#OTA soichiro
yu-gi-poll · 7 months
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Robotic Knight is used by Soichiro Ota ("Nezbitt" in the dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: FIRE
Level: 4
Description (according to the anime): "The Commander of Machine-Types, he serves the Machine King. He is famous for the way he controls his troops."
ATK / DEF: 1600 / 1800
A lovely design that ties together both robot and knight. It also helps that because they were used as the form of one of the big five, we got to see it in full motion.
Orgoth the Relentless is used by Ryuji Otogi ("Duke Devlin" in the dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: EARTH
Level: 7
Effect Type: CONDITION
Effect (according to the anime): "If "Dice Dungeon" is face-up on the field, you can Special Summon this card with "Dimension Dice"."
ATK / DEF: 2500 / 2450
Decently strong in the anime with Duke's dice deck. Made even stronger in the irl version.
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rz-jocelyn · 11 months
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[NEWS] Shotoku: The Making of "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen" has been Released Again for a Limited Time
The three-part series featuring footage from the behind the scenes of all the episodes of "Prince Shotoku’s Kitchen" has been made available to watch online again for a limited time.
Streaming Period: Now to 23.59 (Japan time) on August 31, 2023
Part 01: HERE
Part 02: HERE
Part 03: HERE
To watch the full videos for the making of "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen", please refer to this link: HERE
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starfiresyugiohocs · 1 year
Nesbitt: Oh, please, you wouldn't hurt a fly. Iris: You're right. Because a fly is an innocent creature that never knowingly did anything to anyone. Iris: You, however, I would maim.
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jpf-sydney · 9 months
Theatre yearbook. 2022, Theatre in Japan
New item:
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Shelf: 770.59 ITI 2022 Theatre year-book. 2022, Theatre in Japan = Kokusai engeki nenkan. 2022, Nihon no butai geijutsu o shiru. [edited by Japanese Centre of International Theatre Institute].
Tokyo : Japanese Centre of International Theatre Institute, 2022. 161 pages : illustrations (some colour) ; 21 cm.
Editor-in-chief: Niino Morihiro
Published by Japanese Centre of International Theatre Institute (ITI/UNESCO)
Commissioned by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan in the fiscal 2021 under the Program for Nurturing Upcoming Artists Leading the Next Generation
Text in English.
Table of contents:
〈Shots from the Performing Arts in Japan in 2021〉
〈The Japanese Performing Arts in Japan in 2021〉
Noh and Kyogen / Oda Sachiko.
Kabuki / Yanai Kenji.
Bunraku / Kameoka Noriko.
Musicals / Hagio Hitomi.
Contemporary Theatre / Yamaguchi Hiroko.
Children’s and Youth Theatre / Ota Akira.
Japanese Classical Dance / Hirano Hidetoshi.
Ballet / Urawa Makoto.
Contemporary Dance and Butoh / Tsutsumi Hiroshi.
Television Dramas / Okamuro Minako.
〈Developments in Japan and Overseas in 2021〉
At Our Posts, Ten Years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami / Kuramochi Hiroyuki, Onobu Pelican, Shibahara Hiroshi, Hatasawa Seigo.
The 160th Anniversary of Mori Ogai’s Birth and the Centenary of His Death—Ogai and the Performing Arts / Itoda Soichiro.
The 2.5-Dimensional Musical: An Audience-Creating System / Suzuki Kunio.
〈Special Feature〉
“Theatre Born in Conflict Zones 13” Five Highly Dense Short Films / Tanioka Takehiko.
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016169 · 2 years
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emilyplaysotome · 4 years
Chapter 1 - Down the Rabbit Hole (fix)
Lately it seems that everything I write ends up never seeing the light of day so I wanted to write something fun, that might actually get read. If you guys like it I’ll continue the story.
Let me know what you think!
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I woke up, eyes bleary, head pounding in a hospital bed I’d never been in, but could have sworn I’d seen before. As I rubbed my eyes, I racked my brain to try and remember how I’d gotten here, but could only come up with fragmented moments on the subway platform. It was a fair assumption to say that I’d passed out. Something like that had happened to me once before, and upon coming to had left me feeling very similar.
