#Ocean Pourpre
oceanpourpre · 6 months
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Un Maker et les Titans
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shepard1172-blog · 1 year
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kerubimcrepin · 4 months
Liveread: Dofus tome 2 – Le fil pourpre
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I didn't know about this until the post by @julith-jurgen that included art from this book, but as it turns out — Kerubim makes an appearance in one of the Dofus choose your own adventure novels.
I will say: I couldn't find PDFs for myself, or any other way to read these books... For a second, I thought all hope is lost... However, fortunately, I am a member of a discord that frequently runs games using these books, translating them along the way. So, while reading this post, you will see quotes from that discord translation.
(It feels a bit corny, but shout out to @uelman for running those games and translating this! ;><)
You ask a passerby how to reach Kerub Crepin's shop. The young man replies that the shop is at the Ecalfip statue's square. It'll probably still be open, even at this late hour.
The novels, as far as I am aware, are set at the time of the Dofus MMOs. This part in particular references the old layout of Astrub city in Dofus MMO as well.
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Before a major update, there were various classes' gods' statues around the city, and Kerubim's was right across the Ecaflip one.
You're looking forward to meeting this unique figure described by Meriana. According to the magician, Kerub is a retired hero and a great storyteller... and he's in possession of an item vital in the quest for the Crimson Dofus.
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Meriana is a major character in the Dofus MMO, and someone who helps you find all the Dofus in the game. She is an Enutrof demigoddess who possesses a true fortune of knowledge and books.
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In the game, Kerubim says that the two of them are friends.
You arrive to a square with an imposing white stone statue of the god Ecaflip. Nearby, a sign in the shape of a bow meow's head swings in the night's breeze. It points to the store of Kerub Crepin, one of the most renowned adventurers in the World of Twelve.
Considering the fact that Joris sends the player, in-game, directly to Kerubim, and says literally nothing about them being related, I like to think that people not into adventurer/immortal/political gossip, knowing that Kerubim and Joris are related is like, "below the surface of the water" knowledge.
Knowing that Atcham exists is "middle of the iceberg" knowledge, and knowing how exactly they're related and who is older, is the "deep ocean" level of knowledge, respectively.
You've never seen such a bric-a-brac. There's vials, flasks, vases, bottle and pots. Old dusty books are piled up everywhere. Some weapons are displayed on the walls. Skulls stare at you with their empty eye sockets, while chests, trunks and cases hide other objects.
Oldass books and creepy decorations are apparently a familial trait.
You climb up the wooden stairway. You hear someone talk in a hoarse voice. "...we're starting to have too much dust around here, Luis. I know you're very touchy on this subject, but just a single good wiping with a thaumaturgical feather duster would be enough... Luis? Ah look at that, the bugger fell asleep! It's not that late, I'd say..."
You enter a room with shelves in front of all the walls. An old white furred Ecaflip is sitting on an armchair, steaming mug in hand. He smiles at you from ear to ear. "Welcome! Come closer, don't be scared. Oh, I see you're accompanied by a spirit... not a violent one, I hope? As long as he knows to keep himself in check and doesn't make my furniture fly around, he can haunt the house freely. So, what can I do for you?" You introduce yourself shortly. "A pleasure. I'm Kerub Crepin, humble owner of the most amazing magic shop in the whole Krosmoz. No matter what you're looking for: you will find it here. Let me guess... You're searching for a magical weapon able to destroy your enemies? I have an inflatable sword right here, a wholly original model that was a huge hit at the latest armourer convention. It comes with a pack of patches. Do you want a way to bring your friend back to life? I think I still have an Erzal potion. Although, I have to warn you that it has some secondary effects, and if his original body was in a bad shape, the result could be... unexpected."
He is never beating those necromancy allegations... But either way, I am pretty sure the Ezral potion here might be this?
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Very interested at first, Oskar quickly realises that Kerub's potion is not the solution to his problem. As for you, you tell the Ecaflip that you were sent by the magician Meriana. "Meriana? Haha! How's the old witch doing? It's been a long time since she passed by Astrub. She can't stand crowds. She's always been like that... So, tell me, what Dofus are you after? Emerald, Ochre, Turquoise?" You reply that you're after the Crimson Dofus. "Oh, Ignemikhal's egg! You know, I had it in my hands a long time ago... but I'd need many days just to tell this story, and no doubt you're in a hurry. You've got a long way ahead of you... and it's not going to be a straight line, oh no! You'll have to adventure into the Minotoror's labyrinth... there's a bloody stroll waiting for you there." Kerub drinks a sip of his mug, then stands up and asks you to follow him. "I have a debt towards Meriana, so I will help you. You're lucky, I have exactly what you need. Come, follow me to the attic."
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Love how casual he is about asking which Dofus is being sought after, here. Like this is just another weekday for him.
You follow the old Ecaflip and start climbing up the tight red wood stairs. You mention to your host that not that long ago, you too were a Kerub. "Haha, you were part of Incarnam's guards, that right? Many years ago, I served amongst the ranks of the Kerub's militia. At the time, they weren't named that... they took the Kerub name in my honour, to thank me from saving the celestial island from a great danger. It's an incredible story. It all began when...-" "Eh, sorry to interrupt you, Mister Crepin, but... are you renting the loft to anyone?" Oskar, who silently floated behind you, points to a ray of light coming from the floorboard above your head. "Judging from the creaks I'm hearing... I'd say you have a visitor." Kerub frowns. Quickly, he opens the attic's trap door and jumps up with the dexterity of a bow meow. You quickly climb up the last steps.
This part references the Celestial Kerubim Militia, which are a faction you join during the tutorial of the Dofus MMO.
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In the game he also speaks of having been the reason the militia is named that way, and you can see a framed photo/painting of him in their headquarters.
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The same image can be seen in the shop in Wakfu MMO's times. As far as I know, the Kerubim Militia may not exist by these times.
