#Ocala Florida Realtors
bucknerhomes · 9 months
Real Estate Agent - Buckner Homes Realty
Discover the epitome of personalized real estate service with Buckner Homes Realty. Our passion for helping people shines through as we expertly guide you through the intricacies of buying or selling homes, condos, and investment properties in Ocala. As trusted Real Estate Agent, we offer unparalleled expertise. Contact us at 352-266-2637 to experience a seamless and rewarding real estate journey.
Google My Business Links:- https://g.page/buckner-homes-realty?share 
Ocala, FL:-https://maps.app.goo.gl/vGsT1R7V55ViSLFZ6
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hometoursandotherstuff · 10 months
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Double 2007 dome home in Ocala, Florida looks like 2 boobs. The exterior was completely redone in 2020, including a liquid rubber roof, (interesting), and the interior is in great shape. (A lot of these dome homes need a lot of work.) 2bds, 2ba, $449K - or, the owner will rent it to you for a yr., so you can decide if you want to live in a dome.
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I'm thinking that this is the living room area, but the realtor has photoshopped in tables and chairs. It's nice inside, I like the floor and there doesn't appear to be a problem with the inner walls and ceilings.
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There's a long galley-ish kitchen that looks new.
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This bathroom is huge.
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It has a large sitting area.
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Beautiful double shower.
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Sink vanity with lots of storage.
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The swinging doors look like dressing rooms.
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Here's the realtor decorating the primary bedroom with photoshop.
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And, here's the realtor showing how high the ceiling is with photoshop.
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A closet with a dressing room & what looks like a makeup table in the corner.
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Bedroom #2.
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And, bath #2.
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Nice laundry room.
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The realtor has this area set up with seating.
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Not sure what this is. Maybe the back entrance from the garage?
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Looks like a sort of "basement" area or rec room off the garage.
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amyagricolarealtor22 · 10 months
Unlocking Ocala's Real Estate Potential with Amyagricolarealtor
Explore the charm of Ocala, Florida, with expert realtor Amyagricolarealtor. From affordable prices to diversified investments, Amy's guidance ensures success in this dynamic market. Don't miss out—contact them today for a thriving real estate journey in Ocala!
SOURCE URL - https://amyagricolarealtor.com/blog/f/unlocking-the-potential-of-ocala-real-estate-investment-with-amya
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realtorusman · 5 years
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Celebrating National Homeownership Month with Pride June is National Homeownership Month when we promote homeownership opportunities and financial management as paths to ownership for more Americans. This month, we are also recognizing milestones in military veteran housing and celebrating LGBT buyers — and all those for whom homeownership is part of the American Dream.
Read the short article at https://tinyurl.com/y48qru82
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unboricuaenocalafl · 3 years
El día de la verdad
En mi vida llegué a experimentar un momento donde profesionalmente me sentía estancado. Me sentía que perdía mi tiempo. No había lugar a donde ir, uno queriendo crecer y crecer. Un día, luego de dialogar con mi esposa, comencé a buscar opciones de trabajo fuera de Puerto Rico. Esto fue alrededor de 6 años atrás. Sabía que no era algo fácil, que encontraría resistencia y mucha des motivación en gente querida y personas que están cercanas a mí.
Entre el año 2015 al día de hoy, creo, envié sobre 100 solicitudes de trabajo. Hablé con amigos que viven fuera de Puerto Rico para que me ayudaran a conseguir un buen trabajo para hacer el movimiento. De toda esa gestión que hice, solo obtuve 2 entrevistas de trabajo. La primera fue en USPS en Naples, Florida y la otra en USPS de Santa Ana, California.
La primera oportunidad fui yo quien decidió no tomarla. Pues era a tiempo parcial y no era buena opción en ese momento al tener dos menores que mantener y cuidar. Necesitaba garantizarles un buen futuro y un buen ambiente en este cambio. Con todo y que me dieron tiempo para analizar la oportunidad, tuve que negarla. Luego, alrededor de 2 meses después, conocí personas que trabajan para la agencia y me explicaron tantas cosas que en un momento me arrepentí bien brutal de no tomar la oportunidad cuando surgió. Pero todo es perfecto y es en el momento que tiene que ser. Así que seguí en mi búsqueda.
Tres años después, estuve de vacaciones en verano en Orange County, California y me encantó. Estando allí me puse a buscar oportunidades en mi celular y a aplicar a distintos trabajos, incluyendo USPS. Estuvimos alrededor de una semana en California y regresamos a Puerto Rico. Una semana después recibo un correo electrónico donde me indican que soy candidato al puesto y que tenia que ir a entrevista en California. Vendí mi juguete favorito para poder ir a la entrevista, mi "drone". Fui allá, todo corrió bastante similar a la entrevista de Naples pero desde que me tocó sentarme con el "entrevistador" ya sentía que la oportunidad no era para mí. Y así fue. La frustración me atacó a tal manera que por distraído le rompí con una acera la goma de la guagua que me había prestado mi cuñado. Menos mal solo fue eso. Regresé a Puerto Rico y continué en mi tóxico trabajo en el gobierno.
