#Offshore Development Partner
synsoft · 4 months
The Potential of Blockchain Technology in Healthcare
Imagine a healthcare system where your medical records are secure, easily shared, and completely under your control. That’s the potential of Blockchain Technology! Forget the complicated stuff about money, Blockchain is like a super secure online filing cabinet for your health info. This means faster treatments, better research, and even fighting fake medicines! We’ll explore how this amazing technology can transform healthcare, making it simpler, safer, and more efficient for everyone. So, buckle up and get ready to discover the future of healthcare!
Understanding Blockchain
Think of Blockchain as a digital ledger that securely records transactions. It operates like a chain of blocks, each containing information and linked together using cryptography. What makes it unique is its decentralized nature, making the data within the blocks tamper-resistant.
Now, let’s dive into how Blockchain is set to revolutionize healthcare.
Fortified Data Security
In healthcare, safeguarding patient records is crucial. Blockchain encrypts each block, and access is controlled by private keys, ensuring patient data remains confidential and unaltered, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access.
Effortless Interoperability
Healthcare systems often struggle with interoperability, hindering smooth information exchange. Blockchain offers a solution by providing a decentralized platform for seamless data sharing. This means healthcare providers, insurers, and patients can access and share information effortlessly, fostering better-coordinated care.
Streamlined Clinical Trials
The process of clinical trials is essential but often complex. Blockchain simplifies and accelerates this process by providing a transparent and unchangeable record of trial data. This ensures data integrity and facilitates collaboration among researchers, making healthcare solution development more efficient.
Transparent Supply Chain Management
Ensuring the authenticity and safety of pharmaceuticals is a major concern. Blockchain can be used to track the entire supply chain of medications, from manufacturing to distribution. This transparency helps in identifying and eliminating counterfeit drugs, ensuring patients receive genuine and safe medications.
Smart Contracts for Seamless Transactions
Blockchain introduces smart contracts — self-executing contracts with terms written into code. In healthcare, this can automate processes such as insurance claims, reducing administrative overhead and minimizing the risk of errors or fraud.
Blockchain technology is reshaping healthcare by securing patient data, fostering research collaboration, and streamlining transactions. The decentralized and tamper-resistant nature of blockchain ensures the security of health records, while transparent transactions enhance research efficiency. Smart contracts and transparent ledgers simplify healthcare transactions, reducing costs and errors.
To fully harness these advantages, partnering with a specialized Blockchain Development Company Like Synsoft Global is beneficial.
Synsoft Global, a top-rated Blockchain development company in India, specializes in Ethereum Blockchain development. Our expertise includes creating decentralized applications for clients in the USA, Europe, and the UAE.
Consider us as your Offshore Development Partner for exceptional services.
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147---897 · 11 hours
Accelerating Business Growth with NetSuite Offshore Development | OpenTeQ
Among the plethora of solutions available NetSuite stands out as a leading integrated cloud business software suite, encompassing ERP/Financials, CRM, and e-commerce functionalities. This comprehensive platform offers a multitude of features that can significantly contribute to business growth. In this article, we will explore how leveraging NetSuite's capabilities, including NetSuite Offshore Development, NetSuite Vendor Portal, NetSuite Customer Support & Customization, and NetSuite Data Migration, can propel your business to new heights.
NetSuite Offshore Development: Maximizing Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness
NetSuite Offshore Development is an increasingly popular approach for businesses aiming to optimize their resources and reduce costs while maintaining high-quality standards. By partnering with offshore development teams, businesses can access a pool of talented developers who specialize in NetSuite solutions. This strategy not only ensures cost savings due to lower labor costs in offshore locations but also provides flexibility in scaling development efforts according to business needs.
Offshore development teams can handle various aspects of NetSuite implementation, including custom module development, system integration, and ongoing maintenance. This allows businesses to focus on their core competencies while leveraging the expertise of seasoned professionals to tailor NetSuite to their specific requirements. Furthermore, offshore development facilitates round-the-clock productivity, as teams in different time zones can work on the project continuously, accelerating time-to-market for new features and enhancements.
