Link to Ao3 if you prefer to read it there
I am unused to sunshine.  The brightness hurts my stolen eyes.  Yet here I find myself on a grass-covered hill, mid-afternoon, with the sun pouring down upon me and no shade nearby.  
In one hand, I hold an artifact of dark magic, wreathed in protective soulfire, endlessly whispering promises that would twist and shape desire.  In the other, I hold an elongated bun, soft bread split in twain.  Condiments which resemble a combination of blood and chopped hive entrails surround a tube of finely ground flesh, marked from contact with searing hot metal in dark stripes along its length.
Beside me, my companion tries and fails to hide his anticipation from me.  The combination of his irreverence with his eagerness to please me is both frustrating and endearing.  He stands over a flaming pyre with other tubes of ground flesh upon it.  He tends to them as they hiss and spit their juices into the fire.
He claims this meal is traditional for the season.  He insists this communal ritual consumption is an essential aspect of the experience of Summer.  He has also insisted on preparing drinks containing small wood and paper umbrellas which serve no useful function.  He claims they are customary as well.
Scribe Eido of the House of Light and her father are both nearby.  Four-armed, towering over everyone except the Cabal, they are inspecting the tubes of ground flesh on the fire with quiet suspicion, not wanting to offend.
Others watch us carefully.  Members of the Vanguard, civilians, guardians, Eliksni, Cabal...  They look upon the broiling fleshy cylinders with a mixture of hunger and concern.  My companion is known for having eaten many inedible things.  They are unsure if food prepared by him will be delightful or abhorrent.  They seek validation from the first one to receive a portion of this strange meal.  
All eyes are upon me as I raise the end of his half-burnt offering to my lips.  I take a bite and watch his face as I chew.  His eyes glint proudly in the sunlight.  His lips form a rakish smile for me and me alone.  It always pleases him so intensely when I consume something he has prepared.  
The meat is flavourful and infused with the smokiness of the fire.  The condiments are sweet and tangy.  The bread is soft and warm.  Try as I might, I cannot help but smile.  
It is delicious.
Be sure to check out the rest of the zine! It's full of art and writing from multiple people, including several pieces written by me!
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mtg-cards-hourly · 4 months
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"A richer people could give more but they could never give as much."
Artist: Doug Chaffee TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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wystaria-garden · 6 months
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Oblation; Reduces damage taken by target party member or self by 10% for 10 seconds.
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tjodity · 8 months
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He is mixed Creole with a white father
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sorry my brain's very fuzzy rn so ! i had to double check the specifics of his lore.
Oh okay! I never thought about it very hard I think I just assumed he was white for some reason
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fresa-schnee · 1 year
Song 4!
Well this will be interesting- I got the vampire masequerade, so this'll be fun.
Spoilers for Shadowbringers, TW: Body horror, transformation, and loss of sense of self.
There was only a burning light now. A sheering red hot feeling across the entire body, that refused to cool down or to fade away. The flesh and scales of the body being stripped away as they peeled off the skin in chunks. The hair falling away, quickly replaced with golden feathers that erupted from their burnt and scarred scalp..
The corrupted light screamed in their mind. Wanting to be released. To be freed. And if it couldn't, it would break everything in it's way to do so.
Yet, a soul responded against it... Forged from the fragmented beings that comprised it. For so long having remained dormant of it's own will, to allow these souls to function and survive as their own individuals.
Yet now? It screeched. And the Light within cowered.
The soul harnessed the light.. Though it could do little to stop the corruption of the body. Their head was covered in golden feathers that shot upwards, forming a sort of crown that angled out like razor sharp claws. A single sharp spike shot out from the top of their head. Their head was covered in five faces. One had it's eyes stitched shut, another with it's mouth closed with constant tears, one had a constant expression of rage, with glimmering golden eyes. The fourth had it's eyes closed, and a solemn expression, and the final one, the one that gazed outwards, had a blank expression.
The once purple scales had now turned to a saddening gold, with silver specks dotting them. Their skin a harsh porcelain, and their chest had a hole within it's center.. A heart beating within, cracked and shattered. Each beat made the heart turn steadily more golden.
It's arms were shattered at the elbows, and floated at where they should be connected. In one hand they held a shattered staff that had a pulsating orb of light at the end of it. In it's other was a long, shattered blade. An Anima, extinguished alongside it's creator. Once vibrant purple flames now only sputtering sparks around the broken weapon.
The creature gazed out at the group.. Fellows, lovers, and close friends staring in horror at the abomination. The creature gazed out past them.. The look on their faces only haunted them. They instead focused on the man in front of them.
His old, disheveled form staring at first in satisfaction.. Then horror as the blank face turned to one of familiar mourning. The gaze was familiar to them..
...And they let out a saddening voice... None that Levai's friends had known, and not even matching that of those of Lyriun, or Fray. But a new one, a soft, melodeous voice.
"Oh my dearest Hades... What have you done to them...?" Spoke Persephone, now Oblation.. The older of the seat of Azem.
