vgperfection · 14 days
OSSC Pro/FedEX Saga Continues
Here's the latest update in the OSSC Pro saga. I l woke this morning to this rather questionable message from @FedExEurope ...so looks like yesterdays promised delivery was a lie 🙄
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thechosenpumbloom · 3 months
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I got a nice collection of IBM's, an Amiga 500 and a broken C64 (which I'm gonna get to fixing eventually), but I've been looking to expand to other home computers for a long time and now that I'm finally gonna have lot more income I've have begun to expand my collection, starting with a ZX Spectrum. I wasn't looking for anything too specific, just hoping to come across a decent 128k model, but I ended up buying this +2 since it came with everything I'd ever want: computer itself, a competition pro joystick, fresh RGB cables and a module that lets me run games through micro sd. It wont play those +3 disk releases or weird Russian experiments, and is probably incompatible with some older software, but so far its been working like a dream and OSSC scales it nicely too!
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smbhax · 2 years
Rough comparison of input lag in three ports of Vampire Savior on my set-up, which includes a Hori HRAP V 2017 arcade stick, a 4x2 component matrix switcher, an OSSC, Brook Super Converter adapters, and a 5ms display lag monitor. On a computer, if you're playing this video at 60 fps, you can pause playback, then advance one frame at a time by pressing the "." key, and count along with me the frames that go by between the arcade stick's light punch button being fully pressed down, and Morrigan beginning to play her light punch animation--just make sure the video playback quality is at a 60 fps setting in your YouTube player. I counted the following delay frames for the games:
Darkstalkers 3 (PS1): 3 frames of delay Vampire: Darkstalkers Collection (PS2): 5 frames of delay Darkstalkers Resurrection (PS3): 4 frames of delay
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skooterblogbr · 5 years
Marqs, criador do OSSC original, acaba de anunciar no Shmups Forum que está desenvolvendo o OSSC Pro, que deve trazer todos os recursos da versão anterior e mais uma porção de novidades.
Novas entradas HDMI e SPDIF estarão disponíveis, e teremos mais dois tipos de processamento além do tradicional multiplicador de linhas. Um deles é um multiplicador de linhas adaptativo, que permitirá algumas configurações novas como 4x240p/2x480p em um frame 1080p tradicional, aumentando a compatibilidade.
O terceiro tipo é um scaler, que permitirá desentrelaçamento, escala para valores não inteiros, rotação e conversão de taxa de atualização. Este modo deve funcionar com um framebuffer, na linha do que faz o Framemeister, acabando de vez com os problemas de compatibilidade com algumas TVs e consoles do OSSC original.
Os novos componentes incluem um novo ADC (conversor de analógico para digital) que deve melhorar a robustez de sincronização, introduzir um filtro passa-baixas, ajuste automático de fase, etc. Uma FPGA Cyclone V também será usada para obter maior desempenho e mais recursos.
Por fim, o OSSC Pro contará com dois conectores de expansão, que permitirão conectar módulos como: entrada de S-Video e vídeo composto, saída de vídeo secundária, testador de latência, e entradas de controles, que permitirão até mesmo usar o OSSC Pro como um console FPGA dedicado.
Uma placa adicional permitirá o uso de algumas placas de desenvolvimento da Terasic, incluindo a famosa DE10-Nano, que é usada no MiSTer, o console FPGA aberto que já conta com cores de muitos consoles até a quarta geração, além de arcades e computadores.
Especula-se que o OSSC Pro será capaz produzir saída 4K. Com a entrada HDMI poderíamos ter até mesmo um modo 2x1080p para os consoles até a sétima geração. Mas isso por enquanto é apenas especulação.
Ainda não há data de lançamento anunciada, mas o marqs afirma que lançará o produto assim que o hardware estiver pronto e que um número suficiente de novas funcionalidades estejam disponíveis e testadas.
Confira o diagrama de blocos do projeto:
Diagrama de Blocos do OSSC Pro.
