#story: ww&sb
theamari-blog · 1 year
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Chapter 2.2 : Successors
Beginning -- Previously -- Blurb -- Next -- Chronological
  In 1969 Perlina Ramos found herself Waywarden of Compass House because she knew these stories to be true.
  She approached her new post the same way she went through life— with a methodical, academic zeal. She not only wanted to understand these creatures, but felt called to help them too.
Young Perlina Ramos in the house! Having way too much fun with retro 70′s style, hat tip to @surely-sims for the super cool retro office decor and @pandorassims4cc for cleaning poses (few and far between tbh.)
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nerice · 1 year
ask meme: even numbers >:3
CATCHING UP ON ASK GAMES on this fine 1:18 am >:3
2, if you gave an in depth description of your story to someone who was not all the way paying attention, what would their takeaway be?
the takeaway is that i'd stop talking the second it seems sb is not paying attention lmao but i guess the cliffnotes is [standing in front of conspiracy board] hot evil girls (unkillable) also moons something is up with them moons
4, what would you say is the message, if there is one.
alright finally deigning this with a serious answer. there is no big msg no grand takeaway, just the mess of the struggle & trying to make it thru when life is cruel and unjust and sometimes there's light at the end of the tunnel and other times the despair wins. sometimes the despair is chosen and it's a self-righteous thing and at the end of the day it's about knowing what's best for yourself and the life you want to live, despite (all the despites) and sometimes it is about the catharsis of giving up when it's all too much ;-;
6, speaking of tv adaptations, why would yours get cancelled? (other than capitalism)
ive seen the twinks people wanna cast for holland shadesofmagic i am not letting irl casting be done so this never gets made because animation is too expensive (shoutout to hair, my ocs have a lot of it) w otherwise for all the same reasons down in #18
8, what inspired your world building, if anything?
moon emphasis is definitely a sailor moon worm + a lot of contamination from waverunners [german pirate series] eldritch ocean mare tenebrosum merged with some old recurring fever dream imagery for the invisible moon. also EXTREMELY early kyoani/key shows (air+kanon) for sponsoring how my visual imagination works & the tragedy/wings/dream thematics <3
10, if your story is titled, why did you choose that title?
ok fun anecdote time again in lieu of going thru all 2389 stories individually so. shadow revenge is the book i started out with and always had that title, and when conceptualizing the other two books for the trilogy i wanted to keep a similar naming scheme (starting with s + double noun) so originally they were
schattenrache (shadow revenge)
seelentraum (soul delusion, to grade 8 me, but lit. 'soul dream')
sanduhrmelodie (sandglass melody)
the last one is esp fun bc i was just groping in the dark for a title to fit the scheme & only from there worked out it was abt linn's melody nd all that biz lmao but u can see the influence that later made soul plot big before i switched to 'dream game' for the middle one bc i always LOATHED 'soul delusion' as a title f. (the german one fucks quite well tbh) so much of my finickiness is needing to make things work in 2 languages OTL
12, okay be honest. pick a favorite oc from this ocverse.
there is no competition like, at all. 🐇
14, whats your favorite part of this story/project?
interconnected story hell !!!!!!! i don't think i'll ever write anything else i'll never have a story that does not plug into the larger verse somehow (valiant attempts by my short story profs but vertebrae inventory / touching fire / let sleeping gods die all got folded back into side content ww) nothing gets my brain going like the layers upon layers of history and thrulines and transposing it into different settings or formats. i will never get tired of it. i was put on this earth to do exactly this and i hope i will get to do it for a long time still <(/)3
16, imagine the entire story takes place but in the meantime the characters all also have tumblr. what kind of (terrible) tumblr posts would happen?
answered! but as a bonus i am entirely sure that eliada would get the most mileage out of that setup until he gets doxxed by alissa. send tweet
18, what aspect of the story would get you #canceled on twitter?
glorifying self harm and suicide, teenagers fucking raw onscreen, every #linneacore moment. also cancelling myself over the existence of amasa i deserve it what the fuck
20, your ocverse just got a movie trilogy a la hunger games style. how have they horribly mangled your message/theme so that the movies are now a showcase of what the original was condemning?
OH FOR SURE none of the ugly parts or disk horse worthy content (see above) stay intact, sj is a romance now, gr*y actually dies and probably feels a little bad about what he has done, every suicide gets some noble circumstances attached to it esp faye who gets shafted into the typical time traveling savior role instead of coldhearted pragmatism for her own end. i am mad just thinking abt it thanks <3
22, you have been given unlimited funds to make two adaptations of some sort, however you cannot make any other adaptations of any other sort. which two formats do you choose?
(i am not handing any point of production over to anyone else but i am using the unlimited funds to devote myself to realizing these full-time) comics and animation! i am not interested in anything else
24, best scene you've written?
my writing is no doubt at its best when i'm writing soulless torture / rabbit hell but that is. premium tier locked patreon content; as far as fav scenes go my top three are probably
qs life pledges [THEY WIN !]
the original black swan masked ball piece. changed the course of history & my entire writing career
jumie/sky conversation after [redacted]s death. we cannot elaborate it's too much for my heart, agh!
[lies down both metaphorically and irl] goodnight thanks for playing!!
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big-bat-bitch · 2 years
BBB’s Tag Guide
I use a lot of acronyms or specific tags in my posts. They are for my convenience when searching through my blog so that I can more quickly find specific information, specifically character interactions - NOTE: these are not ship tags. 
The tags should follow the this format: #character1.character2. The order of the characters is usually by age (oldest to youngest), but sometimes by the prevalence of the character within the post, or by their general popularity. If a character is interacting with a group as a whole, the tag format will be #character.groupabbreviation. 
Below is a list of abbreviations that I use for specific characters/groups. Their corresponding hero names and alter-egos are what they will most commonly be found in my tags. This is not a comprehensive list of all characters that are mentioned on this blog, for specific characters, search them by their full name.
