#Ofc it got fixed kind-of by the end of the episode but it's like. Legit phobia territory isn't it
cartoonsbyandie · 5 months
I always kinda imagined Kogoro's fear of heights was just like, a normal old fear he had that didn't have any kind of dramatic reason for it, but the longer the show goes on the more it feels like it has to have some kind of traumatic reason behind it. Man has a full on panic attack looking over the side of the building, that had to be caused by Something right??
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creatingnikki · 4 years
Start Up
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This was the first k-drama where I legit thought that the 2nd male lead was actually the first male lead until half-way through the show. While I do really like Nam Do-San’s character, I think  Han Ji-Pyeong made me feel WAY more. Especially in terms of the romantic chemistry. 
In the beginning, I was so satisfied with the show. But then I think somewhere around the 12th or 13th episode I started to get bored and disappointed. I think that’s mainly because halmeoni suddenly became a side side character and even Ji-Pyeong didn’t have as much screen time. I also feel like there were some sub-plots that were highly unnecessary because they weren’t fleshed out well and felt disconnected like the friend’s brother who died and he wanted revenge, the whole Alex California 3 year time-jump thing. Like that really slowed down the show and made me go ???  The finale however redeemed the show for me!
There were solid side characters in this k-drama, something I generally appreciate about k-dramas as a whole. The character development was also solid and sweet. I think the one that most touched me was Seo/Won In-Jae’s character development. 
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I found more depth in her character than even Seo Dal Mi’s. I loved how she changed her name and then visited her grandmother because she just couldn’t do that before it. I get it. I really do. I think we all take our time to do the things we should/want to and that’s completely okay.
Which brings me to the point that Seo Dal Mi, especially towards the second half, felt like a very basic character. I think she was perhaps the only one who didn’t have much development. I honestly didn’t even find her and Nam Do San’s romance to be great or swoon-worthy. 
The most touching connection for me in this kdrama was  Han Ji-Pyeong and halmeoni’s. Like OH MY GOD. Whether it was when he was a child or even as an adult, their scenes made me cry.
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 It was the most wholesome, sincere relationship in the entire show! Whether it was her taking him in and thinking he would rob her money in the shop or him thinking that she gave away his investment profits to her son - and both of them being wrong. The scene at the bus station where she gives him a new pair of shoes and tells him only to contact him when he is upset/alone/ill. 
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The fact that she calls him good boy. Ahhhhhh. EVERY bit of it. Like even in the finale when she goes to his house and breaks down when she recognises he is sad + lonely I couldn’t stop my tears!!!!! It’s like he can be his true self with halmeoni.
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And can I just ramble on about Ji-Pyeong? Firstly his dimples. I can’t deal. 
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Secondly his acting. Thirdly his dialogue and his character arc. The way he was so smart in investing and work. The way he could give real feedback and the way he could be honest with Nam Do-San at the end. Aso the fact that he asked him to stop feeling inferior - ahhhhh. Someone really needed to tell Do-San to feel confident and enough and the fact that Ji-Pyeong did that meanth EVERYTHING. Everything about Ji-Pyeong had my heart! His conversations with Yeong-Shila and his drunk moments. And everything in between. I am really heartbroken that he ended up alone. To be honest, by the end of it I really wanted him to end up with In-Jae. I think they as a couple would surprise all of us. 
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I know this may be a controversial opinion but both In-Jae and Ji-Pyeong were such strong characters and I feel like they would have easily overpowered the actual first leads (individually and together) if some more attention was paid to them. Which is probably why it wasn’t? But I feel like had the writers of the show leaned more into these two characters. They were smart, mature, emotionally more complex and that’s probably one of my major disappointments with Start-Up. 
But anyhooo, I really appreciated that the last scene was Nam Do-San and Seo Dal-Mi walking to their investor meeting and not their wedding scene. Because yaaaas power couple! I also love how her being the CEO didn’t make Do-San feel inferior or have some sexist ego complex. 
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Talking about other side characters I really appreciated Seo Dal Mi’s mom’s redemption. It warmed my heart. I loved how Nam DO San’s father at the end put up the Samsan Tech sign board in the living room and said that the next time he thinks his son is doing something he doesn’t approve of he will look at it 3 times and wait it out/support him? Jung Sa-Ha and Lee Chul-San���s romance appealed to me a lot more than the leads’ romance - no kidding. 