Your untimely interruption surprises the attic's inhabitants: the moumouses scarper, the arachnees skedaddle... and four masked individuals are caught in the act. The most surprised one is a red-haired female Rogue: she stays still for a few seconds before an open trunk, lit by the moonlight coming from the skylight. In her black gloved hand, there's a red ball of yarn. Kerub proclaims his outrage at this home invasion. "Hey, give that back, it's mine! Luis, wake up, you old shack!" The redhead makes sign to her sidekicks. "Riko, Lequin, Chypel! Take care of these idiots while I grab the scarper powder!" The three Rogues take the offensive. Kerub grabs a broom lying around. "I'll take her of the lady! I'll leave the other scoundrels to you!"
Hey Keke. Look at me, Keke.
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Are you sure about that??
(I'm joking. This book takes place centuries after the show. I doubt these rogues in Dofus times, and Remingron in Wakfu times, care about something that happened so long ago.)
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Meanwhile, Kerub seems to have the situation under control: perched at the edge of the skylight, he uses his broom to reflect every single explosive projectile the Rogue leader throws at him. Realising that her way out is blocked, the redhead retreats towards the stairs... but Kerub doesn't plan to let her escape! He puts a spoke in her wheels, rather literally throwing his broom at her legs, making her lose her footing... and the crimson ball of thread she held in her hand. The ball rolls at your feet. You pick it up, challenging the thieves to come take it back.
Not going to lie... Kerubim beating someone with a broom is something I didn't know I needed, until now.
Suddenly, the flooring begins to rise. The attic's trapdoor slams closed. Kerub doesn't seem unnerved, on the contrary. "Finally, you woke up! Come on, Luis, let's get to it, time to clean this up!" The Rogue leader shouts in anger. She throws a glass marble at the floor. A thick mist overruns the room. You can't see anything anymore. Kerub is overtaken by a coughing fit. "Khoff, khoff! Luis, do something! Khoff!" The round skylight extends and expands, letting the smoke out. You barely notice a vague silhouette jumping over you... and going out the window open into the starry sky. "Khoff! She escaped! Agh, that vixen!" You look outside. The redhead landed on the neighbouring roof. She looks back to you and curses at you with her fist to the clouds. "You'll pay for this... We'll meet again!" Then, she disappears into the night. You hear an explosion behind you. The three Rogues managed to open the trapdoor with sheer brute strength. "C'mon guys, we're breaking out!" The ruffians rush down the stairs at full speed. You're about to run after them, but Kerub grabs you by the back of your neck. "Let them flee! What matters, is that the scoundrels left empty-handed, without their loot!" The old Ecaflip points at the ball in your hand. It shines in a bright crimson light.
[imagines Kerubim stopping Joris and Atcham from running after some rogues that broke in and beating them to death] [smiles]
"This ball of yarn is not an ordinary one. It used to be the property of the Ecaflip god. The Big Tease collects balls, it's one of his hobbies. He even invented a game with flabby balls... but this one is very peculiar. It is said that the crimson thread that composes it is tied to the tapestry of three Norrai, the fate weavers. It will guide you through the Minotoror's labyrinth." You thank Kerub for his gift, and ask him he he has any idea of who the red-haired thief could be. "Haha, she caught your eye too? Well, I think I've seen her near the old burnt-down church... she was with a group of fairly sinister individuals." "I know her," intervened Oskar, "Her name is Odetta. She's the right hand woman of Han Reddun, one of the leaders of Astrub's crime syndicate. I already dealt with Reddun before... he tried to drown me in a barrel of alcohol mixed with water. Such a crime against Astrub's fine beer... Don't you see? It's the sign of an insufferable cruelty." "I don't really see it, no," replies Kerub shrugging his shoulders. "I only drink mimilk, or exceptionally, a glass of Chichala. In fact, now that I said that..."
Odetta is a real NPC in the MMO, and she does hang out inside an old burnt-down church.
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What is more scary to me is that this implies that Kerubim really did cut down on the alcohol after his turbulent youth and being shown with a beer or drunk every other episode. Therapy real???
The old Ecaflip turns to you. "Something tells me your quest won't be a walk in the park, my young friend, and that you'll need a little help... Follow me, Luis will take care of putting things back into place here." As you walk down, you ask who is this famous Luis he keeps mentioning. "Well he's the soul of the house, he is! Luis is a Shushu, a demon if you like. He haunts this place since forever. No doubt what explains why he behaves like a dragon-pig... Ouch! I'm kidding, Luis, no need to put splinters under my paws!" Back at his shop, Kerub rummages through a big golden chest. "Alright, let's see, where did I put it... Make yourself comfortable, it may take a while. Have a candy, there's a whole bowl. No, not this... Did you know you'll need two relics to reach the centre of the labyrinth? I don't have it in stock anymore, else I'd give you a friend's discount. Oh, I thought I had thrown away this old thing... Oof, I'm starting to regret this. I have to tidy all of this one day... Ah, here it is. A flask of Chichala! Although, now that I think about it, you could also use this Matataure cape... or the Unlucky's Joker!" Kerub puts three items before you: a green flask, a deep red cape, and a playing card.
Kerubim is just like me fr when it comes to cleaning. "Ooof I'm starting to regret this, I have to tidy all of this one day" he will not tidy all of this. at any point in time.
This brings my quick little book-review/liveblog to a close. Overall, a very cute cameo. Especially for me, since I am always very interested in Dofus MMO times, when it comes to Kerubim, Joris, and Atcham. (as if you couldn't tell from the 10k word fanfic i wrote. Dofus MMO lore has me bewitched heart and soul ok?)
