nugsters · 8 months
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🎭 1, 2, 3, Obihiro Division~ 🎭
Definitely totally innocent and not at all scheming butler who looks like a muscley green-haired Rosho. I promise he will be a good guy. Toootally promise. 👀
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dasistleeway · 1 year
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Perfect grilled pork on rice, beyond my expectations...
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sahorocoopr · 2 years
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354f33 · 2 years
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mofmofp · 1 year
北海道のジンギスカン うまっ❤️くまっ🐻 帯広「白樺」 #shorts
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fulfill-jp · 2 years
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このお店のチョコレートは美味しいですよね。 #recette_chocolat #chocolate #hokkaido #obihiro (ルセットショコラ) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck2CqCpp45k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kamiton · 2 years
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. 今週の出張は帯広市、当別町。 #建築 #建築デザイン #建築設計事務所 #スタッフ募集 #北海道長崎県人会 #北海道 #札幌 #帯広 #当別 #obihiro #tobetsu #hokkaido #sapporo #architects #architecture #architecturedesign #recruit https://www.instagram.com/p/CjsHn4tp8To/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sminny-wew · 2 months
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A buncha Megaman Battle Network doodles from across the summer
- Bass w/o helmet and Falzar Bass attacking the Cossaks, unfinished b/c I lost steam with it - Dark Megaman in a copybot learning about the Magic of Friendship from Lan's son Patch - "Kei Yuki" is an alias Sean from BN2 uses in the manga, I thought it'd be interesting if there was a disguise to go with that alias using his Lord Gospel/Kid Grave color scheme - BN designs for Layer, Alia, and Pallette (humans) and X and Axl (navis) from Mega Man X, Idk what I wanna do with them yet tho - Saito and Iggy from @dunedragon's fic Running Up That Hill just hangin out together
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obihiro-division · 1 month
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Apparently I forgot to post this half-assed meme I scrambled together months ago. Guess now that I'm back to dumping posts, this is my moment to share.
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ginza-division · 3 months
Masa's Thoughts on Obihiro Division
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Hisoka Tetsumasu
"Hisoka Tetsumasu, a man of many layers, much like the horses he tends to—wild at heart, yet capable of being tamed for the right cause," Masa muses. "His past dealings with Hypnosis Microphones could serve a higher purpose within our fold. I see a man seeking redemption, a soul yearning for guidance. It is within our sanctuary that he may find the clarity he seeks, and in return, his unique talents could prove instrumental in our divine mission. Yes, I shall extend an invitation to him; there is much we can accomplish together, under the watchful eyes of the Almighty."
Daiki Kamiyama
As he stares at his photo, Masa contemplates the youthful Daiki with a thoughtful gaze, recognizing the spark of idealism that burns within the boy.
"Daiki Kamiyama, a soul still untainted by the world’s harsh truths," Masa reflects. "His fervor for justice, his dream of heroism—it's a rare purity that one seldom encounters. In his passionate crusade, I see the echoes of my own once-held aspirations, the desire to enact change, to serve a cause greater than oneself."
Masa's voice carries a hint of wistfulness as he continues, "There’s a part of me that envies the boy's unburdened spirit, the freedom to chase after dreams without the weight of past deeds. Yet, it is in guiding such spirits that we find redemption for our own transgressions. Perhaps, in time, Daiki's path will converge with ours at 'The Crossroads,' where his zeal can be honed into a force for our collective vision. Until then, I shall watch his journey with interest, ready to offer wisdom when the time is right."
The priest's words are not just an assessment but an open door, an invitation for Daiki to one day join him in the intricate dance of purpose and power.
Jack Verrill
Masa Judice regards the butler's photo with a discerning eye, recognizing the his unwavering dedication to his charge, Daiki Kamiyama.
"A butler of such loyalty is a rare find," Masa muses. "Jack Verrill's commitment to the young Kamiyama heir is admirable, indeed. It speaks of a deep sense of duty and a protective instinct that aligns well with the values we uphold at 'The Crossroads.'"
However, Masa's intuition suggests there's more to Jack than his composed exterior reveals. "I suspect Mr. Verrill harbors secrets of his own, knowledge that extends beyond the silver tray and the neatly pressed suit. Such a man could prove to be a valuable ally, or a formidable opponent," he contemplates.
"As for recruiting him, it's a delicate dance. Whether it's the butler or the heir who joins us first, each will inevitably influence the other. Perhaps securing the trust of the vigilant guardian is the key to welcoming the idealistic hero into our fold." Masa's thoughts are strategic, considering the potential of both men to further his enigmatic agenda.
Veiled Vanguard
Masa contemplates the collective known as Veiled Vanguard with a strategic eye, considering the potential each member holds within the grand scheme of his vision.
"The Veiled Vanguard, a team of disparate souls, each carrying their own burdens and dreams," Masa reflects. "Together, they form a mosaic of talents and secrets, a combination that could be quite beneficial to the world we are striving to create."
