's moans, not at all shy, made me shudder.
It was like we were boiling, feeling something tighten in my groin, feeling the need to have something faster, stronger, bigger, inside me. Until, when Kaz hugged me, his nails scratching my sweaty back, his other hand squeezing my ass and his hips pushing deeper into me, I felt like I was going to come apart.
Breaking our kiss for a gasp, I came, my face still placed on his, I felt tears running down his face. I felt, moments later, as my walls squeezed his cock and my body trembled, his hot cum filled me and then slowly slid out, even though he still had his cock stuck inside me.
Kaz then slowly lay down, taking me with him. Our chests rising and falling in search of air. Exhaustion taking over us and happiness bubbling up through our bodies.
We were still united, there was no need for us to separate now. So I adjusted myself to a more comfortable position, and looked at him. The tears were Kaz's, who was so overcome with pleasure that he didn't even notice he had cried. I kissed his face, chin and his lips.
Kaz's hands slowly caressed my body: my back, my arms, my hair, until finally he rested on my ass, playing with the hem of my panties.
We had nothing to talk about when, later, we separated enough to settle into a tired embrace and fall asleep. Kaz still in his clothes and without any criticism regarding my socks and panties.
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twst-drabbles · 9 months
Soulmates AU: Idia
Summary: You were born with a run-on sentence for a soulmate mark on your arm, from wrist to shoulder. Now you finally met the man that utters these words by a trashcan.
(I was requested and wrote this long number. Over 4000 words all written within the span of four days. I wrote this for @twst-charity. Not gonna lie, pretty proud that I wrote this much in that span of time. Been a while since I could do that, though I did end up pulling a muscle in my neck. I hope this is a fun read. It's also on ao3 as well. Right here.)
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The writings you were born with were practically illegible at birth. The font was rather fancy, overly so, and the words circled around from your wrist to your shoulder so tightly that your family was convinced it was a giant birth mark and not the words of your soulmate.
But you grew and so did the spaces in those words. It was a pretty spiral, but as age continued to feed you wisdom, you felt that this position was deliberate. Because, as far as you knew, this first sentence could very well be the ramblings of someone going mad or already is. But first words are hardly something to build assumptions on, especially when it comes to the subject of your soulmate.
These words covering your arm are about a fictional character named Alexius von Tuveria en Ris. Well, at least you hope it’s fictional. It’s kind of a silly name to give to a kid. And also you’re not exactly up for having a soulmate that’s this, uh, verbose and opinionated about an actual person. You’ve been exposed to the deeper parts of the celebrity fan culture and you’re good with staying far away from it.
…Alexius von Tuveria en Ris doesn’t deserve any of this, though not as if he’d do anything about it if he saw since that prince is just too kind-hearted and honestly kind of cheesy, though cheesy doesn’t mean cringe and cringe is something normies are so immune to it almost makes me sick…
That was only part of the sentence on your arm. Your soulmate, where ever they are, they sure do talk a lot. Like, a whole lot. You tried repeating the sentence on your arm in just one breath and you had to practice a few years just to get it right. Strong lungs on that one, probably.
And a whole lot of unique factors to help narrow down the pool of who is and who isn’t your soulmate. Alexius von Tuveria en Ris is a pretty unique name by itself. But, the uniqueness of it did return disappointment, since searching online for a character with such a name yielded no results. You made it a habit to search at least once a week or so, just in case it was a series that has yet to exist.
You were also sort of relieved to find out that there was no royal family with a similar name. Though, that still didn’t rule out the possibility. For all you know, this could be a fake name someone chose for themselves.
Either way, this name will come to exist at some point, someone or something will be Alexius von Tuveria en Ris, and you’d have to make sure to be on top of that.
But, then you couldn’t, because suddenly you found yourself in a place called Night Raven College. One minute you were living your regular life, and the next you found duty after duty from your “oh so kind” headmage with a cat that doesn’t learn to listen when he should.
It was… an adjustment certainly. The grating egos of everyone here, the casual and not so casual use of magic that can and will kill you if it hits you in just the right way, and large restrictions on your finances rarely left you with more than a few complaints, but all you could do was grit your teeth and trudge on.
At least, despite all of these annoyances and difficulties, there are some silver linings to the found here. Magic itself was something of a marvel to witness, you won’t lie to yourself about that. You will never say it out loud for anyone to head though, because you know the minute you do, people like Grim will gloat and unintentionally belittle you with a, “Well, something as simple as that would look amazing to you, huh?”
And out of a need to never hear those words uttered by anyone, you decided to use one of your privileges to lock yourself in the computer lab. It’s after curfew, so most of the students not in remedial classes are at their dorms by now.
Next to you were a couple of spiral notebooks, the blue one opened and already filled to the brim with notes about basic magic mechanics. Sure, you can’t do a single lick of magic as far as you can tell, but you don’t want to make the blunder of relying on your preconceived notions of it.
Though, as with all studying, even on a subject as interesting as this, your brain starts to fuzz up and suddenly you can’t even retain the current paragraph. Your eyes kept skimming over the same words over and over. Finally, you huffed and slumped back in your chair, setting your pencil aside.
Though, before you decide to call it quits and rest for the night, you felt one more search would be interesting. You pushed up your sleeve until you found the name of Alexius von Tuveria en Ris on your forearm, and typed that into the blinking bar.
Hehe, the name looked a little funny in this cutesy font this search engine uses. You weren’t expecting anything honestly. You’ve already cut your losses with meeting your soulmate young. You’ve had cousins and other distant relatives that haven’t met their soulmates until they were in their seventies. Knowing how that bird-brained Crowley works, you’ll probably return back home when you’re at least in your forties. Or fifties.
He’s really taking his sweet-ass time, huh?
Either way, you pressed enter and stretched. Nothing to come of it and nothing to lose with this simple search, right? You’ve already been through the phase of obsessively searching every day back when you were younger and had too much time. At this point, it does no harm to search at least once. You mean, why not?
But, it was a hit. Several pages of hits. At the top of the pastel blue search engine was Alexius von Tuveria en Ris in all bold. In fact, from the title of the website, you’d say it was an entire site dedicated to this character.
Here it was. The very thing you’ve searching for, waiting for, was right in front of your eyes.
You didn’t say anything, you just clicked. Paragraphs and paragraphs of detailed information about this person–a fictional character–laid before you. You nearly ripped your sleeve up your arm as you scrolled down the page, looking between the screen and your skin as you confirmed that what you’re reading is correct and not just a huge coincidence that’s made to make fun of you for having hope.
The name matches, the background of isolating himself in his castle matches, the huge blow out after attempting to revive his Kingdom of Paradise matches. All of it matches your arm.
You let go of the mouse, eyes burning from staring at a white screen with black text for too long, and just sat. You stared up at the ceiling…
…and quietly seethed.
For months you’ve been wanting to go back home, and often in the middle of the night, you’d find yourself wishing you never got transported here in the first place. Some part of you buried deep was starting to believe that you would never go home, and if you knew that the option of exploring a magical place came with the consequence of never going home, you never would have taken it.
But now your arm and this screen was telling you that you had no choice but to come here. That it was destined, preordained. No matter how hard you fought, you were going to be whisked away.
It… it sucked, you will admit that.
But you sighed out all the doubts and breathed in realistic optimism. You came here one way, there has to be a way out. It happened once, so it’s logical that it would happen again.
And so, with a light stretching of your sore fingers and wrists, you clicked and read as much information you can. Absorbing the series that’s apparently been running for a good twenty years with a handful of remakes and one live action that flopped on its face.
Before you know it, it was way past the dead of night and encroaching on morning. You took a minute to stretched and rub at your strained eyes before packing everything up. You’re going to regret doing all this in the morning, when classes start, but what can you say? You like living in the moment.
You walked out, locked everything up with the keys Crowley entrusted you with, and started down the path towards your dorm. Sure, you do have permission to use the mirrors on campus, but you’re pretty sure you need someone with magic to be able to use the thing. Or you probably don’t, for all you know, but you’re not in the mood to test the theory.
You found yourself on a cross section at the road that served as a nice resting spot before heading to Sam’s shop. It had a couple of fancy black benches with gaudy gold legs, a fountain so large you’re glad you don’t have to clean it, and a lot of foliage for that beautiful view and clean air.
With all these sights nicely lit by the evenly spaced lamps to take in, instead your eyes settled on someone that chose to huddle by a trashcan. You heard crinkling and, at first, you thought this person was riffling through the trash. You got closer, and while you can’t say you were wrong, the only thing in this man’s hands was a poster.
Then, finally, you were within earshot.
“And just when I found the perfect poster, I find it in a trash can of all things, wrinkled up and thrown away because some ignorant idiot thought this was only worth as much as a piece of paper,”
Kind a rambler huh? Sounds like he’s having a bad day. Or night. Should probably just leave him alone.
Hold on a moment.
You pulled up your sleeve.
“Couldn’t have the decency to give this limited edition poster back for people like me, who truly appreciate the series, to own, but no of course not, it would be inconvenient, horrible that they would wrinkle the main character’s Kingdom of Paradise that he’s always dreamed of, Alexius von Tuveria en Ris doesn’t deserve any of this, though not as if he’d do anything about it if he saw since that prince is just too kind-hearted and honestly kind of cheesy, though cheesy doesn’t mean cringe and cringe is something normies are so immune to it almost makes me sick–AH there’s a tear because of course,”
You were twisting your arm this way and that, making very sure that this random man’s rant actually matched your words. You almost pulled a muscle as he continued, eyes and neck straining to read the words on your shoulders.
You lost your balance and caught yourself just as the man before you stopped his rant with a huff.
Before he could possibly start again, you walked right behind him and said, “So you’re the dude that inked up my arm.”
Ah, you didn’t really have any special words in mind, like a lot of your classmates back in your younger days. Yes, you’re buzzing a little with excitement, but you’re so tired and drained from another emotional high that you’re in a fog. Besides, you already confirmed that this person’s your soulmate, whatever pops out of your mouth will be just as unique.
“Eep!” A high little squeak of a yelp. The student–his jacket held Ignihyde designs on it–retreated his arms to his chest, like he’s ready to either lash out or curl into a ball.
He would’ve fell backwards if your legs didn’t stop his fall.
“Whoops,” you pushed him to his feet with a hand to his shoulder, “sorry about that. You okay?”
Only then did he finally turn. His hood fell from his face and unleashed an absolute bonfire of hair. A luminous bright blue that almost blinded you.
And suddenly, his hair turned an almost violent mix of pink and purple.
He blinked, then his eyes flickered from your face to his wrist, where your words are. The man opened his mouth but his voice didn’t scream so much as it whistled before dashed to the left. He sped crawled on all fours for a moment before finding his footing.
This man, whom you would eventually find out to be called Idia, ran away upon first meeting you, his soulmate.
You weren’t offended in the least. You can understand that being seen mumbling like a maniac by a trashcan isn’t the best way to be seen by your fated soulmate. So, with that in mind, you didn’t search out for him for about three days.
By day four, you got impatient and decided to hunt down for Idia since he has not even left a hint hint about wanting to meet you. A week would’ve been the original waiting time, but this college really takes a toll on you and you just want this done before you get dragged into another magical situation.
The first day, you waited by a classroom you knew Idia attended. Well, Idia’s tablet. Being a housewarden and not a regular student, it’s rather easy to stumble upon information about him. Egocentric students love to gossip when it’s framed to either make their dorm or themselves look better.
You saw a peek of a magical tablet and grabbed without hesitation.
“Ha?” You heard clicking and felt the tablet attempt to leave your hands. You turned it around and faced the built in camera.
“Hey,” you greeted as causally as you could, “Idia, right? Met you a few nights before–”
Another click, and suddenly your entire vision went white with a flash of light. You dropped the tablet.
By the time your eyes went back to normal, the tablet was gone and you were alone again.
