thestirringpot · 2 years
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if i misinterpreted anything just yell at me but other than that!! thank you for letting me draw her!! AAAAA (
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Rewatching Firebringer :)
Drum go badumbadumbadummm
Girls go eeeeeeeeeeeee
Her dancing when they say “just as they will”
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I love her so much
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Mmmm babies
She’s so pretty..look at her all confidence and leaderishness
I like how they avoid saying Smelly Balls name just for the joke
*lifts her leg* dancing
Every time I see Tiblyn I get sad lol
Yas Jemilla 💃
Emberly my precious girl
He’s so mad awww
IT SPEAKS CHORN SPEAKS (or sings or whatever)
Ducker my dude chill
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Cue Molag..the lier we love
I want to hear tales of the War Master
Tiblyn babyyyy you deserve the world
Most relatable panic face I’ve ever seen
I love when they just stop mid sentence like nope not yet.
*Stops the music*
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*breaks into song*
the way she clings to the air ahhhhhhh I love Lauren Lopezzzzzz
Lets be honest Keeri and Zazz were cute
“I’ll reinvent the human race, and shove it in Jamilla’s face“ best line
the sun slander in this musical is astronomical. ok bye
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IS SHE WRONG. WE MAKE STUFF SO WE CAN DO LESS STUFF. YAY (its more complicated than that i know but like shmer)
Part 1 of Keeri adopting stuff
WELCOME TO THE STONE AGEEEEE (ft Keeri in the background trying to figure out of she’s going to die)
I need context for SM thinking a lion befriended a baby piglet....please
SB encountering any adversity “cOwArD aahhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”
Chorn=Groot Chorn=Alien Deity Groot=Alien Deity
The squirrel tie... Shwoopsie murdered Peanuts’ family and now he reigns supreme in Hatchetfield waiting to exact his revenge on humanity.
Tyblin deserves the love of aN Alien Deity and aN angry caveman. She deserves it all.
*casually lays hand flat on rock waiting for magic hand touching moment of romance* *falls in love* *freaks out and tries killing him* *sing a song*
so wait is it moss?
*cue sad music*
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“I’m like the rabbit“ I can’t breath
They’re so cute.
Duckers voice, he’s def high on something.
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I want to know all the tribe members backstories.
“Don’t be mean to Lauren“ no truer words have been spoken.
snarl is so scary, tell me all a-f*cken bout him
so elegant. so refined.
Jaime needs to sing more, so does Brian, and I want to see Tiffany again.
nom nom
Zazz right there is me on my period. And that quick getting up when you hear something atrocious that angers your very soul. yea.
*angrily kisses*
Tyblinnnnnnnnnnnnnn my girll ahhhhh
I love Jamilla.
the songs in this musicalll
hahah “time is frozen naowww”
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so wait Chorn disappeared cuz she was in her spaceship shooting lazers to make fire...whats SB excuse.... dun dun dunnn
“not quite sure how“ me.
starkid is blessed with song.
“stops the music“
would u look at that... the power is getting to her head and she’s doing what Jamilla used to do...I’m sure someone analyzed the f*ck out of this musical. I’m too lazy to find it or create my own cohesive thoughts tho.
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“I did it for you Zazzalil“...foreshadowing their romance??? tbh I wish there was more, maybe they could have made her controlling seem more protective than bossy.
Me when Covid happened and I moved away
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*cue the beautiful boi Clark*
and THATS how Jamilla died, she followed a stranger and got eaten.
they’re so cute.
*sigh* oh Grant
Grant is precious and must be protected
he’s so cuteee
i thought the cat meant something else when i first saw it but ok...
“she doesn't even go here“
Grant noooooo
are you okay SB?
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see. i love her. so. yea.
what if i tried something new and it
When Chorn is mad at you you know you did a Shwoopsie.
I want to be held in Clarks warm embrace when I doom my society.
so the Watchers with a Thousand Eyes are also the Neanderthals who all married Jamilla and the slaves of Blinky,,,, okay
I want Clark to get rid of the people in my life that I don’t like...
I want a family that makes sparkle sounds and glow every time they leave a room.
He a soft murder boi.
Keeri adopting things part 2
the offstage voice that sings is the best thing known to man.
can someone draw Grant with arm feet?
*sings with a heavenly voice, claims it isn’t God*
Wait I want to know what they are saying on the ground....
That proposal is actually amazing like yea we don’t agree but like what I gave you a chance? and it’s cuteeee
Uno Reverse Card
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squeee, that was nice.
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shipitrealgood · 5 years
Rizumo Week 2020 Day 3: Wedding
If you expected me not to be super late with this one too, then you don’t even know me. But I tried to make this one more romantic (which my brain struggled to write), so hopefully that helps take the sting out of it!
Rin tugs at the starched white collar of his button-up shirt, groaning loudly as sweat trickles down his temples. “Man, it’s boiling out here,” he whines, trying desperately to flag down one of the many waiters carrying pitchers of ice water.
His companion jabs him in the side, seeming to only get more irritated when he yelps loudly in response. “Pipe down,” Izumo hisses, “we can’t draw attention to ourselves.”
He rubs his side. “Yeah, yeah, Shura’s orders…”
“No, you idiot. This is their day. They should get all the attention.” She gestures in front of them.
A recently wedded bride and groom sit side by side at a lavish table, their eyes focused solely on the standing maid of honor as she tearfully recites her toast. To their right sits an as-of-yet unused dance floor with a DJ rechecking his equipment and acoustics. To their left, front, and pretty much everywhere else under this tent sit their extended family and friends, a startling amount of people brought together to witness their union.
Silky linens drape across the ceiling, serving to disguise the tent’s basic structure, while the embedded fairy lights seem to bless the happy couple with their mystic light. More white tables and golden chairs are crammed together in this space than really seems wise, especially given the early summer heat, but only the guests’ children (and Rin) seem to be complaining. There are several buffet tables off to the side, thankfully still with the food covered so as not to distract the guests, but the half-demon can tell even from where they sit at the back that there is some premium cuisine waiting.
It’s the first Western-style wedding he’s ever been to, and though beautiful, good lord it must have been expensive. If it weren’t for their mission, he’s pretty sure he’d never get the chance to experience something so fancy in his life.
Still, he looks back at Izumo, chuckling even through the disgruntled glare she sends him. “What?” She grits out.
“You really are nice, Eyebrows.”
She jabs him again in the same exact spot. “I told you to quit calling me that!”
The bruise he’s developing almost convinces him to listen to her, but it can’t be helped; both of them were dressed by Shura for the occasion, and Izumo, in that lace red dress carved with intricate designs, looks… unsettlingly nice. Like, pretty. Like a really pretty girl.
Rin finds it hard to look directly at her, much less call her by her first name. It’s a lot easier to deal with an angry, violent Izumo, so he lets his elementary school boy instincts take over. A strong urge to tug on her ponytail overtakes him, but one look reveals that her peppy new hairdo has exposed the nape of her neck, where a few locks of hair cling to her glistening skin—
He tears his eyes away, forcing himself to calm down. Ooh, that was dangerous, dangerous. At least he knows now that he’s not the only one suffering from the heat…
These thoughts seem to only be making him feel hotter, though, so he instead runs over the details of the mission again. A report came in that one of the many, many guests here (seriously, were there hundreds?!) is actually a demon. While his precise motivations are unknown, the report indicated that he had some great plan in the making that could bring harm to everyone there, and he had to be brought down before that could happen.
However, some quick reconnaissance revealed that the only time they’d be able to get to him would be at the reception, which meant they had to find and deal with him discreetly—a stealth mission, as Rin liked to call it. The size of their team also had to be minimal to avoid arousing suspicion, so Shura brought along Rin and Izumo, stating that she “couldn’t afford to take her eyes off Rin, and their cover would work better with one of the girls.”
He hadn’t really minded, though when he questioned later why she hadn’t considered Shiemi, Shura gave him that mischievous smile he feared and said, “I trust Izumo to keep a reaaaal close eye on ya.”
Maybe he should’ve paid more attention to the ominous feeling he got from her words… but considering how easily Shura had gotten them in, continuously weaving tales of her being a widower of a distant cousin, of Rin being her step-son (“That’s right, I’m a mother—oh thank you, I do look too young! Nyahaha~”), of Izumo being his betrothed since they were little and how she’s practically family already… He probably shouldn’t doubt her, no matter how embarrassed her lies made him.
“So beautiful…” Izumo whispers, catching his attention. Unfortunately for her, he cranes his head in the direction of her gaze before she can hide it. The blushing bride lies in that direction, smiling endlessly as she accepts congratulations and adulation.
Rin hums. “So you dream of that kind of thing too, huh?” It was intended as a simple question, more conversational than anything, but it sends his companion into complete silence. When he looks back to her, her eyes are distant and pained. He’s not sure why, but his instincts tell him that he messed up and needs to start panicking.
Thankfully, Shura picks that moment to swagger on up, playing the part of an indulgent partygoer almost too well. She stumbles and grabs onto the back of Izumo’s chair, feigning a moment of rest to lean down and mutter, “Possible target located. Go blend in on the dance floor and move on the code word ‘private’.” She’s off to the dance floor before either can react, already cozying up to a man who’s too interested to refuse.
Rin stands immediately, all too eager to put his energy to good use, and anxiously extends his hand to Izumo.
She contemplates it for a moment—he starts panicking because oh god, is it too sweaty, he should try to wipe it off, but she’s definitely already seen it and probably thinks he’s gross—before she takes it, standing with a grace that he never knew she had.
Right when they reach the dance floor, the music suddenly shifts, and—oh, god. Oh god, it’s a slow dance. Rin hears snickering and glares at Shura, who’s clearly aware of his dilemma and enjoying it immensely. He somehow just knows she set him up for this—but judging by the way she’s clinging to the target, it was probably for the sake of the mission, he realizes with a sigh. His mentor sure has a way of killing two birds with one stone…
Awkwardly clearing his throat too many times, he slowly shifts their hands and ghosts his other hand over Izumo’s waist. She rolls her eyes and pulls him much closer, planting both of his hands on her waist and linking her own hands behind his neck. She forces him to sway gently with her because Rin is frozen, his brain completely blue-screening, just a constant chant of oh god oh god too close pretty girl smell good.
“Have you got a clear lock on Miss Kirigakure?” she whispers, snapping him into a completely different sort of flustered. He robotically turns to check and realizes that Izumo had dragged him closer to eavesdrop, their pose mirroring every other couple around them. That knowledge helps him relax, his shoulders slumping in relief as he heaves a big sigh.
Fingers dig into the back of his neck and the pain reminds him to focus. “Owww— yes, we’re good!” he whisper-shouts. “But man, Eyebrows, you’re really good at these kinds of missions, huh?”
Although looking directly at her is still a challenge, it’s quite obvious that Izumo’s glaring at him as she ‘accidentally’ steps on his foot. “Whoops,” she deadpans. “Sorry, Satan Boy. Anyway, I don’t think it’s that I’m good at them so much as you’re extremely terrible.”
His eye twitches. The tip of her ponytail is right there, just dangling right by his fingertips… but his aching toes and side advise against it.
They sway in silence for a moment, listening in for the code word over the soothing lull of the music. A soft giggling alerts Rin to the fact that the bride and groom have joined in. They look at each other like there’s no one else in the world, like every clichéd fairytale and love song has come to life between them. It’s as inspiring as it is beautiful, and despite the odd circumstances that led to him being there, he wishes these two strangers every happiness in the world.
And hopes beyond hope that even the son of Satan can have that someday too.
“About what you said earlier…”
He looks down at Izumo and is surprised to see her staring at his chest, furrowing her brow and worrying her bottom lip. “I wasn’t really… allowed to think about something so happy for my future. Loving someone— trusting someone to that extent… It all seemed utterly impossible.”
When her eyes grow distant this time, he understands. The memories she relives aren’t just her own anymore. So when his grip on her reflexively tightens, drawing her nearer—it feels as though she’s sheltered from the world in his arms, his warmth a gentle, firm reminder that she’s not alone. Izumo looks up to him, feeling a wondrous sense of security and unrestrained joy, and a glorious smile blooms upon her lips.
“But thanks to you all… I have that freedom.”
Rin’s heart pounds violently in his chest.
All the things he’s been acutely trying to ignore flood his senses all at once: her face, usually sharp with hostility and anger, is soft and warm and mere inches from his own; a pretty red dusts her cheeks, matching her sparkling eyes, two priceless rubies; her slender waist, her silky hair… and god did she smell good.
Was Izumo always this beautiful? And—this beautiful girl in his arms, blushing so prettily just for him—was she maybe—
“—nyahaha~ maybe we should go somewhere private?”
The pair springs into action, leaving Rin’s arms noticeably bereft as they flank Shura and the target off the dance floor.
He tries sneaking peeks at Izumo, but her stony expression conveys single-minded focus on the mission—until he catches her peeking at him too. Her whole body jumps when they lock eyes, and even though she quickly whips her head away from him, he still watches in fascination as a furious red colors her skin, all the way from the tips of her ears down to her shoulders.
It sends a thrill through him, one that tells him to hurry up and finish this mission so he can figure out what the hell this—this—whatever this is, this potential between them is.
And when they round the corner and he catches one last glimpse of the newlyweds, he sends them another blessing, ironic as it may be coming from him. Because thanks to them, to people like them, to all of their loves—it gives kids like him and Izumo a chance to dream.