“It’s good to see you’re up.”
I turned to see a man standing over me, wearing a white doctor’s coat, with a pink collared shirt, and simple plaid necktie. He gently pushed his glasses up as he examined my chart, finally offering me a concerned smile.
“You were brought here yesterday after you collapsed, but we couldn’t find any identification on you.”
My eyes began to focus, and I squinted as they adjusted to the sunlight streaming in through the large windows that lined the far wall. The room was a simple hospital room, with multiple beds, all empty at the moment. Separating each bed was a seafoam curtain, and across from me were some yellow flowers that must have been left behind from another patient.
I looked at the doctor again, who leaned a bit closer.
“Can you...understand me?” he said slowly.
My eyes caught the name on his nametag. Irie.
“Yes, I understand. Sorry, I’m always a bit off when I first get up,” I joked.
His face relaxed, and he smiled at me.
“Take your time. You were out for a good 18 hours.”
Irie...Irie. Why was that name so familiar to me? I studied his face as he scribbled some notes down in my chart. He didn’t have any defining characteristic of note - dark hair and eyes, Japanese, a calm demeanor.
“Soichiro?” I muttered to myself, barely audible.
He paused and looked at me, a puzzled expression on his face.
“Do we know each other?”
I looked again at the room once more, and then back at the man standing before me. There was no way. It was impossible. I was...me and he was just a character in a game. However as crazy as it was, before I could stop myself I found myself asking, “I’m at Ebisu General, right?”
Doctor Irie nodded. I could feel my face getting hot, panic setting in. This had to be a dream. There was no other explanation but it didn’t feel like any dream I’d ever had.
“Have we met before?”
“No. Your reputation precedes you,” I lied.
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In actuality, I’d spent hours with Soichiro Irie. I’d been in the man’s apartment. I watched him fall in love. I knew more about him than he probably knew about himself.
Yet here I was, unable to tell him the truth (that he was merely a character in a game) without sounding certifiably insane. Even if this was a dream, the last thing I wanted to do was be shipped off to the psychiatric ward of Ebisu General, so...I lied.
He blushed faintly at the compliment, and crossed his arms just like his sprite did, except in real life he felt closer to the published age of 40 than he ever did in the game. There were slight crow’s feet around his eyes and as he shook his head with a placid smile, I could see the wrinkles hiding behind his hair that fell across his forehead.
“Oh no. I’m sure that’s not true” he said softly.
The Japanese modestly I’d experienced in these games came through loud and clear in that one moment. It was sweet - quite different from the confident and often unwarranted conceit most American men doled out.
“Doctor Irie, I...have a bit of a strange question. I feel ok but...what language am I speaking?”
Doctor Irie cocked his head to the side, “Japanese. You’re in Tokyo after all.”
“I see. You wouldn’t happen to have a mirror...would you?”
As he left to find a hand mirror, I racked my brain at how implausible it was that I’d be speaking Japanese. It had to be a crazy dream, perhaps I was even in a coma, and my mind suddenly placed me in the universe of these games.
In fact, it was entirely possible that I’d been playing one when I blacked out in my world. But...I couldn’t shake the feeling that everything going was far too real to be something entirely contrived by my own brain and its memories of various games I’d played months ago.
Doctor Irie returned with a mirror that revealed that I still looked as I’d remembered. He also brought the items I’d had on me when I’d collapsed - a phone, a coat, and the stupid knit hat I’d stitched in 9th grade and kept for whatever reason. The phone booted up but all my apps were replaced by knockoffs like Skaipe, Tweeter, and Chatsnap. I shook my head, dejected upon seeing this.
I was hoping my phone would be something that would link me to the real world from which I came, but outside of that dumb knit hat, everything else was a gamified version. I sighed loudly and Doctor Irie studied my face with concern.
“So...am I able to leave now?” I asked.