“So, that’s how it going to be, huh?” You’ve had your fair share of runaways. In fact, your little group was mostly made of them, running away for one reason or another, like not wanting to go to class, or avoiding cleaning duties for a mess they’ve made. This was not a new situation for you.
If Idia thinks he can run away from you forever, he has another thing coming.
The next day, you found the tablet floating in the library. You got a ladder to grab it from the bottom, but you weren’t quiet enough when you climbed it. The tablet floated right past your fingertips and dashed out the door with a “Sorry!”
Well, at least he apologized. But you still want to talk!
Another day passes and you found the man physically just as you were about to walk out the classroom. He had a stack of papers in his hands, late assignments he had to turn in physically if he wanted a chance at passing apparently. He didn’t see you, so you retreated behind the door.
When you saw Idia’s figure pass by the door, you popped out and grabbed his shoulder.
“Idia,” you firmly said with a tightening grip on his frozen shoulder, “we need to talk.”
And you were meet with a tower of papers to the face and he was gone before you dug through the pile.
By that point, you were ready and willing to start dragging your other friends into the mix. You let this skittish soulmate of yours to run off the first few times because you didn’t want to stress him out too much. But, by this point in time, it would be better to throw caution to the wind if only so you two can actually sit down and have a talk.
But, by the next morning, before you could meet up with everyone, a robot kid you recognize as Ortho shot out of the sky and landed with surprising grace. At the price of leaves and dirt flooding your mouth.
“There you are!” His voice was loud but it wasn’t grating. It was a cute kind of loud, like he was happy to see you.
You spat on the ground and leaned against a tree, still groggy from waking up. “Ortho, right? Hello. You need something? I’m kind of in a hurry.”
“To make a plan to catch my big brother right?”
His accuracy left you stunned.
“Then, please come with me!” Ortho grabbed your arm and enthusiastically, “I keep telling my brother to suck it up and meet you, but he just won’t!”
“I know that,” you gritted your teeth, feeling like your shoulder will pop out of its socket, “Mind telling me where you’re taking me though.”
“I’m taking you to–” Ortho paused, floated behind you and grabbed your shoulder, “Hold on, this will be faster. We’re going to Ignihyde!”
“Wha–?” But you were forced to eat your words, just when it was finally free of all dirt and leaves.
And before you know it, you were gently placed on your feet in front of the Ignihyde dorm.
“Huh.” If you delete the last few minutes from your mind, you’d say it was a pretty enjoyable ride. Quick, at least.
“So, future soulmate of my big brother,” You’re pretty sure he knows who you are, you’re not exactly a quiet presence with that monster fire cat always around, “I have to do other things, so you just have to go down these paths and you’ll be in front of his room! Just make sure he doesn’t run away, okay?”
Ortho even gave you a little note that straight up looked printed. A clear map of where Idia’s room is.
“Well, thanks,” you turned around to properly face him but Ortho was already blasting off into the sky with a wave.
You huffed out a laugh, just because the whole interaction was ridiculous, and went on your way. You don’t really have early morning classes to be late to, anyway. You just came early to prepare for chasing after Idia.
As much as you would like to take the time to admire the hallways of the Ignihyde dorm, you’re too eager to get this meeting over with.
And then you’re finally in front of Idia’s room. You reach out to knock but the door pulls open, as though avoiding your knuckles. Idia was there, hood over his head like he was going to sneak around again like the first time you’ve met him. He spotted you in a second and slammed the door right in your face.
You waited a few minutes just to see if some miracle would happen and Idia opens the door on his own.
He didn’t.
“I’m not moving from here, if you’re wondering.”
You heard a sharp gasp and then a heavy, shaky, defeated sigh.
“…of course you’re not…” And then heard the slide of fabric against the door before a soft thud at the bottom.
He sat down, and so you got yourself comfortable as well.
“So,” you leaned back on your hands, “you’ve been running away from me.”
“I have…” and then under his breath like he thought you wouldn’t hear, “…any normal person would give up but of course my soulmate would be more stubborn than that…”
You whistled and that caught his attention with a gasp.
“Hey, focus on me,” you knocked on the door for good measure, “Why were you running? That first meeting could not have been that embarrassing.”
“Says you,” his next words came out muffled, like he’s shrinking into his hoodie, “Of all the days to meet you, you just had to see me right next to a trash can like I was some kind of degenerate rat. Anyone would think I was a loser of a freak, stroking that wrinkled poster like that. Well, I’m not! Only true fans would love this series as much as I do. So if anything, you were probably seeing me at my best moment!”
You can practically hear Idia deflate from behind the door. “’Huh?’ You say… Yeah yeah, think what you want, I can’t even begin to change it.”
You… have a doozy of a soulmate huh?
“Certainly didn’t help that you were flash banged me, almost made me fall down a ladder and threw papers in my face.”
Idia shrank further. “…sorry…”
“Hmm? What’s that?”
“Sorry!” It was a burst of a yell and you had to back up a bit, “I was terrified alright?! I mean, I played all sorts of scenarios and even made a game to prepare for this moment. I had all these scripts in my head and I thought I was ready to trigger the romance flag alright?! But instead, I was stuck in my own head and completely missed it! I messed up and I panicked! You have any idea how scary that is?! You weren’t supposed to see me like that! I was supposed to be at max level by the time I met you but instead, I’m just this unevolved mess!”
You opened your mouth but Idia cut in.
“Fate is inevitable, just as death is… I was going to met you regardless and I guess, I thought, that maybe I had more time. But I didn’t. So I just, wanted you to stay away until I thought I was going to be ready… Ha, either way, it’s my fault…”
…alright, how are you going to handle this? You’re not exactly the best when it comes to emotional comfort.
Well, may as well just use what you already have on hand. Or on arm.
“Didn’t Alexius von Tuveria en Ris think he was ready to rule his kingdom when he brought it back from the ashes?”
You heard a sputter. You continued.
“I mean, the dude was kind of young wasn’t he? Well, not like it matters, he brought it back and someone had to rule it whether he liked it or not.”
Then, you heard Idia actually honk. “No, that’s not what happened! Alexius von Tuveria en Ris wanted to bring back the Kingdom of Paradise not because he thought he was fit to rule it but because he thought it didn’t deserve that fate. It’s not his fault that he was put in that position when he brought it to life!”
Ah, there we go. Switching the subject, your best skill!
You egged him on. “But shouldn’t he have been prepared for that, then? The series did say that he likes to prepare for every thing imaginable because it was a kingdom he was reviving.”
“What the–that’s stupid! He can’t see the future! No matter how much he reads or writes, there’s no way he could’ve predicted that! And even if he did, it wouldn’t have mattered! He couldn’t have stopped the tragedy anyway!”
“Oh that’s right!” you clapped your hands, “Thanks for reminding me. Totally slipped my mind.”
“As long as you know. I hate it when people don’t pay attention.”
Huh, he sounds huffy. That’s cute.
“Sorry, it’s kind of hard to remember with all the stuff that happens in the latest Red Sky Arc, where Alexius just–”
You heard a hard slam against the door. “No spoilers! I haven’t gotten to that arc yet!”
You closed your mouth, almost biting your tongue in the process.
A few seconds, then a minute, and then you burst out laughing.
Idia, meanwhile, was stunned. “W-what? What did I do?”
“No no,” you relaxed, “that’s just the loudest you’ve been.”
“I… I guess that was a bit too loud.” The tone in his voice made him seem bashful. “But I’m seriously not at that part yet. I don’t want to get a head start just yet.”
“Alright, I’ll keep my mouth shut then.” You pushed yourself up and dusted your pants. “I think I’ll be taking my leave here. Don’t want to bother you too much. I just needed to hear an apology and an excuse.”
“Wait, what?”
You turned around, stuffing the map Ortho gave you into your pocket. “See you later, Idia.”
“Wait!” The door slammed open. You turned around.
Idia’s hair was pink at the tips, but at least he didn’t look like he was going to explode. He did look like he was going to collapse though. Poor man looked out of breath.
“I-I,” the pink began to climb upwards the longer he looked at you, “I, uh, I happen to have that season downloaded… on my PC… so if you want to, you know, update your out of date stuff then, maybe you could, you know… watch it with me?”
His head practically disappeared in his hoodie and hair, but you heard him clear enough.
You could tease him, but you don’t know each other well enough so…
You nodded, “Sure, I have time. A lot of time actually.”
That one is a bit of a lie, but you just want to spend time with Idia. You have a number of excuses on hand anyway. You’ll send one off right before settling down.
“Huh? Oh, uh” Idia moved to the side, holding the door like it’ll protect him from his feelings, “C-come in then.”
You stepped inside.
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tiyoin · 3 months
You wanna know how dangerous twisted wonderland is? Ain’t no way a magicless person can survive. Ruggie can make 20 people fall off the stairs!!!! Riddle can color you but idk what that really does cus we don’t have magic, Leona can turn people into sand, Jamil can hypnotize you, vil can poison food, malleus could kill you.
it’s so incredibly EASY for a none magicless person to get injured and i mean SERIOUSLY injured.
not only is magic and potions real- but you have someone who can make an ACTUALLY binding contract, someone who can put a magic tracker on you and know your EVERY move, someone who can put you in a glass coffin that makes you pass out-
ruggie jamil leona and epel are the few characters i’d avoid if someone told me about them only by their unique spells
like i would be SHITTING MYSELF if you told me that if i looked into your eyes / left eye you could get me to tell my greatest fears and embarrassments. like suddenly, i can’t see no more 🧑🏻‍🦯🧑🏻‍🦯🧑🏻‍🦯
realizing riddle could collar anyone whenever he wanted and he just doesn’t is so mind bending. like yeah he did collar everyone, but he could collar WHOEVER, WHENEVER and the collared loses their magic while collared???? HELLO??
i’d be so scared and nervous about being the only one not able to do magic. like that guy could set me aflame and there’s nothing i could do.
kalim could be SUCK a menace but he’s too good for that is something the school never knew it needed. because kalim could DRENCH AND SERIOUSLY INJURED PEOPLE just by sending water down a hallway, and his unquie magic lets him let out a lot of fucking water.
remember when he made so much water that the leech twins were able to turn into their merforms and swim back to the dorm in a desert. a desert.
i’d also be shitting bricks thinking that someone could just lift me off the ground via broom. it’d be like a hawk circling a chihuahua or a yorkie. 😭
instead of clumps of fur left there’d be pens and an eraser… maybe a couple of other miscellaneous items like a cartoonish looking bubblegum😭😭
or you see someone seriously injured and internally bleeding and instead of a serious procedure they just wrap him like a mummy and wave a wand. THE FAMILY ARENT EVEN THAT AFFECTED- THEYRE SLIGHTLY ANNOYED AT BEST.
“dad we told you not to climb the roof again”
“i survived last time and missed the gate this time. so it’ll be a day shorter for recovery!”
imagine trying to escape crewel’s class by complaining of a migraine and not even 5 minutes later he’s next to your cowering form, too scared to lift your head to properly meet his eye. you won’t have a choice though, as crewel’s hard stare forced you to look at the freshly brewed potion he’s offering you.
he ONLY does that if he hates you… or if you’re ace… or grim… sometimes even deuce
not saying everything is a easy fix via potions because there are still cases that need long, strenuous surgeries.
but because of the technology they have they can probably offer a lot more complex surgeries, but require doctors to be another fucking level.
(imagine how disgustingly rich you’d be as a magic doctor 🤤)
let’s not forget about our magical cat-buddy grim whose ears i’m 100% sure are made of fire. fire so hot it’s blue. he has a forked tail which looks pretty pointy if you ask me.
oh let’s not forget he has the impulse control of a 5 year old, the ego of a finance bro and the heart of a cat. he can also use magic. flame magic being his specialty.
you never know when he’s gonna burp up flames or get so excited his ear fire gets bigger and taller.
grim alone is a handful but now you gotta watch out for magical teenage boys?? brother..🥲
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mollywog · 18 days
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A stand-alone Regency Everlark One shot inspired by this
Read on Ao3
She peers around the shrubbery, thankful to see the next row vacant before glancing over her shoulder to ensure she’s alone. Years of childhood games in the Mellark hedge maze have made navigating them second nature. She knows all the most secluded tucked away spots.
