starfleetshrimps · 1 month
hey guys. my copy of a stitch in time came so. yknow. i'm being normal about that right now.
extremely deep, shuddering breath.
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luvhughes43 · 11 months
i need luke hughes so bad this is so…OHMYGODDD HES JUST SO????? i’m and and ohhhhh my goooodddddd
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I despise the Royal Family (except Diana and Meghan ……Harry’s kind of on thin ice), Royalists annoy me, but idk I feel weird bringing up that one picture of 6 year old Lizzy (you know the one) as proof she wasn’t some cute wholesome old lady, I don’t think she even knew what the hell she was doing, it looks she was just copying her disgusting Dad like any other kid her age. I’d rather just bring up any atrocious things she said or did as an adult, and as queen too.
I will not apologize for my queen elizabeth II slander. tell it to someone who cares.
mod ali
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
I hope you don't mind, I just wanted to share some more of Sharlock's art! (Seriously, I always save them 🫢)
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Okay, okay, i don't wanna send too much, I don't wanna annoy anyone, but there's a lot more— They've also done one of Shiggy!
i love the dabi's ! buT OHHH MY GOD TOUYYYAAAAAA bIG BRO TOUYAAAAA i LOVE hIm i loVE him i love hIMMMMM pLS! also hiS TITS oHH MY GOOOODDDDDD oh my god oHHHHH fukCKJdgufy
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iscariotapologist · 2 years
hi! your posts have been incredibly helpful to me as i rediscover my faith <3 i wanted to ask, how do you visualise god ? when i was a child, i literally thought god was a big man in the sky making arbitrary decisions about my life, but now as i am older i find not being able to see god as it were is a major obstacle to believing in him. it’s hard to pray not knowing where it’s going? if that makes sense. like i feel god is in the sky but if he’s in the sky there’s no reason for him not to be, say, in my house. do you think god is in everything all around us? i’d be suuuper interested to hear ur thoughts on this.
hi darling i'm so glad to hear that...interesting question, i've had god pop into my head as just about every possible human phenotype or none at all but i honestly don't think about it that much. i would say i think god is in everything around us, in a sense (including your house). i have a pretty somatic experience of god so i don't really "direct" my prayers or intentionally visualize much per se, it's just like having a conversation and it flows quite naturally. i do think it's important to deconstruct the traditional old white grandpa image of god that many of us were taught, but ultimately god is both within and beyond the constructs we make for them (this goes for many things - image, denomination, doctrine, religion, ritual, etc.) so of course any other depiction is also going to be flawed, just maybe in different ways. that being said i think there's immense value in physical objects and rituals (brutalist protestant churches my absolutely beloathed) because we're all physical beings, so i don't mean to sound like i'm undermining that - i have multiple physical religious objects that are deeply meaningful to me, including icons. i think of them a bit like signposts, they can point me in a direction but i don't expect them to be the destination; they're not supposed to be.
so if things like that are helpful you could consider setting up a dedicated space or just having things around that help focus and ground you. for me especially getting out of a really boring minimalist protestant "thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image" background, having physical religious items and generally appreciating more religious art has brought almost a whole new dimension to my spirituality. also never underestimate the power of a good candle. i hope that helps <3
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generatedreflection · 5 years
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tenitchyfingers · 7 years
basically, the debate between OmniDestiny and JonTronShow is
OD: *states something* JTS: hahahaha OD: *argues and brings up things that were factually said or done by Trump/Republicans* JTS: I don’t know that that’s true, Trump never said that OD: *says something else*  JTS: that’s not true OD: the right gaslights a lot JTS: that’s not true
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Hey, been a while.  Think it’s time for my thoughts on the new update!
So, devs have taken pity on us and we now have wiggle points again!  That’s really good, considering wiggling out of a killer’s grasp is super not gonna happen except in very lucky circumstances, so it’s nice to get points for it!  I don’t really like that the survivor groans while healing again, but I guess it’s to help the killers that can’t or don’t track blood well.
The new section of map to the Yamaoka Estate is wonderful.  I haven’t got the chance to explore it fully, but I love the run-down look to the palace.  It actually looks like an old version of the estate we all know.  I’m curious about the statue missing its arm and head in the middle of it.
Yui.  Yui, Yui, Yui.  I love her.  I feel like she’s the rebellious type that Nea would look up to.  I haven’t had the chance to read all of her lore, but I adore that she’s the first character in DBD that we actually see the second she enters the Fog, reflected in her goggles during her race.  She’s also one of the first we’ve seen to have an antagonistic response to seeing a killer for the first time, especially given that her killer is a giant samurai demon.  Her perks are amazing as well, and we can now pick pallets back up.  Does that have a limit, or can you do it so long as a pallet isn’t broken?
The Oni.  Ohhhhh my goooodddddd The Oni.  At first, I wasn’t really sure what to think about two of the killers being related in any way.  All of us were dreading the idea that they’d actually bring Rin’s father into it, but I think they went pretty well with bringing in Kazan.  He’s huge, he’s broken as hell, but I love him.  His speed is already ridiculous and he walks so fast when he carries you.  I can’t imagine how fast he goes with Agitation.  I love his power, though it gets a little annoying being able to see the blood orbs coming out of you as a survivor.  I feel like that would be a real problem to people who run No Mither, though Kazan is just a problem to people who run No Mither.  He’s literally the demon of wrath and I adore him.  His power mixes that of Michael and Bubba, one-shotting you if he hits you, but sprinting in one direction, so at least you can dodge him.  Much like how unnerving it is when you can hear Demo in the distance roaring when he hits you, it’s equally if not more unnerving to hear Kazan yell in rage when he powers up.  It’s one of those “Oh god oh fuck where is he oh no” kinda situations.  Really well done.
Overall, I’m happy with Kazan and Yui.  I feel it in my monsterfucker soul.
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Who’s Your Boyfriend?
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“I’d gladly take Alister over Duke.”
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