En octubre del mismo año, recibo un correo electrónico donde se establecía una ventana de retiro, que realmente era una renuncia voluntaria e incentivada. Lo pensé, lo hablé con mi esposa y familia. El último día para someter todo, media hora antes de que venciera el plazo, llené los documentos y los envié pensando que esto no lo aprobarían por la necesidad de cubrir el puesto que hacía. Quince días después me llama el compañero que por nivel de jerarquía va por encima de mí y me pregunta que si era verdad que me iba. Le indico que si a lo que me dice que los jefes grandes no lo van a aprobar hasta que YO consiga a alguien que me sustituya. Obviamente le reclamé esto, ya que eso es trabajo de Recursos Humanos, no mío. Mientras hablaba con el, por el teléfono de la agencia entra una llamada de Recursos Humanos indicando que estaban aprobando el "retiro". Así que le dije al compañero, te llamo luego y continué la llamada con RH para aclarar todos los detalles. Llega el 30 de noviembre de 2018 y así como la nada, como el primer día de trabajo, Roberto recogió sus cosas sin vítores ni aplausos, como suele suceder cuando nadie está "cool" con tu decisión. Que dicho sea de paso, fue la mejor que tomé.
Estuve sin trabajar el mes de diciembre de 2018 completo y en enero de 2019 comienzo a lavar carros. Algo que siempre quería hacer y dedicarme a ello. Me iba muy bien, hasta que se me ocurre la grandiosa idea de aplicar a AutoZone y en febrero me llaman para comenzar a trabajar. A principio lo vi como un complemento a lo que estaba haciendo, pero la verdad es que me restó tiempo en cantidad, aunque solo trabajaba en las mañanas. No me puedo quejar del trato que obtuve en AutoZone. Si me puedo quejar de que haciendo todo por el libro, dando la milla extra, nunca se me ofrecieron oportunidades teniendo experiencia y estudios. Si pude ver como compañeros en mi tienda y en otras subían de puesto y se le ofrecían oportunidades sin tener experiencia ni estudios. Solo ser más jóvenes y poderlos manipular con el mísero sueldo que la compañía paga en la isla. Pero como todo, al que le dieron la oportunidad que la aproveche. Uno nunca sabe que pueda pasar, más cuando se es joven. Ya eso no era para mí y en diciembre de 2020 decidí renunciar. Hubo un momento que pensé me llamarían para atrás, pero nunca fue así. Obviamente, pueden subsistir sin mí. Pasa con todos.
Como mi esposa tiene negocio decidimos dedicarle tiempo completo al mismo. Sin excusas, aunque ya estábamos en pandemia y la misma nos había costado mucho para sobre salir en el mercado. Tuvimos muchas altas y bajas, pero la verdad que, adicional a la pandemia, las clases virtuales de los niños nos restaban muchísimo tiempo y poco a poco todo bajo y bajo hasta tener semanas donde no se vendía nada.
Un día, en un post en Facebook, varias amistades publicaron que solicitaron en USPS. Yo dije, "diache, hace tiempo que ni miro para allá". Entro, veo que en Puerto Rico no hay exámenes, lleno la solicitud como quiera. Una semana después entro a ver si hay exámenes y nada, pero decido llenar para Ocala, Fl y Dallas/Fort Worth, Tx. Quien sabe que puede pasar. Para mi sorpresa, 7-10 días después me escriben que estoy en línea para Dallas/Fort Worth. Mil sentimientos, hablé con mi esposa. Hablé con un pana que ya estaba en proceso a irse para "training" en Sarasota, Fl y acepté. Empecé a buscar información del área, pues a lo único que yo he ido a Texas es a las paradas de vuelos, nunca había salido del aeropuerto. Así que tenia que preguntar, leer, hable con mi mejor amiga sobre el área, ella me aconsejo y se ofreció junto con su esposa a ayudarme. Cuando de momento, llega otro correo electronico de USPS diciendo lo mismo sobre Ocala, Fl. Pensé en mil cosas. Florida es mucho más cerca para la familia viajar de Puerto Rico (menos tiempo en un avión), entiendo los pasajes son más baratos y, pensando en nosotros, hemos visitado Florida en varias ocasiones. Así que entiendo es mucho más fácil la transición. Acepté, automaticamente se cancela la de Texas y se comienza con el proceso en Ocala, Fl.
Como a los 7 días me programan el sacar las huellas y entrevista en Ocala, Fl. Fui, todo fluyó de show, pero me indicaron que debía estar ya en Ocala en 2 a 3 semanas radicado. Pregunté si era seguro el trabajo para hacer el moviemiento y la persona me dijo que todo ya recaía en el resultado de las huellas y el "background check". Ella como quiera me dijo que se comunicaría conmigo. Como yo sabía que con eso no habría problemas, comenzamos a hacer movimientos en PR para vender cosas, recolectar dinero y dejar todo al día para cuando llegue el aviso que debo estar allá radicado. Dos semanas después, me llama la de Recursos Humanos para decirme que el 17 de julio debía estar ya en Ocala. Ahí todo comenzó a tornarse real. Ya el cambio estaba ahí. Era lo que buscaba. Se dió la oportunidad. Pero ¿donde ibamos a vivir? ¿Me tengo que ir primero y luego la familia? Pues sí, son cosas que no sabíamos aún.
Para nuestra suerte mi esposa tiene amistades en Ocala y una de esas personas es "realtor" allí mismo. El nos consiguió donde vivir, nos guió en todo este proceso a la velocidad que necesitábamos. Nos orientó con muchas otras cosas que no sabíamos, pues el también es un boricua en Ocala, Fl.
El 16 de julio de 2021, me mudé a la Gran Nación. Al municipio #79 de Puerto Rico. Me mudé a Florida, USA. Aquí comenzaré junto con mi familia una nueva etapa. Trabajaremos arduamente, encaminaremos a nuestros hijos y le daremos mejor calidad de vida. Con orgullo, con pasión y con la frente en alto, porque es lo correcto para nosotros. Extrañaremos a nuestra familia, como locos y ellos a nosotros, pero las puertas siempre estarán abiertas para ellos. La distancia es mayor, pero estamos a ley de 2.5 horas de vuelo para vernos. No hay excusas para no vernos.
