lecliss · 1 month
Started watching Bastard!! and I'm very pissed to find out Wendee Lee is voicing yet another black woman. Like I know she wasn't publicly racist until the (failed) Yoruichi recast last year and this came out in 2022 but like, I don't wanna fuckin hear her ever again after that.
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My Definitive Ranking Of All 21 Confidants in Persona 5 (yep it’s a list you just gotta deal)
Persona 5 has some of the best characters in any game I've ever played. Over the 100 hours spent in the game, a lot of these characters are significantly fleshed out and you feel a genuine bond with them. Some not so much. So, because the world needed it so much, here is my official 100% accurate ranking of all those characters. No debate needed. This is the only ranking you will ever need. Enjoy.
21 Yuuki Mishima
Mishima seems to think that just because he figured out that you were a Phantom Thief that he is entitled a spot in your friend group.No. GET YOUR OWN FRIENDS MISHIMA. There are plenty of characters less interesting than Mishima, but none that annoyed me more. It may be completely unjustified, but I just need him out of my life. More specifically, I need him out of my hotel room in Hawaii. Go home, Mishima. No one wants you here.
20 Toranosuke Yoshida
The main issue that afflicts the majority of the people at the bottom of the list is dullness and being underdeveloped. Yoshida happens to be the former. Maybe it's just because I'm young and ignorant, but when I'm trying to save the world from its inevitable ruin, I'm not really all that interested in a disgraced politician. Call me simple minded.
19 Chihaya Mifune
Now we come to the underdeveloped. Although it must be said that Chihaya could have had an amazing storyline that I just didn't see, as her character was so one note and uninteresting that I became equally uninterested in what was going on with her and I didn't pay a whole lot of attention. So I apologize if I've missed an amazing character, but she should have made a better impression sooner.
18 Shinya Oda
I have little feelings towards Shinya. He's a little higher on the list due to his storyline being a bit sympathetic but there isn't really much to his character other than the fact that he's a kid who's good at a video game. I was invested in making sure that he got fed, but that's about as far as it goes.
17 Munehisa Iwai
I am currently holding a bit of a grudge against Iwai at the minute, as he was the only confidant I didn't manage to max out on my new game plus run, basically meaning I wasted about an extra 70 hours BUT HEY. That's not his fault. He also suffers from side character dullness, but he gets bumped up the list a bit because we had a lot of weird dates together that I'll never forget. What other game allows you to go to the planetarium and an all you can eat buffet with a yakuza member? In Persona 5, even the boring characters have something to offer. Some more than others.
16 Igor
There isn't really much to say about Igor to be honest. Of all the people on this list, he’s the one you have the least opportunity to get to know, but there's just something about him. Maybe it's his nose? Or perhaps the eyebrows? Either way, I like his style and he managed to crawl up a few spaces.
15 Haru Okumura
We arrive at another character who took a little while to grow on me. Originally I thought she was just as boring as Makoto, but at least Haru has some semblance of a personality. She's awfully sweet and her storyline is very sympathetic. She struggles under the weight of her responsibility to run a company, and is conflicted by her arranged marriage to a man she has no interest in. I felt genuinely invested in making sure she was okay and safe, even if her metaverse outfit is a bit dumb. Nobody's perfect.
14 Ichiko Ohya
If you're not familiar with Ohya, just imagine a really incompetent Jessica Jones and you're pretty much there. Meaning, she's drunk all the time. She drinks away the guilt she harbours from losing her best friend on the job, but she still remains a fierce journalist who doesn't crack under pressure and is determined to find out the truth. She just happens to smell like gin while she's doing it.
13 Sae Niijima
Sae is cool in the most normal way that you'll find in Persona 5. She's a prosecutor, working against against all odds to become the top in her field. She may have been working slightly against us in the beginning, but she was a formidable foe; working with an open mind and a level head, she eventually began to believe our stories about our time with the Phantom Thieves. Sae is rad without needing a cool outfit (@Makoto) and we should all be more like her.