B - Batman (Bruce Wayne)
NW - Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
RH - Red Hood (Jason Todd)
RR - Red Robin (Tim Drake)
R - Robin (Damian Wayne)
Sp - Spoiler (Stephanie Brown)
BB - Black Bat (Cassandra Cain)
Si - Signal (Duke Thomas)
BWi - Batwing (Luke Fox)
BWo - Batwoman (Kate Kane)
BG - Batgirl
this may refer to Stephanie, Cass, or Babs - if you are looking for specific batgirl content, check out my characterfirstname!batgirl tag
O - Oracle (Barbara Gordon)
SM - Superman (Clark Kent)
SB - Superboy
this may refer to Connor or Jon - if you are looking for specific superbly content, search them by their names (Connor Kent/Kon El and Jon Kent)
WW - Wonder Woman (Diana Prince)
GL - Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
AM - Aquaman (Arthur Curry)
F - Flash (Barry Allen)
GA - Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
MM - Martian Manhunter (John Jones)
CM/S - Captain Marvel/Shazam (Billy Batson)
JL - Justice League
BF - Batfam
TT - Teen Titans
FF - Flashfam
HQ - Harley Quinn
JG - Jim Gordon
As - Arsenal (Roy Harper)
SG - Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)
PI - Poison Ivy (Pamela Isely)
LL - Lois Lane
CW - Catwoman (Selina Kyle)
TAG - Talia al Ghul
RAG - Ra’s al Ghul
HG - Hawkgirl (Shiera Hall)
Tr - Troia (Donna Troy)
KF - Kid Flash (Wally West)
AA - Agent A (Alfred Pennyworth)
WG - Wonder Girl (Cassandra Sandsmark)
Im - Impulse (Bart Allen)
SF - Starfire (Koriand’r)
JC - John Constantine
At - Arowette (Cissie King Jones)
For characters that have had multiple hero names:
the format of their posts as them as a specific character follows this format: #characterfirstname!title. For example, if you are looking for posts specifically of Dick Grayson as Robin instead of Nightwing you would use the tag #dick!robin.
For character description posts:
the description of the character comes before their full name. Example - #bi!tim drake, #emo!bruce Wayne
Some other fun, random tags I use often for specific types of content: 
harassing bruce wayne is a valid pastime - people making bruce’s life hard on purpose
dc means disregard canon - DC slander posts
batdad - all posts of batman being a dad
the batman 2022 - specifically content pertaining to The Batman 2022 by Mark Reeves
battinson - specifically content pertaining to batman as portrayed by Robert Pattinson
batbros - male bat siblings interacting
batman rogues or batman villains - posts containing batman baddies
young justice 1998
core four - group interactions of Tim, Bart, Connor, and Cassie
redesign - fan art of character redesigns
analysis - breakdowns of characters' personalities, story arcs, and motivations
WLW - lesbian :)
DC pride - all things LGBT+ and DC
Timber - tim drake x bernard down
Timkon - tim drake x connor kent
Dickory - dick grayson x koriand’r
Dickbabs - dick grayson x barbara gordon
Batcat - bruce wayne x selina Kyle
Superbat - bruce wayne x clark kent
Superwonderbat - bruce Wayne x clark kent x diana prince
Trinity - superwonderbat but platonic
Stephcass - stephanie brown x cassandra cain
Fake Twitter
batblob - batman when he is shaped
under the cape - bruce keeps his children under his batman cape
Comic recs or Comic guide
jason todd is a little shit
jason todd is a bad influence
18+ only and nsfm - mature content not suitable for younger audiences (not safe for minors)
Superbros - interactions between Kon and Jon
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dragmiire · 2 years
TLOZ ASK MEME. send a number for a zelda-themed answer!
@somnium-led sent : TLOZ asks ▪︎ 11, 13, & 17 !!
11. fave ganon portrayal?
i KNOW i technically answered this in the prev ask, but i mean, this IS a ganondorf blog and it’d be rude of me to NOT talk even more about him. oot ganondorf ultimately has my heart as like... my Very First Ganondorf(TM). i am an oot child, it was the first zelda game i played, and while i barely even engaged with the story bcuz i was terrified of the monsters (including the stalchildren, legally could Not play as child link bcuz of that) and only rode around on epona all day, the nostalgia is what rly gets me. the dramatics of the organ as u ascend the tower (which btw on the subject of my fear, oot was the first game i played to completion when i was like, thirteen, in terms of Game With Scary Evil Monsters And Battle Mechanics), the fact he decided he was gonna grow out a majestic mane bcuz why not, the very obvious theatrics that his young, evil brain whipped up in his gothic ass castle he was like fuck u hylians with ur fuckin white castle symbolizing purity n shit, im gonna make this castle look tight as FUCK and float over LAVA bcuz we arent pretending anymore about being all uwu perfect n good!! my good dude may not have the profound lore and depth of ww ganondorf but he makes up for it in ~*PRESENTATION.*~ i also consider tp ganondorf to be a direct connection to oot ganondorf in terms of like. edgy goth and his dramatics are included in this.
13. zelda game w/ best character design?
honestly i feel like i can’t answer this SUPER well bcuz i havent played a ton of zelda games to full completion. tp and ww i got SO close but then we moved, and our tv is broken, and i am Not figuring out how to hook up my wii to my computer, imma just wait until they inevitably released on switch. ss i literally am still at the first temple sb needs to hold my hand thru that game bcuz i cannot find myself excited to play. botw makes me delighted in how there is time-based behavioral patterns for the npcs like majora’s mask, but the designs arent rly thrilling. saying mm feels like SUCH a cop-out, esp since so many npcs were lifted from oot and reused, but the designs make the brain go brrrrr.
17. most atmospheric game?
im not letting myself say majora’s mask in this one. HMM it’s hard tho bcuz the Most Bestest(TM) atmosphere in the games are time-specific. like blood moon time in botw? chilling. the fuckin giant octorok in ww? literal nightmares haunts me forever. i know atmospheric usually means like ~nostalgia~ or ~romantic~ or just general Aesthetic(TM), but it is the creepy shit that rly sticks with me DFGHKJFD like ganondorf in oot, stopping his organ playing, to whip around dramatically and flip back his cape in total silence as he faces link? GOOD shit. there is no one true atmospheric game imho, they all have INCREDIBLE moments, and thats more memorable to me than an overall atmosphere. 
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loopy777 · 3 years
Funny thing about Superboy and you might want to uoload this and the next post of mine at the same time . While the Superman comics around the time of it did indeed reflect Silver Age continuity, Booster Gold #6 which was out before "Whatever Happened to The Man of Tomorrow?" was the 1st appearance of Post-Crisis Superman as confirmed in BG #10 letter page.
So Booster Gold #6 is when Superman and Booster cross paths for the first time. Supes scans his suit and tech figuring they come from the future as they are unrecognizable. Yes he doesn't recognize the Legion Flight Ring despite all previous stories having the Earth-1 version being a former Legionnaire. And again his own titles at the time still had him in Silver Age mode.
Funny, but just a small correction for those playing at home- "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow" is a technically non-canon story that presents itself as the last story of the Pre-Crisis Superman. I believe the first appearance of Post-Crisis Superman is the "Man of Steel" miniseries.
Additionally 1987 seemed to be when they settled most Post-Crisis ideas like no memory of old continuity. But JLA's last issues despite crossing over with Legends includes WW in a flashback of the JLA's early fight with Amazo.
