#OK so not to be a scholar of that fandom but it's really tiny and at some point I read everything in the tag and then reread my faves
biorg · 6 months
Reading a fic which I think is plagiarizing another fic
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randomlynormalgirl · 4 years
wandavision episode 9 thoughts
- I was stressed the whole time but I really liked it. some parts felt a bit rushed but ultimately it was a nice ending
- the contrast between the battle between agatha and wanda compared to hex!vision and white vision just talking in the library like old scholars was hilarious
- wanda was deffo trying to get her children back in that end credit scene and i wanna know what happened to white vision
- I think it’s cool that Monica is literally being called up to space now that she can glow like they said in captain marvel
- wanda maximoff is a bad bitch and i love her
- wanda’s new outfit?? bitch i am LIVING
- I’m happy that Jimmy, darcy and Monica are okay
- evan peters being cast as a big boner joke was a punch to the gut at first but now i think its kinda funny and in line with evan peters as a person. he probably took the job based on that
- I’m sad about the twins and vision tho :( i really was an idiot for thinking they would survive the hex closing, especially the kids i got so attached
- no bc the whole scene where the hex closed was so sad I genuinely teared up, especially knowing that billy knew what was going on bc of his powers and still put on a brave face for his family. stg if they showed them ‘dying’ for lack of a better word i would have balled my eyes out
- so now i feel super guilty for not giving a shit about vision in infinity war but now it’s all i’ll be able to think about when i watch aou, cacw and iw
- marvel really did miss a trick though by not having ‘as the world caves in’ playing over that song because then i really would have been balling like a lil bitch
- apparently some fans are angry with the finale bc it didn’t live up to the theories they had in mind and they feel swindled? the only reason you’re upset is bc you wasted time on a dead end theory and that’s ok lmao get over it. It’s not the shows fault that you raised your own expectations by creating convoluted theories and ideas based off little Easter eggs yk
- sometimes Easter eggs don’t mean anything except a nod to the fans like an inside joke yk and the people that take it so seriously just ruin it for themselves and it can be so harmful, i mean we’ve seen what happens in the star wars fandom
- at the end of the day this series was about wanda and vision and their story and showing wanda’s grief and trauma and exploring their dynamic as a couple. this show wasn’t meant to introduce things like mephisto or split open the multiverse or bring in the x men or fantastic four. kevin feige even said that in the disney + shows nothing too major will happen/be revealed because he knows a lot of fans will still only watch the movies. it is your fault as the viewer for getting your hopes up so high and believing all rumours and reading into tiny details that lead to you being so disappointed, even though nothing was promised to you
TL:DR the finale was good, and a good end to this section of wanda’s arc and was great for setting up some major aspects of phase 4 and I’m super excited to see what marvel does next, especially with fatws and the Loki series
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todokori-kun · 7 years
ehehehehehe I’m sure you’ll get over it :) (but you won’t, really. I should probably go and make sure you don’t have any sharp objects in your possession.)
Don’t be upset! *hugs* not until you listen to ‘Words Fail’, 'I am damaged’ and watch Civil War + Thor 2, at least…
I read the chapter! One of the things that immediately stood out to me was Shuu’s design, because it really shows how much it’s changed since the first series (he looks so pretty(?) now. Look at those eyes (down for the count and I’m drownin’ in 'em)).
As for Naki, my boy. The moment I saw him using a freaking PROVERB I think I teared up a little.
But obviously, the one thing he will never learn is Shuu’s name.
And that ending…since it’s the 'king’ it should be Ken, right? But if it is, there’s definitely something wrong (I mean just look at the last panel). When did he get back? Where’s Touka? What has he been doing? I mean, from the spoilers, some fans were guessing that was actually Arima and that’s possible now with the whole 'bring back the dead’ thing, but I don’t think it’s him. For one thing, Arima’s story had a heartbreaking ending, but it was satisfying…it was a clean, simple conclusion. I feel like it wouldn’t be a good idea to mess that up, since it would just makes things that much more complicated. It would also be cruel to Arima because COME ON, he chose his own death because that was the best option for him and he died happy! WHY would you make him do it all over again?!