Streamlining Operations with NetSuite Vendor Portal
Efficient vendor management is crucial for maintaining smooth operations and fostering strong supplier relationships. The NetSuite Vendor Portal is a powerful tool designed to streamline vendor interactions and enhance collaboration. By providing vendors with direct access to relevant information, businesses can significantly reduce administrative overhead and improve communication.
The NetSuite Vendor Portal allows vendors to view purchase orders, submit invoices, track payment status, and manage their profiles. This transparency not only enhances the accuracy of transactions but also builds trust between businesses and their suppliers. Additionally, the portal supports real-time updates, ensuring that vendors are always informed about the latest order requirements and payment schedules. This level of automation and self-service capabilities helps eliminate bottlenecks and accelerates the procurement process.
Enhancing Customer Experience through NetSuite Customer Support & Customization
In the competitive business landscape, exceptional customer support and personalized experiences are key differentiators. NetSuite Customer Support & Customization features empower businesses to deliver outstanding customer service and tailor their offerings to meet individual client needs.
NetSuite's customer support module provides a comprehensive suite of tools to manage customer interactions, track support cases, and monitor service performance. With an integrated approach, businesses can gain a holistic view of each customer, enabling personalized and timely support. Automated workflows and case management features ensure that customer issues are resolved efficiently, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.
Customization is another critical aspect of NetSuite that allows businesses to adapt the platform to their unique processes and requirements. Through SuiteScript and SuiteFlow, businesses can create custom workflows, scripts, and applications that extend the functionality of NetSuite. This flexibility ensures that the software evolves in tandem with the business, accommodating changing needs and fostering innovation.
Seamless Transitions with NetSuite Data Migration
Migrating data from legacy systems to NetSuite can be a complex and daunting task. However, successful data migration is essential for unlocking the full potential of NetSuite and ensuring business continuity. NetSuite Data Migration services are designed to facilitate this transition, ensuring that critical data is accurately transferred and integrated into the new system.
A well-executed data migration strategy involves thorough planning, data mapping, and validation. NetSuite offers a range of tools and best practices to support businesses throughout this process. By leveraging these resources, businesses can minimize downtime, prevent data loss, and maintain data integrity. Additionally, professional data migration services can help identify and resolve potential issues, ensuring a smooth transition and enabling businesses to quickly realize the benefits of their new NetSuite system.
Conclusion: Unlocking Business Potential with NetSuite
OpenTeQ offers NetSuite robust and versatile platform that can drive business growth through efficient resource management, enhanced customer support, streamlined vendor interactions, and successful data migrations. By leveraging NetSuite Offshore Development, businesses can access specialized expertise and cost-effective solutions to customize and extend the platform according to their needs. The NetSuite Vendor Portal fosters better supplier relationships and operational efficiency, while NetSuite Customer Support & Customization empowers businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Finally, NetSuite Data Migration ensures seamless transitions, preserving data integrity and enabling businesses to fully capitalize on their new system.
In a world where agility and efficiency are paramount, NetSuite stands out as a comprehensive solution that equips businesses with the tools they need to thrive. Whether you are looking to optimize your supply chain, enhance customer satisfaction, or streamline operations, NetSuite provides the capabilities to achieve your goals and drive sustainable growth. Embrace the power of NetSuite and take your business to new heights.
Reach out to OpenTeQ for expert NetSuite services tailored to your business needs. Contact Us: [email protected], +1-602 806 4634.
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solviostechnology · 29 days
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opencart · 4 months
Streamlining Your Business with Opencart Booking System: A Guide by Opencart Experts India
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1cloud · 7 months
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odooerpdevelopment · 7 months
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vervesystems · 1 year
How to Choose The Best Offshore Development Partner?
Companies today look for a software development partner for many reasons. Sometimes there aren’t enough resources to augment the staff, and many times, companies do not feel it necessary to hire special technical resources for short term projects. The company’s in-house team may not have sufficient resources to complete the project. But, most of the times, it is always a good idea to let the technology experts with experience in development handle the project – this will guarantee results as well as help you run the project smoothly, in time and on budget.
