#Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
ngdrb · 2 months
The accomplishments of Joe Biden during his presidency
Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States, assumed office at a pivotal moment in history, facing a myriad of challenges ranging from a global pandemic to economic uncertainty and social unrest.
Throughout his presidency, President Biden has pursued an ambitious agenda aimed at addressing these pressing issues and advancing key policy priorities. In this essay, we will examine some of the notable accomplishments of Joe Biden during his time in office and the impact of his leadership on the nation.
One of the most significant accomplishments of President Biden during his presidency has been his administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Upon taking office, President Biden made the pandemic a top priority and swiftly implemented a national strategy to combat the spread of the virus and accelerate the vaccination campaign.
Under his leadership, the administration successfully exceeded its initial goal of administering 100 million vaccine doses within the first 100 days, ultimately surpassing 200 million doses. This aggressive vaccination effort has been instrumental in curbing the spread of the virus and has contributed to a significant reduction in COVID-19 cases and deaths across the country.
 In addition to his focus on public health, President Biden has made substantial strides in revitalizing the American economy in the wake of the pandemic. The administration's American Rescue Plan, a comprehensive COVID-19 relief package, provided much-needed financial assistance to individuals, families, and businesses impacted by the economic downturn. The plan included direct stimulus payments to Americans, extended unemployment benefits, support for small businesses, and funding for vaccine distribution and testing. 
President Biden's economic agenda has also centered on job creation and infrastructure investment, culminating in the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, a historic legislation that allocates substantial funding for modernizing the nation's infrastructure, creating millions of jobs, and bolstering economic growth. Furthermore, President Biden has been a vocal advocate for advancing racial equity and social justice in the United States. His administration has taken concrete steps to address systemic inequalities and promote inclusivity, including the signing of executive orders to combat discrimination, promote fair housing, and strengthen tribal sovereignty. 
Additionally, President Biden signed into law the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, establishing Juneteenth as a federal holiday to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States. These actions underscore the administration's commitment to confronting the legacy of racism and fostering a more equitable society for all Americans.
 Moreover, President Biden has demonstrated a strong commitment to combating climate change and advancing environmental sustainability.
 His administration rejoined the Paris Agreement on climate change, signaling a renewed dedication to global cooperation in addressing the climate crisis. In November 2021, President Biden convened a virtual Leaders Summit on Climate, bringing together world leaders to discuss ambitious measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and accelerate the transition to clean energy. 
Additionally, the administration has unveiled a comprehensive plan to invest in clean energy infrastructure, promote energy efficiency, and prioritize environmental justice, aiming to position the United States as a global leader in the fight against climate change. 
In the realm of foreign policy, President Biden has sought to reassert American leadership on the world stage and rebuild alliances with international partners. His administration has prioritized diplomacy and multilateral engagement, working to address global challenges such as nuclear proliferation, cybersecurity threats, and human rights abuses. 
President Biden has reaffirmed the United States' commitment to NATO and other key alliances, signaling a departure from the isolationist policies of the previous administration. His approach to foreign affairs has emphasized the importance of collaboration and collective action in tackling shared global concerns, fostering a more cohesive and cooperative international order. Furthermore, 
President Biden has been a steadfast proponent of expanding access to affordable healthcare and strengthening the Affordable Care Act. His administration has taken steps to bolster the ACA, including increasing enrollment outreach, expanding coverage options, and lowering healthcare costs for millions of Americans. 
President Biden has also championed efforts to address mental health challenges and substance abuse disorders, recognizing the critical importance of mental and behavioral health in overall well-being. 
In conclusion, President Joe Biden has achieved a range of significant accomplishments during his tenure in office, from his swift and effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic to his ambitious efforts to revitalize the economy, promote racial equity, combat climate change, and reinvigorate America's role in global affairs. 
His leadership has been marked by a steadfast commitment to addressing pressing domestic and international challenges and advancing a progressive policy agenda aimed at fostering a more equitable, resilient, and prosperous future for the nation. As his presidency continues to unfold, the enduring impact of his accomplishments is likely to shape the trajectory of the United States for years to come, leaving a lasting imprint on the fabric of American society and the global community.
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Daniel Villarreal at LGBTQ Nation:
A completed draft Texas Republican Party platform refers to homosexuality as “an abnormal lifestyle choice,” gender-affirming care as “child abuse,” and Drag Queen Story Hour as “predatory sexual behavior.” The platform has been voted on by state party delegates and will be formally adopted on Wednesday after a final vote count. The list of state party priorities calls for an end to legal same-sex marriages, same-sex parenting, all LGBTQ+ anti-discrimination laws, all transgender rights — including gender-affirming care for children and adults — a ban on LGBTQ+ content in schools and libraries, the defunding of all diversity-equity-inclusion (DEI) initiatives, and legal protections for anyone who discriminates against queer people based on “religious or moral beliefs.”
Furthermore, the Texas GOP platform calls for a complete end to all of the following: pornography, federal welfare programs, minimum wage laws, mandatory sick or family leave policies, net neutrality, removal of Confederate monuments, pro-immigrant sanctuary cities, public education of undocumented children, no-fault divorce, non-abstinence sex education, abortion, birthright citizenship, professorial tenure in colleges and universities, cannabis legalization, anti-climate change legislation, contact tracing for the tracking of communicable diseases, federal regulations ensuring safe farm food production, and U.S. participation in the United Nations and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The platform also calls for fertilized human egg cells to be legally recognized as people, the passage of a “state electoral college-style” law that would make it nearly impossible for Democrats to win statewide office, a ballot measure for Texas to secede from the United States, the invalidation of all federal laws not approved of by county sheriffs, and for Christianity to be inserted into public schools and government buildings.
[...] “Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice,” it continues. “No one should be granted special legal status based on their LGBTQ+ identification…. We are opposed to same-sex parenting, intentionally subjecting a child to the loss of their biological father or mother, and other non-traditional definitions of family.” “We oppose all efforts to validate transgender identity,” it adds. “There shall be no attempt to engage in so-called ‘gender affirming’ medical or mental health intervention for persons between the ages of 18 and 26,” including the use of names and pronouns associated with trans people’s genders. The platform would require health insurance companies covering gender-affirming care to also fully fund de-transitional procedures. The platform says that any professionals who aid a minor’s gender transition in any way should face professional, civil, and criminal penalties, as well as lawsuits from anyone affected by their behavior. Furthermore, it calls for all gender-segregated facilities in prisons, schools, and government buildings to only be accessible to people based on their biological sex assigned at birth.
