#Oh Wwoah
hometownangels · 12 days
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i screamed
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What's your opinion on @ask-cronus-grub
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ERIDAN: ask wwho noww
MARCH: wwoah eri wwhered the grub come from?
ERIDAN: i dont knoww
CRONUS: oh my god is that me? hopy shit!
ERISOL: you 2hould probably put that back wwhere you found iit.
ERISOL: before 2ome lu2u2 ha2 a fuckiin coniiptiion lookiin for iit.
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l-amplights · 2 months
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ok everybody, its time for bfdi rapping, lets meet our challengers. give it up for TD the sexy mute spitter! [cheering] and we know why we came here for the champion our main man with the sunglasses SUPA HOT FIREY!!!!! (yay go firey!!!) (you got this buddy!) sorry t-ster. anyway lets get into the coin toss shall we. heads TD goes first and tails firey goes first. Spit that TD. 🫷🫷👆😗🫵😢💧🔥💧💨 [oh oh wwoah] (oh my god) (WOAH teardrop just put out the fire) alright firey go get em (yeah!) i'm supa hot firey, you're wet and cold 🤨 you better check your phone 🤨📱 you just got rick rolled [cheering] (ohhh teardrop got rick rolled) (oh i just want firey to be himself) you can't win this battle cause you can't talk- AND IM SUPER HOT GIRL BECAUSE I'M LITERALLY FIRE CAUSE I'M SUPER HOT GIRL [cheering] (ooo YES FIREY YOU GOT IT) i am not a rapper, i'm f alt art v
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this is how i sketched it out but i like the version with the leaking colours more so L
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drunk-girl · 5 months
Hi sweetie, mommy has a new treat recipe she’s trying, can you taste it for me? What’s in it? Oh don’t worry about it. Hush and eat up now~ 💖💖
~ sloppysequinz
hiii :]
oooh you do?? of course i can <3 hehe this tastes nice :3 hehhhehh wwoah haha did you put somethign weird in it?
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omnicviolence · 3 days
wwoah oh my cheese your like 1 of five npt blogs not ia.. can i request elysia hi3 ids? :3
oh my cheese is such a great expression im gonna use that now :) OFC I LOVE WLYSIA SHES SO PRRETY EHHEHEHE
Elysia (Honkai Impact 3rd) ID pack
 ◞◟ NAMES ✦
Elysia, Ellie/Eli, Azaela, Rose, Fuchsia, Bellerose/Bellerosa, Blossom, Blush, Coralie, Cerise, Dahlia, Flora, Lotus, Ego
Pink/Pinks, Love/Loves, Lauv/Lauv, Cheer/Cheers, Happy/Happiness, Heaven/Heavens, Haven/Havens, Grace/Graces, Beau/Beauty
 ◞◟ TITLES ✦
[PRN] Who Lives Among The [Favourite flowers], Femme Beauty, Loving Elf, Blushing Lover, [PRN] Who Is The Safe Haven
 ◞◟ IDs ✦
Pinkcharsic, Lovesickfem ou Lovesickmasc, Loveabomination, Godethealgic, Cutemaiden, Pinkadored, Lacegender, Heartbeatgender
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castielsparkle · 1 month
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gayeridan · 5 months
god the fact that canonically speaking ghosts dont age combined ww the fact the my eri ages WWith Me because Thats Just Me Babey lmao is such a . DANgerous combo wwith me & cro lmao like..... technically going Full Au im still 20 & all the dancestors age 2 so cros 26 but like . just Theoretically Speaking. the Range . just fuckin. Graps his Face so Gently in my hands . "sir are u awware you are A Baby." cr*nus, deep in thought: "im... Im Baby?" "you. ur baby!" "im Baby..." like i remember wwhen i wwas 13 reading hs for the first time i wwas like "wwoah all the dancestors r so OLD !!! 19 is EONS awway !!!!! cronus is practically an Adult !!!" and noww im like. lmao you havve Baby Disease dumbass. he cant evven LEGALLY DRINK... god just. thinkin abt Me getting shitfaced at a bar or something next year like "oh uwu im sorry Crongus id lovve 2 let u havve some of my cocktail but unfortunately u r practically an Infant ! go wwait in the car uwuwuwuwu" like HSGSHSGJSGSMF hes fucking baby dude. its 5am its Real tease cr*nus hours. i lovve h
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swagnant · 1 year
lol its like a cursed collar? it says if you wear it then if you make eye contact with someone then their thoughts about your body will become temporarily true
i mean yeah of course i put it on i know youre always thinkin nice stuff about me<3 ok im coming in
hiiii you look good darling oh whats the
ohhh are you thinking of knocking me up? how sweet<3 mmnff its filling me up<3
MNNhhhff,, mmy balls too? hhff wwoah those are sstretching out ffast., gghh i can ffeel all the cum in there filling me hhff,,
nnhhff... sssniff mmhmf do you smell that or.,, ssniff snniff oh man is that me i stink so bad... ggod im gonna have to shower after this hhaha,, hhff
ftthat tickles hhff,, ddoes it smell nice? do you like it.., i can shower less if you rreally like my stink like that<<33 now let me see those gorgeous gorgeous eyes<33
...oh wow! i didnt know you were into that
... i didnt know i was into that either...