And weirdly, this chapter is like 'lol Touken? what Touken?’ like the last few chapters never happened. Not sure how to feel about that XD
Also Kou is adorable and if Ishida hurts him I don’t know what I’ll do.
yeah, I do know that 'Aishiteru’ is such a powerful phrase that even married couples hesitate to use it ^^ I just wanted something to compare it to. Apparently Saiko’s 'I love you’ was the same 'I love you’ she uses with the rest of the Q squad…? Idk if that’s 100% accurate though.
OTL that freaking scene…
'Ravenclaw or Slytherin’ ^^ hahaha…ehehehehehehe…the thing is…
King Evans, bringer of angst, breaker of feels, mighty lord of the tragic OTPs, is 98% Hufflepuff. The other 2% is probably Ravenclaw.
MY HEART. Queen Luna…
Ronald and Evans would have the most casual relationship- in public, if they didn’t bother to make it obvious, people would probably think they were just BFFs.
Marco is honestly the best option tbh (he IS freckled jesus after all). Thank you so much for that <3
Vitya is a darling. His PDA would probably embarrass me a lot though haha
You said 'Steve might not be a good choice’, dunno if that’s a typo or not LOL honestly I’m not sure who I’d like as an s/o from the MCU… I mean, Loki is one of my favorites but I would NOT want to date him under any circumstances (dude tried to commit genocide in Thor 1 by killing every single Frost Giant…probably because of his self-loathing about being one himself). And like I said, though I really relate to Bruce, we’d probably just be like 'I’m so anxious’ 'You are? I’m totally anxious too’ 'I’m anxious about you being anxious’ and so on and so forth…
Wanda (Scarlet Witch) seems like the kind of person I’d get along well with though, since we’re pretty similar personality-wise but Wanda seems less sensitive than me and a bit more outgoing/willing to take charge. The reason I picked the Captain is because of out of all the avengers we have the most similar beliefs (I can talk like a nihilist at times but at the end of the day I’m probably Team Cap) and he’s got the nicest personality.
YAS another Joker fan! I thought we were extinct ;-; Luna/Joker sounds cute but Luna/Soma sounds absolutely adorable.
-“I like cute animals,”
-You (sort of) regret those words when Soma gets you a baby elephant for your birthday
-He doesn’t get how you can study so many things and concentrate on all of them. He’s not sure how to feel about it either, because he thinks you’re awesome and calls you a true scholar (he’s just so proud “Ciel, YOUR girlfriend may be a fencing prodigy but MY girlfriend is a genius!” “Well-” “What’s that? I can’t hear you over the sound of how amazing she is!”), but then he doesn’t understand how you don’t get bored of all those things, and he’s kind of jealous that it takes up so much of your time.
-jealous soma=pouty soma asking Agni and Ciel for love advice
-his nickname for you is 'princess’
Armin/Luna is one of the new OTPs
-though you’re an introverted couple you’re both willing to speak up for each other when it’s needed
-Armin loves to tell you stories about the world outside the walls and you often look at the picutres in his books together, making up wild and crazy theories about what’s out there
-Eren approves
-Mikasa gives you The Talk
-'I have two functioning blades and dozens of titans waiting outside. Hurt him and no one will ever find your body’
-Of course he wants to skate with you. If you already know he’s overjoyed and loves to have friendly competitions/races, and if you don’t he’s happy to teach you. He’s very sweet about it (until you realize he’s been taking pictures of your 'progress’ throughout the entire lesson)
-Phichit FLOODS his instagram with pictures of you and him together 'Look at this goddess’ 'Me and my bae’ 'Georgi’s jealous’
-In fact he just rambles about you on social media to the point where everyone decides that either he’s lost it or this Luna person is, in fact, a goddess
-Phichit also has a tumblr so he quickly becomes a part of the constant fandom discussions between Luna and Evans
-expect a ton of Hamilpuns
-Evans third wheels like a pro
Oh I Ken totally Hide (sorry)
YES those are also some of my favorites parts! (Thor is very disappointed with his little bro. Though I have to say, it’s a bit like
Loki: “I am a strong, independent frost giant who don’t need no Odin. Go home yourself.”
Thor: “Ok.
Ah, you’ll get to see Loki’s softer side in Thor 2…prepare for the feels. Also, I do recommend you watch Thor 1 sometime. You may already know the plot but Thor 1 is the only movie we actually get see Loki before he turned into a complete and utter mess. He was actually a nice guy before the daddy issues…I was planning not to watch the first movie either but after watching it I’m glad I did.