[...] It also calls for laws prohibiting the exposure of minors to “social transitioning” (that is, exploration of a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth), “predatory sexual behaviors” like Drag Queen Story Hour, and “the desensitization of children to sexual topics.”
The Texas GOP's platform reaffirms and expands its war on LGBTQ+ Texans, such as including anti-LGBTQ+, anti-trans, and anti-drag planks like baselessly calling Drag Queen Story Hours "predatory sexual behaviors" and gender-affirming care "child abuse".
This is in addition to calling homosexuality "an abnormal lifestyle choice" (a bigoted dogwhistle term used against recognizing LGBTQ+ identity) and opposing trans identity.
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mimi-0007 · 4 months
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****†** EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS BEFORE YOU VOTE. ****Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of policy proposals to thoroughly reshape the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president. It adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory—which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration. Unitary executive theory is a disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States. Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the entire government, particularly with regard to economic and social policies and the role of the federal government and its agencies. The plan proposes slashing funding for the Department of Justice (DOJ), dismantling the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), sharply reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favor of fossil fuel production, eliminating the Department of Commerce, and ending the independence of various federal agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The blueprint seeks to institute tax cuts, though its writers disagree on the wisdom of protectionism. .
Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other government agencies, or terminated. Scientific research would receive federal funding only if it suits conservative principles. The Project urges the government to explicitly reject abortion as health care and to restrict access to contraception. The Heritage Foundation, an American conservative think tank that leads the development of Project 2025, asserted in April 2024 that "the radical Left hates families" and "wants to eliminate the family and replace it with the state" while driving the country to emulate totalitarian nations, such as North Korea. The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity, stating in its Mandate that "freedom is defined by God, not man." Project 2025 proposes criminalizing pornography, removing protections against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity, and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, as well as affirmative action. The Project advises the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and to direct the DOJ to pursue Donald Trump's adversaries by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807. It recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants across the country. It promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of such sentences. Project director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, explained that Project 2025 is "systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state." Dans admitted that it was "counterintuitive" to recruit so many people to join the government in order to shrink it, but pointed out the need for a future President to "regain control" of the federal government. Although the project does not promote a specific presidential candidate, many contributors have close ties to Donald Trump and his presidential campaign. The Heritage Foundation has developed Project 2025 in collaboration with over 100 partners including Turning Point USA, led by its executive director Charlie Kirk; the Conservative Partnership Institute including former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows as senior partner; the Center for Renewing America, led by former Trump Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought; and America First Legal, led by former Trump Senior Advisor Stephen Miller. The Project is detailed in Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, a version of which Heritage has written as transition plans for each prospective Republican president since 1980. Critics of Project 2025 have described it as an authoritarian Christian nationalist movement and a path for the United States to become an autocracy. Several experts in law have indicated that it would undermine the rule of law and the separation of powers. Some conservatives and Republicans also criticized the plan, for example in the contexts of centralizing power, climate change, and foreign trade.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Brett Wilkins
Common Dreams
Sept. 13, 2023
"It's clear that the crisis is spiraling out of control and the policies of your administration with regard to fossil fuels fail to align with what the science tells us must happen to avert calamity."
In an open letter published Wednesday, around 400 scientists implored U.S. President Joe Biden to endorse the demands of this weekend's March to End Fossil Fuels in New York—which include halting new fossil fuel projects, ending oil and gas drilling on public lands, and declaring a climate emergency.
Noting that "on your first day in office, you issued an executive order pledging that it is 'the policy of my administration to listen to the science' in tackling the climate crisis," the letter's signers lamented that "more than two years later, it's clear that the crisis is spiraling out of control and the policies of your administration with regard to fossil fuels fail to align with what the science tells us must happen to avert calamity."
"With the climate crisis raging all around us—in the form of fires, floods, hurricanes, drought, heatwaves, crop failures, and more—we call on you directly, clearly, and unequivocally to stop enacting policies contrary to science and do what is needed to address the crisis," the signatories added.
The scientists called on Biden to:
Stop federal approval for new fossil fuel projects and repeal permits for climate bombs like the Willow project and the Mountain Valley Pipeline;
Phase out fossil drilling on our public lands and waters;
Declare a climate emergency to halt fossil fuel exports and investments abroad, and turbocharge the buildout of more just, resilient distributed energy (like rooftop and community solar); and
Provide a just transition to a renewable energy future that generates millions of jobs while supporting workers' and community rights, job security, and employment equity.
"We scientists heard the president loud and clear when he pledged two years ago to 'listen to the science' on climate. Yet now we're watching our nation's greenhouse gas emissions spiral out of control while White House policy becomes increasingly unaligned with reality," Sandra Steingraber—an initial signatory of the letter and a senior scientist at the Science and Environmental Health Network"—said in a statement.
"Science says we need to ratchet down fossil fuel extraction—the White House is doubling down," she added. " Scientists are here to say that our data support the demands of this march."
"Given how bad global heating has now gotten, it's simply insane that President Biden still refuses to declare a climate emergency."
Peter Kalmus of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory—another initial signer—said that "given how bad global heating has now gotten, it's simply insane that President Biden still refuses to declare a climate emergency, and indeed, continues to make everything worse by expanding fossil fuels."
"Nothing takes away my hope for humanity's collective future more than Biden's choice to stand with the fossil fuel industry," Kalmus added. "He must pivot and become the climate leader the planet needs, or else he'll continue locking in higher temperatures and ever more irreversible damage to Earth's habitability."
Nearly 800 international, national, and local organizations have endorsed Sunday's March to End Fossil Fuels, which comes ahead of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres' Climate Ambition Summit and this fall's U.N. Climate Change Conference—also known as COP28—in Dubai. More than 400 marches, rallies, and other climate mobilizations are slated for this weekend.