“We’d prefer if you stayed until you’re better. Plus we’ll need your insurance card and -”
“I’m afraid I don’t have my wallet on me,” I quickly cut him off.
“Well, we can look your information up. What’s your name?”
I paused. There’d be no record of me in this world. I thought carefully before replying.
“Naruko...Sasaki,” I said. Or was it Sasaki Naruko? I could never get it straight but it didn’t really matter. Doctor Irie nodded and scribbled her name on my chart before writing something else on his notepad.
“Here,” he said, handing me a paper with a number on it. “If you get into trouble, or need a place to stay, or feel sick again just give me a call.”
For a moment, it crossed my mind that if I called this number, I would be entering Doctor Irie’s route in this world. I wasn’t prepared for that, not because I didn’t like him, but because I had more important things to think about than romancing a fictional doctor. I needed to get home.
I did my best to bow graciously, self-conscious the entire time, and slightly worried that someone would call me out for cultural appropriation.
“Thank you Doctor Irie.”
The first thing I did once I left Ebisu General was pray to the Wishes Gods. When none of them showed up, or even gave me an inclination that they'd heard my wish to be sent home, I formulated a new plan. I found an empty park bench that was shaded by a Revance billboard, and wrote down every single potential guy I’d ever played with the knowledge that I was in the voltage universe in order to figure out what my next best bet would be.
You’d think that being the MC in a real-life-game would be fairly exciting but I promise you, it isn’t. Instead, I found myself fairly stressed out once the realization set in that in order to survive long enough to formulate a plan to get sent home I was going to need to approach the more dangerous characters in this universe. When you’re playing from the comfort of your home it doesn’t matter that your love interest is borderline abusive, or in the mafia, or a criminal mastermind. However, when you’re in the actual game, it’s a lot more stressful than you’d think to approach one of these guys.
I knew what I had to do if I was to survive here. I jogged up to the next nondescript Person 1 and asked, “Excuse me, can you point me in the direction of the Tray Spades?”
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“You mean the Tres Spades?”
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The pixilated version of the hotel had looked pretty good on my iPhone as I played at home, but being there in person was something else.
I’d been lucky enough to travel and stay in some luxurious hotels in my world, but the Tres Spades was like nothing I’d ever seen in my life. It was fair to say that depending on who you asked, it was either a garish eyesore or the most opulent hotel you’d ever laid eyes on. I was still trying to decide for myself as waited in the lobby for my target.
If everything went according to plan my time at the Tres Spades would end in false papers, a temporary job (with housing if I remembered correctly), and no involvement in the auctions. But that was only if things went according to plan and I reminded myself that they rarely do.
I was still mulling it all over when I saw him, or I suppose more accurately, he saw me.
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“Excuse me Miss.”
His maroon jacket was even tackier in person but I found him to be more handsome than his sprite gave him credit for. Sure his real voice was actually a bit smarmy, and his mannerisms reeked of a guy who spent far too long reading Neil Strauss’ The Game, but that was to be expected.
“Are you waiting for someone? Me...perhaps?”
It was impossible for me to hold back my disgusted sigh. Baba in person was so much lamer than he ever read.
“Ahahahaha,” a young man cackled, practically doubled over. “Look at how disgusted she looks!”
“Oh no I didn’t mean...”
I desperately tried backtracking but it was no use. I’d never been good at hiding my emotions and it would seem today was no different. Unfortunately for me, if I was going to have any chance in this world, I’d need to significantly improve my acting skills.
“Don’t apologize!” He exclaimed, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks, “That was the funniest thing I’ve seen all day.”
“You don’t need to rub it in Ota,” Baba pouted.
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It surprised me that I liked Ota more in person. He struck me as boyish and mischievous in a way that was far more charming than Baba’s insincere pick up artist act.
As I panicked internally, racking my brain how to get these interactions back on track, the two bantered with each other. Ota teased Baba mercilessly, who in turn desperately tried to recover from the embarrassment of Ota having witnessed him crash and burn in front of a girl.