Scowling down at a cluster of lilacs, she contemplates how long she linger here before her absence is noted, when the sound of heavy footfall moving purposefully towards her interrupts her thoughts. Her heartbeat quickens.
“Are you lost Miss Everdeen?” A man’s voice comes from behind her.
She whirls around and there he is, just a few yards away.
His face has lost some of its boyish roundness, his shoulders broader, and his hair has grown out, but despite all the small changes, his smile is the same. She lets out a strangled shriek, taking two steps before launching herself into his arms.
Two years.
It’s been two long years since she saw him last.
They’d lived in the same county all their lives, but had only really become acquainted at eleven when she and her sister had moved to their Guardian's estate. The Mellark lands bordered Lord Abernathy’s and as a consequence the inhabitants of both houses spent much time together. The seeds were sown and while all the children soon became chums, Katniss and Peeta's friendship blossomed into romance.
By the age of sixteen they were madly in love and eager to wed, however, although the match was generally approved of, their prospects were grim. As a third son there was no land nor income to inherit, and even with Katniss’s generous dowry, the money would quickly dwindle without an occupation.
Peeta’s eldest brother Graham, head of the Mellark family, had proposed a solution; he would finance Peeta’s artistic endeavors abroad if he would only wait to attach himself until after his return. The offer was too generous for her to allow him to turn down for her sake.
So he had gone, and she had stayed and waited for his return.
“That was rather unladylike,” he teases in the affected accent of the odious vicar’s wife.
She scowls up at him, “Have you taken a fancy for fine ladies while you were away. You’ve always had a weakness for beauty.” She lifts her chin. “Perhaps you’d prefer Lady Undersee or Miss Cartwright?”
He uses his index finger to smooth the wrinkle in her brow. “An eye for beauty, not a weakness,” he says, cupping her face and caressing her cheek with his thumb. “No, you are still my one weakness. But what of you? Your new cousin is not as common as your letters would have had me believe. Do I have a rival?”
Colonel Hawthorne had become a regular fixture at Victor’s Village since her guardian had married his mother. He’s escorted her to many an event as an easy introduction to the eligible ladies of her acquaintance. Not that he needed it, his looks and military status were admired wherever he went. She supposes he’s handsome, but his smiles are far too rare for her to find him really attractive.
No. This man was her choice; anything else was unimaginable.
They’d coorsponded frequently over the years. Though it was the right decision, Katniss had spent many a sleepless night wondering if she could compete with the beauty and splendor he enjoyed while away.
He’s still smiling though she knows him well enough to see the uncertainty in his eyes. It had never occurred to her that he might be in doubt of her constancy as well.
Words often fail her at times such as these, so she allows her actions to lead. Grasping the hand that has since paused its motion, she turns it to find his ring. It no longer gleams as it had when she’d gifted it to him with the plait of hair, but she smiles despite it; The worn gold surface and fraying dark tresse a testament to its continuous wear. She runs her thumb over its surface, before bringing it to her lips, peering up at him through her lashes, “There is no competition. My heart belongs to you alone.”
He sighs and a rigidity she had not noticed previously, melts away as he leans in to rest his forehead to hers. “I have much to tell you.”
His voice sends a delicious shiver down her spine, and she can wait no longer, “and I should like to hear it all, but there will be many chaperoned hours to speak and only a precious few moments here alone.”
“Right you are,” she can hear rather than see his smile as his lips meet hers.
This was the place she first kissed him.
They’d been thirteen and playing ghost in the graveyard. Stumbling upon each other while hiding in the hedges, Peeta’s voice, not yet lowered, carried high over the shrubbery and in a desperate attempt to silence him, she’d kissed him… At least that was the excuse he’d given her meddlesome sister who’d spotted them.
At eighteen their kisses are just as giddy, if not half so innocent as the stolen ones of their youth. She loses herself and all sense of time in the reunion, until a feminine voice cuts through the passionate haze, “Mr. Mellark!”
They spring apart, wide eyed, and undeniably guilty, but the speaker is nowhere to be found.
“What a lovely party,” Katniss slumps in relief as Primrose’s voice floats over the hedges.
An indistinguishable muffled response comes from the same direction and Katniss turns back to Peeta, inspecting them both for signs of their wanton activities, before the voices raise loud enough to be heard yet again, “Primrose, now that we’ve dispensed with the niceties, you wouldn’t happen to know where I can find my brother, would you?”
“Last I saw, he was headed towards the house.”
She silently apologizes for any hash thoughts she’s ever had of her sister. She suspects Prim had caught on to their plot and followed her here to stand guard. Peeta could exit the maze to the north, round the corner and appear to have just come from inside. Katniss makes note to purchase a pocketful of peppermints for her sister in thanks on the next trip to town.
The male voice, Graham, she’s determined, hums an acknowledgement, “and what of your sister? I have not seen her this last quarter hour either.”
“I’m certain Posy is with Hazelle,” Prim says, sounding far too innocent to Katniss’s ear.
“That is not the sister to whom I refer.”
“Oh! You mean Katniss,” she winces at her sister’s overzealous acting. “Have you checked the refreshment table? She’s often stationed there.”
Forget the peppermints, she’d sneak pepper in Prim’s next cup of tea. She can feel Peeta’s body trembling with repressed laughter behind her and she jabs her elbow into his stomach. Perhaps she’ll add some to his next cup as well.
Graham’s voice comes again as another set of footsteps approach, “Ah, brother, you have just come from the house, did you see the guest of honor while there?” Really this was his fault. Had he not arranged this gathering for Peeta’s return, there would be no cause for them to sneak off.
“I did not. Is he missing?” The mirth is evident in the middle Mellark’s voice as he continues, “how curious, the elder Miss Everdeen appears to be missing as well? He has not been away from home so long as to lose his way in the hedge maze, do you suppose? I could rally a search party if you wish-”
Katniss huffs, none of them should expect decent tea next she pours.
“That will be unnecessary.” Graham says before raising his voice, “I’m certain wherever they are, they will both find their way back to the party before their absence is more widely noted.”
The trio depart with a choir of laughter, but not before the shrubbery in front of them jostles, from the other side.
Peeta chuckles softly, “It’s good to be home,” it’s said without irony, and she can’t help but smile despite herself. “I’ll call tomorrow,” he says, dropping a final kiss before lowering his voice next to her ear, “If I remember correctly, there are plenty of paths to lose our way on at Victor’s Villiage. After all, they can’t watch us all the time.”
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queenshelby · 1 year
Yes! Mr Murphy (Rewritten)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Lots of Angst, Age Gap, Teacher x Student, Pregnancy Loss, Infertility
Cillian took the phone from Nina, reading the article out loud to you both. His face grew grim as he absorbed the contents, his expression mirroring your unease. You exchanged looks, knowing this was going to be a problem.
"Well, there's no denying it now," he muttered, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
You bit your lip, trying to decide how to handle the situation. You felt your cheeks heat up as you imagined the consequences of what this may mean for you both. Not only was this humiliating for Cillian just before the BAFTAs, but also did it jeopardise your relationship with him, especially since, until now, he did not know about how you made your money in the past.
Cillian looked conflicted, torn between whether or not to address the situation, but you decided to break the silence first. 
"I did not mean to hide anything from you, Cillian but I was and still am utterly embarrassed by this," you said, tears welling up in your eyes.
"So, it is actually true?" Cillian asked with surprise, thinking that the tabloids had made up a story to make you look bad.
"Yes," you said, and this statement took courage, given the secrets you had kept thus far especially in front of Cillian's 14-year-old daughter Nina who, too, had to hear why you did what you did at such a young age. "It started when I was 16 actually. Not when I was 18. It was illegal but, when I went to high school, my forester parents didn't support me. They used the money they were given by the state to buy drugs and alcohol, so I needed to find a way to finance my studies. I worked at a strip club to pay for my tuition fees. It's not something I am proud of, and I have been trying hard to forget about it ever since," you explained, causing Cillian to swallow harshly before cupping your face.
"I am so sorry Cillian," you began to cry, and Cillian quickly shook his head. 
"Don't be, Y/N. I don't care where you come from or what you did. You are smart, beautiful, and funny. And I love you. That's all that matters to me," he replied earnestly, making you smile weakly through your tears.
Cillian caressed your cheek with his thumb, his eyes searching yours for understanding. "But I am sorry that you had to endure such shit upbringings and now have to endure this rubbish as well," he went on to say, his voice gentle yet firm. "We'll get through this together, okay?" he suggested, and a lump formed in your throat as you nodded, wiping away your tears with the back of your hand.
"This will look so bad for you," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Cillian winced, looking genuinely hurt by the mention of his age. "I don't care what it looks like," he assured you. "What I care about is who you are, not where you're from or what you've done. If people can't see that, then they're not worth worrying about," he then reassured you before he drew you into a fierce embrace, his words offering solace and reassurance. 
You hugged him back, feeling your emotions spilling over. "Thank you, Cill. This means a lot to me," you whispered into his chest, and Cillian squeezed you tighter, his own heart swelling with pride and protectiveness.
Nina cleared her throat, breaking the tender moment. "I'm really sorry for interrupting you guys, but we need to talk about this. You are not going to let this slide, are you?" she said, gesturing towards the magazine. 
Cillian reluctantly released you, allowing you to compose yourself before speaking again.
"Look, it doesn't change anything between us," he pointed out to his daughter, trying to put her mind at ease before turning to you.
You nodded, trying to swallow down the lump forming in your throat. Silently, you agreed hesitantly, still processing the newfound information.
Cillian wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to him. You took a deep breath, letting Cillian's warmth seep into your being.
"Can you say something back, dad?" Nina asked, her tone curious. 
"To the press?" he asked rhetorically, raising an eyebrow in response to his daughter's question.
Nina scoffed, rolling her eyes in annoyance. "They always do this kind of thing. You're just an easy target because of your age difference with Y/N. Otherwise, no one would have cared. You need to make a statement or something," she commented, crossing her arms defensively.
Cillian sighed, running a hand through his hair once more in frustration. He despised engaging with reporters and gossip like this, but it seemed necessary in order to protect those closest to him - including you.
"Fuck," he cursed before picking up his phone from the bedside table and making a call to his publicity agent.
"Liam, listen. There's an article in OK! Magazine that you need to address. Can you please call me back?" he spoke sharply into the receiver, leaving a message for him. 
"Cill, I don't care. Don't do this for me," you told him after he hung up, but Cillian seemed determined. 
"But I care Y/N. This entire article is nonsense," he insisted, holding your gaze with intensity as he brushed his fingers through your hair, giving you a reassuring smile.  
"Just trust me on this, okay? Please," he requested softly; his eyes full of sincerity and you hesitated before finally nodding.
Several days later, and much to your surprise, you found yet another article about Cillian and you just as you packed your bag for your impending trip to London.
This article held a much different tone, and you were sure that Nina had something to do with it. 
Title: Cillian Murphy's Ex Danielle Speaks Out: "I'm Happy for Him and Our Kids"
In the world of showbiz, love knows no boundaries. And when it comes to the mesmerising actor Cillian Murphy, the news of his blossoming May-December romance with dance teacher and performer Y/N Y/LN raised a few eyebrows due to their 22-year age gap and Y/N’s troubled past. But fret not, dear readers, as the acclaimed actress Danielle Murphy, is here to set the record straight and endorse their relationship!
In an exclusive interview, Danielle Murphy opened up about her ex-husband's relationship, highlighting the wonderful role that Cillian’s new love interest plays in their lives. As it turns out, Y/N not only teaches dance, but she is also the instructor to Danielle and Cillian's daughter Nina who has built a strong relationship with her father’s new and much younger girlfriend.
