chaosinstigator · 4 months
I just realized - it’s not a sprint weekend you guys
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gayf1hoe · 1 month
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Part 6
“MoneyGram Haas F1 Driver Y/N L/N to join Red Bull Racing next season replacing Sergio Perez”
I still can't believe this is real. A few weeks ago my career looked dead and all things were pointing at me joining Williams which would have been suicide given the way they are performing this year. But, out of the blue one day during the week off I got a phone call from my manager saying that Christian Horner had asked to speak to me and within the first 5 minutes of us talking he offered me a Red Bull seat for next year. He said that he had been impressed with my efforts at Haas and that I was the ideal candidate which I'm sure it is a massive blow for drivers like Yuki, Liam and Danny but it wasn't my decision and I can't say I'm annoyed that they picked me, but can already tell there might be some jealousy.
The second it was announced my phone began blowing up with messages and calls from everyone. I am a bit nervous about driving with Max, but I won't be intimidated and as George Russell once said “I'm not going to wave him by because he's Max Verstappen in a Red Bull”.
We are here in Monaco after the Miami Grand Prix where I got P8 and Carlos P11 and Imola where I secured P6 and Carlos P9. The team have brought some major upgrades to Monaco including a new front wing design, a new rear wing and a supposedly stronger monocoque.
“Y/N how is the car?”
“Down force is good but this car is just too big for this circuit”
For many years as Formula 1 has developed there has been much questioning as to whether Monaco should still be on the calendar as the cars have gotten bigger and the track has pretty much remained the same size since the 1950s, a safety car or Red flag is always a possibility here at any point.
In the engineering meeting before Quali there is the usual tense atmosphere but I keep getting distracted by Carlos who keeps messaging me. We have sort of made up and he's only texting me things like:
“This is so boring”
“I can't wait for this to end”
We are on speaking terms but we are nowhere near besties, if anything I'm just keeping my head down for the next 14 races and never looking back at my time at Haas and maybe finally I can save money by stopping the therapy meetings I have had to attend for stress.
There are many reasons as to why I'm sad and happy to leave the team and as I'm sat in the car I look around and see all the engineers that I have got to know so well over my F1 career and realise that I am on my last few races with them. Alex of course gives me the usual fist bump and warm smile. When he found out I was leaving he was the one who was most upset and he promised to try and get a job at Red Bull.
But as I become too transfixed on his light blue eyes I am quickly snapped out of my thoughts:
“Green Light, the car is ready to go”
We wait a few minutes before going out and by this time there's so much traffic on the track and during my first flying lap I encounter a sleeping George just sitting on the track in the way which impedes me and means my lap is only good enough for P16.
“Yep, fucking George was just sitting on the track not looking behind him, that should be a penalty”
“Yep copied we are reporting it"
Thankfully on my second run I didn't encounter a sleeping Brit on the track and my second flying lap put me in P4 seeing me through to Q2. In the interval between Q1 and Q2 we make a few setting alterations and the mechanics do a little dance routine to the songs that are playing in the garage to keep me entertained.
I only manage to pass the pit exit line when I hear:
“Red Flag, Red Flag, Verstappen has had a shunt”
As I pass Max I pray that this isn't a sign as to what my future at the team will be like and if it is I would like to scrap my contract now.
Both me and Carlos make it through to Q3 without much pushing of the car, and with Max out of the session everyone feels a lot calmer. By the end of the session I qualify P3 and Carlos P5 which is probably the closest we have been together on the starting grid all season. Normally one of us is towards the front (normally me) and the other is to the back of the grid.
Me and Carlos agree to go for drinks after qualifying and as we have been seen together in public a lot recently it put people's minds at rest that we don't hate each other despite the accurate rumours that have somehow made their way to the media.
The bar is relatively quiet as you have to be a member to get into and after a while of talking Carlos changes the entire tone of the conversation.
“I have something to say”
“Sure, go ahead”
“Me and lando have started speaking again”
He looks at me as if he's expecting me to have some sort of reaction to it.
“That's great, why are you telling me though?”
“Well I didn't want things to be awkward and for you to be confused if you randomly saw us talking ”
“Whatever you do is your business”
“So are you talking to anyone?”
“No,” I reply.
It's probably the biggest lie I have ever told, I don't really want to tell him I'm seeing a Formula E driver. I just don't see how it's any of his business and I know he told me he's speaking to Lando but I really couldn't care less.