Some of my FAVOURITE scenes were between Nam Do-San and Ji-Pyeong. Like in one of the first few episodes when they are at that conference/party where Nam Do-San shows up as a hot-shot entrepreneur for Dal-Mi and then the two guys move aside to show that they are talking and know each other and Do-San is like what do we talk about? ANd Ji-Pyeong is like let’s just recite the national anthem! I DIED. And then at the end when he invests in Cheonymyeong and they shake hands, how initially Ji-Pyeong only shakes with his two fingers. They both individually and together were beautiful. 
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Also can I just say how cool I found the founder and CEO of sandbox just struck me as the COOLEST woman? She’s the kind of person I’d want as my mentor and friend if I was starting a business. And Dal Mi-s father’s backstory is just so very s ad with him finally getting an investment but also like dying the very same day. Sandbox really feels in some way his legacy? 
And I also low-key found the relation between Ji-Pyeong and park Dong-Chun endearing. Like ho Dong-Chun aways recommends all these lovely start ups that aren’t really profitable but he just cannot resist it! And how Ji-Pyeong finally personally invests in the start up for kids who leave orphanages at 18 in the end :’) I was waiting for him to finally personally invest in something like this because he’s rich and he can and I loved it. More than the investing, his meeting with the CEO of that start up was funny and how he wasn’t harsh towards him and how also said he wants a few kids that he can mentor! My heart!
Nam Do-San. I love how he had SO many insecurities because I have always associated that with the female leads whether in kdramas or just generally in the world of fiction. And the fact that he didn’t have any toxic or abusive outlets for his issues is what made me adore him. The friendship between him and his two developer friends was also very heartwarming.
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I did really like the business and entrepreneurship aspect of the show like how thye tried to include concepts like the J curve and why you should be a majority shareholder in your own business and what investors look for and stuff. Ofc I would have LOVED it to be more heavy on that aspect but I get that for the general viewership that probably wouldn’t have worked. 
One of the most striking things about Start Up was the relationship between the two sisters. I can’t tell you how much I was digging the fact that neither of them, especially Won In-Jae (at the time) tried to backstab or fuck things up for the other. Even though they had been away for a decade and clearly had made opposite choices in picking their parents and hence a lot of their life, they didn’t once sabotage the other. In fact, they were always concerned about the other when it really came down to it. And them reuniting and working together was a highlight for me. 
This is one of the few kdramas that got the finale done so beautifully. But since Ji-Pyeong’s 2020 life wasn’t really shown to us this is how I’m narrating it in my head. He and In-Jae get together and are this smart power-couple who can open up with each other and be soft and adorable. He also has formed meaningful connections with two kids who left the orphanage and their connection is as wholesome as his and halmeoni's. He and In-Jae live  together in his apartment facing Han River and keep cutely arguing over start up ideas and companies to invest in. Now any time he looks at Seo Dal Mi and Do San he feels friendly affection and this sort of protective vibe. He found some super eye specialist and got halmeoni's eye sight fixed. Her corn dog shop became a huge franchise cos plot twist In Jae and Dal Mi's mother is actually v strategic in business growth.
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zackmartin · 3 years
Can I ask your opinion on the thundermans? Who was your favorite? and why?
Okay, I'm super sorry, I didn't intend to take three days to answer this, but I knew I'd want to put some thought into it and I have very little energy most days but anyway
Ofc you can ask! I'm a big fan of giving my opinion on kids shows I'm too old for /genuine
As a disclaimer though: I like the thundermans, and it's one of my faves as far as Nickelodeon shows go, but my memory sucks so I end up forgetting like, 90% of it once I finish a rewatch so if I misremember something or get something wrong, I apologize.