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yanderefairyangel · 3 months
坂上なち + Drop/ 箱庭ロンド/ The Rondo of the Miniature Garden
ガラスの壁にうつる    欲心の赤い薔薇 ベールに包まれていた   羨望を呼び覚ます 甘い蜜の香りに      誘われ堕ちて行く 恣意の波にさらわれた   浅はかなその心 さあ一緒に踊りましょう  罪に濡れたロンド 移ろう時         狂気への舞台が幕を開けた 美しい箱庭の空      暗闇に閉ざされて 酔夢に飲み込まれてく   拙い希望でさえも 委ねた快楽の海      甘い夢に焦がれては 深く深く溺れていく    光さえも見えぬ世界へ
The wall made of glass reflect a greedy red rose
Wrapped in a veil, it awakens my envy
Its sweet scent of honey tempts me and thus I fall
My shallow heart is swept away by waves of arbitrariness
Come now, let's dance together a rond drenched in sin
At the passing of time, the stage of madness opens its curtains
The sky of the miniature garden is beautiful, entrapped in the deep pit of darkness
Swallowing up even the humbliest of hope
Entrusted to an ocean of pleasure, I am yearning for a sweet dream
As we drown deeper and deeper in, we fall in a world were light is no longer visible
開いた禁忌の箱      戻せない時の針 きつく固く締まって    ゆく戒めの死の鎖 もう引き返せないの    終わりのないロンド 侵されていく       足が千切れるまで狂い踊れ 美しい箱庭の空      羽ばたくこともできぬまま 描いていた夢の終わりを  受け入れることもできずに 滲みだした        爪先は欲望の色に溶けてく 黒い十字を身に纏い    囚われの真紅の世界へ
We opened Pandora's box, the needles of time cannot turn back now
The warning of the chains of death tightens more and more around us
There is no way to return, we can only dance an endless rondo
Defiled again and again, entranced in a mad dance until our legs are being torn apart
The sky of the miniature garden is beautiful, but I cannot fly to it anymore
Unable to accept this is the end of my dream
My toes begin to oozen, dissolving into the color of lust
Decorating my body with a black cross, I am trapped into a world of crimson
「なぜなの」       そう嘆いても朽ちた歯車は戻らず 罪と罰に抗うことも    許されずに堕ち続けて 委ねた快楽の海      甘い夢に焦がれては 深く深く溺れてく     廻る血に染まった世界へ
"Why" I lamented, but even doing this won't turn back the rotten gears of time
Sins and punishements are too much for me to endure, thus, unforgivable, my fall continues
Entrusted to an ocean of pleasure, I am yearning for a sweet dream
As we drown deeper and deeper in, we fall in a spinning world stained by blood
Les murs de verre reflètent une cupide rose rouge
Habillé d'un voile fin, elle éveille en moi l'envie
Sa douce odeur de mielle me tente, et je succombe
Mon cœur vaniteux est englouti par des vagues arbitraires
Allons, dansons ensemble un rondo souillé par le péché
Le temps s'écoule jusqu'à l'instant d'ouvrir les rideaux d'un théâtre dément
Le ciel du jardin miniature est magnifique, mais les ténèbres crée une cage autour de lui
Elles dévorent tout sans laisser de trace, jusqu'au plus humble de mes espoirs
Je m'abandonne à une mer de plaisirs, en quête de doux songes à rêver
Nous nous noyons encore et toujours plus vers un monde où la lumière ne nous atteint plus
Nous avons ouvert la boîte de Pandore, les aiguilles du temps ne peuvent revenir en arrière
L'avertissement des chaînes de la mort se resserre peu à peu sur nous
Il est impossible d'échapper à ce rondo sans fin
Souillés encore et encore, nous dansons comme des fous jusqu'à en avoir les jambes déchiquetées
Le ciel du jardin miniature est magnifique, mais maintenant, je ne peux plus voler vers lui
Je ne peux accepter que c'est ainsi que ce conclut mon rêve
Mes pieds commencent à disparaître, se dissolvant dans la couleur du désir
J'orne mon corps d'une croix noire, je suis prise au piège d'un monde couleur pourpre
"Oh mais pourquoi", j'aurais bon me lamenter, rien ne pourrait remonter les engrenages rouillés du temps
Péchés et châtiments, je ne peut les supporter, impardonable que je suis, ma déchéance continue
mes espoirs
Je m'abandonne à une mer de plaisirs, en quête de doux songes à rêver
Nous nous noyons encore et toujours plus vers un monde qui tourne souillé par le sang
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coquelicoq · 2 years
i love reading shit in my second language in which i am not fluent. like do i know what all the words in this sentence mean? no. but do i know what the sentence means? basically, yeah. so it's all good. i'm not gonna be doing any amazing literary analysis here but i get the gist. i'm in the neighborhood. who needs to see the trees when i can see the forest? close enough.
#i just read the sentence 'Le soleil se leva pur et brillant‚ et les premiers rayons d'un rouge pourpre diaprèrent de leur rubis#les pointes écumeuses des vagues.'#here are the words i don't know:#pourpre. could this have something to do with purple??? it's definitely an adjective modifying the adjective rouge#diaprèrent. passé simple third person plural‚ so the subject is les premiers rayons. something about the rays of sunlight doing#something to the waves. to the tips of the waves?#rubis. has to be singular because leur is singular. unclear if the rubis has to do with the rayons or the points des vagues#because i don't know what diaprer means#écumeuses. adjective modifying points. my guess is it means frothy?#because when i see a word that starts with é i replace it with an s and that often gives a hint to the meaning#at least for me as an english speaker with some background in latin#scumeuses is reminiscent of scummy‚ which in an ocean context would be like the froth on the crests of waves#but okay the sentence is about the sun rising over the ocean and coloring the crests of the waves#maybe making them shine like rubies?#like that's what the sentence means. i get it. establishing shot. sun rising over the ocean. color is happening. classic.#okay i looked up the words and this is basically right. diaprer means to adorn with many colors#also ahaha i just looked up diaprer in my robert de poche and it's not even in there! just diapré and it's marked as literary#so i feel like i get a pass for that one lol#french#my posts#i'm now trying to figure out the etymology which has led me down this whole rabbit hole#this by the way is why i don't stop and look up every word i don't know. because it doesn't stop there! i end up surrounded by#my robert de poche my latin dictionary and a device with wordreference AND etymonline AND a french etymology site#all open at the same time and i'm just referring back and forth between them#and then i lose the thread of whatever i was supposed to be reading about in the first place#i do feel like it's cheating learning french as an english speaker because so much of our vocab comes from french#so i can really just guess half the time. pourpre and rubis? come on. if i was learning some totally unrelated language i wouldn't even#have a guess#this time i decided i'm only going to write down/look up a word if it keeps showing up over and over#i'm five chapters in and so far i've only written down 12 words! and i guessed the meaning of half of them
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thedaughterofkings · 4 years
Tag Game: Dig a Little Deeper
Thank you for the tag, @theproblemwithstardust! These are always fun to think through!