That mistake persisted into the 2000s, as at least one colorist had to turn a penciled Wonder Woman in an early-JLA flashback into Black Canary. XD
Plus when the Pocket Universe story went on, Superman (In Superman V2 #8) upon being called SB recalled the Teen of Steel from Earth-Prime who vanished in the Crisis. And when the Legion mourns their Superboy in LoSH V3 #38? Their memorial hall statues include Kara Zor-El. Well I bet her spirit from Christmas With the Superheroes #2 is touched by that remembrance:-D.
Heh. While I think it's important that Superman's origin have him as the only Kryptonian, it was very short-sighted to get rid of Kara from his later years. By the time that Supes is fighting Darkseid and hanging out with Martian Manhunter, it seems kind of pointless to not have any other Kryptonians around.
Due to an error in a 70s JSA story from Adventure Comics #466, Aquaman was described as being exclusive to Earth-1 as Dr Fate to Earth-2. Roy Thomas fixed the oversight through cameos in All-Star Squadron (set in the 40s of DC'S Earth-2 later Earth), oh boy. #59-60 has a robot from the future who becomes an enemy to the group & until the end of the story holds back the full effects of the COIE from finalizing. But yeah 1st appearance of Golden Age Aquaman in a while only to retgonned.:-D
I'll admit, I had no idea there was a Golden Age Aquaman. But Atlantis is its own little continuity-landmine in DC, as I understand it.
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soobiedoie · 2 years
𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙍𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨
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You can request this!!
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kmomof4 · 7 years
7x2 thoughts
So I enjoyed the episode. I still think that Rumple is behind the curse, don't know how, what, or why. I LOVED Rumple/Weaver standing up to Belfrey!! (Anyone else notice his emphasis on "you do NOT control me"?) I believe he's awake and I really like his and Killian's (Rogers) dynamic. I do not think that he knows that Rogers is ww Hook. CS is back in Storybrooke living their happy ending ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Henry is still looking for his story and will come back to SB someday. Regina staying in the EF leaves the door wide open for an OutlawQueen return (hope hope hope). Alice is very intriguing, and I look forward to finding out more about her. I don't think she's ww Hooks daughter. The way ww Hook and Lady Tremaine were talking makes me wonder if perhaps Druzilla is his daughter. I'm not as invested in the show as I've been the last 2 years (that's how long I've been watching week-to-week) but I will still be watching each week. None of my non-negotiable, line-in-the-sand, I'm outta here scenarios happened. I really ship Henriella, they are adorable! And I will hope with all my shipper heart that Sean Maguire comes back and makes all my OutlawQueen dreams come true! And I am sooooo here for ww Hook's happy ending! I'm even ok with a love interest for him. Well, maybe... even though he is not my Killian Jones, my Killian Jones is happy with his wife in SB living his life as a deputy, he looks just like him and I might have a hard time seeing that... anyway, we'll see what happens IF it happens. Overall, a great episode in the spirit of s1 and a truly convoluted web that I look forward to the unraveling of.
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valeriemperez · 7 years
[1]I tried to send an ask yesterday but Tumblr must have eaten it or something..I just listened to the podcast and you bring up some interesting points, like the writers' possible sexism in not letting Kara be the subject of her love story and turning her into the object. Although it's interesting that they've done the same thing to Oliver, who is a man and was the object of Felicity's crush. It's also interesting how the audience reacted to Ol*city vs Kar*lsen. The former is/was a fan favorite
[2]while the latter wasn’t. Apart from the race issues, do you think it’s bc Kara is not “nerdy” enough to identify with? Or bc she’s the “powerful” one in the couple which makes James less of a “prize”? I also found out that there’s enough overlapping with O/F fans, Sp*llen fans and SB fans. It’s interesting that all those ships started out with a “nerdy” awkward woman who is more interested in the hero than he’s in her. That happens despite the “opposites do attract” parallels with O/F and WA
The interesting thing about Kara not being a nerd in the way that Felicity or any of the STEM girls are is that you’ll notice fans who want to pair her with Barry will act like she has “so much in common” with him even though she explicitly isn’t interested in science. So I don’t think it would stop people from identifying with her if they chose to.
And yet I think you’re onto something with Kara being the more powerful one in the relationship. She’s the superhero of the two, but she’s a woman, so they wound up bringing in a being as powerful as her. It reminds me a little of Wonder Woman, whose ship is sweet bean Steve Trevor… And yet in the comics they never reached the level of Clark/Lois or even Bruce/Selina, Wally/Linda and Barry/Iris. Instead they tried to play around and stick her with… You guessed it, Superman, who is as powerful as her.
As for Oliver/Felicity, part of the backlash towards the ship is from people who feel like she took over the show. And that’s possibly coming from the feeling that she’s the one who “pursued” him and it took work for him to fall for her, if that makes sense. Doesn’t make those feelings right, but it’s probably there.
Thanks for the feeback btw! Sorry I’m days late.
The part in 2x09 where Iris told Barry “I’m so happy for you….Truly” would have been a callback to when she was jealous of Barry and Linda’s relationship. But the writers never dove into that, because everyone was busy with their lives while it seemed like Iris was dealing with shit alone. Then again, I guess CP was happy about that, because she didn’t want women fighting over a man on the show.
I think it was a subtle callback, but I agree that the writers didn’t want to make it explicit because they were trying to give Iris a break from catfights haha. But it would have been nice to see Barry being there for Iris even when she wasn’t jealous, alas!
Do you think they could’ve had Barry and Patty break up in a way that would NOT have him looking like the bad guy IF he told her he was The Flash? I think he would have looked really bad if he went to E2 and kissed E2 Iris. It was clear that he was shocked the first time E2 Iris kissed him, but after that he was completely on board with kissing her and he didn’t seem to feel bad about it lol. Also, I think he would’ve done that whether he was dating Patty or not.
Honestly, no. Barry was already less invested in Patty, so any way they broke up was going to have to show that he was the “bad guy.” Not that I really think he was, he just wasn’t as serious about it as she was. The only way to have her leave him is for him to have actually been in love with her and her to decide she couldn’t handle his Flash life. And even though I thought it might go that route, because I was prepared for horrors, I’m so glad it never did. 
And I totally agree with you, he would have forgotten Patty’s name the second E2 Iris kissed him even if they were still together.
What is the exact breakdown of season a vs season b on the flash? Is it before the Christmas episode and then after it returns? Or the first 12, then the back 11? I’ve always wondered, lol
There isn’t a specific breakdown, because we are assigning those numbers and not the show or network. But the winter hiatus is what differentiates A from B, so technically 1-9 is A and 12- 23 is B.
WA being more popular than SB and B/P is what counts. It bothers me is that O/F are using trends to prove that their ship is “superior” though. Popular and good are not synonyms. They are not celebrating racism but they are blind to it. I remember a O/F stating that if WA fans are not sure their ship is endgame it’s bc they know they don’t have chemistry while the concerned WA fans were coming from a race standpoint and had already seen enough WoC getting screwed over for WW. It made me cringe.