Max was definitely my favorite, hands down. I'll give a few reasons in a minute, but honestly he's just,,, my Brand™ of favorite character. Like, if you stick around here long enough, you'll start to notice a pattern, with Zack being the blueprint lskdfj
For one, I think a lot of had to do with the fact that he's,, kind of an underdog?? His parents showed obvious favoritism towards Phoebe, and even though his supervillain thing did end up being a "phase" of sorts, I never cared for the fact that his parents always referred to it as such, especially when it's revealed that the reason he does so is because he doesn't want to be compared to Phoebe and be seen as second best. Also, he's insanely smart, and it's never really addressed??? Like, some of his inventions are super impressive, but since he uses them mostly for pranks or things along those lines, it's just sort of glossed over and it's never really acknowledged how amazing it is?? (kinda ties into the favoritism). Like, I know it was for the joke, but he legit built a laser that could reach the moon??? And that's just the first one I thought of, I know he's got so many more.
Like, I just have a tendency to love characters that I feel are undervalued and underappreciated in their respective canons, maybe as a way to make up for it, despite the fact that they aren't real and wont know alsdkfj
and max fits the bill for that 10000%.
Also, I'm a big big fan of characters with hearts of gold, especially when they don't make it overtly obvious or they try to pretend like they dont have one, and with max, even when he was "evil" (which, he was never straight-up evil, but ya know) it was shown that he has a super big heart. Like, he was shown time and time again to be super protective. some examples off the top of my head are: one of the very first episodes when he took the blame for Phoebe to their parents so she wouldn't be punished, in the christmas episode when he decided to fix things and he literally says he wasn't intending on ruining Nora's whole life, just her day and then he turns around and makes it the perfect christmas for her, when he walked out on Dark Mayhem (somebody he idolized and was trying desperately to get on the radar of) so he could fix things with Phoebe, in the Haunted Hathaways crossover when he saved Scott and what's-her-name's relationship (I haven't watched the haunted hathaways much yet so I'm forgetting her name laskdf my apologies), when he stood up for nora and talked about how great she was to her crush in that episode where she accidentally ended up with a beard
and that's literally just the things I can think of off the top of my head, I know there's sooooo many more than that.
And, honestly, this has more to do with the writing than Max himself, but I think his arc is one of the best ones when it comes to kids shows. I have a lot of grievances (still love it, tho! still love it!) when it comes to the thundermans, and it wasn't perfect, but his transition from supervillain to superhero was brilliant
If I had the time to sit down and rewatch the thundermans and really collect my thoughts I could give you wayyyy more details than this, but that's pretty much the gist.
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ufocafe · 8 years
do all the voltron asks!!
holy moly thanks pal i’ll answer them under the cut bc i anticipate it’ll be Longe since idk how to shut the fuck up
keith: how edgy/emo do u consider yourself to be?
tbh i don’t think i’m that bad like trust me i used to be way worse but overall on the inside i am Soft on the outside i still look hella edgy bc all my clothes are black and it’s just ,, how i look
shiro: are you a good leader and can you handle responsibility?
no and no i am So Bad at being in charge cause i don’t like telling people what to do and i’m a stressed out pushover who avoids anything like group projects at all costs
lance: what’s your type of humor and what’s your favorite meme?
whatever the hell this blog consists of is my humor it’s legit just a shitpost collection. nd my fav meme would probs be the whole cryptid meme trend ? idk if it counts as a meme itself but i lob posts that are like ‘i saw mothman in a overly air conditioned chili’s at 5:47 pm and he bought me a soda’
pidge: are you good w/ technology?
i’d say i’m average for someone my age like i’m a teenager in 2017 so i can operate simple stuff like computers and phones, find how to fix small problems but i’m not a #hacker though i did go to wikihow once to try and learn then gave up after a solid 30 seconds bc it was too hard
hunk: how kind and loyal do you consider yourself?
i’d say i’m pretty kind like i can be rude to a handful of ppl but only cause they’re bad ppl so it evens out. idk bout loyal cause ig it means to stick by your friendos and support them which ofc i do but i can’t say that i like stay by someone’s side thru everything bc sometimes things become Too Much or stuff goes down and u just gotta blast
allura: do you feel underestimated sometimes? and should you totally be the black paladin?
i feel like it’s more overestimated? lots of ppl expect great things from me that i don’t think i can achieve so it’s p stressful. also black paladin allura 4 life
coran: what’s your fav show other than voltron?
i have so many so i’m just gonna name a few; over the garden wall, star vs, gravity falls, stranger things, steven universe, etc.