Esta foto a continuación, representa el nuevo camino a recorrer. Enjoy!
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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Ghostly warning: Dead gangster Ma Barker doesn’t want her house moved
He called the newsroom with a warning: They can’t move that house.
“I’m worried something terrible is going to happen,” the man said in a thick New York accent. “I have to warn somebody.”
Then he told me a ghost story.
His name is Donald J. Weiss. He’s a 62-year-old retired police patrolman from upstate New York. He had moved to Ocala several years ago and visited the house where gangster Ma Barker had been killed. He had wanted to see the site of the longest shootout in FBI history: four hours, more than 2,000 bullets.
But when he wandered beneath the live oaks, a voice growled, “Get outta here, lawman!”
And when he took a photo of the front porch, a shadowy figure appeared.
“That woman is still in that house,” he told me. “And she’s pissed.”
He gave the photo to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office because he wanted to enter it into evidence. And because bad things started happening as soon as he had blown up the print. “I had a heart attack,” he said. “You think that’s a coincidence?”
The property has been sold, he told me. County officials want to move the house.
“They have no idea who or what is in there,” Weiss said. “That woman has the power to do a lot of things. We are dealing with the afterworld here.”
I thanked the caller for his concern.
“When are they moving it?” I asked.
He paused, as if to make a point, then said gravely, “By Halloween.”
Reporters get a lot of crazy calls. Many might have dismissed this one. But I knew this house, and so did my photographer friend John Pendygraft.
“Hey John,” I called across the cubicle wall. “Do you remember that story we did on the Ma Barker house?”
John’s eyes got big. “Do you remember what happened?”
Our story four years ago had been about real estate: historic home for sale on nine waterfront acres, eight miles north of the Villages, two hours from Tampa. And about the gangsters who hid out there until the end.
We had toured the four-bedroom house with a Realtor, whose assistant shivered and said, “I get the weirdest feeling when I’m in here.” We had reported rumors about flickering lights and an unsuccessful exorcism.
But we hadn’t written about what had happened to John. Or what he saw when he enlarged one of his pictures.
John has worked in war zones in Afghanistan and the Gaza Strip. He has photographed the dead from an Asian tsunami, a Mexican assassination and Hurricane Katrina. If he ever is scared, he won’t show it.
That fall day in 2012, in the Ma Barker house, he had gone alone into the front bedroom to take pictures through the window, looking out toward the lake where the FBI agents had crouched behind trees.
All of a sudden, John rushed out, cameras, lights, tripod flapping over his shoulders, nearly sliding down the 13 stairs. “I don’t know what happened, or what that was,” he panted. He heard the mattress fall, then saw it, dangling through the bed frame. “I didn’t touch it,” he insisted.
We left that afternoon, as dusk began to descend. From beneath the Spanish moss, John shot a few final frames. The next day, when he zoomed in on his laptop, he saw a strange figure on the screened porch: The silhouette of a stout woman with a bun, who looked like she was holding a machine gun.
Her story starts in Missouri, in 1873. Her parents named her Arizona Donnie Clark. She and a farmhand, George Barker, had four sons. As soon as the boys were grown, her husband left.
Legends vary about Ma Barker’s role in her boys’ gang. Some say she just cooked and cleaned. Others say she was the mastermind.
They began by robbing banks, then murdered a policeman. From 1910 through 1930, they are said to have stolen $2 million. And killed at least 10 people.
The FBI’s first director, J. Edgar Hoover, called them “the worst criminals in the entire country.” Ma Barker became the only woman to top the most wanted list.
In 1934, the gang split and went into hiding. One son fled to Chicago. Ma and her favorite son, baby Freddie, moved to Miami where, posing as a wealthy widow, she asked if anyone knew a secluded spot where she could spend the winter.
Someone introduced her to Carson Bradford, whose family had a lovely home in the center of Florida, on Lake Weir.
The house sounded perfect: fully furnished, set back from the road, with a boat tethered to a dock out back. Ma paid the full season’s rent in cash. Just before Thanksgiving, she moved in with Freddie and a couple of his friends.
In a letter to her son Arthur in Chicago, she drew a map of the lake and circled the closest town, Ocala. She mailed it from Ocklawaha’s little post office.
FBI agents found Arthur the following January, and with him, the letter, which led them to Ma’s hideout.
In the predawn darkness on Jan. 16, 1935, a dozen officers pointed their guns at the upstairs windows. “This is the FBI,” an officer shouted, according to an agency report. “You are surrounded.”
Some say the gun battle lasted as long as six hours.
When it was over, they found Freddie, 32, shot in the back of his head. Ma, 63, was curled on the floor, cradling her Tommy gun. That day, Hoover said, marked “the end of an era of violence.”
For nine months, the corpses lay unclaimed. Finally, a relative moved them closer to home.
But some say Ma still inhabits that two-story, cream-colored house with forest green shutters. The cop on the phone, my friend the photographer, the former and current owner all saw, heard or felt … something.
But how do you report a ghost story?
I started with the Marion County Sheriff’s Office and that “evidence” photo the retired cop mentioned on the phone.
Lt. Dave Redmond remembered some man bringing in the photo, but the deputy hadn’t seen anything in it.
Records only go back to 1990, said department spokeswoman Lauren Lettelier. “But since then, there have been no reports of hauntings at that house.”
