#Oh but if you have questions about the AU I am 110% open to those!!
char-lie-spirals · 1 year
I am glad to let you all know that my "Graham Folger lives and therefore nothing bad ever happens" Google Doc is at over 10k words and covers my plans for everything from the events of MAG 3 to the season 4 finale. It's still a bit rough at a few points but honestly, I'm happy calling it basically finished!
...Now only to actually write it.
30 notes · View notes
oftenderweapons · 3 years
Apple Of My Pie (7) — Jin
A Small Town Swoons story 
Chapter 7. 
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader (nicknamed Buttercup)
Wordcount: 7.1k words
Genre: non-idol!AU, Baker/Café owner!Seokjin, University student!reader Flatmates!AU, Friends To Lovers, Fluff, slightest angst, smut
Rating: 18+ (NSFW content)
A/N: Hello my sweet poppies! Welcome to the Small Town Swoon Universe! 🥰✨
In this episode: Jin and Buttercup finally reunite, and although the real world tries to interrupt their small idyll, Seokjin has the strength to finally impose his needs and confess his feelings. The evening proceeds in the best of ways.
As I mentioned before, this episode made me write things I didn’t know I had in me. Also, this will be the final episode for their storyline, however you will see more of Jin and Buttercup on future stories, mostly in small apparitions here and there. I might come back to this story someday, maybe with some drabbles or some small headcanons, however, I think that now it’s time to let Jin and Buttercup live their special moments with in their own privacy and make up for lost time.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: this is filthy. There’s swearing and light alcohol consumption (wine at dinner, both are pretty sober afterwards). Now, about the filth. Degradation kink, breast worship (involves kissing, licking, biting, grabbing), breast slapping, nipple pinching, one (1) spank, foodplay involving ice cream (so mild temperature play), dom!Seokjin, slightly bratty!reader, grinding, masturbation (both male and female receiving), brief mention of oral (male receiving), cumplay, cumeating, creampie, unprotected sex (please don’t do like them. The right way to go about this would be to use condoms and/or dental dams until you and your partner get the results of the test and are 110% sure you’re clean. If you have any questions, please head to Planned Parenthood’s website, they have wonderful webpages about safe, sane and consensual sex, plus anything you need to keep your sexual health in check. If you can’t check their website, please feel welcome to reach out to me through DMs, I’ll try to help 🥰💜). Also reader is kind of excited about Seokjin being circumcised? And these two have a latent impregnation kink that will show up someday. There are slightly angst discussion about past partners and feelings, but nothing extreme.
Remember to vote for next prompt (check the link in my bio) and in case you need it, here’s my masterlist 💜
In case you need it, here is the music companion
Enjoy ✨💜
Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7 (7/7)
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Seokjin woke up with the ringing of a phone.
He appreciated the warmth and weight next to him, half on top of him.
He looked at you. He allowed himself to do that only for a couple seconds.
Your phone was ringing, and he needed to pick it up before it woke you.
Your face had been so scared and tired when he first saw it at the front door.
He stood and picked up the call just in time.
“Oh, thank God, Buttercup where are you?” Jeongguk’s voice came from the phone.
“It’s Seokjin. She’s with me, at the apartment. She’s sleeping.” He replied, his voice gravelly after being under the cold rain and sleeping for almost two hours.
“She’s with you?”
“Yes, she’s here. She’s sleeping.” Seokjin repeated.
“Kim Seokjin. I am going to kill you!” Yoongi said, stealing the phone from Jeongguk. “We were all looking for her. Poor Jeongguk was in a panic. Are you stupid? Outright dumb? What is it, both your two miserable neurons decided to throw a strike today? Did they accidentally crash and perish? Did they finally decide to end their suffering?”
“Yoongi. Stop,” said Spice from a distance. “She’s safe, stop acting like an overprotective parent.”
“Is she okay? Is she hurt?” Yoongi asked.
“No. I found her here, taking her stuff away.” Seokjin said, his body tensing at the thought. “Is she leaving? What is going on?”
“She’s going to the cottage with Namjoon. They’re leaving on Monday.”
Seokjin rolled his shoulders before exhaling. “How has she been in the last few weeks?”
“A mess. Sad, miserable. And it’s your fault.” Yoongi spoke with vitriolic hostility in his voice.
“I’m gonna fix it, Yoongi. I promise.” Seokjin said, his voice extremely emotional as he looked at you. Your eyes were open and you had the tiniest smile on.
“Are you gonna talk to her? Actually confess? Tell her you love her and be done with all the insecure, selfish bullshit?”
“I’m gonna talk to her.” Seokjin replied, still looking at you. “I’ve got a bunch of stuff to come clear with. And I’ll tell her I’m in love with her. And that she’s not going to Namjoon’s. She’s staying with me.” He winked. “She needs to eat and regain some strength before she goes to the woods, if she still wants to go. I’ll tell her ‘Buttercup, I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you for four years.’” His voice broke. “‘I don’t want to spend one more day without you’, that’s what I’ll tell her.”
You were still incredulous, completely still under the blanket.
“And then I’ll ask her to be my girlfriend, and if she turns me down, then it’s alright. I’ll take it like a gentleman. I’ll let her be. But if there’s even a tiny, minuscule part of her that wants to say yes, then I won’t let her go until she agrees to become my girlfriend.” Seokjin explained, with determination filling his voice.
