#Obikin Valentines Day Gift Exchange
obikin-events · 2 years
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Welcome to our 2023 Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange!
What is the Obikin Events Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange? 
Well, it’s much like any holiday or fandom exchange where a person will sign up to create something fannish for someone else who signs up, and in turn will be given a gift created just for them! 
We do ask if you’re thinking about signing up for this, that you keep our minimums and schedule in mind, as these dates and requirements are for everyone, so no exceptions will be made.
The Schedule:
Signups will open on: January 1, at 12:00AM US EST.
Signups Close: January 8, 11:59PM US EST.
Assignments will be out by: January 10, 11:59PM US EST.
Works are due by: February 9, 11:59PM US EST.
The Pinch Hitters will be contacted and given assignments on: February 10, 11:59PM US EST.
Gifts will be revealed on: February 14, 12:00PM US EST!
Authors will be revealed: February 21, 11:59AM US EST!
What are the basic rules for this Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange?
You must have an Ao3 account to sign-up for this exchange, as that is where we will be running this. Please contact the mods if you would like help getting an invite if you need one.
Works will remain anonymous until the reveal date, so please do not share or talk about what you are creating for your giftee until after the creator reveals have happened.
You must be 18+ to sign-up.
YOU MUST TAG APPROPRIATELY – while something may not bother you, that is not the same for someone else, so please, please ensure you tag appropriately or leave a note at the top of the fic letting people know that ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’ thing is going to appear within your creation.
While we have no maximums for this exchange, these are our hard minimums you must meet:
Fic: 500 words.
Art: a clean sketch that is at least 500x500 pixels.
How does the Valentine’s Gift Exchange work?
When you sign-up you will list at least 3 prompts, likes/do not want’s – please be thorough when filling those out to ensure you receive what you want and not something that is a no for you – in your requests.
(example prompts: 1, Obi-wan meets Anakin by spilling coffee on him; 2, Sith Anakin tries to court Jedi Master Obi-wan; 3, Anakin helps his twins make up valentines cards for their second grade class, while hopelessly pining for their teacher and wishing he could give the man his own.)
(example likes/dislikes: likes - bottom Anakin, soft dom Obi-wan, canon verse, fix-its, happy endings | dislikes: bottom Obi-wan, modern AUs, no happy endings, mentions of Anidala or Quiobi)
In your offers, you will list what you are comfortable creating for and what you are not.
(example: I’m comfortable writing canon verse/compliant/divergence, fix-its, Sith/Never a Jedi AUs, etc… | I’m not comfortable writing reverse or age swap fics, modern AUs)
Please note if you are open to receiving treats or not.
Treats are a bonus, not something creators need to fill!
Once you receive your asignment, you begin creating!
What happens if I don’t like any of the prompts I receive?
While mods will be double checking that 'do not wants' do not conflict with their matches requests, the prompts are meant to inspire you. As long as you do not write something which a person has marked 'DNW' and suit the spirit of the exchange.
Can my work be multi-chaptered? 
Absolutely it can! But it must be a completed work when you fulfil your assignment by the deadline.
What kind of art can I make? 
While you may opt into receiving nontraditional art for treats – such as gifs, fanvideos, fanmixies, podfics, graphics/manips – we do ask that you stick to the more traditional fanart/writing for filling the main assignment.
Do we have to fill out all prompts when signing up?
No, you simply need to fulfill one of the prompts given. 
I’m excited to talk about my prompts, can I?
No. This exchange is meant to be a secret, so please do not discuss who you’re creating for in a public setting. If you have a trusted friend you talk over ideas with, that is alright but please don’t publicly speak about it. 
I’ve signed up but life has happened and I don’t think I’ll be able to finish my gift. What should I do?
Please contact the mods as soon as you realize this so that we may contact a pinch hitter and give them the maximum amount of time to work on the gift. 
I’d like to sign up as a pinch hitter, how can I do that?
If you’d like to sign up as a pinch hitter, please DM the mods with your Ao3 handle and the best way to contact you and we’ll add you to our list!
I know I won’t be able to fulfill my gift but a friend has said they could, can I just give them my assignment?
No. Please do not do this. If you know you will not be able to finish, please contact the mods and not just give your assignment away to a friend.