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? Blue
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? Depends on the city - I was very happy in Edinburgh, but wouldn’t be able to live in New York, I think, at least not for long. In general, the happy middle is ideal - big enough to get most of the advantages of a city (big shops with long opening hours, good travel connections, some cultural options), but small enough and close enough to the country side to have a garden and a short way into a forest
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? I think I’d like to be better at handy man type things, and just feel more confident to try them out? Other than that there are so many instruments I’d love to learn!
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? I very, very rarely drink coffee, and if I do I’ll often add some sugar. But I drink tea every day and take no sugar there.
5. what was your favorite book as a child? An old book of my grandma’s, from when she was a child, which I used to read every single time we visited! It was about four sisters and their coming of age and I just loved it! I really need to reread it. Other than that our fairy tale books (good old German bloody versions, no disney sugar in this household!), and Max Kruse’s Urmel series!
6. do you prefer baths or showers? Showers for sure! I pretty much only take a bath in winter and then I’ll usually take a quick shower afterwards to wash my hair, because washing my hair in the bath is a pain that will lead to flooding.
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? A DRAGON!!!!! If that’s for some reason not an option, then a selkie!
8. paper or electronic books? Paper books and electronic fics - though I’ve seen some book binding tutorials making the rounds and I’m very tempted now to print out my favourites and bind them prettily!
9. what is your favorite item of clothing? Gosh, I don’t even know? Probably a dress, but I wouldn’t be able to choose between them...
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it? I like it and wouldn’t want to change it! It’s relatively rare here (though not world wide, so not some strange invention from my parents), but not to the point of being incomprehensible (usually - there have been some interesting spellings, especially from English speaking people) and I think it fits me!
11. who is a mentor to you? My mum? But she’s my mum, so does she really count as a mentor? Singing wise perhaps my conductor, but she’s also a pain, so there’s that? I can’t really think of someone I’d truly call my mentor!
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for? To do Dancing with the Stars! (Or Strictly, or Let’s dance, wherever they’ll take me!) No seriously, I’d love to do one of the dance shows, and that’s the only reason I’d like to be famous. I’d like to be reasonably rich of course, to be financially secure enough to be able to easily help family and friends and causes close to my heart (and buy and uphold a Scottish castle), but you don’t necessarily need to be famous for that. But just being famous for famous-sake? To be recognised wherever you go? No thanks. That sounds absolutely horrible.
13. are you a restless sleeper? That’s a pretty resounding yes unfortunately.
14. Do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? Oh god, I don’t even know. Do I enjoy romance? In fic yes, in books and films often not, in realy life excessive PDA creeps me out and honestly, my threshold for that is super low, so excessive probably means more like ‘any PDA’. As for whether I’m personally romantic? I’ve never been a romantic relationship and I’m not sure I even want to be!
15. which element best represents you? Earth perhaps? I’m not really sure what the elements even represent, though, so who knows! Probably not fire, though :p
16. who do you want to be closer to? I’m good actually, I think!
17. do you miss someone at the moment? Not in a particular ‘I miss you right now and won’t miss you in an hour’ way. I always miss my dad and grandpa, but that’s a different kind of missing, I think.
18. tell us about an early childhood memory. I remember the blinds and doors of the holiday home we stayed in when I was ... four? five? And the path to the beach!
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten? I’m not the most adventurous eater admittedly, but as far as ‘I’ll never eat it again’, I took a bite out of a pickled egg once and it was properly disgusting!
20. what are you most thankful for? My family and my living circumstances (is that a word? term? It sounds weird)
21. do you like spicy food? Not reallyyyyyy - some spice is okay, and some spiciness is worse than others, but in general I’m a total wuss.
22. have you ever met someone famous? I said good morning to David Tennant, but I’m not sure I’d call that “having met him”.
23. do you keep a diary or journal? Nope! I’ve started one a couple of times, but never made it beyond three days or so!
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil? Generally a pen, but a pencil is fine, too!
25. what is your star sign? Leo
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? Crunchy! (though I haven’t had actual cereal in ages)
27. what would you want your legacy to be? Positive, if I’m to have a legacy at all
28. do you like reading? What was the last book you read? Very much so! I last read Cornelia Funke’s Reckless series.
29. how do you show someone you love them? I try to tell them, and I try to make sure they know I’m here to listen or help or talk or whatever they need. I’m not sure I always succeed, though...
30. do you like ice in your drinks? No.
31. what are you afraid of? Not being good enough.
32. what is your favorite scent? My roses - individuals with a superb scent are The Lady of Shalott, Rose de Resht and Sweet Juliet, but there’s something really special about that first breath of rose air when Frühlingsduft (scent of spring), the first rose of the year blooms!
33. do you address older people by their name or surname? Surname! Unless they offer their first name and the ‘Du’, and even then I’ll probably try to avoid using either^^°
34. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I’d buy a Scottish castle and plant so many roses!
35. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? Definitely pools, I’m always just a little afraid something is going to happen in natural water^^°
36. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? I’d collect them (Unless I just saw who lost them) but try to put it towards something charitable (not 50, but one day I found two pounds on the ground, gave them to the homeless person with the kitty on Princes Street, found another pound, gave that to the one with the pupper and found another three, I think! That was a really nice day)
37. have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish? Yes and yes!
38. what is one thing you would want to teach your children? To be kind? To themselves and others
39. if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? A watercolour tattoo probably, perhaps of a dragon or fox, or a flower, and somewhere not always on display
40. what can you hear now? If I opened the window I’d probably hear at least some birds (some woke me up this morning with unholy yowling)
41. where do you feel the safest? At home.