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So, how do you select the best offshore development partner?
Assess your project: before you begin, it is important to assess your project. Take steps to consider how outsourcing will factor into your project. Quantify the specific benchmarks that you want to meet. Then, define the reasons why you want to outsource some or your entire project.
Define your technical stack: You will also need to identify what technologies you will use for your project. Make a brief list and when you are looking for offshore development teams, you can check out the technologies they work with.
Look at the company experience: When you select an offshore development partner, make sure that you select a company with experience in the technology you want. Sometimes, a new entrant can provide a fresh perspective with new age ideas, but, make sure that they have the technology expertise you require.
How much is it going to cost? Well, lastly, check the cost of the project. It’s not only about the amount. It’s about the quality of work that you will get for the price. While the objective is to keep the costs low, the price should not be the only deciding factor.
Finally, check that the offshore development partner has all that you want – the technology, the quality, the experience, the expertise and the cost! Selecting the right offshore development team will make all the difference.
Get a free quote at https://www.vervesys.com/get-quote/
#Companies today look for a software development partner for many reasons. Sometimes there aren’t enough resources to augment the staff#and many times#companies do not feel it necessary to hire special technical resources for short term projects. The company’s in-house team may not have su#most of the times#it is always a good idea to let the technology experts with experience in development handle the project – this will guarantee results as w#in time and on budget.#Best Offshore Development Partner#So#how do you select the best offshore development partner?#Assess your project: before you begin#it is important to assess your project. Take steps to consider how outsourcing will factor into your project. Quantify the specific benchma#define the reasons why you want to outsource some or your entire project.#Define your technical stack: You will also need to identify what technologies you will use for your project. Make a brief list and when you#you can check out the technologies they work with.#Look at the company experience: When you select an offshore development partner#make sure that you select a company with experience in the technology you want. Sometimes#a new entrant can provide a fresh perspective with new age ideas#but#make sure that they have the technology expertise you require.#How much is it going to cost? Well#lastly#check the cost of the project. It’s not only about the amount. It’s about the quality of work that you will get for the price. While the ob#the price should not be the only deciding factor.#Finally#check that the offshore development partner has all that you want – the technology#the quality#the experience#the expertise and the cost! Selecting the right offshore development team will make all the difference.#Get a free quote at https://www.vervesys.com/get-quote/#programming
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itscompany · 2 years
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talentica · 2 years
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the-outer-topic · 3 months
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1937 Cord 812 and oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico - John Berkey
In the early 1930s, the Texas Company developed the first mobile steel barges for drilling in the brackish coastal areas of the gulf.
In 1937, Pure Oil Company (now Chevron Corporation) and its partner Superior Oil Company (now part of ExxonMobil Corporation) used a fixed platform to develop a field in 14 feet (4.3 m) of water, one mile (1.6 km) offshore of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.