Yoongi got emotional. “Go tell her before you change your mind.”
“She’s right in front of me. She heard every single word.”
“Then I guess you have more important stuff than stay on the phone with me.”
Seokjin chuckled. “Hopefully kiss my new girlfriend, if she lets me.”
You didn’t even understand what was going on before you nodded energetically.
“She said yes. I gotta go.” Jin’s mouth shaped into a large, proud grin.
“Sure. Stay safe. I’m too young to become an uncle.” Yoongi teased with a snicker.
“Goodnight uncle.” Seokjin replied before closing the call.
Your stares stayed locked together as he placed down the phone.
His expression turned serious but kind. “You’re awake.”
You blinked and licked your lips. “I am.” You took a pause, inhaling. “And I want to kiss you.”
He mirrored your action, his tongue slipping out, wetting the seam of his mouth, directing your glance there. “I want to clear things up, before that.”
You closed your eyes, trying not to lose your patience. “What is there to clear up?”
“I just wanted to explain stuff. About Grace and all of the rest...”
From the insecure, agitated look in his eyes, you realised he was scared. You patted the sofa, inviting him to sit beside you. He followed your lead. “I’m listening.” You reassured him, placing your hand on top of his knee.
“When I started dating Grace, I was convinced I could never stand a chance with you. And though Yoongi insisted on the fact that you had feelings for me, I was too shy and too scared to risk it. And after living with you and being so… united. So domestic… I couldn’t handle my feelings anymore.”
You rubbed his arm comfortingly, sitting up, trying to reassure him, to heal him from all those months of insecurities and silence and denial.
“I tried to suppress them. And Grace looked so kind, so respectful. And she’s a beautiful young woman. I could see myself falling for her.”
You pressed your forehead against his shoulder. You still had to realise that such a gesture had a deeper, somehow different meaning, that from then on you were allowed to do that and more.
“But the closer I got to her — and the farther I got from you — the more it all felt wrong. And I don’t even know why I did what I did that Saturday — well Sunday, you know what I mean anyway. I think some part of me was angry because of Edmund or something, or because I thought that I could stop thinking about you if I found someone else to think about and that makes me an absolute idiot—”
You interrupted him. “Don’t hide from me. Ever.” You cupped his face and made him look at you. “You were hurt. And I took similar decisions. What I did with Edmund was somehow similar to what you did with Grace. It’s just that you two had feelings for each other while—” The idea of him being in love with someone else squeezed your lungs until you felt empty.
“I’ve never felt someone as deeply as I feel you, though. I’ve never felt so many things for anyone else beside you.” He said, his eyelashes fluttering as he looked at your lips.
“I love you.” You murmured. There were no other words you could use. “I’m in love with you and I’m not angry that you tried to forget and move on. It doesn’t matter that we fucked or made love to other people. I don’t care that you didn’t tell me. The only thing that matters is that you’re here now and I love you so much.”
He repositioned himself so he could look at you without getting a crick in his neck. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, soft and delicate, worried even.
“Because I couldn’t think about losing you. Because I didn’t even realise I was in love before you started spending time with Grace. Well, I knew I was attracted to you and that I considered you my friend, but I had never really allowed myself to consider I could have more. I was happy with what we had, and I never realised I could lose it, or that someone else could have it instead of me.”
He touched your hair.
“I was okay with what we had. Asking for more felt selfish. Like I was being greedy.”  You lowered your eyes, his gaze too intense for you to resist.
“I want you to be greedy, Buttercup.” He whispered, his hand cupping your jaw. “I want you to take all of me and not leave a crumb for anyone else.” His body felt closer, hotter. “I love you, Buttercup. And not in the friendly way. I love you in a very passionate, very hungry way.” His thumb traced your lower lip as he gazed at it heatedly. “Do you love me too?”
You nodded recklessly, almost snapping your neck. “I love you. In a very unfriendly, very sexy way.”
He smiled. “Good.”
His mouth lowered gently, reaching yours, his whole body inching forward until your eyes lost focus and closed. It was a good kiss. Not perfect but good.
Jin’s lips felt soft against your mouth, maybe a bit too delicate, still, definitely pleasing. With just a pinch of mischief, you pulled at his lower lip lightly, biting it delicately.
The growl he emitted had you smiling before you repeated your teasing move, drawing him in. He exhaled and opened his mouth, sucking your upper lip past his teeth.
That felt better than good, leaning to perfect.
What actually made it perfect was his body completely caving in as he manoeuvred himself on top of you, holding himself up with one hand as his hand explored your body deliciously, caressing your hair, your shoulder before reaching your waist.
Helpless and desperate, you pressed the tip of your tongue against his lower lip, pushing it into his mouth.
His hips pressed sinfully against your thigh as he groaned and tangled his tongue with yours.
You moaned and he whimpered in return, a growl vibrating deep in his throat.
His hand moved under your shirt, stopping abruptly.
Your stomach rumbled noisily, making Seokjin part from you. “You’re really hungry.”
You blushed and looked away. “Yeah.”
He hid his face into your neck, snickering. His breath tickled you. “You feel so good right here.” He said, snuggling closer. “But I have to feed you first.” His fingers dug into your sides. “You’re thin.”
Your nails raked against his back. “I had a bit of a hard time in the last few days.” You mentioned casually.