Yeah, popular does not mean good and vice versa. That’s the thing, of course not everyone has to like WA or see the chemistry. But we know one of the reasons certain people struggle with it is precisely because they’re conditioned to not see a woman like Iris as inherently worthy of love. It’s sad but true, and there shouldn’t be a problem acknowledging that.
That google info that they have is dubious at best. I think downloads of Flash & ratings of Flash & Arrow would be much more accurate. These internet trend #s are too easily manipulated. Also, Flash is CW’s #1 show not in spite of Candice but in large part because of her. It needs to be characterized that way forcefully. W/out her & the Wests a lot of people would not have watched in the first place. Flash over indexes with African Americans. I bet much of that is the difference in ratings.
Even though Arrow appears to have a larger international fanbase, and thus their ships are more popular online, Flash is consistently in the top 5 or 10 of pirated shows. So yeah, we are winning in that regard. And it’s not just black viewers that Flash over-indexes with - it has more Latino viewers than any CW show other than JTV!
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jade4813 · 7 years
It's not just SB fans who like their "theories". One day I was arguing with a guy who likes B@tty. He said that the show wrote her out bc she had too much chemistry with GG, same reason why they limited the SB interactions. I told him that it was the opposite. Even if WA must be the endgame, if B@tty had that much chemistry they would have kept her on the show for longer. Him saying that GG had chemistry with the two WW while dismissing WA as siblings-like made me side-eye his "opinion" anyway.
I just don't get how people could have their heads so far up their asses.If the chemistry between two characters blew them away, they would keep those characters interacting to exploit that chemistry for potential ratings. THEY LIKE MONEY.If SB chemistry so amazed them, you can bet your ass they would have pursued SB at some point in the hopes that the audience would agree and they'd get sweet sweet ratings. Say, maybe at the start of S2.If PB chemistry so amazed then, you can bet your ass they would have extended the relationship as long as they could, in the hopes that the audience would love it too and they'd get sweet sweet ratings. Say, maybe into 2B, once they were focused again on the actual plot. With the way they wrote her and then wrote her off, it couldn't be more clear that they thought of and used Patty as nothing but a stall tactic. It took a HALF AN EPISODE once she was gone for them to accomplish something they'd be talking about doing for a half a season.At some point, fans really should learn that just because they see something doesn't mean the people writing or running the show see it the same way. They aren't pushing a "less popular story and they know it" because the chemistry of these other characters "is too strong." They're writing the story a) they want to write, that b) they think would also think has appeal for ratings.I swear to god.
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theamari-blog · 1 year
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Beginning -- Previous -- Blurb -- Next -- Chronological
Chapter 1.6 The Wolf At the Door
  My reminiscing was interrupted by the chirp of my phone, and my stomach dropped. I knocked back my coffee alongside an ibuprofen and squared my shoulders. Wincing at the exuberant wallpaper, I walked into the first floor guest room we affectionately called the Flamingo room to grab a cardboard box full of paper bags. Each bag was a care package, containing a metallic emergency blanket, a pair of socks, and a protein bar.
  “Cass, I’ll be downstairs,” I called.
  “Have fun in your creepy bunker.”
  I unlocked the basement door revealing metal stairs descending into the inky dark.
  Creepy indeed.
Second story update because I’m trying to wrap up this first chapter by next week. Thanks to everyone for reblogs and liking so far! I know it’s a slow start but it will get interesting soon (ish) promise.
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terrastravels · 7 years
SB - my abbreviation for it was on Samantha Brown’s Passport to Europe show
May through September
Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) most relaxing and fastest way to get around
Air Berlin and Germanwings offer low airfares on inter-German routes
Dining Basics:  
Tageskarte - menu of the day
Saisonkarten - seasonal menus (Ex. White Asparagus)
Restaurants don’t automatically serve water, you will be served bottled water
Don’t wait to be seated, you can seat yourself
Most expect cash
Pay waiter full charge plus tip, don’t leave it on table
Best exchange rate at a Geldautomat (ATM)
Sprechen Sie Englisch? -Do you speak English?
Kann ich bitte (insert noun) haben - Can I have
Idea:  Cruise the Danube River starting in Amsterdam (www.vikingrivercruises.com)
U-Bahn = underground train
S-Bahn = elevated train
Did you know?  The tradition of slamming beers together (cheer’s) to where they spill over each other was one of the ways people back in the day knew that their drink wasn’t poisoned b/c everyones gets mixed together.  Also, after clicking the tradition of putting it on the table first before drinking came b/c the king could not hold his beer up that long.  Crazy, right?
From the Airport (17 miles from city center) take the S-1 or S-8 train (S-Bahn trains)  lines, cheapest way, buy a day card (Tageskarte) for the Gesamtnetz, $10.8 Euro till 6am next day.  To Hauptbahnhof (Central Station in City Center.
Mike’s Bike Tours - oldest bike tour operation, can rent bikes as well separately, 4-7 hour tours, same company offers day trips by bus to Neuschwanstein Castle (Sleeping Beauty castle) $49 Euro, in city center, www.mikesbiketours.com
Places to See/Things to Do:
Viktualienmarkt - farmers market style shopping with a beer garden, in City Center. SB
Deutsches Museum - Technological museum, aircraft, vehicles, robots, to arrange a 2 hour tour in English, call 6 weeks in advance, 47,000 square meters.  In City Center.
Marienplatz - this square named after the gilded statue of Virgin Mary, (when they took it down for cleaning in 1960 they found a small casket with a splinter of wood said to have been from the Cross)  On the fifth floor of a building facing the Neues Rathaus is Cafe Glockenspiel.  Go there to look over entire square.  Entrance around the back.  On the other side a view of St. Peter’s Church. In City Center, SB
Neues Rathaus - New city/town hall, SB, in Marienplatz, go up tower, city and alps view, in city center, Old City Hall right across the street and actually looks newer,  
*Peterskirche - St. Peter’s Church, 12th century, oldest church, Gothic, baroque, and rococo.  Go up the tower for the panoramic views of the Alps.  In City Center.  SB
Hauptbahnhof - Central Train Station in City Center.  