“Please,” I grabbed the sleeve of Baba’s gaudy maroon jacket all the while putting on my best damsel in distress expression. “I’m actually looking for someone who stays at this hotel. Do you work here?”
The two stopped arguing and Baba looked at me, genuinely surprised. There was silence for a moment and then Ota burst out laughing again
“Ahahahaha! She thinks you work here!”
Collectively Baba and I shared a sigh, and then a smile. He took his hat off and gave me a little bow, then a wink, and said, “At your service.”
“This might sound...a little crazy but I’m looking for a guy, his name is…”
I pretended to rack my brain and my act seemed to be working as Baba appeared to hang on my every word.
“...Lupin?” I whispered.
Baba’s eyes widened slightly, and his cheeks flushed. Ota, still chuckling to himself gave Baba a slap on the back.
“The old man finally catches a break.”
With that, Ota strolled out through the double doors of the hotel lobby, and I found myself being offered Baba’s arm.
“Follow me.”
There was no turning back now. But if I was going to have any chance of getting myself home, taking his arm was my only option.
So I took it.
Continue reading - Part 2
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recentanimenews · 2 years
New Feelings Blossom in In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki Non-Credit ED
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  Being a lady ninja can fill a person with strange and unfamiliar emotions, and now a credit-free version of the ending animation sequence has been published for In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki, a currently broadcasting TV anime based on the comedy manga by Soichiro Yamamoto (KARAKAI JOZU NO TAKAGI-SAN) about a shy shinobi who lives in a remote mountain village populated only by women.
    RELATED: Three-piece Rock Band the peggies Posts In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki OP Theme MV
  The original In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki manga is serialized by Shogakukan in their Monthly Shōnen Sunday manga magazine. Crunchyroll describes the story of the series as follows:
  Deep in the mountains in the middle of nowhere lives a group of kunoichi called Akane Class. These kunoichi work hard together to improve their own skills, and they all live by an unbreakable rule: “Contact with men is strictly forbidden.” But everything takes an unexpected turn when Tsubaki, leader of one of the groups, starts experiencing strange feelings whenever the subject of men comes up.
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    RELATED: In The Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki Anime Highlights 38 Characters in New Video
  The In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki TV anime is directed by Takudai Kakuchi and features animation production by CloverWorks. The series is currently broadcasting in Japan and it is also available via streaming on Crunchyroll as part of the spring 2022 anime simulcast lineup.
  Source: Ota-suke
  Copyright notice: ©2022 Soichiro Yamamoto, Shogakukan/In the Heart of the Production Committee
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Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.
By: Paul Chapman
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skateofministry · 3 years
Tokyo Olympics: 5 new sports will debut at the 2021 Games
The Tokyo Games will include 339 occasions in 50 various sports this month.
Six of the 50 sports are entirely brand-new to the Olympics. Tokyo will have 3-on-3 basketball, BMX freestyle, karate, skateboarding, sport climbing and browsing, all of which were taken into the Summer Olympics in hopes of drawing in a young market.
Here’s a quick take a look at the brand-new sports occurring at the Games.
3-on-3 Basketball
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Soichiro Fujitaka (No. 17) in action in the males’s semifinal match throughout the 3×3 Basketball Olympic test occasion at the Aomi Urban Sports Park on May 16, 2021, in Tokyo, Japan. (Kiyoshi Ota/Getty Images)
There will be males’s and females’s sides for the 3-on-3 basketball occasion in Tokyo. The video game is had fun with 3 gamers on each side on a half-court with each group shooting at one hoop. Much like on some play grounds, any shots made beyond the three-point line will function as 2 points and any shot inside the arc will function as one point.
“The winner is the team with the highest score at the end of the 10-minute period, or the first team to reach 21 points. If the score is tied after 10 minutes, the game goes into overtime with the first team to score two points declared the winner,” according to Olympics.com.
BMX Freestyle
Men’s and females’s BMX freestyle is making its very first look in the Games. Each individual will have 2 60-second runs and 5 judges will offer the individual a rating in between 0 and 99.99 based upon the trouble of the run.
