whalesforhands · 5 months
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yakocchi · 3 years
A Special Anniversary with the Prince // Voiced Mini Stories
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time for the one bmp1-themed event for the next couple of months yea i grumble abt bmp2 all the time but i still play and check schedules. dont get it twisted, i know whos the real clown in this relationship
i think this is supposed to be a small event to celebrate the former bmp1 social (GREE) anniversary, which was aug 29. bmp2’s anni is in sept, so this is a small period of time they can recognize it i suppose
these events are so faccin short holy crud i cannot stress that enough. im used to bs, but it feels rude considering how bmp1 is only like a side... thing. yes, theyve been gradually rereleasing season 2 on bmp2 platforms over the course of this year, but thats just a port man. also not a very good port given that even when u shell out all ur cruz for the sweet story it doesnt get saved to the album + i dun even want to hear of it until they materialize a zain season 2 out of thin air. i know hes prob supposed to be a one-shot route (like jin) but he’s a good guy yea good guy by sf9 pls stream
quicc translations behind the cut
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Glenn (CV. Ishikawa Kaito)
[G]: “Pretty... No; while the fireworks are pretty too, of course, I was talking about you.” [G]: “...Ugh, what are you saying, me?” [G]: “But if I don’t properly express how I feel, then I won’t have my feelings expressed period.” [G]: “Today, you’re... crazy pretty.”
⋆ sorry idk the proper prince-like equivalent of essentially “hella” ;;
Zain (CV. Hirakawa Daisuke)
[Z]: “Even in a place like Nobel Castle, one gets to see fireworks on several occasions, but…” [Z]: “There is nothing that could surpass seeing the fireworks with you like this.” [Z]: “Could you not hear me over the fireworks?” [Z]: “Then… (kiss)” [Z]: “With that, my feelings have been expressed (to you), no? [Z]: “…Your red face— Is that due to the fireworks?” [Z]: “I jest. It seems… that my feelings have been properly conveyed.”
Joshua (CV. Namikawa Daisuke)
[J]: “Bring out your hand. I mustn’t lose sight of you in this crowd, after all.” [J]: “This is also… pest repellent.” [J]: “As there isn’t a man who wouldn’t think about looking at you with that yukata on…”
Edward (CV. Okitsu Kazuyuki)
[E]: “There is quite the variety of fireworks, hm.” [E]: “Ah- the one over there is a rose, is it?” [E]: “Haha, I’m elated by simply watching lovely fireworks like this, but,” [E]: “As for me— Coupled with these grand fireworks," [E]: “Being able to see a smile appear to blossom on your face, makes me feel happier than anything else.”
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Keith (CV. Kondo Takashi)
[K]: “These fireworks are huge.” [K]: “Well, I mean, Oriens’ fireworks are a bit different from Liberty’s…” [K]: “They stand out as more of a modest beauty than a flashy one— they resemble you…” [K]: “—No, ‘was nothing. Forget it.”
Roberto (CV. Kimura Ryohei)
[R]: “Hey, hey, in Oriens,” [R]: “They say, ‘Tamaya!’ when viewing fireworks—” [R]: “Right?” [R]: “Let’s shout it together!” [R]: “Ready, set— Tamaya!!”
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Wilfred (CV. Sakurai Takahiro)
[W]: “When the fireworks end, can the two of us sneak out for a bit?” [W]: “Hm- Can’t hear me over the fireworks?” [W]: “After this, can we sneak out-…?” [W]: “Still can’t hear me?” [W]: “…Haah… One thing left to do…” [W]: “…(kiss)” [W]: “Get it now?”