“Can’t have you like this.” He parted from your body, studying your face attentively. “Let’s get you fed.” He whispered, pecking your lips and standing up, heading to the kitchen.
“You’re kidding, right?” You stood up on wobbly legs and followed him.
He looked back at you. “Not at all.” Jin theatrically opened the fridge and lifted an eyebrow. “Chicken wraps. Salad. An abundant dose of ice cream. I need you sugared up.”
You looked at him with a pout.
“It’s the quickest meal I can arrange, Buttercup. We can have dinner in forty and then cuddle and make out. Dinner is non-negotiable.” He said, getting the chicken strips and the large tortillas, together with cherry tomatoes and cheese.
“Can’t we just… postpone dinner?” You said, too caught up in your grovelling to bring up memories of him and Grace in the kitchen.
“Why would we need to postpone dinner?” He asked, slipping some butter into a pan, together with some garlic, moving the chicken strips onto the pan and roasting them quickly with a random — and a very delicious-smelling — mix of spices.
You dragged your foot against the floor, trying to look demure. “You know why...”
He snickered devilishly. “We’ve waited for four years. One more hour won’t hurt you. Cut the cherry tomatoes, please.”
“Especially because we waited for years we should be forgoing dinner.”
He laughed. “I won’t have you fainting on me. Dinner, then whatever you want, Buttercup. Cut those tomatoes, you’re postponing the fun.” He said, adding a spoonful of chicken broth to keep the meat in the pan soft and tasty.
“Now I remember how insufferable you truly are.” You said, starting with the cutting.
He smirked. “You’re stuck with me from now on, doll.”
“I’m revoking the love declaration.” You muttered.
“Are you revoking your undying lust for me too?” He asked, turning towards you with a lopsided, cocky grin.
You just looked at him with the most insulting look you could muster before returning to the tomatoes.
“Such a good girl. Still cutting those tomatoes to get her reward.” He joked.
Once, this kind of nagging was absent minded, innocent and playful. Now it was outright sexual. Especially since the praise had a shiver running down your spine.
“Don’t tease if you’re gonna make me wait.” You groaned.
He bent and kissed your cheek. “I’m doing it for your good, Buttercup.” He moved to your earlobe. “You’ll thank me later, doll.” He nibbled on the soft skin. “I promise it will feel so good, Buttercup.”
You stretched your neck to the side, offering him the expanse of taut, corded throat.
He grazed it with his teeth, drawing the purple-greenish line of your jugular.
“I bet you taste so damn good,” he murmured, sucking at the base of your throat.
“Jinnie.” You called delicately.
He parted from you abruptly. “Dinner. First, dinner.” He reminded himself. “Dammit, you’re such a tease.” He complained, picking up another larger pan to heat up the tortillas. He also added a light sprinkle of flour to the chicken, to give a creamier texture to the sauce made by the broth and the butter. Once the first tortilla was warm, he placed the chicken on top, mingling it with the tomato pieces and the cheese while you prepared the salad.
Dinner was ready in twenty minutes, the wonderful smell of spices filling your nostrils and making your mouth water as you sat and stared at your tortilla, waiting for Jin to sit down himself. He also added an interesting bottle of white wine to the mix, matching the chicken.
“Enjoy.” He exclaimed before digging in himself.
Your whole mouth was feasting at the taste of the food.
It could feast for something better, your hormones reminded you, but you let that slip.
Dinner was uneventful, the both of you too busy and hungry and tense to start a conversation.
While you were thinking about how to tell Jin you wanted him to ram you into the mattress and slap your tits, he thought whether it was okay for him to want sex already. Okay, technically you had been friends for years, but maybe you wanted to wait, go on actual dates, be a couple, in an official relationship before letting him make love to you.
It was pretty clear that any kind of conversation between such two people would evidently elucidate any semblance of doubt, but it would also be a minefield of misunderstandings and potentially very embarrassing bushes to beat around.
So you both stayed silent, completely oblivious to the lessons you had learned roughly an hour ago.
By the time he stood and prepared a small bowl of plain milk gelato, topped with his special wild berries sauce, doubt had nagged at him enough that he was ready to speak.
He placed the bowl on the table. A lovely royal blue bowl. It was his favourite. Maybe because it was his mother’s favourite. He sat down and patted his hands against his thighs. “Come here.” He murmured.
You obliged, settling on his lap contentedly. He took a spoonful of dessert, making sure that he got some sauce in it before offering it to your awaiting mouth. “Eat up, doll.”
You opened your mouth and enjoyed the refreshing feel of the gelato against your palate.
“I need you to listen to me, Buttercup.” He started. “I know we confessed our feelings and that we’ve been attracted to each other for a very long time.”
You nodded, watching as he offered another spoonful as soon as you opened your mouth.
“I just want you to know that I’m dying to make love to you tonight, but we don’t have to. It’s okay if you want to… I don’t know, get physically intimate a bit at a time, or if you want it to be something special, or—”
You interrupted him. “I want to make love to you too, tonight.”
Your eyes followed him as he licked his lips. “Shall we bring this to the bedroom then?”
Nodding you stood up, going for the living room and grabbing the comforter, walking down the corridor and looking at him from over your shoulder. “What are you waiting for?” You asked before disappearing into his room.
He shook his head in disbelief before grabbing more wild berries sauce. Maybe, hopefully…
He took the bowl of ice cream and a spoon, taking his time before entering his room.