42. what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? My perfectionism that usually appears through some really strong procrastination. I also wish I was better at talking to people, especially people I don’t know or who are intimidating (which is everyone I don’t know and quite of those I know a little). I’ve mostly come to terms with my shyness, but that doesn’t make everything easy suddenly, unfortunately.
43. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? There’s way too many! But for just one I’d love to see a Shakespeare play in the Globe when it was performed originally, ideally Twelfth Night or Hamlet! And I’d like to meet Queen Elizabeth I!
44. what is your most used emoji? 😘 probably or 😊
45. describe yourself using one word. overwhelmed (I am also hungry and tired right now, and that plays a big part in that - ask me again in an hour or so when I’ve eaten and the world will look a little more rose-y again^^°)
46. what do you regret the most? I can’t think of anything I truly regret - there are things I wish I’d done differently, but what’s done is done and I have to do the best with what I have now
47. last movie you saw? The Martian!
48. last tv show you watched? Die purpurnen Flüsse/Les rivières pourpres (the purple rivers), a French (German co production?) series based on the novel the Jean Reno film was based on!
49. invent a word and its meaning. This is hard because in German you can just compound away, so for every thing I think of, I’m like ‘but you could just put these three words together for the same effect!!!’ But this is English, so I’ll go with “pflundering” - the sound a bird makes when it takes a very enthusiastic bath!
This took quite a bit, and my brain is no longer able to come up with people to tag, so I’m tagging you, person who actually read through this! Do it (be honest, you already thought up most of your answers while reading it^^) and tag me, I’m curious!
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dolcresabernathy · 4 years
I was tagged by @bartagnanz to list my top ten things! (no particular order)
MOVIES 1. Gladiator 2. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 3. Ocean’s Trilogy 4. Miss Congeniality 5. Practical Magic 6. Vertigo 7. Guardians of the Galaxy 8. Hocus Pocus 9. Carrie 10. Alice in Wonderland
TV SHOWS 1. Westworld 2. Friends 3. Agent Carter 4. Stranger Things 5. Sex and the City 6. Derry Girls 7. Mindhunter 8.  Grounded for Life 9. / 10. /
BOOKS 1. The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald 2. Dolores Claiborne by King 3. Circe by Miller 4. Miserere by Grangé 5. Inferno by Brown 6. Christine by King 7. The Shining by King 8. And then they were none by Christie 9. Seuls les Vautours by Zeimet 10. Gone Girl by Flynn MUSIC ARTISTS 1. Michael Jackson 2. Phil Collins 3. Carlos Santana 4. Sade 5. Lana Del Rey 6. Florence+the Machine 7. Enigma 8. Caravan Palace 9. Imagination 10. Garbage
tagging: @breakfast-at-bendels @aube-pourpre @bennskywalker @willorcs
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Shitpost list part 1!
These were never intended to see the light of day, but here they are! I lied, the list is called "When there is no one in my immediate vicinity to ramble to," so they're really just thoughts, but most of them are pretty shitposty, so, anyway this is some of the things that are on it
☆One thing I like about myself is how unapologetically dumb I can be. Like, yeah, I get all A’s, but today I needed a brown colored pencil for an art project, so I took out three dark looking ones. I looked at the color names and one of them said “pourpre” and I was like, “Ooo, I’ve never heard of that color before, I bet it’s one of those fancy names they give colors, like carmine, or vermillion.” Pourpre is the Spanish word for purple.
☆No amount of ugly shirts will change the fact that Mr. Simon (my old science teacher) is a thot.
☆Peter Johnson and the Electrical Discharge Bandit
Peter Johnson and the Ocean of Abnormalities
☆Why are 21 pilots songs so relaxing? Like, blood pressure? I don’t have one!
☆Broke: Luke (one of my ocs) had a normal sounding voice before his vocal cords got paralyzed 
Woke: Luke has always sounded like Jevil, vocal cord paralysis or not
Ultra woke: Vella sounds like Jevil
☆My biggest struggle? Sometimes I wanna make mean jokes but then my sense of morality says no.
(Hhhhh these might not be the highest quality shitposts they'll get better more to come)
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obvious-things · 5 years
The Dancing Men
Before Reading
Warnings: Suicide mention and stalking.
Tangent: If you watch BBC Sherlock, you need to read this story to understand Mary. 
“Now, in my opinion, Dupin was a very inferior fellow. That trick of his breaking in on his friends’ thoughts with an apropos remark after a quarter of an hour’s silence is really very showy and superficial.” - Holmes on Poe’s Dupin, STUD
After Reading
Tangent: A, E, H, I, N, O, R, S, and T are the most common letters in the English language, at least American English. R, S, T, L, N, and E are what you get in the “Wheel of Fortune” bonus round. The dancing men are an example of a simple cipher, not a code (Khan Academy).
Tangent: “At last the violet rim of the German Ocean appeared over the green edge of the Norfolk coast…” That ocean isn’t purple. It also isn’t a wine-dark sea. It’s more likely to be like the indigo you see in a rainbow. 
Humans tend to have three cones to detect color: one for short wavelengths, one for medium wavelengths, and one for long wavelengths. These approximately correspond to blue, green, and red. We call these the three primary colors of light. They are the three primary colors because of the three types of cones. We perceive daylight as white. It has the full spectrum of visible light. Mixing pigments together is subtractive: the more colors you add, the closer to black you get. Mixing light together is additive: the more colors you add, the closer to white you get. That’s how you get printers using a CMYK model (cyan, yellow, magenta, and key tone [black]) while computer screens (such as this one) use blue, green, and red. 
[Keep in mind that I’m writing this in English and my first language is English] 
The way we divide the spectrum of visible light and give those divisions names is dependent on language and culture. I say red and pink and not red and light red. (Blue-Green color distinction in language) I learned ROYGBIV: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Nothing has color; we perceive the wavelengths the thing reflects. Plants are usually green. The chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light and reflects green. Color is how we describe a small piece of the electro-magnetic spectrum. Bees have a different range of the spectrum than we do. (How Bees See and Why it Matters) We can perceive red better than they can, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less or more real than the ultraviolet they can perceive. It’s just a different range. 