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antidrumpfs · 1 year
Opinion-Joe Biden: We must keep marching toward Dr. King’s dream
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From the Joe Biden Washington Post opinion piece August 27, 2023
Sixty years ago, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and hundreds of thousands of fellow Americans marched on Washington for jobs and freedom. In describing his dream for us all, Dr. King spoke of redeeming the “promissory note to which every American was to fall heir” derived from the very idea of America — we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. While we’ve never fully lived up to that promise as a nation, we have never fully walked away from it, either. Each day of the Biden-Harris administration, we continue the march forward.
That includes a fundamental break with trickle-down economics that promised prosperity but failed America, especially Black Americans, over the past several decades. Trickle-down economics holds that taxes should be cut for the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations, that public investments in priorities such as education, infrastructure and health care should be shrunk, and good jobs shipped overseas. It has exacerbated inequality and systemic barriers that make it harder for Black Americans to start a business, own a home, send their children to school and retire with dignity.
Vice President Harris and I came into office determined to change the economic direction of the country and grow the economy from the middle out and bottom up, not the top down. Our plan — Bidenomics — is working. Because of the major laws and executive orders I’ve signed — from the American Rescue Plan, the bipartisan infrastructure law, the Chips and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, my executive orders on racial equity and more — we’re advancing equity in everything we do making unprecedented investments in all of America, including for Black Americans.
Black unemployment fell to a historic low this spring and remains near that level.More Black small businesses are starting up than we’ve seen in over 25 years. More Black families have health insurance. We cut Black child poverty in half in my first year in office. We aredelivering clean water and high-speed internet to homes across America. We’re taking on Big Pharma to reduce prescription drug costs, such as making the cost of insulin for seniors $35 a month. We’re taking the most significant action on climate ever, which is reducing pollution and creating jobs for Black Americans in the clean energy future.
This administration will continue to prioritize increasing access to government contracting and lending. We awarded a record $69.9 billion in federal contracts to small, disadvantaged businesses in fiscal 2022. We’re taking on housing discrimination and increasing Black homeownership. To date, we’ve invested more than $7 billion in historically Black colleges and universities to prepare students for high-growth industries. We’ve approved more than $116 billion in student loan debt cancellation for 3.4 million Americans so that borrowers receive the relief they deserve. And a new student debt repayment plan is helping Black students and families cut in half their total lifetime payments per dollar borrowed. We’re doing all of this by making sure the biggest corporations begin to pay their fair share, keeping my commitment that Americans earning less than $400,000 a year not pay a single penny more in federal taxes.
And to help guide these policies, I made it a priority to appoint Black leaders to my Cabinet, my staff, in the judiciary and to key positions in agencies such as the Federal Reserve to ensure policymakers represent the experiences of all Americans in the economy.
But we know government can’t do it alone. Private-sector leaders have rightly acted to ensure their companies are more reflective of America, often in response to their employees, their customers and their own consciences. Right now, the same guardians of trickle-down economics who attack our administration’s economic policies are also attacking the private sector and the views of the American people. A recent poll from the nonpartisan Black Economic Alliance Foundation shows overwhelming bipartisan support for promoting diversity as central to a company being more innovative and more profitable, and central to fulfilling the promise of our country for all Americans. Despite the attacks, we all must keep pushing to create a workforce that reflects America.
For generations, Black Americans haven’t always been fully included in our democracy or our economy, but by pure courage and heart, they have never given up pursuing the American Dream. We saw in Jacksonville, Fla., yet another community wounded by an act of gun violence, reportedly fueled by hate-filled animus. We must refuse to live in a country where Black families going to the store or Black students going to school live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin. On this day of remembrance, let us keep showing that racial equity isn’t just an aspiration. Let us reject the cramped view that America is a zero-sum game that holds that for one to succeed, another must fail. Let us remember America is big enough for everyone to do well and reach their God-given potential.
That’s how we redeem the promissory note of our nation.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
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Excerpt from this story from the Associated Press (AP):
The death certificates of more than 2,300 people who died in the United States last summer mention the effects of excessive heat, the highest number in 45 years of records, according to an Associated Press analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. With May already breaking heat records, 2024 could be even deadlier.
And more than two dozen doctors, public health experts, and meteorologists told the AP that last year’s figure was only a fraction of the real death toll. Coroner, hospital, ambulance and weather records show America’s heat and health problem at an entirely new level.
“We can be confident saying that 2023 was the worst year we’ve had from since ... we’ve started having reliable reporting on that,” said Dr. John Balbus, director of the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity at the Department of Health and Human Services.
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mariacallous · 1 year
So far, the hard data on Latino voting behavior and policy preferences strongly suggests it is likely that President Biden will garner a similar share of Latino voters as Democratic candidates in 2022, thus helping the President win another term in office.
There are three main reasons why, all driven by rigorous survey data and election results.
First, Republicans do not have a policy agenda or policy proposals that are popular with Latino voters.
Second, as the economy continues to stabilize, Latinos’ policy priorities will be much more diverse than they were in 2020 when economic stress and fear led Trump to perform well among Latinos who identified the economy as their primary concern.
Third, the 2022 election outcomes made clear that Latinos helped Democrats win narrow House seats across the country, bucking historic trends and a national mood that should have led to a higher vote margin for Republican candidates.
Let’s start with a brief breakdown of Latino policy preferences. As we have discussed in prior analysis, Latinos overall, and particularly Latino voters under 30, are highly supportive of the progressive policy agenda that the Biden administration will embrace in 2024. In fact, Republicans did not have any policy proposals that garnered more than 30% support among Latinos in either 2020 or 2022. On issues of tax policy, health care, abortion rights, gun safety, climate change, and immigration, a very clear majority of Latino voters support Democratic proposals.
One of the best academic analyses of Latino voting behavior in 2020 by political scientists Angela Ocampo, Angie Gutierrez, and Sergio Garcia-Rios found that Latino concern over the economy and Trump’s promise to immediately re-open the economy did, in fact, help him gain support among enough Latinos to generate the improvement from 2016 that has been widely discussed by pundits and the media. Former President Trump was able to use his business background to convince about 10% more Latinos than usual to vote Republican due to the economic uncertainty the country faced during the pandemic. As the economy continues to return to normal after the pandemic, the fear and uncertainty that led to gains for the Trump campaign among Latinos may no longer help Republicans.