Yakov (CV. Yasumoto Hiroki)
[Y]: “Your eyes are more brilliant than the fireworks here.” [Y]: “I find it more entertaining to watch you over that of the fireworks as well.” [Y]: “I never tire of seeing your expression change rapidly from this to that in such a way.”
i have nothing left to say tbh. uh well ive been playing ed’s sequel for no real reason (guess i want the campaign stuff. i guess). RYAN........ if he was given a budget of 50 extra dollars hed be a cutie tbh like bmp1 leonardo. which is why leonhart makes the big bux
on another note, ive seen the anni page and it seems like an event that involves the bmp1 cast appearing (as side charas to the bmp2 guy obv) may be in order ........ill be waiting
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randomikemendegen · 5 years
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note: This is entirely based off of @prometheanglory‘s idea of giving battle lines for OCs and whatnot ladjsaddsda (also, P.S., i luv u and ur art im crying ohgod)
also- this is-
[Quintin Blanpine] Battle Quotes
(VA: Miyu Irino)
Battle start: Can we hurry this up please? We’re running short on the dot…!!
Selected: Eh- wait- me?! I-I’ll, I, eh, uhm, awawaa… I-I’LL DO MY BEST!! *flustered*
Attacking: E-… Eei!!
Special/Critical attack: Maryann, please! Lend me a hand!
Team-up: Oh- uhm, l-let’s do our best okay…! And, uh… i-it’s nice working with youskaslkjsalf— ouch ouch, I accidentally bit my tongue… ouch….
(With any of the Heartslabyul members): *perks up* Ehehe, it really does feel a bit lighter when you’re together with your comrades… // (if it’s Riddle): R-Riddle-senpai?!?! Awawawa, I-I’ll do my best! Absolutely!! The roses will be painted red, the cake will be on time, and— *blah blah blah*
(With any of the Octavinelle or Diasomnia members): Urk…. N-no, sorry for that reaction…! I’m sorry!! Awawawa— please don’t hurt me-
(With any of the Scarabia members): Hmm… this isn’t too bad at all, heheh. Eh? Why’s that? W-Well, that’s…! I-It’s nothing really!!
Minor Injury: Ouch—! That hurt…!
Defeated: Haaaah… so we lost, huh… well, it’s not like I didn’t anticipate… this….
Victory: *deep sigh of relief* Somehow we managed to get out of that situation… never again…!! // H-How much time did we waste here…!? Oh dear oh dear oh dear…!! We can’t be late! Awawawa-
[Seisear Marchare] Battle Quotes
(VA: Miyano Mamoru or Ryohei Kimura)
Battle start: Well, let’s get this on shall we~?
Selected: Thy hast chosen moi? Kufufu, well I suppose I’ll do my best this time ‘square (‘(a)round)~.
Attacking: Here ya go~.
Special/Critical attack: Topsy-turvy, upside-down, left-n-right~, side-to-side, little birdie; who is behind you~?
Team-up: Hallo~! Welcome~! Ladies and gentlemen~! Oh oh, what you say we have a tea party later~?
(With any of the Heartslabyul members): Oooh~! It’s you guys~! Ahaha, this oughta be fun! What’s say all of us have a jolly good time together, m’kay~? // (if it’s Riddle): If it isn’t the tiny red queen~! Man, it’s such an honor to be by your side, hahahaha~.
(With any of the Octavinelle members): Ahaha, is this what they call “birds of a feather flock together”~? *laughs*
Minor Injury: Ouchies~!
Major Injury: Ngh…! Yeah, that one really hurt, not lying.
Defeated: Calm down, calm down… *breathes deeply* Nothing lost, yeah, it’s alright… right..?
Victory: H~ah, that was a good exercise. A good tea party is just what we need right about now~! // Lan-lan-ru~, Lan-lan-ru~, lan-lan— hm? Oh! It’s over already? Teehee~. Whoopsies.
[Lala-Phula Tigris] Battle Quotes
(VA: Rie Kugimiya)
Battle start: Alright, it’s time to start the hunt~! All of you are prey~.
Selected: *chuckles* Of course you’d pick the [king], that’s how it’s supposed to be~.
Attacking: Take~… this!
Special/Critical attack: … I guess I can take this just a tiny bit seriously~. *smiles*
Team-up: *pouts* I alone should be enough… oh well, can’t do anything ‘bout this~. Just don’t lag behind, okay~?