I would describe the color pourpre (French) as red-violet and the color uaine (Scots Gaelic) as blue-green. Tyrian purple, the dye from the Mediterranean made from snails, is close in color to pourpre. 
Some colors are very weird. Purple is what you get when you mix red and blue pigments. Red and blue are on opposite ends of the visible light spectrum. Purple is a non-spectral color; it can’t be perceived using a single wavelength. There’s also blue-yellow and red-green which are considered impossible colors. It’s like trying to balance a light switch between ON and OFF. They’re best explained by opponent process theory. It’s also why, when you stare at yellow shape for a long time and you look away to a white wall you see the same shape but in blue. 
Dates: Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee was June 6, 1887. One year ago, was the Jubilee and the marriage. This sets DANC in 1888. One month ago, was the end of June. About a week ago, it was Tuesday. Hilton Cubit visits Baker Street.
The next morning, a second message appears. Three days after his visit, a third message. Six days after his visit, a fourth message. That night he stayed up to two in the morning with only moonlight illuminating. This would make you think it’s a full moon but, that night cannot be Monday July 23, 1888 because there was a total lunar eclipse. The next full moon wasn’t until August 7. 
A fortnight or so after Cubit’s first visit, Hilton Cubit returns to Baker Street. Two days later, the final urgent message arrives. Holmes and Watson travel to North Walsham the next morning. Now it is late July or early August 1888, immediately before SIGN. 
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour Juin 20. Kyrie Kristmanson & Jeanne Added + Léonie Pernet + Klaus Johan Grobe + Winter Family + Petit fantôme (dj) + Marc Melià (fest. 36H Saint-Eustache) – église Saint-Eustache (gratuit) 20. Charles De Goal + Zanias + Buzz Kull – La Station 20. Jean-Luc Guionnet & Will Guthrie + Nour – Café de Paris 21. Maud Geffray + Cherry B. Diamond + RKSS + Dustina (Fête de la musique) – La Gaîté lyrique (gratuit) 21. Plomb + Warum Joe + Les 3 Gnomes (Fête de la musique) – Holy Holster (gratuit) 21. Murman Tsuladze + Sathönay + Thiago Nassif – Espace B (gratuit) 21. Cristopher Cichocki + Hector Castells-Matutano + Emmanuel van der Elst + Stéphane Bissières + CT JEROME aka Jérôme Poret – Plateforme (gratuit) 21. Neil Hannon & Tosh Flood (Fête de la musique) – Musée des Arts et Métiers (gratuit) ||COMPLET|| 21. ToutEstBeau + Viegas + Petra Flurr & 89 St + Bleid – La Station 21. Anne Clark : perf. pour "Ocean 21" de Maggie Boggaart – Auditorium Saint-Germain 21. Cleric + Hector Oaks + Randomer + Parfait + Trym – tba 22. The Intelligence + Flatworms – La Maroquinerie 22. LA Witch – Black Star 22. Illnurse b2b absl + Raymundo Rodriguez + K-lamande – Glazart 22. Poison Point + Nostromo + Salem Unsigned + Panzer – Petit Bain 22. Perc + Kas:st + Hemka + Wata Igarashi – Concrete 22. Full Quantic Pass + EYE + Franz France + Mechanical Heaven + Club Z1Z1 + Los Hernanos Martinez + Samantha Mox + Colt + LAZ (Lostsoundbytes & Air LQD) +  La Punta Bianca (Merguez électroniques) – Murs à pêches (Montreuil) 23. Radiante pourpre – La Générale Nord-Est (gratuit) 23. Spoliature + Aymeric de Tapol + Guili Guili Goulag + Wizaeroid + Poulet Bicyclette (Merguez électroniques) – Murs à pêches (Montreuil) 23. La Pince + Leon + Howdoyoudance + Polar Polar Polar Polar – Cirque électrique 23. Bracco + Eddy de Pretto + Bagarre (dj) – La Station 25. Jaap Blonk – Souffle continu (gratuit) 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 26. Cannibale – Safari Boat 26. Caterina Barbieri + SKY H1 – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Pigalle – La Maroquinerie 26. Daniel Menche + Point invisible + Tzii – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27. Plomb + Perm36 + Pour X raisons – Cirque électrique 27. JKS + Mayeul + Myler + Khoegma – NF-34 27. La Chatte + Maryisonacid + Dawd – Rex club 28. ARLT + Loup Uberto & Lucas Ravinal + Hervé Bouchard (fest. Tremble parlure) – Pan Piper 28. Cienfuegos + Sacred Lodge + Axel Larsen + UVB76 – Espace B 28. To Live & Shave in LA + Carrageenan + TTTT – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 28. Gesloten Cirkel + Identified Patient + Roza Terenzi + Tryphème + Villette 45 + Foreign Sequence – La Station 28. Frankie Bones & Adam X + Lenny Dee + Herrmann – Concrete 28. End of Mortal Life + IV Horsemen + December + Myako + Opäk – NF-34 28/29. Rammstein – La Défense Arena (Nanterre) ||COMPLET|| 29. Sara Fuegos + Techno Thriller – Espace B 29. Les Daltons + Jad Wio – Le Chinois (Montreuil) 30. Le Réveil des tropiques + Monolithe noir + Fantôme+ Colin Johnco (dj) – La Station Juillet 02. Interpol – Olympia 04. Cat Power + H-Burns (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 04. Bernardino Femminielli + Jean Redondo + Thi-Léa – Café de Paris 05. Klimperei, Sacha Czerwone, David Fenech, Denis Frajerman & Christophe Micusnule – Chair de poule (gratuit) 05. Pantha du Prince + Scratch Massive (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 05. Laurent Garnier (fest. Days off) – Belvédère|Philharmonie 05. I Hate Models (dj) + Derrick May + Jardin + Mount Kimbie (dj) + Oktober Lieber + Rodhad + Mor Elian + Olivia... (The Peacock Society fest.) – Parc floral 05. The B-52's – Olympia 05. Ancient Methods + Die Selektion + Ideal Trouble – La Machine 05. Marc Acardipane + Ida Engelhardt + Radium + Wixapol + Parfait – Concrete 05/06. The Psychotics Monks + La Jungle + Yachtclub + Zombie Zombie + Frustration + Fleuves noirs + Bruit noir + Le Singe blanc + Le Sacre du tympan + Enablers + Os Noctambulos + The Scanners + Dick Voodoo + Le Réveil des tropiques + Quizequinze + Make-Overs + Canari + Tonn3rr3 + Enob + Casse Gueule + EggS + Keruda Panter + Fumo Nero + Famille Grendy + Deux Boules vanille + Lèche-moi (fest. La Ferme électrique) 06. Jonsi & Alex Somers jouent "Riceboy Sleeps" (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Helena Hauff b2b DJ Stingray + Jon Hopkins + Motor City Drum Ensemble + Len Faki + Robert Hood + Octavian + The Black Madonna + Clara! + Nicola Cruz... (The Peacock Society fest.) – Parc floral 06. Inhalt der Nacht + Marai + Munsinger + Felicie – La Station 07. Jonsi, Alex Somers & Paul Corley : "Liminal Soundbath" (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 07. Ministry + 3teeth – La Machine 07/08. Thom Yorke (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Gossip – Salle Pleyel 08. Melvins – La Plage|Glazart ||ANNULÉ|| 09. Noir Boy Georges + Periods + Les morts vont bien + Corps (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 10. Francky Goes to Pointe-à-Pitre + Pratos + ToutEstBeau + Dune Basement (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 11. Pogo Car Crash Control + Mss Frnce + Baasta ! (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 11. Full of Hell + The Body + Pilori – Gibus 11. Masada + Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman + Mary Halvorson quartet + Craig Taborn + Trigger + Erik Friedlander & Mike Nicolas + John Medeski trio + Nova quartet + Gyan Riley & Julian Lage + Brian Marsella trio + Ikue Mori + Kris Davis + Peter Evans + Asmodeus : John Zorn's Marathon Bagatelles – Salle Pleyel 11. Flamingods + Warmduscher + Triptides (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 11. Setaoc Mass + VTSS + Opal – NF-34 12. Carambolage + La Secte du futur + Entracte Twist + Order 89 (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 12. Tomaga + Утро + Tôle froide + Society of Silence + Sharif Lafrey + Elzo (dj) (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 11>13. Kraftwerk (fest. Days off) – Philharmonie 13. Miel de montagne + Raymond Amour + La Pince Monseigneur + Amazone (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 13. The Will Gregory Moog Ensemble (fest. Days off) – Le Studio|Philharmonie 13. Chloé & Vassilena Serafimova : "Sequenza" + Apparat (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 13. La Récré (Garage MU fest.) – canal de l'Ourcq 13. Metz + Bo Ningen + Ashinoa + Die Ufer + Panstarrs (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 13. Karenn + Casual Gabberz + D.Carbonne + Rendered + The Mover + Tim Tama + Attention Deficit Disorder + Freddy K + James Ruskin + Ascion + Bleaching Agent + Darzack + Hemka + Kotzaak & dj Skinhead + Lars Huismann + Damoclès + Demian + Dersee + Felicie + Herr Mike + Koboyo & Jarod + Scry & Theophiluss – Studio du Lendit (Saint-Denis) 17. Grand Blanc – Safari Boat 18. Neurosis + Yob – Bataclan 19. Illnurse + 74185# + Stefano Moretti – tba 26. CJ Bolland b2b D. Carbone + Endlec + Onhalt der Nacht b2b Echoes of October + SNTS + 138 + Animal Holocaust + CRDN + Falhaber + H880 + Injected + Keepsakes + Monsieur Nobody + Morneck + MSKD + Oposition + Paramod + Protokseed + Shirin + Van Der Wiese + VCL + Vortek's + Yannou (Thunder fest.) – La plage de Glazart 27. Anetha + Sentimental Rave + Fjaak + Parfait + Spfdj – tba Août 01. Thou + Yautja – Gibus 08>11. Deena Abdelwahed + Officine + December + En attendant Ana + A Strange Wedding + Avventur + Cuften + Poupard + Legion 808 + Hystérie + Summer Satana + Flore + Graal + KX9000 + Myako + The Homeopathics + Meuns... (Fest. Qui embrouille qui) – La Station 18. The Driver – But Mortemart|Bois de Boulogne 23. The Cure + Eels + Jeanne Added + Johnny Marr + Süeür... (fest. Rock en scène) – parc de Saint-Cloud 25. Aphex Twin + Foals + Deerhunter + Le Villejuif Underground... (fest. Rock en scène) – parc de Saint-Cloud 26/27. Patti Smith – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 28. Arnaud Rebotini – Safari Boat Septembre 05. Oh Sees + Frankie & The  Witch Fingers (20 ans du disquaire Born Bad) – Bataclan 06. Frustration + Arndales + Ero Guro + Bracco + Succhiamo + Maria Violenza (20 ans du disquaire Born Bad) – La Station 06. The Horrorist + Kobosil + VTSS + Airod + Félicie – La Machine 07. Le Prince Harry + Exek + Entracte (20 ans du disquaire Born Bad) – Point FMR 07/08. Vitamin X + N0V3L + 11Paranoias + The Rebel + 7Occvlta + Roy & The Devil's Motorcycle + Harry Merry + Holliday INN + Années Zéro + Chevignon + La Secte du futur + Hippie Diktat+ ZOH/astre + Pow! + Pile + Pious Faults ... (fest. Frissons acidulés) – Théâtre de verre Co-Arter 11. Crack Cloud – Petit Bain 12. Blawan – NF-34 14. Clan of Xymox + Plomb – Gibus 14. Danny Elfman & le Grand Orchestre d'Ile-de-France : cinéconcert sur "Alice au Pays des merveilles" de Tim Burton – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 18. The Wedding Present – Petit Bain 18. Lust For Youth – La Boule noire 20. Spiral Stairs + Canshaker Pi – Olympic café 23. The Foreign Resort + Seventeen at this Time + Trancept – Supersonic (gratuit) 23>25. John Cale – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 24. Drab Majesty + SRSQ – Petit Bain 25. Dälek + L'Envoûtante – Petit Bain 26. Burial Hex + Les Chasseurs de la nuit + Common Eider, King Eider + Visions – Les Voûtes 27. Noseholes – Espace B Octobre 01. Emma Ruth Rendel – Petit Bain 01. Sleaford Mods – La Cigale 04/05. Blush