He sees in them not just a group of individuals, but a reservoir of possibilities. "Each member holds a piece of the puzzle that I seek to complete. Hisoka's intimate knowledge of Hypnosis Microphones, Daiki's unyielding spirit of justice, and Jack's meticulous care and hidden depths—all of these qualities are commendable and, indeed, have a place in the new order that 'The Crossroads' envisions."
Masa's respect for them as a team is evident, yet it is tempered by his own ambitions. "Respect is earned, and as a team, they have shown they are capable of great things. Yet, it is in unity with a higher purpose that true strength is found. I shall extend an invitation to them, for in the world to come, those who stand with 'The Crossroads' will find themselves on the path to salvation and power."
Masa's words are an open hand, ready to guide the Veiled Vanguard towards a future where their potential can be fully realized under his guidance.
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nugsters · 8 months
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🎭 1! 2! 3! Obihiro Division!!! 🎭
This is the main character I made that started me down the hill of making more new teams? I love characters that try to be good/heroes just to get beat up. I promise not to abuse this OC... Not too much at least. (*´▽`*)
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hakodate-division · 3 months
Ted's Thoughts on Obihiro Division
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Hisoka Tetsumasu
"Hisoka, huh? The man's got a knack for horses, and that's something I can appreciate. My boy's got a soft spot for animals, and anyone who treats them right is alright in my book. As for the trouble with Chuohku, I know what it's like to be a pawn in someone else's game. It's a tough spot to be in, and I've got no hard feelings towards the guy for his past. We've all got skeletons in our closet. What matters is what we do now, and if Hisoka's doing right by those horses, then he’s doing right by me."
Daiki Kamiyama
"This kid's got a wild imagination. Comparing me to some superhero. Well, I’m not sure about leading any rebellions or passing on powers, but I do do what I can to protect my own. And that includes the land and the creatures on it. If that makes me a 'Supreme Commander' in his eyes, then so be it."
"As for his family's dealings with the Ainu land, I keep out of politics and business squabbles. My focus is on living a life true to my values, and if Daiki’s anything like that, then he's alright by me."
Jack Verrill
"...Let me state now for the record: I don't take kindly to folks who are deceitful, and when you've been in combat like I have, you learn to tell when people are being truthful or not. It's a little skill I picked up after years of fighting. I don't use it very often, but it is useful to have."
"Like I state, I don't take kindly to deceitful individuals, but there's a difference between hiding something for a good reason and lying for the wrong ones. If this butler's got reasons for keeping his cards close to his chest, that's his business. As long as he's not causing any harm to me, my family, or the peaceful life I’ve carved out here, we won’t have a problem."
"And as for being called an American, well, I'm Canadian, but I get the mix-up. Borders don't mean much when you're out in the wild or facing down a bear. It's about who you are and what you stand for, not where you’re from."
Veiled Vanguard
"This tournament sure does attract all kinds, doesn't it? This team is a mixed bag, but then again, I suppose you could say that for all of the teams in this contest. As far as these guys go, I've got no issue with them. I don't much care for where a team comes from. What matters is how they handle themselves and if they respect the land and its people. If they do that, we'll get along just fine."
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sahorocoopr · 2 years
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fukuokadivision1 · 3 months
Sanyu's Thoughts on Obihiro Division
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Hisoka Tetsumasu
"Hisoka? You mean the guy who's got his hands dirty with those illegal mics? Can't say I’m thrilled about what he's done, but I get it. We've all got our own demons to fight, and sometimes you end up on the wrong side of the tracks. It's not like I can throw stones; we're all trying to dodge Chuohku's shadow one way or another."
Sanyu pauses, her expression thoughtful as she continues, "I can't say I sympathize with him, but I understand wanting to break free from Chuohku's grip. It's like being trapped in a cage, and you do whatever it takes to find that sliver of freedom, even if it means bending the rules. Hisoka's just another soul caught in their web, same as us."
She chuckles dryly, "As for him and his horses, I've seen a few Knabstruppers around the circus, striking creatures. But it's the spirit that counts, not the breed. If Hisoka's found solace in those creatures, more power to him. We all find our peace in different ways."
Her gaze hardens with determination, "But when it comes down to it, in the D.R.B., it's not about your past. It's about the here and now. And we'll face whoever steps into the ring with us, no matter their story."
Daiki Kamiyama
"A superhero, huh? He's certainly got that starry-eyed look of someone who still believes in the black and white of hero tales. Reminds of those anime shows Tasuku and I watch from time to time. It's endearing, in a way, but the world ain't no comic book. It's messy, it's tough, and it doesn’t always make sense. I don't envy him; I worry for him. That kind of innocence can get you hurt, or worse, in our line of work."