Second, without the pandemic solidifying policy salience around either pandemic relief or addressing the associated economic collapse, Latinos’ policy priorities will be much more diffused in 2024. Just like in 2022 when abortion policy emerged as a key priority for Latino voters due to an unpopular SCOTUS decision, and large percentages of Latino voters identified gun violence as a top issue driving their vote, 2024 is likely to see issues beyond the economy mobilize voters. In fact, the recent SCOTUS decisions are likely to make affirmative action and protection of the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans priorities for Latino voters. Survey data from the 2022 Latino electorate found that many Latino voters were angered by the Supreme Court’s actions in 2022, with these voters being much more likely to support Democratic candidates. It is highly likely that this will happen once again in 2024, helping the Biden campaign capitalize on the enthusiasm the SCOTUS decisions will generate among Latinos.1
In order for Latinos to support Republicans to a greater extent in 2024 than in 2020, Republicans would have to present a policy agenda that resonates with the vast majority of Latinos. This is simply not happening. On the contrary, Republicans continue to lean heavily on messages that attack vulnerable groups of Americans. Indeed, many Republican-led states have moved to ban diversity, equity, and inclusion. They have banned the teaching of history that lifts up African American, American Indian, Latino, and Asian American struggles, stories, and successes. This is not an agenda popular with Latinos, and this is not George W. Bush’s Republican Party, which spent years attempting to improve its image with minorities and immigrants. Republicans have still not matched their high point of 40% of the Latino vote won by George W. Bush in 2004, and heading into 2024, more data suggests Biden will improve on his 2020 numbers and reverse a short-term, pandemic-related slide in 2020.
The third point in our argument is perhaps the most important. The same predictions of Latino voters moving to the right to help propel a red wave ahead of the 2022 election proved to be dead wrong. History has shown that the incumbent’s party should lose support in their first midterm, with many predictions suggesting a double-digit slip among Latinos from 2020 to 2022. But that did not happen. Yes, there was a modest shift toward the GOP from 2020, but Latinos turned out to vote in high numbers and continued to vote 2-to-1 for Democrats in 2022. In fact, recent research finds that the improvement the GOP had with Latino voters relative to the 2018 election when Democrats garnered a nearly 50% advantage with Latinos was not due to shifts in voting behavior but higher voter turnout among Latino Republicans.
Across several specific races in 2022, Latino voters were key to Democratic victories, often in districts and states poised for Republicans to win. For example, pundits said Senator Cortez Masto could lose the Latino vote and lose reelection. She did not, and it was the Latino vote in Clark and Washoe counties that provided the critical margin of victory. Likewise, Democrats held three toss-up House seats across Nevada thanks to strong turnout and support from Latinos. In Arizona, Latinos turned out in large numbers giving Democrats three consecutive statewide wins in what had been a safe Republican state. In South Texas, Latino Democrat Vicente Gonzalez easily defeated Latina Republican Mayra Flores to flip the seat back to the Democrats, and Latino Democrat Henry Cuellar posted a double-digit win in a second South Texas seat that was projected to be a tight race.
In Colorado’s new 8th district, Latina Democrat Yadira Caraveo won on the strength of the Latino vote. It was the same story in New Mexico’s 2nd district where Latino Democrat Gabe Vasquez flipped a Republican seat with an upset against a Trump-endorsed Republican incumbent based on strong Latino support. In Orlando, Democrats elected Afro-Latino Maxwell Frost and now have two Latino House members in Central Florida.
Much can happen between now and the general election. However, today feels a lot like the run-up to the 2022 election when many pundits were predicting a shift to the GOP among Latino voters that would help propel a big year for Republicans. Those predictions never materialized then, and thus far the data suggests the same predictions about 2024 will not materialize next November.
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WHO's Second Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health.
The combined effects of ambient and household air pollution cause approximately 7 million deaths each year. 99% of the world's population breathes air that exceeds the WHO Guidelines, according to this Organization's data. It is low- and middle-income countries that face exposure to the highest concentrations. The Second Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health will be, in this context, a great opportunity to present the region's progress in the initiative to eliminate the use of polluting fuels in homes and in the actions developed to address air pollution as a risk factor for non-communicable diseases.
The event, which includes pre- and post-conference sessions on March 24 and 28, will bring together ministers of health, environment and energy, as well as officials from national, intergovernmental and development agencies. The Second Conference aims to highlight solutions needed to reduce ambient air pollution and lack of access to clean household energy, strengthen policy and technical cooperation among stakeholders, as well as help catalyze evidence-based, multi-sectoral actions in cities, countries and regions aimed at preventing disease, saving lives, improving public health, boosting sustainable economic development and mitigating climate change.
Colombia, as a co-host country of the Conference, is also one of the regional leaders for air pollution response. In 2023, the country hosted the first AirQ+ regional expert group meeting and is advancing a broad application of the tool in the country.
367,000 deaths per year from air pollution in the Americas
Air pollution is one of the main environmental risk factors for noncommunicable diseases and exposure to these pollutants can weaken the immune system, making people more susceptible to communicable diseases. It has been shown, for example, that exposure to household air pollution causes noncommunicable diseases such as stroke, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer. In addition, the use of biomass for cooking and exposure to fumes and particulate matter is associated with respiratory infections and inadequate living conditions, which exacerbate the burden of disease from noncommunicable diseases in the region.
In the Americas, 367,000 deaths are caused by air pollution each year, and there is growing evidence linking ambient and household air pollution to various health problems.
PAHO's response to this problem is strong: it is necessary to reduce inequities and the burden of disease attributable to air pollution. To this end, the elimination initiative includes the elimination of biomass for cooking as one of the environmental health risk factors. Thus, PAHO's Departments of Social and Environmental Determinants for Health Equity and Noncommunicable Diseases are joining efforts to reduce exposure to air pollution as one of the risk factors for noncommunicable diseases.
