#Oc: Yakov
rabbittwinrithings · 2 years
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New Dragonborn alert!
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yuramec · 3 months
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I got inspired and I drew a couple of interactions of these two.
Im really liking their dynamic.
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stinkrascal · 2 months
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Yakov: Hurry, thrall, before my cup runs dry. Thrall: Yes, master.
Yakov: And didn't I tell you to bring some bottles for the table? Thrall: Of course, sir.
Nadia: A thrall who doesn't listen? [ chuckles ] Reminds me of someone.
Helena: Y'all are too harsh on 'em. Nadia: You are too lenient, darling.
Helena: You keep on breaking their bodies, pretty soon you won't have anyone left. Yakov: No matter. If its body breaks, I'll find a new body.
Yakov: Stop skulking. Come here. Breanna: ... Yakov: I'm speaking to you, girl. Breanna: Huh? Who? Me?
Yakov: I've never seen you before. Breanna: I'm... new. Yakov: Who are you? Breanna: Uh, Breanna. And you are? Yakov: I'm the one asking questions. Breanna: Well that's rude.
Helena: Don't be nasty. At least she got the memo to wear white. [ giggling ] His name is Yakov, and I'm Helena. We belong to headmaster Nadia's coven. Breanna, is it?
Yakov: Do not speak to the fledgling like we are equals. Nadia: Calm yourself. I know this one.
Nadia: You're Vladislaus's new spawn. I can tell. Breanna: You know Vlad? Nadia: [ giggles ] I must admit, you're exactly as I imagined you'd be. Breanna: What's that supposed to mean? Nadia: Oh, nothing.
Yakov: Ah, I see. So you are the pet's pet. Truthfully, I don't care who you are.
Yakov: You aren't welcome here. Leave, now—
Yakov: Ah... but you are such a cute little thing, aren't you?
Breanna: Huh? Yakov: Hurry, thrall. Bring the girl a bottle.
Yakov: Pretty girls deserve to drink only the finest wine. Isn't that right? Breanna: Shit, I won't argue with that. So what are we celebrating anyways?
Yakov: Go on, tell her your good news. Helena: ...I'm leading a hunt soon— Yakov: Soon, she will be the one who leads the hunt! Is it not delightful?
Breanna: Hell yeah man, that's delightful as fuck. Yakov: Please, you must join us. Nadia: An astute idea, Yakov. I agree. I'm eager to see how you fare.
Nadia: Perhaps you can teach Helena a thing or two.
Vladislaus: You are drunk if you believe I would allow such a thing.
Vladislaus: She has no business leaving the Hollow. Breanna: But I wanna go with them.
Vladislaus: It seems my mentor has corrupted your poor mind already. How unfortunate.
Nadia: You are so surly, my darling. Won't you join us for a drink? Vladislaus: No, we should leave. There is still much training to do. Nadia: You will attend the gala, won't you?
Vladislaus: If I must. Nadia: Good. You have no choice. Why don't you bring your little spawnling with you? Vladislaus: ...That is a great idea, headmaster.
Breanna: You know, you could ask first. Vladislaus: Come, Breanna. Let us be on our way. Breanna: [ sighs ] You really don't listen, huh?
Breanna: Bye y'all, I had a lot of fun!
Breanna: Thanks for the free wine! 💖
Yakov: [ groaning ] Ugh—that little bitch was in my head! Helena: Should we go after her?
Nadia: No. Leave her. I question if she even realizes what she's done.
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terracomets · 6 months
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who excited for truenorth
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vancilart · 1 year
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who doesn't like a bite of fresh honey
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theamari-blog · 1 year
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Chapter 2.3 - Successors
Beginning -- Previously -- Blurb -- Next -- Chronological
  It was Tita P that coined the term the Stryx. She’d borrowed from the Greek word strix a blood-drinking bird of ill omen, which was also the root word of strigoi, the Russian word for vampires.
  Stryx spelled with a y (a nod to the River Styx) was a classification of creatures, that were drawn to humanity. Probably because we were their favorite prey. It was a broad category, encompassing the usual suspects like Vamps and Weres. Though ghosts and even the canonically beatific Fae also fell under its umbrella.
Sorry for the late update. Hope you enjoy!
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batmads-ao3 · 2 years
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Across The Universe
Detroit: Yuri’s done the math. He done the research and the consideration and the planning. This will be his last year of competitive figure skating, and this time next year, he’ll be moving on to grad school. No matter what, though, Yuri hopes to hold onto Victor in any way that he can. Even if he has to compromise and change his own dreams to do it.