She leans back, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully, "As for his take on me? I'm no villain, but I'm no saint either. If Daiki wants to understand my intentions, he's welcome to step up and ask. I'm an open book to those who got the guts to read it. Just don’t expect fairy tales; I deal in reality, and it’s a lot more complicated than good versus evil."
Jack Verrill
"Another butler, huh? And here I thought that Yuno guy who lives here in Fukuoka was the only butler we'd have to worry about. But unlike Yuno, this guy's like a shadow, always there but not quite in the spotlight. It's his job, I guess, to be the silent type, lurking in the background, keeping an eye on things. But you don't get to be a butler for a rich family like the Kamiyamas without having a few tricks up your sleeve. He's got that look, you know? Like he's seen more than he lets on, knows more than he speaks. It makes you wonder what he's hiding behind that polite smile and those carefully chosen words..."
Veiled Vanguard
"Veiled Vanguard, huh? They're an interesting bunch, that’s for sure. You’ve got a horse breeder with a shady past, a kid playing superhero, and a butler who’s probably seen more than most. It's like a setup for a joke, but there's nothing funny about stepping into the D.R.B. ring. You gotta have guts, and from what I can tell, they've got them in spades."
"I'm curious about how they all clicked together. It's not every day you see a mix like that, and it's got me wondering what’s the glue holding them tight. Cooperation is key in a team, and they've all got strong personalities that could either mesh well or clash hard. But if they can channel their differences into their music, they’ll be a force to reckon with. I'm kinda curious how they'll do. ...But if they get taken out in the first round, I won't be all that surprised."
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minato-division01 · 4 months
Nadya's Thoughts on Obihiro Division
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Hisoka Tetsumasu
"Hisoka Tetsumasu? A classic case of post-criminal behavioral adaptation, if I ever saw one. He scurries around, thinking he's hidden, but we all know his tales of woe and so-called 'redemption.' It's laughable. He helped develop the illegal HypMics, yes, and that's the only sliver of respect he'll get from me—respect for the craft, not the craftsman. His association with Rei Ayamado is the only thread that makes him slightly interesting."
"But let's not confuse the observable phenomena with the subject’s worth. His current act, hiding behind horses and playing the reformed criminal, it's pathetic. You can't just erase your past with a change of scenery and expect the world to forget. His attempts at obscurity are futile; he's marked by his deeds, and no amount of horseplay will change that. He's a footnote in a much larger story, one that I intend to rewrite. And when I do, his name will be nothing more than a whisper, a cautionary tale of what happens when you’re too weak to seize the power that's within your grasp."
Daiki Kamiyama
"The Kamiyama boy? He is a textbook example of affluenza—wealth-induced complacency leading to delusions of grandeur. His nocturnal escapades as a 'superhero' are nothing more than a child's play, a desperate grasp at a reality that doesn't exist. It's a pitiful sight, really. To think that someone born with every resource at their fingertips chooses to squander it on such… frivolities. Even Saburo Yamada, with his youthful exuberance, displays a level of maturity far beyond what Daiki seems capable of."
"The Kamiyama name might carry some weight in certain circles, but to me, it’s just another variable in the equation, one that adds little value to the overall sum. I have no interest in the trivial pursuits of a boy who thinks he can don a mask and make any significant impact. The world is not a comic book, and sooner or later, he will have to learn that lesson. Until then, he remains an insignificant blip on my radar, unworthy of further scientific inquiry or personal interest."
Jack Verrill
"Jack, the butler, presents a curious case study. It's clear he's not simply tending to his charge out of sheer loyalty. His actions suggest a deeper agenda, one that’s yet to be fully revealed. It's this underlying complexity that piques my interest, albeit slightly. He's like a variable in an experiment that’s yet to be defined, and I do enjoy unraveling a scientific enigma."
"For now, he warrants observation, not interaction. Like a shadow, he moves with purpose, and it's that purpose I intend to uncover. Who he's truly serving and what his endgame might be, are questions that demand answers. Until then, he and his charge are little more than background noise to the symphony I'm composing. Insignificant, yet not entirely irrelevant."
Veiled Vanguard
"Veiled Vanguard, a collective of individuals each with their own quirks and secrets. To the untrained eye, they might seem like a formidable group, but to me, they're a mere nuisance. A team that hardly warrants the effort of my experimentation or the focus of my intellect. They're like a control group in an experiment—necessary for comparison but not the main subject of interest."
"I have no intention of wasting valuable resources on them. Let another team deal with the trivialities of managing such small fry. My attention is reserved for grander schemes, for challenges that are worthy of my time and talents. Veiled Vanguard can play their little games; I have larger puzzles to solve and more significant variables to control in this grand design of the D.R.B."
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fulfill-jp · 2 years
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今日はカレーを食べに(笑) #そんなバカな #帯広 #hokkaido #obihiro #lunch #curry #カレーライス (インデアン 西21条店) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck2CHOkpKkx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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