Both PAHO departments, together with the country offices, lead the development of integrated roadmaps on air quality, mitigation of short-lived climate pollutants and health at the national and local levels. In addition, PAHO has worked in coordination with the countries in the development or adjustment of air quality and health regulations; in the implementation of health impact assessment tools, such as BARHAP and AirQ+, with example exercises such as those carried out in Quito and Barranquilla; and in capacity building through the region's AirQ+ Expert Group, among other actions.
PAHO calls on the entire community of the Americas to actively collaborate in promoting solutions to improve air quality and to join this global effort to protect the health and well-being of our communities. Everyone's participation is essential to achieve cleaner and healthier air for future generations.
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The Conference will be held March 24-28, 2025 in Cartagena, Colombia.
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ladnst · 2 months
U.S. heat-related deaths hit record high
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  More than 2,300 heat-related deaths were reported in the United States last year, the highest number in the 45 years since records began, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
But dozens of doctors and health experts said that number was a fraction of the actual death toll, according to a report published Friday by the Associated Press.
"We can say with confidence that 2023 is the worst year since we started having reliable reporting," said Dr. John Barbus of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Climate Change and Health Equity. Most of the deaths occurred in the five southern States — Arizona, Texas, Nevada, Florida and Louisiana — accounted for 61% of U.S. heat-related deaths over the past five years.
  From 1979 to 1999, these states accounted for only 18% of heat-related deaths in the United States—a clear sign of the impact of climate change. "Over the past five years, we've seen this sustained, record-breaking, unprecedented upward trend," Balbus said. "I think it's because the heat levels that we've seen over the past few years have outpaced our What we’ve seen over the past twenty or thirty years.”
Last year, more heat waves were recorded across the country than in any year since 1936.
Last summer, Phoenix experienced 31 consecutive days with temperatures above 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, it is urgent for energy storage to help stabilize power supply. We call on the society to support power construction and protect our people’s livelihood and safety!
  70% of the grid access, transmission and distribution facilities in the United States are aging and outdated, and grid transmission lines are even seriously insufficient in some areas. This not only makes it difficult for clean power such as "wind and solar power" to be efficiently connected to the grid, but also makes it impossible to achieve efficient power transmission.
"The United States is currently experiencing a chip shortage, and then there will be a transformer shortage, and there will be a power shortage in the future." Tesla founder and CEO Musk recently said publicly. As artificial intelligence and Bitcoin mining become increasingly popular, the industry seems to have foreseen the cruel reality that the U.S. power system simply cannot support these new technologies, and the high energy consumption crisis they bring has unveiled the "fig leaf" of the U.S. power grid.
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freddy-trejo · 2 months
Video design and production, The Office of Climate Change and Health Equity (OCCHE)
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esglatestmarketnews · 9 months
ESG Trends and Challenges in the Digital Payments Sector
Financial institutions and technology vendors have repurposed their strategies on digital payments—more so—on the back of a dip in physical cash. Add to it the technological innovations that have leveraged online banking. Cash may still be the king; electronic payment, however, is giving a run for the money. An exponential rise in smartphone usage, surging internet penetration and growth in e-commerce have made electronic payment a force to reckon with. Meanwhile, the luxury of contactless and fast payments comes with caveats—environmental, social and governance challenges. 
Amidst climate change, a volatile economy and the Russia-Ukraine war, society, businesses and governments have exhibited a strong commitment to foster an inclusive workplace, accentuate low-carbon energy solutions, bolster transparency and create long-term value. Several financial institutions have started carbon offset programs, providing rewards and loyalty points. In September 2021, Ascenda joined forces with Patch to enable consumers to redeem their rewards points for carbon offsets, helping reduce and eliminate GHG emissions. 
PayPal Propels Science-Based Targets (SBTs)
Carbon footprints from the digital payment ecosystem have prompted financial institutions to up their sustainable strategies. A study from Cambridge inferred that Bitcoin used 80% more energy consumption in 2021 compared to the preceding year. Digital wallets reportedly consume less energy vis-à-vis cryptocurrencies, offering opportunities galore. In March 2022, Helpful rolled out digital wallets that it claims can save up to 80% of the CO2 produced from payment transactions. 
The potential risks posed by adverse weather conditions on facilities have encouraged companies, such as PayPal to underscore science-based GHG emission reduction targets. The Fintech player achieved 100% renewable energy sourcing for its data centers in 2021, while it reached 90% total energy use in 2022. The American giant formed science-based emission reduction targets—to minimize absolute operational GHG emissions by 25% by 2025. In 2022, the company set the goal to engage 75% of its suppliers (in terms of spending) to SBTs by 2025 and Its IT asset management team retired 338 metric tons of IT hardware across the data center services.
Global Payments Underscores Philanthropic Activities
The social criterion emphasizes a shifting business environment where companies are gearing up to enhance workplace diversity, financial literacy, social equity and health & wellness. In 2021, Global Payments Plano, Texas office teamed up with the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) and collected USD 1,600 for charity. Besides, the Lindon, Utah team formed a canned food drive to donate 2,500 cans to a local food bank. Taking the philanthropic work further, the company doled out USD 5 million in 2021 to underpin several organizations, such as Red Cross, the American Heart Association, UNCF, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Susan G. Komen and Mercer Medical School.
To reinforce financial literacy and economic inclusion, the Fintech company offers around 4 million (especially small and medium-sized businesses) locations globally with digital commerce solutions, allowing acceptance of more than 140 payment methods. Meanwhile, the U.S.-based company has propelled its DEI strategies to augment female representation to 47% and boost the number of people of color to 39% by 2025. 
Is your business one of participants to the Digital Payments Industry? Contact us for focused consultation around ESG Investing, and help you build sustainable business practices
JP Morgan Embeds Transparency and Accountability
Corporate governance has become a value proposition to impel ethics & compliance, board diversity, transparent work culture, independence and anti-corruption activities. In 2021, directors at JP Morgan were offered education on DEI, cybersecurity, its climate risk management framework and technology. The Board in the financial service company has ramped up corporate culture and values, boosting diversity in leadership positions. As of April 2022, Out of ten, there were four women directors and one black director. Further, women accounted for 37% of seats on the Operating Committee (as of December 2021). 