"Dance has always been a big part of Nina's life, and I couldn't be more thrilled that Y/N teaches and mentors her," Danielle shared with a warm smile. "When you're co-parenting, especially with teenagers, having a positive and welcome addition like Y/N is truly a blessing."
It's heartwarming to see the understanding and maturity that exists between Danielle and Cillian, as they manage to navigate their separate lives while focusing on their children's well-being. The ex-couple's unwavering support for their children's passions has ultimately created a harmonious environment for all involved.
In her statement, Danielle strongly emphasised her happiness for Cillian and the joy he has found with Y/N. "Cillian deserves nothing but love and happiness, and if Y/N is the one that brings it to him, then so be it," she expressed. "I trust his judgment, and I trust that Y/N is a wonderful person who will genuinely cherish him as much as he deserves."
As a mother, Danielle emphasised the importance of her children's well-being and happiness. "At the end of the day, my children's happiness is my top priority," she stated sincerely. "And from what I can see, Cillian has found someone who genuinely cares for them which, ultimately, is everything I could ever ask for.”  
Indeed, this supportive stance from Danielle shows not only her maturity but also her immense love and respect for her soon-to-be ex-husband as the couple works through their divorce. It is truly commendable how ex-spouses can put aside any grievances for the sake of their children's happiness.
As the gossip mill churns, it's important to remember that love seems to know no boundaries. With Danielle's blessing and Cillian's unwavering support, Y/N finds solace in knowing they have won the hearts of those closest to Cillian and the children. These two individuals have gracefully risen above public judgment and are committed to prioritising love, family and the happiness of their children.
So, let's raise a glass to this modern family and their ability to find joy and harmony amidst the prying eyes of the world. Cheers to Cillian, Danielle, Y/N, and their beautiful blended family!
@sunbeamseas @saint-ackerman @oatmealisweird @naxxsstuff @amanda08319 @r-m-cidnah @elysiannook @cillshot @infireddabdab @tastycakee @harrysbestiee @lilybabe22 @adalynlowell @henrywintersdearestgirl @ietss @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @ryiamarie @axionn
@heidimoreton @nela-cutie @futurecorps3 @delishen @nosebleeds-247 @thirteenis-myluckynumber @gills-lounge @hjmalmed @lost-fantasy @tiredkitten @sidechrisporn @smallsoulunknown @charqing-qing @hopefulinlove @aporiasposts @shycrybaby @me-and-your-husband @hjmalmed @lacontroller1991 @galxydefender @aporiasposts
@galxydefender @hunnibearrr @saint-ackerman @lunyyx @gentlemonsterjennie1 @ihavealotoffandomssorry @nadloves @lost-fantasy @nolucesn@mcavoy-girl @hjmalmed @bloodybagels @obeyme4life @richiesgroupie @blushykiss @tatumrileyslover @teawithsatanx @orijanko @rhaenyra4ever @xcinnamonmalfoyx @budugu @nadloves @kmc1989 @bloodybagels @obeyme4life @richiesgroupie
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bitchesgetriches · 10 months
bgr, i have some money that i can put in a retirement account, but i’m having trouble bringing myself to do it because the world seems like it’s on the verge of ending (not to be dramatic). i’m in my early twenties and it’s hard to imagine current financial institutions still existing in 50 years, for better or for worse.
Man that hits hard. We get it! The future is pretty fucking uncertain right now. So here are 3 reasons that should motivate you to start a retirement account anyway:
If the world goes to hell in a handbasket, the people who will suffer the most are the poor. That's how it always is. People with fewer resources always get shit on most when economic downturns happen. So consider your retirement account one way to provide a little security for you and your community against the day the shit hits the fan.
You don't have to wait to retire to use a retirement account. In the event of a major emergency, you can withdraw from that retirement account and use the money. You'll pay tax penalties, but if things are really grim, that'll be the least of your worries.
Economic collapse rarely happens overnight. We're going to have some warning. And when that warning comes, the more diversified your finances are, the more options you'll have to secure yourself and your loved ones. That means not only having cash on hand, but a savings account you can access quickly, non-retirement investment accounts, a retirement account, a credit card, assets you can liquidate fast. It's about having Plans B through Z lined up if the worst should happen.
We have a bunch of similar questions, so I think this is worth researching a bit more. Especially with, y'know, multiple wars going on and American democracy balanced on the edge of a knife. We'll look into it and write a more comprehensive guide to both why you should still have a retirement fund AND how you can use it to secure your present if our collective future is taken away.
And this was grim so HERE ARE SOME PUPPIES:
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More advice:
Season 1, Episode 12: "Should I Believe the Fear-Mongering about Another Recession?" 
Ask the Bitches: How Do I Prepare for a Recession? 
You Must Be This Big to Be an Emergency Fund 
Dafuq Is Insurance and Why Do You Even Need It? 
3 Times I Was Damn Grateful for My Emergency Fund (And Side Income) 
If you found this helpful, consider joining our Patreon.
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
omg, can I request number 13 with sebek please?????
I did it anon! I wrote this! The ending could be better but I think this turned out good. This prompt really fit Sebek too lol
Prompt: 13. We make contact before trying to steal the last seat on the subway/bus/train and I end up in your lap and fuck you, I’m going to stay here because I’ve had a really long day and this seat was mine
Note: Modern au and aged up characters
Word Count: 1691
Warnings: not beta read, possible OOC characters (Sebek is an asshole at first), and an attempt at writing subways (I based it off NYC)
500 Follower Event
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Yuu was having a not-so-good, horrible, very bad day.
It had all started when she had slept past her alarm and woke up to Grim, the recent cat she adopted, making her sofa a scratching post. Then, after running out of her house with a white blouse, a skirt, heels, and a cup of coffee in her hand, she magically ran into someone, spilling coffee on her clothes. 
The person apologized, but Yuu wanted to scream. She only had 5 minutes left until her shift at the office started, and she did not want her boss or coworkers to get on her about it. 
(There was a redhead in the IT department who was strict and infamous for lecturing a coworker who was late by two seconds). 
It was a stroke of luck that Yuu made it on time. Everyone was too busy to notice her arrival except for Vil, who gasped at Yuu's current state. Luckily for her, he had a blouse and a skirt that he lent her (but not before giving her a lecture about her appearance). 
The rest of her shift was boring after that. Yuu quietly sat in her cubicle while the chaos happened around her. It was a typical day, to say the least, until her boss, Dire Crowley, showed up with a mountain of paperwork and wanted it done by the end of the day because he was oh-so kind. It reminded her of the infamous trio in Accounting and Finance, who she was 100% certain were in the mafia. And so, Yuu left her job with a massive headache, a plastic bag with the company label of her soiled clothes, and a list of how to get revenge on her boss. The poor girl was working like Cinderella, and she only wanted to sleep while cuddling Grim.
Yuu made her way toward the train station and mindlessly went to her stop. Yuu could not hold back her yawn as the subway appeared. She tiredly followed behind the crowd into the train, letting her feet guide her inside. It was partially full, and luckily, only a few people entered with her. Her eyes landed on the spot near the door, perfect for her to sit and decompress. 
Yuu only took two steps towards the seat when suddenly, a man with slicked back light green hair, yellow-green eyes, and the strangest green and black outfit she had seen sat down in HER seat. Now slightly awake but more annoyed, Yuu marched toward him. 
"Excuse me, sir. That is my seat."
The man looked her up and down at her appearance, and his lips curled up in disgust like she offended him. "It is clear that I saw this seat and sat down first. Therefore, it is my seat."
Yuu huffed and wanted to say some not-so-nice words to him, but some children were around her. She chose to look down at his stupid-colored eyes with determination. "Look, mister. Don't you know the saying 'ladies first?'"
The man scoffed, "Of course I do. Do you think I was raised like a barbarian?" He said and eyed the plastic bag in her hands. "Unlike some people. Besides, I must be in top shape after spending all day protecting my Master."
Yuu stared at him like he was a crazy person. "You- jjsndgondvisjdf" She could not form words and chose to say sounds instead. One parent covered her child's ears. 
"Do you not know who I am?"
Yuu stopped her rambling and looked at him. "I don't know and I don't care. If you don't move, then I have no choice."
The man's eyebrows furrowed, "What are you? HEY!" He yelled, causing some people nearby to silence him. Meanwhile, the girl on his lap made herself comfortable. "What are you doing?"
"Sitting," She said like it was obvious. She turned her head to look into his eyes; a frown etched on her face. "Look, I had a tiring day today too, but I need to sit down after a long day at work."
The man blushed at the close proximity and looked away. His face was slightly red, and a pang of guilt filled his chest. "I'm sorry for being rude to you. I was unaware."
Yuu waved him off, "It's alright. You didn't know." She suddenly yawned and rested her head against his chest. She could feel how fast his heartbeat was going but was too exhausted to ask why. She felt like she was covered in a blanket. "You can just chill until it’s your stop. I'll get up when it is my stop."
The man looked at her curiously, "Where is your stop?"
Yuu yawned again. Her eyes felt heavy. "Ramshackle Street," she replied, her eyes getting starting to close. "You are so warm and comfortable," she said absentmindedly, wrapping her arms around his torso. 
"Hey! What are you?" Sebek stopped talking and stared at Yuu's sleeping face. He moved his arm to shake her awake but stopped. He could see how exhausted she was by looking at the eye bags under her eyes and how she managed to sleep so quickly. It reminded him of Silver, but slower by two seconds.
Speaking of, Sebek's suddenly rang, and his friend's name was on the caller ID. 
"Ah! Sebek! There you are! We were looking for you. Where are you right now?" His other Master and Silver's adoptive father, Lilia's voice, replied. "My phone died, so I must use Silver's khee hee."
"Father, that's because you misplaced your charger." Silver's voice called out. 
Lilia laughed. “Silly me!”
Sebek rolled his eyes, “Is the Young Master safe?” 
Lilia huffed. “Malleus is next to me, eating some ice cream. You know how he is, but we have a more important matter to discuss. Where are you now? The city must be so big for you to accidentally wander off."
Sebek sighed. He should have been more diligent and kept sight of Malleus (the tallest person he knew) or Lilia, but he didn’t. And now he was stuck on a train with a random girl sleeping on his lap. 
It was like the girl knew he was thinking about her because she mumbled something about 'that damn Crowley' and was loud enough to be heard by Lilia.
"What was that?"
Sebek scrambled to say something, "I apologize, Master Lilia! I am taking a train that will stop in the Diasomnia area, but I might be delayed. You see, there is this girl-"
"A GIRL?!?" Lilia exclaimed, "Why didn't you say that earlier? Is she your girlfriend? Did you meet online and finally get to meet in person? Am I finally getting grandchildren???"
Sebek could tell that Silver was rolling his eyes at the last part. "No, Master Lilia. She was exhausted from her work and ran into me on the subway. She is taking a nap right now."
"Oh, crumbs," Lilia sighed dramatically. "I thought I would finally experience what it is like being a grandpa. You know I am not getting any younger."
"We know." Silver and Sebek said at the same time. 
"Well, make sure that the girl gets home safely, Sebek. Do you know where her stop is?"
"Ramshackle Street."
"Perfect!" Lilia exclaimed. "It is actually nearby Diasomnia, so we can meet you there. Malleus has always wanted to explore it anyways. It is known for its historic mansions, you know. Make sure to send your location or call Silver so we can find you."
Sebek nodded and adjusted Yuu by securely wrapping an arm around her so she did not fall off his lap. "Understood. It should be one of the upcoming stops, so I should be there soon."
"Good. See you soon, Sebek!" Lilia said and hung up. Sebek pocketed his phone and looked down at the sleeping Yuu. She looked peaceful, and she was breathing quietly. However, she did look cold, and her thin long sleeve did not look like it was enough. Sebek took off his coat, leaving him in his white shirt and tie (it surprised him just how he did it, given the complex design), and wrapped it around Yuu's body. He wrapped his arms protectively around her again and sighed. 