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shy-magpie · 4 years
RQG 153
And we're 30 seconds in and I just got hit by the realization Azu isn't going to see the sky for a week. I know its not under water in enemy territory but that also means she doesn't have a mission to distract her. I love Cel! Zolf tries to do a leadership and prep them for what to expect (since they don't need the element of surprise this time) so Cel changes form because rats are more easily entertained. Alex has to come in with the restrictions but still a nice way to remind Zolf this is not the nice neat chain of command he remembers. Yeah reverting is better than "ha ha you're now a rat all week". OctoCel! Nice! Zolf is declaring Family Game Night. Speaking of leadership, Hamid remembers this isn't season 1 and thanks Zolf instead of asking the reasonable but not productive questions of where this was last time. Alex points out the space issue again. Still not sure if he did this on purpose as a way to poke at the party and see how they react or if he just didn't design the space big enough last time and refuses to retcon an extra cell into the basement. TBF if there had been 2 cells last time, Hamid & Azu sharing wouldn't have made sense and if they couldn't hug the fandom might have never forgiven Zolf & Wilde. Oh Cel can change 4 times a day Zone of Truth or Dare Not sure if he is joking or not but Zolf getting out of conversation by melting into a wall is an image Thanks Lyd! Hamid "is fine and he can snuggle up with Azu". Thanks Bryn! Barnes makes Carter switch  so he can get some sleep Hamid is such a good person. He isn't trying to charm or justify, it isn't about abstract team cohesion. He just gives a sincere apology for not following the rules because even if he doesn't understand, he does trust that Zolf wouldn't hold him to them without reason. Zolf is great too, and tells Hamid it isn't needed Zolf has grown so GD much! He just cited his leaving and prompted Hamid to ask any questions. Oh I want everything on those 18 months but maybe Hamid shouldn't press when its so hard for him, especially when he can't leave the room if things get rough? I am so conflicted. Thats my little leader, immediately switches the focus to working together again. Ow "honestly we were never that good at working together anyway" so no rosy glasses on Zolf. Helen's gasp is, as ever, a mood Zolf still has that negative charisma. I can't explain how much I like that his mental health kick didn't turn him into a different person. Him tripping over his tongue on things like this is part of why he isn't a Zolf in name only, like I feared when I found out we were getting him back after his breakdown. Aw Azu & Cel offer them the illusion of privacy as Hamid  pretends he isn't hurt. I love Cel's hammock and their shipping. Pausing before it can be jossed, don't think he can duck this time. Called it. Okay but he did admit he cares about Wilde just not romantically and canon doesn't have to see eye to eye with fic. Carter tried to date Wilde? Or at least pursued him? God bless Hamid is cutting straight to the rank issue. Look I know I have a proper thing about rank and that respecting Hamid's growth means not treating him like season 1, but people need to know who is calling the shots in time sensitive, dangerous situations. The proper response to the suggestion they fight it out is not to point out logistical barriers Zolf points out that if Hamid actually fought they would all die which is a heck of a double edged statement. It respects his power while pointing out the collateral damage. Then he points out he would win in a no magic fight which is true but if Hamid doesn't already have a complex about his self worth & magic I'd be amazed. Azu tries to declare they aren't doing this while Hamid comes in with the lore. Because Bryn loves the listeners and wants us to be happy. Ooh if the claws aren't magic magic what about the rest? not that I want him to get pissed enough to breathe fire or whatever it was that got him scaley but at least he can't isn't relying on his wits if they encounter one of these fields in the field. Is Carter being Carter or is he stealing Wilde's bit of uniting the party in hating him? The irony that explaining why Zolf should lead is the single best proof of Hamid's leadership skills is not lost on me. A real leader puts the good of the party above any desire for rank or power. Not sure if this counts as yelling should probably mark as starting around 10 minutes in for CWs Ok I don't know why I am so pleased and surprised at these two having a direct conversation with past incidents as examples using clear language like "I was frustrated". I mean lord knows RQ told toxic masculinity to take a hike from the beginning so maybe its less surprised than grateful? They don't agree but are clearly more concerned with understanding than with getting in a pissing match. "...And I guess I'm not that old because I haven't lived through the 18 months" Look at him learning to stand up for himself while still being fair to the other side. How can you not love him? Bless, Hamid is worse than me, if I talk quick enough the right words will come out before I run out of courage right? I love the peanut gallery. Oh dear that's a tone on Zolf I'm just going to take a moment before the "but" comes in. Zolf is being fair, I don't necessarily agree but he is being fair and sounds willing to listen. Hamid spells it out in small words that the flippant tone is a coping mechanism. Zolf wants to move on to the rest of the party now that they've said what needed to be said to each other. Yeah sorry Carter, Hamid isn't going to let Zolf get lost in his own head any more than Zolf is going to let Hamid run into danger because if he thought about it he would freeze. And Carter & Barnes are sharing all the tricks. Guess Hamid isn't the only one who does better if he can merc a guy after a hard week They are having a direct conversation about Zolf leaving! Backstory! So it was a debt more than a calling Brynterval, useful I needed a laugh break too and this way I don't miss anything. They are keeping up the relationship metaphor for all its worth. It really does work though. Azu quit alluding and tell us your story. Aw he's retelling Dover! I ever tell you guys that's when I quit waiting for him and or RQ to show their bad side? The damn romance novels were like a promise they weren't going to betray the story over "what's expected". I was so braced for that stupid "pick a fight with the toughest guy in the yard to buy respect" trope. Instead they just said nope: no prison fights, no guard abuse, his biggest danger is developing an addiction to cheap books. Thank you Cel! Hamid mentioning Mr Ceiling reminds Zolf that still have Shoin's brorb. Oh the diary Zolf has more Campbells Cel is awesome and asks if Hamid want to talk about Aziza Liliana finally got mentioned, realizing Hamid was the last to know about that part of the story hurt So they might be a hivemind Carter has a nice little cache in the cell of daggers & a wide variety of booze. Carter suggests they should get so drunk their minds aren't worth hiving. Oh Cel & the Elvish mead Carter is drinking the Orcish whiskey to make a point Yeah, yeah, how the heck Hamid came through not only his life preseries but this adventure with a healthy relationship with alcohol is beyond me. Not a patch on his experience and I'm teetotal. That's arguably why it's important to have though (plus if they went anywhere with an alcoholism plot I probably won't be able to listen) Barnes has the rum and is Jeff Goldblum posing. I love one(1) low charisma man. Zolf is trying to draw Azu & Cel into conversation. Azu backstory time! A vision of Aphrodite in her dream led her to follow a wandering paladin. Little leader tucks Carter in Azu asks for Cel backstory Cel is around 97, and they were raised in America. Their Dad was a merchant sailor. The trade cut off and defenses failed destroying the town. Its time to give Hamid crap about capitalism. Zolf tells Barnes to leave off. Zolf joined the Navy because he "killed his brother"!?! Wanna try that again with details? Oh Zolf honey it was an accident. Hamid hugs Zolf while he talks. Zolf says all that then knocks stone out of ceiling in a demonstration of his powers. Hamid remembers Zolf wasn't in Cairo and starts describing the prank gone wrong and I'm just gonna take another sec because if Zolf doesn't take this the right way its gonna hurt. Did Hamid just quote Grizzop at Zolf?   Cel just declared they are staying with the party Just barely through the first quarantine episode. We might hit the same ratio as the dungeon after all. Gosh I love that theme tune
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kathyprior4200 · 5 years
Pursuit of Perfection (Entrapta and Hordak scenes/details Seasons 1-3) (in progress)
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“Season 1: Light Hope”
 Hordak sat on his throne, staring off into space. Hordak looked over as his imp companion arrived.
“What do you have for me, my little spy?”
His imp crawled up on the left arm rest of the throne. The imp opened his mouth and a recording of Entrapta’s voice came through.
“Catra, I’ve made great strides in analyzing the data from the First Ones data crystal. Look.”
 ‘Fascinating,’ Lord Hordak thought. He didn’t think that Entrapta, a new princess who had taken residence in the Fright Zone could be of much use at first. At first glance, she appeared to be an eccentric troublemaker, eager to play with any tool that was placed in front of her.
Hordak listened to the conversations further and he thought… ‘Perhaps this Dryl princess will be of great use to me and to the Horde.’
Entrapta seemed to be the only one to understand the functions of the First Ones tech they had recovered from the winter wasteland. Having come from another world, Hordak desired to possess the most advanced technology on Etheria…and use it to potentially conjure other universes.
“Where did this come from?” Catra’s voice asked from the recording.
“Oh, you know, here and there, rooms,” came Entrapta’s reply.
“Where there people in these rooms?”
“Well, not when I went back to take the stuff.”
“You belong here with us.”
“So the data…”
Hordak heard Entrapta squeal with delight as the crystal was inserted into the computer.
“Look at these readings. Incredible. This seems to confirm my theories about the techno-organic nature of First Ones machinery, resulting in thaumatrological compatibility between magic and science!”
So Entrapta figured out that First Ones tech was infused with technology and their magic, being partly mechanical, and partly alive in their own way. With both magic and technology on the Horde’s side, it would give his army an advantage over the magic wielding rebels.
 Catra’s voice was heard again, after Hordak tuned out the interactions between Catra, Entrapta, and Scorpia.
“Yes, or no, did that crystal give you enough data to integrate our weapons?”
Catra was a foolish girl. What Hordak had in mind involved more than just weapons. It involved inter dimensional travel, advanced use of magic, perhaps fiddling with time and space itself. No one else could comprehend his grand plans.
“Weapons? Ha! This is so much bigger than weapons! This could change everything. Etheria’s not just a planet. Whatever the First Ones did to it, they went deep”
‘Well, it seems like Entrapta got rudimentary basics in her head.’
Catra spoke again, “And what does that mean?”
“You’re asking me about my theories? I’ve waited years for someone to ask me about my theories! Hang on, I made a model.”
Entrapta sounded like an excited child who completed their first science project for class.
“Behold, Etheria. The First Ones didn’t just settle on the surface of Etheria. Their technology runs throughout the planet’s core. This whole planet, it’s all First Ones’ tech.”
“And what are those supposed to be?”
“Rune stones. From the data I’ve managed to extract, they regulate the planet through the princesses. They’re directly connected to each other and to the planet’s power grid in a delicate balance.”
“Which means?”
“Which means they’re our best access point to hack the planet.”
Hordak tried not to scoff at their pathetic attempts to rule Etheria.
“Hack the planet?”
“Hypothetically. But it’s not so simple. There’s only a handful of Runestones in the whole world.”
Hordak tuned out their conversations until they got to more important details. Catra spoke first.
“Okay calm down. What exactly are you planning on doing to the Black Garnet?”
“If we hack the Runestone grid, we could boost the Garnet’s power and use it for…well anything. As a power source. As …”
“A weapon?”
“Potentially. But if it’s like my other experiments, the results will be explosive.”
Scorpia’s voice was heard.
“I don’t think Shadow Weaver will like that.”
Catra spoke again.
“Scorpia’s right. Shadow Weaver won’t like it. So I will absolutely get you the Black Garnet. Leave it to me.”
So Catra and Entrapta were planning on merging First Ones tech with the Black Garnet…magic and science together. It was an ingenious plan.
Catra: “Alright, hurry it up. Those machines aren’t going to hook up themselves.”
Shadow Weaver: “They won’t be hooked up at all.”
Scorpia: “Shadow Weaver. We just…uh…”
Shadow Weaver (to Catra): “Silence! Did you really think you could invade my inner sanctum without me noticing? I never thought you were so bold as to openly rebel, but it’ll be my pleasure to put you back in your place.”
Catra: “Oh Shadow Weaver, I can do whatever I want with this hunk of rock.”
Shadow Weaver: (chuckles) “Absurd. By whose authority?”
Hordak: “By mine.”
Hordak appears on the overhead screens. Catra, Entrapta and Scorpia bow.
Shadow Weaver: “Lord Hordak, I don’t understand.”
Hordak: “Catra and Entrapta have been working on a way to meld this strange First Ones tech with our machines, to weaponize it. I found out and was intrigued. I gave Force Captain Catra and her team my blessing to go ahead. So, understand, Shadow Weaver, I’m displeased with your interruption.”
Shadow Weaver: “My Lord, you’re really going to let this…this princess tinker with my Runestone?”
Entrapta cowers in fear.
Hordak: “Her tinkering has boosted the firepower of every weapon she’s touched. So yes, she gets to tinker with whatever she wants, including the Black Garnet, which is mine to give or take as I see fit.”
Shadow Weaver: “You can’t. You can’t do this! I alone have learned how to draw power from it, a feat no sorceress has done before. I have unlocked its potential!”
Hordak: “And you wasted it on parlor tricks. Force Captain Catra, proceed. The Garnet is yours.”
Catra: “Yes, Lord Hordak.”
Shadow Weaver: No!”
Destroys the screens with her magic.
 “Season 1: The Battle of Bright Moon”
Scorpia, Catra, and Entrapta walk over to Hordak.
Hordak: “Force Captain, it seems your experiment has failed.”
Entrapta: “On the contrary, the experiment was a huge success. I know more about First Ones tech than ever. This is just the beginning.”
Catra: “I got us closer to conquering Bright Moon than anyone ever has. Not to mention the Whispering Woods is still in ruins. Etheria is ours for the taking.”
Hordak: “Very well, Force Captain Catra. You will have other chances to prove your worth to me as my second in command.”
“Season 2: The Frozen Forest”
Catra: “With the woods frozen, princesses distracted by bots, we’ve been able to gain significant ground.”