Veja também algumas imagens conceituais:
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Imagem conceitual do OSSC Pro: traseira.
Imagem conceitual do OSSC Pro: frente.
Confira todas as novidades (em inglês):
Highlights of the new design:
ISL51002 video ADC: * improved sync processing robustness * reduced sampling jitter with DPLL * fine-grained video LPF * automatic sampling phase adjustment
Cyclone V FPGA (5CEFA5F23C8N): * higher performance and more resources * hard memory controller * large number of IOs
Clocking and memory improvements: * Si5351C clock generator for accurate output pixel clock generation (framelock or free-running) * 512MB LPDDR2 RAM and 16MB QSPI flash
New AV inputs: * HDMI * SPDIF (optical)
2×20 pin GPIO connector for future expansion possibilities such as: * composite & s-video input module * secondary video output (e.g. VGA) module * latency tester interface module * game controller port module (for using OSSC Pro as a dedicated FPGA console)
The processing modes enabled by the HW can be split roughly into three types:
1. Pure line multiplier * both active and blanking lines multiplied – basically what original OSSC does * simplest mode with least latency
2. Adaptive line multiplier * visible lines are multiplied but horizontal & vertical total matched to standard timings * high compatibility with minimal latency overhead (1-30 lines typically) * enables some new output configurations such as 4x240p/2x480p in standard 1080p frame
3. Scaler * higher flexibility via LPDDR2 utilization * HQ deinterlacing * non-integer scaling * rotation * refresh rate conversion
It will take time until all the features get implemented, but release can be expected once the HW is complete and a sufficient number of new features are available and verified. As a thanks to community’s support for the first project, upcoming prototypes of the new model will be sent to the guys who have contributed most on the original OSSC firmware. New developers are also welcome as the project is large enough to enable different implementation areas for several people. For DIY-builders and those who can’t wait for the final HW, a small add-on PCB compatible with a couple Terasic FPGA dev boards (DE10-Nano, DE2-115) is in works and available soon. Together with the parent dev board, it can be used to implement a subset of the functionality presented above.
Parece que 2020 será um grande ano para quem gosta de consoles clássicos. O OSSC Pro deve finalmente unir o melhor dos dois mundos: framebuffer e latência baixa, deixando ambos à escolha do usuário conforme o console e a TV.
Compartilhe o artigo com seus amigos se você gostou 🙂 . O Skooter Blog precisa de sua ajuda na divulgação para continuar existindo.
OSSC Pro é anunciado com diversas novidades Marqs, criador do OSSC original, acaba de anunciar no Shmups Forum que está desenvolvendo o OSSC Pro, que deve trazer todos os recursos da versão anterior e mais uma porção de novidades.
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randomisedgaming · 5 years
Intro & full 1CC playthrough / longplay / walkthrough / trueplay as Juggernaut & Wolverine, this time around we are using the Open Source Scan Converter (OSSC), which seems fitting this was the first game we captured with the Elgato HD60 Pro back in 2015. So you can compare with our original video here and see which you think is better: https://youtu.be/mFAK8VhdzNc
You can also read our thought on the game in the original video description. This time around Riven played and finished the game on one credit also fighting Akuma along the way in the sixth round. You get to see Juggernauts ending in Japanese.
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animatedaf · 3 years
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It’s that time of year again, time to look over the last twelve months of creative productivity! This year was a very on-and-off one, with many months of next to nothing and a few months where I was super busy with animation work! Read on for full details on each month (with links to things in bold)!
Started the year mainly keeping myself busy with gaming livestreams on my Twitch channel. Near the end of the month me and the rest of the Lucky Hit crew made the tough decision to retire the YouTube channel so we could focus on our individual Twitch channels. We did come back to the channel for the odd podcast and salt or hype stream throughout the year, along with some backups of gaming streams from Twitch. Lucky Hit was a massive part of my life for the last nine years but we all agreed it was time to move on.