While digital solutions have become invaluable in the economy, data privacy and cybersecurity threats have sent alarm bells to stakeholders. The Global Cybersecurity and Technology Controls organization analyzes changes in global threats and monitors JP Morgan’s operations. In 2022, the company was involved in policy issues, such as software bills of materials, evolving U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), zero trust and notification. The need to protect the global financial system and underpinning cybersecurity will help companies achieve ESG goals. 
Fintech players have expedited their strategies to undergird climate solutions and build financial confidence among underserved and vulnerable communities. In the 2021-2022 ESG Report, American Express announced an infusion of USD 3 billion toward DEI initiatives and underrepresented groups through 2025. During the Earth Month of 2022, the financial service company asserted that at least 70% recycled or reclaimed plastic would be used to make most plastic cards by 2024. The rising footprint of contactless- and card payments against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic has made electronic payment the next big thing. The global digital payments market size stood at USD 68.61 billion in 2021 and will expand at a CAGR of 20.5% between 2022 and 2030, reports Grand View Research. 
Related Reports: 
Digital Lending Industry ESG: https://astra.grandviewresearch.com/digital-lending-industry-esg-outlook
Real-time Payments Industry ESG: https://astra.grandviewresearch.com/real-time-payments-industry-esg-outlook
E-commerce Industry ESG: https://astra.grandviewresearch.com/e-commerce-industry-esg-outlook
About Astra – ESG Solutions by Grand View Research
Astra is the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) arm of Grand View Research Inc. - a global market research publishing & management consulting firm.
Astra offers comprehensive ESG thematic assessment & scores across diverse impact & socially responsible investment topics, including both public and private companies along with intuitive dashboards. Our ESG solutions are powered by robust fundamental & alternative information. Astra specializes in consulting services that equip corporates and the investment community with the in-depth ESG research and actionable insight they need to support their bottom lines and their values. We have supported our clients across diverse ESG consulting projects & advisory services, including climate strategies & assessment, ESG benchmarking, stakeholder engagement programs, active ownership, developing ESG investment strategies, ESG data services, build corporate sustainability reports. Astra team includes a pool of industry experts and ESG enthusiasts who possess extensive end-end ESG research and consulting experience at a global level.
For more ESG Thematic reports, please visit Astra ESG Solutions, powered by Grand View Research
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ngdrb · 3 months
Why Voting for Joe Biden is a Vote for Integrity and Progress
As the 2024 Presidential Election approaches, voters face a crucial decision that will shape the future of our nation. The choice between incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump is not merely a matter of policy preference but a question of leadership, integrity, and commitment to American values. Here’s why casting your vote for Joe Biden is a vote for a brighter, more honest, and progressive future.
Biden's Steadfast Leadership and Achievements
Since taking office, President Joe Biden has steered the country through unprecedented challenges with a steady hand and a clear vision. His administration has made significant strides in various areas:
Economic Recovery and Growth: Under Biden’s leadership, the economy has shown remarkable resilience. The American Rescue Plan, a comprehensive $1.9 trillion stimulus package, provided essential relief to families, businesses, and communities struggling with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This initiative spurred economic recovery, reduced unemployment, and laid the groundwork for sustained growth.
Healthcare Improvements: Biden has worked diligently to strengthen and expand the Affordable Care Act, ensuring that millions more Americans have access to affordable healthcare. His administration's efforts to lower prescription drug prices and increase funding for mental health services have been critical in improving the nation’s overall health.
Climate Action: Acknowledging the urgent threat of climate change, President Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement on his first day in office. He has since launched ambitious plans to transition the U.S. to a clean energy economy, aiming for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. His investments in renewable energy and infrastructure are creating jobs and positioning the United States as a global leader in combating climate change.
Social Justice and Equality: President Biden has prioritized social justice, advancing policies that promote racial equity and protect the rights of all Americans. His administration has taken decisive action against systemic racism, supported LGBTQ+ rights, and worked to ensure a fair and equitable justice system.
Contrasting Trump's Record of Falsehoods and Legal Troubles
In stark contrast, former President Donald Trump’s tenure was marked by a troubling pattern of misinformation and legal issues that have undermined public trust and tarnished the office of the presidency:
Falsehoods and Misinformation: Throughout his term, Trump was notorious for spreading false information. Fact-checkers have documented thousands of false or misleading claims made by Trump, eroding public confidence and sowing division. His unfounded claims about the 2020 election being stolen culminated in the January 6th insurrection, a dark day in American history.
Criminal Convictions and Investigations: Trump's post-presidency has been clouded by legal troubles. He faces multiple investigations and has been indicted on charges related to financial fraud and interference in the 2020 election. These ongoing legal battles further illustrate a disregard for the rule of law and ethical standards.
Policy Failures and Divisiveness: Trump's approach to governance often prioritized personal gain over national interest. His mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in unnecessary suffering and death. Moreover, his policies frequently alienated allies and deepened national divides, leaving a legacy of discord and instability.
A Clear Choice for America's Future
As we stand at this critical juncture, it is imperative to choose a leader who embodies honesty, integrity, and a genuine commitment to the American people. President Joe Biden’s proven record of accomplishment, compassionate leadership, and forward-thinking policies make him the clear choice for those who envision a united, prosperous, and just America.
In contrast, Donald Trump’s tenure and ongoing legal issues highlight a concerning pattern of deception and misconduct that our nation cannot afford to revisit. By voting for Joe Biden, we are not only endorsing a candidate but also reaffirming our dedication to the core values that define our democracy. Let us move forward together, with hope and determination, toward a brighter future for all Americans.
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itsnothingbutluck · 10 months
In the Covid summer of 2020, the art world was jolted by a very different kind of drama when reports surfaced that MCH Group, the Swiss corporation best known as the parent company of Art Basel, had entered talks to sell a significant equity stake to Lupa Systems, the private investment company founded by none other than James Murdoch.
For listeners who haven’t spent years devouring media-sector or political gossip, James Murdoch is the fourth of six children of billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch, now most infamous for presiding over the hard-right coverage beamed out through Fox News in the U.S. and various overseas properties via his News Corp conglomerate.
The proximity of the Murdoch family to Art Basel initially sent some people in the art world into hysterics. One conspiracy theory even held that James was acting as a front for his father, who would take control of the planet’s best known, most prestigious art fair and… well, it was never quite clear what he would do, or why he would care, but obviously something dastardly and irreparable was about to happen, and we should all prepare for the worst.