I talked to Carson Good, 47, the great-grandson of the man who built the house. He has memories of swimming and sailing in the lake. And of countless sleepless nights, cringing in the dark. “I’m not a big believer of ghosts, but I heard a lot of sounds in that house,” he said. “Voices. Furniture moving. People walking up and down the wooden stairs.”
His grandmother didn’t like to talk about it, but she often heard spirits stirring. Years ago, he said, a psychic from Cassadaga held a seance at the house and convinced the ghost of Freddie Barker to move on. But the medium said Ma refused to move.
Good and his family sold the property for $750,000 and donated the house to the county, which hired a contractor to lift the home off its foundation and float it across Lake Weir to a park called Carney Island. County commissioners allocated $270,000 for the move. Private donations and fundraising will finance the museum.
County tax collector George Albright, who grew up next to the storied house, envisions an homage to the early days of the FBI, as agents set out to capture notorious gangsters like “Baby Face” Nelson, “Pretty Boy” Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde and, of course, the infamous Barker gang.
“We’ve already had calls from people asking about ghost tours. If they want something like that, or to hold seances, we’ll look into that,” said the tax collector, “as a revenue source.”
Some say the gang buried Mason jars filled with cash along the lake. Local children used to spend summers digging for the treasure, but came up with shovels full of sand.
As soon as the home is removed, before the new owner closes on the land, the tax collector plans to bring in a team with ground-penetrating radar to scan the soil.
“Let’s hope she’s a friendly ghost,” he said.
On a gray Wednesday in October, more than 81 years after the shootout, John and I returned to the scene. The house already had been lifted on jacks. The screened porch was gone; workers were carrying out lamps. A true-crime novelist was parked in an SUV, taking pictures.
Like John, he swore he had seen a face in a window.
“I think whatever’s in there doesn’t want us to come in,” said Tony Stewart, who had driven from Indiana to see the house in its original setting. “And it won’t come out.”
We had told the retired cop that we would meet him later. The tax collector didn’t want anyone else at the construction site. But Weiss pulled up in his white Cadillac, quaking in his tassled loafers.
“This is where their bodies were. They dragged ‘em right down this driveway,” said Weiss, clasping his arms across his chest. “She’s not at rest. She will never leave this property.”
He has felt this before, he said. “I sense spirits.”
The first time was in 1992, just before Christmas. He was on patrol in White Plains, N.Y., resting in his car between calls, when he had a vision of a sad teenage boy: long hair, pale, with a pug nose. Two days later, he was sent to a home where a teenage boy had hanged himself. “The same boy I’d seen.”
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ocalarealstate-blog · 5 years
Ocala Real Estate - Do You Have A Benefit?
As the existing real estate stock throughout Marion County increases, it appears that the regional real estate market is ending up being a purchaser's market.
According to the Ocala/Marion County Association Of Realtors, It's a shift in the regional market following the home-building rise of 2005. Local real estate specialists say that it will be fascinating to see real estate numbers in a couple of years which will much better show market activity devoid of speculators who went into the real estate market in 2005.
According to the Ocala County Association Of Realtors, "We are seeing a shift to more favorable customer self-confidence than in the past," The OMCAR keeps in mind that "the national media is lumping Ocala in with the whole state. While the seaside locations and southern Florida have seen decreases, Marion County still has favorable worths; however, customers are taking a look at nationwide and state numbers and are being a bit mindful."
Ocala Offers A Variety Of Home Options
The typical cost of houses in Ocala, in addition to Marion County, for the 2nd quarter of this year was $170,900, which represents a minor boost from $169,500 for the very same duration in 2006. The NAR "National Association of Realtors" has reported a U.S. mean house cost of $223,800 for the 2nd quarter of 2007 compared to $227,100 in 2006.
A lot of real estate observers keep in mind that Marion County uses lots of houses in a range of cost varieties, which go from basic starter houses to elegant upper-end estates. Observers keep in mind that Ocala is a unique location for those searching for a starter house or those desiring a 2nd or 3rd house.
Statewide, the mean rate for the duration was $221,200 and was below $243,300 in 2006. Marion County likewise provides lots of cost-effective home-ownership programs for income-eligible households and homes, consisting of the State Housing Initiative Partnership or SHIP and the Community Development Block Grant or CDBG, for house purchase or rehab beyond the city limitations of Ocala.
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New Construction And Home Sales Figures
When it comes to multi-family houses, that includes condominiums, townhouses, and homes, there was a minor boost in 2007 with 48 authorizations versus 37 authorizations in 2006. The Marion County Property Appraiser's workplace has reported that around 6,812 property systems have been offered in Marion County so far this year. In contrast, 13,314 house sales were processed in the previous year.
Current essential real estate indications have kept in mind that the regional market is favoring the location of ending up being a purchaser's market. Ocala real estate experts have stated this is being driven by the increasing stock of both brand-new and current houses. Throughout 2006-2007, which ended on Sept. 30, Marion County has reported around 2,698 licenses for single-family houses, which are below 6,355 in 2005-2006.
A Wide Array Of Residential Communities Offers By Ocala
The Marion County Building Department keeps in mind that in 2007, the State Road 200 passage and Marion Oaks created the most significant quantity of property structure licenses, which is 46 percent. The next real estate development passage is the south U.S. 441 passage and the southeast area of the county, which produced some 30 percent of the location's domestic structure licenses.