Haus der Kunst - one of Munich’s most famous museums.  Museum of Art.   In Royal Munich
Residenz - Royal Palace, 1363, has the Antiquarium hall which has the biggest and most elaborate Renaissance interior north of the Alps.   One of the most impressive Renaissance creations outside of Italy.  In Royal Munich.  Was home of the Wittelsbach family for 400 years, SB
Cuvillies-Theater - Bavarian state opera, reopened 2008, in Royal Munich. SB
Nationaltheater - Bavaria’s original National theater, one of Europe’s largest opera houses, one of the world’s outstanding opera houses.   In Royal Munich. SB
Neue Pinakothek - art museum, Van Gogh, Cezanne, and Monet.  In Maxvorstadt area.  See all 3 Pinakothek museum’s in same location, SB
*Oktoberfest Grounds at Theresienwiese - home of Oktoberfest, 10 minute walk from the Hauptbahnhof, or one stop on the subway (u-4 or u-5).  Outside the center.  
*Bavaria Statue - overlooking the Theresienwiese, go in and all the way to the top. Outside the center.  
*Olympia Park - home of the 1976 Olympics, take a train tour (Disney like), festivals, take elevator up to the 955 foot Olympiaturn (Olympic Tower) for the best view of the whole city and the Alps. While you are up there go to Restaurant 181 on same level.   Outside the center.
*Schloss Nymphenburg - only the Deutsches Museum is more popular.  baroque and rococo palace, largest of its kind in Germany, Take tram no.17 or Bus No. 51 from the city center to the Schloss Nymphenburg stop.  Outside the center.  
Marstallmuseum & Porzellan Manufaktur Nymphenburg - Museum of Royal Carriages & Porcelain Manufacturer.   Outside the center.
*Bavaria Filmstadt - Munich’s own Hollywood, in Grunwald district outside city center (Geiselgasteig), The Never-ending Story was made here.   In 1925 Alfred Hitchcock shot his first film.  Tours and shows.  www.filmstadt.de
BMW Museum - great place to stop if in OlympiaPark, museum of old and new BMW’s, outside city center
BMW Welt - opened in 2007, tours of building, BMW Factory adjacent has tours too, reserve 2 weeks in advance, in BMW Museum, outside city center.
Theatinerkirche (St. Kajetan) - Theatine Church - yellow church, in city center in Odeonsplatz, SB, The monument next to church with the 2 lions that Hitler in 1923 first clashed with police and put in prison
Englischer Garten - English Garden, bigger then NY’s Central Park, can enter by city center, clothing and surfing option, SB
Munich’s Beer Gardens
Augustiner Keller Biergarten - most popular, and one of the largest, www.augustinerkeller.de
Hofbraukeller Am Wiener Platz - 15 min walk over the Isar River to Wiener Platz, the food here is better than most, www.hofbraeukeller.de
Koniglicher Hirschgarten - seating for 8,000, biggest, rent a bike and cycle here, with a small deer park
Park Cafe - traditional beer garden, set in Munich’s old botanical garden, DJ’s and other musical events, good selection of cakes, and a hip indoor bar. celebrities
Seehaus Im Englischen Garten - beer garden next to a boating lake,
Hofbrauhaus - the chain but this is the original, brass band, tourists, in Royal Munich.  SB
Tellerfleisch - boiled beef with horseradish & boiled potatoes
Sauerbraten - Beef, with dumplings and sauerkraut
Schweinebraten - roast pork, with dumplings and sauerkraut
Hax’n - (ham hocks) roasted till crisp, with sauerkraut and potato puree.  
Dampfnudel - fluffy leavened-dough dumpling with vanilla sauce
Leberkas - meat loaf baked to a crust and served in pink slabs
Leberkas Semmel - Leberkai with bread and spicy mustard, fav Munich on the go snack
Tambosi - A quick bite in Royal Munich, longest running cafe, since 1775, by the Theatinerkirche and Hogarten.  Has a beer garden.  www.tambosi.de
Restaurant 181 - in OlympiaPark top floor of tower, great views
*Bier und Oktoberfest Museum - You can visit the Mureumsstuberl restaurant without paying the museum’s admission fee and try beer from one of Munich’s oldest breweries, in city center.   www.bier-und-oktoberfestmuseum.de Avg. $8 Euro
Jodlerwirt - has accordion and yodelers!  brewery, fills up fast traditional german, Alpine-lodge style restaurant, make fun of guests, old world tavern, Kasespatzle: German Mac&Cheese, in city center, no lunch, no credit cards. www.jodlerwirt-muenchen.net  Avg. $12 Euro.  
Mark’s - 3 levels, in the Hotel Mandarin Oriental, roof terrace with 360 degree views of city, in city center
Limoni - architecture, fine Italian, chocolate cake, reserve a table in good weather so you can sit on the charming patio in the back, warm food served only 630-11pm.   www.limoni-ristorante.com In Maxvorstadt area  Average $24 Euro
Tantris - Jacket and tie, www.tantris.de, reservations essential, European, look out for the Tantris Standl, a small outlet at the city center Schrannenhalle, restaurant in Schwabing, few restaurants in Germany can match, $100 Euro.
Halali - 100 years of history, the place to try traditional dishes of venison, pheasant, partridge, and other game.  Save room for Creme Brûlée.  Avg $25 Euro. In city center.  www.restaurant-halali.de.   reservations essential, Jacket and tie.  closed Sundays.  No lunch.  
Third weekend of September-First weekend of October.  10am-1130pm everyday.  
The Theresienwiese U-Bahn subway stop is right outside Oktoberfest.  
Ceremonial Arrival of the Brewers and Landlords, 1050am on first day of festival.
Tapping of the First Barrel - At noon first day,  performed by the mayor “O’zapft is!” which means, “It’s tapped.”  
Costume and Rifleman’s Procession - the next day after first, first Sunday of the Festival, Europe’s biggest folk parade, begins at 9/10 and follows a four mile route to the Oktoberfest grounds.  
Place to stay (so crowded at that time) cheaper city center options look at www.Jaegershotel.de and/or www.easypalace.de.
Make reservations under tents 6MONTHS IN ADVANCE.  All tents can be found on www.Oktoberfest.de and tickets can be mailed to you.
Guide to Major Tents:
Schottenhamel:  center of Oktoberfest, mayor opens here, family there since 1867, just one kind of beer specially brewed for just Oktoberfest, SB
Hippodrom:  Ringling Brothers style facade, host to Oktoberfest’s media circus, champagne bar, has hosted celebrities, one of the smallest big beer tents.
Hofbrau-Festzelt:  official presence of the Hofbrauhaus.
Lowenbrau-Festzelt:  dad went to this one, soccer club, closest the Oktoberfest comes to a real working class Munich feel.  
Hacker-Festzelt:  Bavarian heaven, painted clouds ceiling, oscar winning designer, rotating bandstand and retractable roof for sunny days, fills up really early b/c most attractive, one of the best beers is Hacker-Pschorr found here.
