#the muppet joker
f1uff3rnutt3r · 2 days
@the-muppet-joker TH1S U?
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47crows · 2 days
The “muppet joker” the CROAKER if you will is just Andrew Hussie.
He read through the monster that is ACT 5 Act 2 way too fast.
I propose he is simply cherry picking the ideal images to support this little play of his.
The writing voice between Hussie and the Croaker is similar.
We all know Hussie has a thing with muppets.
The croaker is Andrew Hussie.
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polkasplotch · 17 days
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sick and twisted mind
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river3000 · 13 days
So wild that @the-muppet-joker is actually David Karp
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migsmoo · 15 days
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this came to me in a vision
an offering for you, @the-muppet-joker
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flesh-punkin · 10 days
the croaker stimboard
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a stimboard themed after @the-muppet-joker
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Damn it...defeating Strange Aeons in the astral plane was supposed to stop the involuntary kin shifting. What went wrong? Could...could Vriska have been worming her way into the Muppet Joker's mind even before Strange interfered? Was Strange just the catalyst?
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mura-128 · 13 days
I have a feeling @the-muppet-joker is David Karp...
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@the-muppet-joker look at this disgusting, disrespectful, demuppetizing ad I saw on the front page of Disney+
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that must be some muppet hole though
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f1uff3rnutt3r · 1 day
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idal-noiw · 3 days
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🙏 @the-muppet-joker 🙏
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croakerobserver · 13 days
the muppet joker timeline
hey y’all i’m planning to create a timeline of Important Canon Events for when i torture my irl friends with info about the croaker. can you guys lmk if i’ve missed anything significant? or if i’ve gotten any dates wrong (i’ll be periodically updating this post)
Current list (not necessarily in chronological order):
reddit post(s)
creation of the rival blogs (gonzobatman first, then piggy and denise)
creation of the fan blogs
foreshadowing for the vriska kinshift event (April 29, 2024)
stealing ethan’s hair
running away from home (April 27, 2024) and discovering his biblical adam kin (April 29, 2024)
first mention of the muppet transformation caves (May 1, 2024)
start of relationship with number four
messy break up with number four (part one)
attempts to curse the pope (parts one & two)
strange aeons video and involuntary vriska kinshift
meat not bugs saga
messy breakup with number four (part two)
olipop soda posting (June 5, 2024)
david karp accusations (June 5, 2024)
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finally decided to stop lurking and make a fan blog
could everyone in the brotherhood like/reblog this post? i wanna make sure i’m following everyone 💚
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I have returned.
my findings are below the cut, due to the wall of text.
I was correct in my assumptions about the astral plane. I was able to don the following:
the belt of truth buckled around my waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place ( ephesians 6:14 ), with my feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace ( ephesians 6:15 ), the shield of faith ( ephesians 6:16 ), and the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit ( ephesians 6:17 ).
I could not see myself, for there are no mirrors within the astral plane. at best, I could only see my arms, my torso, and my legs. I felt a strange weight betwixt my shoulder-blades, and found I had wings with which to carry myself.
and... so I did. with feathery, silvery wings, I flew toward the door on the horizon.
like I promised @themuppetarchives, I did not dare touch it. I stayed twenty feet away from it at all times.
I... admit to feeling... pulled toward it. there was a weight within my chest, heavy like an iron ball attached to a chain that was being tugged by the door itself. it was a compulsion to step closer. to understand. to know.
but I was then reminded of those words of caution I asked for. so I did not move closer.
from what I can recall, the door looked like this:
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I recall seeing swirls of color around the door. or was it underneath the gap of the bottom of the door? I cannot remember. I just know there were colors. so many, in fact, that some of them must not have been on the spectrum humans can see.
the door itself appeared to be made of... wood? the texture kept changing. the only constant was a swirl pattern, but that kept moving about as well. it was incredibly disorienting. I had to look away a few times.
the handle was, indeed, dark in color. a dark brass. that was the only true constant.
it was then that the door opened, just a crack.
I took several steps back, readying myself with the sword of the spirit in the event I was to enter combat with... whatever came out.
what emerged was beyond my wildest expectations.
a toy horse. small, plush, and made of felt.
it looked like this:
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I... I think I heard it neigh at me.
or whatever constitutes as a neigh from the mouth of a felted horse toy.
as quickly as it appeared, however, it vanished behind the door as it closed back up. I think... I think it wanted me to follow it.
but given recent events surrounding horses, I knew better.
so I made my escape away from the door.
and then I woke up.
I don't. I don't know what to make of this. I can tell you, though, the door is indeed dangerous. I sensed evil behind it. the scent of sulfur filled my nostrils with every breath I took.
I implore you.
do not open the door.
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dollopopaint · 15 days
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I passed out in health and awoke 5 minutes before passing period to find this on my computer. I wonder what it means.. @the-muppet-joker
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themuppetarchives · 10 days
id like to make a statement from an anonymous member of many communities.
archivist, id suggest you keep your... heh, eye, on as many of the blogs as you can. people are not who they seem. people have many faces, many names, many identities.
I am people.
games aside, or rather, games started, I will tell you that I, whom you may call faceless one, have infiltrated this community from every angle imaginable. over time, I have slithered into the backbone of this world you call a home.
watch out, archivist... for my masks are varied and spread far.
I watch all.
-the faceless.
So it begins...
I knew that it would be a matter of time before I was approached in such a manner. It has happened before. To Watch as I do is to uncover all secrets, to reveal the darkness underneath, to stir the creatures that lurk there. Yet even these monsters are not immune to the compulsion to reveal, and so they come as the others do, descending into the archives to give their statements.
The Faceless One, is it? How interesting...many masks from which so many eyes watch as I do...
This is certainly a development, but hardly one that comes as a surprise. While it has not been one the primary threads I have been chasing, the proposition that there is an entity that has bled its way into the multiple facets of this twisting fractal of an investigation is one I am incredibly willing to accept.
You have presented me with an interesting game, Faceless One. I've got my Eye 👁️ on you.
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