"Next stop is Ramshackle Station. Stand clear of the closed doors, please," the intercom's voice called out. 
Sebek gently shook Yuu's shoulder. "Hey, you need to wake up. Your stop is coming up."
Yuu slowly opened her eyes and looked around her surroundings. "Huh?" Her eyes landed on Sebek's face. "Oh, right. I took a nap on you. Let me get out of your way." She moved to stand up but was stopped by Sebek holding onto her hand. 
"You have a few minutes until the train stops. You can stay until then..." His voice trailed off. 
Yuu chuckled, her laugh sounding like music to Sebek. "Where are my manners? I'm Yuu." she smiled, causing Sebek's heart to skip a beat. 
"I'm Sebek Zigvolt." Yuu's smile grew even wider as she clung to Sebek's coat. Realizing the unfamiliar fabric, she looked down in shock.
"Is this yours? Here, let me return it-" She began to take it off only to stop when Sebek shook his head. 
"Keep it. Besides, you can wear it even longer if you allow me to walk you home."
Sebek expected her to say yes, not jump on him, and wrap her arms around his neck. "Yes! Thank you, Sebek!" She grinned. Maybe her day was finally getting better after all.
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Bonus: Sometime during the walk back to Yuu's house. 
"You know, this fabric seems pretty fancy. Are you a bodyguard or something?" Yuu asked while rubbing Sebek’s coat between her fingers. 
Sebek nodded and smiled proudly. "Yes, I am. In fact, you might meet my masters when I drop you off."
Yuu's eyes widen. "Really? They must be important people for you to call them that."
"Of course! It is none other than the great Malleus Draconia! He is so great and powerful-"
Yuu sweatdropped as Sebek went on a rant about Malleus when all she wanted to do was to go home. 
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Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
what does your “sneaky link” think of you? 😏🔗• {patreon preview} pac (18+)
this reading is for people who are 18+ ONLY. my ancestors and spirit guides who help give these messages to me are blunt af, and i have a feeling that they won’t mince words. and neither will i. the way that we speak (especially about sexual things) is pretty explicit, so if that could possibly make you uncomfortable, then please skip this reading :)
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• pile one •
the grim reaper: the relationship is over, no second chances, grow and transform your life
paradise: happiness, expansion, joy, playfulness, oneness, enjoying each other
the high priestess
7 of coins
ace of swords
i don’t even think that you guys are in contact with this “sneaky link”. it seems like the connection is completely dead and buried - and you seem to be the one who ended things. i’m going to need you guys in this pile to believe the following words - because it’s clearly true: when i looked at this high priestess card, i literally heard “magical pussy” 😂😭. and the phrase “grow and transform your life” jumped out at me afterwards on this grim reaper card. now, change the genitalia to fit yours, but the point is - you changed this person’s life. drastically in some way. with sex alone. you literally got the “paradise” card. that’s what this person would attribute sex with you to - and since you’re showing up as this high priestess now (someone not available, unattainable, protecting your valuables), this person now feels stuck af. they were under the impression that you both got along really well. that you both were enjoying each other’s time and company, however with the 7 of coins, i can see that you hit a wall with this person. you had to question whether or not this person was even worth continuing to invest into. and it seems like you decided that they were not - so you left (as you should’ve). the ace of swords also suggests that this person feels like you’re an extremely clear communicator, both in and outside of the bedroom. and it seems like they’re aware (now that you’re gone) that what they could give you wasn’t enough. they actually put you up on a pedestal above them, but you’re still extremely desirable to them. i’m hearing that whatever passion they experienced being with you, it ain’t going anywhere. this person is holding onto these memories and valuing them more than they have the memories with anyone else. this person could even feel like you took their happiness with them - as dramatic as that may sound (especially since this wasn’t a committed relationship) but they were really invested in you - and still are. the 7 of coins is about hard work paying off. they could have the idea that they could try to get you back in some way (maybe if they increase their finances? are you a material girl/boy/enby? i’m hearing kanye west + jamie foxx - gold digger: “If you fuckin' with this girl then you better be paid” lmaoo), but it seems like they’re keeping this in their dream state (like daydreaming about this) instead of actually making moves to make this a reality. the idea is there though. you guys really need to recognise the value of your sexual energy if you don’t already. whatever you give people changes their whole entire life, their world, what they believe is “paradise” with another person. and whatever’s between your legs? magical 🪄😭.
check out my patreon for the extended reading - done with oracle cards - (where we look at this person’s favourite aspects of sex with you), if you’d like ☺️
if you’re interested in a personal reading, check out my pinned post here
thanks for reading! 💗
• pile two •
hammer: sabotage, rebuilding, interrogation, repetitive, persistent, working on it
not enough: frustrated in relationship, lack of confidence, self-sabotage, fear/ego issues, jealousy
the chariot
the hanged man
you guys probably aren’t gonna like what you hear in this reading, however, the messages are repetitive - and i’m seeing that you probably acknowledge for yourself that this is the truth too.
your “sneaky link” believes that you do entirely too much, considering the fact that you’re not in a relationship. they can tell that your insecurities control you and not the other way around. and although they can see that you’re working on these personal issues that you have, it’s still affecting this casual connection because of your control issues. this person may not be only interested in you - they could be the type to multi-date or sleep with multiple people (which they have every right to) and if so, then you obviously know about this. or at least you have an idea. but despite the fact that this person isn’t “yours”, they feel like you have a weird sense of jealousy towards the other people who they sleep with/interact with, and some control issues/ego issues that they just really don’t understand. the chariot suggests that this person feels as though you try to control them or the situation way too much. and they don’t appreciate that. “i’m not yours. don’t try to control me”. that’s what they’d like to tell you. they see you as someone who is sabotaging what could be a good, fun thing. and with the hanged man here, they feel like you really need to reevaluate whether or not you’re even cut out for this casual sex/sneaky link shit. because i don’t believe that they believe that you are. they feel like you let your ego get in the way. and that you need to release your ego issues. they really don’t understand why you act like this. i’m either sensing confusion or manipulation. so this is either reiterating that they’re confused about you and your behaviour - and the manipulation could be them picking up on you trying to steer the connection into something that was not agreed upon. doesn’t matter if this is emotional manipulation, mental manipulation, sexual manipulation, etc. the hanged man is also sticking out to me as this person’s energy too. you may not hear from this person for a while, and if that’s the case, it’s because they’re wondering whether or not they should release you and release the stresses that come with (what’s supposed to be) a fun, casual, sexual connection with you. i understand that this may not be easy to hear, pile two, but i’m definitely seeing that this person feels like you have control issues. and considering how i picked up on a level of self-awareness on your part (at the beginning), i feel like you know that this person doesn’t deserve to have to deal with it. especially since i’m feeling so much frustration on their part. they feel like they’re having to explain themselves to someone who isn’t even a committed partner. that’s not right. they’d suggest that you take some time to yourself and do some soul searching. and tbh, as a reader (from what i’m seeing), i agree.
check out my patreon for the extended reading - done with oracle cards - (where we look at this person’s favourite aspects of sex with you), if you’d like ☺️
if you’re interested in a personal reading, check out my pinned post here
thanks for reading! 💗
• pile three •
photograph: looking at your photos, missing you, nostalgia, make new memories
twin flames: yin/yang, zen, balance, union, duality, coupling, complement each other
8 of cups
6 of coins
as i was shuffling for your pile, i wanted to smile and laugh - so this person probably thinks that you’re funny af. i heard “you’re a character”. despite all of this distant energy that i’m seeing, and how you walked away from them due to some type of emotional overwhelm or confusion, they still have very fond memories of you. i’m seeing for someone in particular, that you walked away from all of the people who you were sleeping with/dating to listen to your intuition when it told you to cut contact for the sake of sexual abstinence? you may have realised that you were using sex as a coping mechanism, or that sex wasn’t serving you anymore, so you decided to end this sexual connection (and possibly multiple other connections too). they’re really understanding of this. they understand why you left - no matter what the reason was - but this person could genuinely believe that you are their other half. i mean, the twin flames card came out. i don’t know if this person speaks in those types of terms, but to put it simply, they feel like you’re perfect for each other. they may have not realised this until you left, but being exposed to other connections with people that are pretty surface level has made them realise that, although the connection between you was casual, there was something special there. at least for them 🤷🏾‍♀️. i’m hearing them talk about how much you gave of yourself to them. how equal and reciprocal the respect was between the both of you. and they could be searching for that in other people - but they just can’t find it. they genuinely reminisce about you and feel like you’re their other half that they can’t have. i’m also seeing that this person feels like you taught them a lot about value - value of connections, and the value of themselves. this was a mutually beneficial connection that they learned a lot in. they feel like you’re complete opposites to each other that fit together perfectly. perhaps you felt this too. if you didn’t leave for the sake of abstinence, you could’ve left because you caught feelings when you really didn’t want to. again, they understand, but they recognise that the feelings are mutual. and they value you, the experiences that they had with you (as surface-level as it may have seemed to the external world), and the way that you showed them that both people can mutually experience just as much pleasure as the other in these situations. perhaps, before they met you, they were the type to not really enjoy sex all that much due to being in their heads too much? i’m not sure. but you’re valued by this person for sure. and they feel like you complement each other well. aw, this is so bittersweet 🥲.
check out my patreon for the extended reading - done with oracle cards - (where we look at this person’s favourite aspects of sex with you), if you’d like ☺️
if you’re interested in a personal reading, check out my pinned post here
thanks for reading! 💗
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gnargrims · 3 months
Epic gnargrim holy grail
from Jeremy, Jerebear, BlaisesHead Charlidomplrfan Gnargrims
Frowning friends are the main antagonists in the episode “Frowning Friends” which show a bizarro version of both Charlie and Pim. In which we are introduced to these characters Grim (Bizarro version of Pim) is the one to be more prominently speaking than Gnarly (Bizarro version of Charlie) Obviously leading most conversations with the Smiling friends, Gnarly by chiming in to insult or put in a little factoid. In the beginning of the episodeCharlie asks “so what do you guys even do?” Causing Gnarly to mimic his sentence and telling him to shut up.
Which leads to my epic first part of this epic essay thing is that Gnarly is a supporting character for Grim in his endeavors. Whilst charlie adds the real man vibe and genuine logic into what goes on. If Grim and Gnarly were to continue living and be reoccurring characters my own personal head-canon is that Gnarly mostly follows Grim around for quick quips and chiming in when he needs to, to support Grim’s character and dialogue. In which I find really charming and interesting, in my own brain. But I do like to think when they aren’t antagonizing other characters and mostly are at home and chillaxing that’s when Gnarly and Grim are more conversational and comfortable with each other. I do believe they live together and are happily together.
Which do I believe they are mad and angry to each other?! From whats seen at the end of Grim’s speech and he’s threatened with a gun by Mr. Boss, and Gnarly calls Grim “cringe” I do believe they have their moments where they are kind of at each other’s throats, but it isn’t constantly. As grim also mentions after Pim introjects into his speech. He mentions he’s a mental ill man, which leads me to believe he does have an anger issue or some sort of mental disorder, I won’t say for sure yet because I haven’t really thought of it yet but when I do I will write about it.
Now time to write about mostly grim?!?!!!!
I do genuinely think Grim has gone to college, the frowning friends I feel is owned by Grim. So I feel he has a lot of prior knowledge and experience of business and marketing to financially support the progress of Frowning friends. = Business Major. So as himself as an entrepreneur to invest his time into making people frown with his business partner (Gnarly) They had to plan out all of this work and ideas to genuinely get to this point!