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aflamethatneverdies · 4 months
Israel, pound for pound, is the best investment the US has ever made. Israel is the purest expression of Western power, combining militarism, imperialism, settler colonialism, counterinsurgency, occupation, racism, instilling ideological defeat, huge profitable war-making and hi-tech development into a manticore of destruction, death, and mayhem. From Israel’s victory in the 1948-1949 war, US planners saw the country as a regional military power that could contain Arab military and political ambitions. Amidst France’s imperial sunset in the Arab region, the country aligned with Israel – trying to deliver a blow to Nasserist Egypt through the 1956 Tripartite Aggression with Britain and Israel, and armoring Zionism for its successful 1967 war against radical Arab nationalism in the frontline states. Green-lit by the US, the war left the Syrian Ba’athist fusion of Arab nationalism and Marxist-Leninism in shambles and slammed the Nasserist national development project. Israel also became a useful assassin, eliminating Arab radical luminaries from Mehdi Ben Barka to Ghassan Kanafani.  From 1970 onwards, US military aid into Israel turned the country into a unique asset: an offshore arms factory; a regional irritant to Arab peace, stability, and popular regional development; a destructive gyro of world-wide counterinsurgency; a black hole drawing in regional surpluses and devoting them to endless defensive and offensive armament, away from social-popular welfare spending and non-military development. Uniquely, the US allowed Israel to keep the military aid partially within the country, slowly and steadily building up a massive military industrial capacity. Meanwhile, US-based capital inflows accelerated, taking advantage of Israel’s highly educated workforce in the defense sector, resting upon super-exploiting the Palestinian colonial underclass in other sectors. In return, Israel armed reactionary forces world-wide: from Argentina to Brazil to Chile, helping evade Congressional restrictions on arms shipments to the Nicaraguan Contras and advanced armaments to the South African apartheid regime. On a world scale, Israel has protected the political architecture of global capitalism. And its US domestic adjunct, the Anti-Defamation League, presaged wider Zionist capitalist investment in repression by carrying out wide-ranging spying on anti-racist, anti-Zionist, Arab-American and anti-apartheid movements.  Throughout this period, the US-Israeli ‘Special Relationship’ grew ever-more-intimate as relentless imperial proxy warfare and sanctions – from Libya to Lebanon – tarnished developmentalism, degraded republican aspirations, and often evaporated regional Marxism. Class inequalities widened as the Gulf, Egypt, and Lebanon became nodes of regional and global accumulation. The Israeli option for boosting world-wide accumulation through wars on republicanism and revolution served the US ruling class well. The ‘peace process,’ known as Oslo, imposed after the fall of the USSR and the encirclement of Ba’athist Iraq, sought neo-colonial neoliberalism under military occupation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as part of the post-Soviet attempt to crystallize ‘the end of history’ through neutralizing or evaporating remaining sources of friction or strategic obstacles to the US project.  Incoming Palestinian diaspora capital alongside a corrupt Palestinian Authority (PA) was the US’s junior partner in the state-building agenda. Israeli capital became a seamless transnational component of the US’s globalization project, with large elements in burgeoning hi-tech counterinsurgency. 
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kp777 · 2 months
By Julia Conley
Common Dreams
April 15, 2024
Climate action groups are vehemently rejecting the Biden administration's claim that the approval of a new offshore oil terminal—planned to be the largest in the U.S.—is in the "national interest," after the U.S. Department of Transportation announced the project had met several federal requirements and could begin operations by 2027.
The agency's Maritime Administration said last week that Enterprise Product Partners, a Houston-based pipeline company, had been granted a deepwater port license to build the Sea Port Oil Terminal (SPOT) near Freeport, Texas following a five-year federal review process.
The federal government determined the $1.8 billion terminal project had undergone sufficient environmental impact reviews and would overall benefit the country—even as it was projected by the Sierra Club, which has fought SPOT for several years, to emit greenhouse gases equivalent to those of nearly 90 coal-fired power plants.
"The evidence is clear that SPOT would be catastrophic to the climate, wildlife, and frontline communities of the Gulf," said Devorah Ancel, senior attorney with the Sierra Club. "It threatens the future existence of the endangered Rice's whale with a population of less than fifty, and its ozone pollution would compromise the health of thousands of Gulf residents who have endured decades of fossil fuel industry pollution. Make no mistake, SPOT is not in the national interest."
The project is expected to include two pipelines that would carry crude oil to the deepwater port each day, enabling the export of 2 million barrels of crude oil, loaded onto two supertankers at once, daily.
"Nothing about this project is in alignment with Biden's climate and environmental justice goals," said Kelsey Crane, senior policy advocate at Earthworks. "The communities that will be impacted by SPOT have once again been ignored and will be forced to live with the threat of more oil spills, explosions, and pollution. The best way to protect the public and the climate from the harms of oil is to keep it in the ground."
Allie Rosenbluth, U.S. manager at Oil Change International, noted that the project has been approved despite the International Energy Agency's clear assessment in 2021 that "all new investments in oil and gas projects must stop if the world is going to reach its climate goals," including limiting planetary heating to 1.5°C.