Yeah, I don’t think you have to watch anything other than the ones you’ve listed, since those seem to be the ones most involved with the main, running plot (the Infinity Stones).
Also, idk if you’ve heard, but the post-credit scenes matter A LOT in marvel movies so I suggest you try to watch all of those :)
I think I’ll try BHA if I get the time ^^ it’s easier to get into that than Love Live in Korea. Manga is more common than anime over here unless the anime in question is really popular
Don’t worry, I’ll have you sobbing over them soon enough :)
And I suppose you’re talking about the Hamilton Believer PV? I look forward to your reaction! :D Mine was to sob and then start screaming the lyrics all over the place
I love pretty much all the Loki gifs. Like, look at them:
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Also, that knife gif. When I search ‘Loki’ in gifs, most of the results are that one. I understand why, though. I mean, dayum,
Oh I’m sure I’ll get over it once I’m deep enough into the fandom. And I’m slowly, but surely getting there :)))
I loved Shuu in the new chap! I was like ‘oh la la the gourmet has returned, finally’.  The chapter does raise a lot of questions, though. I mean, who’s the king? What’s happening to the world? Kaneki? Touka? ANYONE?
When Naki started talking my reaction was ‘slow down, kid’. I’m so prout T^T
I don’t want it to be Arima. He finally found peace (in death, tho), so let him have he’s peace. He deserves it. We’ll just have to wait a week until we know, I guess. There better be some good explanations in the next chapter!
Well, I guess we’ll never know. Unless I somehow find a raw. Then, I guess I could at least see which form she uses. It’s a mystery, though, and I really want to know what she used.
You what. Hufflepuff? Nah, can’t be. Feel murderers don’t go into  the house for cinnamon rolls (but, then again, you are a cinnamon roll with an evil side).  Ever heard of hybrid houses? Yeah, I think you belong to one of those. 
Yeah, of all the character you’ve chosen, I’d say Marco is the best for you because he’d always be able to calm you down and make you laugh when you’d need it. It’d be the most adorable relationship ever and I’d be that stalker friend who’d secretly take pictures of the two of you together and would try to get you together before you’d confess. 
Yeah, that was a typo. I mean to say ‘Steve would be a good choice’.  I think the two of you would make a cute pair. Like, he’s a huge sweetheart and somewhat old fashioned. My new OTP is forming....
Ah, you and Loki might be cute, actually. I mean, once you’d open up and let your sass out, he’d be like ‘I like this mortal’. I must admit, though, I think Steve would be just a tiny bit better choice...?
The second I saw Joker, I was like ‘he’s my new problematic fave’. And then he died. And I cried. Then I heard the dub and almost threw my phone out of the window because they ruined his voice. I know he’s not the youngest person ever but he sounds like he’s in his 40s or something. 
Souma is the purest cinnamon roll in the series. I have no idea why some people dislike him so much. Sure, he’s oblivious and a tiny bit annoying at times, but he’s a nice person and does his best. NOt to mention what happened in the recent chapters. He definitely deserves more love :)))
Armin and Luna would have reading dates 90% of the time. Also, random glomping from my side because he’s too adorable.  But something I found out recently: he’s also ripped. Like, damn. It might be a consequence of his new... condition, but still.
Evans would never be a third wheel. In fact, I’m sure Luna would ditch Phichit every once in a while to talk to you hahah  Tbh, from YoI, I’m not sure I’d actually date anyone, but if I had to, Phichit would be my top choice. 
I am proud to say that I stayed up until 3:30am, binging on all the Avengers fics I could find and came to the conclusion that Loki is number 1 after all. Thor is nice and all, but I think I would get a tiny bit fed up with his constant obliviousness. Also, Jane.  And a lot of the fics described Loki as a huge bookworm, however I’m not sure if it’s fanon or canon. Either way, I like it hahah Also, imagine the sass battles. I’m 100% sure everyone would be fed up with us hahah
I am going to get all the feels during Thor 1 and 2, aren’t I?
Actually, from the ones that aren’t one the list, I only haven’t watched the Hulk, but I know what happens.
One of my friends is a huge fan of MCU and constantly yells about the post credit scenes, so i’ll definitely remember ^^
Oh, I see! LL has a mobile game, though ;) Your choice!
I almost cried over believer. It really does fit well ^^
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