bearenjoyers · 4 months
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yappacadaver · 9 months
hoping to dream of sucking that man's soul out through his dick gn everyone
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leolaroot · 2 years
oh god I think I found out why tumblr thinks I want to see Harry Potter posts.
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cinamun · 9 months
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OKAAYYYYYYY I'm done but damn the full circle is full circlinggggggggg
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moonysfavoritetoast · 7 months
it’s gonna be okay guys
i’m just pissy because i got 4 hours of sleep
it’s okaayyyyyyy
i need to play deltarune
it’s okaayyyyyyyyyyy
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raedas · 7 days
hellooooo how is it going !!
HIII TIAAA!!!! its going okaayyyyyyy..... the stress is trying to get me evilstyle. but we persevere! hyperfixation carrying me also <- thinking about the poppy warrrrrrr
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seullovesme · 7 months
watch you get distracted and then try to blame it on me 🙄
okaayyyyyyy 😒
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thefoolsprocession · 7 months
It’s okaayyyyyyy I’m killing him with hammers in my mind
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n3hmof1sh · 3 months
Btw ab my last ask I am in fact aware it is morning for you idc it’s 11 pm for ME and IM MORE IMPORTANT (/j/j/j) so it is NIGHT for you too now !! /silly /j
Hehehehheh ohhhhh okaayyyyyyy :DDD
IM GETTING READY FOR SCHOOL HELPPPPP (At least I can draw more at school) 💀
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saetoru · 1 year
oKAAYYYYYYY exams are all done for the day. time to do assignments :,) and finish a project :,) and have a meeting :,) what a busy teebee i am today :,)))))))
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
1, 12, 18 for rottnmt? 🥺
THANK U BESTIE. giving so many fun things to think about while im at work ahahah.
1. the character everyone gets wrong
I will say i blame no one its basically a non issue but i do find evil au draxums very funny. Like! he little is a villian he DID want to destory humanity he does have a villain music number. all true. also his turning sides is s2 so. BUT ANYWAY. very funny to have him be like. evil maybe abusive dad type in aus. im sorry the guy who using 2 tiny incompetent gargoyles as henchmen/paldrons... he lets em sleep in the little dog bed..... 🥺. Hes a cartoon villian but hes got offers dental typa guy... imho.
Also personal i think these a tendacy to lean donnies personality too far in any direction. why nerf his autism swag like that... he drinks flavourless juice AND invented the messiest nasty looking sandwich ever. sometimes he does not like touch sometimes he throws his dad into the air to hug him. he has LAYERS.
LAST THING. my bro said to mention gay coded leo cause "im homophobic". jhgfdb. I just didnt read him as particularly more queer coded than his brothers.... theyre ALL a little flamboyant okaayyyyyyy. turtles are lgbtq (what all at once? yes.)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
are there unpopular characters in rise kinda feel... not really. ILL SAY. Casey senior just cause she kinda takes the back seat after movie with casey jr..... do yall understand how many fake outs she was.... you could think shes karai due to being in the foot clan or maybe think shed get mutated into mona lisa (her voice actress played the one in 12!).
BUT NAW! angry bruser, sporty, vigilanty CASEY JONES. I love her..... also that she joins the squad cause SPLINTER. was like. oh a troubled youth... they need guidance. extremely cute. 90s movie splinter moment. based. thing we were robbed of #587. Rise casey and raph BREAKING SHIT together. as fweinds....
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
i really like thinking about the arcs we didnt get to see in unfinshed rest of season 2 and 3.... there was gonna be more mystic stuff, the family actually getting along with draxum more naturally.... GIRL TURTLES (<- dissolves into goo).
i wanna think about it. i wanna think about the raph leo becoming co leaders thing.... the showwww so so so primed for them working together and not having a direct hiercharly system fits cause this is the iteration they designed to be more like a typical family. that why splinter had a career that is not. ninja master. lol, thats why they are different ages (sorry to any quadruplets out there). and after the ages where the childhood developmental stages that are gonna favour the eldest sibling. Most siblings do not have one leader they have to listen to abt shit. [That aint a diss on how other iterations are its just a different essay lol...]
as for something that actually ended up IN the show... fav fav moment makes me cry when every i rewatch or even THINK ABOUT IT. The moment that lets Splinter reconcile the pain that the Hamato clan brought him, with the legacy, intention, and love, it was created with.
Under cut cause its some of the very last stuff that happened in the show.
