chlogummy · 2 months
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Some fancovers for @mig-auteur aka the most sweet and talented artist of the whole Krosmoz :D WE CAN'T WAIT FOR THE 5TH TOME AAAHHH
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julith-jurgen · 19 days
Ogrest, La Légende art from the 10 Years of Dofus Artbook
This section of the artbook is filled with a lot of cute art of Ogrest !
Compared to the Aux Trésors part there is a lot of character art in this one !
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Some small concept art
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Some backgrounds
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And little Ogrest with a Dofus :)
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vickielo-art · 21 days
Ok so it seems everyone want to see the art from the artbook!!
I don't have a scanner so I'm gonna try to take the best pictures I can, first I just need to figure out what the most interesting stuff in it/stuff that hasn't been shown anywhere else ?
I think I might create a blog just to show the artbook ?
Anyway For now I'm just gonna share this little Ogrest from the book!!
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r1ghtt1mewr0ngplace · 2 months
fine, I guess I'll post wakfu doodles just so this account doesn't die
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cocogum · 2 months
Kali and Poo’s child can become a hazard.
…So where is it now?
Warning(s) : mentions of infertility, miscarriage, and sexual assault.
We all know that the gods do not procreate with each other because they know they will create a calamity or a possible monster capable of killing the gods themselves.
Iop had once made the mistake of breaking that rule by drunkenly trespassing in Sadida’s sanctuary and deflowering Lacrima, one of Sadida’s ten divine dolls. Lacrima was a part of Sadida so Iop had essentially done the same thing to Sadida. Therefore, because Lacrima ended up getting pregnant and conceiving a child, Iop impregnated Sadida.
And just like that strict rule predicted, the offspring of two gods resulted in a monstrous child who possessed the power to slay those same gods. This child was named Cornu Mollu.
So what would happen if two demigods got together?
We know what kind of children a demigod would get with a mortal.
Goultard, a demigod iop, is an example of this and we can see how in the Dofus manga, he had many women and numerous children due to his relationships.
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But despite growing so many families, the offsprings themselves couldn’t live as long as him. Every year, since their deaths, he goes back to the cemetery to pay respects to his wives and children he had in the past so he would never forget them and would be reminded that they all existed.
We even see in a special episode attributed to him that the kids were simply mortals.
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So children belonging to a demigod and a mortal are either mortals or they can live very long but wouldn’t be labelled as a demigod.
We can also see that it can be possible for demigods to NOT be able to have children with mortals.
Otomaï, a demigod feca, is an example of this case. He once had a mortal woman in his life who was named Merina.
Unlike Goultard’s wives, Merina was the only woman in Otomaï’s life. The two had met at a young age and even went to school together. She would constantly follow him around when he was making his discoveries with science and would admire his knowledge and fascination for these kinds of things.
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She later became a shepherdess and even told Otomaï she wanted to grow a family of their own so they could become the shepherds of their home.
But despite loving one another to the purest level, Merina wasn’t able to conceive a child with Otomaï. No matter how badly Merina wanted a family, their efforts were in vain. Otomaï wasn’t worried about her situation, however. He simply told her that in time, they would eventually have a child.
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Merina's time was running out, unlike Otomaï who had all the time in the world. Therefore, Otomaï made a promise to find a way to make her pregnant, anticipating that with their efforts, they will soon be blessed with a child.
But no matter how hard he tried, he constantly failed over and over again. Merina was never angry at his attempts, however.
At some point in their lives, Merina eventually died of old age without making a family with him.
Otomaï was so distraught by this that he tried transferring her wakfu but to no avail. He even took out her reproductive organs to sew them in Dathura’s stomach in a desperate attempt but with no success.
After Merina's death, Otomaï decided to bury her beneath the shade of a tree. Sometime later, an acorn sprouted from that very tree, which was peculiar since it was the only one that had ever grown on that tree. This occurrence sparked a newfound hope in Otomaï to try again in order to preserve a memory of Merina's life.
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After conducting his research and utilizing his alchemy skills along with the power of Merina's acorn, he was able to create Ogrest - a remarkable achievement that showcases the power of combining science and nature.
Otomaï’s story with Merina is possibly one of the only instances where we got to see a demigod unable to reproduce with a mortal. It is uncertain whether Merina's inability to bear children was due to her implied infertility or if Otomaï was the underlying cause. It's also possible that neither of them would have been able to have kids, regardless of who their partner was. The reader is left to draw their own conclusions on this matter.