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xivartref · 11 months
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justana0kguy · 1 year
2023 MAY 30 Tuesday
"To keep the law is a great oblation,
and He who observes the commandments sacrifices a peace offering.
In works of charity one offers fine flour,
and when he gives alms he presents his sacrifice of praise.
To refrain from evil pleases the LORD, and to avoid injustice is an atonement.
Appear not before the LORD empty-handed, for all that you offer is in fulfillment of the precepts.
The just man's offering enriches the altar and rises as a sweet odor before the Most High.
The just man's sacrifice is most pleasing, nor will it ever be forgotten.
In generous spirit pay homage to the LORD, be not sparing of freewill gifts.
With each contribution show a cheerful countenance, and pay your tithes in a spirit of joy.
Give to the Most High as he has given to you, generously, according to your means.
For the LORD is one who always repays, and he will give back to you sevenfold.
But offer no bribes, these he does not accept! Trust not in sacrifice of the fruits of extortion,
For he is a God of justice, who knows no favorites."
~ Sirach 35:1-12
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thedalatribune · 1 year
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© Paolo Dala
Oblation Guillermo Tolentino (1935) University of the Philippines (Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines)
New Look UPLB Oble
I saw the UPLB's Oblation's new look when I visited my alma mater this year to serve as a thesis panelist... and I like the new O-park.
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quednar · 28 days
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gift-of-orzhova · 7 months
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A richer people could give more but they could never give as much.
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metalsongoftheday · 10 months
Wednesday, November 29: Floor, "War Party"
Torche was so beloved after the monumental one-two punch of Meanderthal and Harmonicraft that the few who knew that Steve Brooks was previously in a different band had mostly forgotten that fact.  But apparently Brooks had enough juice at that point to briefly resurrect Floor, putting out Oblation a decade after their breakup.  And for the many who weren’t aware of the frontman’s history, “War Party” was all the more confusing because as storming, catchy and fun as it was, it didn’t feel the slightest bit different from Torche’s (admittedly very awesome) discography.  Floor’s back catalogue was a touch doomier and slower, but this track was a barnburner full of Brooks’ soaring hollering, pummeling drums and riffing that was both slamming and cavernous.  It ended up making Oblation pretty much a Torche album by another name, even with the otherwise different lineup.  Of course, that still meant “War Party” totally ruled, even if it was basically an extension of Torche’s hot streak.
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okierazorback · 2 years
Word of the Day - Oblation
Noun:  Oblation the act of making a religious offering specifically, capitalized : the act of offering the eucharistic elements to God something offered in worship or devotion : a holy gift offered usually at an altar or shrine Synonyms: gift offering presentation sacrifice Usage: “We say [ Christian rulers] are happy if they rule justly; if … they are not inflated with pride, but remember…
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canisalbus · 8 months
Machete has parents?? I'm not familiar with their actual lore, so I've been imagining Machete as a desolate victorian orphan boy
Everyone has parents, he didn't materialize out of thin air (or evolve from a crumpled napkin).
But he lost contact with them early on and doesn't remember much of anything about them. Machete was a sickly kid and his family was going through a rough patch at the time, they were constantly struggling to find the time and funds to care for him. Child mortality was high and it was starting to look increasingly likely that he wouldn't make it. He was around three or four when they left him at the closest monastery that accepted foundlings and he hasn't heard of them since.
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tjodity · 8 months
oh yeah some other misc details about living crypt while I'm remembering it all
>Michael is perfectly fine all throughout the living crypt body horror, and in fact does learn about it and is. just chill. kid's fine. he's told that dada and mimi are inside of papa and can hear him and see him and just takes it as a chance to jump onto Tubbo's lap whenever he came to hug and cuddle the three of them and ask them how they're doing. He is a real little troop about it honestly
>Wilbur has severe guilt induced nightmares about Tubbo eating him. He thinks this is all his fault somehow (as per always)
>Tubbo realizes the effects of cAllium inside of his body are very similar to pregnancy symptoms and jokes about it. constantly. when they're revived and time moves on and they're all a bit more Healed from the whole thing, he will casually refer to this period of their lives as "when I was pregnant with you two" much to Ranboo and Tommy's dismay.
>Tubbo feels Ranboo's fear of water! it doesn't burn him but he needs help with showers and gets startled when washing his hands or doing dishes sometimes. Ranboo feels bad for this
>Tubbo also experiences phantom soreness from Ranboo's unhinging jaw.
>Tubbo can chirp like an enderman and purrs when holding michael,
>Tubbo will sometimes refer to Wilbur as Wilby, fully without meaning to. Tommy gets very very quiet whenever this happens
GOD. I'm glad Michael does fine throughout. And I can fully see Wilbur blaming himself for the whole thing despite. not being there. The thing with Tubbo adopting some of Allium's mannerisms and fears and little day to day things is soo good
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dark-art-666 · 6 months
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xivartref · 9 months
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