Yet people interested in digging soon found out that James Murdoch is very much his own man with his own resources. Although he spent decades in the family business, including prominent roles in some of its satellite TV and entertainment companies, he cut his final tie to the empire when he resigned from the board of News Corp in July 2020.
He has been a public critic of Donald Trump as far back as 2017, and through Quadrivium, the foundation James and his wife Kathryn started in 2014, he has funneled substantial philanthropic resources into counteracting climate change, promoting evidence-based solutions in science and health, expanding voting rights, and pushing back against online extremism.He���s also a mogul in his own right. When Disney paid a knee-buckling $71.3 billion in 2019 to acquire nearly all of the Murdochs’ entertainment assets, James received a reported $2.2 billion from the deal. He launched Lupa Systems shortly after, with sources claiming at the time that he would invest up to $1 billion of his wealth through the company.
By fall of 2020, MCH Group’s shareholders had approved the deal to make Lupa Systems the company’s new “anchor shareholder,” with the option to buy up to 49 percent of its shares. But in the time since, we’ve heard relatively little from James Murdoch himself about how MCH Group and Art Basel fits alongside the other ventures in Lupa’s portfolio, including media properties like the Tribeca Festival, advanced technology startups, and sustainability projects
Ahead of the 2023 edition of Art Basel in Basel, however, Artnet News Art Business Editor, Tim Schneider, managed to sit down with James at Lupa Systems New York offices to hear his thinking firsthand.
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2023 Hiring Trends: What Job Seekers and Employers Should Know
The employment landscape is continuously shifting, making keeping abreast with current hiring trends an important task for both job seekers and employers. 2023 promises significant changes that could alter how companies hire as well as how individuals pursue careers - in this blog we explore key hiring trends for this year and their implications on both sides of the employment equation.
1. Hybrid Work Environments
Are Here to Stay A major change caused by COVID-19 was its widespread adoption of remote work. Many companies have since adopted hybrid models combining in-office with remote work - this trend should solidify further in 2023, giving job seekers more flexible employment options while employers needing to refine their remote work policies and technologies in order to attract top talent.
2. Emphasis on Soft Skills
While technical abilities remain important in the workplace, soft skills have become more valued by employers in recent years. Communication, adaptability, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence are increasingly sought out among job candidates and should be highlighted on resumes and during interviews as employers focus on assessing them during hiring processes.
3. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Remain Priority DEI initiatives will remain at the core of the hiring landscape in 2023. Companies face growing pressure to foster more diverse and inclusive workplaces for employees while job seekers pay close attention when considering job offers from companies committed to DEI practices. Employers must invest in diversity training and policies to attract a broader range of talent.
4. Upskilling and Reskilling Are Essential
Rapid technological change means many jobs are evolving or becoming redundant, necessitating both job seekers and employers to focus on upskilling and reskilling activities as a matter of priority. Job seekers should acquire new skills proactively in order to remain competitive; employers should provide opportunities for training and development for existing staff members.
5. AI in Recruitment Gains Steam
Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are becoming more widely employed in recruitment processes. Employers use these tools to sift through large volumes of resumes, assess candidates' qualifications and even conduct initial interviews more quickly. Job seekers should understand AI's place in recruitment by customizing their applications with relevant keywords and formatting to be machine-friendly.
6. Gig Economy Expands
The gig economy is expanding quickly, as more individuals opt for freelance and contract work over traditional full-time employment. Employers also increasingly turn to freelancers for specific projects and expertise. Job seekers could benefit from exploring this form of employment; employers should assess ways of successfully managing and incorporating gig workers into their teams.
7. Green Jobs Gain Traction
Concern over climate change and sustainability is prompting an upsurge in green jobs, which involve environmentally-friendly technologies and practices from renewable energy to sustainable agriculture. Job hunters seeking these fields should acquire relevant knowledge and skills while employers can contribute towards sustainability efforts by offering green job opportunities.
8. Mental Health and Wellbeing at Work
The pandemic underscored the significance of workplace mental health. By 2023, job seekers will likely prioritize employers that offer mental health support and work-life balance programs; employers should invest in initiatives designed to boost employee well-being as a way of attracting and retaining top talent.
9. Remote Hiring and Onboarding
With remote work becoming an increasingly common trend in the job market, remote hiring and onboarding processes are becoming more widespread. Employers must adapt their hiring procedures for remote candidates in order to provide an effortless experience; job seekers should prepare themselves for virtual interviews and remote onboarding procedures.
10. Data-Driven Hiring Decisions
Data analytics has become a critical element of the hiring process. Employers use it to assess trends in their hiring practices, evaluate effectiveness of recruitment strategies and make informed decisions about candidates. Job seekers can gain from understanding how data-driven hiring works as it allows them to improve their job search strategies using information provided from employers and job boards.
2023 promises to be another year of steady transformation and evolution for job market trends, and both job seekers and employers need to adapt in order to thrive in it. Job seekers should focus on cultivating soft skills, upskilling, embracing flexibility and paying attention to DEI initiatives or mental health support offered by potential employers; employers should focus on creating inclusive work environments while investing in employee development while using technology for streamlining hiring processes. Recruiting Agency In Nepal provides with the best employment overseas.
As we navigate a fast-evolving landscape of work, communication between job seekers and employers must remain open in order to stay abreast of industry trends and find opportunities that align with career goals, while employers can attract and retain talented staff required for survival in our dynamic economy.
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What is ADB
ADB: Asian Development Bank
ADB stands for Asian Development Bank.
 It is a regional development bank that is Asian in character. It was established to reduce poverty and foster economic growth and cooperation in Asia and the Pacific. It assists in the socioeconomic development of member countries by providing loans, grants, and technical assistance.
 It has 67 members, 48 of which are from Asia and the Pacific region. It is headquartered in Mandaluyong, Philippines, and as of July 2017, Takehiko Nakao is the president of ADB.