After a while of speaking we head back to our hotel rooms and I rest my phone against the wall as I take a seat at the desk and start a FaceTime call.
It doesn't take long for him to pick up.
“Hey Dan”
“Hi love you were awesome today”
I'm sure the last person people would expect me to be dating is Dan Ticktum. He's quite unpopular, many people say he has personality issues and is a bit of a dick but the people I have dated in the past all had one thing in common, they are dicks, it's just my type obviously which would explain why none of my relationships last.
“Thank you I didn't think you would watch”
“Of course I would watch you. I am meant to support you and plus you watch everything to do with Formula E so it's only fair”
We chat for hours talking about the last 2 days as we haven't been able to speak as we have been so busy. When I attended the Chinese E - Prix I wasn't aware that I would meet Dan and we would end up dating, he came to the Italian Grand Prix after we started dating and he said he enjoyed watching me race but he was also pissed off he never made it to F1 but I assured him that he shouldn't discount himself and to keep on pushing.
I eventually clamber into the bed after coming out of the bathroom from my shower and find a random TV show that I don't even get to watch as I fall asleep as soon as it starts.
In the morning I am awoken by my assistant knocking on the door with my outfit for today that I had sent down to be dry cleaned. The early wake up call isn't something I'm majorly overjoyed by and my groan of annoyance makes it obvious. There's an engineering meeting in 1 hour so I have to rush to the track but as the F2 feature race is taking place the paddock is overwhelmed by a tumultuous sea of people.
“So we have the engineering meeting, some fan engagement and interviews and the race” my assistant informs me.
I take my seat in the engineering room next to my engineer and some other team personnel and don the headset which connects us to specialists back in the factory. To make things much more worse Gene is here and as he owns the team me and Carlos have been told to be on our best behaviour.
“Y/N and Carlos do you have any concerns or questions about this weekend?” The racing director voices.
“If me and Carlos end up next to each other and we are trying to attack the car in front will there be a driver swap or is it just race until you overtake” I ask knowing full well I won't be participating in any driver swap.
“Well we of course will make that decision based on who has the better pace and what position we are fighting for”
I collect my cap and head out the back into the fan area where Haas has invited some fans and given them special access, so me and Carlos spend some time talking with them and signing some stuff all whilst the sound of the F2 cars engines dominate the air.
Monaco has always brought out a lot of pageantry with hundreds of celebrities and fans on the track as we start preparing for one of the most esteemed races in motorsports. I have a lovely view of George (who didn't get a penalty for impeding me in quali) and Lewis, the ex-teammates, in front of me in P1 and P2 and Checo who is in P4 next to me.
“Radio Check”
“It's really hot in here”
“Yep, loud and clear Y/N” my engineer replies.
“A quick compound run down everyone has gone hard apart from Ocon, Tsundoa and Verstappen who have gone soft”
“Thank you for that very precise information, it's greatly appreciated ” I reply with a very strong suggestive undertone.
My eyes dart to the 5 Red lights after the formation lap, concentrating on getting the best start I can.
I get off the line well whereas George encounters some wheel-spin that enables me to pass him. And all is going well until turn 3…
“Red Flag, Ocon and Gasly have shunted they have also collected Zhou with them”
“Copied. Are they all OK?”
“Yep all are fine”
In the pit lane we essentially get a free pit stop and Monaco is the track where you can make the tyres last as you aren't pushing flat out at any point really so your tires can last pretty much for the entire race.
“Y/N just to let you know the restart will be the grid order you started in so we are back down to P3”
“Yep regards to the FIA for making things harder for me”
It's just my luck to make up a place in Monaco and be denied that place after a red flag. It's like the FIA are working against me, but It's not like I've tried to be nice to them or make them like me.
On the restart both Lewis and George have a good start and I can't get ahead of them but I see Carlos coming into my mirror and I have no intention of letting him pass. My engineer must notice as he randomly starts talking in the middle of the turn which is a big no.
“Y/N we want to conserve tyres we are looking at Plan C”
Plan C is running the tires to the end of the race without stopping.
Lap 55 and I'm in second and I have a 12 second gap to Carlos behind and a 0.4 gap to George ahead, Lewis had to retire due to a hydraulic failure. I attempt to overtake George as we approach the Nouvelle Chicane but he defends aggressively and my front right tyre comes off.
“I have a puncture guys”
“Copy, box, box”
Me and George both pit but my stop is quicker as he has to replace his front wing and thankfully there was a massive gap between Carlos and Checo behind and I came out in between the two.
