miszmal · 1 year
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i had a dream last night, and you were in it, and it took me the whole day to get over it.
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hagoftheundergrowthh · 5 months
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I just want to go home and work on this :(
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miadebbas · 1 year
Teta Alit
Teta Alit visually translates phrases from the Arabic/Lebanese language into literal scenarios to bring humour, lighthearted connection, and understanding between diverse backgrounds. This Series will play with language and show how beautiful, poetic, and funny the Arabic language is. 
The title in english means, "My Grandmother Said". "Teta" Is My Grandmother in Lebanese, and the word "Alit" can be translated to the word said.
This series was part of my undergrad thesis at OCAD U. 
Ever wondered what some expressions or proverbs your grandparents, or even parents, say sometimes means? Or while visiting a foreign country you hear a strange saying and you wonder what it means? Sometimes they even translate funny…
Here are 10 Lebanese and Arabic proverbs that could have a different meaning that what they sound.
1- El Ered Bi 3ein Emmo Ghazel - القرد في عين أمه غزال
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This translates to “The monkey is a deer in his mother’s eyes”.
It’s an Egyptian expression that means that the mother thinks that their child is beautiful and perfect when in reality they are not.
2- Kalemak 3assal 3ala Albeh -  كلامك عسل على قلبي
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This translates to “Your words are honey on my heart"  
The feminine version would be “kalemik 3assal 3a albeh”. You just have to replace the -ak with -ik depending on who you talk to. -ak is masculine and -ik is feminine
This expression is the perfect response for when a special someone says something especially sweet. This can also be a used for flirting 😉.  
3- Baselto Ma7rou2a - بصلة محروقة
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This translates to “Your onion is burning”
the feminine version would be “Baselta ma7rou2a”. -o is masculine -a is feminine, changes depending on who you talk to.
you can also use “Baseltak ma7rou2a” or “Baseltik ma7rou2a” if you are talking directly to the person. The previous versions are when you are talking about someone.
*see previous proverb for -ik and -ak explanation.
This proverb means that he/she is very impatient.
4- El Tekrar Fi Ta3lim El Hmar - التّكرار في تعلّم الحمار
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This translates to “repetition teaches a donkey”.
it means practice makes perfect.
5- Tanjra w le2it ghataha -  طنجرا و لاقيت غطها
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This translates to “A pot found it’s cover”
This is said of two people who click.
Personal anecdote:  It is something I felt when I met my best friend. It felt cosmic, it felt right. It felt like I, to take the words of the proverb, found my cover.
6- 7amil El Sullom Bil 3ared -  حامل السّلم بالعرض
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Translates to “He is carrying the ladder horizontally”.
When you say it to a woman you have to say “7amle el sullom bil 3ared”. -il is masculine and -le is feminine.
This means he/she is complicating things.
7- Toqbor Albeh - تقبر قلبي
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This translates to “Burry my heart”.
Just to let you know no one wants to burry anyone here...
Funny enough despite the dark tone of the expression, it is actually an expression to express one’s love to another. It means that they would rather die than to lose you. It is something I hear my mother say a lot to my siblings and I, so for me this is an expression mostly used by mothers.
A similar expression of love would be Tuqborni*/تقبرني : which translates to “Burry me” .  
This also means that they would rather die and have you bury them before losing you.
An expression used instead of saying “I love you so much”.
*I actually hear my grandmothers say it a lot to express her love.
A sweet expression, right?
8- Rou7 Ballit El Ba7er - روح بلّط البحر
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This translates to “Go tile the sea”.
Oh! how I love this expression!! I am guilty of using it a lot, especially when talking to my brother. 
 This is an expression used a lot instead of saying “Leave me alone” or “Get lost”.
9- Fakhar ykassir ba3do - فخار يكسر بعضه 
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This translates to “Let the pottery brake itself”
This means to let people deal with their own mess, in other words let’s not deal with the problems of others.
10- Re7na Salata - رحنا سلطة 
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This translates to “We went salad”
Something we say when we’re screwed and there is no going back.
I started this thesis to give you all a look at my culture but in the end, I ended up learning a lot too!