The moment when Splinter's mom, (had to check ->), Atsuko shows up with the rest of the Hamato ancestors. she puts her hands next to splinter and she looks at him so so fondly and she repeats HIS action movie catch phrase. and THATS the moment Splinter, Hamato Yoshi can like. come to peace about the clans legacy.... Perfect culmination of his arc....
like it PROVES. his whole life the legacy of this clan was what was taking his family AWAY. his mom, probably his grandpa? he was suppose to let his sons GET MARTYRED. he left his family, as they had left him. but as they say anata wa hitori janai.... his mom still saw!!! HIS LIFE. his movies. Sees him as he grew, as a mutant, and the love between family is literally magic that keeps them together. THATS what Karai wanted it to be..... I jsut think we should talk about and the sad rat man healing from generation trauma. MAYBE. Cause he loves his mommy. [finally. A splinter with MOMMY ISSUES/BRICKED]
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andiaquarium-moved · 9 months
im gonna play outsiiiiiide ^_^ send asks while im out okaayyyyyyy i love you
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
okaayyyyyyy either I accidentally deleted an unanswered ask or tumblr ate it, bc one of the things I had(well, two, bc it was someone sending me a “this and/or that” prompt where I was obviously going with AND) is gone >.>
The only way I know this is I wrote all the 👀/touch prompts down to have in one place with a lil note what they were for ones that were just numbers.  So I’m still gonna fill them I just dunno who they were from anymore.
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olgalenski · 1 year
Tatort Zürich - Seilschaft
heute wieder mal am PC statt im Fernsehen aber so lange sich die ARDmediathek weigert mir das unsynchronisiert zu geben muss es halt die srfMediathek sein.
da gabs grad da was er auf englisch gesagt hat mit englische untertiteln liebe ich
oh yum
oh girl mach das doch nich auf
also ich finde ja den Fuß muss ich jetzt nich die ganze zeit sehen aber naja
what the fuck
hab iwie nicht ganz mitbekommen wer diese andere frau da is aber dieses bild wo sie alle 3 vorm wasser stehen gefällt mir sehr
ahh sie is die staatsanwältin stimmt
man merkt der letzte zürich fall ist etwas her...
ääähhh big yikes
hat sie das jetzt gegessen?
ok scheinbar nich
schon wieder boxen. tatort kennt auch keine anderen sportarten ne
das in die luft boxen von tessa als Isabell sie zurückgerufen hat war grad schon maximal süß
ja cool :))))))
ich dachte kurz das die staatsanwältin
wtf ey
was geht hier ab
ach armer noah
joa die autobilder von der toten frau sind dann wohl die verbindung wenn der typi hier mit autos handelt
ja oke dann nehmen wir halt die uhr
okay tessa
das is vergangenheitstrauma? will ich das?
oh hi isabelles freund
aber uhhh good talk
also dieser charlie is schon echt n guter wenn sie so komisch drauf is und er einfach so ja gut dann räum ih jetzt auf
wer is zoe
aber was kann den noah dafür ach tessa
sie will das tessa ihr hilft, aber wenn sie helfen will is es auch nich gut?
ah yikes
alter was das denn für ne scheiß frau. bin schon froh dass sie tot is, hat sie verdient.
waru is die haustür aus glas?
hmmmmmmmm fuck
aber jetzt kann sie ihre schwester gar nich mehr sehen :( warum is sie denn gesprungen? also ja gut dann is sie jetzt nich im gefängnis, aber wär das nich besser, wenn sie ihre schwester dann wieder sehen kann? ach menno
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mikeyswayy · 2 months
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just-dreaming-marvel · 3 months
Okaayyyyyyy so, for TTAL, she doesn’t know that Steve has moved her with him - I think it should cause some minor issues for them for example she would ask him why and he didn’t have to and that he could take care of her even if she was across the hall but Steve being stubborn, he wouldn’t give her any satisfying answer.
I think this whole accident thing made both of them aware of their true feelings for each other - they love each other but on the other hand if I were in reader’s place I would want an open communication with Steve. Like how she would want to continue in this relationship. How she would expect Steve to share his burdens with her like she has done in the past when she was working in the cafe but that doesn’t mean that he would try to use his money on her like he did. And most importantly they need to have a conversation of what happened in the gala. She felt insecure and I get her why she felt the way she did and Steve needs to work hard on that. In a very subtle way, and with open communication he has to make her believe that she is it for him. He needs to treat her as his equal and stop helping her with money unless she asks for it.
It’s getting longer😬 sorry!
I think once she’s all okay and back to walking, he should take her to his house for her to get familiar with the lifestyle he’s brought up in and also introducing her to his friends. Tony paid the bills, and I’m sure reader wouldn’t like it and she would want to return his money. Fair enough, Steve should stay back and let her handle this and once she paid all Tony’s money, he should celebrate her and be proud of her.
I also think at this point, you should give reader a talent or a skill that she can use to make money quicker. Like her event managing skills, she can always volunteer herself in planning an art event for Steve and gets the recognition for it and boom, next thing she's planning all the school events and getting paid for it.
Or perhaps she spends a day with Sarah and they cook and bake and Sarah would encourage her think about having her own business.
its getting longer, i can give you more ideas if you want…
take care B!
This is great!
Please feel free to give more ideas if you would like / if you have them!!
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