Nightlife/Bars and the Arts
Schumann’s - Munich’s most famous bar, in city center, right by the opera house, www.schumanns.de
Trader Vic’s - exotic cocktails, cellar bar in the Hotel Bayerische Hof, till 3am, www.bayerischerhof.de/en/ bars, in city center
Alter Simpl - media types, more than 100 years old, German food till 2am, www.eggerlokale.de, in Schwabing,
Schelling Salon - in Schwabing, pool tables, ping pong, inexpensive, closed Tues/Wed. www.schelling-salon.de
Optimolwerke - Dance Club, largest late night party scene, at least 8 clubs, in Haidhausen, www.optimolwerke.de
Central Shopping area (1 mile) is Fussgangerzone (pedestrian zone) from the train station to Marienplatz and then north to Odeonsplatz.  Two main streets are Neuhauser Strasse and Kaufingerstrasse
Nov-Dec go to the Christkindlmarkt on Marienplatz for Christmas Ornaments
2 other Christmas markets are those in Schwabing (Munchner-Freitheit Square) and at the Chinese Tower in the middle of the Englischer Garten, City Center
Where to Stay
www.hrs.com - Hotel Reservation Service, shows cheaper deals in Munich than normal
Hotel Kraft - Avg.$100 Euro, conveniently located between City Center and Oktoberfest grounds,  really quiet though.  Breakfast included, www.hotel-kraft.com
Motel One Munchen-Sendlinger Tor - location between Marienplatz and Sendlingertor is in city center, no room service or restaurant, free wi-fi, Avg $84 Euro. Breakfast cost extra.  www.motel-one.com/de
Hotel Pension Am Siegestor - in Maxvorstadt, 3 floors, great price, $74 Euro, don't use elevator, no restaurant or bar, not far to walk to English Garden, www.Siegestor.com
Brack - In Ludwigvorstadt, south of the city center, close to that and Oktoberfest grounds, late breakfast and free use of bikes, $99 Euro, www.hotel-brack.de
Hotel Marinade - Munich’s first postwar nightclub called the Femina is on the ground floor, bohemian, no elevator, $70 Euro, breakfast, www.hotelmariandl.com, In Ludwigvorstadt
Hotel-Pension Schmellergarten - good location and price, free wifi, no elevator, $64 Euro, breakfast, in Ludwigborstadt, www.schmellergarten.de
Hotel Uhland - villa, In Ludwigvorstadt, landmark building, free wifi, no restaurant or bar, $95 Euro, www.hotel-uhland.de, breakfast
Cortina Hotel - where Samantha Brown stayed,  in the Altstadt area, $186 Euros a night or $200, free breakfast, in city center Marienplatz, www.cortiina.com,
Go on the Romantic Road by car towards Augsburg from Munich to see more castles of King Ludwig 11, including Schloss Neuschwanstein, Schloss Linderhoff, and Schloss Herrenchiemsee.
Go to Heidelberg and see the Heidelberg castle, and then maybe Castle Road
Day cruises on the Rhine river in Rhineland
Go to Koln and see the Dom (Cathedral)  1248, In the last chapel on the left there is the Gero Cross, a monumental oak crucifix dating from 971.    www.koelner-dom.de  $6 Euro.  
Take the Fairy Tale Road, best way by car and see the Dornroschenschloss (Sleeping Beauty’s Castle), the real life one, now a hotel  www.sababurg.de
Go to Dresden and see the Frauenkirche (Church of the Lady)
Camping in trees (Pinterest) - in Pfronten, Bulvaria in Germany
Places to See/Things to Do:
Sachsenhausen - Frankfurt’s South Bank with upscale restaurants, fast food, bars with live music, and traditional Apfelwein (apple wine) pubs - one big outdoor party in the summer, across the river from downtown, museum riverbank with 7 museums
Senckenberg National History Museum (Naturkundemuseum Senckenberg) - extinct animals and plants
Eiserner Steg - Iron Bridge, the first suspension bridge in Europe, pedestrian bridge
Eschenheimer Turn - Eschenheim Tower, City Center, great ex of first 42 towers, contains bar
Deutsches Filmmuseum - German film museum, in Sachsenhausen, www.deutschesfilmmuseum.de
Metropol - Cafe, breakfast main attraction, in Altstadt area, cakes pastries salads pastas and traditional German dishes, www.metropolcafe.de, no credit cards, closed Mondays
Frankfurter Botschaft - in city center by river with river view, beach area and folding chairs too, international food mainly organic, Sunday Brunch, prizewinning dinnerware, upscale neighborhood, Closed Sunday, www.frankfurter-botschaft.de,
Erno’s Bistro - French, in Westend, one French critic said it was the best in Germany, fish and wine, www.ernosbistro.de, $40 Euro, Jacket required,
M Steakhouse - best steak in Germany, be sure to make reservations and ask for a table on the patio in nice weather, in Westend, $30 Euro
Adolf Wgner - touristy and traditional, German dishes, try the schnitzel or the Tafelspitz met Frankfurter Gruner Sosse (stewed beef with a sauce of green herbs), Friday fish, Cider served in large quantities, no beer, $12 Euro, www.apfelwein-wagner.com, in Sachsenhausen,
Zum Gemalten Haus - Apfelwein Locale, not many left, in Sachsenhausen, $7 Euro, it’s the same as it was at the end of the 19th century, walls covered with giant paintings darkened with age, giant stoneware pitchers called Bembels, closed Mondays, www.zumgemaltenhaus.de
Nightlife/Bars and the Arts
Odeon - a “27 and up” night on Fridays, housed in a white building that looks like a museum, in city center, www.theodeon.de,
Tigerpalast - international variety theater, cabaret performers, looks like an American bar from the 1920s, book tickets far in advance, www.tigerpalast.de, city center, closed Mondays
King Kamehameha Club - one of Frankfurts biggest clubs, concert area for DJ’s, get there early if you want free buffet from 6-8pm, admission free Mon-Wed, www.king-kamehameha.de, in Ostend
Jimmy’s bar - classy and expensive, have to ring the doorbell to get in but regulars have keys, live piano music mostly jazz, in Messe area, www.hessischer-hof.de/en/hotel-bar-frankfurt, 8pm-4am
Best time to visit May - Early September
20 times the size of Manhattan, 9 times the size of Paris
Use buses, trams or U-bahn/S-Bahn, can get a Berlin Welcome Card which pays for 3-5 days of travel plus 25-50% discounts to museums and theaters, or City tour Card, get at visitor center or Berlin’s larger transportation offices (BVG), www.vistiberlin.de, $21 Euros for 3 days plus the coupon book
A free audio guide is included at all state museums.