Hordak: “You have not disappointed me, Force Captain. Clearly I was wise to promote you.”
Entrapta: “I’m just gonna borrow this.”
(Entrapta hops behind Hordak’s throne, holding a wrench in her hair, a metal face barrier on)
(Entrapta observes the wrench)
Entrapta: “Oh, what is that?”
Catra: “Uh yes. We’ve kept the princesses distracted, but we could be doing more. We should be working to take them out, once and for all. Isn’t that right, Entrapta? Entrapta!”
(Entrapta turns and removes the metal mask)
Entrapta: “Oh right.”
(Entrapta claps her purple hair hands and a larger bot enters the scene)
Entrapta: “May I introduce, Emily’s Kid Sister. EKS for short. With First One’s tech at its core, this little beauty has enough power to rival a princess.”
(Entrapta uses a thin black device to shot a green blast at the robot’s metal leg, which regenerates)
Hordak: “Impressive indeed. And you can make more of these?”
Entrapta: “Yes! I mean no. I mean, I could. But I only had enough First One’s tech to make four.”
Catra: “But I know where we can get more.”
 “Season 2: Signals”
(Entrapta works on a round device on a table. The table wobbles).
Entrapta: “Hmm.”
(goes back to work)
(table moves again)
(Entrapta stops, and goes under the table, noticing a loose black screw)
Entrapta: “Emily, hand me a six-sided hex driver.”
(Robot scurries around, throwing things in the search. Emily beeps and shakes her metal head)
Entrapta: (groans) “You’re right Emily, how can we possibly work like this?” (falls back onto the table in frustration)
 (Entrapta shouts and falls through a hole from a pipe).
Entrapta: “Hi.”
Catra: “You’re not a prisoner anymore. You don’t have to sneak around.”
Entrapta: “The ducts are faster. I don’t have time to waste. I need a six-sided hex driver right now.”
Catra: “I’m the one who doesn’t have time to waste. Aren’t you some kind of genius? Make do with what you have.”
Entrapta: “Of course I could, but it’s the principle. Use the proper tool for the job. If you can’t help me, it’s fine. I saw one in Hordak’s lab.”
(Catra hisses and lunges toward her)
Catra: “I know you’re new to the Fright Zone, and possibly to being around people in general, but Hordak isn’t somebody to mess with. Under no circumstances will you go anywhere near Hordak’s sanctum.”
Entrapta: “Ooh. He calls his lab a sanctum. Oh, this is so classy!”
Catra: “Focus! I need you to promise that you will stay away from Hordak. Promise!”
Entrapta: “Okay, okay! I promise.”
(Entrapta goes back up)
 (Entrapta speaks into a recorder, tapping her gloved hands on her robot)
Entrapta: “Ethical dilemma number, uh… sixty three. I told Catra I wouldn’t go into Hordak’s lab. But if she never finds out, does it count? I could just pop in, grab the tool and pop out. No one would ever know. But I would know. I shouldn’t do it. Or should I? No, I shouldn’t.”
(Entrapta sneaks in)
Entrapta: “A six-sided hex driver.”
(Entrapta reaches for the tool and then notices the green electricity)
Entrapta: “This is amazing.”  
(Light goes out)
Entrapta: “Oh.”
(Ducks from Hordak’s hand swiping the table, covering her mouth. Hordak leaves)
Entrapta: “Well, there’s no reason to get huffy just because an experiment failed. Failure is a vital part of all scientific endeavor.”
(Pats Emily on the head and grabs the hex driver)
Entrapta: “What if I given up on you after the first explosion? Or the 50th? I know. I should leave, but I have to stay. For science.”
  (Entrapta unplugs a dark cord from the metal pillar and connects green cords together. Blue sparks spread from the cords. Entrapta grabs the hex driver.)
Entrapta: “Hello. You’re blocking my light. If you could just step aside…”
Hordak: “Get out!”
Entrapta: “Well, just a sec. I’m almost finished. All done, okay bye.”
(Emily pushes Entrapta out of the room)
Hordak: “There will be dire consequences for this flagrant breach of conduct.”
Entrapta: “You were using uninsulated cables. I, uh, replaced them for you. Try it again. It should hold the charge now.”
Hordak: “Hmm. Huh?”
(Green electricity comes on in a sphere)
Hordak: “She was right.”
Entrapta: “Of course I was right.”
(Entrapta appears beside Hordak.)
(Hordak’s imp takes the hex driver from Entrapta’s hand)
Entrapta: “It’s beautiful. It’s a power source, isn’t it? What are you building that needs so much power?”
(Entrapta looks at a screen)
Entrapta (gasps): “I recognize these formulas! You’re experimenting with portals? But that’s…I mean, I’m familiar with the concept, but multi-dimensional gates are theoretical. No one’s come close to actually achieving one. Right?”
Hordak: “Obviously someone from a backwater planet such as yours couldn’t possibly comprehend it.”
Entrapta: “Hey. All right. I’m the one who got your power source working, so tell me everything.”
Hordak: “Portals aren’t theoretical, they’re real. And I’m going to open one.”
Entrapta: “You are? Ah! Can I help you? Just think of the possibilities! You could transport troops, and weapons, whatever you need, from one side of the planet to the other!”
Hordak: “You think too small. Unsurprising. You can’t begin to understand the potential a device of this nature will possess.”
Entrapta: “Wait! If Etheria is a backwater planet, does that mean that there are others?”
Hordak: “Of course there are. There ae countless galaxies filled with countless other worlds. Etheria is the only planet I’ve ever encountered that does not seem to understand that.”
Entrapta: “Other planets? And you’ve been there?”
(Hordak grins)
 (Entrapta fixes another green cable)
Entrapta: “This is probably the max with what you’ve got to work with here. If we had some First One’s tech, we could generate even more voltage.”
Catra: “I’m sorry, Lord Hordak! Entrapta is new. I promise she will never bother you again.”
Hordak: “You are the one bothering me, Force Captain, with your unwelcome intrusion. I am working, with Entrapta’s assistance.”
Entrapta: “Did you hear that, Emily? I’ve never had a lab partner before.”
 “Season 2: Light Spinner”
  (Electricity goes dark)
Entrapta: “Oh hi Catra. What are you doing here?”
Catra: “I’m a Force Captain. What are you doing here?”
Entrapta: “I’ve been integrating the First Ones’ tech we got from the Northern Reach into Hordak’s portal mainframe. But it maybe, slightly, completely overloaded the Fright Zone energy grid. We’re gonna have to redesign that.”
Hordak: “What Entrapta is doing does not concern you, Force Captain.”
(Entrapta looks at Hordak and Catra, wondering why they looked tense).
Entrapta: “Oh. Were you having a meeting? Sorry, again. I guess I should be going.” (lifts herself up using her hair)
Hordak: “No, you stay.”
(Entrapta hops down)
Hordak to Catra: “You have two days to extract whatever information you can from your prisoner. Then you will banish her to Beast Island.”
Catra: “But…”
Hordak: “Do you understand? Or do I have to make myself understood?”
Catra: “No, Lord Hordak. I understand.”
Hordak: “Good. Dismissed.”
Entrapta: “We should be able to initiate our first test of the portal machine as soon as I rebuild the electrical grid.” (Entrapta sits on the arm of the throne as Hordak sits.)
“Season 3: The Price of Power”
Hordak works on his metal arm and reaches for the six sided hex driver. He clutches his side in pain. Entrapta pops out of the pipe, upside down.
Entrapta: “Hordak, great. I’ve got a lot to cover with you today.”
Enrapta hops down and shows Hordak four screens with data on them, holding the devices with her hair.
Entrapta: “I’ve integrated the First Ones tech from the Northern Reach, to our portal machine, but we’re still missing something. Luckily, I just picked up a signal. It’s some sort of First Ones message.”
Entrapta shows a screen with the symbol neon First Ones writing.
Entrapta: “I don’t know what these other words are, but this one’s easy. It means ‘portal.’ It could be the missing something we’re looking for.”
Entrapta looks around.
Entrapta: “Where’s Catra? We should send her out ASAP.”
Hordak: “Catra is no longer a concern of yours. She’s being sent to Beast Island.”
Entrapta: “I’m confused.”
Entrapta runs in front of Hordak.
Entrapta: “As you can see, the overall productivity of the Horde has increased by 400 percent, since Catra has been your second in command. And look at this chart. The evidence shows that First Ones tech has gotten us closer than ever to creating a working portal. Catra has been incredibly successful at getting new tech for us. And this latest signal is coming from here. The Crimson Waste.”
Entrapta pulls out a map.
Entrapta: “We don’t have a moment to spare. We need Catra.”
Hordak swipes the map from Entrapta’s hands.
Hordak: “It is meaningless. I’m not going to squander troops on a lifeless wasteland. This discussion is over.”
Entrapta sighs, lowered her head, the mask falling back on, and lifts herself out of the room back through the pipe.
  Catra is brought out, handcuffed between two guards to Hordak. Scorpia and the others stand at attention to the side.
Hordak: “I want you all to watch and learn. There is nothing I do not know. Nothing I am not willing to do to punish those who betray my trust. Your former Force Captain has proven to be compromised, ineffective, and worthless. To the rest of you, take a lesson from this. This is what happens to failures.”
Catra: “You’re the failure.”
Everyone gasps.
Catra laughs.
Catra: “You need me, just like you needed Shadow Weaver, because you have no idea how to run this place. All you know how to do is hide in your lab. Maybe that’s why you can’t defeat a group of teenagers.”
Scorpia (gasps) “Catra.”
Hordak growls but then stops and has a plan.
Hordak: “Save your little speech. There has been a change of plan.”
Entrapta’s hair curls around Catra’s face.
Entrapta: “Hi Catra. I saved your life. You’re welcome.”
Entrapta does a peace sign, pats Catra on the head with her hair, and then moves to stand beside Hordak.
Catra: “I don’t understand.”
Hordak: “Entrapta has interceded on your behalf. You should be thanking her. Instead of the many punishments I intended, you are being sent to retrieve the First Ones tech for us. In the Crimson Waste.”
Catra: “The Crimson Waste? It’s a total dead zone. Nothing survives out there.”
Hordak: (laughs) “Exactly.”
Catra gasps.
“Season 3: Huntara”
Entrapta and Hordak stand in front of an unfinished portal.
Entrapta: “Day 135, this could finally be it. Initiating first test. Here we go. Aha!”
Entrapta presses a button. A sphere of energy forms from the metal tower. Electricity carries several long metal pieces in a circle, moving faster. The pieces stop and are put together like large puzzle pieces. A green portal forms through the circular opening. Entrapta and Hordak smile. Entrapta then suddenly gasps as the device gets unstable.
Entrapta: “Something’s wrong. I’m turning it off.”
Hordak: “No, you fool. It’ll blow.”
Entrapta runs to the portal and Hordak grabs her hand and pulls her back. The device explodes in a flash of light. Hordak and Entrapta are on the ground among the rubble and fizzles of lightning. A wire comes loose from Hordak’s left metal hand and he grunts in frustration. Entrapta stands up.
Entrapta: “This doesn’t make any sense. It should work. The machine didn’t have enough power, so we added First Ones tech. Then it was blowing out the power grid, so we rerouted it. Now it’s powered, it’s functioning, but it won’t activate a portal. It’s like there’s a key. Maybe when Catra brings that tech back from the Crimson Waste…”
Hordak: (laughs) “Catra is never coming back from that fool’s errand. The machine is a failure. We’re done here. Get out.”
Entrapta: “That was just our first test. If we try…”
Hordak: “I said, we’re done.”
Hordak’s imp pulls Entrapta out of the room by her hair. Entrapta looks back, concerned, before the door closes.
 Entrapta: “I know Hordak told me to go away, but I have some ideas for the portal machine. Emily will you cut that…(shouts)”
Emily, the robot pushes her against a glass vial, glowing green. Entrapta looks and sees an unborn blue creature with bat wings, connected by wires in the water.
Entrapta: “Curious.”
Entrapta spots Hordak having his armor removed from the overhead machines. A small hole in his blue and white arm is revealed. Several other holes surrounded by metal are also on Hordak’s body.
Entrapta: “Okay, Emily, you might have a point. Quietly, quietly…”
Entrapta steps on a wire, which break apart, causing metal to clang to the ground loudly. One big hunk of metal crashes against the ground, catching Hordak’s attention.
Entrapta: “Hi.”
Hordak: “Get out. Get out right…”
Hordak groans and passes out, Entrapta running frantically toward him.
Hordak wakes up with a gasp, a blue blanket around him.
Entrapta: “Ta-da! I made you soup. Soup always makes me feel better.”
Entrapta places a tray with an array of small bowls in front of him. She holds out spoons toward Hordak in her hair, Hordak cringing away from all eight of them. Hordak yells in anger.
Entrapta places soup for Hordak’s imp, who sniffs then pinches his nose in disgust.
Entrapta: “Okay, I know one big soup bowl is probably better, but they’re so cute.”
Hordak: “I am not discussing this.”
Hordak gets up on shaky legs, then collapses. Entrapta catches him in her hair and holds him up.
Entrapta: “Your armor, it’s holding you together.”
Hordak: “It is none of your concern.”
Entrapta runs in front of him.
Entrapta: “You’re from another planet. That thing in the vitrine looks like you. You’ve got tech compensating for your body.”
Entrapta slowly moves Hordak against the glass vitrine.
Entrapta: “As a scientist, I’m not going to stop, until I figure out what’s going on. Now, tell me everything.”