"The Biden administration's decision to approve the Sea Port Oil Terminal is a grave mistake. This approval will only harm local communities and ecosystems, and lead to even more devastating impacts of the climate crisis," said Rosenbluth. "The U.S. is already the largest producer of oil and gas and has the largest expansion plans globally. Instead of continuing this legacy of harm by approving fossil fuel projects, President Biden should be listening to the science and the masses of his constituents calling for an end to fossil fuels."
The direct action group Climate Defiance expressed doubt that the approval of SPOT will help Biden win over any voters as the 2024 election approaches.
Nine in 10 Democratic voters and Democratic-leaning independents told Pew Research Center last year that they believe the U.S. should prioritize developing renewable energy sources—and two-thirds of Republican voters under age 30 agreed.
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"This project would be the single-largest oil export terminal in the U.S." said the group. "We are being boiled alive here, literally burned to death by 'moderate' politicians who see fit to torch us in the name of quarterly profits. How can we live like this? How can this go on?"
Last year was the hottest on record, and the first three months of 2024 have each broken records for high global temperatures. Scientists found last year that climate disasters including wildfires in Canada and extreme heat in Europe were made far more likely by fossil-fueled planetary heating.
Local organizers in Texas condemned the Biden administration's decision to ignore campaigners who have warned of the danger SPOT poses to marine habitats as well as people who live in the area where two crude oil pipelines have now been given final approval to run.
"We continue to struggle to see why Biden and [Transportation Secretary Pete] Buttigieg prefer to protect the corporate profits of billion-dollar oil giants like Enbridge and Enterprise over the hardcore objections of the people who would have to live with the consequences of pipelines criss-crossing our beaches," said Trevor Carroll, Brazoria County lead organizer with Texas Campaign for the Environment. "If you care about environmental justice and the climate, you just can't support a monstrosity like SPOT. The local community and the global climate justice movement are continuing to fight... This is not over."
Melanie Oldham, director of Better Brazoria, said SPOT will be "an oil spill waiting to happen that would not only lower property value, but harm our local ecosystems, ecotourism, beaches, recreation, and kill marine life like the endangered Rice's whale and Kemp's Ridley sea turtles."
"Those of us residents, beachgoers, and voters that have for the past four years opposed the SPOT offshore terminal and pipelines are very disappointed with the approval of the project license," said Oldham. "President Biden has again broken promises to protect frontline communities in Surfside and Freeport."
The administration's approval came three months after the White House announced it was delaying consideration of new gas export terminals, and the same day the federal government said fossil fuel companies will have to pay higher royalties in order to drill on federal lands.
But those climate actions paired with the SPOT approval amount only to "flip flopping," said Climate Defiance.
"It is not enough that the administration stopped new gas exports if they are going to back stab us with this death-sentence decision now," said the group. "This is not us being 'ungrateful.' This is the science. The pure, unvarnished, science."
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nishia6 · 1 year
Spread it!
The game was developed by the Russian studio Mundfish, but according to the documents it is issued in Cyprus. Many business projects, especially in the games industry, register their companies in Cyprus, because it is an offshore zone and carries a number of advantages for developers, including circumvention of sanctions. Very often offshore companies are used for money laundering and concealment of shadow finances. For example, almost all corrupt politicians keep their money offshore. The developers are Mundfish, they are entirely responsible for the semantic content of the game and its technical component. In fact, these are the producers of the product, they are not responsible for the production. Focus Entertainment is a French company based in Paris. She is a publisher, or rather one of the publishers. She is responsible for the implementation of the game in the world, except Asia (where the publisher is 4Divinity) and Russia (where the publisher is VK Play). These are three companies that have directly signed a contract with Mundfish, which is indicated in the same Wikipedia (picture 1). No one else signed a direct contract with Mundfish. Publishers are responsible for production, promotion and localization. In fact, they advertise and sell the game. Focus Entertainment is responsible for the distribution of the game in the world, but it can only release the game under its own company in Europe, where there are its subsidiaries (picture 2). That is, it cannot release the game in the USA, since the company does not have its own branch in this country. In order to release the game in the USA, the company enters into an agreement with Avalanche, a local partner. Avalanche is directly responsible for the English localization and the American market, and all promotional material and sales money is transferred to Focus Entertainment, they do not interact directly with the Mundfish studio. It was with Avalanche that Jensen signed the contract, about which they themselves made a press release (picture 3). He is not connected with the developers in any way, and also did not receive money directly from them. He signed a contract with an American company, he pays taxes in the USA and his fee is also paid by Americans. So he has nothing to do with dirty money.