Art wise I was commissioned by PCwrzd to make a set of emotes for his Dreamcastic Channel (7 made in Jan, with an extra 8th in Feb), one of which can even be bought on a t-shirt! I also started on a Dreamcast related experiment...
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Most of this month was gobbled up by a fan translation project for the game Bokomu no Tatsujin on the Dreamcast that I on a whim made a start on despite no real knowledge of Japanese! I mostly used translation sites and software to roughly figure how the text then put my own spin on the games quirky script. 
The game also has a lot of big cartoon font work so I decided to re-do these hand drawn! The first (and so far only) release on the project came out in March. This release has pretty much all the in-game text translated, only thing missing is subtitles for the cut scenes which tbh is a task far too big for lil’ ol’ me. Check out his article I wrote on the Dreamcast Junkyard about the process and I also talked about it on a YouTube video in October!
There were also more gaming streams throughout this month, with help from my newly acquired OSSC and GDEMU!
I really got trapped in an artist block for most of this year up to this point. So after another month of mostly streaming games I decided to finally do another art stream and out popped this quick art based on early Fantasy Zone concept art! Soon after I finally did a full-colour illustration of Drillbot ViVi’s little sister ReV, an emote for my Spelunky streams and a Phantasy Star Online commission for PCwzrd!
Despite that rebound into making art in the last week of March I almost immediately fell into another art block for most of this month! I made birthday card art for CherryT, doodled a new OC and did more game streams. That’s about it! Wheels were turning at the end of the month for something BIG, however!
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So May and June were quite possibly two of the busiest months in my working life! To start with I worked on an animated project called ‘Annabelle’s Journey’, with characters based on a child’s drawings with a simple scribbly style on top of photos of note paper. While only one out of eight chapters are available to watch publicly, this was the longest piece of animation I have ever worked on, clocking in at 7 minutes and 20 seconds, with only one month to work on it!
To make matters worse at the very same time lockdown ended and I returned to my cinema job with half of our staff quit, meaning I had to somehow juggle the animation and lots of shifts! It was a rough time with very little sleep, but the animated short was really fun and one of my proudest projects!
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Previously unseen concept art for the ‘Not on your telly’ intro.
With the money from the Annabelle project I finally upgraded from my old Wacom Intuos 4 to a XP-Pen 15.6″ Pro....a tablet with a screen on it! I was expecting a steep learning curve but I was surprised how quickly I got used to it, which is just as well as another animation project with a short deadline landed on my lap: an intro to a online variety show called Not On Your Telly! This was a mix of doodly drawn bodies and photo based heads lip synced to lyrics. It’s only 28 seconds but I also had about a week to make it! 
I also made a new animation showreel, because...well *points at the above two months*
Boy did I need a break from drawing after all that! So outside of a Worms commission for PCwzrd I did exactly that and just did game livestreams throughout July!
This month was very, very busy at work so most of my spare time was spent resting off. I made time for a couple game livestreams including a seven hour one about SAGExpo 2021.
A pretty active month when it comes to drawing...for myself for a change! This included five character pieces celebrating the release of the new Wario Ware, a fan art of Amy Rose (been yonks!) and an illustration of ViVi and Rev together. I also spent an absurd amount of time making this page of my website organized.  I managed to hit 500 followers on Twitter, so I did an OC art raffle to celebrate! The winner was revealed in...
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Twas a good end of the year for YouTube stuff!
The result of the Twitter OC art raffle was this illustration of Farnoggin’s character Drex Apex. This was livestreamed and it gave me the idea to do a sped-up timelapse of the whole process, something I haven’t done for years! This made me wanna start uploading semi-regular videos on my AnimatedAF YouTube channel again, using moments from my art livestreams as a basis.
I celebrated my 1 year anniversary on Twitch with a silly doodle, cut together videos about me talking about the times I did work for SEGA and the BBC, and reuploaded some videos/streams from Lucky Hit that were not strictly gaming related. Speaking of Lucky Hit, more gaming streams were backed up there including this years Sonic Hacking Contest and 30 Years of Toejam and Earl.