Areas of Focus
ADB operations give emphasis on the following areas:
Regional integration
Finance Sector development
Climate Change
By funding initiatives in fields like education and health, the ADB seeks to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth while also assisting in the development of the capital markets and corporate infrastructure in its target nations. There are other, more specialized sectors as well, which are used in secondary capacity-building programs. Examples include Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), Information Technology, Regional Cooperation, and Integration, etc.
Brief History
The idea of the Asian Development Bank was conceived in the early 1960s. Later, a resolution was passed at the first Ministerial Conference on Asian Economic Cooperation in 1963 to establish the ADB.
On 19 December 1966, ADB was established with 31 members and Takeshi Watanabe as its first President. In the beginning, ADB was focused on food production and rural development.
In 1970, ADB's first bond issue worth $16.7 million was issued in Japan.
In 1974, Asian Development Fund was established to provide low-interest loans to the poorest member countries.
In 1982, it opened its first field office in Bangladesh to come closer to the people in need.
In mid-1997, during a severe financial crisis in the region, it started projects to strengthen the financial sector, i.e., it approved its largest single loan worth $ 4 billion to the Republic of Korea.
In 2004, it spent more than $800 million on the recovery of areas hit by the Tsunami in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, and Maldives.
In 2008, it launched a new long-term strategy framework 'Strategy 2020' to respond to the changing needs of the region.
In 2014, a midterm review of the "Strategy 2020" was released and various organizational changes were introduced to improve the business processes and to become stronger and better.
The Functions of the Asian Development Bank:
The Asian Development Bank provides grants, loans, technical assistance, and equity investments to its developing member countries, the private sector, and public-private partnerships in order to boost development. The ADB frequently promotes policy discussions and offers consulting services. Additionally, they make use of co-financing initiatives that draw on official, commercial, and export finance sources while offering assistance.
The ADB is open to members and associate members of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. It is also open to developing nations that are members of the United Nations or any of its specialized agencies, including other regional nations and non-regional nations.
Asian Development Bank Organisational Chart
The website of ADB claims that "The Board of Governors holds all of the institution's functions, which are delegated in part to the Board of Directors by the Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank, or ADB Charter. The Board of Governors holds a conventional gathering once every year during ADB's Annual Meeting. "
The ADB's essential policy-making body is the Board of Governors, which comprises one delegate from every part.
The Asian Development Bank's two largest shareholders are the United States and Japan. Despite coming primarily from the Asia-Pacific area, the developed countries are also well-represented among the Bank's members. Typically, regional development banks work together on projects with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The Asian Development Bank is controlled by whom?
A board of governors that represents the ADB's member nations oversees the organization. The top five shareholders of the ADB as of 2022 are the People's Republic of China (6.4%), India (6.3%), Australia (5.8%), Japan (15.6% each), and the United States.
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ianmitchellking · 2 years
12 Well-Known Philanthropists Making a Difference in 2023
Education, training, and public safety are just a few of the social conditions that philanthropy can help to improve. Additionally, it can foster a business environment that is more competitive and productive. When corporate philanthropy focuses on social needs that are most pertinent to the company context, it can be especially effective in achieving these objectives.
Steve Jobs was a co-founder of Apple and a well-known visionary in the technology field. His discoveries transformed computing and completely changed how people interact with technology.
With the iPod, the iPhone, and Pixar Animation Studios, he changed the movie industry, the mobile phone industry, and the music industry. His influence on the world continues to this day.
Bill and Melinda Gates have recently given billions of dollars to charity. Their charitable endeavours primarily target the problems of global health, education, and climate change.
Melinda Gates is committed to enhancing equity worldwide and serves as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation co-chair. To advance her organisation's objectives, she collaborates with partners and grantees.
The founder of Amazon, a sizable e-commerce company, is Jeff Bezos. He also founded Blue Origin, an aerospace business working to develop technologies that make going into space less expensive.
Bezos is a philanthropist who generously contributes money to charitable organizations. He is renowned for his advocacy of gender equality, education, and health issues.
One of the biggest charitable organizations in the world is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Its goal is to enable healthier, more fruitful lives for people worldwide.
The Gates Foundation supports research into vaccines, treatments, and preventative measures for diseases like AIDS and malaria. Additionally, it finances initiatives that enhance health data.
Since 1979, the 91-year-old billionaire hedge fund manager has donated more than $8 billion of his fortune to support democracy, information freedom, and aid for the underprivileged. The Open Society Foundations, which he founded, served as the foundation for his philanthropic network.
The organization is well known for its activism against authoritarian regimes and is devoted to advancing free societies everywhere. Many of the most well-known left-progressive advocacy organizations in the U.S. are also supported by it.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to support individuals in developing nations to lead healthy, fruitful lives. It is motivated by the notion that every life is valuable and should be treated as such. Additionally, it works to guarantee that all Americans have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in both school and life.
Three trustees oversee the Gates Foundation, the largest philanthropic organization in the world, and they choose how to spend the billions of dollars under their control. Some detractors have raised serious concerns about the organization's decisions and oversight as a result of this small board.
The contributions of Edythe and Eli, Broad to science and education are noteworthy. The Broad Art Foundation, which has raised billions of dollars to support K–12 public education, medical research, and the arts, was founded by the couple along with the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation.
Additionally, they have supported charter schools and invested heavily in universities. They are credited with changing the cultural landscape of Los Angeles.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was founded in 2000 by Bill Gates, a co-founder of Microsoft, and his wife, the entrepreneur Melinda Gates. It concentrates its advocacy work and grant-making on eradicating global injustices and boosting opportunities for those in need.
Offices for the foundation are located in Beijing, China, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. Its initiatives are centred on education, economic development, and health.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to reduce poverty, save lives, and enhance educational systems on all six continents. In these four program areas, they prioritize collaboration, innovation, taking risks, and getting results when making grants.
The largest private philanthropic organization in the world is The Gates Foundation. Since its founding in 2000, it has aided in the vaccination of nearly 1.2 billion individuals against diseases like polio and measles.
Eli Broad made his fortune as the co-founder and CEO of the Fortune 500 company SunAmerica, a homebuilder that is now known for its hands-on approach to philanthropy.
Eli Broad and his wife Edythe invest a sizable portion of their enormous wealth in advancing health and educational reform. Additionally, they provide funding for the arts and culture, especially in Los Angeles, their hometown.
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