(With any of the Savanclaw members): Oooohh, now there’s more quality prey…! This is torture~!! *pout* // (if it’s Leona): After I deal with the herbivores right in front of us, I’ll eat you next~. Only one can be the [king] around here, after all.
(With any of the Octavinelle, Pomefiore or Ignihyde members): Ahaha, look what we have here, cute little fishies/birds/mice~! This ought to be fun~.
Minor Injury: Haha, you got me there~!
Major Injury: AHAHAHA!! That’s it, fight harder! MORE!!!
Defeated: Wow… so this is how it feels to lose, huh….. it doesn’t feel too bad… I think...
Victory: *stretches* Hhhmm… aaah! That was a good meal! Nyahuhu~. // Eeeehh~? That was it?? I didn’t even get to have my fill at all! *pout*
[Cirnu Alva Valirgethen] Battle Quotes
(VA: Sawashiro Miyuki or Nana Mizuki)
Battle start: [Iam hora noctis]. Now then, shall we dance the night away?
Selected: Ara ara~, so you have chosen me? Well, I’ll see to it that you obtain what you wish~. *chuckles*
Attacking: I do apologize.
Special/Critical attack: [Obumbratio et Inferno], ring the bells of [the] eve.
Team-up: *smiles* Let’s do our best, okay? Oh but I’ll assist you throughout of course. Should anything happen though, I promise to retaliate tenfold for you~. 
(With any of the Diasomnia members): My my, it looks like we’ll be on the same team~. This is a nice feeling, it’s almost like a family get-together~. // (if it’s Malleus): Malleus, don’t scare the poor things too much okay? // (if it’s Lilia): Fufu, this is in a way nostalgic but not at the same time. How peculiar. 
(With any of the other dorms members): Fufu, I’ll watch over you like I always do, so don’t despair and worry, please.
Minor Injury: Hmm. It’s fine, I’m quite alright.
Major Injury: This isn’t too good…
Defeated: The feeling of losing, huh… this has always been a peculiar but acceptable feeling… but it seems that I’m still not quite used to it, ahaha…
Victory: [Prodigiosus]. Well then, shall we continue on with our little journey together~? // The bells have tolled for our victory. Hereafter the chaos, the dawn has arrived finally.
[Ohphiou Chos Gorgos] Battle Quotes
(VA: Hiroshi Kamiya)
Battle start: Do we really have to? … Fine…. haaa—h. *deep and long exasperated sigh* Sorry about this, you guys.
Selected: …. You’ll just be disappointed in me. … But I guess I’ll try to impress.
Attacking: Hah… take that, and that.
Special/Critical attack: Want to turn to stone?
Team-up: Hey, uh, sorry about this but do the heavy lifting for the team okay? Okay? Good. *sighs deeply*
(With any of the Ignihyde members): *sighs* At least this won’t be awkward or anything, a bit… although I’m not so sure about this lineup…. // (if it’s Idia): ... Hey, Idi, are you sure you’re alright coming out here and doing this? Just asking...
(With any of the Octavinelle or Diasomnia members): Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap—! Is it too late to switch teams already??!!? Shit-
(With any of the Scarabia members): *sighs heavily* Oh good. The sand people. Ah- No no, I have nothing against them, don’t mind me.
(With any of the Pomefiore members): …… Put me in a different team, now. I can’t stand the brightness and the heavy atmosphere here.
(With any of the Heartslabyul members): Now it’s the RRC guys huh. … Yaaay, time to count down until my beheading~. *sarcastic*
Minor Injury: Kuh—. I’m fine, I’m fine.
Major Injury: …. Alright alright, I’ll take this seriously now...
Defeated: … I’m not surprised about this conclusion… after all, fairy tales and reality are blurred lines.… (especially for things like me…)
Victory: …. Huh? We… actually won that? …. N-Nothing, that’s… good, I-I guess. // YAHOO!!! Ah. Eh, that’s, uhm, forget about what just happened RIGHT NOW!!!