Which does imply I feel GnarGrim did have some sort of different job to be able to make the frowning friends happen. Like Full-time jobs and perhaps part-time to really be financially stable to make a living off of it. My own personal head-canon (all of this is head canon) Grim I like to think has a Major in Business with a minor in Theatre and Arts. As with this silly evil accent he has going on. Whilst Gnarly I feel is a chemistry major, with a minor in business and finance. As to helping with Grim and such with this totally epic business endeavor.
Gnarly with his quick execution of epic science facts to Pim and Charlie about helium, he will probably have the need to make a quick decision to whether he wants to tell this epic science fact to ultimately make someone frown, for grim of course. Just to impress him in a way he is able to do this epic job.
Gnarly does probably look up to Grim in a way with how he’s able to handle making decisions and being able to handle his emotions, he admires grim probably a lot but really doesn’t show it much. Grim on the other hand can’t help but also probably admire Gnarly’s laidback-ness and his very quick wittedness with his factoids and perhaps insults?!!!!
I really enjoyed writing this, I will add more in the near future when I do I will epicly do it Epicly.
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double-0h-no · 2 months
Order's Up
Prompt fill from the collab table for @meadowcastiel Thank you so much, and you've brought this onto yourself, and I love you, and all that.
on ao3
The local coffee shop closing down for renovation might be the biggest crisis the admin office has faced of yet.
Eve Moneypenny was late.
Not that he was bothered by her tardiness, not at all. It just stood out in comparison to her usual punctuality, and maybe he worried a bit about her even if she was only two minutes running behind.
At four minutes past eight, she entered his office without knocking and an apologetic expression on her face.
"Good morning. Pardon my delay, I already had to deal with a major inconvenience this morning that might immobilise at least half of admin," she said, a tone of sardonic foreboding in her voice, and he raised his eyebrows expectantly.
"Our usual coffee place is closed for two weeks due to renovation."
Mallory, fortunately and unfortunately, was a practical man. So when he heard "this place is closed down for a while" he heard "we have to get our coffee from a different spot". He also knew how very habit-driven and opinionated some of his staff was.
"That does indeed sound concerning. Does that mean no coffee this morning?"
She grimaced somewhat apologetically. "I couldn't go quite that far, but..."
With something akin to embarrassment, she produced two Starbucks paper cups.
"I see the dilemma."
"It's the only other place to get coffee on the block. It's... not the best solution." He nodded in deep consideration.
"Do you think the department will make it through two weeks?"
Eve shrugged. "Either that, or they'll have to start bringing their coffee from home or another place on their way in to work. Will you survive?"
If he was honest, he didn't have a lot of standards concerning his coffee. He'd like to blame it on his time with the military, but he knew enough people who'd come from the same tracks and turned into right snobs after all. And yet...
"Go get your tablet, Eve, and I'll give you my opinion after we went over our daily schedule."
She nodded, put down the two paper cups, and returned just a minute later with her usual assortment of files, notebook, and tablet.
After the meeting he didn't much remember the taste of the coffee anymore, but it was empty, which was good enough for him. Eve looked decidedly less than happy.
"You could pick it up at a different spot. Or only get one for yourself, I'll make do with the canteen coffee for a week."
Her expression turned grim at his fighting words. "Nobody should ever go through two weeks of canteen coffee, not even Anna." Which said a lot, actually. Eve was not shy to wish the bubonic plague on her counterpart in accounting. "There's only a Costa on my way here, apart from that, and I'd rather have my coffee hot than pick it up at the beginning of the road. Costa's not much better than Starbucks."
Mallory gave her a faint smile. "Well, it's all on us, really."
"We probably financed their renovation." At that, Eve had to grin, too, and at least left his office with a warm smile. And nothing was more important than to keep his secretary in a good mood.
He only noticed it two days later, when he was stuck in a horrible meeting online that stretched way longer than it should. In his boredom, he had moved on to reading the label on his paper cup, when something struck him as... faintly concerning. It was the entered name printed on the label taped to his cup. It simply read 'M'.
It struck him as ludicrous. For one, his designation was meant exactly for that - to keep his name hidden in operations - but a trip to Starbucks could hardly be called that. And Eve wouldn't just give it away on a whim, either. If she was asked for his name, she either gave a random one, or his last name. It wasn't as if it was a mystery. He dealt with too many people to only be known under his designated letter, had shaken too many hands to not be known by the time he'd become M. It was more of an honorary thing for him, really.
And now it was printed on his Starbucks paper cup.
The mention of his name called his attention back to his screen and he did his best to forget about the incident altogether for the rest of the day.
When he inspected his paper cup the next day, the name only said "-", and that was that.
The following day, they were back to M. The day after, too. On Friday, he investigated Moneypenny's cup, too, and found an M printed on it as well as on his.
Could it be that they used her initial letter? Moneypenny  was a rather long name to spell out, after all, and maybe - Well, maybe he was just being paranoid. The most likely solution, actually. Then again, while nobody had yet died of being too cautious, the opposite certainly rang true.
"Something wrong with the coffee, sir? Apart from the obvious, I mean."
"I was just wondering about the label," he admitted, then trashed the empty cup.
"The label?"
"The name section always either says nothing, or there's a single M in it. It surprised me a bit when I first saw it, but I assume it's just a shortcut for your name."
Now, Eve furrowed her brows, too. "I never give my name. They almost know my order by heart now, and I'm the only person in there in the mornings who orders for her entire office. Rather memorable on its own."
It was an odd comfort, to see that she was immediately as suspicious as he'd been. If it was unhealthy paranoia, at least he wasn't sinking with that ship all on his own.
"I'm sure it's nothing," he now tried to reassure her. "Was there anything else you need signed for that grant?"
And back to business it was.
The next morning, Eve came into his room, broad smile on her face and two cups of Starbucks coffee in her hands, and enthusiastically took a seat in front of his desk, presenting him with his customary cup.
"I've figured it out."
He raised his eyebrows expectantly. "With the good mood you're in, I thought we were back to our usual coffee."
"No, but it's Friday, so this is the last concoction of that variety the both of us have to endure. And I solved the mystery of the M on our orders. It's a typo."
How could a single letter be a typo? Apparently, his expression already spoke volumes, because Eve continued triumphantly: "On the keyboard of their system, the M is right next to the dash. Usually, they don’t enter a name for the customer in the system, so they fill in the spot with a dash, because it has to be filled somehow. Now, if you rush through the process because things are busy and digital systems always take too long to process anyway, you occasionally hit the key next to the dash. With a frightening regularity, I might say.
"And that's how we all ended up with orders for M." A smug smile decorated her face while Mallory still couldn't fully comprehend the banality of it all.
"How did you figure it out?"
Eve shrugged nonchalantly. "I asked. Said that both my and my boss's name started with an M and it creeps us out a bit. Cashier started laughing and explained it to me while making our drinks. So no big conspiracy, for once. And from Monday on we'll be back to our usual order."
With a broad smile on her face, she left his office again and he could hear her greet Tanner before the door closed.
A typo. If all government mysteries could be solved that easily.
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villainessprefect · 2 years
title: Birthday Mission: Start!
summary: You forced yourself into a time limited mission aka finish Idia's gift before his birthday. It shouldn't be too hard, but you decided to take the harder difficulty setting for this. All you can do is hope that he'll like it.
ship: Idia x gn!reader
word count: 3,512
Read on AO3!
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"Are you sure he'll like this?" You ask for what feels like the hundredth time.
Finally, you tear your gaze away from the computer screen and face Ortho. The young robot hovers closer towards you, inspecting the screen. Then his yellow eyes lock onto yours.
"Of course he will!" He answers with an innocent smile. "Whatever you make for him, I'm sure my brother will love it."
"Will he though?" You ask, keeping your question in a hushed tone. Regardless of how quiet you utter that to yourself, you're certain that Ortho heard it.
You return your attention to the screen. The computer you're working with...isn't the best, but it was affordable with your allowance that you painstakingly had to save. It wasn't easy especially when your finances involved caring for a dilapidated building and a monster cat with a black hole for a stomach. It's a miracle that the monitor hadn't glitched for the day- you'd take that as a good sign, but you were still wary thanks to its age.
Thankfully, your project remains safely on the screen. You're careful to save it every now and then and decide to do it, again, despite having done so a few minutes ago. The last thing you want is your hard work to disappear and see that infamous blue screen of death.
Idia's birthday gift had proven to be a challenge, although it had been a self-inflicted one. You decided to go with something a little more unique. Something that he would probably never get as a gift.
A birthday themed visual novel.
Well, that's what you were calling it. With your limited knowledge of programming and adequate artistic skills, it should be able to classify as one.
You let your fingers glide over the keyboard, careful not to press down on any button. You retell the story to yourself as you've been doing so for the past month. It's short and sweet. A celebration of Idia's birthday minus all the in person meetings that he feared. You even excluded the crowd, only inputting the two of you alongside Ortho and Grim.
But, you didn't stop there. You went the extra mile and even made multiple endings. Not too many, of course, there was only so much you could do given your time limit. There was the main, normal route that had the basic celebration. After completing that, there was the option to find a bad ending as well as an extra 'true' ending. The latter involved your character asking if you could celebrate his birthday with him in person. A little fourth wall breaking, but you were certain he wouldn't mind the little touch.
A lot of work had gone into this, maybe too much. But you wanted this project to be worthy in his eyes. Something he wouldn't mind looking at for his future birthdays or just something to pick him up. Okay, maybe you were getting a little too hopeful about what your gift could do, but it didn't hurt to dream a little.
You do your best to hold back a sigh. With Ortho around you don't want to be such a worried downer. He'd been terribly optimistic about your gift, spouting how his brother had his phases of getting invested into visual novels and the occasional dating sim. He was also painfully obvious about his brother's interests, which you were also familiar with. Unfortunately, it didn't help your confidence much. A birthday game didn't exactly meet the same criteria as a horror puzzle solver. As cool as it would have been to implement something like that, even for an ending, your art simply didn't allow for it. All your monster designs ended up being the complete opposite of nightmare fuel. Cute.
Another problem that plagued your mind was the story. Yes, it didn't need to be cool nor in depth, but if you were doing something like this, you may as well go all out, right? It felt lacking in some areas and you could tell where your inspiration fizzled out. You could chalk it up to being under a time limit, but even you know that's just an excuse.
The last thing that really bothered you was Idia finding the 'true' ending. You were certain he'd find it in a snap. It was the response to it that made you anxious. What if he didn't want to hang out on his birthday? You were already bracing yourself to be turned down. It would be fine. Despite how disheartened you would be, as long as Idia is happy on his day, that's what mattered.
"Prefect? Are you okay? You've been quiet for a while now." Ortho tilts his head and you can feel his eyes scanning every inch of your person. "There is nothing wrong with your body, is there? I know sitting in one spot for so long can cause problems."
"I-I'm fine!" You answer. "I'm just...thinking." Worrying more like it. "I just really want him to like this gift. I know it's not the best for a super gamer like him to play. Maybe it was a bad idea to start with..."
You hate the thought of scrapping your hard work. But having to present this to a technological genius? One who lives off games like its oxygen to him? The judgment would be harsh.
"Is my brother rubbing off on you?" Ortho says with a frown before lighting up. He looks back to the screen. The image remains on the title screen, welcoming the upcoming birthday boy to press start.
"This is a beginner's work, you can tell." You wince a little at his blunt words. "But, you can also tell how much effort and care you've put into it. My brother plays a lot of games, mainstream to niche ones. Sometimes the niche ones end up being his favorites! 'They obviously made this as a passion project. Free assets galore. Gameplay is basic. But the story? Not bad. I don't usually look into the lore but it's deeper than some AAA titles. The creator stated they wanted a game with that goal in mind and they pulled it off. I might actually come back to it. GG to them. Literally. Might give them a follow and see what else they do.' End quote."
You blink, surprised to hear the sudden playback of Idia's voice. Hearing him praise a smaller title gives you hope. Doubts linger at your mind but you shake them off.