Response b2b Thomas P. Heckmann + Dave Clark + Rebekah + Regis + Tommy Four Seven b2b Ancient Methods + ABSL + AZF + Dax J + DVS 1 + Marcle Dettmann + Poison Point + Anetha b2b Randomer + Ben Klock + Andrejko + Amato & Adriani + Bassam + Boston 189 + Charles Green + Dersee + DJ Bone b2b Ben Sims + Fabrizio Rat + Felicie + Louisahhh b2b Maelstrom + Newa + SHDW & Obscure Shape + Thomas P. Heckmann + Tripeo b2b Hemka (Pulse fest.) – Le Grand Dôme (Villebon/Yvette) 05. Nuit de l'orgue avec des œuvres d'Éliane Radigue, Arvo Pärt, Olivier Messiaen, Phillip Glass, Nico Muhly, Jonathan Fitoussi... (Nuit blanche) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie (gratuit) 06. Daughters – La Maroquinerie 08. Sleep – Bataclan 09/10. Ty Segall & Freedom Band – La Cigale 11. New Order – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 14. King Gizzard & Tle Lizard Wizard – Olympia 14. Shannon Wright – Trianon 17. Puppetmastaz – Trabendo 18. Dream Syndicate – Petit Bain 19. Sisters of Mercy – Bataclan 19. Pixies – Olympia 23. Four Tet – Le 104 25. A Certain Ratio – Petit Bain 26. The Monochrome Set – Petit Bain 29. Agent Side Grinder – La Boule noire Novembre 08. Bedroom Community – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 08. Boy Harscher – Trabendo 10. Amiina : cinéconcert sur "Fantomas" de Louis Feuillade – Le Studio|Philharmonie 10. Ôlafur Atnald + Hugar – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Fontaine D.C. – Bataclan 14. Girl Band – La Maroquinerie 15. Chemical Brothers – Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt ) 17. Nitzer Ebb – La Machine 19. Earth – Petit Bain 24. The Young Gods + Les Tétines noires – La Machine 26. Wardruna – Olympia Décembre 06. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Koyaanisqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Powaqqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Naqoyqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 12. Mono + Jo Quail – Petit Bain 2020 Janvier 04. Rokia Traoré + Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 31. Tindersticks – Salle Pleyel Février 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale 24. Sleater Kinney – Le Trianon Mars 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 20. Ensemble Dedalus joue "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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oceanpourpre · 1 year
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Océan pourpre - Genesis concept 1 I finally start working on a big project . And this time, I truly will finish it
0 notes
princesstatianar · 5 years
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Полярная Роза Крещендо сияет над Южным полюсом Открывая небесный портал, Роза Ветров в океане любви Расцветает пурпуром звездной стихии. Большая Медведица лазурным оком Ведёт корабли мирным путём, Розы лиственницы алеют на хвойных ветвях Любовью природы сверкает эфир. Новый тон светится музой творения, Солнечный луч танцует на струнах лиры, Нежный голос лучезарной богини Солнца Поет квинтэссенцию золотой эры Земли. Княжна Татьяна Романова The Polar Rose Crescendo is shining over the South Pole Opening the heavenly portal, The Rose of Wind in the ocean of love Blossoming by the purple of a star element. Thé Ursa Major with its azure eye Leads the ships to a peaceful way The roses of larch blushing on the branches of conifers Nature’s love lightning up the Aether. The new tone is glowing with the muse of creation Sunlight is dancing on the strings of Lyre The tender voice of the radiant Sun goddess Singing the quintessence of the golden age of the Earth. Princess Tatiana Romanova La Rose Polar Le crescendo brille sur le pôle sud Ouvrant le portail céleste La rose des Vents dans l'océan de l amour Fleurit par le pourpre d'un élément étoilé. L’Ursa Major avec son œil azure Dirige les navires vers un chemin pacifique Les roses de mélèze rougissent sur les branches conifères L'éther étincelle de l'amour de la nature. Le nouveau ton brille avec la Muse de la création La lumière du soleil danse sur les cordes de Lyre La voix tendre de la déesse rayonnante du Soleil Chante la quintessence de l'âge d’or de la Terre. Princesse Tatiana Romanova La Rosa Polare Il crescendo risplende sul Polo Sud Apertura del portale celeste La Rosa dei Venti nell'oceano dell'amore Fiori dal magenta di un elemento stellato. L'Orsa Maggiore con il suo occhio azzurro Conduce le navi verso un percorso pacifico Le rose di larice arrossire sui rami conifere Ether suscita l'amore per la natura. Il nuovo tono risplende della Musa della Creazione La luce del sole balla sulle corde di Lira La dolce voce della dea radiosa del Sole Canta la quintessenza dell'epoca d'oro della Terra. Principessa Tatiana Romanova https://www.instagram.com/p/B3dEnf3I__J/?igshid=14oowkclsn2bm
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When the sunset dyes the ocean purple 💜 quand le coucher de soleil teint l'océan en pourpre
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awesomenicerus-blog · 7 years
semelle tandis Adidas Zx 750 Femme que la signature
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oceanpourpre · 1 year
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Lazy Watchdog
Krieger watchdog, Hydra, is a lazy ass when it's come to do cleaning 
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oceanpourpre · 1 year
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Beach Day
Dad and Mom don't have the same way to take care of the kids .
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