[Berebis R. L’Ephegor] Battle Quotes
(VA: Takahiro Sakurai)
Battle start: *yawns* Fine, let’s just get this over with.
Selected: Dang, you picked me? *sighs deeply* Don’t expect much from me, okay.
Attacking: *dull tone of voice* Eei…
Special/Critical attack: Go to sleep already.
Team-up: I guess that’s my cue to get out of here— eh, no? *sighs* I’m so tired…
(With any of Diasomnia members): Oh, it’s you guys. Perfect timing, I’ll leave most of the heavy lifting to you… // (if it’s Malleus): Yo, dorm leader. … Hm? Why do I get the feeling that things will be better now you’re here? … Eh. Who cares.
(With any of the Scarabia or Pomefiore members): So this time it’s with you guys huh. Well, I don’t mind this really… not surprising, I know.
(With any of the Heartslabyul members): Ooh… tell me, how’s little red doing nowadays? Still being tsundere?
Minor Injury: *uninterested tone* Ouch~….
Major Injury: Not bad, not bad… I’m feeling fired up for once.
Defeated: Is it over? Can I finally sleep in peace?
Victory: *yawns* Boring. Drab. Dull. That was a huge waste of nap time… I’m sleeping this off again. // That was an unexpected turn of events… huh. This isn’t bad… only every once in a while.
[Fuyume Yukitosu] Battle Quotes
(VA: Kana Hanazawa or Ueda Kana)
Battle start: Onwards at once. Indecisiveness only breeds inaction, and in turn sows doubt.
Selected: I will do my upmost to live up to your expectations.
Attacking: Sincerest apologies.
Special/Critical attack: Freeze. Shatter. Then scatter into the wind.
Team-up: I humbly greet your arrival. Now then. Please do your duty as we all must.
(With any of the Pomefiore members): It is wondrous to have you here. We must act with synergy and cooperation, all right?
(With any of the Octavinelle members): Please do not extend your bothersome attitudes or contracts even here.
(With any of the Scarabia members): Apologies but I feel a slight discomfort, please don’t approach me.
Minor Injury: This is nothing.
Major Injury: Ah—.
Defeated: We lost. I see. It cannot be helped… but, then why do I feel a slight pain in my chest?
Victory: We are victorious. However it is not wise to get too conceited over only victory. // The sensation of winning……. *smiles* Eh. Why are the corners of my lips rising up...?
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yakocchi · 4 years
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Spring Love with the Prince (Royal Garden) // Voiced Mini Stories
Well, this event is nice because its contents (the avatars, the voice lines, etc.) appear to be new – as in it’s not all lazy reprinted crud from the ancient BMP1 platform. It seems like for 2020 they’ve managed to get a hold of all the seiyuu and recorded new voice lines haha yes
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Translations and Event Fluff Behind the Cut!
Characters are organized by story order (the order you receive them)
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Glenn (CV. Ishikawa Kaito)
[G]: “Ah, a hairy caterpillar-! … Just joking with you.” [G]: “…Could it be that you’re upset with me? Sorry.” [G]: “…Huh? You were just pretending to be mad? Haah… Thank goodness.” [G]: “I was thinking that you were upset because I made fun of you, so I got a bit flustered there.” [G]: “Really, I’m too weak when it comes to you. Even knowing that, I can’t change a thing about it and it’s frustrating.”
Zain (CV. Hirakawa Daisuke)
[Z]: “I’m completely mesmerized – not by… the cherry blossoms, but by My Lady mesmerized by the blossoms.” [Z]: “Stay still for a moment. A petal got in your hair...” (kiss) [Z]: “I lied. You standing still among the dancing flurry of the blossoms… was so beautiful, so naturally I simply… was swayed to want to do such a thing.” [Z]: “Would it be all right if I do it… some more?”
hirarin as zain is just……..
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also there really was a kiss sfx but I cut it out by accident when editing lol whoopsies
Joshua (CV. Namikawa Daisuke)
[J]: “It is my first time partaking in this supposed ‘cherry blossom viewing’, but I could not possibly think that it would be this much fun.” [J]: “Somehow or another, I tend to naturally smile when it appears that you’re enjoying yourself.” [J]: “You, truly… I’m just no match for you.”