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opencart · 6 months
Title: "Navigating E-Commerce Excellence: Unleashing the Power of Offshore OpenCart Experts in India with Opencartexperts India"
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odooerpdevelopment · 8 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Odoo Consulting Company
Selecting the right Odoo consulting company is a critical decision when it comes to implementing or optimizing Odoo, the versatile and powerful open-source ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. Whether you're looking to implement Odoo for the first time or seeking to enhance an existing Odoo setup, partnering with the right consulting company can make a world of difference. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to ensure you make an informed choice when it comes to Odoo consulting services.
Why the Right Odoo Consulting Company Matters
Choosing the right Odoo consulting company is pivotal because these consultants will be your guides, facilitators, and partners in achieving your business objectives. Here's why it's crucial:
Expertise: Odoo consultants have a deep understanding of the Odoo platform's capabilities and features. Their expertise ensures that you can leverage Odoo to streamline your business processes and make informed decisions.
Customization: Every business is unique, and your Odoo implementation should reflect your specific needs. Odoo consultants work closely with you to customize the software, including configuring modules, workflows, reports, and dashboards to align seamlessly with your operations.
Implementation Excellence: Implementing an ERP system like Odoo can be complex and challenging. Odoo consulting services provide a structured and strategic approach to the process, helping you define goals, plan timelines, and execute the deployment with minimal disruptions.
Training and Ongoing Support: Odoo consulting companies also offer training to ensure your team can efficiently use the software. Furthermore, they provide ongoing support and troubleshooting to ensure your Odoo instance remains efficient and issue-free.
Cost Savings: While investing in Odoo consulting services may seem like an added expense, it's an investment that can save you money in the long run. By optimizing your Odoo setup and helping you avoid costly errors and inefficiencies, consultants contribute to a better return on investment.
Steps to Choose the Right Odoo Consulting Company
Now, let's delve into the steps you should follow to choose the right Odoo consulting company:
1. Define Your Needs and Goals:
Before you start looking for a consulting company, define your business needs and goals. Understand what you want to achieve with Odoo and what specific features and functions you require.
2. Research Odoo Consulting Companies:
Perform thorough research to identify Odoo consulting companies. Check their websites, reviews, and customer testimonials. Look for their experience with Odoo and their range of services.
3. Seek References:
Ask potential consulting companies for references and case studies. Contact their past clients to gain insights into the quality of their services and the outcomes of their projects.
4. Communication and Collaboration:
Effective communication is crucial. Ensure that the consulting company can clearly explain their processes, timelines, and costs. Assess their willingness to collaborate and understand your unique needs.
5. Customization Capability:
Confirm that the company has experience customizing Odoo to suit unique business requirements. The ability to tailor Odoo is a key factor in maximizing its potential.
6. Post-Implementation Support:
Inquire about post-implementation support and maintenance services. Your chosen consulting company should be available for ongoing assistance and troubleshooting.
7. Budget Consideration:
While cost should not be the sole determining factor, it is still an important consideration. Ensure the consulting company's pricing aligns with your budget.
8. Compare and Decide:
Compare the information gathered from various consulting companies, and decide which one best fits your business needs, goals, and budget.