There is a seeding rating and a last round. The seeding rating is the average of the 2 ratings to offer the rider an overall. The seeding rating figures out the order for the bicyclists in the finals. In the last round, the much better rating of the 2 runs counts.
Karate is making its very first look in the Olympics. It’s the one brand-new sport that will specifically be played in the Tokyo Games. The males and females will complete in kata (kinds) and Kumite (sparring).
Kata presentations will have the rival target a virtual challenger and show a series of offending and protective maneuvers. Key consider the scoring consist of “strength, speed, rhythm, balance and power of strikes and kicks; the solidity, clarity and force of movements; and the proper expression of the meaning of each technique with beautiful, flowing motion,” according to Olympics.com.
In Kumite, 2 karatekas will take on in a 3-minute bout. “A competitor wins by amassing eight points more than their opponent within the duration of the bout or by gaining more points than their opponent,” according to Olympics.com. In a tie, the rival who scored very first wins, and if it’s a scoreless tie then the judges will identify a winner.
Men’s Kumite will include the 67-, 75- and +75-kg classifications. The females’s Kumite will include the 55-, 61- and +61-kg classifications.
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In this May 22, 2021, picture, Nyjah Huston, of the United States, practices throughout an Olympic certifying skateboard occasion at Lauridsen Skatepark in Des Moines, Iowa.  (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall) (AP)
Skateboarding will make its very first look in Tokyo this summertime. There will be males’s and females’s competitors and they will complete in park and street occasions.
The park course will include bowls, ramps, a round rail and a square rail. The street course will include more rails and stairs with a handful of ramps for skaters to do techniques.
Scores are granted based upon the trouble and creativity of the techniques carried out in the runs.
Sport Climbing
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The United States’ Kyra Condie climbs up throughout females’s stone credentials at the climbing World Cup on May 21, 2021, in Salt Lake City, Utah. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File)
Men’s and females’s sport climbing up makes its launching in Tokyo. The occasion will include 3 various disciplines: speed, bouldering and lead.
Speed climbing up pits 2 rivals versus each other to see who can go up a 15-meter wall the quickest. In bouldering, rivals scale a “number of fixed routes on a 4.5-meter wall in a specified time,” according to Olympics.com. While in lead, professional athletes will attempt to climb up a 15-meter wall as high as they can in a specific quantity of time.
Each climber will complete in all 3 classifications. “The final rankings will be determined by multiplying the placement in each discipline, with the athletes achieving the lowest scores winning medals,” according to the Olympics site.
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Carissa Moore means a picture at Surf Ranch after practicing for a World Surf League competitors on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, in Lemoore, Calif. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
Male and female rivals will get to browse at Shidashita Beach to see who can get onto the podium.
The shortboard occasions will begin with 4- and five-person heats up and the primary rounds will have two-person heats up with the winners advancing. The 2 highest-scoring waves will count towards their overalls and riders are permitted as much as thirty minutes to complete or ride an optimum of 25 waves.
The rivals are scored on “key elements of commitment and degree of difficulty, innovative and progressive maneuvers, combinations of major maneuvers, variety of maneuvers, and speed, power and flow,” according to the Olympics site.
Source link
from Skate World. Skateboard News, skateboard shop https://ift.tt/3zCrmld
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reinasescape · 7 years
Voltage Men at a Glance
23 Reviews
Updated: Feb 9, 2019
Astoria Fate’s Kiss
Be My Princess 2
Hayden A. Spencer
Her Love in the Force
Seiji Goto  
Jin Namba  
Hyogo Kaga 
Hideki Ishigami 
Kiss of Revenge
Soichiro Irie
Kissed By the Baddest Bidder
Ota Kisaki
Soryu Oh
Eisuke Ichinomiya
Love Brings You Home
Arata Yuki - NEW!!!
Masquerade Kiss
Kazuomi Shido  - NEW!!!