Those who are searching for houses in Ocala and Marion County can discover everything here, as lots of neighborhood advancements have just recently emerged, varying fro standard areas, gated neighborhoods to vast retirement communities. Communities like Silver Springs Shores and Marion Oaks, are older, more recognized residential neighborhoods, yet both are still experiencing development. Others locations like Fore Ranch and Heath Brook are more recent neighborhood advancements.
The southern part of Marion County is likewise house to an area of the big Villages retirement home with many other gated retirement home close by. Only west of Ocala the State Road 200 passage is likewise a senior citizen center with on top of the World, and Oak Run to call a few.
Additional Growth Is Expected For Ocala's Housing Sector
The regional county structure department has shown that real estate development in Marion County, like the majority of primary and south Florida, is being driven by older people moving from harsher northern environments, and growing job opportunity in this area. The county structure department stated that it appears that property building and construction activity has actually supported and will go back to a stable boost by the fall of 2008.
"Most signs that would make it possible for a healthy regional brand-new house sales market are favorable; such as low rate of interest, a lower expense of building services and products, strong business building and construction activity, and child boomers are reaching retirement age," The County structure firm notes. They are positive that the brand-new house market in Marion County will be healthy over the next 12 to 24 months.
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Ocala Real Estate Scene - Is It Still A Buyer's Market Today?
The town of Ocala in homes for sale in ocala fl under 100,000 central Florida is a haven for horse enthusiasts, lush green rolling areas, and wonderful real estate choices.
According to real estate analysts, now is a great time to buy new homes, as there are a lot of excellent home buy deals to figure out there.  With interest rates at near historic lows, the median price for homes in this region is considered to be the 2nd lowest in Florida, which demands the entrance of huge potential for property value appreciation during the upcoming several decades.
According to statistics, the homes listed on the Marion County MLS as of March 30, 2007, were placed at 6,869.  Home sales are off quite a lot from March of 06 when 614 houses were sold.
According to some housing market observers, there's a glut of empty new homes that were purchased by investors who intended to reverse them and are now caught with houses they can't sell, and there were around 1,948 vacant houses on the Ocala Marion County MLS as of March 30.  The homes that are selling are well priced and in the mid to lower price range.  Well-priced housing units are selling close to their asking prices today as well
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Where To First Stop And Ask For Housing Info
For prospective home buyers, stopping at the offices of the local Realtors association would be a good start in finding the best home options here.  Many local brokers also suggest checking out the local Chamber of Commerce for info on the areas where nice homes can be seen and bought as well.  Local brokers here say that a wealth of information is available to help make the search easier.
In addition to contacting a local property broker of choice and getting referrals from peers, they also suggest getting in the car and driving around town, to better learn the area.  Major housing indicators at present, show the market in Ocala is leaning toward the area of being a buyer's market.  Housing analysts note that is primarily being driven by the increasing inventory of both new and existing homes.  During the 2006-2007 season, the county as a whole reported 2,698 permits for construction of single-family homes, which is down from 6,355 in the 2005-2006 fiscal year.
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For the second quarter of 2007, the median prices of homes in Marion County reached $170,900, and this represents a slight increase from $169,500 for the same period in 2006.  The National Association of Realtors noted that the U.S. median home price of $223,800 for the second quarter of 2007 compared to $227,100 in 2006.  For the state of Florida, the median price for the period was $221,200, down from $243,300 in 2006.
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Bosshardt Realty Services
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Welcome to Bosshardt Realty! Our Realtors® and staff are here to provide you with professional service to help you buy or sell your home. Bosshardt Realty Services is a full service real estate company serving North Central Florida. With approximately 100 REALTORS®, we cover Gainesville, Ocala and surrounding areas.
Bosshardt also offers services that include Property Management, Community Association Management, Title Insurance, a Commercial and Land Division, New Homes, and an in-house mortgage lender.
Gainesville, FL 32653
(352) 371-6100
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bucknerhomes · 10 months
New Construction Homes in Ocala Florida - Buckner Homes Realty
In the heart of Ocala, Florida, a world of opportunity awaits in new construction homes. Amidst the lush landscapes and vibrant communities, these newly built homes blend luxury, comfort, and modern living. For more information about New Construction Homes in Ocala Florida visit Buckner Homes Realty's website or call us at 352-266-2637.
Google My Business Links:- https://g.page/buckner-homes-realty?share 
Ocala, FL:-https://maps.app.goo.gl/vGsT1R7V55ViSLFZ6
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mohr22long-blog · 6 years
Hurricane-Proofing A Home
click this site -Proofing A House
A emphasize of Jungle Island is the park's "Everglades Habitat" - a arms-on knowledge in which attendees can investigate a recreation of Florida's Everglades, full with plantlife and wildlife. Miami's evolution into a worldwide center for arts, business, recreation and education and learning are factors that attract an infusion of company as effectively as personal dollars. Miami Seaquarium is property to Lolita, a single of the world's oldest captive orcas, as effectively as many other creatures of the deep, including fish, sea turtles, reptiles and sharks. The Very good Faith Estimate on Florida County property gives you a assertion of out goings on your home including the local County residence tax and utility expenditure. All parts of artwork are from the nineteen forties onwards, including domestically impressed art, which replicate Miami's diverse and culturally prosperous background. There are many elements that lead to specific regions faring much better, or worse, than other individuals. There are tons of formalities associated in the approach. When Purchasing a Southwest Florida property or condominium I can guidebook you by way of the method and aid you in finding that perfect property at the greatest possible value. Jamaica Bay - South Fort Myers - Gated neighborhood on 230 lush acres - it is helpful that lawns are mowed (verify) - all price tag ranges - 15235 Tamiami Path, Ft.