Selecting the right Odoo consulting company is a decision that will significantly impact your business operations and success. By following this ultimate guide, you can ensure that you partner with the consultants who are best equipped to help you leverage Odoo's full potential, streamline your processes, and propel your business toward sustained growth and efficiency. Don't underestimate the importance of this choice, as it can be the key to unlocking your business's true potential.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
Nearly-extinct reptiles of the Caribbean, endemic species which live nowhere else except in a few hectares of habitat on isolated islands: The Antiguan racer rebounds. The Saint Lucia racer, just 50 left on an offshore islet, the “rarest snake on Earth.” The White Cay iguana vs. one rampaging racoon, living in just 15 hectares of habitat. A couple hundred remaining Sombrero ground lizards vs. rocket-launch pad development. The Barbados leaf-toed gecko was thought extinct until rediscovery in 2011. The Union Island gecko survives in just 50 hectares of forest.
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Here's a less familiar fact: the Caribbean has seen more reptile extinctions than any other region in the world, accounting for over 60% of all reptile species lost worldwide. Reptiles also feature prominently on the current list of the region's 400+ critically endangered species [...]. Invasive alien species – from rats, mice and mongooses to feral cats and goats – have taken a devastating toll on Caribbean reptiles, often directly, through predation, or indirectly, by destroying their habitat and competing for the same resources. [...] [T]he threat posed by non-native species has been compounded by needless persecution (especially in the case of snakes) [...].
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In 1995, when we first intervened, the Antiguan racer was probably the world's rarest snake, with a total population of just 50 individuals on one tiny offshore islet. A little over 25 years later, thanks to a recovery programme that included eradication of invasive predators [...] and reintroduction to newly restored, rat-free islands, snake numbers have increased well over twentyfold. The racer has become a tremendous source of [...] pride and a diminutive, scaly standard-bearer for Antigua's biodiversity as a whole. [...]
We are currently working with local partners to save the unrelated Saint Lucia racer, which has inherited the unwelcome 'world's rarest' mantle. [...]
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In 1997, a little-known lizard, the White Cay iguana, was on the brink of extinction. A never-ending onslaught of harassment, nest-raiding and hatchling predation by an army of invasive black rats was driving this besieged reptile off a metaphorical cliff on its 15-hectare home in the Bahamas. To add onslaught to injury, a solitary raccoon somehow found its way onto the island and proceeded to slaughter the hapless iguanas as they slept. [...] The iguana population has since risen exponentially from an all-time low of roughly 150 to more than 2,000 individuals. All it took to kick-start this dramatic recovery was the removal of one rogue raccoon and a small colony of [...] black rats. 
One of the least visited islands in the UK Overseas Territories, Sombrero is a deforested, 38-hectare slab of rock. In 1999 a foreign aerospace company proposed turning it into a rocket launch pad, confidently stating this would 'have little, if any, long-term effect' on the island's wildlife. [...] We joined forces with the Anguilla National Trust, RSPB and Montana State University to conduct a more thorough impact assessment. Despite its small size, Sombrero supports one of the most important seabird colonies in the Caribbean, unique invertebrates and at least two native lizard species that occur nowhere else in the world. Our survey revealed that just a few hundred Sombrero ground lizards remained and they would not survive the development. [...] Today they face new threats in the shape of invasive mice and a changing climate. [...]
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The Barbados leaf-toed gecko was thought to be extinct until a tiny population was rediscovered in 2011. Coastal development and invasive predators pose grave threats to the survival of the remaining lizards, which are now confined to a narrow strip of the rocky east coast. [...]
The entire world population of the Union Island gecko [...] is contained within a 50-hectare patch of forest in St Vincent and the Grenadines. By 2016 the area was so heavily scoured by collectors for the pet trade that the future of this miniature gem of a lizard was in the balance. [...] Our latest analyses show that trafficking has dropped by over 80%.
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Headline, images, captions, and text published by: Tim Knight. “Neglected species: Conserving reptiles on the Caribbean critical list.” Provided by Fauna & Flora International as published at Phys.org. 2 April 2021. [Bold emphasis, some paragraph breaks, and italicized first paragraph/heading added by me.]
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