You were already laying on his bed, head to toe a vision.
You had already removed your yoga pants and you were laying there in an oversized t-shirt.
“Tell me how you want me to treat you, Buttercup.” He asked, studying you as he took a mouthful of gelato to his mouth.
“Undress first. Then come here. Feed me that delicious dessert and then feed me your cock.” You said, completely unashamed as his burning gaze explored your naked skin.
“I won’t feed you my cock, sorry doll.” He said, placing the bowl on the nightstand together with the sauce. “I’ll need to suck on your pretty tits first.” He took off his sweater in a flash, your eyes reacquainting with his naked chest, bathing in the glorious width of it. It was really breathtaking, with its plains and slopes and dips.
“You’re gorgeous.” You murmured, looking at him while your hand went to your breast, palming it and teasing the peak while he took off his sweatpants. Watching the delicious shape of him from over his boxers had you moaning just slightly, whimpering weakly before your hand slid under your shirt to grab at your flushed, overheated chest.
Seokjin caught your wrist vigorously, pulling it out. “Those are mine to touch, doll.” He reprimanded you. “All mine.” He repeated, straddling your waist, pinning your hands up.
You looked at him with a wicked smile. This, this, was your best friend, the man you had loved for years. And here he was, pinning your wrists, ready to mark your breasts, to own them.
“Keep ‘em there.” He ordered, letting go of your wrists before stretching his fingers to completely hold your breasts, kneading them lightly to test the texture.
“Fuck, they're so soft.” His eyes closed as he felt them up appreciatively. “I can't wait to suck these.” He said, and his unashamed comment opened another new world to you. His thumbs found your nipples, rolling them under the plush pads of his fingers. “You like this?” He asked, looking in your eyes.
You nodded, stretching toward the bedside table and switching on the small lamp there. “Wanna see you.” You explained, looking at him, waiting for a reaction.
“Are you sure? You okay with me watching?” He asked, just as your eyes closed and your back arched, your breasts pushing against his palms, your throat emitting the shyest moan.
“Oh, you like this a lot, don't you, Buttercup?” He snickered, bending down to kiss your neck. “Let me hear how good it feels, honey,” He murmured, sucking at your skin gently.
“Please, I want my shirt off, Jin.” That's all you managed to say, squeezing your thighs together once you realised he wasn't giving you anything to grind against.
“You want me to touch your naked skin?” He asked, making you grow even more desperate.
“Please. Jin…”
He looked at your face. It was absolutely adorable as it scrunched up in disappointment, a lovely pout making your lips rounder, softer, plumper. He kissed them briefly. “Sit up, lovely. Let's take this shirt off.” He murmured with a deep baritone timbre.
The shirt was gone in a second, his mouth latching on a nipple before you could even take off the shirt completely.
His hips ground against your belly, his erection pressing hard against your navel while you laid back down, his front arching away from you as his mouth stayed attached to your chest.
“Please, gimme…” You tried to speak, needing something to ease the pressure between your thighs, where your throbbing clitoris felt unforgivably neglected.
“What?” He asked, parting from your breast and looking so blissful and confused, like he didn't even know what was going on, like your breasts had given him a total reset and all he could remember, all he could ever want and do was to stay there and suck, completely oblivious to anything but the object of his lust.
“Need you down there,” was all you managed to say, still too high from the promises of pleasure.
He grinned *hazily. “Down where?” He asked, teasing and unforgiving.
You exhaled and whimpered. “I need you between my legs.”
“Between your legs where, Buttercup? Don't be shy.”
At that you snapped. “If you intend to keep sucking my nipples could you please kindly press your thigh against my clit? I need to grind on something and you're being too fucking uncooperative.”
He laughed almost hysterically. “Of course, Buttercup. See, was it so hard to ask?” He commented, almost too patronising.
“You're making me want to shut your mouth.” You replied, pushing your hips up and finally meeting his hard thigh, giving a low moan.
“Too bad that would keep me from doing this.” He said, sitting up slightly, grabbing the spoon from the bowl and pressing the cold metal to your areola, spreading a thick layer of ice cream there while your hot skin made it melt and dribble down.
“Fucking hell.” You said, watching as his tongue slid out and collected the rivulet of cream that was dangerously rolling down towards the sheets, almost staining them.
His eyes found yours and he grinned. “Feels good?”
You nodded. “Do that again, please.”
He obliged, this time reaching the peak and sucking it, his mouth opening wide as he tried to suck away as much dessert as possible.
Your left hand went to his head, holding him against your breast while your right one went to his ass, pressing it down so that your pelvis and his met, grinding against each other deliciously, his mouth leaving the sucking motion to release a heavy exhale.
“You have the most beautiful tits I've ever seen and touched, Buttercup. They feel so soft and warm and good.” He murmured, so aroused it almost felt painful. “I love them so much.” He confessed, pressing them together and dipping his face in between, moving it side to side. “I love you so damn much, ____.”
He gave a few thrusts with his hips, before pressing his cock harshly between your bodies, your skin feeling so sensitive that you thought you could feel it throb against you.
“I want you inside.” You whispered, grinding into him in response. “Tell me you used a condom the other time.”
He nodded. “I always have.”
You nodded in reply. “You sure you’re clean?”
“I got tested before Grace. And she’s clean.” He said, slowing down at the mention of his ex.
You nodded. “I got checked after Edmund, for peace of mind. All safe.”