Hordak: “You wanna know what I am? I am a clone.”
Behind him, more vitrines with the creatures are revealed, glowing eerily in the dark.
Hordak: “A clone of the Emperor of the Known Universe, Horde Prime. Horde Prime cloned himself, building an army to conquer all he saw. Planets, worlds, galaxies fell before us. I was his top general. But there was a defect in my cloning, and defects are worthless to Prime. I was sent to die on the front lines. But during battle, a portal opened and sent me crashing to Etheria. Stranding me here. With nothing but a broken ship, I built an empire. When my portal opens, I shall bring forth my brother’s armies, to crush the Rebellion. And Horde Prime will see that he was wrong. I am not a defect. I am worth something.”
Hordak punches the vitrine.
Hordak: “But my portal machine does not work. I haven’t conquered the planet. I could not even clone a new body for myself. Perhaps…perhaps Prime was right. I am a failure.”
Entrapta rummages through draws, throwing tools and parts everywhere.
Entrapta: “Oh, no, no, no. I’m listening. I heard you. I’ve got an idea, but I need my tools. Be right back.”
Entrapta leaves by lifting herself with her hair.
 Entrapta looks at a lighter from her tool.
Entrapta: “Ooh, this is gonna be so much fun.”
Hordak: “I do not need your help in this.”
Entrapta: “Everybody needs help sometimes. And you shouldn’t be upset that you’re not perfect. Take Emily. Her programming is glitch, the left leg sticks and she’s loud. Emily’s got quirks, but that’s why I like her. Imperfection is what makes scientific experimentation possible. Imperfection is beautiful. At least to me.”
Hordak stares, temporarily entranced by Entrapta, as light floods around her head and sparks fly in the background. He is grabbed by Entrapta’s hair.
Entrapta: “Stand here. And you’re really way too obsessed with this whole failure thing.”
Entrapta holds his arms out.
Entrapta: “I mean, I’m a failure.”
Hordak: “You are not a…”
Entrapta covers his mouth.
Entrapta: “I don’t fit in. I became friends with Adora, but she abandoned me. Then I became friends with Catra, but she didn’t talk to me anymore.”
Entrapta presses a button and a remote buzzes. The metal arms overhead attach new armor to Hordak.
Entrapta: “But that doesn’t mean I give up. I scrounged up more pieces of First Ones tech, and I can’t think of a better use for it than this. Ta-da!”
Hordak stares at his blue hands and his improved armor and body.
Entrapta: “Your armor is more of an exoskeleton now. The tech compensating for your organic body. What does it feel like?”
Hordak: “Powerful.” (chuckles) Hordak stops and tries to sound professional.
Hordak: “I…I acknowledge the work you put into this. It is very…technologically sound.”
Imp kicks his foot and screeches, telling Hordak to speak more warmly.
Hordak: “Uh, no matter what you say, you are not a failure. Any who discount you are utter fools.”
Entrapta: “Thanks. I like being friends with you, too.”
Entrapta places her hair on his shoulder. Hordak stares in disbelief, as he has never had a friend before.
 “Season 3: Moment of Truth”
Hordak tests out his strength by lifting a large metal column.
Entrapta: “This suit may be my best work yet. Hordak puts the column down and grins. Then a spark flies up his hand and he cringes.
Entrapta: “No reason to get in a tizzy.”
Hordak: “I have never been in a tizzy.”
Entrapta uses tools to fix his armor.
Entrapta: “You can’t expect everything to work perfectly overnight. Like our machine. We still haven’t figured out the missing piece that’ll let us cut through the planetary interference. If we try now, the portal might not be stable long enough to get anyone through.”
Hordak: “We only need to open a portal for a short time. Long enough to send a signal through to Horde Prime. Once he receives it, he should have no trouble opening a portal from his side.”
Entrapta: (sadly) “And then you’ll have to go with them.”
Entrapa (brightens) “But there’s still so much data we could collect. What’s the rush? We’ll just keep working on it until it’s perfect.”
Hordak and Entrapta smile genuinely at each other, like good friends.
  She-Ra’s sword cracks with electricity and creates the energy needed for the portal.
Hordak (grins) “Oh…she did it.”
Catra: “The princesses are here. There’s no time. We need to open the portal.”
Hordak: “Where’s Entrapta? I need her.”
(Catra had stunned Entrapta with a weapon and ordered her to be sent to Beast Island)
Catra grins evilly.
Catra: “Who do you think let the princesses in?”
Hordak gasps then bangs his fist against a button.
Hordak: “But she…she wouldn’t.”
Catra laughs.
Catra: “Did you really think she was on our side? Oh, you can’t trust anyone, especially a princess. They’ll just use you to get what they want. Open the portal and let’s end this.”
Entrapta works and bonds with Hordak, as she fixes his armor. She describes the portal and serves pieces of metal as food to Adora and her friends. Entrapta goes to tell Hordak to not open the portal and said he would understand. Catra demands for the portal to be opened to enact revenge against Adora. Catra electrocutes her from behind and orders her minion to take her to Beast Island. Catrs later lies to Hordak that Entrapta let the princesses into the Fright Zone, Hordak hurt by this.
  Robots pour water from a teapot into cups.
Entrapta: “This is fascinating. I’ve never had non-robots visit me. Usually it’s just me and all my friends.” Entrapta slurps from her drink.
Adora: “Friends?”
Entrapta: “Aren’t they amazing? And if they break, I can just make new friends.” (laughs) “Tiny snacks?”
Adora, Bow, and Glimmer shake their heads as a robot presents them with gears and screws on a platter. Green spices are sprinkled on.
Entrapta: “Oh, sorry about that. They’re still getting the hang of people food. Unless this is what you eat. I have so many questions. Tell me everything.”
Adora: “Entrapta, I know what I’m about to say sound crazy…”
Entrapta: “Is this about the unstable portal slowly consuming and warping our reality?”
Adora: “You’re not gonna believe…What did you just say?”
Entrapta: “Oh I figured it out a while ago. An unstable portal is the only thing that would account for all the anomalies I’ve been picking up in my research. The portal exists somewhere in our world, and as long as it’s still open, it’s gonna keep destabilizing reality, making things disappear faster and faster, until, bam, there’s nothing left.” (laughs) “Which is a bad thing.”
Adora; “How do we stop it?”
Entrapta: “Portals are gateways, wormholes that connect one area of space to another. The only way to turn it off is from the inside. But whoever shuts the portal down can’t leave. They’ll be trapped between realities, possibly forever. Oh, imagine the data they could collect.”
Glimmer: “Wait, so whoever turns it off will be trapped inside it forever?”
Entrapta: “Exactly.”
Adora: “There must be another way. Try to remember, Entrapta, when you and Hordak built the Portal Machine.”
Entrapta: “Remember. I remember. I had a lab partner, Hordak. Mm…we were friends, and then Catra…Oh. I remember everything now. I’m not really here.” (gasps) The portal starts destroying the surroundings.
Adora: “No, no, this can’t be happening already. We should have more time.”
Entrapta: “There is no more time. It all makes sense now. It’s your sword. That portal is centered on you. It’s following you.”
Adora: “What? No!”
Entrapta: “You need to remove the sword from the inside. It’s powering the portal. As soon as it’s gone, everything will be right again. It was nice being friends with you.” Entrapta disappears.
Adora: “Entrapta!”
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  What will be of their relationship in the next season? 
72 notes · View notes
starwriterulia · 6 years
Reviewing Brea's Stuff - BTS Soulmate AU (1/2)
PART 1/2 (Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin)
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HI! \(OwO)/
I want to draw ya'll's attention to one of my friends: @jimin-jungshook-over-literalbae. She's a k-pop reaction/scenario/text writer, and not only have I missed her as a friend so much during my long hiatus, I've also missed her writing. Thankfully, there's a lot for me to catch up on! She asked me to give my opinions on her BTS AUs, and with her permission, I've turned my reviews it into a bit of advertising! If you wanna read the stuff I did, ya'll don't have to scroll super far to find it all. I'll be reviewing each AU from a Reader's Standing (silly, sometimes improper sentences; sO MUCH swearing; caps lock) and from a Critic's Standing (second reading; at least one paragraph). Let's get into this! >o<
Written in Order of Whichever Came up First While Scrolling
Taehyung AU (Reader's Standing):
Man, I can't relate with being abandoned at a club 'cause I don't drink, and there's no club in my town, but I love how Y/N is essentially abandoned, ha ha ha! Also, poor Y/N, the only person among their friends who hasn't found a soulmate yet and feels so damn lonely about it. :'(
'...soft masculine voice'—bless you, Brea, for describing this scum as feminine.
'It makes you want to scoff, honestly'—All right then, this Y/N is a bit of a bitch, when it comes to meeting strangers in a club. I like Y/N, already. :D
'...back hitting a wall'—Aw yeah, good going, Y/N. Cornering yourself, good shit.
Strong Tae is hot, like that whole wrist grabbing sequence, ooh.
'Excuse me, sir'—My inner Englishwoman accent has been summoned.
Bitter chocolate on Y/N's tongue?? Where did this come from, hm... HM... hm.
Oh wait this is the soulmate bit. NEATO, I LOVE CHOCOLATE!! Milk is cool too, I mean, I'm vegetarian. If you bring meat into any of these AUs I will riOT.
Internal screaming holy shit it's the gang they're here hi Jimin my baby TwT
Yas to fun dancing with the puppy that is Taehyung
'Your back is pressed against his chest and his hands rest on your hips'—AERUNAWERAWENURAWO cute yes thank you
More chocolate taste, mm, yes. *w*
Holding hands on way to friends = classic, love it.
scREAMING HE CALLED Y/N HIS SOULMATE YES BLESS THIS AU I mean I don't usually read them, but my friendo-burritos are special occasions, OK??
Physical manifestation?? All right, sure. I'm so confused about this because, as I just said, I don't read soulmate AUs.
Love how the flavour of chocolate changes, it's kind of romantic.
*Sees typo at second last paragraph for 'had' instead of 'hand' and holds breath* Save it, Grammar-Nazi alter-ego, it's just a typo.
Super cute paragraph though awoureraelr
'As though he's meant to stay there forever'—Is just too cute, oml.
It's over? ;w; It's over...
Taehyung AU (Critic's Standing):
I'll say this here so I don't have to repeat myself, but I don't tend to read Soulmate AUs because I honestly think they're a very basic and beginner's way to write fan fiction. But they're also a great way to practice, so no, I don't hate them, I just don't tend to read them. As you know, I've made an exception for my friend. The first paragraph set the atmosphere very well, and easily stated how Y/N was feeling about not having found their soulmate, yet, and how they're just forced to watch their friends, who already have. The creep insertion, while a common trope, was well executed—I especially approve of how Brea described the wrist grabbing and the little struggle Y/N had.
And then there's Taehyung to the rescue, and for a moment I forgot I was reading a soulmate AU, I was confused about why Y/N tasted chocolate for second. Like the subtle inclusion of Jungkook, Jimin and the other guys, and the dancing section where the taste of chocolate changes according to Taehyung's emotions was really neat. I also loved how Taehyung took Y/N home, and their little kissing moment was the cutest. Not the mention the killer one-liner Y/N delivered, at the end. This was a brief AU, but that's often a good idea, for these kinds of scenarios. If I could improve one thing about this, I would have done... nothing. I seriously can't find anything that I would change, in this. Great job, Brea!
Jungkook AU (Reader's Standing):
Ooh, a Big Bang concert!
OOH, bells to signal soulmate status, that's really cool! Also, cute stumble is best stumble.
'bunny teeth'—Yes, Jungkook is a bunny in disguise, I knew it. *w*
YouTuber Jungkook is a concept I would sell my soul to Satan to see IRL
Ey yo, Seungri! \(>w<)/ Feels like a real concert, lol
Oh boy, whispering...
Awwww group waving to Jungkook's camera, how nice. ;w;
Oml Jungkook must have been so embarrassed, standing on stage like that, as a mega-fan. Lucky dude.
Never mind, boy was hyped as hecc
Happy Jungkook is best Jungkook, that was so cute to read.
Ye boys and girls, let's go with Jungkook and see what happens next oml this is too cute aaa
Hi Jimin I love you ;w;
Riot for Jimin? Yes, very possible.
I approve of Y/N's choice of Daesung as their favourite member
Thank you Jimin for approving of Y/N's choice
Jungkook shooing because he's secretly a possessive puppy, cute
'pretty damning evidence'—This is suddenly a detective AU? Nice.
'princess'—Aaand now I'm trying not to squeal.
Good choice of bar over apartment there, Jungkook.
Clasped fingers are cute, yes, thank you
More bells, aaaaa
Soft kiss ;w; Ow my heart
Evolving bells? YES.
Seriously this was really cute, I loved it. I love everything Brea writes, tbh.
Maybe that's just a friendship thing, idk.
Jungkook AU (Critic's Standing):
When the story began at a Big Bang concert, I immediately started to recall every bop they ever made, and it made me so nostalgic and happy. Really nice concert vibe, felt pretty alive, for being described in one paragraph. The first occurrence of the bells stole my heart, I'm a winter fanatic and bells are such an iconic symbol of that season, so I really enjoyed finding out that the little soulmate signal for this AU was bells. Not to mention the little confused looks that Y/N and Jungkook gave to their surroundings before introducing themselves with yelling (because concert, makes total sense) was really nice. I also loved how Jungkook was a YouTuber, that's totally something he could be, if his life went a different direction.