12 Makoto Niijima
I'm not even going to apologise. Makoto just barely made it above her much more impressive sister, and the only reason she did is because her whole deal in the metaverse is pretty badass. However, and let me say this loud for you Makoto, just because your persona is a motorcycle, DOES. NOT. MAKE. YOU. THE BOSS. Once she joins your team, every plan comes from her, even though I am the leader of the Phantom Thieves. I have tried really quite hard to understand why everybody loves Makoto so much. I even romanced her on my second playthrough so I could get a different perspective on her. It helped nothing. I really tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, but anywhere outside of the metaverse, she is dull and boring. Number 1 Waifu she is not, I'm afraid.
11 Hifumi Togo
Before Futaba came along, I was all set to romance Hifumi. To be fair I felt she was the best of a bad bunch, but let that not detract from her good qualities. She's a shogi master (or at least she thinks she is), and yet she still struggles with something that a lot of us can identify with: she is desperately trying to live up to her mother's unachievable high expectations. All Hifumi wants is to play shogi, and when she plays shogi, she plays shogi. She's a bit crazy but we love her anyway, and there's no one else I’d rather play shogi in a church with. Now just to figure out what shogi actually is…
10 Morgana
What would a JRPG be without a resident weird humanoid animal thing? Mediocre, that's what. Morgana is an integral part to the whole structure of the game, in more ways than one. Without him, our character would have no idea about how anything works in the Metaverse. Yes, he can be literally the most irritating presence on the planet whenever I'm trying to go out and Morgana is telling me to go to bed (YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME MORGANA), but deep down I know he's doing it out of love. Sometimes I wish Morgana loved me a little less but hey, you can't pick your family.
9 Goro Akechi
Okay, look. I know what you're thinking. Akechi is a little bit problematic. I know this. But he's just so adorable before all that! That's pretty much that only reason I have for having him so far up the list. His little face in his character profile is just so cute that you can't help but love him. Also the way he yells ‘PERSONAAAAAAGHHHH’ is badass and I can't hear it enough times. I forgive the Ace Detective of all crimes he has committed.
8 Futaba Sakura
A couple of months ago, Futaba would most likely have topped my list. She was the first girl I romanced in Persona 5. I had spent the whole game waiting for someone to come along and sweep me off my (digital) feet. It was beginning to look like I was going to have to settle with Hifumi- and then Futaba came along. She was a hacker and a gamer: my perfect waifu. Her romancing scenes are very sweet and I remained enamoured with her throughout my whole playthrough. After playing new game plus that changed. I went in with the intention of romancing someone different, and boy is Futaba different without those rose tinted glasses on. Her inability to do anything on her own is, while understandable, it's frustrating at best. She's still pretty high on the list though, as I'll never forget our time together, and also she's saved me countless times during combat that she will forever be elevated to God tier in the Metaverse. I owe her a debt I can never repay.
7 Tae Takemi
I won't lie to you. A lot of Takemi’s charm and appeal lies in her character design. The idea of a cool, punk rock doctor who supplies us with our own extreme healing products is great. Even better is that she's got the attitude to match. Confident in her skills but still dating enough to go rogue and have you be her guinea pig for new medicines she's developing, Takemi is a doctor you would want as a friend, but DEFINITELY not treating you. Unless you enjoy drinking mysterious liquids and passing out for hours on end. In which case be my guest.
6 Sadayo Kawakami
Ah, Kawakami. She sure does have it rough. Teacher by day, maid by night, she's a very sympathetic character, although she may not start out that way. At first glance she just seems like your typical extremely incompetent teacher- which she is. However the deeper into her storyline you go, the more you start to understand why she is the way she is. She ends up being quite a sweet person, not to mention her skills enable you to have more of the most important resource in Persona 5: time. Coincidentally, that's the one thing it takes for her to grow on you. Just give her a couple of days, and you'll learn to love her for who she is. A hot mess.