Metro PD: Close to You
Masashi Himuro
Katsuyuki Kyobashi
Hiroshi Kirisawa
My Last First Kiss
Hiroki Eniwa
My Wedding and 7 Rings
Seiichirou Hayami
Star Crossed Myth
Story Specific Reviews
Kyohei Rikudoh - Season 1 - Main Story 
Birthday Celebration 2017 - Date Masamune
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yu-gi-poll · 8 months
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Machine King is used by Bandit Keith Howard, Soichiro Ota ("Nezbitt" in the dub), and the Big Five on a whole. Its stats are the following:
Attribute: EARTH
Level: 6
Effect (according to the anime): "This card gains 100 ATK for each Machine-Type monster on the field."
ATK / DEF: 2200 / 2000
Machine deck master.
Robotic Knight is used by Soichiro Ota ("Nezbitt" in the dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: FIRE
Level: 4
Description (according to the anime): "The Commander of Machine-Types, he serves the Machine King. He is famous for the way he controls his troops."
ATK / DEF: 1600 / 1800
A lovely design that ties together both robot and knight. It also helps that because they were used as the form of one of the big five, we got to see it in full motion.
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rz-jocelyn · 1 year
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[NEWS] Shotoku: A Three-Part Making of "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen" has been Released Online
A three-part series featuring footage from the behind the scenes of all the episodes of "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen" has been made available to watch online.
Archive Period: Now to 23.59 (Japan time) on March 31, 2023
To watch the making, please refer to this link: HERE
Source: ( x )
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goalhofer · 4 years
2020 Yomiuri Kyojin 2 Roster
#21 Iwakuma Hisashi (Tokyo, Japan)
#23 Nogami Ryoma (Dazaifu, Japan)
#32 Kenshin Hotta (Tokyo, Japan)
#33 Ryu Ota (Tokyo, Japan)
#47 Fujioka Takahiro (Kitagunma, Japan)
#50 Tone Chiaki (Tsuzuki, Japan)
#54 Daisuke Naoe (Tokyo, Japan)
#58 Ryosuke Miyaguni (Itoman, Japan)
#62 Kai Yokogawa (Tokyo, Japan)
#63 Tahara Seiji (Nobeoka, Japan)
#64 Ryusei Oe (Tokyo, Japan)
#68 Shun Ikeda (Tokyo, Japan)
#91 Haruto Inoue (Tokyo, Japan)
#95 Hayato Horioka (Tokyo, Japan)
#96 Nattino Diplan (Santo Domingo Este, Dominican Republic)
#67 Shinnosuke Yamase (Tokyo, Japan)
#69 Takaya Tanaka (Tokyo, Japan)
#00 Yoshikawa Daiki (Osaka, Japan)
#0 Daiki Masuda (Tokyo, Japan)
#60 Hirokazu Kikuta (Tokyo, Japan)
#61 Riku Masuda (Tokyo, Japan)
#65 Yoshiya Matsui (Tokyo, Japan)
#93 Dai Yuasa (Tokyo, Japan)
#39 Tateoka Soichiro (Kumamoto, Japan)
#44 Israel Mota (San Pedro De Macoris, Dominican Republic)
#66 Kaito Murakami (Tokyo, Japan)
#97 Kaito Ito (Tokyo, Japan)
#99 Koita Yamashita (Tokyo, Japan)
Manager Abe Shinnosuke (Urayasu, Japan)
Position player coach Murata Shuichi (Sasaguri, Japan)
Hitting coach Sanematsu Kazunari (Saga, Japan)
Pitching coach Sugiuchi Toshiya (Kasuga, Japan)
Assistant pitching coach Kisanuki Hiroshi (Satsumasendai, Japan)
Infield coach Kataoka Yasuyuki (Hanamigawa-Ku, Japan)
Outfield coach Matsumoto Tetsuya (Yamanashi, Japan)
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rz-jocelyn · 1 year
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[NEWS UPDATE] Shotoku: The Deadline to Pre-Order the Blu-Ray for "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen" is February 28, 2023
May 2023
At a corner of a residential area, there is a signboard that says "Prince Shotoku's Restaurant".