Seungri noticed Jungkook, told the guys about him, and they all gave Jungkook's camera some love was neat, too. They got him onto the stage and Jungkook fulfilled his mega-fan dream of performing with the big boys, that was ultra sweet of them (and Brea, I guess). And the excited Jungkook after he returned to Y/N was so easy to picture, it was great. As I said in the Reader's Standing, is this the same bar Y/N in the Taehyung AU was taken to? It was nice to see Jimin again though, hee hee, and I really liked how Jimin and Jungkook talked about why Jimin wasn't with Taehyung—the struggles of being a famous idol, right?
Jungkook shooing away Jimin was also cute, and how Brea mentioned that Jungkook and Y/N just sat with a couple drinks and talked with a little buzz was nice. Jungkook's explanation of how he and Y/N are soulmates was a nice touch, I really can't get enough of picturing how those bells sound. Small kiss from Y/N to Jungkook was super sweet, and yes, YES, I would love it if those bells evolved into like, an entire little melody, ah. This one was somehow very relaxing to read, I enjoyed it.
Jungkook isn't even my bias wrecker and I want to punch him with a pillow for being so cute in this AU, dammit.
Jimin AU (Reader's Standing):
For some reason the picture of Jimin wouldn't load and I'm immediately a little sad because I don't get to see his pink hair and those amazingly adorable cheeks of his. Not to mention his gorgeous eyes and just AERNUOEWATO Jimin is great. ;w;
Y/N is legit me, but I'm reading hentai manga instead of an 'actual book'. Just kidding, I'd be reading Piers Anthony.
Cool cafe, would definitely go there.
But reading sometimes stresses me out, so... I just stick to Piers and other fantasy others who don't write about female leads, sorry, but I really fucking love men. >w<
Aw yes look at that, his pink hair is peeking through, I wish I could reach into this story and touch it, fuck
The Chim just keeps getting closer... and closer... God that's cute, it's so like him, I love that.
'marches his way right over to you'—AEUROOAEUNCOWEASNLU thank you Brea, I'm dying a little
Soft speaking is so cute, good Lord, bless this AU
I'm just excited to read this for a second time, I love Jimin so damn much, aaaa
Just reading with Jimin would be so nice, that one paragraph had such a quiet feeling to it, ah.
Oh no, he went back on tour </3
I would totally jump up and hug Jimin, sorry not sorry, that man needs so much love for being so cute and... A N D *heavy breathing*
Oh right Y/N does it anyway
Awww yes he hugs back ;w;
Ooh, familiar scent and a long hug, that's definitely romantic.
bOOK HANDING OVER INCEPTION. Thank you for that little nod, ah.
I would probably fit in his suitcase tbh I mean I'm 145cm and he's what, 165cm?? It would totally work out, guys.
Sneaky Jimin putting his number in Y/N's pocket. Wait he's also part of the pervert line, BREA ARE YOU SURE HE DIDN'T TAP Y/N'S ASS A LITTLE? Lol just kidding, but still, nice move, Jimin.
He smells like books, bless
That note was so sweet holy shit
Good ending oh my God that was such a nice ending
Jimin AU (Critic's Standing):
How do I write a formal review, again? I loved the book cafe, that was such a natural place for this to happen. Y/N and Jimin meeting week after week, and Jimin inching closer and closer until he literally comes right up to Y/N and all I could think of was a fluffy puppy running, and it killed me. I really liked how Y/N and Jimin established a quiet relationship, that's like, friendship, and friendship is so nice. Then Jimin left and I felt a little empty with Y/N, and I'm just sitting here thinking about how easily you were able to make me relate to Y/N. He came back blond (I refuse to add the 'e' for a male; I'm Canadian, that's just how the French do things, nothing wrong with the more modern/American way >w<) and had to tap Y/N's hand to get their attention, and then there's that adorable hug that just warmed my heart.
Then there was a very well executed explanation of how Jimin knows he and Y/N are soulmates and how he slipped a note into their pocket when they hugged. And I'm completely serious when I say that I would love to just stuff myself into Jimin's suitcase, ha ha ha! The kisses were also a really nice touch, the note was very sweet, and again, Y/N's last say in this scenario as they gave in to temptation and texted Jimin was adorable. Jimin's explanation and the note really did it for me, heh. I enjoyed Jungkook's the most, out of these three, but this was also really relaxing to read.
OK, that's it, for the maknae line! Onto the hyung line. Thanks again for reading, everyone.
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dragonologist-phd · 6 years
Disillusion and Deliverance
Ooh boy. I finally finished a prompt fill that I started what feels like forever ago for @pillarspromptsweekly Prompt #19- Family. The reason this took so long is because after the newest DLC came out, I went back and rewrote practically the whole thing to center around that storyline. Obviously, if you haven’t played that DLC yet, there will be spoilers ahead. Fic is also here on AO3.
“But above all, the Great Hound celebrates the… the transformative nature of strength. Galawain’s greatest desire is that the prey becomes predator, babes become hunters, and the lost find… um, they find…”
“The lost find their own enlightenment,” High Priestess Elayne supplied, her eyes narrowed slightly at the child standing before her. They were in Galawain’s section of the temple, standing before the elaborately carved statue of the Seeker God. The temple was not large, but it was dutifully cared for and carried its own humble dignity. Galawain in particular received quite a bit of worship in these parts; the Living Lands were full of hunters and explorers hoping to be blessed with the favor of the Lord of the Hunt.
Elayne had hoped the setting would inspire her young charge to show more dedication to her studies. It seemed her hopes had been in vain.
“And the lost find their own elightment,” Desta finished in a rush. She bit her lip and looked up at Elayne with apprehension. They’d been working on this lesson for the better part of the day, and the girl was no doubt ready to move on. But the priestess’s job was to teach, not coddle.
She closed the book in front of her and sighed. “For all the time we’ve spent on it, your recitation has seen little improvement.”
“But I got almost all of it!” Desta protested. “I only needed a little help on the last few words!”
“And there lies your problem,” Elayne said. She rubbed her eyes with a sense of exhaustion. “Even now, you think of these teachings as only words. You’re simply repeating what you’ve memorized. Doesn’t this mean anything to you?”
Desta opened her mouth to answer, then paused as if she suddenly remembered to whom she was speaking. Her shining golden eyes flickered quickly to Galawain’s statue, and she gave a noncommittal shrug.
Elayne closed her eyes, making no effort to hide her disappointment. “I would have thought that if the Book of the Hunt would resonate with anyone, it would be one of Galawain’s own children.”
A strange, contemplative look settled onto Desta’s face. “What if I’m not?”
“Not what?”
“One of Galawain’s children.” Desta looked up at the priestess, her voice challenging and hopeful in equal measures. “I was talking to the hunters yesterday, and one of them said I look like a delemgan. He said they live in the trees, and some of them are nice. I could be one of those!”
Elayne blinked, alarmed. In all honesty, the child probably did resemble a delemgan, with her mossy green coloring and the bits of foliage that sprouted from her skin. Elayne had known Desta since the first day she had been brought to the temple as an infant; the girl’s features, once so strange, were now as familiar as her own reflection. And they could come from nothing but the touch of Galawain. “The delemgan are spirits, and I can assure you that you are most certainly kith. Why would you think anything else?”
The hope radiating from Desta faded into resignation at Elayne’s answer. Her arms crossed and she ran her hands over her skin, fingers tracing the trails of lichen that twisted up to her shoulders. “Some people call him the Father of Monsters. I’d rather be a spirit than a monster.”
A pang of sympathy rang through Elayne’s heart. She kneeled down before the child, taking Desta’s hands in her own. “You are not a monster,” she said earnestly. “You are just as much a kith as anyone else. The only difference is that you have been chosen by a god for something greater than you yet know.”
Desta’s face twisted into a frown and she pulled her hands away. “Are you sure? Because none of the purposes in the book are about good things. It’s all fighting and hunting and killing.” Her golden eyes burned into Elayne’s, full of the certainty only the young possess. “If Galawain chose me for that, I think he chose wrong!”
“Desta!” Goosebumps prickled down Elayne’s back. She could almost feel the eyes of Galawain boring into her. “You should not question the gift you have been given!”  
The priestess took a calming breath. “I know his lessons can be harsh. Galawain is not a god to offer comfort or charity. What he offers is survival. Learning from him means learning how to be strong. This isn’t something to be afraid of.”
Desta’s chin stuck out defiantly. “I’m not afraid!”
“Good.” Elayne smiled and fondly brushed Desta’s hair back. She pressed the Book of the Hunt into the child’s hands. “Galawain’s teachings will help you to realize the potential inside of you. Keep up your studies, and you will find understanding.”
Desta didn’t look completely convinced but she took the book and accepted Elayne’s words as a dismissal. Before she left the temple, however, she turned back, eyes fixed on Galawain’s altar. “I’m not afraid,” she repeated. “And I’m not one of his monsters.”
With that, she turned and ran, back to her own room in the back of the temple. Elayne watched her go, worry and affection and befuddlement mixing inside of her. “You can’t deny she has spirit,” she muttered to the statue.
 Yes, Desta had spirit- a willful, stubborn spirit. Spirit lent itself to strength, true, but coupled with starry-eyed naiveté it could be a dangerous thing. It was understandable in a child, but as Desta grew older her spirit only clashed more and more with the teachings of Galawain, in ways that the High Priestess could not overlook.
It was a strange blessing when Desta finally left the temple of her own accord. Elayne did not begrudge her that choice; the priestess had known for a long time that Desta was too restless to ever be truly happy here.
Perhaps she should have known that from the very start. No matter what Desta thought of Galawain, he was called the Seeker God for a reason, and his influence ran through her veins. It seemed fitting that whatever destiny awaited the godlike girl- and Elayne firmly believed it was a great one- she would find it on her own.
I just hope you know what you’re doing, she thought to Galawain. It was the closest she had ever come to questioning his decisions.
  Galawain did not fawn over his children. There was no point to it- the kith might have borne his touch, but they were still mere kith, here and then gone in the blink of an eye. Some of his fellow gods may have developed particular attachments to their own progenies, but it was a foolish thing to indulge in. The children’s existence served its purpose, and any effort extended beyond their creation was impractical.
And Galawain was nothing if not practical. Even his worshippers received nothing from him without first fighting for it tooth and nail. There was no reason he should offer anything different to whining girls who sat at the feet of statues and asked about things they could not comprehend.
Desta did not truly catch his notice until she became embroiled in Thaos’s plot. Before that, she had been drifting through world, dull and aimless. Her time in those days had been pointlessly devoted to her precious paladins, guarding the weak who by all rights should have been culled from the herd. Even being transformed into a Watcher had happened through blind luck and circumstance rather than any competence on her part.
But she now had his attention. He watched her embrace her newfound abilities, watched her become stronger and accumulate power. She was still soft-hearted and foolish- that much was plain when she squandered the potential of the regained souls by returning them to the Hollowborn. But she had perseverance and a strong will, traits she had learned from Galawain’s teachings whether she acknowledged it or not.
Galawain could almost believe she had a chance stopping Eothas. Almost. What Berath failed to see was that they were already too late. Aside from that, his daughter lacked the ruthlessness and hungry cunning required to be anything more than pawn in a tedious game. She was too easily swayed by emotions, too easily distracted by the need to save every pitiful weakling she came across. She would fail.
Knowing this, Galawain prepared for the worst. He was no fool; whatever Eothas was planning, he would not be around to suffer it. He would draw power from Kazuwari and the souls that worshipped him there. For as long as he needed, he would survive. What happened to Desta was no concern of his.
 Until he realized she was set on entering Kazuwari. That was when his attention to her shifted from disinterested irritation to true anger.
He gave her one chance to turn back. She did not heed him. She had been growing bolder as of late, ever since Berath had foolishly revealed to her the purpose their godlike children served. Whatever respect for the gods that had managed to survive inside of Desta up that point had been obliterated, and now she glared at Galawain with ineffective righteousness.
“I’m not going anywhere. These people need my help.”
Her help. Desta loved to help people. Did she not realize that her help only made them weak?
Galawain’s answer came in a growl. “They will live and die by the ferocity of their wits and the edge of their blades. They need nothing from you when they have me.”
Desta only glared at him. “If you think I’m turning my back on them because you told me to, you really have no idea who I am. These people asked me to come to their aid, and I’m going to, and no bastard pretender is going to stop me.”
She was brave, Galawain would not deny that. But bravery meant nothing if there was no intelligence behind it. Her presence on his island, as grating as it was, did not warrant concern. His daughter had always rejected his teachings, and without those the island would eat her alive.
  Aloth had been worried about Desta since the minute they stepped on to this island.
Before that, even. From the moment she came out of her Watcher state on the ship, he knew something was amiss. After so long in her company, the glazed, faraway expression that came over her when she communicated with souls didn’t alarm him the way it used to. But this time… something was different. This time, she came out of it angry.
He hadn’t had a chance to ask her about it. They’d been fighting for their lives ever since they reached shore. Between the wilderness of the island and the kith that inhabited it, there was hardly a moment of peace to be found. Iselmyr, at least, seemed to be enjoying herself. Aloth quickly learned that it was a good idea to let her instincts sink in whenever they stepped into the Crucible arena.
Between staying alive and moderating Iselmyr’s bloodlust, Aloth did his best to watch out for Desta. For the most part, she seemed herself- valiant and bold and full of light even in the midst of battle. But Aloth saw the expression on her face whenever she looked up at the depiction of Toamowhai towering over the arena. It was the same expression she had when she came out of her Watcher state on the ship- desperate and lost and increasingly angry.