"Thanks for that, Ortho." You turn back to the screen, a new determination filling your soul. "I'll make sure this is a game he never forgets playing! But now...I feel like it's missing something."
You hum in thought. You hit most of the bases that you could think of when it came to visual novels.
"You do have multiple endings implemented. What about a secret route?" Ortho suggests. "It can be like a dating sim!"
"N-No way!" You feel your cheeks heat up when he suggests that. Asking to spend time with him on his birthday already felt like you were going down that route and you definitely did not want to overstep any boundaries. "I can do a secret route though! I should have enough time for that."
The question is- what would that ending be? Time is ticking so it would have to be short- something funny? Then you're hit with the thought of combining the two and you stifle a laugh. Another one more wholesome comes to mind too.
"Agh! I'm running out of time...!" You whine and run your hand through your hair. Now all the good ideas are gracing you.
"I can help input anything you need. We can get it done on time that way."
"Thanks, but I have to do this on my own. It's...more special that way, ya know? From the heart." You chuckle slightly and feel embarrassed for adding that last bit. You were always a little more defenseless around Ortho when it came to his brother. Maybe that's why he tried to nudge the dating sim aspect into your game.
"From the heart...I think I understand. But I'll still be available to help with coding issues."
"You're definitely my little cheat code when it comes to that." You're grateful that he helped. Accidentally forgetting a semicolon in a mess of code is literally the worst thing. It's no surprise that Ortho found it right away, along with a few other issues in your coding.
"Alright." You take in a breath and slap your hands against your cheeks, lightly. "I have a few more days. But this game will definitely be done in time for Idia's birthday!"
"You can do it, Prefect!"
Escaping the eyes of predators had been a real nightmare when they were all locked onto him thanks to his birthday. The flashy garments didn't help nor did his outstanding features. If it wasn't his clothes and hair that caught attention, it was the fact that Ignihyde's reclusive housewarden was out and about in public.
Sevens, he really hated his birthday. If it was going to be this much of a trial he would have just slept through it all.
"Brother!" Ortho rushes into his room. He eagerly hovers at his chair in front of his computer, turning it to face him. "You have one more gift to get!"
Idia groans as he forces himself up from his bed. The instant he was set free he lost the flashy birthday outfit and switched back to his usual jacket. His phone had turned on to get the final birthday gifts from the games he missed earlier.
"Can't I get it later? Can't be anything special..." He mutters. Then his gaze drifts to his computer. "Wait. I got all my presents from my online friends already."
"This is from the Prefect."
"EH?! Th-They sent me something?!" He blinks and lets his phone fall onto his bed. For a moment, he thought you had forgotten all about his birthday. He couldn't recall seeing you at his birthday bash. Even if you did try to reach him the amount of normies crowding him was difficult to get through. You'd have to have some immense intimidation states like Malleus to get through that. And you definitely weren't intimidating. Well, a bit, but not in the normal sense.
Still, to think you remembered his birthday and got him a gift. It makes his heart swell in his chest. You remembered and were kind enough to give him something. Digital too! Or so it seems. He hates to think this was some kind of joke, but Ortho wouldn't be leading him on like this if it were.
"Mhm! I think you should play it."
"Play it? What do you mean?"
Idia isn't given an answer. Instead he gets off his bed and shuffles towards his chair. He gets comfortable and finds something- a game already downloaded onto his computer.
"Since when can they make games?" He asks, curious. Ortho grins in response, excitedly waiting for him to start up the game.
Idia finds himself greeted to a visual novel-esque game title. It has a title, start, load, settings, you know, the basics. But what really catches his eyes are the previews of the characters involved in said game. Imitations of you, him, his brother, and your cat. It's adorable, captivating coming from an SR tier artist.
His hands are shaking and he feels as if he has to pinch himself to check if this is real. A game with you and him in it? He isn't sure if his heart can handle something like this. But he'll take a chance. He'll die trying to win this game you made just for him if he has to.
As he dives into the intro of the game, he finds you and Ortho on screen, waiting for him to show up. The background is more homely, nothing extravagant. But he doesn't quite care for that. He finds himself invested in the fact that you both want Idia to come out of his room to wish him a happy birthday.
You're definitely getting points for character accuracy.
Then there are the dialogue options. They range from two to three.
"Oh ho? They're going with multiple routes? I'll conquer them all! ...I'm glad they aren't here to hear me say that."
He continues on with the story and goes for the normal ending. It isn't hard to obtain, all he has to do is let you drag him out of his room for birthday wishes. Despite you not being here, it feels like you are. Like your digital character is truly wishing for his birthday to be filled with nothing but good vibes and the best pulls.
"If only the real you were here..." He mutters.
When he's greeted to the title screen once more, he doesn't hesitate to go back in, especially when it shows 1/4 endings achieved.
"Oh, the Prefect added another ending?"
"Eh? You know about this, Ortho?" He asks, looking at his brother. "So that's why you were AFK the past couple of weeks."
"The Prefect wanted help. Sorry, I couldn't tell you or it would have ruined the surprise."
"As long as I don't get spoilers from you, it's fine. Still, I can't believe they hogged you up for so much time. Sevens, wish that were me-" He clears his throat and raises a hand to cover his face despite only Ortho being in the room with him. "B-Back to the game!"
The next ending he goes for is the bad one. It ends with you and Ortho playing with each other instead of getting Idia out of his room. Honestly, not a real bad ending. His digital brother is having fun with you AND he gets to enjoy some solitude? Poggers.
Although...maybe it is a little bad that his digital self didn't get to see you.
Not wanting to linger on that, he moves onto the next route. And he isn't sure if he should laugh or cry when he ends up going down some dating route with Grim as the target. A humanized Grim at that. One with a disclaimer stating 'please don't tell Grim about this' hovering on top of his avatar during the entire route. Obviously, he doesn't get to date him, he doesn't want to, but he does get to pet his ears. His video game self is definitely a lucky bastard.
Now, for the final route. An extra option pops up during the end of the normal route. He figures it's only unlockable after getting the other endings. It's a little basic, but there's points for trying and getting four routes in one game.
The screen fades to black and he thinks that it may have crashed. He hasn't seen the code yet, but he's certain that Ortho wouldn't have allowed it. But if you added something without his assistance then he wonders if you messed up somewhere. All those thoughts are cast out once a video loads in.
The quality is shitty, barely capturing you sitting in front of your computer with Grim on your lap. He makes a mental note to fix whatever dinosaur of a computer you have the next time he visits Ramshackle.
"Alright, I think it's on."
"I hope it is! I wana nap..."
"In a bit!" You clear your throat and focus on the camera. You put on your best smile and wave. "Happy birthday, Idia!" You chrip. "I hope you survived your birthday trial. I wanted to go, but decided to do this instead. And hey, one less person to crowd you at your party."
"I wouldn't have minded you there..." He mumbles. He takes a quick breath in and puts a hand over his mouth. At least you’re not here to hear that.
"Anyway, we're both here to tell you happy birthday." You poke at Grim who sighs. The feline rolls his eyes and gets on his hind legs, staring into the camera as he narrows his eyes. Idia can practically feel the judgment coming from him, but he could care less.
"Happy birthday, shut-in," he says, unenthusiastically.
"Grim!" You hiss.
"What?" He crosses his arms. "I wished him a happy birthday, didn't I?" You give him a dissatisfied look. And he looks as if he's been told to apologize for something he didn't do. "Have a good one or whatever. When you come over, bring some cake! As the birthday boy, you gotta have a hoard of it. I deserve some for having to deal with ya!"
The cat snickers and jumps off your lap as you shout out his name. You sigh as he runs off to your shared bed where he remains proud for what he's done.
"You just had to spoil it..." You shake your head. Despite the spoiler you go back to wearing your smile. "Anyway, this wasn't recorded just to say happy birthday. I do hope you enjoyed your gift I made. I know it's not the best, but its not bad for a beginner, right?" You let a moment of pride take over, puffing out your chest and posing. Idia snickers at how cringe that looks, especially since this is recorded. You deflate shortly after.
"As a congrats to getting this far into the game, I wanted to ask if we could...hang out." Your cheeks turn red as you suggest that. "I do want to tell you happy birthday in person and hear your thoughts on my game, but I totally understand needing to recharge though! Ramshackle is open if you wana drop by. I promise the only visitors we have are ghosts who promised not to be around for the day. And I know it's not my place, but if you do come over, can you please bring a slice of cake for Grim? It might help you pet him."
"No it won't!" Grim shouts from the bed. "Not unless I get the whole thing!"
You roll your eyes at his words. Then there's an awkward silence for a few seconds before you say goodbye, unsure of how to end this message.
When the video stops playing, the game crashes, kicking him out and back to his desktop. With the last minute addition, you weren't able to test out the playback. Not that it matters since your message got through loud and clear.
Idia remains motionless, staring at his computer screen. Golden eyes lingering where the game had once been and the recording of your person. His cheeks turn a bright red before he buries his face into his hands. His hair starts to flare up; blue tips turning to pink. The color spreads and he dawns full pink hair, even if only momentarily.
"Wh-Why was that cute?! That was like an SSR birthday message! How could they do this to me...!" He whines. He brings his legs up to his chest, clutching them and nuzzling his face against his knees. He didn't know how to react. Such warm and fuzzy feelings were foreign to him. It makes him want to get up and just roll around in bed with joy. That's something he could do to get this out of his system and he's highly considering it.
After all, you made him a game. A game made just for him. If you really were going down his route like a dating sim, you were getting max affection points just from this! He doesn't care how low-tier or beginner friendly this game is. To him? It competes with Star Rogue. Sort of. At least in a more sentimental way. Sorry, that's one game you can never beat.
"Are we going to go see them?" Ortho asks, completely calm while his brother is having a mini crisis.
"I-If I say no it's probably going to lead to a bad ending, huh?" He responds. "The good ending...something like that isn't meant for me. But I can get it just for one day, right? I can pet Grim and spend time with them..." He lifts his face and glances to Ortho. "You should have prepared me for an ending like that."
"You said you didn't want spoilers."
"I don't think spoilers could have prepared me for that." He takes in a breath, calming down, though his hair was still acting up. He's going to have to hide that under his hood for a bit. "Okay...we can go. Just give me a moment to recover."
"Yay! I'll let the Prefect know we'll be over soon!"
"Don't forget the cake when we go! I'm still going to chance petting Grim." He grins. "And the Prefect...deserves a slice too."
You deserve the whole cake and more- and it's not even your birthday! Maybe he can't offer a whole cake to Grim, but he can share. He may lose out on the sweet treat and possibly pets, but it would be worth it.
"You know...maybe birthdays aren't so bad..."
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supersources · 2 years
interview with the vampire (2022):  episode 5,  a vile hunger for your hammering heart. tw:  murder, death, abuse, violence, blood, strong language, all vampire things.
* i can't die like this!
* let my dog live.
* it's a kill list in a teenager's handwriting.
* i'm trying to think of something more fucked up than this.
* they'll scale the sides of this building, force their way inside and paint the walls with his blood.
* don't look down on them, look in the mirror.
* he's an opinionated young man, he lives to share these opinions even when they are not solicited.
* what does he taste like?
* i didn't ask that.
* you were thinking it.
* he tastes like honey and pineapple, he stuffs himself for days before he offers himself to me. would you like to sample?
* i care for him more than he cares for himself.
* stay out of my head.
* you wouldn't find the corroboration you're seeking even if you could. we burned, we buried. and a convention city is not motivated to advertise grim statistics.
* i know what i'd do, but you've cut my hands off.
* don't do that, it's private.
* what night is it?
* i couldn't hear you over the tugboat.
* a whole lot of concern has been wasted on you these past months.
* did you read my other ones?
* well, you better hope and pray you taught me how to clean up good.
* you gonna let him do this to me?!
* i've read some passages out loud, i'm afraid. hurtful words for both of your guardians.