zarkon: would you consider universe domination for your lost cat/pet
i,, don’t think so ? i mean idk what this question is rly implying like did someone steal my pet and now i gotta take over the world ? or did it die and the only way to like avenge it or whatever is world domination bc probably no to both which sounds heartless since i lob my dog but like everythings gotta die someday and i’m not gonna take over the world to reverse/stop smthn thats inevitable
kaltenecker: do you look good in sunglasses?
not sure i never wear then since i have glasses and rarely go to a beach-like setting but i probably do
slav: are you a perfectionist? do you believe in alternate universes?
i’d say i’m in the middle of perfectionist and absolute walking tornado like i’m so fucking messy and i’ll let stuff pile up until i’m basically living in a dump and i’ll hate it sm but i’m so lazy cause Depression then one day i’ll just do a massive clean up and make everything PERFECT. also yes i like to think theres alternate universes/realities it’s a cool concept to think abt cause it doesn’t exactly affect me it’s not an existential thing like pondering if god exists its more like “i wonder if i’m a duck in another reality”
thace: would you go against the authority if it was the right thing to do?
ofc fuck the authority
haggar: who is your fav character in voltron?
i’d have to say lance i lob my sweet son
matt: what are some things you like abt watching voltron?
i have to admit i’m more into filler episodes rather than fight scenes every few minutes so probably just like all the humor and team bonding it warms my emotionless heart
commander holt: do you like peas?
voltron: are you a team player? do you prefer to work alone?
i rather work alone bc then i get to use all my ideas instead of make a compromise with someone else cause i can never find the voice to speak up for what i want so i just end up watching ppl do stuff i don’t like when there’s stuff i think would be better
blue lion: how trusting and loyal do you think you are?
i already mentioned the loyal thing but for trusting i think i trust too easily? ill just spill beans to ppl i’ve barely known for a long time i wish i was more mysterious but whatevs
red lion: how impulsive and/or decisive are you?
i have 0 impulse control for example i have problems with picking at my skin and i’ll just see a piece kinda tore away and before i know it my fingers are all bloody and i’m like owo what’s this. but when i actually put thought into a decision i am very indecisive because i always wanna make youre i’m making the right choice w/ smthn like choosing classes or buying a certain thing
green lion: how curious are you and what subjects are you interested in?
while being impulsive i’m also quite curious so if i wanna go sneak and see smthn there’s not hesitation. i like english/writing and psychology stuff.
yellow lion: do you consider yourself strong and reliable?
i don’t think i’m either i mean i’ll always be there for ppl if they need me but i don’t really think i’m the best person to lift ppl up even if i wanna
black lion: what are some things you want in season 3?
def more lance and hunk character development, some gay shit (cough klance cough) more team bonding in general, and allura piloting black lion ofc
rover: what’s one fact abt a pet you have/had?
once i had a dog and i can’t recall his breed but he looked just like toto from the wizard of oz and we had him for a few months but he pissed everywhere and on everything so we ended up selling him to some ppl. fast forward to a few months later maybe a year the couple had auditioned him to play toto in the school’s wizard of oz play and he got the part so that was cool
shay: do you love hunk? how do you feel abt the enviroment?
i lob hunk with all my heart he is a sweet bean + i care abt the enviorment a lot i think that with trump as president it’s really gonna go to shit more than it already is bc obv it’s been a dilemma for years now but with the goverment denying climate change and all that i rly fear for our planet
lotor: how concerned are you abt your looks?
i think i’m generally good looking but that’s not to say i’m not concerned with my looks bc i kinda am like ill see myself as cute or smthn but then as soon as acne starts popping up or my hair is bad i kinda just spend the next few days doing whatever i can to fix it so i stay nice hnngh it’s a work in progress
alfor: when faced with conflict, would you rather fight or flee?
i suppose it depends on the type of conflict but i’m most likely to fight until it gets too stressful and then leave
ulaz: would you sacrifice yourself for a cause?
we were asked a similar question in history regarding the dude who discovered gravity or smthn like that idk and it went against the churches beliefs so there was a trial and it was either death or admit he was wrong which is a pretty big thing i guess and we can all say we’d die for what we believed but if it actually came down to it the answer is kinda blurry. i had said i’d say i was wrong then continue to spread my info. underground or just flee but unlucky 4 him he was on house arrest for the rest of his life so choose wisely kiddos
i think i’m gonna sleeb now so bye
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