Can I only list 3 prompts?
No, you can absolutely list more, but the minimum we ask for is three. 
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send in an ask on Tumblr, a DM on Twitter, an ask in the discord server or even an email to [email protected].
May the Obikin Be With You.
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I can finally say it!!!
This was me! 🥰 It was my entry for the Obikin Valentine Exchange 2023. I loved so much writing this prompt.
Happy Birthday, dear Master
Rating: General Audience
Receiver: Kittona
Summary: Obi-Wan gets caught up with meetings, classes and paperwork and forgets something very important. Luckily, Anakin is there for him
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moonlightatnoon · 2 years
Echo of my desires by myideaofbeautiful
“Anakin, you need to listen to me!”
The words had barely left Obi-Wan’s mouth before Anakin turned around. His lightsaber fell carelessly to the ground as his hand captured Obi-Wan’s in his own, locking him in an inescapable grip.
“Master,” he whispered, before pulling Obi-Wan into his embrace. Their bodies, still warm and sweat damp from battle, pressed together. Anakin buried his nose in Obi-Wan’s neck and inhaled. His body shuddered at his Master’s scent. A growl was the only warning Obi-Wan got before he was forced to the ground, Anakin’s hulking figure over him.
Prompt: "Omegaverse au, canon. Maybe because of a sith artifact/drugs/pollen, Anakin, an alpha, turns feral and he wants to mate with omega! obiwan right this instant."
Written as part of the Obikin Events Valentine's Day Exchange 2023 as a treat for Kidhuzural.
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obikin-events · 2 years
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Reveals are here!!
If you haven’t changed your date, you can find out here how to do so!
You can still create and post treats if you so wish to do so! 
Otherwise, sit back and enjoy all of the amazing fic and art that was created for this exchange! Don’t forget to kudos and comment!
May the Obikin Be With You.
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obikin-events · 2 years
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Creator reveals are here!!
You can still create and post treats if you so wish to do so! Otherwise, sit back and enjoy all of the amazing fic and art that was created for this exchange! 
Don’t forget to kudos and comment!
May the Obikin Be With You.
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obikin-events · 2 years
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Hello there!
Just a few quick things we’d like to mention!
While we already did a reminder post earlier, please note that today is the deadline for our Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange! You’ll have until 11:59PM US Eastern time zone to either submit your work to the collection or ask for an extension!
If you are in need of an extension then you simply need to send us an ask off anon with a way to get in contact with you, send us a DM on discord or Twitter  or send us an email to [email protected].
If your assignment is not in the collection after it closes, and we don’t hear from you before that, we will assume that we need to contact a pinch hitter to take over your assignment! 
And this brings us to the second thing we’d like to mention! If for whatever reason you need to access your work again because you realized you forgot to make a note or need to add/change a tag, there are two different ways you’ll be able to do that, even after having your work added to the collection!
The first way, is simply go into the actual collection where the works are: 
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While you’ll see a lot of mystery works, you should be able to see your works and be able to click on them to edit!
If that way doesn’t work, you can go to your assignments on your Ao3 page: 
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which you’ll be able to find near the bottom on the left hand side (or right, if you have a flipped skin) and scroll down until you find the assignment labeled for the Obikin Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send in an ask on Tumblr, a DM on Twitter or even an email to [email protected]. Or if you're already a part of our Discord Server, you can ask us there as well!
May The Obikin Be With You!
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obikin-events · 2 years
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Just a quick reminder that the deadline for our Obikin Valentine's Day Gift Exchange is fast approaching!
You have until February 9, 11:59PM US EST to get your creation in or to contact the mods if you need an extension or we will reassign your prompts to a pinch hitter!
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obikin-events · 2 years
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Reveals are almost here!
We know all you amazing and talented creators are so excited for reveals tomorrow, not to mention everyone else who can’t wait to see and read what you’ve all created! But we just have one last thing you have left to do!
To ensure your work makes it onto the first page or two, you’ll need to change the date on your work to todays! If you don’t know how to do that, no worries, we’ll walk you through it!
First you’ll need to find your fic(s) to do so - unsure how to do that, we’ve got a quick tutorial explaining that process here! Once you’ve got your creation open to edit, you need to scroll down to this section here and you’ll see where to change the date: 
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Then you simply just click on it and adjust it so the date reads 14/February/2023!