We have learned two things about a demigod having a child with a mortal based on the cases of Goultard and Otomaï :
1) A demigod can reproduce with a mortal and can either have mortal children or children who can last a bit longer than the average mortal.
2) A demigod can try reproducing with a mortal but can fail no matter how many times they try.
So here’s where we come back to the question that started all of this.
What would happen if TWO demigods got together instead?
Based on my personal observation, there was just one instance in the krosmoz where we got to witness this particular situation unfolding. And that was in the Ogrest manga featuring two specific characters.
Kali and Poo.
Kali and Poo were in a romantic relationship which resulted in Kali becoming pregnant with their child.
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Translation in the red circle.
Kali: “And who are you to tell me that?”
Poo: “The father of the child you’re carrying.”
But there are two issues regarding this peculiar situation.
Number One: Would the child turn out to become a demigod as well?
Number Two: Would it turn into a monster like Cornu Mollu capable of killing divinities?
In volume 4, Kali's stomach does not appear to have any significant pregnancy bump which suggests that she was still in the early stages of her pregnancy. Despite this, she was still able to move around and perform physical activities with ease, including killing people and using their body parts as clothing. This indicates that Kali recently discovered she was pregnant and was still capable of functioning normally during the early stages of her pregnancy. As the child grows, it remains uncertain how they will turn out.
Unfortunately, the Ogrest manga is still not complete but Mig, the illustrator for the manga, has recently been giving little sneak peeks on volume 5 so we will eventually see Kali and Poo again very soon.
Regardless, it still begs the question of what might happen to the future baby.
But what is even more baffling to realize, for those who have read the manga at least, Kali is NOT pregnant in Season 3 and Season 4.
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Her involvement with Poo happened in the Dofus era so we should be able to see the child in the Wakfu era. And yet, we don’t see anything about them. We don’t get a mention of them or if they even exist.
This is rather odd because Kali and Poo were very much always seen together in the fourth volume of the Ogrest manga when they became adults.
So the child should’ve been conceived between the Dofus and Wakfu era right?
Again, if we look at the gods, they strictly do NOT meddle with each other because they are aware of what they can make together.
Poo and Kali don’t seem like they know this fact. Or maybe they simply don't care.
So here are four possibilities I came up with:
1) The child has been conceived but is a demigod sacrier or pandawa and there are no consequences to Kali and Poo’s affair.
2) The child is a mortal sacrier or pandawa but died from old age between the two eras.
3) The child is an actual monster and due to its nature, the brotherhood of the forgotten had to kill it whether Kali and Poo wanted to or not.
4) Kali had a miscarriage because two demigods are not able to fully have a child together.
Personally, I cannot think of any positive outcomes for the child. I think that no matter what happens, it will not be good.
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sadidastheria · 4 months
Hi there, back on Tumblr! I realize that I haven't published my Harebourg and Dathura cosplays from the Japan Expo 2023 ♥
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I also worked on his OVA version (still not finished) as my girlfriend will do Amalia in her wedding dress.
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And for those who are not aware, I plan to improve his Dofus version of the cosplay for the Ankama cosplay contest in 2024 for the Japan Expo! Thanks again to Ankama who supported me and my girlfriend as well as some of the authors ♥
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Oh and @chlogummy will do Missiz Frizz for the coming weeks! I can't wait to make this duo with her!!
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mig-auteur · 9 months
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Une petite case comme ça
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amaliashiro · 2 years
This week new shot!
This time from the 40 min Oropo special episode!
Grougal in his younger years. He seems to be fighting against Ogrest.
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astrosociety · 2 months
Thinking of buying the ogrest manga, but the fact that is only in french is to really helping;;
I don't read anything in french since middle school '-'
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loraculis · 2 years
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I had a realisation
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ol-files · 6 months
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On the fourth day of chrismas
(the next day would be more based on peoples sudgestion (thanks to you all, that answered and voted)
I love looking up what the voice actor do as other project especially when earing a character talking your like "hey, I know this voice" FR version.