god... fuck me please you have NO idea what this is doing to my heat rn hahhaha
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astrangeghost · 3 years
mmy wife is better than your wife i love my life a whole lot more my wife os so cool amnf they are very smart and very funny and mean the world to me my wife is so much cooler than yours adn always will be!!! (babe it's 2 am....... help me i can't handle pulling an all-nighter tonight but i probably might because i have no self-control)
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this is you but im also very bad at drawing rn forgive me
My wife ccould beat your wife in a fight!!!!! Blues so cool and sweet and nice and strong!! And silly an fun and huggable and the!! The best wife!!!!!! Number one forever and ever bestest wife!!! My wife is absolutely amazing and does not deserve this slander!!! Also honey I'm gonna start physically dragging you to bed so you can sleep <:(
I love my wwife sooo bad.... sooooso much........... thank you for drawing me I look so cool <:)) <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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wwoah nep you look different you look like me (ask-the-prince-and-knight)
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SOLLUX: 0h n0, n0 n0 n0 n0 n0, n0 way n0 n0 n0 !
ERIDAN: uh may I knoww wwhat is your problem ?
SOLLUX; y0u fuckiing iidii0t, y0u made hiim fall red f0r y0u !
ERIDAN: wwoah... did I ?
SOLLUX: ye2 y0u diid y0u ab20lute 2tupiid 2ushii !
ERIDAN: oh wwell I don't see what you're complainin about
SOLLUX: huh ?
ERIDAN: you knoww sol i think the problem is actually you
SOLLUX: me ??
ERIDAN: yes you're sittin here insultin me in evvery wway to make little bif thinkin I am a bad person
SOLLUX: but y0u're a bad per20n !!
ERIDAN: oh my glub he's lyin again howw rude I didn't do anything and I get punished !
BIFORI: ancesto××r, that's kind of mean f××rom you.
SOLLUX: excu2e me ? am ii the 0nly 0ne thiinkiing straiight here ??
ERIDAN: sol if you can't understand this then I don't see wwhy wwe're still here let's go bif
BIFORI: oh, okay !
ERIDAN: see you another time sol !
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oh hey are u the itchy mouse guy? like the one who talked abt piss?
wwoah wait what ?? yeah probably idk,
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🎁 seince eridan is my favorite...blurry vision in his red eye (if it's allowed!!!) Oh and another plushie. A very, very fuzzy one uwu!!!
(( I’m guessin like.. an M!A so I’ll go 15 asks for this one ))
“Wwoah. Ya knoww, bein absolutely blind is almost better than this. But at least I can make out colors.. Mostly.”
“And… Thanks for the plush! I’ll put it wwith the others!”
M!A on: Blurry Vision [0/15]
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aboptosis · 7 years
I read the ask abt ur follower count as 2.1m bc I'm tired as heck and I was like wwoah what then I realized n was like o
aksksjd oh my god now that would be a whole lot of pressure,, tbh i think we both need a whole lot more sleep :’)
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