St. Petersburg: Victor is tired of compromising. Tired of having dreams deferred, of stealing moments in the off season and after competitions to spend time with Yuri. The way he sees it, there are only two options: keep Yuri in competitive skating, or find a way to stay by Yuri’s side after this year is through. Because if there’s anything that Victor knows for certain, it’s that he’s never letting anything come between him and his soulmate ever again.
But how far are Yuri and Victor willing to go to protect the other’s dreams? And with a whole universe separating them, will a soulmate bond really be enough to hold them together when it matters most?
**Part Three of the Defy the Stars Trilogy**
Soulmates!AU • College! AU(kinda) • Happy Ending
Read Chapter Thirty-Two here!
In which Victor and Yuri feverishly hope that the other one will make the first move, and a stalemate ensues.
Posting every Friday (ish), chapter preview below the cut
Yuri was late to practice. In his defense, though, it had been a long flight, and a seemingly endless trip to the athlete’s village, and no sooner had he gotten to his room than Junichi was knocking on his door, peppering him with questions about how interviews had been and whether he’d managed to land a flip yet and by the time Yuri managed to actually eat something and change into practice clothes, he was supposed to be at the rink to start off ice warm-ups, and by the time he was there to start warming up, everyone else was already out on the ice. 
So in the end he only got a weak warm-up in, nowhere near the amount of time he actually should have given it, and then an even weaker amount of time to actually get a feel for the ice. 
And not just any ice. The ice. The main rink. Olympic rings below him. A scattering of spectators and media up in the stands to watch him, to speculate and criticize. It made Yuri want to throw up. 
(How was it, just earlier today, that he’d managed to be excited for all of this?)
Seeing Victor standing at the other end of the rink, staring blankly at him, wasn’t any help. And Yuri didn’t have to wonder anymore if he had it in him to go up to his soulmate right away and reopen everything between them. He knew now that he didn’t have the courage to do it. And he was frankly relieved that Victor was the first person off the ice now that practice was over—while Yuri himself was still all the way at the other end of the rink—because that just meant he could put everything off for just a little bit longer. 
Tomorrow, Yuri told himself. I can talk to him tomorrow.  
Because one thing was for certain: even if Yuri’s cowardice and anxiety were swallowing him whole now, the moment he had seen Victor he had known in his soul that he didn’t want to let Victor go. He knew Patrick was right, that if he waited around to long, then Victor would move on. He had seen it in the way Victor was skating, before he’d come onto the ice. And Yuri didn’t want that. He wanted Victor to be happy, yes, but he wanted to be the one who made Victor happy. He wanted the life that Victor’s short program described. 
Continue on Ao3
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dripgnoll · 8 months
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NPC sketch
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redd956 · 1 year
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Silly Lil sketch of my oc Yakov. He's terrified of rain.
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blueberry-912 · 2 years
🛷 🥺😳 what If homies ski was joke
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its not homies anymore. They homiefriend fr
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leadbody · 1 day
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rabbittwinrithings · 2 years
An idea I am thinking about flavoring with Naarifin is that he gets injured horribly during the Thalmor Embassy quest, so while Khash takes care of him, Varrick and Lucien go off to find Esbern. That's when Lucien overhears that Yakov is Naarifin, and things don't go too well...
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yuramec · 4 months
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Hello there! I bring you new Ocs!
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stinkrascal · 8 months
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the proud members of the vampire's embassy
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terracomets · 3 months
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yakov ortiz! a member of the survivors from beyond the northern valley / mountains behind reanto. he left his original home and journeyed to reanto, where he was attacked by campfolk who were in the city looking for things to sell from the ruins. yukio saved him and the two began living together!
Yakov Ortiz
Korean / Russian, He / Him, 24
Stubbornly strong
Agender, Gay
After wandering from the Northern Mountains into the ruins of Reanto, as a young teen, Yakov was attacked and left terribly wounded by Campjunkers who deemed him a threat. With a head wound being the worst of it, Yakov, along with being predisposed to sickness, was left with head trauma that causes severe anxiety, trouble balancing, and permanent nerve injuries. His anxiety combined with the traumatic experience of the beating he received left him suspicious and distrusting of people in and out of the Survivors. The only person he truly trusts is Yukio, who saved him from the attack by chasing off his attackers and helped nurse him back to health. Since then, the two have been nearly inseparable, and Yakov is fiercely loyal to his friend, the Survivors, and the Guardian.
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vancilart · 2 years
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research takes risk and sacrifice
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