Edward (CV. Okitsu Kazuyuki)
[E]: “The descending, transient cherry blossoms truly are beautiful.” [E]: “Though it is only that way because I get to see something that is, indeed, always more gorgeous than these flowers.” [E]: “I may have never felt such an impression before.” [E]: “’What could that something be,’ you ask?” [E]: “…It is you – my beautiful partner who need not scatter away.”
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Keith (CV. Kondo Takashi)
[K]: “Spring at Oriens is also pretty nice, huh.” [K]: “…Just a moment ago, you standing there in the midst of the storm of blossoms was so freakin’ stunning, I was honestly a bit enchanted by it.” [K]: “…Man, I’m all drunk on that blossom-viewing sake.” [K]: “I said something that was pretty out-of-character of me.”
Roberto (CV. Kimura Ryohei)
[R]: “It’s the perfect weather for cherry blossom viewing!” [R]: “Now, the bento you woke up early to make for me is also the best, but–“ [R]: “I missed the taste of your family’s dango!”
…………sir this is not as heartfelt as the others im gonna need u to return home-
Wilfred (CV. Sakurai Takahiro)
[W]: “Apparently in your country there’s a saying that goes along the lines of ‘the dango over the flowers.’” [W]: “From my angle, it’s you over the flowers and over the dango.” [W]: “The cherry blossoms are indeed very beautiful; but when I get to see things with you, simply anything and everything ends up looking beautiful.”
The saying he’s talking about 「花より団子」has a meaning that’s kind of like “choosing substance over style”, or preferring practicality over aesthetics and/or style. Mind, it’s not used as a positive thing to describe someone haha. It’s kind of like criticizing someone for not appreciating or understanding the beauty of something
Yakov (CV. Yasumoto Hiroki)
[Y]: “These ‘cherry blossoms’ come and fall rather fleetingly.” [Y]: “However, simply the scattering of all these petals at once is a magnificent sight.” [Y]: “I like it. I want to see these blossoms with you for next year as well. It’s a promise.”
Brief Event Fluff
This event is in their relatively-new “Royal Garden” format. It’s just a revamp of collection events, but it’s cute bc you can take their pets out to war to bring back some extra points every three hours. This is probably the most official “rendition” of the BMP1 character’s “pets”. They’re not like the BMP2 charas (where most everyone has an actual pet) so lol with some of them:
wil’s is a terrifying prince rabbit doll bc… carrots or something. somebody retcon in a bootleg lassie for him please i hate looking at this thing
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keith is his dumb lion fursona like kevin’s. it even stands upright and everything
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roberto has a legit rabbit, which i think has been his motif for a long time and was then further solidified with the rabbit doll in his time travel bday story.
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joshua’s is Kyuu. idr if kyuu made any named appearances in his English content, but kyuu is that same grey cat ↓
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(there’s more but u get the message) sieg’s cat is “Kyuu the Third” where Sieg’s cat is related to this Kyuu lol
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glenn has a hamster(?). kuon has a squirrel (and i think shion the chipmunk?) so it might be a bootleg mascot of that
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ed has a pegasus-type-looking horse. I think Arionne exists only in the non-social continuity, and the one BMP fansite master I look to claims that the horse is named Raphael. idk I never really bothered to play much ed content so hmmm
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yakov obv has Daifuku which still cracks me up bc it is among the smallest and least threatening of the animals. charas like ivan and ryuo have wolves and tigers which are still cool but cute but the guy with hunting and shooting as his listed hobbies has a very small owl that doesn’t do anything cool except be a klepto and bother him at work
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zain has a panther-like cat, identical to jin. but if I really want to go wehhh zain master race zain had the black cat motif in his avatar items before they even bothered to make jin a major character iirc. the fansite master seems to think it’s supposed to be a call to Suzu (the cat in Zain’s time travel bday route) but hmmm idk
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