#Og post got deteted accidentally so this is an altered version ugh
atypical-artisan · 8 months
Do you think the boxers have hobbies outside of boxing? (knitting, crocheting, making bracelets, etc)
Oh hell yeah!!
Joe: baking, cooking, sewing, video games, embroidery, reading, watching esoteric movies, dancing, practicing piano and accordion, anything vampire related, writing fanfic
Kaiser: repairing old machines (Particularly clocks), driving, hiking, camping, fishing, researching history, mountain biking and biking in general
Disco: dancing, messing around with music, clubbing, going to concerts, going down youtube rabbit holes (Particularly for lost meda and drama), exploring esoteric thrift stores, boxercise
Hippo: going down linguistic rabbit holes, learning languages, media preservation, reading audiobooks, surfing, swimming, playing with makeup, collecting stamps and hot wheels
Hondo: reading manga, watching anime, running, cooking (especially exploring sushi recipes), arguing with strangers online about the existence of area 51 and aliens, practicing pac man at the arcade, yoga
Bear: hanging out with his animal friends, hiking, going to fairs, woodcarving, hockey, playing minecraft, reading tvtropes pages, going to his wielding club, cooking
Tiger: Making music, napping, playing card games, going on quotev and uquiz for fun quizzes, playing chess and checkers, watching mlp, watching video essays on tv shows he's never watched
Don: gardening, dancing, looking at carmen, spending time with carmen, thinking about carmen, cooking, playing with makeup, looking up aesthetic posts on instagram, making moodboards for all his socials, redecorating the house with carmen
Aran: painting, knitting, making cursed objects, drawing, sculpting (Especially with metal and clay), pulling pranks, running around with his dog, testing the american legal system, horse riding, reading creepypasta, babysitting
Soda: Going out to parks and libraries and making friends, making new flavors of soda, practicing flute, listening to podcasts (Mostly mystery ones), practicing flute, researching chemistry, ice skating
Bull: Cleaning, puzzles, going to museums, researching art and art history, scrapbooking, sleeping, sand art, making mosaics, making oragami, taking care of his pet bulls, making bracelets, reading webcomics
Macho: surfing, swimming, wrestling, going to aquariums, going to water parks, modeling, acting, playing in bands, cooking, watching makeup tutorials
Sandy: video games, looking up outfits on pinterest, playing piano, volunteering, going to his bookclub, reading, playing with his dogs, collecting dolls (large ones), watching drama channels on youtube
Mac: Collecting baseball, digimon, and pokemon cards, watching the pokemon and digimon anime, playing pokemon games, researching baseball, watching baseball, working out, playing mario cart, breakdancing, going to restaurants and taste testing their burgers, watching documentaries
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