Brigitte Lecordier : Ogrest
She voice absolutely a ton of chracter in dragon ball
And Thomas Guitard : Courte Queue/small tail
Is Dally official voice oO
Also, the animation of this episode I found it the softest of them all. If you have seen a shot or video (if not the episode) of Oropo you have an aquarelle like style. This one is entirely in aquarelle style.
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blacktiger666 · 2 months
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The author-designer [French mangaka] Migouze (or Mig for short) suggested that artists and meme fans create a cover for volume 5 of the Ogrest manga just for fun ^^
Personally, I took it seriously (yes, thoroughly while having fun x'D), I drew Echo since it can be a fairly obvious character to present on a volume cover 👀
Post from Mig with the empty cover template and an example : https://twitter.com/Mig_Migouze/status/1772670642535502127
My post : https://twitter.com/BlackTiger_666/status/1774016736418767312
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asubakaa · 3 days
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Haremalia AU where both of them are kids :)
I just needed something sweet,,,
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anormaladn · 2 months
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HEY- UHM----
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fish-from-space · 1 month
huge fan of this kind of green little freaks
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cocogum · 16 days
✨Quirky✨ labels that describes them in a nutshell 🤭🥰
Yugo: blue alien boy
Adamaï: puberty’s bitch
Az: stress relief mascot ball
Amalia: horny grass princess
Eva: hot elf with daddy issues
Dally: dumbass ginger “woops! I did it again! 🤭🤪”
Ruel: Mr. Krabs holding adoption papers
Elely: Ginger 2.0 charged with arson
Flopin: invisible Link
Pin: Jack-Jack
Rubilax: demonic bromance
Madagaskan: retired blind sniper
Cleophee: hot elf who can kick
Goultard: ginger who can think
Oakheart: best salad king
Armand: delulu cabbage head
Canar: drag queen number 1
Renar: drag queen number 2
Aurora: blue trophy wife cow
Osamodas King: blue cow king
Efrim: tiny cute monster feet
Nora: pink lesbian
Mina: your scarred unpaid therapist
Phaeris: arm chewer
Qilby: the original momma’s boy
Shinonome: the shit picker
Glip: dad noises
Balthazar: grandpa noises
Eliatrope Goddess: helicopter parent definition
Alibert: gets thrown babies at him
Chibi: loud ass inventor
Grougaloragran: third person user
Prince Adale: fabulous tea sipper
General Mofette: bondage and whips
Grany Smisse: Meowth’s cousin
Remington: Zorro compensating with swords
Grufon: arachnid map
Anathar: copycat daddy voice
Kerosho: Adamaï’s forgettable achievement
Rushu: god wannabe
Black Ink: sentient food
Elaine: had a shitty childhood
Galanthe: rip thick hips
Noximilien: loves taking his time
Igôle: does not want to die
Cabotine: baby mama
Justice Knight: sweaty himbo
Pandiego: smelly drunk panda
Kabrok: retired wanderlust
Miranda: corn’s victim…
Vampyro: spirit halloween reject
Xav the Baker: croissant addict
Kriss Krass: tongue’s always out
Maude: goth chick
Ogrest: professional whiner
Otomaï: stressed out alchemist
Joris: experienced father and uncle babysitter
Kerubim: white furry with life issues
Simone: cleaner for hire
Julie: the embodiment of gay furry
Atcham: bald
Lilotte: furry orphan by choice
Khan Karkass: oily misogynistic ginger
Bakara: teacher’s pet snitcher
Julith: mommy milker terrorist
Jahash: died for getting laid
Jiva: just wanted to get laid
Poo: Kung Fu Panda
Echo: half lizard
Sipho: ugly ass lizard
Toxine: evil deadpool with an ass
Harebourg: narcissistic obsessed stalker
Oropo: clam sucker
Coqueline: raccoon girl
Dathura: leaf hottie
Dark Vlad: rock metal enthusiast
Black Bump: panty sniffer
Kali: professional sadist
Ush: furry sore loser
Arpagone: not an actual enutrof
Barik: elvis gone wrong
Cendre Mystigrine: forgettable furry
Ramona: best enutrof grandma
Harcelo Estep: disowned cuz wtf-
Messer: talking skull
Lacrima: did not deserve this
Winmo Nodorh: Flopin did it better
Lupa: sadist sympathizer
Atone: laser beam vision
Bouillon: fighting boner
Ripulse: name stands for “disgusted”
Sidaire: little sonic twerp
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