A restaurant that no customers go to, it caters for "delivery-only" where one chef cooks dishes of 10 different genres. A restaurant that answers, not only requests for Western, Japanese and Chinese cuisine, but everything from rice meals to junk food and desserts, and menus are developed for everything.
Manning the kitchen is a chef, who, although he is young, has an outstanding technique.
Going to the restaurant on behalf of the customers to collect the food is the deliverymen.
This story is like the saintly Prince Shotoku where menus are judged and people's concerns are heard, a heartwarming story with a hungry young people.
Sato Ryuji as Tokui Hijiri
Tamura Shin as Mikami Haruto
Sorihashi Soichiro as Sawada Akio
Washio Shuto as Kuramochi Keiichirou
Ota Masaki as Hayashi Toshiki
Takasaki Shota as Shimoyashiki Masaki
Brother Tom (Bro.TOM) as Kuchimitsu Yuusuke
NOTE: The narration is done by Morikubo Shotaro.
Main Discs:
The episodes of the TV drama
The cooking variety segments
Mini recipe booklet
6 original coasters
Pre-Order Period: Now to 23.59 (Japan time) on February 28, 2023
Price: 9,800 yen
To pre-order the Blu-ray BOX, please refer to this link: HERE
NOTE: For more information about proxy services in Japan, please refer to this link: HERE
Footage from the making and behind the scenes of the drama is currently available online.
For more information on how to watch the making, please refer to this link: HERE
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rz-jocelyn · 1 year
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[NEWS] Shotoku: The Release of the Blu-Ray for "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen" has been Announced
May 2023
At a corner of a residential area, there is a signboard that says "Prince Shotoku's Restaurant".
A restaurant that no customers go to, it caters for "delivery-only" where one chef cooks dishes of 10 different genres. A restaurant that answers, not only requests for Western, Japanese and Chinese cuisine, but everything from rice meals to junk food and desserts, and menus are developed for everything.
Manning the kitchen is a chef, who, although he is young, has an outstanding technique.
Going to the restaurant on behalf of the customers to collect the food is the deliverymen.
This story is like the saintly Prince Shotoku where menus are judged and people's concerns are heard, a heartwarming story with a hungry young people.
Sato Ryuji as Tokui Hijiri
Tamura Shin as Mikami Haruto
Sorihashi Soichiro as Sawada Akio
Washio Shuto as Kuramochi Keiichirou
Ota Masaki as Hayashi Toshiki
Takasaki Shota as Shimoyashiki Masaki
Brother Tom (Bro.TOM) as Kuchimitsu Yuusuke
NOTE: The narration is done by Morikubo Shotaro.
Main Discs:
The episodes of the TV drama
The cooking variety segments
Mini recipe booklet
6 original coasters
Pre-Order Period: Now to 23.59 (Japan time) on February 28, 2023
Price: 9,800 yen
To pre-order the Blu-ray BOX, please refer to this link: HERE
NOTE: For more information about proxy services in Japan, please refer to this link: HERE
Footage from the making and behind the scenes of the drama is currently available online.
For more information on how to watch the making, please refer to this link: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x , x , x , x , x , x , x , x )
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rz-jocelyn · 2 years
[VIDEO] Shotoku: Episode 01 of "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen" will be Available on YouTube for a Limited Time
Viewing Period: Now to 23.59 (Japan time) on December 24, 2022
Goods for the series are also available for pre-order online for a limited time. For more information about this, please refer to this link: HERE
To watch the other episodes in the series, please refer to the link under the cut.
Other Episodes: HERE
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rz-jocelyn · 1 year
[VIDEO] Shotoku: Part 01 of the Making of "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen" (Preview)
A three-part series featuring footage from the behind the scenes of all the episodes of "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen" has been made available to watch online.
This is the preview for the first part.
To watch the full video for Part 01 of the Making of "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen", please refer to this link: HERE
NOTE: The full video will be on archive until 23.59 (Japan time) on March 31, 2023.
The release of the Blu-ray for "Prince Shotoku's Kitchen" has also been announced. For more information about this, please refer to this link: HERE
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