She continued to converse with souls after every match, and that expression kept returning until at last it came to a boil. Her gaze had been fixed in the distance, lost to another conversation, until her golden eyes snapped back into focus and she snapped, “I’m not his!”
Her words stopped short as she blinked, reorienting herself. She was breathing heavily, and she clutched the side of her head, as if trying to force away a headache. Her eyes swept around the room, and she seemed to realize that her companions were staring at her. Without a word, she turned and stormed out of the room.
Aloth followed her. His mind was already racing with the very worst possibilities- he hadn’t seen her this distressed from a vision since their time encounters with Thaos. “Desta, wait!”
At his words she stopped and looked back at him in surprise. She hadn’t even noticed him behind her. Aloth reached out and took her arm, pulling her down the hallway where there were less people to stare. “What’s wrong?”
“I just can’t…” She shook her head and leaned against the wall.
“Is it Eothas? An Awakening? Are you hearing the whispers again?” Aloth was trying not to panic and failing miserably.
Desta’s eyes widened in alarm. “No! No, I- I’m fine. It’s nothing like that. It’s just that I… really hate being here.”
“Oh.” With that reassurance, Aloth’s heartbeat was able to slow back to its normal speed. He leaned against the wall next to Desta. “This may surprise you, but I must admit this isn’t my favorite place, either.”
She grinned weakly. “That spider did give you quite the scare, didn’t it?”
“Hmph. It’s going to take weeks to get spider silk out of my robes.”
A chuckle escaped from Desta’s lips, and she threaded her fingers through Aloth’s. They stood quietly like that for a moment, silently holding hands. Aloth knew Desta better than he knew anyone; if she wanted to tell him what she was thinking, she would. Sure enough, Desta eventually let out a sigh.
“It’s just that this place is like a giant monument to everything I ever wanted to leave behind me. All of this ‘seeker, slayer, survivor’ stuff- it may be the Toamowhai version, but it’s the same Galawain philosophy I heard my entire childhood. For years I thought that was what my life would be.”
Aloth frowned. He’d known Desta was raised in temple, but she didn’t speak much of those days. Now she spoke quickly, as if she couldn’t stop the words. “And then I decided that was all bullshit. I left it all behind, and I thought I was living my own life. But it turns out none of the godlike in the world are living their own life, because the gods could just end it for their own purpose anytime they want, and that’s the only reason we exist!”
Desta’s last words came out in an explosion of anger, and she punctuated her sentence by slamming her fist into the wall behind them. She screwed her eyes shut, fist still clenched, and took a few deep breaths.
“Hey,” Aloth said, tightening his grip on her hand. “It’s okay. You’re here. You’re safe. Just breathe.” He remembered too vividly the night she’d received that particular vision. She’d woken in an angry panic, but hadn’t wanted to speak of it. It had taken weeks for Aloth to piece together the entire story. Thinking about it now, it was a wonder Desta hadn’t blasted the Toamowhai statue to bits when they first arrived. Aloth would have liked to have seen that.
Beside him, Desta was breathing deeply, leaning into his touch. “I’m okay. Thanks. I can deal with it. I hate it, but I can deal with it.” Her eyes hardened. “What I can’t deal with right now is every soul in this place singing Galawain’s praises and being so delighted their candidate for Champion is a true reflection of Toamowhai. I thought I was strong enough to do this on my own, but it’s hard to believe that when everybody else believes that all my strength is really his.”
Aloth felt completely out of his depth. He hated seeing Desta like this, so angry at herself, but didn’t know if he had the words to make any of it better. Desta was the one who was usually good at this sort of thing- the support, the hope, the optimism.
Perhaps she just needed to be reminded of it.
“Do you remember,” he said slowly, “when I told you that my father’s treatment of me was what made me a successful wizard?”
Desta mouth presses into a thin line of disapproval, as it often did when the subject of Aloth’s father came up. “I’m pretty sure I called him some names. A lot of names. Why?”
Aloth smiled. “After you were done calling him names, you told me that was ridiculous. You said I got to where I was through my own actions, and that giving that credit to someone who mistreated me was doing myself a disservice.”
Desta gave him an appraising look. “I don’t say this often enough, but you’re a good listener.”
“And you give good advice. Advice that perhaps you should listen to.” He leaned his head against Desta’s shoulder. She smelled of fresh earth and morning grass- a unique scent, and a pleasant one, and one he’d missed deeply over their years apart. “Family can do things that are unforgivable. Those things can shape you. But they don’t define you. Your strengths, your choices… those are yours. Even being here proves that. Galawain didn’t want you to come, but you came anyway.”
“Because if I don’t do something, this whole island will die and take all the kith here with it.”
“And you wouldn’t be Desta if you didn’t do everything in your power to stop that from happening.”
Desta smiled, and Aloth was relieved to see that her bright, determined look had returned. For once, he seemed to have said something right. She leaned forward to give Aloth a light kiss. “Let’s go. We have a championship to win.”
  Desta could feel Galawain’s anger.
It hit her like a wave, amplified by her Watcher senses. In the distance she could still faintly detect his beast, restless and hungry for a fight. Galawain was there, in the physical world, channeled through his monster pet. And he was here, in the in-between place, standing furiously before Desta.
“This is my temple! My island! My security against Eothas’ madness! What did you do?”
“I saved this place!” Desta shouted, fighting to be heard over the roar of Galawain’s displeasure. The anger in the air lessened slightly at her words. She glared up at the god, wondering why he was reacting in such a way. For all he may have hated her, she could have severed his connection to the island completely. She could have let his precious island fester and rot, and wouldn’t that have been the cunning, ruthless revenge a child of the Hunt would take against their enemy?
But the kith who lived here, the spirits that coursed through the island, didn’t deserve that. Desta had saved them, and Galawain’s temple with it.
“The Crucible lives on, then,” Galawain mused. His form, immense and overpowering, shifted slightly, like mist in a breeze. “I did not expect this. Not from you.”
“You don’t know me.”
“But I do.” Galwain’s gaze was piercing. “You are a willful, contrary creature. You neither understand nor respect that which is greater than you. You blunder into my domain and play at being Champion, but what do you know of this place? The Crucible is a testament to my essence. A safeguard against the rash and foolish decisions of the other gods. It is mine.”
“And is that what the great Galawain plans to do against the threat of Eothas? Retreat to his island, alone?” That was exactly what he would do- Desta knew that. But even here, even now, she had to try and find something worthwhile in him. “You know you can do more than that. You say you’re so strong and powerful- prove it! Help us!”
His reply came as callous as she expected, but it still stung. “Help who? There are none who deserve my aid.”
Desta shook her head. “That’s not true, and you know it. You’re just a coward.”
The rush of anger was expected this time, but it still knocked the breath from Desta. The power of Galawain’s fury pressed in one her from all sides, the weight focused on her very soul. And then just as suddenly as it came, it was gone again, leaving Desta gasping and reeling. From above her, Galawain glowered with satisfaction.
“You forget how fragile your own existence is.”
Desta forced herself to stand upright once more. She was not in any physical pain, but she felt as if she had just walked a mile through a biawac. Galawain had restrained himself from killing her, but only just barely. Why he stopped, she didn’t understand. Maybe it was his way of inspiring fear, of reminding her of what he could do. Maybe the conflicting chimes Berath and Rymrgand had sowed within her were beginning to affect his control.
Either way, Desta was sick of putting up with his threats. Her grip tightened on her mace, and with a familiar rush of certainty she ignited the weapon with flickering blue flames. “If you wanted to fight, all you had to do was ask.”
Galawain grinned mockingly at her. “Very well, Champion.” And with that, his image dissipated completely, leaving behind only the porokoa that now stared at Desta with hungry eyes.
 Desta was almost sorry to kill the creature. It was a mindless beast, created and controlled by Galawain. But it had tried to eat her, and that soothed her remorse as she released its energy back into the island it had sprung from.
A load seemed to lift from her shoulders as she did so. She had done it. She had stood before Galawain- not a statue, but Galawain- and had told him he was wrong. It didn’t change anything. He was still here, hoarding his strength and not caring about anything but himself.
But Desta was here, too. It didn’t matter what path Galawain had started her on; she was forging ahead on her own. And if all Galawain could do to stand in her way was send a pet lizard after her, then he had never been much of a threat at all. Desta was going to go where she wanted. She was going to find Eothas. She was going to save this world.
For now, she was going to go back to her ship, hand-in-hand with Aloth, her friends at her side, all part of a little makeshift family that was strange and messy and hers. As she left the arena, she pulled the Champion’s cloak tighter around her shoulders. Accepting the mantle had felt strange at the time, almost blasphemous. But she had earned it, in spite of Galawain’s disapproval.
And if he ever wanted it back, he could just try to come and take it from her.
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floggingink · 7 years
Riverdale, “Chapter Seventeen: The Town That Dreaded Sundown”
Jughead should definitely know that a serial killer needs to have a body count of three to earn that sobriquet, so what Riverdale has is a sort of obstinate murderer
I LOVE his serial killer thought-mannequins
“Damn good coffee”: of course the Riverdale library has one light bulb per shelf and of course the librarian is dressed like that, with a big, big flower pin and half-moon readers
Jug should probably NOT say things like “Research, not for school,” unless he wants to be put on a list, like in Se7en (he has to raise flags verbally as it appears the library is offline)
Cheryl’s hair: there is very little Cheryl in this episode, but I take heart from the fact that her hair looks as bouncy and incredible as always, in the background
Alice rolling her eyes at Hal putting in a stronger lock seems to encapsulate much of Alice’s particular joie de vivre: She hoovers up every grisly bit of information, draws the most macabre conclusion possible, and spreads her vision to the masses for others to panic, but dares the danger itself to try and affect her, Alice Cooper
another slide transition wherein Alice and Jughead are more or less doing the same thing!
one of these days Jughead is going to cautiously open the door of his trailer and get absolutely pummeled
Archie made a little target out of printer paper with a Sharpie
I really like the long, serious, universe-appropriate fallout of the video. people are like, What the FUCK were you thinking? because it was a fucking insane thing to do!
Hermione is ON THE MONEY about Archie right now. Archie was a bumbling hero last episode, but at the end, VIA HIRAM, took it to “the streets” and is now “threatening violence,” because he has PTSTunnel Vision
Veronica’s hot pink miniskirt? seconded
Hiram beaming as he ticks off the “chaos and confusion” spreading around Riverdale, half of it brought about by his bequest, wishes he had a glass of port to swirl menacingly
the Coopers seem to have a centerpiece on their dining room table of a big bowl filled with napkins
Best costume bit: Betty’s cut-out paper snowflake shirt???
The Blossom spawn: REMEMBER THAT POLLY RAN AWAY AGAIN? it was like the fourth time she ran away
Hal’s extremely calm, blue American Eagle sweater
okay when Archie said he took the original video down on his own, I was slightly mollified, but you know, YOU KNOW HE WASN’T DONE OKAY
at Betty’s request that Jughead leave Southside, during lunch, to go to Riverdale, during lunch: “Betty, I have to try and at least maintain a semblance of being a student here.”
Sexy, aesthetic Southside: Sweet Pea’s computer is such a piece of shit, he is amazing
Toni has on some sort of incredible elastic headband from Claire’s
Gay?!: Fogarty wants to earn his “Serpent stripes,” which apparently means you need to...take something to the streets…
he and Moose would probably get along. they seem to be built from the same mold
Sweet Pea LOVES this idea and pounds the table!!! gerrymandered violence!!!! meanwhile Jughead is panicking because he is really bad at violence
Gay.: “I know this guy,” AKA I slept on his bedroom floor for a couple weeks
Jughead calls Archie “a milquetoast,” a word Archie would not understand
there is a BEAUTIFUL, eye-rolling Serpent along the wall behind Sweet Pea, with a nose ring, who does not care that Jughead does not like this
Sweet Pea’s sort of caustic bluster comes from someone who has probably never shot anybody. I think he is still trying to figure out Jughead, whom he just calls, proprietarily, “Jones”
Archie > Dawson: Archie strutting down the hallway, revelling inwardly at how badass his callout of the Black Hood was, crashing into a Veronica who does not give a shit, is almost perfect except that there isn’t literally a record-scratch sound effect
there is a girl in a pink sweater, by the way, who gives Archie what would be my expression, which is like, Don’t you, like, play the guitar?
Fifth period is AP English: Archie read Lord of the Flies but missed the part where it’s not about human nature in general but rather the nature of spoiled boys
Veronica is slightly stunned that Archie does not have a plan more intricate than basically what he outlined in the video. basically that Hermione was right
I don’t think Betty/Jughead and Veronica/Archie interact this episode, which means we do not get to read the screen of Archie’s phone receiving Jughead’s text: “nice video, YOU DOLT. ARE YOU HAVING SOME SORT OF PSYCHOTIC BREAK.” five minutes later: “is this because I stopped sleeping on your bedroom floor? tell me the truth.”
someone transcribed the audio of Archie’s video into Principal Weatherbee’s olive Moleskin dayplanner
if Episode 1-5 Archie saw what Episode 17 Archie has done to his music and football career, he would have a coronary
Kevin has “reupped” his membership to a hookup site for blue-state people in red-state states
OOH the soundtrack when Betty talks about getting the Black Hood letter was SORT OF opening-credits Se7en, but like, by way of the Riverdale theme
Betty makes a classic horror movie decision (good or bad TBD by the outcome) of deciding not to tell anyone about The Test
Kevin makes a valid point that Betty is not unionized FBI Special Agent Will Graham, or even trainee Clarice Starling
50 Shades of Betty: Betty’s eyeliner manipulates Alice’s dramaternal instincts
Alice assumed the Black Hood is “terrified” of her so he uses the second-best Alice, which is Betty
in another Zodiac move, Alice publishes the cipher in case an old retired couple takes a crack at it and solves it over breakfast (this is a great movie)
Reggie’s world is collapsing around his ears: “PLEASE, BRO. SIGN THE LETTER.”