5 Sojiro Sakura
I don't think it’s an overstatement to say that the entire plot of the game would not have happened if not for Sojiro. For some unexplained reason, he agrees take in our main character who has just been put on parole, and it's that act that eventually brings our whole crew together. Even when he discovers that he has a phantom thief right under his roof, he sticks by you and even lets you hold meetings right there in his café. He goes from standoffish jerk to ‘dad we never had’ in a beautiful transformation that is one of the best progressions of a relationship in the game. If it wasn’t for his curious combination of coffee and curry for breakfast every morning, there's no way we could have completed our rehabilitation and saved the world from ruin. Sojiro literally saved the entire world (don't question it he totally did).
4 Ann Takamaki
Of all the characters on this list, Ann is the one that surprised me the most. She's pretty, blonde and a model. In video games, TV, movies; these things tend to be a placeholder for a personality, so really I expected nothing more from Ann: and boy did she prove me wrong. She is kind, loyal and is extremely strong willed. She suffered through sexual harassment at the hands of her teacher, her best friend's attempted suicide, and the her career as a model being sabotaged by a spiteful competitor. Through it all, however, she remains a positive force on the team and one of your characters closest friends from beginning to end. We all deserve someone like Ann in our lives.
3 Yusuke Kitagawa
Yusuke is another character that I love purely because every conversation with him is golden, particularly when leveling up your relationship with him. Throughout his journey to find himself as an artist, I joined him at an art exhibit, a romantic boat ride on a lake, and I posed as our Lord and Savior himself Jesus Christ on the crucifix as a way to inspire the creativity within Yusuke. Some may say that Yusuke’s best quality is his voice, but those people simply can't appreciate what he brings to the table and I simply have no time for them. He is a rare flower and I will defend him at every given opportunity.
2 Caroline and Justine (The Wardens)
Before starting my new game plus playthrough, these girls wouldn't have even been on this list, because I had no idea that they were even confidants until my second time around. The way you level up your confidant ranking with them is by fusing personas with a certain ability, per their request. The only thing I dislike about that is that you don't get to spend as much time with them as I'd like. They are both as entertaining as they are enigmatic, and though it may seem strange to have them so high up, everytime I brought them a new persona, they stole a little bit more of my heart. By force. They demanded I give it to them. But it still counts all the same.
1 Ryuji Sakamoto
I don't care what anyone says, this game would not be half as interesting or funny without Ryuji in it. There are a lot of people who would probably put Ryuji last on this list, due to his loud nature and penchant for yelling in public about how you and all your friends are the Phantom Thieves. But that's all part of his charm! Ryuji owes a lot of his likeability to his voice actor, Max Mittelman, as he somehow manages to be comically over the top while still remaining believable for his character. There are multiple times during the game where you'll have to pick who to hang out with at certain story moments, with the intention really being that you hang out with the girl you're romancing, but every single time I chose Ryuji. Every situation with him is comedy gold. Ryuji will forever be my number 1, and nobody will ever change my mind on that.
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derpynews · 7 years
Season Seven in Review
  MLP Season 7 In A Nutshell – Complete by dm29
Well, that was a fun ride! While a lot of attention was placed on the Movie (and of leaks and other countries jumping ahead of the US schedule), Season Seven was a step up from the previous season. It was also unique in that the comics were tied-in more closely to the events of the show from Issues 51-53 (“From the Shadows” Arc) to the Legends of Magic series. Everything got tied up in a neat little package called “Shadow Play”. Oh, and we finally got to see Starswirl the Bearded, Rainbow Dash’s parents, and Applejack’s parents. I showed my hand a bit after the “Shadow Play” review on what was best an what was not, but here’s the full list from 25 down to 1:
25. Triple Threat: After two great episodes for Spike in Season Six, this episode reminded me of a Brady Bunch episode where Peter double-booked dates and he’s going out of his way to not have one see the other.
24. Not Asking for Trouble: Much like “Party Pooped,” this episode came down on the Yaks and how they absorbed the lesson in the end about asking for help. The comic that followed about Pinkie being an honorary yak was a bit better.
23. Marks and Recreation: A little switch from what I put down in the “Shadow Play” review upon further review. Rumble was being too much of a jerk in this one.
