patheticwhimpering · 4 days
hey @the-muppet-joker , we've been suffering from an ear infection so i decided to draw you giving me (gage whn fictive) our antibiotics
i hope you dont mind lol
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artofdansan · 6 months
Bonking you with a metal pipe
this is who ur bonking btw
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theodoretwo · 10 days
I am on fire.
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spontaneous back pain when you're about to leave
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dramatic-dolphin · 6 months
list of best ways to find out you cut your finger:
squeezing a lemon for your tea
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kandidandi · 1 year
bile tastes bad
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silenthilllz · 2 years
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madame-mongoose · 2 years
I keep thinking of the possibilities of the moment when Y/N realizes the truth about Sun and I keep trying to imagine what kind of scenarios would hurt most. The most recent I imagined was what if it's precisely the day Y/N decides to give Sun a small appreciation gift because hey, they noticed how frustrated Sun is at how little management respects him as a professional and Y/N wanted him to know what he did was appreciated! But the Main Event happens right before they get the courage to give it to him, so after having their poor heart torn out in one quick blow, Y/N just sort of goes away and sadly throws the gift away in one of the pizza plex trash cans. For extra angst maybe Moon would find it later? Idk, ooie has my brain's full attention and it will not let it go, haha! I'm so excited to see how the real encounter will happen! But for now I'll wait patiently and keep imagining more scenarios!
Oh oh I am obsessed with this actually. I love love LOVE this theory/scenario I can imagine it so clearly
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rainycavedew · 8 months
I have an owie but im being very brave about it
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weewooooweew · 12 days
my EYE
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pathophysiologic · 2 months
baby keeps stabbing me n screaming at me. someone pls call the police on this clear case of elder abuse
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prideandperdition · 3 months
It's true, adult life really does mean sleeping in a slightly wrong position and waking up feeling like your back is twisted
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baseballmomlesbiandad · 3 months
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trinket-o-pawsum · 5 months
Got home from work and laid on my bed and she immediately came over and sat on me
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my legs hurt
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What is your true role in the story? Tagged By: @misstantabismuses (thank you! ♡) Tagging: @legendscried @bells-of-black-sunday @perfect-fourth @sxlemnity @ionianelder @thecompulsivevirtuoso @curtain-cxll @raeso (for Floyd?) @agonizedembrace @wolvensden @windchaser @songofsilentechoes @regina-tenebris
the one at the crossroads. questioning yourself again? well it's a hard choice is it not. you always decide you've made your mind but you seem to nevertheless return to this state of uncertainty. are you good or evil? dark or light alas? alas, I am not fit for such details in morality. In my slightly skewed sight of it, neither truly exist. they are but a mindset, but mindset or not, they still give you quite the anxieties hm? you are one who has lived in fear, your heart is hidden, and you don't know who to trust. you doubt you can even trust yourself. the caustic words of poisonous people have corroded into your skull. "you are evil. you are a monster. you are bad." well that is indeed a bunch of poppycock, mind my language, for the only one who may decide that is you. my dear, you are torn between never allowing others to hurt the ways you hurt, and from running away from all who might harm you again, with gnashing teeth. you are a cornered animal who has been kicked by the ones it trusted. you do not know whether to trust again, for your mind is screaming, don't. but if I may, you can be both. it is not the question of whether you are good or evil, it is the question, what do I deserve and how might I reach that? you do not deserve pain, correct? so never chase that, instead kindly decline and flee from those like your past assailants, but trust the ones who you know are good. sometimes you will find people to be a messy combination of both pain and love, but so are you and I. my advice is to simply be kind, but be willing to question. always question, always wonder. do not give away your heart on a silver platter my dear, it is worth far more than the sun himself, but don't fail to allow healing. you deserve good things in life. so as you stand between two roads, walk between the third you just now have noticed. life seems to be made of entirely preposterous choices, but if you look close enough, you'll reveal the right ones that are normally hidden from sight. breathe my dear, things will be well. trust yourself, and carve your own path.
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