* i buried them, okay?! way out of town! nothing out there for miles, no one's ever gonna find them except maybe criminals burying bodies of their own.
* i'm never gonna forget what happened here. i hate you.
* get out of my room!
* you want money?
* i mean, it's always a straight line with you. yes, i am asking for your support in my campaign.
* sounds like there's a maniac on the loose.
* don't be too startled if the police come knocking on your door.
* i was in the middle of cleaning when they knocked.
* you often leave your daughter alone with access to illegal spirits?
* that's my daughter's room!
* oh, i'm getting ready for bed!
* have you lost your goddamn mind? overnight, in a jail cell, with no coffin. we all be dead by morning.
* we do not bring souvenirs into the house!
* so much wine in his blood... and beer, and whisky.
* you wanted her, you fix her!
* do you remember our life, how happy we were before her? an anvil tied around our ankles, pulling us towards the pitch-black ocean floor.
* who am i supposed to love?
* how are you gonna fix it, huh? which one of you is gonna fuck me?
* well, you're not my type, i like a fuller figure.
* if you could find other vampires, which you won't, they would shred you to strips because you are built like a bird, because you are a mistake.
* how about you shut the fuck up?
* he treats us like shit and you take it! why is that?
* you, as cruel as the devil ever made, to refuse me one love when you got two!
* i've been entertaining myself.
* i'll kill her soon.
* don't run off...
* why did you take me home? why not a hospital? maybe i'd have a handsome husband by now, or he'd be plain with a good disposition. that'd be fine too. i'd be sweeping floors, making dinners, nursing babies. maybe i'd go to church... you think on that some.
* i had no words for her, what words were there? "it all happened so fast", "i was trying to save you"... "all vampires are born out of trauma."
* poor dear. she wasn't held enough in between ritualistic murders.
* look, charlie manson wrote a couple of beautiful songs. still, he was charlie manson.
* is that all you think of her?
* it won't matter what your intentions are... it's the world out there right now.
* once you put it out there, they decide what it is. it can get away from you.
* i won't have her exploited.
* keep reading.
* keep talking.
* assume we are under suspicion. assume our finances no longer provide us protection.
* make your kills outside of the city, one a night. no persons of note... unfortunates, undesirables.
* we should leave the city, start anew, turn a betrayal into an opportunity. new york, chicago, los angeles...
* we should dismantle her room.
* she'll be back.
* there would be no roaring twenties for us.
* we were underground for seven years.
* (name), come home. i know i hurt you. i know i can make it right again.
* little girl... i'm talking to you. now what were you doing in the library? you're not allowed in there.
* i don't talk to strangers.
* you can read?
* just as i thought, a little thief. you're coming with me.
* what are you gonna do after that? after you turn her in, after it makes you feel like a big man, what's your next move, you think?
* you're not allowed to ride one of those on campus.
* this is our school, where is your fighting pride?
* you hungry?
* flaubert's style is so dense. the absence of metaphor is so striking...
* should we make it a night of the two?
* you sound like every pompous sorbonne student i've ever eaten.
* should i do it like you instead? read the first ten pages of every book and pass myself off as cultured?
* well, at least you're listening. i sit there thinking "light yourself on fire, see if he'll notice."
* you draw me into your gloom.
* it's your fault she's gone. if you hadn't pushed her...
* i cannot listen to this insanity about (name) one more time.
* i got to hear my own funeral. only couple dozen people showed up, most didn't have much to say. started talking about the weather a few minutes in.
* poor fella digging my grave lies resting on the family plot.
* what was he like, your maker?
* it ain't like that, he's more like a dad.
* oh, now there's three of us.
* got me wondering what it'd be like, ride with others, hunt in a pack. a little fang gang.
* you got a name?
* you don't kill like a (name), you kill like a killer.
* there are four pages torn out... did she tear them out? didn't seem like something she would do...
* when you do that, when you editorialize, however noble the reasoning, it calls into question all of the other shit you're shovelling my way.
* don't ask again.
* it could be her, but i'm the one who is presently standing in front of you.
* so, if my considerable considerables continue to be squandered...
* hello? oh, sorry... no, it's good to hear your voice.
* we're headed north... crash cleaned us out. and don't offer, 'cause i'm not asking.
* you look good.
* don't need that either, (name). or... whatever you are that took my (name).
* i prayed myself old, begging what to do about you. god never talked back, so... this is how it has to be, for me, for my family. you understand?
* i've come to apologize, i put you both in a bad spot. i wasn't right in my head... i am now.
* apology not accepted.
* so, quick stop home to do laundry before you fuck off for good?
* perused a few folklore anthologies and now you're going to cross the ocean to take on a society of monsters?
* if what i've read is lies, then tell me what's true.
* seven years and what's changed other than you need a housekeeper?
* the vampires out there are vicious... oh, but you know that already. who did you meet out there?
* that's it, keep 'em scared. that's his way.
* we took her life from her. we cursed her.
* come with me! come with me, (name)!
* i thought i could live without you but i was wrong.
* his love is a small box he keeps you in. don't stay in it!
* a thousand nights of sulking, and the first sight of her you're just gonna up and leave me?!
* please, come with me! let's be vampires worthy of your love!
* i fought myself a million times, fought my nature, controlled my temper... i never once harmed you.
* let him go... he didn't do nothing. it's me you want.
* i have patiently waited in vain for you to love me as i love you. just say it... i'm never going to love you. it would help me a great deal to hear that from your lips... your quivering, hateful lips.
* let go of me.
* anything for you.
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mentallyshattered · 11 months
This is part 7 of the "What if Yuu didn't want to go back?" Series!
(I, the author of this work, do not consent to this work being crossposted/translated without my knowledge or used to train an AI, ever.)
The morning brings Rook right to my door, ready to intercept me and Grim on our way to the Backstage Room.
"So, what's this about? It had better be good if you're delaying my brush time for it."
"Alas, Monseur Chat, this is not the place to tell."
"Did Vil send you?"
"Ahh, Monseur Mystery, you are so clever!"
Hmm. Well, as long as I'm not late to class, I suppose. When we finally reach the massive door that leads to Vil's room, Rook knocks twice upon it, and it opens. The other side bears a familiar face.
"Yuu, in here. Now." Vil speaks quickly. Rook pushes us inside the room and closes the door behind us. Vil looks mad. "Why haven't you been brushing your hair?"
I blank. Mouth open, no words blank. Vil shakes his head.
"Come here." He motions to me with his hand. I sit in the chair in front of him, and he starts brushing through my hair. It hurts a little, but I bear through it- kind of my own fault, isn't it?
After a few moments, I gather my courage. "Is this what you brought me here for?"
Vil continues running the brush through my hair. When I look in the mirror, his face betrays no emotion. His voice- as usual- is calm and strong.
"No, I brought you here regarding something else. However, as your housewarden, I cannot let this kind of negligence continue. You do have a human brush, do you not?"
"Yeah... myaah, I've seen it. Not in use, though..."
Rook chuckles. "Still tired, Monseur Chat?" Grim just nods and goes back to purring.
"What did you call us here for, Vil?" Instead of speaking, he hands me another box. It's smaller than the first one, and has a sort of flap on one side. I stare at it, confused, until Rook takes it, removes the lid from the other box, and slots the smaller one neatly onto the side.
"The smaller box contains a toothbrush and toothpaste for Grim. Don't use them now, but he needs to brush his teeth in the evening, preferably with minimal help."
"Minimal help? What, do I levitate the brush?"
Vil sighs. "No, the handle is made specifically to be comfortably and effectively held by a cat. The toothpaste is what I figure you will need the most help with."
I smile. Vil turns my head to the left and starts brushing the side of my hair. "Secondly: it has occurred to me that you, as someone from another world, lack finances, and the only legal documents you have are the ones related to your presence and attendance at Night Raven College."
I swallow. That's been eating at my mind for a while now, but I've been ignoring it. Live in the present, right? "That's correct."
Vil turns my head to the right and starts brushing the other side of my hair. Rook and Grim glance at my face, suddenly concerned, but Vil remains consistent in his demeanor: calm and strong.
"I have paid for your uniforms and school supplies. Do not tell, but do not be afraid to ask me if you need something."
I smile. There's a sickness settling into the pits on my stomach, a fear of what will come after I graduate. I have no documentation- where will I go?
"Monseur Mystery, are you ill?"
"Not really... I hope."
Vil turns the chair I'm on until I'm facing him directly. For once, I see emotion on his face: sympathy and concern. That sympathy leaks into his words as he speaks.
"Are you homesick? I could certainly try sending you ba-"
"No. No. No. Please, please don't." My voice, my words, my feelings spills out of me before I can stop them. "I don't want to go back to where I was, I want to fit in here- and I do. I have friends, I have a dorm, the teachers like me- do you realize how new all of this is? I'm happy. I feel safe. All I need is magic, and... even without it, this place- this world- is more of a home to me than Earth ever was. I've been here three days, and I never want to leave. Ever since I saw Grim, and wound up in Pomefiore, and realized people here like me, I wanted to stay. And that hasn't changed."
Silence. Vil is staring. Rook is staring. Grim is staring, and giving me a funny look.
"Magnificent! Magnifiqué! Spoken straight from the heart- glorious!"
Vil and Grim are still staring, but at Rook. Vil sighs and turns to me, care in his eyes. "I'm glad you're happy here. Don't be afraid to ask me if you need something, okay? And, speaking of..."
Vil hands me a phone. "That's yours. Let me know if you need help setting it up."
I smile. Vil runs the brush through my hair a few more times and motions for me to stand. "You still do need to do your skincare routine and eat breakfast. You have plenty of time. Go put the phone away, and you can set it up tonight."
I smile. So many of my worries and concerns were resolved today, and It's not even first period! Maybe the low blood sugar is making me more emotional. Who knows? At the very least, I can relax, just a little more than I could before.
"Thanks, Mom."
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luxthestrange · 2 years
Welcome to the Ramshackle! Trust us we are friendly!~
But...what do you want with our Yuu?...
Say hello to our roommates!OUR 3 FRIENDLY GHOSTS! They still apologize for scaring you and Grim the first days you came but now they know the place really needed some "liveliness" to the old dorm, You can count ooooon!
Skinny! The eldest and most ...thinly looking of the trio,He takes care of the finances of the ramshackle for you three, seeing your budget from Crowley makes him almost drop dead again... he stopped 'smoking' when you,enma and grim came around, He likes the be more of the "Charming" Gentleghostmen type, He and Lilia get along swimmingly!~
Skinny: This old man's bones take a toll taking care of these youngsters-Oh waits I don't have bones anymore!Hohoho!(He likes puns)Heartslybyul
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Muscle! The Second eldest and he swears no matter his cutely chunky or human ghostly form he takes its ALL muscle! He is the most playful, laughter-contagious, and hugger of the trio...He Plays Trains Grim for Spelldrive he is also the one to cook for you three when you are both too tired of dealing with overblots he also gets along perfectly with Epel
Muscle: Here Lil nuggets~Muscles made you your favorites!SSHHH dont tell skinny or he will say I am OVERFEEDING you, You can always count on muscle~Pomefiore
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Smiley! The Youngest of the trio, He has NEVER been happier once he realized..."I'm not the youngest in this house...finally, I can get Skinny and Muscle off my back naggin' me!"He is one in charge to clean the house now that you, Enma, and grim came he was more of a dog ghost but after grim came he is expanding his horizons to cats he considers Idia his cat buddy...pics of grim sleeping with you is how he gets the extra cash for the house to get fixed! Octavinelle
Skinny: Where in the twisted wonderland do you get all this money from?*Looks at the stacks of money with a confused gaze*
Smiley*puts finger in skinny lips*shhh ssshhh...dont ask..dont ask...its art crawl
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Here is my personal idea of how our Ghost Trio look if they changed their Casper the friendly ghost form to how they looked in the past when they were alive....with Lil more SPICE~, Gotta Love our Ghost Trio who care for us
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