Tours, bus, boat and bike,  check out Berlins Underworlds, (Berliner Unterwelten) which takes you to Berlins best preserved WW11 bunkers underground and eerie, www.berliner-unterwelten.de, or www.fattirebiketoursberlin.com
Go to the Visitors Center
International Film Festival is in February
Has more than 1700 Bridges, take a River Cruise!  SB
Velo-taxi’s $20 an hour, tours of the city, SB
Currywurst - the snack to have in Berlin, SB did not like it, sausage with curry and ketchup curry sauce
One of the least capital cities to stay in
Places to See/Things to Do:
The Reichstag’s Cupola - democracy symbol building, houses Parliament seat of the Unified Germany, SB, same as Parliament Building below??? (yes)
Parliament Building - complete in 1894, reserve a place in a guided tour, a reservation at the pricey rooftop Kafer restaurant will also get you in, in Mitte area, www.bundestag.de, same as The Reichstag’s Cupola???? (yes) SB
Berlin Wall Walk - came down more than 20 years ago, go to Gedenkstatte Berliner Mauer (Berlin Wall Memorial Site) to see remains
Brandenburger Tor - one of the gates you used to have to go through when there was the wall, 1788 but destroyed in war, faces most historic squares, Pariser Platz, in Mitte area, SB
East Side Gallery - 1/2 mile stretch of concrete went from guarded border to open air gallery wishing three months, restoration in 2010, just past the bridge there is a man made beach with bar/ restaurant and club called the Strandgut, in Friedrichshain area,
DDR Museum - half museum and half theme park, www.ddr-museum.de, in Mitte area
Berliner Dom - Berlin Cathedral, www.berlinerdom.de, in Mitte area, SB
Sony Center - inside the atrium is pretty cool, in Potsdamer Platz,
Denkmal fur die Ermordeten Juden Europas (memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe) - www.stiftung-denkmal.de, in Mitte area,
Museumsinsel - museum Island, on the site of Berlin’s 2 original settlements, complex of 5 state imuseums, UNESCO World Heritage site, www.smb.museum, in Mitte area, $12 Euros for a 3 day pass into all of them, Pergamon Museum have to see, SB
Kulturforun - Cultural forum, center of 7 museums, in Potsdamer Platz
Unter Den Linden - under the linen trees, a street you walk on (central park-ish), SB
Neue Wache - (New Guardhouse) by Unter den Linden, memorial for WW11 victims and all victims worldwide, in Mitte, SB
Alexanderplatz - used to be socialist square, vendors for food, center of commerce, SB
New Synagogue - place of worship before WW11, used to be the center of the Jewish community, in Mitte, www.zentrumjudaicum.de, English audio guides, $3 Euro, SB
Judischer Friedhof Weissensee - Jewish Cemetery - in Prenzlauer Berg, SB
Neptune Fountain - surrounded by four women statues that represent the rivers, SB
Restaurant Reinstoff - German, relaxed service and great atmosphere, 5, 6, or 8 course menu, $50 Euro, in Mitte, www.reinstoff.eu, German and Spanish wines,
Weinbar Rutz - roe deer, nettle puree, monkfish, goose liver, Wagyu beef, menus of 6, 8, or 10 course, starts at $115 Euro, closed Sunday and Monday, www.weinbar-rutz.de
Zur Letzten Instanz - Berlins oldest restaurant, $11 Euro, Napoleon, and French president, www.zurletzteninstanz.de,
Cafe Einstein Stammhaus - Berlin landmark, one of the leading coffeehouses, great cakes (strawberry), Austrian fare, up one flight of stairs is the cocktail bar Lebensstern, $18 Euro, www.cafeeinstein.com, in Schoneberg area
Nightlife/Bars and the Arts
Clarchen’s Ballhaus - opened in 1913, in Mitte, www.ballhaus.de
Havana Club - in Schoneberg, Salsa and Merengue nights Wed/Fri/Sat, come an hour early for a lesson, Fri/Sat are ‘ladies free’ nights until 11, www.havanna-berlin.de,
Where to Stay
Hotel Velvet - Central Berlin, in Mitte, where SB stayed, breakfast buffet included, $130 Euros a night, $165 US dollars,
Kurfurstendamm - (Kudamm) street with shops, international shops, SB
Ka Da We - largest department store in all of Europe with largest food hall in Europe (bigger than London’s Harrods), SB
Bavaria/The Bavarian Alps
Best way to visit is by car from Munich 59 miles south
Places to See/Things to Do:
Spessart Mountain - See the Magic like in the mountains (Pinterest)
Zugspitze - highest mountain in Germany, beautiful and can take a train/cable car all the way to the top, though the Austrian side is more scenic and cheaper,  100 M from the Garmisch train station,  in the Garmisch Patenkirchen part of town one of the most popular towns
Kloster Ettal - in Ettal, great Monestary with Monks,
The town of Mittenwald - SB, most beautiful town in the Bavarian Alps, go to the main street of Obermarkt,
The Geigenbaumuseum - history of violin making, SB, they will demo how to make one, in Mittenwald, www.geigenbaumuseum-mittenwald.de,
St. Peter and St Paul Church - in Mittenwald, SB, look at ceiling angels playing violins,
Karwendelbahn Mountain - go up in the cable car, SB, in Mittenwald, $20 Euros, both in Germany and Austria
Oberammergau the town - go here, where Samantha Brown went, one theater does one passion play once every ten year that started in 1634, next one is in 2020, GO!  take tour of theater, it’s called Oberammergau Passionsspielhaus, www.oberammergaumuseum.de, www.passionstheater.de,
Oberammergau Museum - collection of Christmas creches from 18th century, in Oberammergau
The Alpamare, in Bad Tolz, attractive spa,
Go on the Romantic Road by car towards Augsburg from Munich to see more castles of King Ludwig 11, including Schloss Neuschwanstein, Schloss Linderhoff, and Schloss Herrenchiemsee.
Neuschwanstein - from parking lot, 1/5 mile climb, one of most visited in Europe, Disney World’s Model, www.neuschwanstein.de, SB
Schloss Hohenschwangau, one of King Ludwig 11’s castles like Neushcwanstein, www.hohenschwangau.de, $12 Euro with guided tour,
Schloss Linderhof - One of King Ludwig 11, check out the hall of mirrors, www.schlosslinderhof.de, in Ettal-Linderhof,
Schloss Herrenchiemsee - one of King Ludwig 11, check out the other hall of mirrors haha!   www.herrenchiemsee.de, in Herrenchiemsee????