“Thank fuck.” He commented, biting the underside of your boob. “I can’t wait to feel you raw on me. If you’re okay with that.”
You confirmed, bobbing your head so energetically you thought it would detach from your neck. “Want to feel you cum inside.” You murmured while he bit his lip and got more ice cream, covering your other breast, the cold of the food and the spoon making you keen and purr. “Is this what you were doing while she made those sounds?”
He tutted and shook his head. “I’ve always wanted this with you. It would never please me as much with anyone else.”
You rolled your eyes. “Liar.”
He arched an eyebrow and stopped his licking and sucking motions, sinking his teeth into your flesh, eliciting a gasp from you, leaving his position only once he was sure he had left a mark. “What did you say?”
“That you’re a liar. That you like this more with me than with anyone else,” you replied, cocky and bratty.
Without thinking twice, he slapped your left breast violently, not even trying to be delicate.
You squealed, your whole body flinching before your fingers gripped the sheets tightly.
“You think I would do this with just anyone?” He asked, almost angry, the hard bite in his voice scaring you just a little.
He eyed the other breast meaningfully, placing his hand there but not slapping the full curve until you shook your head yes, giving him permission.
The second blow had you losing your mind completely, your cunt so sensitive that you felt a heavy gush of arousal drip out of your entrance. “No, Jin.”
“Grip the headboard and stay still.” He said, sitting up and tugging your panties down, the fabric almost ripping at the aggressive movements. “Maybe you don’t get how much you turn me on, Buttercup.” He grinned, looking at you finally naked in front of him.  “Do you know how many times I saw those perky nipples under my shirts? How many times I thought about covering them in any food imaginable?”
You shook your head. “Maybe I wanted you to lay me on top of the kitchen table and shove your cock in my cunt and bruise my tits all over.” You replied, batting your lashes innocently. “Maybe call me your dirty little slut. Throw in a couple spanks.”
He stopped everything he was doing, entirely frozen.
“Is that how you like it?” He asked, completely focused on your reply.
You licked your lips. “With you I might like that, yes.”
“You want to be my dirty little slut?” He asked, staring into your eyes, quoting your words exactly.
You inhaled and nodded.
“You want me to degrade you?” He asked again, settling between your legs and rubbing your thighs.
Again, you shook your head yes.
“What if I called you my cockstarved whore?” He said, slightly hesitant.
You smiled and closed your eyes. “Why don’t you do that while squeezing my cheeks with one hand and slapping my tits with the other?”
He snickered. “You really are a filthy animal, uh?” He slapped your breast and bent down to your face. “You want me to use you like a fuckdoll, mh?”
“Yes, please.”
“I need to stretch you first, though, love.” He said, softening for a second. “Now, out of our little game here, I don’t want to hurt you like that, yes?”
Your mind sobered up for a minute as you listened to him.
“Listen to me now, Buttercup. We need a safeword, love.” He said, touching your face. “You okay with colours? Green is good, yellow is slow down, red is stop.”
“I’m good with that.” You replied, trying to reach his face with yours. “Can you kiss me, please?”
His expression turned longing and fond before he took his time, making love to your mouth with his, his kiss so deep and demanding and passionate until he felt how wet you were against his thigh.
“You’re drenched, doll.” He said, smirking at you. “I want to feel your pretty hand around my cock, Buttercup. Stroke me while I stretch you, love.”
You nodded, your hands leaving the headboard lightning fast sliding into his underwear with speed you doubted you could muster in any other circumstances.
“Fuck, you’re thick.” You said once your fingers wrapped around him.
“That’s what the stretching is for, Buttercup.” He grinned as he looked down at you. His fingers slipped into your slit effortlessly, your inner muscles gripping him immediately.
“And you’re tight. So damn tight.” He replied, bending down to lick at your chest, suctioning your areola into his mouth, shaking his head, making your whole breast bounce in a movement that was too mild to cause pleasure, weren’t it for the incredible amount of arousal circling in your bloodstream.
“Please, Jin. Inside. I’m begging. Please.” You pleaded, stroking him, feeling how long and thick and hot he was, filled with ridges and veins. And he was circumcised. None of your previous partners were.
You explored the differences with your fingers, the lack of skin there so interesting and unusual.
“You like that?” He asked, gritting his teeth as he felt his cock flutter, a drop of precum leaving his slit.
You nodded as you caught his arousal, spreading over the soft, spongy tip, completely undisturbed by foreskin. “I want to see it.” You said before a long moan left your lips, his fingers hitting a sensitive spot inside you, rubbing it with slow movements of his index and middle finger, hooking them and pressing intensely against the smoothest patch of skin. “Oh, god.” You murmured, your eyes fluttering shut as he added his thumb on your clit.
“Cum on my fingers, Buttercup.” He growled. “Then I’ll let you see my cock. You need to cum first, though. Cum for me.”
While your hand stroked him lightly, absentmindedly, the rest of your body focused exclusively on the feel of his digits inside you. ‘I’m close’ was all you managed to say before your hips started following your high, your body becoming completely unresponsive to any semblance of control your mind tried to impose.
“Cum, love.” He said, and your whole being responded, your hand stilling, your breathing stopping, your eyes opening wide before closing again while ecstasy possessed you.
“Yes, love. That’s it. My filthy thing. Show me how you do it.” He spurred you on, watching your body contort in pleasure.