Archie is taking Alice’s spin seriously that the killer must be a Southsider, like he took Hiram’s word to form…….I’m exhausted
this episode’s Archie is the same Archie as “The Outsiders” when he outs Jughead’s father as a Serpent, which was awful, except the awfulness this episode entertains me
Dilton just wants to watch the world burn, which at this point Archie should recognize since he says things like “The hunter becomes the hunted” and “And then there was one”
Summer + Blair = Veronica: Veronica quietly confronts her father, Slytherin to Slytherin, about Archie’s simpleness being both a pro and con
is it weird for her to have to sit facing a portrait of herself? (probably not)
the CW website dims when you pause it, so I can’t read Jughead’s notes, but he’s taking notes longhand, which is probably, like, calming
I want to say he’s put up a few of his movie posters! Jughead has a bedroom!!!!!
Toni prefers Jake Gyllenhaal’s Zodiac book from the movie (this is a great season of Riverdale for David Fincher)
Jughead is kind of adorable in this scene. he has never had a friend, EVER, who has not given him a weird look when he drops a reference to H. H. Holmes’ murder hotel or Dahmer’s sex zombies or whatever (Archie does not know who they are). his big blue-eyed gaze up at Toni is because he finally found someone else who listens to The Last Podcast on the Left
though Albert Fish stuck pins up his dick, so there’s a time and a place for all quips
“True crime is my crack” is an understatement
“True crime is my JJ” would work
the lock screen on Betty’s phone is like a pink Versailles print because Betty is a French Rococo princess
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in a twist I never saw coming, Jughead chooses the “__ - __” version of a dash instead of an em dash
Veronica supports Archie’s dangerous side-project because right now it’s just Archie and his “comely crew” picking up Ethel on the side of the road. she does not know of the plan to go TO THE SOUTHSIDE, LIKE A MORON, for a confrontation no one else wants
I’d like to know what secret fund Archie is dipping into to buy Ms. Grundy $300 cello bows and $500 tactical Army gear
Jughead 1) brought his beanie with him to the door and 2) doesn’t bother putting it on when it’s Betty, because he is a special young man
Betty wants to see Jughead EVERY DAY
Jughead becomes the second television character in history to admit to having morning breath, after Sookie St. James
Fwoopy hair is the best hair: Jughead’s freshly slept-on mop of hair, Jughead’s bedhead, reinforcing the lesson that seeing him without his hat on is a privilege reserved for the few, the proud
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Jughead eats: Jughead’s breakfast of coffee and cereal feels right, true
consider that Jughead could have lied and not told Betty that he’s been doing research on the side—and it’s not even on the side! it’s on his own time, at his school—with his ONE OTHER FRIEND, leaving her to “discover” this fact later when Toni “lets it slip,” what we might call the Gossip Girl route. instead Jughead’s like, I’ve been doing X with Z, by the way
Betty very cannily proposes a group project to steer this train barrelling down a hill and makes sure to haul in Kevin, an ally
Jughead’s resistance to fully embracing Kevin continues
“Are you saying I’m not rocking the scoop-neck look?”
Veronica was rich: Veronica’s late-night planning is impressive, as was someone’s ability to come up with a wholly original logo for a downtown office space converted into a restaurant only open for brunch and happy hour for her
Cheryl’s a chaos angel from hell: Cheryl agreed to help distribute the T-shirts, I can only assume because she knows she is spreading Hiram’s chaos and confusion
Kevin knows where his platonic bread is buttered: “ICONIC AND BEYOND REPROACH”
Kevin looks SO MUCH like his father in this scene!
Betty TAKES DOWN her ponytail, in an incredible soft-power move!
God bless jingle-jangle: Toni is right that people need to stop TOTALLY ERRONEOUSLY forcing themselves to assume everything bad is from the southside and Betty is right that Toni is TOTALLY ERRONEOUSLY forcing herself to assume Betty is Betty’s mother! it’s not Toni’s fault that she didn’t get that Blue & Gold issue with Betty’s huge “FP JONES PURE AS FRESHLY FALLEN SNOW” headline. however I do wish Toni’s defenses of the southside, that mostly it’s patriarchs like Clifford Blossom who are involved in drugs and that Archie’s Red Circle IS A GANG, were not so couched in obnoxious SJW verbiage
Every triangle has three corners, every triangle has three sides: also I agree with other very eloquent, thoughtful people that what Toni probably wants is for Jughead to just be a fucking Serpent already and that Betty, to the Serpents, is an almost out-of-nowhere anchor to the preppy, ancien régime northside who needs to go so Jughead’s transformation will be complete
Archie going to the southside, completely unbidden, is GLORIOUSLY HORRIBLE, OH GOD
if Jughead knew Archie was strolling around graffitiing vintage barn doors on his side of town just to intimidate the locals with a giant defacing threat of baby police state violence, Jughead would actually, literally kill him
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some sorta sweet green muscle car parked there though!
I’m writing a scene where it’s gay.: as it is, Sweet Pea would be honored to do Jughead’s dirty work for him, except that Archie is PACKING HEAT
These students are legally children: Sweet Pea’s feelings look hurt that Archie escalated this so insanely and Archie’s hand is shaking because he wants to be a big scary guy but really he is an infant
Allison Anders’ camera pans so lovingly up Betty and Jughead’s semi-entwined bodies as a sort of cool-down exhale, like Everything is fine
Jughead confirmed big spoon
“Exhaustion. It’s not easy being us.”
Cheryl’s sheaths: Don’t miss Cheryl’s low V-neck in science class!!!
she’s partnered with Kevin, so...to be a fly on the side of that table…
Archie can TRY TO PRETEND like he’s still writing songs!
“Let me tell you something about loyalty. AND I KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT.”
Jughead CANNOT BELIEVE he was not immediately included in the intimate circle of two who knew HIS GIRLFRIEND got a PERSONAL LETTER from his PET SERIAL KILLER
oh my god, oh my god, someday I will be a good enough writer (@nimmieamee) to sit down and with cool confidence articulate all the ways that Jughead’s scene with Archie in the second episode, when he grabs Archie by the lapels and shakes him, with his words, begging him to TELL SOMEBODY, is Jughead’s defining, most fantastic, saddest, righteous moment, from a kid who screams at the sky that he doesn’t care about anything yet cares EXTREMELY about EVERYTHING. it gladdens me...it is my JJ...that Jughead does the same here, to someone else he loves, who is sitting on explosive information that is putting, you know, lots of people in danger, just because the information is too close or too scary. you know, Jughead can be on whatever side of the town he wants. but Jughead is a fucking moral compass. Jughead is like the Zodiac killer’s target symbol, except that his target IS JUSTICE
“I’ve been gone for two days.”
Jughead doubts it: at this point I honestly can’t tell if I think Archie would absolutely know that Betty isn’t to blame for anything or if he’d be like….But is it possible…
goddamn fucking Jughead like when Betty was like, AM I CRAZY, Jughead is like, GET IT TOGETHER
it was too much when he sat next to her and rubbed her shoulder. his signature move. can you believe this. it even calmed Archie once. Veronica, you’re next. sit down on a couch built for two and let your eyes start to fill. I need a Jughead right now because of all the emotion I’m feeling about Jughead
Veronica makes an instinctively uncomfortable face reaching into the tank, but the tank water is clean, for the record. I want to stand up for these bathrooms because they are so much immeasurably fancier than my high school bathrooms
Archie’s blackout speech to Veronica in his living room is the apex of his insanity, so it’s all going to be okay, but Veronica has to do all the work to get him there
“No, you just asked me to fetch your loaded gun.”
a Reggie will always defuse tension
Penelope’s looking good at the town hall! you can only barely tell her face is fucked up
“In the Book of Reg, that makes you a top-tier loyal badass.” basically what Serpent Daddy told Jughead about his father
GET IT? BECAUSE THE RED CIRCLE IS BASICALLY A GANG? they’re both gangs. case dismissed
Sweet Pea just gets cuter and cuter
“You have crap timing, bro.”
Veronica calls them all “troglodytes,” which I think isn’t giving troglodytes enough credit
everyone promptly concedes to Veronica, who is far and away the most natural leader amongst them
Jughead and Betty break into the library to stop an actual killer and Veronica breaks into the school to get Archie’s gun, so you tell me who’s a better boyfriend (they are both excellent girlfriends)
okay maybe they go to the library, which is just open late, and calmly check out a Nancy Drew book, but once again Betty&Jughead’s plot is like THE SKY IS FALLING, meanwhile Archie is like, THIS PROBLEM I CREATED IS GETTING OUT OF HAND!
The 2001 Josie and the Pussycats movie was a masterpiece: Mayor McCoy is about done with Alice
What damn high school in America: I don’t think Alice means that the Southside kids should integrate into Riverdale High so much as they should just end up on the streets like the hoodlums they are
Certified pedigree: “Alice, you’re the one holding the cleaver.” WHERE IS YOUR SON FREDERICK
Fred saying “Meanwhile there’s a guy out there with a gun and a hood” overtop Archie, a guy with a gun and a hood, “bringing out the worst in this town”
Archie’s haymaker is really good, though
Sixth period is Intro to Film: the pullback along the line of Serpents and Bulldogs crashing into each other is straight out of Captain America: Civil War because it cannot be improved upon
does Hiram WANT Riverdale to get divided into two different towns so that he can buy one of the towns?
I’ve seen Brick like thirty times: Veronica, in a cape, fires a gun into the air to stop the gang fight, because out of everyone there she is actually impressive
Dilton Doiley is a canonically great dancer: Does Dilton—stab himself? is Dilton ACTUALLY a psychopath?
Betty and Jughead with their post-investigation wet hair is classic
I am breathlessly waiting, BREATHLESSLY, for Alice’s hammer to come down on Jughead
Veronica uses the word “fraught,” which Archie will write down for later
The female gaze: Archie’s torso and Veronica’s thighs
the warm summer rain of perspective starting to mist in on Archie’s garden of trauma
Betty answers her the call from “Unknown,” because I suppose she’s never answered one and it’s turns out it’s from the car dealership in the state you don’t even live in anymore trying to tell you that the warranty on your Corolla is about to expire soon when you know very fucking well it expired like ten years ago and they just want YOUR MONEY
Please protect Betty: BETTY PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!!!
NEXT WEEK: Cheryl waves at me
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forthelalaland · 7 years
Ate Jessa 💗
I do not know how will I start this post. Actually having second thoughts if I should push through this or what. I feel pressured because I am posting something about my writer friend. Huhu, haha! I apologize for my amateur+ity. Pinapangunahan ko na kayo. Pero lablab kita, ate! Salamat sa araw na ‘to pati na rin sa susunod pa. 😂
I met this beautiful girl, Ate Jessamine, in my previous company. We were not in the same department but we are in one team. There are less than 20 people in the office, ewan ko lang kung mag-snoban pa kami. LOL! But my first impression? I see her as a rocker chic. With those full bangs and red plaid button downs, I feel like she was an anime person who jumped off the TV and came to life. Hahaha! As the days go by though, I get to know her better and realized she is more of a soft-hearted girl. Very different to my first impression! Hahaha! I am grateful that I met this ate of mine. Here is our story in the next paragraph. Chos! Hahahahaha.
Remember when I was assigned to be the van leader in our outing? In my first work, yup! Well... Ate Jessa belonged to my group. She was new then. Like just a week or two I guess? And this was the only time I, we, talked to her. Actually, that was the chance to make chikahan to each other because pure work in the office! The 36 hours with them totally made a big difference because I had different moments to each one of them. Oh, I miss my Eat Girls! Hello guys, Starbucks soon, please? Huehue. Also to my ates and kuyas! Huehuehue. So back to Ate Jessa! I do not know too but there was just a time where both of us bonded. In a click! Literally and figuratively. During our free time, we became partners because it is the two of us who love taking photos. We did it with the rest of the group pero mas kami, alam mo yun? She has an Olympus mirrorless cam and we take turns in taking pictures. At laaast, found a friend who can capture the way I want! Funny because she said that too. LOL! And you will know it is pure. Not using each other and just being happy with the output pictures. I love that it is not toxic. Wew, trust issues til now. Hahahu. So thanky G for letting us cross each other's life. Hahaha, hihi. Basta yun! That is the start of our friendship. Until it continued after the outing and still ongoing until now. :)
Since I am a curious person, I searched ate in the virtual world. I can't see her. But a fishy info appeared. Ayun, I asked her implicitly and investigated a little further. The next thing was just OMG! The info I saw is a post with her name with a quote. I had this agam-agam so I then asked, "Ate, nagsusulat ka ba?" She had no escape. Ate admitted it was her. Yuuuuuz, she is a Wattpad writer! Heavy 'di ba? I never knew my photographer in the beach was an icon! Amazeballs! It is a pleasure po. Hahahahaha. Wala lang! I just feel like telling it. Nakakaproud eh? She has published books and that is w-o-w 100%!!!!!