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Ocala Realtors
Best Ocala Genuine Estate Brokers
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amyagricolarealtor22 · 11 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Local Real Estate Companies In Ocala
The picturesque city of Ocala, nestled in the heart of Florida, is known for its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and a booming real estate market. If you're looking to buy, sell, or invest in Ocala real estate, you'll find a plethora of real estate companies to assist you. In this guide, we'll delve into the world of Ocala real estate company, highlighting the top real estate companies that can help you make informed decisions.
Why Ocala Real Estate? 
Ocala, often referred to as the "Horse Capital of the World," offers a unique blend of urban amenities and a tranquil countryside lifestyle. With its mild climate and a wide range of outdoor recreational opportunities, Ocala has become a sought-after destination for homebuyers and investors alike.
Amy Agricola, Realtor - Your Ocala Real Estate Expert
When it comes to navigating the Ocala real estate market with precision and expertise, look no further than Amy Agricola, Realtor. Amy Agricola is a dedicated real estate professional renowned for her passion and commitment to helping clients achieve their real estate goals in Ocala.
Why Choose Amy Agricola, Realtor?
We serves as your gateway to an unparalleled real estate experience in Ocala. Here's why you should consider her services:
Local Expertise: Amy possesses an intimate understanding of Ocala's real estate market. Her knowledge of the local neighborhoods, trends, and property values is invaluable for both buyers and sellers.
Personalized Service: Amy takes the time to understand your unique needs and desires, ensuring a personalized real estate experience tailored to your goals. Whether you're buying, selling, or investing, she's there every step of the way.
Professional Guidance: Amy provides expert guidance throughout the entire real estate process. Her insights and recommendations can help you make informed decisions, from selecting the right property to negotiating the best deal.
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Seamless Transactions: Amy's commitment to smooth and successful real estate transactions is unwavering. She will handle the complexities and paperwork, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
Valuable Resources: AmyAgricolaRealtor.com offers a wealth of resources, including listings, market updates, and informative articles to keep you well-informed about the Ocala real estate market.
Passion for Ocala: Amy's love for Ocala shines through in her work. She's dedicated to helping you discover the best Ocala has to offer, whether it's a cozy suburban home, an equestrian estate, or a sound investment property. If you're looking for a dedicated Ocala realtor who understands the city's unique real estate landscape and is committed to your success, Amy Agricola is the perfect choice.
Visit our website, Amyagricolarealtor.com to learn more and start your Ocala real estate journey with confidence.
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beyerblack27-blog · 6 years
How To Find A Actual Estate Agent
Calgary's housing industry continues to contend with extra supply than demand and in 2018 saw the lowest sales numbers in over 20 years, according to a local actual estate agent. Industrial Row Distillery , Portland, OR. This distillery plans to make both aged and unaged whiskey. These properties are owned by a bank or a lender who took ownership by way of foreclosure proceedings. If the part of the standard real estate agent decreases outdoors of the luxury marketplace, agents not representing higher-end clientele have a lot of room to specialize in individual parts of the real estate transaction, from guidance in buying for a mortgage to advertising and marketing fixer-upper properties or facilitating the closing course of action. What a wonderful list and insights - as a fellow actual estate agent I really appreciate the information. For example, if your research is telling you your residence is worth $310,000 and the housing market place is slow, with couple of buyers searching at homes, you may well want to list your property to sell at $299,500 to attract buyers who set $300,000 as their upper limit in their home search. You could put a cost-free ad up on Craigslist or pay for an ad in the newspaper, but one more terrific way is by asking a actual estate agent to give you a list of all houses inside a 20 mile radius that have been money sales.” This information is uncomplicated and swift for them to get to you. First-time buyers can anticipate a lot of education on the method to aid them have an understanding of every single step along the way. In March 1894, 34 years just after opening his company, Atwater sold the leasehold to the house to Hampton Marsh for $5,000. When you are promoting your dwelling, factors such as competition, interest prices and the status of the economy will all have a substantial impact on the sale of your house. John Ireland: The Hollywood actor had an very big 11 to 12 inch long uncut cock and enjoyed blow jobs. Depending on market it may make sense to wait until prime selling time to get a greater valuation which indicates much more $$ returned to you. The Gen-X houses then turn into obtainable for the first-time buyers in the Millennial group. Old Rip Van Winkle Distillery , Louisville, KY. Old Rip Van Winkle is the whiskey corporation of Julian Van Winkle whose household owned the old Stitzel-Weller distillery which closed in 1991. They are also preparing to release a wheated bourbon and Old Line Single Malt, distilled at Golden Distillery in Washington. I have no love of actual estate agents or purchasers as I am positive they have no appreciate of sellers. Your real estate agent has a powerful financial incentive to make sure that the negotiations result in a signed agreement to sell your household, regardless of the final value agreed to, due to the fact they will only get paid their commission if the dwelling is sold. Your suitable, this is a purchasers market and it would be great for me(being in construction) if men and women started acquiring and remodeling and Flip this House was an inspiring show for the entrepreneurial spirit, if they economy recovers there will be some who produced some significant time dough off these times. These are the most well-known Florida Keys actual estate searches. Nowadays, the seller has more of an affirmative duty to disclose any and all elements that may possibly influence the buyer's decision to purchase. Leiper's Fork Distillery , Franklin, TN. This distillery plans to release Old Natchez Trace White Tennessee Whiskey and White Rye. Take your time and find houses for sale in Ocala FL. AppStraw Brandies , Branford, CT. This distillery plans to make Branford Bourbon under the Branford Distillery label. The lawsuits filed with the court also claim that Wyndham does not disclose that timeshare points are an illiquid asset with no aftermarket, generating it difficult if not not possible for people to resell their Wyndham timeshares. But wait, you may understand at this point it would put the property effectively above market price, and you would be suitable. Custom application options development corporation. I've attempted to flag properties when this happens, particularly with a couple of agents in my location who do this every time, and zillow informed me I can't right inaccuracies unless I am the agent or owner. homes for sale in ocala fl built to the 2015 Power Code is practically 50% far more power effective than 1 constructed to the 2009 Code. Realtors also cited the low promoting prices of dwellings as aspects behind elevated shopping for activities in the metro area. Each shows follow actual estate agents as they negotiate sales of houses from each sides of the deal, often at the same time. One more Private Lender- Ultimately, I could use a further private lender and borrow the $12,000 secured with a 2nd mortgage on the home. In today's Sarasota Real Estate market place, if a seller's current property is in a coveted location, is in fantastic condition, and a fair price is set, they are in a healthier bargaining position. This is a "sell your residence rapidly" service, not to be compared with frequent estate agents. In addition to supplying extra than the asking price tag or a fast closing, some purchasers agree to waive inspections. For sale by owner Is viewed as as the most effective choice nowadays to sell your home by way of MLS which we is popularly known as FSBO. For residential properties of 1 to four units, numerous states now need that sellers deliver to the purchaser a written disclosure about specific circumstances about the house. I was lucky adequate to discover an exclusively off-marketplace brokerage immediately after about two years of dealing with unmotivated listing agents.