Hope you enjoyed it~
PS: This might be my longest post. 
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arianshariaty · 8 months
Week 1: Xenolalia
The term xenoglossia comes from the Greek words xenos, “foreign”, and glōssa, “tongue” and means “speaking in a foreign language”. Similarly, xenolalia comes from xenos, “foreign”, and lalia, “speaking”, and also means “speaking in a foreign language”. These terms are often used synonymously, and refer to speaking or writing in a human language that one has not acquired by natural means.
It can also be said that it's the supposedly paranormal phenomenon in which a person is allegedly able to speak, write or understand a foreign language that they could not have acquired by natural means.
As I will continue brainstorming and develop my research process during the course Graphic Design 4 at OCAD University, I will divide my definition and reflection of this word into two concepts:
Cultural Differences
Psychology and Philosophy
Cultural Differences includes topics such as Immigration (a phenomenon in which people from a country or culture move to a foreign environment that usually has a different language, culture, and communication methods) Body Language (a language that no one has defined it and it’s based on improvisation) Signs and Icon Design (a design-based language for everyone with different backgrounds, ages and abilities) Slang Language for people with disabilities (like Braille or Sign Language)
Psychology and Philosophy include topics like Reincarnation (some people are born with the ability to speak and understand a foreign language without any educational background, and many people believe it can be related to reincarnation) Bilingual Afasi (It’s usually the result of severe head trauma or a stroke. The most famous example of this is an Australian guy who woke up after a car accident and had lost all of his English, but his rather rudimentary knowledge of Chinese Mandarin was completely unaffected) Alzheimer's
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chemicalfemme · 1 year
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richarddamota · 2 years
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Wallace Edwards ~ artist & author
Rest in Peace Brother. You will not be forgotten
(Sept 1957~Dec 25, 2022)
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nextlevel3dstudio · 1 year
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🏢🌟 Toronto Uni Architecture Student's 3D Printed Model:
🎨 Vision: 3D printing + laser cutting + frosted glass effect for a unique design showcase. ✨
⚙️ Process: FDM printed white structure, laser-cut acrylic, and frosted film. 💪🌈
🤩 Result: A stunning model that highlights 3D printing, laser cutting, & limitless creativity!
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fiercerthanyou · 2 years
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Julia Rose Sutherland, ANGO’TG “Taking Care Of” (2019), 
Ambered sugar cast. 
Sutherland, who earned her MFA from UB in 2019, is a Mi’kmaq (Metepenagiag Nation) / settler artist and educator and currently works as Assistant Professor at OCADU.
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hagoftheundergrowth · 2 years
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Cavity// Lilac Spy
Here’s a link to my art on Instagram
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sspboyd · 10 months
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I am giving a 3hr talk and workshop on Saturday afternoon at @ocadu and it is all about Generative Art vs AI and how artists can build their own tools.
If you are in Toronto please come and join us. The presentation will also be livestreamed.
You can find more information here:
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miszmal · 2 years
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elizahkashif · 11 months
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lunarfliesstudio · 11 months
A little throwback to #OCAD #TO 2023 grad show from May! There are always so many talented artists! 🌷🪻
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arianshariaty · 8 months
Week 2
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For this project, I will be using photography to depict the base images, generate images that might be hard to get, and collage/assemble them for the final work. Along with printmaking and scan art for typography. I will be exploring different papers as the materials for the final submission, along with any other related materials that I find interesting and printable.
Week 1-2:
My current process contains typography of the word Xenolalia in different languages. Then, I print each word on a separate sheet and use a scanner to deform them. This way, the typographies will have an abstract and non-familiar form that can relate to the meaning of Xenolalia, which is foreign and unfamiliar. A material I’m using is transparent paper to print these abstract typographies on them so as they are placed on top of each other, they create a form of strange and chaotic text which has no meaning at first, but when you go through each page, you might find at least one language that’s familiar.
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richarddamota · 2 years
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Wallace Edwards ~ artist & author
Rest in Peace Brother. You will not be forgotten
(Sept 1957 - Dec 25, 2022)
Cover of his book Monkey Business
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douglasfree · 1 year
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Life Sculpture (2023), clay
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