“Y/N we are thinking of boxing Carlos if he pits you will have to give back the space.”
“We didn't discuss that in the meeting”
“We said it would change depending on the situation”
Carlos boxes making me the race leader and having Checo trailing behind me. When Carlos exits the pits he makes numerous attempts to overtake Checo and on much newer tires it's not much of a challenge for him.
“Y/N we have 15 Laps to go. Please return the position”
“Why?” I ask.
“It's would be best for the team if you give back the position”
“You want me to do what's best for the team that screwed me over”
“Y/N I am trying to protect you”
I don't listen and continue to push on. Increasing the gap to 3.1 seconds.
10 Laps to go: “Y/N we need to do it now, if there is a safety car things are going to get really awkward”
8 Laps to go: “The way to do well in this sport is not by yourself it's by playing the team game, please let Carlos by”
4 Laps to go: “Y/N you have proved your point just let him by”
On the last lap I am sick of hearing the constant yapping of my engineer and concede to their demands and let Carlos by at the Nouvelle Chicane, incredibly pissed.
“Yep don't say anything to me or I could be liable to say something I will regret”
As we cross the line the team are hanging over the pit wall cheering both of us on and whilst Carlos drives close to the wall like most drivers do I go to the complete opposite side. Many could argue I'm being petty but willingly letting someone else pass you to win goes against every racer's natural instinct.
“P2, P2 good job”
“Yeah whatever”
I step out the car and head over to the FIA weighing scales and Valtteri comes over to me and says I did the right thing but it doesn't feel like it, because unlike when Valtteri had to follow team orders he was at the top of the standings any way whereas I'm in a mid tier team where every point for me is showing my potential to bigger teams, but I'm off to Red Bull so it doesn't really matter in that sense but my ego is saying otherwise.
In the cool down room I take a seat and watch the race replay making small talk with Checo.
“You were really fast today” Checo comments.
“Thanks you were flying at the restart though” I retort.
After watching the incident between me and George it's clear we are both partly to blame so I hold no bad blood against him.
At the conclusion of the podium ceremony I head over to the reporter who I have been told I must speak to:
Reporter: So good result for the team the first 1-2 in the team's history, how does it feel?
Y/N: It feels pretty good for the team we have somehow gone from being a back marker to being in the fight for a top midfield position.
Reporter: Now the question we are all asking is how has Haas, previously a back marker notorious for having an unreliable car with bad pace, managed to secure such good results this year?
Y/N: It's been a lot of hard work and even this year we have had our struggles, in Imola and Miami we had pace issues and only managed to get a few points which wasn't what we wanted. We have been constantly developing the car and talking with specialist departments. And it has been difficult to improve whilst staying within the FIA cost cap but we have somehow managed to stay on track.
Reporter: Now I'm sure you know what's coming next. The team orders. Do you feel it was unfair to give the position to Carlos?
Y/N: At the end of the day it's racing. I don't see why I should just give up the places just because he's my teammate. The team didn't need to pit Carlos but they wanted to get the fastest lap point as well. In my opinion the team got a little bit greedy for points and that's what caused the conflict. But the team obviously wanted Carlos to get his first win with the team and move him up in the standings.
Reporter: Many people have said your attitude over the race sounds a lot like the way Dan Ticktum in Formula E talks. Now you have seen a lot with him so has he influenced your attitude? And what's your relationship there?
Y/N: Well yes we have spent quite a lot of time with each other but I would say he's explicitly influenced the way I talk or act. In terms of our relationship we are just good friends, we have known each other for 4 weeks and have gone out a lot together and got to know each other very well.
Reporter: Some people would call that dating. Do you disagree?
Y/N: Everyone has their own interpretation.
As usual at the end of the race we have the debrief meeting, some race weekends we do it the next day it just depends on the time the race finishes but as the race has finished in the afternoon we get the joy of sitting through a debrief.
Walking into the room there is a load of data on the screens and Gene is standing at the front with Guenther. After everyone arrives he does a massive speech about how well we have done and made changes from last year and how good it is for Carlos to achieve his maiden win with the team.
“I can't believe they didn't even acknowledge the fact Carlos wouldn't have won if you didn't give the position back” Alex says in a whisper.
At the conclusion of the meeting Guenther asks me to stand behind, I get deja vu from being at school when I would have to stay behind from class more than likely because I fell asleep after being up all night travelling back from a karting race.
