Hi there! I'd love to try out a free tasseography reading with your new cup, if you don't mind :)
I'd be curious to know what the next month holds for me, specifically in regards to my spiritual practice! There's been some pretty fast paced changes there recently, and I'd enjoy getting a vague idea of what might lie ahead.
For your reading I chose a berry tea, some of the purple color was still clinging to the bottom of the cup after draining it for the reading.  I see two main symbols in your cup:  a swan’s head (circled in red), and a leaky faucet (circled in blue).  
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The swan is strongly associated with grace and beauty, but if you’ve ever encountered one you’ll know they can be vicious birds.  There are also numerous entities that claim the swan as holy to them or important to their lore. 
The leaky faucet is not a symbol I’ve seen in a cup before, but its meaning was instantly obvious to me: an annoying constant reminder of something usually ignored by your normal perception.  E.G. You don’t hear the dripping faucet in the bathroom all day long, but as soon as you try to go to sleep it’s all you can hear.  
The faucet symbol is, funnily enough, much more natural feeling for me as to how it relates to your spiritual practice:  it seems to indicate that something that has been niggling at the back of your mind, or at the edges of your spiritual/magic senses, may become (or make itself) apparent.  It’s like you’ve been hearing the faucet drip all day long, you just haven’t paid attention to it yet, but things may quiet down enough soon that you can finally identify the sound and trace it to the source.  And that is where I think the swan comes in, but unfortunately I’m not super clear on how.  It could represent a skill you learn, like glamour magic; a character trait that you learn to embody, such as grace under pressure or proud defense of your territory; it could also represent an entity coming into prominence in your life.  I wish I had found another symbol in your cup, as another symbol probably would have provided some of the detail I’m lacking here, but try as I might nothing stood out to me. My gut wants to say that its for a reason - whatever you're supposed to learn, or unlock, or achieve is best done without too much foreshadowing - but I really have nothing to base that on but a gut feeling so take that with a whole salt mine.
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