“Jin.” You whined, the first sound you managed to emit since you came apart for him.
“Yes.” He said, removing his thumb from your clit and adding another finger inside you, stretching you wide before you called a yellow.
He extracted his fingers and laid them flat against your mound. “I think I promised you my cock, uh?”
Grinning wildly, you agreed, trying to tug his boxers off. “I want it. I earned it. Give it to me.”
He snickered, cleaning his hand against your breast before collecting your taste and what was left of the gelato with the flat of his tongue. “How demanding.”
“I’ve waited four years. Can’t you just do me already?”
“We could have waited way, way less.” He said, taking the bowl with only a spoonful of molten ice cream, tipping it teasingly over your torso, drawing a line that went from your belly button to your mouth, which you opened wide, letting the liquid dribble in.
Seokjin stared in wonder, imagining something else spilling into your mouth. Once there was nothing left, he placed the bowl back on the bedside table, bending down and licking up the line of cream he had drawn, slowing down to make sure he didn’t leave too much of a mess.
By the time he reached your neck and chin, he was ready to explode with want, his whole body needing to claim, own, possess.
“Is my little slut ready?” He asked, lingering over your face. “Or does she need to learn some more patience?”
You shook your head, licking his lips. “Please.” You begged, your nails raking down his back.
“That’s a good slut. You’re begging for my cock?”
You nodded.
“And you’re so dumb for it you even lost your words?”
You nodded again, grinning.
“She’s the smartest little bean and still gets silly for my cock.” He smiled fondly, almost insultingly. “That’s my pretty fuckdoll.”
He laid down beside you, finally freeing his cock as he arched his hips off the bed and removed his underwear.
Your eyes focused on his dick immediately, the shaft so beautiful, covered in veins just like you had imagined when you had felt it underneath your fingertips.
“Dammit. It’s...” You bent over him, getting your hands on him, bringing your face closer to his crotch, wanting to learn every single detail by heart. “Jin.”
“What.” He replied before throwing his head back, his fingers going to the pillow and gripping it, his hand leaving the fabric to press his palm to his mouth.
You had teasingly taken his tip into your mouth, his skin feeling so smooth and hot, salty, your cheeks and tongue eager to squeeze him tentatively, feeling just how spongy his flesh felt.
He moaned sinfully. “You’re really hungry, aren’t you, my naughty slut.” His hand reached the crown of your head, caressing your head before pulling you off. “I wanna cum in your dripping cunt, Buttercup. Come up here.”
“What if I wanna blow you?” You teased, arching an eyebrow.
“Maybe I’ll let you do that for round four or something, come up here, let me fill that tight warm cunt.”
Closing your eyes, smiling slowly, you straddled his hips. “You’d better keep your mouth on my boobs in the process.”
He giggled. “Wouldn’t have it any different. Come here.” He opened his arms and you propped yourself on your elbows. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
You cupped his cheek and waited for him to kiss you.
He obliged. “Feels so good to taste me on your tongue.” He murmured, stroking your back.
“I haven’t even properly taken you in my mouth.” You quipped, slightly petty.
He smiled and grabbed his cock, placing the tip against your entrance. “I’ll make up for it.” He kissed your cheek. “Take your time.”
You nodded and lowered yourself slowly. Taking the first few inches was blissful, the lack of barrier making him slide easily.
“Fuck, it feels good.” He growled. “You feel so warm and tight, love. You feel fucking amazing.”
You purred as you took some more, the stretch becoming more difficult. Your inner muscles contracted, making you come to a halt.
“Holy fuck.” He murmured, his hips pushing in before he managed to control himself. “Sorry, Buttercup, so sorry.” He apologised as you flinched. He kissed your face repeatedly. “I’m so sorry.” He touched your cheek.
“It feels good, but I need to—” You took more of him. “Go slow.”
He nodded and felt your breast against his palm, hanging heavy, right there for him to reach and touch and fondle and suck. “Sure thing, love.” He looked into your eyes. “Tell me how I can make it better.”
You shook your head. “Just hold me, please.”
He wrapped you in his arms just as you took all of him, sitting on him. “Yes, ____. You are so perfect.”
You closed your eyes, breathing in through your mouth. Slowly, you started rotating your hips, feeling how his cock filled you, pulsating inside you. “Jinnie. I love you.”
“I love you too, Buttercup.” He spoke gently, assisting you as you started riding him, his fingers gripping your hips gently.
“You’re so hot.” You whined, biting your lip, watching as his face contorted in pleasure. “I love you so much,” you said with a whimper, your inner walls constricting around him.
“Stop getting tighter, it feels too good.” He whispered, chuckling in desperation.
“Don’t you wanna fill me up?” You looked at him, batting your eyelashes. “I want you to. Please.” You spoke through a pout, moving faster on him.
He closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to keep himself grounded.
You slowly rose to a sitting position, leaving the warmth of his embrace. “Don’t keep me waiting.” You provoked him, spreading your tiny hands over his insanely wide chest, your nails teasing him just a little. “I know you want to watch me drip in your cum.”
He exhaled heavily before giving a deep, breathy laugh, like a short series of hiccups. “You think you deserve my cum, you dirty slut?” He licked his lips, observing your tits shake right in front of his face before slapping them, earning a moan from you. “You really like them slapped, uh? Let’s see if you like spanks too.” He taunted before landing a heavy smack on your ass, enjoying the squeeze of your kegels. “And that pussy likes to clench me so tight.” He grinned, watching as your hand reached your clit, your eyes closed, your hair messy around your face. “Yeah, touch yourself, Buttercup.”