“Look I appreciate you eventually following the order but you can't do that again. It's overshadowed Carlos’ first win and with all due you respect you acted like a child”
“I think you forget Guenther I turned down a Sauber offer that would have seen me go to Audi when they join. I turned that down because you practically begged me to stay. I stayed with the team even after a crazy Russian driver drove into me on track and his mad father who was practically threatening to set half the fucking Kremlin officials on me for outperforming his son and you stood by and did nothing because he was the main investor if you had come to me I would have told him to “fuck off” for you. So please don't lecture me about being mature and doing what's best for the team when I have always put this team first despite it giving me nothing in return apart from a very expensive therapist bill, probably being on some Russians's hit list, and a contract termination ”
As I'm packing my bag with my stuff Carlos enters my room holding my folder that I must have left in the garage. Genuther has gone mad at me for losing that thing before as it contains lots of documents about the car, the team and other confidential stuff we don't want other teams getting a hold of.
“Ah thanks you're a lifesaver” I say reaching to grab the folder from his hands, but he retracts his arm.
“Why didn't you tell me that you and Dan Ticktum were dating?” he asks.
I again go to reach for the folder and he moves his arm further back.
“I just didn't see how it's any of your business and before you say that you told me about Lando, I never asked.”
“That's not the reason, it's something different than that.”
“There really no other reason Carlos you are just paranoid”
“There's no reason someone like you would date Dan Ticktum”
“What's that supposed to mean?” I say, raising my voice slightly.
“He's a dickhead who's going to break your heart and you know it, if you want attention you could at least date someone who cares about you at least. Fuck, even Alex would love you more than Dan”
“Carlos just leave”
“Fine but don't say I didn't warn you”
Guenther’s talk and Carlos’ rant has pissed me off so I head back to my hotel and make a few calls to get out of here. We have another week's break before Spain and I intend to just spend it at home. I eventually manage to arrange a flight with the charter company that is sponsoring Haas and make my way to Nice to the private airport.
Before I leave George manages to catch up with me and evidently Carlos has spoken to him by the trajectory of the conversation where he is evidently hinting at something but is too scared to say it outright.
“Are you heading back already?”
“Yeah I just need to spend some time at home”
“Are you OK?” he questions.
“Yes I'm fine” I reply bluntly.
“So you and Dan huh?”
“George, what do you want? All these small talk questions really aren't amusing me?”
“I just want to check you're fine and doing the right thing with Dan?”
“George I am fine and I don't know if I'm doing the right thing with Dan but I'm an adult and I will learn from my mistakes if it isn't right. Now if you don't mind I have to catch a flight”
I was hoping to join a team that would have meant I didn't have to spend so much time in England because the weather is as Bipolar as me. But being with Red Bull means that's not happening.
I feel a sense of relief opening my apartment door that has become kind of stiff to open, elucidating how little time I have to come home.
There is a mountain of junk mail on the floor despite the very clear sign on the door saying no junk mail but apparently the people who work for the post office in the UK can’t read, and my assistant here promised to come by and check my mail but obviously she has been slacking but I don’t really care it's not like anything important comes by post anymore.
It's only early morning so I head straight to bed and the pattering of rain starts hitting the window.
“Great” I sigh, turning over.
I have no idea what I'm going to be doing whilst I'm here but I know I have some legal meetings with Red Bull and Haas regarding contracts which will be a lot of fun. Just kidding, it will be hours of banal meetings listening to tedious talks, from tedious people about tedious things.
I drag myself from my bed and decide to go for a run which is out of character for me but there is nothing more freeing than a run in the rain. I turn my headphones on and started playing a random saved playlist on Spotify. I live really near Silverstone like a 20 minute walk or a 15 minute run at my incredibly slow running pace . As I run past the track I can see some of the grandstands and other features that have been set up for the Grand Prix in a few weeks time.
During my run I happen to spot the same car drive by me 3 or 4 times as I run along one of the main roads but I don't think much of it as it isn't easy to get lost around here so I assume they are just looking for their destination and even when I start heading back home and see the same car I don't think much of it.
As I walk up to my apartment I see my door open and as much as in this situation I'm sure I should turn around and call the police I enter the apartment with the utmost caution. It's empty and nothing has been taken. Not that there's anything to take as all my valuable possessions which are literally my trophies and helmets are stored in a secure unit.
There is a single note on the kitchen side and it says….
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