Best Realtors in Ocala FL
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realtorusman · 5 years
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Another summer day. #realtorlife #realtorforlife #realtor #realtorusman #summerday (at Ocala, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzV415XJYhm/?igshid=et9xj7felru1
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dickbetts · 2 years
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Hurricanes in The Villages, Florida
It has been a very quiet hurricane season so far but we know that could change quickly!  The strongest hurricanes that hit Florida have mostly been in September so we can’t have a sigh of relief for another few months.  With folks moving to The Villages, Florida from around the country, actually around the world one of the questions I get as a REALTOR® is “what about hurricanes”?  I like to share some quick facts about Florida and the safest cities when it comes to hurricanes.  Leesburg, Florida is listed as the safest city for hurricanes and Ocala, Florida ranked number 8.  Look at the map, most of The Villages is located very close to Leesburg and not that far from Ocala.  
The great thing about hurricanes if there is such a thing is we have plenty of notice one is coming.  This time of year, I check my hurricane tracker daily and see things moving off the coast of Africa a week before it becomes a factor in our local weather.  Yes, a hurricane can pop up in the Gulf but still at least a day’s notice before it could make land fall.  Tornadoes spawned by hurricanes is a bigger concern than hurricanes themselves.  The outer bands many times bring major thunderstorms and tornadoes so we must be alert.
Don’t let hurricanes be a deterrent from calling The Villages home!
Dick Betts, REALTOR® The Betts Team Touchstone Real Estate The Villages, Florida 717-860-3107 cell [email protected] www.DickBetts.com
#realestate #realtor #thevillagesflorida #homesincentralfl #thebettsteam #dickbettsrealtor #dickbetts
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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Dead gangster Ma Barker doesn’t want her house moved
He called the newsroom with a warning: They can’t move that house.
“I’m worried something terrible is going to happen,” the man said in a thick New York accent. “I have to warn somebody.”
Then he told me a ghost story.
His name is Donald J. Weiss. He’s a 62-year-old retired police patrolman from upstate New York. He had moved to Ocala several years ago and visited the house where gangster Ma Barker had been killed. He had wanted to see the site of the longest shootout in FBI history: four hours, more than 2,000 bullets.
But when he wandered beneath the live oaks, a voice growled, “Get outta here, lawman!”
And when he took a photo of the front porch, a shadowy figure appeared.
“That woman is still in that house,” he told me. “And she’s pissed.”
He gave the photo to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office because he wanted to enter it into evidence. And because bad things started happening as soon as he had blown up the print. “I had a heart attack,” he said. “You think that’s a coincidence?”
The property has been sold, he told me. County officials want to move the house.
“They have no idea who or what is in there,” Weiss said. “That woman has the power to do a lot of things. We are dealing with the afterworld here.”
I thanked the caller for his concern.
“When are they moving it?” I asked.
He paused, as if to make a point, then said gravely, “By Halloween.”
Reporters get a lot of crazy calls. Many might have dismissed this one. But I knew this house, and so did my photographer friend John Pendygraft.
“Hey John,” I called across the cubicle wall. “Do you remember that story we did on the Ma Barker house?”
John’s eyes got big. “Do you remember what happened?”
Our story four years ago had been about real estate: historic home for sale on nine waterfront acres, eight miles north of the Villages, two hours from Tampa. And about the gangsters who hid out there until the end.
We had toured the four-bedroom house with a Realtor, whose assistant shivered and said, “I get the weirdest feeling when I’m in here.” We had reported rumors about flickering lights and an unsuccessful exorcism.
But we hadn’t written about what had happened to John. Or what he saw when he enlarged one of his pictures.
John has worked in war zones in Afghanistan and the Gaza Strip. He has photographed the dead from an Asian tsunami, a Mexican assassination and Hurricane Katrina. If he ever is scared, he won’t show it.
That fall day in 2012, in the Ma Barker house, he had gone alone into the front bedroom to take pictures through the window, looking out toward the lake where the FBI agents had crouched behind trees.