After almost three months, Ate Jessa and I saw each other again. Finally! The first plan with the group and the writers' convention became a drawing. This almost did too! But we made it. FO if not! I set my mind into it eh. Buryong-buryo na kaya ako sa bahay. Huehue. My September weekends are free because Dada is reviewing for boards while my parents are preparing for some stuff. I can choose to date myself if I want to but isn't happiness gets doubled when shared? So Ate Jessa's timing was just perfect. At least, I had something to look up at the end of the week. Felt like a human because of that excitement again. Srsly. Haha! So supposedly, we will see each other in Mega Mall. That will be our meeting place since I am scared to go to MOA alone. We are going there because an event for bookworms are happening that day. Plus! The most important thing: she is meeting her readers. Wooh, famous! Keri lang mag-PA sige. Hahahahaha! But then that morning, she was not replying. I thought she just slept in the van or so. Guess what though? I waited for five hours and my heart was starting to get sad. Huhu. I am right she overslept. Instead of going to MIBF, we just had our main plan: photoshoot at BGC! Grabe ang tagal ni ate! Yet all are worth it. I have nothing to say. Yahooooo!
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Ate and I met in the place already. I just read some synopsis of the books in the first floor since I was in Fullybooked. But before everything, huuuuug! I missed this redhead. Hihihi. Ate so qt when she told me that we must start our agenda agad-agad! Well, we did tho. Felt like nothing changed. And I like this feeling. Yasss! Ate Jessa loves wall arts. She did enjoy. I am glad with that feedback. What are our secret? We exchanged cameras so I shoot with hers and she shoots with mine. Ooh, buena mano! My first photoshoot ever with my baby. Hihihi. I was not that prepared for this because I was worried all day. I thought this will not happen. Also, I worked for my offset. I got few favorites to be used as my pre-makeover. Can't wait to let you guys see it!!!
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But you know, what I liked the most this day was our going to deep conversations. Dada arrived so it got cut. He needs to send me home since it was a little late already. Hehe. At last, Dada met the friend I have been boasting about. I am so proud of Ate Jessamine eh. Seems like they had a good impression to each other. Ate said Dada and I are cute. But his words are so super! Swerte mo may kaibigan kang ganyan na sumusuporta sa'yo. Yiee, she passed to be my friend from boyfie's view! Because some does not. Yup! Not kidding. LOL.
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I learned a lot today! First, not everything you plan happens the way you want to be. Cliché as it may sound but really, that is it. Because there will be other people who can bring that change in you. No man is an island! And, I am blessed I met the best people here in the universe! TYG! Hihihi. I also reflected that indeed, everything falls in accordance with God's will. Sometimes, no matter how disciplined you think you are, you have to accept that there are a lot of factors why you sometimes feel like a failure even if you give your best shot. I know that now. God wanted me to trust Him. He and His plans for me. Besides, G will always give it! Kahit kailan eh hindi niya ipagdaramot ang mga biyayang ito. Just need to wait, to practice patience, and to believe in Him. Yuh yuh, I will live now. Like, I will make my move and hope G and I are on the same page. If not? Izzokay! I will just pray for it until it comes true. I shall never waste my time here on earth worrying about nonsense things. Gotta live for real! Love life for real. Ohhh, thank you so much Lord! 💖
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starwriterulia · 6 years
Reviewing Brea's Stuff - BTS Soulmate AU (2/2)
PART 2/2 (Rap Monster, Jin, J-Hope, Suga)
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HI! \(OwO)/
I want to draw ya'll's attention to one of my friends: @jimin-jungshook-over-literalbae. She's a k-pop reaction/scenario/text writer, and not only have I missed her as a friend so much during my long hiatus, I've also missed her writing. Thankfully, there's a lot for me to catch up on! She asked me to give my opinions on her BTS AUs, and with her permission, I've turned my reviews it into a bit of advertising! If you wanna read the stuff I did, ya'll don't have to scroll super far to find it all. I'll be reviewing each AU from a Reader's Standing (silly, sometimes improper sentences; sO MUCH swearing; caps lock) and from a Critic's Standing (second reading; at least one paragraph).
Yes, that was copy-pasted, but you never know, someone might stumble onto this and be wondering why I'm doing it.
Let's get into this again! >o<
Rap Monster (Reader's Standing):
Back-up back stage manager Y/N while the official person is sick, interesting
'His voice, though muffled by the door, is attractive and masculine'—Yes, yes it is.
Shaking hands with soulmate warmth/fire, ooh, wow, that's really cool! I love that, Brea.
'You could feel when he was getting closer, that warmth growing within you'—Is Y/N therefore hot or cold? Hot, definitely hot.
Yes, Namjoon is gorgeous.
Y/N is secretly OCD while sweeping, I just know it.
Fated finding of Namjoon's phone is fated.
Intensifying level of heat to a bonfire was really nice to read, good metaphors, ooh.
He backed Y/N into the dressing table liKE A MONSTER. Yeah all right I need to chill. Brea, do you have some water I could drink, right quick?
*Oh no there's a typo, it's 'breathe' instead of 'breath'. I'm fine. This is OK. :D*
Ooh, Namjoon sensing where Y/N is with heat is such a cool thing!! I love that so much?!
'His fingers burn against the cool skin of your cheek'—*Hisses to add affect* OK wow that was hot. >:)
Y/N confessing their attraction to Namjoon is a win
Ooh yes, slightly possessive Namjoon is treat
Evenings spent together? Yes to a classic romance trope.
Fire becomes uncomfortable when Y/N or Namjoon is upset and Namjoon even dispelled a situation, bless that twist
Namjoon's little speech at the end was so beautiful and ugh
Also thanks for the small kisses across the knuckles and—
Oh god it's 'breathe' instead of 'breath' again. Brea I know autocorrect is a bitch, you're not to blame, just leave the typos. XDD
Rap Monster (Critic's Standing):
The scenario for this AU was interesting, and how Brea made sure to remember Y/N's job throughout the story. This review is going to be far shorter because I'm literally taken away by how fun and romantic this was? Fire is such a classic writing tool, and Brea used it so well, in this AU, I just loved it so much. I'm pretty sure this will be my favourite, when I'm done reading Jin's and J-Hope's, 'cause I'm sitting here and I can't find anything I would want to improve on this scenario, in terms of how it played out. Brea, this was perfect.
Jin (Reader's Standing):
I wouldn't be just sitting outside relaxing, I'd be on the look out for sp00ders.
But good solid first paragraph, in other words
Our boys are here and they're disturbing Y/N oh dear
Scared by Seokjin, oh Y/N, he wouldn't hurt a fly. ;w;
Ooh. Soothing soulmate feeling, that's so nice, it's like, the opposite of Namjoon's. Wait, that was your plan, wasn't it? 'Cause it worked, I'm so blown away by how nice this is, so far.
Wait 'figures over yours' Brea you missed the word 'stands'. You might want to fix that, some time. No pressure, relax, my girl. Wait, that was awkward for me, probably for you too, I'm sorry for being a millennial. XDD
Very surreal paragraph as Seokjin helps Y/N stand
Breeze from Seokjin disappears and suddenly Y/N feels stressed again, poor Y/N. :(
Good puppy for apologizing, he's so soft.
Yes puppy smiles that blessed my afternoon thank you Brea
Yes, Kim Seokjin is alluring.
And yes he has a beautiful face
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA he knows right away when you hold hands!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the amount of !'s but wow that was so romantic and I loved it
'I can't leave the children unattended'—Agreed, they're all children
Actor Seokjin is accurate, too
Heart emoji was cute oh my Lord
Good summary of Jin in one paragraph, demonstrates what Y/N learned about him
He dresses so softly though, ah
Loud laugh and mischievous, yep
Feeding Y/N food, thank you Brea, oh my gosh it's all so cute and just ugh
Aw they fell asleep on the couch
Jin (Critic's Standing):
This one had such a sweet aesthetic to it, it was so Seokjin, I enjoyed it so much! The guys messing around and disturbing Y/N's rest was on point, and Seokjin shielding Y/N from a baseball ball (try saying that ten times fast) was so princely of him. Timid Y/N was cute, too, and Seokjin again being a prince and helping them stand up. Not to mention the introduction of the calming wind soulmate cue that Y/N and Seokjin have, and how he immediately knows Y/N is his soulmate, that was just so... soap opera-esque, so well done and I loved it. Also, Taehyung apologizing and then smiling like the puppy he is was a bonus.
The first date was fun and pleasant to read, and as I said in the Reader's Standing, I really liked how you included things about Seokjin that Y/N know that ARMY already knows, it was a very nice and natural addition. Jin feeding Y/N was also a win, and the two watching movies and cuddling, then falling asleep on the couch, and Seokjin calling Y/N 'princess' before he left was just so smooth. I'd have to place this one as my current third, after Jungkook's and Namjoon's, who's still in first. Such a romantic and casual scenario, Brea, well done!
J-Hope (Reader's Standing):
Y/N is super busy in this one, hoo boy
Drink carriers are also called cup trays! I love how words can be called different words. :D
OK I need to drink some water hold on... yeah I'm good now, damn I'm getting tired of reading so much romance, my emotions aren't used to this much softness.
Bright red haired J-Hope is great thank you
Love hurts, hell yeah :D
Y/N works for advertising, neat
Ooh look, it's 3/4 of the hyung line!
Dancer Hoseok is accurate as hecc
Realistic company, very nice
'You might be blinded as if the sun were to glint off that smile'—Well, he is our sunshine.
Hello, 'taking a deep breathe' typo, nice to see you again.
And on opposite arms ooh
Whoa dang that was a long bow and dang Y/N straightened him that was a nice touch
Ye boys and girls it's a dinner date
The tattoo reminds Y/N that this isn't a dream, good catch there Brea
Hoseok admitting that Y/N looks cute was indeed cute
SHINE HOSEOK SHINE oh boy that car ride would have been fun
All the boys are here bless you Brea
Cute kiss is cute
And he kisses back of course, aww
AWEUROUEWI Hoseok's hands through Y/N's hair
Such a strong ending, Lord, bless this AU
J-Hope (Critic's Standing):
Y/N in this scenario is so relatable, they're a hard worker and—oh wait, there's Y/N's soulmate and it burns again. I'm serious, I'm not used to reading this much romance, I'm a little tired, want to take a nap but MUST FINISH, c'mon Faith, you've only got one left. That meeting J-Hope on 'accident' (it was fate, we all know it was fate) went together so well, it was very pleasant to read. Then they formally met and Y/N brought him to their office to review the proposal for footage, and Hoseok prompted Y/N to discover their matching flame tattoos, except each was on a different arm, and I thought that was a cool little feature. Not to mention that Hoseok bows low and for a prolonged amount of time before Y/N makes him stand because they think they're equals, that was a really nice touch. The car ride was fun to read, I could totally see Hoseok doing that. And we see the guys again—Jimin first, 'cause that puppy was so excited to see his hyung, apparently—and they seemed to have a really nice time. The fluff at the end was so sweet, and I just... it was so cute, I loved this one. Wouldn't change a thing.
Suga (Reader's Standing):
This one is probably going to dethrone Jimin as my bias someday because BOY IS SUGA R00D BUT CUTE AND IT FRUSTRATES AND PLEASES ME SO MUCH ugh, I love men
What a relaxing first paragraph...
Good reflexes, whoever saved Y/N
Ooh, icy cold soulmate. That suits Yoongi a lot, somehow.
'staring at him hand at shock'—When the 's' is an 'm' and you can't help but chuckle.
The 'hot' finger across the ice was honestly breathtaking to read, wow
He said 'holy shit' lmao thank you Brea I almost laughed out loud that would have been the end of me having a laptop XDD
Hoseok is here!! Hi sunshine!!
Casual phone number giving is casual and I liked it
This one is aesthetic too wow
Aw Y/N and Yoongi are both nervous about the whole soulmate thing that's so cute
'His outfit is casually sexy'—Bless you Brea that's such a concept
Speaking of smiles that pull at heart strings, that paragraph pulled at my heart strings.
Very pleasant and casual conversation between Y/N and Yoongi was really nice
The ice spreads oh my Lord that's so cool
The ice also might melt into Y/N's skin wow
Hello Jungkook and Taehyung nice to see you again
Awkward with words Taehyung and then apologizing real fast Taehyung was funny
'I'm glad I'm wrong'—Brea where is the 'I was'??
I thought the dog was Holly but nope it's Yeontan, my bad
Lmao at Yoongi's reaction to Jungkook's comment on how Y/N makes Yoongi happy
Soft kiss to the cheek garners more cool chills, nice
Dinner and movie with Yoongi was very relaxing. Uwu
Literally a very cool kiss, damn
WHY IS THERE NO MORE I'm a little sad now
Suga (Critic's Standing):
Never mind Namjoon's, this one was my favourite. I love how their meeting was so laid-back and romantic but had that literally icy cool soulmate twist to it, I absolutely loved this scenario. It was just a little more sweeter than the others because of how you portrayed Yoongi, and everything he did with Y/N. It was nice to see Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook again, and we even got an appearance by Yeontan! The way the ice spread and melted was so pleasing to read, and the little dinner and movie date Y/N and Yoongi had at his apartment was cute. I'm glad this was the one Brea started with, it was so so good!
I really hope Brea does more of these. I'd personally love to see Got7 or Monsta X (though Monsta X a little more, because Wonho has taken over my life). That's it, I'm out of here. >w< Go follow Brea. Do it.
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