Finally I did another commission for PCwzrd, this time for a parody trading card of Ryo Ha’nuk’i.
A very quiet month for art, with only one fad-chasing illustration to speak of. I also did a bunch of doodling in the game ART SQOOL on stream which I then cut down into a let’s play for my Youtube channel.
Literally the first day of December I came down with the you-know-what and was shut in for ten days. Once I started to recover from that I got back to work on more time-lapse videos of art streams from last year and a couple more reuploads from Lucky Hit, one of which I illustrated a new thumbnail for.
I also made birthday card art for my mum of her Wurlitzer jukebox and a new Christmas illustration featuring my OCs and an elf and toys. It hasn’t been released just yet as of writing but I also made an OC secret santa over on Newgrounds. Oh, and one of those Art vs Artist things if that counts for something.
Previous years: 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016
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vgperfection · 11 months
OSSC Pro Now Available!
This fully featured scaler and line multiplier offers excellent value for money and a wide range of features including upscaling, downscaling, post processing and more. Check it out here - https://videogameperfection.com/products/ossc-pro/
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vgperfection · 13 days
OSSC Pro backlog is cleared
Our order backlog has now been cleared and OSSC Pro is in stock and ready to order for immediate shipping - https://videogameperfection.com/products/ossc-pro/
If you pre-ordered one and didn't get a tracking number yet, please e-mail in.
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vgperfection · 14 days
OSSC Pros have (finally) arrived
OSSC Pro update - Remotes and PSUs finally turned up! I'll get to work packaging everyone's order for collection on Monday. Thank you again for your patience.
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vgperfection · 15 days
Is this OSSC Pro saga nearing the end?!
Another OSSC Pro update - Tracking on the remotes and PSUs has moved and we have a new estimated delivery date of tomorrow, Friday 13th September. I hope none of you are superstitious…
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vgperfection · 15 days
Another OSSC Pro update
Update for folks still waiting on OSSC Pros. We have never had a customs inspection last this long, and we've received no formal notification from revenue of any issues. I've ordered replacement remotes (PSUs we can find off the shelf replacements), but they will take at least 30 days.
I'll update again when I hear anything.
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vgperfection · 16 days
Another Apology...
Sorry to everyone still waiting on an OSSC Pro, @FedExHelpEU @FedExEurope still can't give us any more information other than "it's in customs" still. Coming up for nearly 2.5 weeks of limbo now.. I truly appreciate everyone's patience.
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vgperfection · 18 days
OSSC Pro customs issue update
Update for people waiting on OSSC Pro. I wish I had better news but despite the tracking moving last night, FedEX still say the remotes and power supplies are with customs and we're awaiting their decision. All our shipments were declared with 100% accurate values, it's just a matter of convincing customs of this. I will continue to call their customer service daily and check tracking updates regularly until this is resolved.
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vgperfection · 21 days
Another Update for folks waiting on OSSC Pros...
I've submitted paperwork to customs today. Problem is the factory billed us for remotes and OSSC units as one entity, but shipped them separately. This means of course the values on invoices don't match up. I've tried to explain to customs, fingers crossed they understand!
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vgperfection · 23 days
Update for folks waiting on OSSC Pros!
The base units have arrived safely, however the remotes and PSUs remain stubbornly stuck in customs. We've been in touch with FedEX in case we need to submit any paperwork.
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vgperfection · 1 month
OSSC Pro pre-orders Open!
Pre-orders for the next batch of OSSC Pro are now open. The units shipped from the factory today, so even though this is technically a pre-order, you won't have to wait long.
By putting the units on sale a little earlier, it lets us get boxes and packaging materials ready and get your units out of the door as soon as they arrive.
Grab yours by using the link here - https://videogameperfection.com/products/ossc-pro/
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