Your gaze met his, your chest blushing as your high approached. “I’m close.”
“It’s okay, keep touching yourself, love. I want you to feel good, honey.” His hips thrust in from beneath, making the stimulation more intense.
“I’m cumming,” you whimpered, leaning even more into your hand as your angle shifted, his cock hitting all the right spots inside you.
As soon as your body crashed on his, Seokjin caught you, holding you close while his throbbing cock kept pistoning in and out of you, focusing on making your orgasm last as he started zeroing in on his own.
“Keep it up, love,” he growled sternly while he felt his restraint slip, “I’m gonna get my slut sloppy with my cum, then I’m gonna lay her on her back and keep it plugged inside her while I fill her up some more.”
You only sobbed and squealed as you felt him get absolutely wild, growling as he gave messier strokes before sinking in deep and staying there, his cock pulsating and spilling his release inside your sensitive walls.
“Goodness, fuck, love. Never had a cunt this good.” He growled, holding his position for a minute, both of you exhausted and breathing heavily.
“Are you really going to do that?” You asked as soon as you came to your senses.
He blinked. “What?”
“The flipping on my back and going for round two?” You asked, parting from him just enough to look him in the face.
“Am I soft?” He asked you, arching an eyebrow.
You squeezed him with your kegels, his lower lip disappearing between his teeth as he felt you get impossibly tighter. “No.” You replied, looking into his dark gaze.
“Then you have your answer.” He smirked before executing his power move, your back hitting the sheets while he adjusted himself on top of you. “Grab the headboard. Hold on tight.” He said before sliding out and snapping his hips forward, his dick hitting the deepest corner of your sex.
“Oh, damn.”
He chuckled ruthlessly. “Damn right.” He replied cockily, slamming into you again, setting a fast, angry pace, watching your lips open wide, his cock coaxing cry after cry from your throat. “Are you gonna cum for me again? Milk this cock with your juicy cunt?”
You nodded helplessly, arching your chest up, trying to get his attention on your nipples.
He bent down obediently, giving you exactly what you were silently asking, his tongue laving your left areola in lazy, teasing licks. “Touch your clit.” He commanded, feeling his edge come around.
While his cock kept ramming in and out of you, his mouth went to your throat, biting you, his neck contorting as he tried to pay more attention to your sensitive skin.
Your fingers reached your clit just as he sunk his teeth in the soft curve of your bosom.
“Jin, please.” You croaked, your hips meeting his while the room filled with the sound of skin smashing against skin, the headboard thumping against the wall, the feet of the bed scraping against the floor, his laboured breath interrupting once you felt his cock spill inside you again with the strange, pleasurable sensation of his cum spurting against your walls.
You whimpered, hoping you could still cum one more time, but ready to give that up, if need be.
“Come on, Buttercup. One more. I know you can.” He said, staying inside you, arching off of you and slapping your breast again. “I know you’re still hungry for my cock. Give me one more, my lovely little slut. Gimme more, love. I’m waiting for you.” He said, watching your fingers work your clit furiously.
“Again, Jin.” You whimpered, your voice breaking.
“This?” He asked, hitting again.
“Yes, Jin, Yes. Please, Seokjin.” You begged. “Please, I love you, please, make it good. Please, please, please.” You cooed and chanted, so lost in pleasure you felt your high peak and before it shoved you tumbling downhill, pleasure making you soar and precipitate, like a small bird in a storm.
“Oh, you’re cumming, Buttercup.” He observed delivering small hits to your nipples before pinching one, then the other, tweaking them energetically but carefully.
“Jin.” You whimpered in a long moan.
“Oh, yes, ____. It’s me love. You’re with me, love.” He said, just as you tried getting closer to him, your hand resting on your mound while your other arm wrapped around him.
“I love you.” You whispered, your breath calming down. “I’ll never stop saying it.”
He rolled the both of you on your sides, looking at each other.
“I love you too, Buttercup.” He whispered, bringing you closer to him. “We’re both so messy.”
“The ice cream got so sticky.” You complained sadly, giving him a tired look.
“We should shower.” He considered, kissing your lips.
“You really feel like standing up?”
He eyed you eloquently. “I haven’t even slid out of you yet.”
You hummed. “Don’t want you to.” You mused, nuzzling into him.
“We need to clean you up.” He said, stroking your hair fondly. “My adorable messy slut.” He said with the expression and tone of the most affectionate praise.
You purred under his touch, feeling something flutter in your guts. “Don’t say it if you’re not going to torture me afterwards.”
He chuckled. “Let’s clean you up and get some rest. I’ll give you round three if you behave.”
“And then I can blow you for round four?” You asked, eyes bright and inquisitive.
He outright laughed, the sound making you laugh too. “Maybe.” He said, cupping your cheek and pulling out of you slowly, grabbing his boxers to clean you up as delicately as possible before you both stood and walked to the bathroom.
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Seokjin woke up around five am, his alarm telling him it was time to get ready for Sunday shift. He would come back in time to make you breakfast — and maybe make love to you afterwards.
Switching off the alarm, he slid out of your grip, your arm thrown possessively around his waist.