All of a sudden, John rushed out, cameras, lights, tripod flapping over his shoulders, nearly sliding down the 13 stairs. “I don’t know what happened, or what that was,” he panted. He heard the mattress fall, then saw it, dangling through the bed frame. “I didn’t touch it,” he insisted.
We left that afternoon, as dusk began to descend. From beneath the Spanish moss, John shot a few final frames. The next day, when he zoomed in on his laptop, he saw a strange figure on the screened porch: The silhouette of a stout woman with a bun, who looked like she was holding a machine gun.
Her story starts in Missouri, in 1873. Her parents named her Arizona Donnie Clark. She and a farmhand, George Barker, had four sons. As soon as the boys were grown, her husband left.
Legends vary about Ma Barker’s role in her boys’ gang. Some say she just cooked and cleaned. Others say she was the mastermind.
They began by robbing banks, then murdered a policeman. From 1910 through 1930, they are said to have stolen $2 million. And killed at least 10 people.
The FBI’s first director, J. Edgar Hoover, called them “the worst criminals in the entire country.” Ma Barker became the only woman to top the most wanted list.
In 1934, the gang split and went into hiding. One son fled to Chicago. Ma and her favorite son, baby Freddie, moved to Miami where, posing as a wealthy widow, she asked if anyone knew a secluded spot where she could spend the winter.
Someone introduced her to Carson Bradford, whose family had a lovely home in the center of Florida, on Lake Weir.
The house sounded perfect: fully furnished, set back from the road, with a boat tethered to a dock out back. Ma paid the full season’s rent in cash. Just before Thanksgiving, she moved in with Freddie and a couple of his friends.
In a letter to her son Arthur in Chicago, she drew a map of the lake and circled the closest town, Ocala. She mailed it from Ocklawaha’s little post office.
FBI agents found Arthur the following January, and with him, the letter, which led them to Ma’s hideout.
In the predawn darkness on Jan. 16, 1935, a dozen officers pointed their guns at the upstairs windows. “This is the FBI,” an officer shouted, according to an agency report. “You are surrounded.”
Some say the gun battle lasted as long as six hours.
When it was over, they found Freddie, 32, shot in the back of his head. Ma, 63, was curled on the floor, cradling her Tommy gun. That day, Hoover said, marked “the end of an era of violence.”
For nine months, the corpses lay unclaimed. Finally, a relative moved them closer to home.
But some say Ma still inhabits that two-story, cream-colored house with forest green shutters. The cop on the phone, my friend the photographer, the former and current owner all saw, heard or felt … something.
But how do you report a ghost story?
I started with the Marion County Sheriff’s Office and that “evidence” photo the retired cop mentioned on the phone.
Lt. Dave Redmond remembered some man bringing in the photo, but the deputy hadn’t seen anything in it.
Records only go back to 1990, said department spokeswoman Lauren Lettelier. “But since then, there have been no reports of hauntings at that house.”
I talked to Carson Good, 47, the great-grandson of the man who built the house. He has memories of swimming and sailing in the lake. And of countless sleepless nights, cringing in the dark. “I’m not a big believer of ghosts, but I heard a lot of sounds in that house,” he said. “Voices. Furniture moving. People walking up and down the wooden stairs.”
His grandmother didn’t like to talk about it, but she often heard spirits stirring. Years ago, he said, a psychic from Cassadaga held a seance at the house and convinced the ghost of Freddie Barker to move on. But the medium said Ma refused to move.
Good and his family sold the property for $750,000 and donated the house to the county, which hired a contractor to lift the home off its foundation and float it across Lake Weir to a park called Carney Island. County commissioners allocated $270,000 for the move. Private donations and fundraising will finance the museum.
County tax collector George Albright, who grew up next to the storied house, envisions an homage to the early days of the FBI, as agents set out to capture notorious gangsters like “Baby Face” Nelson, “Pretty Boy” Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde and, of course, the infamous Barker gang.
“We’ve already had calls from people asking about ghost tours. If they want something like that, or to hold seances, we’ll look into that,” said the tax collector, “as a revenue source.”
Some say the gang buried Mason jars filled with cash along the lake. Local children used to spend summers digging for the treasure, but came up with shovels full of sand.
As soon as the home is removed, before the new owner closes on the land, the tax collector plans to bring in a team with ground-penetrating radar to scan the soil.
“Let’s hope she’s a friendly ghost,” he said.
On a gray Wednesday in October, more than 81 years after the shootout, John and I returned to the scene. The house already had been lifted on jacks. The screened porch was gone; workers were carrying out lamps. A true-crime novelist was parked in an SUV, taking pictures.
Like John, he swore he had seen a face in a window.
“I think whatever’s in there doesn’t want us to come in,” said Tony Stewart, who had driven from Indiana to see the house in its original setting. “And it won’t come out.”
We had told the retired cop that we would meet him later. The tax collector didn’t want anyone else at the construction site. But Weiss pulled up in his white Cadillac, quaking in his tassled loafers.
“This is where their bodies were. They dragged ‘em right down this driveway,” said Weiss, clasping his arms across his chest. “She’s not at rest. She will never leave this property.”
He has felt this before, he said. “I sense spirits.”
The first time was in 1992, just before Christmas. He was on patrol in White Plains, N.Y., resting in his car between calls, when he had a vision of a sad teenage boy: long hair, pale, with a pug nose. Two days later, he was sent to a home where a teenage boy had hanged himself. “The same boy I’d seen.”
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