22. Honest Apple: This reminded me of an old Monty Python saying, “I don’t know much about art, but I know what I like.” That fits AJ to a T here when it comes to fashion.
21. Rock Solid Friendship: Here we have an example of Pinkie at her worst. Luckily, Starlight and Maud manage to hold things up in this one.
20. Forever Filly: Two words best describe this one: Helicopter Sister
19. Hard to Say Anything: I hope they are not typecasting Vincent Tong as a waifu thief. The song duel got very cringeworthy.
18. Daring Done?: Good lesson, but scene setup is too predictable even by this show’s standards.
17. Uncommon Bond: Sunburst was a little too inconsiderate of Starlight in this one.
16. A Flurry of Emotions: Twilight could have saved herself a bit of trouble by either delegating some of her duties to Spike and/or paying more attention to Flurry Heart.
15. A Health of Information: Fluttershy was a little too disturbing in this one. This was her “Applebuck Season”.
14. To Change A Changeling: This is where Starlight’s impulses are not a good thing, though her dynamic with Trixie was good here as was Pharynx.
13. Secrets and Pies: Rainbow did not have to overcomplicate things in making up with Pinkie. She also did not have to be so dishonest, either.
12. Campfire Tales: This episode initially set up the Legends arc for the show while the comics preceded it a bit. Just a nice sequel to “Sleepless in Ponyville”.
11. Fame and Misfortune: There are lessons here for both show staff and for fans however harsh they may be. The town ponies were too harsh in this one.
10. All Bottled Up: It was a funny episode. There were just nine episodes that were better than this one.
9. Fluttershy Leans In: I still enjoyed this episode a lot. I still say Fluttershy is in the right here. This is that Monty Python saying done a little better than in “Honest Apple”.
8. Celestial Advice: This was a good way to start the season with some focus on Celestia for once and a nice follow-up and breather to “To Where and Back Again”.
7. Discordant Harmony: Discord hasn’t been the best in single-part episodes (“Dungeons and Discords” an exception), but he was much better in this one with Fluttershy reminding him of how chaotic he is.
6. It Isn’t the Mane Thing About You: If you suspected Season Seven was slacking off a bit, in comes Rarity and this episode to pick things up.
5. Parental Glidance: We meet Rainbow’s parents for the first time and they were quite the cards, but Scootaloo is the MVP of this episode.
4. Once Upon A Zeppelin: If “A Flurry of Emotions” didn’t do as good a job of showing that Twilight needed to balance duty to others and duty to herself and family better, this one did. Everypony in top form here.
3. A Royal Problem: A few episodes delivered on what fans were hoping for such as this episode focused on Celestia and Luna. This episode had everything except a song and it was still the third best episode of this season.
2. Shadow Play: This was an outstanding way to tie everything up this season and with the comics. It also sets up the potential for future storylines for the show if it wants to. That’s something for a show in its seventh season.
1. The Perfect Pear: While a Celestia/Luna episode was something much cdesired. One about Applejack’s parents was even more so. This episode went above and beyond all expectations for it and it is still the highest-rated episode on IMDB. Need I say anymore?
So that was Season Seven. I already mentioned the top five songs in the season—which were the only ones this season. Here are the top ten character debuts in the season:
1. Pear Butter 2. Bright Mac 3. Grand Pear 4. Pharynx 5. Starswirl the Bearded 6. Mage Meadowbrook 7. Somnambula 8. Bo Hothoof 9. Windy Whistles 10. Burnt Oak
Other Unofficial Awards this Season:
Most Surprising Return: Iron Will
Best of the Mane Six this Season: Twilight
Best Parents: Applejack’s
Lingering Question of the Season: How were Rainbow’s parents allowed to bring a cannon and fireworks to the Wonderbolts show?
Best non-Mane Six Character of the Season: Starlight Glimmer
Something I Thought I Would See in Season Seven, But Didn’t: Chrysalis (let alone her planned revenge)
Final Thought of Season Seven: This show has a lot of life in it, yet!
See you in Season Eight!
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