*Those in the US may not be able to do this until it’s actually the 14th! So you’ll most likely just need to do this at some point tomorrow!
Once that’s all done creators, you just need to sit back and enjoy all of the wonderful, amazing creations you talented darlings made!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send in an ask on Tumblr(@obikin-events), a DM on Twitter(@obikinevents), ask in the discord server or even an email to [email protected]
May the Obikin Be With You.
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obikin-events · 2 years
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Assignments are out!
You are only required to create one (1) fic or piece of art for your giftee, of at least a fic of 500 words or a clean sketch of at least 500x500 pixels, that is due by February 9, 11:59 PM EST.
Please pay attention to the DNW’s (Do Not Want’s) of your giftee!
The collection will be opened immediately to begin accepting assignments and treats! Please make sure you prioritize your assignment before filling treats! You can make as many treats as you like, as long as people are open to them. Make sure to 'gift' the treat to the person when you add it to the collection. 
Treats, just as the assignments, are meant to be kept secret until reveals officially happen on February 21!
If you need help/need an extension/need to drop out for any reason, please contact the mods asap, so that we may work with you and any concerns you have or to give pinch hitters the maximum amount of time to work on it as we possibly can!
Make sure to check the email linked to your Ao3 to see it! If you did not receive an email with your assignment, please reach out to the mods. 
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send in an ask on Tumblr(@obikin-events), a DM on Twitter(@obikinevents), ask in the discord server or even an email to [email protected].
May the Obikin Be With You.
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obikin-events · 2 years
hi, can the valentines day gift we prepare be crossposted with other events?
It would depend on the event you want to cross post with.
If it's, for example, our bingo or multi-fandom bingos, then that would absolutely be okay! Because those events are open for posting as the same dates our anonymous and final reveals happen!
But, as an example, you wanted to cross post with something like the sub Anakin or bottom Obi-Wan fests, then we're going to have to respectfully say no because they don't do reveals until much later than we do. And it simply wouldn't be fair to make a person wait to enjoy their gift from our exchange, because someone wanted to cross post with an event without taking into account the differing dates.
May the Obikin be with you. 
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obikin-events · 2 years
Hello there! How would I go about requesting an extension for getting my Obikin Valentine's Day exchange gift in? (:
Hello Anon, if you, or anyone else for that matter, is in need of an extension then you simply need to send us an ask off anon with a way to get in contact with you, send us a DM on discord or Twitter or send us an email to [email protected].
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obikin-events · 2 years
Reading through the information on the valentines day gift exchange, what does it mean by treats?
Borrowing this explanation from the Fanlore article on AO3 exchanges:
A treat is an extra fanwork produced for a gift exchange in addition to the one work each participant is entitled to receive and required to produce. Treats are usually exempt from the length or size restrictions that the main gifts have to adhere to, but still otherwise adhere to the rules of the exchange. Some exchanges encourage treats, while others don't allow them.
We've seen it a few times where people miss the sign up window but would still like to participate and wondered if we could introduce obikin fandom to the joy of treats.
Please note: if you sign up for the valentines exchange you do not have to create more than one work, nor do you have to be open to treats!
This is just an extra fun way for people who see a prompt and, if the recipient is open to it, want to create something for the person as well!
If you are open to treats, please make note in your sign up, something like "Treats welcome!" would be sufficient. If you would like Treats, you need to make sure gifting works is turned on in your AO3 preferences. Under the subheading "Collections, Challenges and Gifts" make sure "Allow anyone to gift me works." has a checkmark in front of it.
If you do not want treats, you do not have to do anything. Your matched recipient will be able to gift their creation to you, no problem!
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obikin-events · 2 years
Hello There!
Just finished reading about your upcoming 2023 Valentine's Day Gift Exchange, sounds great and I'd like to get in!!! and that's why I wanted to ask if non-English speaking creators could participate as writers, which is my case, if not, I'll be content to read and support everything that comes out of your event, thank you and may the obikin be with you!!
Hello! We're happy to know so many are excited about the upcoming event. For now, we are an English only fic event. Though, if we've entirely misunderstood your question, please reach out to us again.
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