Nightlife/Bars and the Arts
Bayernhalle - summer entertainment, Bavarian singing and dancing, www.vtv-garmisch.de/baternhalle, in Garmisch Patenkirchen
Gasthof Fraundorfer - Wed-Mon the restaurant hosts yodeling and folk dancing, www.gasthof-fraundorfer.de, in Garmisch Patenkirchen
Platzl - where SB went to dinner, yodeling, in Mittenwald
Where to Stay
Alpenrose - where Samantha Brown stayed, $76 Euro, German decor, breakfast, www.hotel-alpenrose-mittenwald.de, in Mittenwald,  has own bathroom
Alte Post - Where Samantha Brown stayed in Oberammergau, 2 story studio apartments and hotel rooms, own bathroom, breakfast included,
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theamari-blog · 1 year
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Beginning -- Previous -- Blurb -- Next -- Chronological
Chapter 1.5 The Wolf At the Door
  Compass House used to be two row houses, each one containing a duplex of cramped apartments. Despite proximity to the subway and Manhattan, past owners struggled to keep tenants. They all complained of strange sounds, and an overwhelming feeling that something was trying to get in.
  When Tita P took up residence, she promptly knocked the walls down to turn it into one big house. This explained its excess of doors, from which Compass House derived its name. The two ornate blue North Doors had once been the entrance to each row house. Now, one North Door accessed the main residence, while the other other served as a retail entrance to the gift shop Cass was manning. The kitchen had its own entrance, called the East Door, which came in handy when taking out the trash or unloading groceries.
  Then there was the West Door, set further back on the opposite end of the house, a private entrance to Tita P’s library. As for the South Door, well, that was a whole other story.
   Doors aside, the house was inviting if a tad eccentric, showcasing treasures and specimens from Tita P’s many travels as an anthropologist. In an effort to combat the gray NYC winters, or Tita P’s homesickness, there were touches of our island roots everywhere, tropical wallpaper, rattan furniture, an explosion of houseplants, and Filipino teleseryes on tap.
Bonus Map below cut!
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theamari-blog · 1 year
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Chapter 2.3 - Successors
Beginning -- Previously -- Blurb -- Next -- Chronological
  It was Tita P that coined the term the Stryx. She’d borrowed from the Greek word strix a blood-drinking bird of ill omen, which was also the root word of strigoi, the Russian word for vampires.
  Stryx spelled with a y (a nod to the River Styx) was a classification of creatures, that were drawn to humanity. Probably because we were their favorite prey. It was a broad category, encompassing the usual suspects like Vamps and Weres. Though ghosts and even the canonically beatific Fae also fell under its umbrella.
Sorry for the late update. Hope you enjoy!
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theamari-blog · 1 year
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Chapter 2.4 : Successors
Beginning -- Previously -- Blurb -- Next -- Chronological
As for me, I had what I referred to as the Knowing. A somewhat dubious ability to perceive and identify most Stryx— whether they wanted me to or not. It wasn’t so much a power than a handful of vague images and physiological reactions but it did come in handy. Especially when trying to figure out if opening the South Door would lead to you getting your face eaten off or awakening some dread God hellbent on subjugating humanity.
Wait. What?
It’s not cheating if I have one whole page of atmospheric city shots because I spent way too much time building this street. And moving Deco Sims around like it was a chess match. Much thanks to Deco Sims creators @xldkx  @starrysimsie and @lazysimmies.
Also these faces might be familiar (they were in the last chapter too!) but also Stryx are much longer-lived than humans so totally within the realm of possibility that they’re wandering around in 1970′s and 2019.
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theamari-blog · 1 year
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Chapter 2.7: Successors
Beginning -- Previously -- Blurb -- Next -- Chronological
I headed into the blue-tiled kitchen and rummaged through the shelves for cat food.
“More like Captain Hungrypants,” I muttered, opening a can, and gagged as the smell made my hungover stomach roil.
I yelled, “Mealtime!”
Captain Eyepatch streaked across the kitchen towards the bowl and yowled at me. I glared down at him. “Yeah, yeah sorry it’s late.”   
The stray started hanging around the property several years back, and Tita Perlina probably felt sorry for the black tomcat on account of his scarred face and one milky-white eye. Yet somehow, it had fallen to me to care for the grumpy feline. He deigned to let me feed and bathe him, but if I tried to show him any semblance of affection, he’d hiss and take off for parts unknown.
Transcript Continued under cut
“See he’s doing it again,” Cass said, peeking in from the gift shop.
“Doing what?”
“Just staring at you,” Cass shivered. “Like he’s hunting you.”
I hustled her back into the shop. I’ve never actually seen Captain Eyepatch eat food, just that it disappeared like clockwork. I chalked it up to another one of the cat’s eccentricities in a house full of them.
“Ma wants to set you up with cousin Berto,” Cass said as she tidied up her workspace.
I groaned. Tita Lourdes was a typical Filipino mother, a well-meaning busybody who couldn’t understand why I was thirty-three, and still unmarried.
“Should I tell her about Jameson?“
“God no, then she’d invite him to dinner and scare him off,” I scoffed.
Jameson was my current friend-with-benefits. Every other week, we fell into bed together.
Simple. Clear-cut. Mess-free.
“Is he the reason you’re wearing that coat?” Cass snorted. “Role play?”
“Circle 9 dress code,” I replied. Though I had stopped by his place after my shift.
Before Cass could answer, the doorbell rang.
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theamari-blog · 1 year
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Leith Nyberg
“He tends to think in centuries, which means in the moment he is sometimes a very terrible person.”                                        — Bath on Leith Nyberg
Read on for his bio and CC under the break
Quoted from Professor Perlina Ramos’ personal notes.
Full Name: Leith Nyberg [that’s what he’s calling himself]
Aliases: The Viscount / Mist King / ‘That Fae Bastard’
Age: Unknown. Appears to be in his early to mid 30′s.  *Records suggest he’s been around since approx. 1600′s on our Earth timeline. 
Eyes: Green *take with a grain of salt as subject is Fae
Hair: Blonde (Flaxen if you’re being poetic, read aforementioned caveat.)
Classification: Stryx - full-blooded, Fae* - closely adheres to European lore (mainly British, Irish and Scottish lore).
*Note: Subject originates from another branch (i.e. other Earth realm) and I am unsure if this classification translates here.
Abilities: Glamour Magic- the ability to shift appearance and beguile/ influence humanity with illusion (basic Fae ability) / Elemental Magic- Due to his connection to [REDACTED] subject can manipulate trace amounts of liquid and vapor but not on as large a scale / Due to his conquest of [REDACTED] he also appears to exert influence on souls. 
Known Associates: Delaney Thorpe / [REDACTED] / The man currently known as Ronin /
CC Used First Pic Pose: @maylilysims (other CC on announcement post which is pinned)
Second Pic: Epic floaty Hair by @simandy / Open shirt (full outfit) by @thisiskiro / Crown by @/rotteneyed / ghost make-up by @pyxiidis / glowing eyes and glowing eye mist by @obscurus-sims / Scoundrel Pose by @lam-z / special thanks to @ddarkstonee for genetics to make him extra Fae looking (in my world they look more alpha I guess?)
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