He caressed your face before kissing your forehead and stepping away, knowing that it would take a catastrophe to take himself away from you if he lingered for too long.
Your eyes opened when the alarm stopped, watching his back as he disappeared into the bathroom.
When he came back, he was fully dressed, only his shoes and coat missing. You opened your eyes as he pressed his lips to your cheek. “Bakery?” You asked. “Don’t you have someone for the morning shift?”
He shook his head. “I’ve been considering getting some help. At least for a couple mornings a week.”
You hummed and nodded. “I can come along if you need.”
He denied. “Stay here. I wanna find you sleepy and cosy when I come back. Remember round five?”
You smiled and hid into the pillow. “Yes, please.”
He smiled along. “Good. Go back to sleep, Buttercup. We’re going on our first date today.”
Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7 (7/7)
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late2theshow · 6 years
Bellow Diamond Loycos AU: Cherry Knot Game
This was painfully awkward. White had invited the two of them over to a cocktail party at her place.  The older woman had more friends then thought originally.  All gay; older men; older women; Yellow and Blue were easily the youngest faces sitting at a table surrounded in with ash trays; snacks; wine, and a large bowl of:
Maraschino cherries
This was unusual for Yellow. White was a bit of a social butterfly amongst the very small gay community as well as being an alluring woman; the only albino women in town had its strange perks for those looking for a good time.  This was something she used to do often with her.  Being her dear young friend for almost two years had her familiar with this.  The typical hook up parties she held where filled with innuendos and other sexually and somewhat humiliating games.  Looking at the bowl of cherries she instantly dreaded what was to come.  If it was anything like the banana game, she was not looking forward to it.  
White picked up the bowl and passed it around.  “Grab a cherry with a stem and let’s begin” She stated.  A short chubby woman with short red hair grinned “Oh, nice the cherry knot game.  So, who is going to win this time? Phillip again?”
The burling brunette man grinned “what can I say; this thing is a gift and a curse” he then stuck out his tongue and swirled it around seductively; which Blue found kind of gross. She was unsure of what was next to happen but Yellow was sitting to the left of her and she didn’t even look that enthused on what was next to come.  
The entire table took a cherry and began to chew on them.  With the stem in their mouth Phillip and two other women pulled out a knotted stem from their mouth.  Blue was fascinated – she never seen anyone do this before.  She looked over to see Yellow do the same as the others. Pulling out a cherry stem knot like the rest.  Blue then placed it in her mouth eating the cherry but move the stem around in her mouth with the attempt to bend it.  To no avail she couldn’t make a knot.  She looked around to see everyone stared at her with smiles.  
Are they laughing at me?
Yellow gave a dirty look to White.  Giving her a clear sign to not embarrass Blue in front of everyone. White then spoke up.
“It takes awhile to get; anyways who wants to play dominoes?”  
This got everyone’s attention away from Blue who then took the stem out of her mouth and then took another cherry to try.  Phillip then looked over.  “Let’s give Blue another tries and then play”
Blue nodded and tried again.  Yellow feared that Blue might feel embarrassed if she didn’t get it right away. She needed to make a distraction. She turned to cup Blue’s face and kissed her; Surprising her raven-haired girlfriend making her fluster a bit from the PDA.
I thought you hated kissing in public?! Yellow what are you doing?
Yellow playfully placed her tongue in Blue’s mouth to get the stem away from her; pulling away from the kiss she pulled out a knot.  Receiving whistles from the others at the table while Blue was now turning bright red; she enjoyed the kiss but Yellow pushed her seductiveness up to 110% within seconds; especially in front of a room of sexually charged gays.  After that the two joined the rest of the group to play dominoes, a card game, and had a few more shots of vodka before they deided to leave and walking home.  
While walking home Blue reached over to grab Yellow’s hand; Which Yellow accepted since it was so late at night.  
“Hey…..” Blue began
Yellow looked at her “Hm?”
“I love a surprise kiss as much as the any other girl; but—why did you tie the cherry knot for me?”
“Oh, uh, well.  I knew you were having a hard time.  I didn’t want you to feel bad if you couldn’t do it, so I made it look like you did it; so, you wouldn’t feel—like you were bad at it?”
“Why? what does the cherry knot mean?”
Yellow paused.  If Blue didn’t know she technically didn’t need to tell her.  
“It’s just a silly game”
“What does the game mean? White already told what the banana game means because it’s an oral game; so? what does the cherry mean?”
“Nothing” Yellow assured her.
Blue growled.  “Just tell me” she demanded
Yellow sighed “It means you’re a good kisser if you can tie the stem into a knot; it doesn’t mean it’s true”
Blue stopped—letting go of Yellow’s hand while Yellow continued to walk a few steps forward and glared at her “It doesn’t mean it’s true, huh? So, I think with that comment I can figure out what your trying to not say”
Yellow—not wanting to question her because she already felt she had dug herself into a hole by saying what she already did.
“Do you think I’m a bad kisser, Yellow?”
Yellow started to walk away “No”
Blue noticed the slight speed in Yellow’s steps and realized she was avoiding her gaze now.
“Yellow? Yellow? Get back here!”
Later at home
Blue decided to try again with the cherry knot game and took the small glass jar from the fridge of Yellow’s apartment.  In her attempt for redemption.  Yellow on the other hand wanted to go to bed.  
“It’s passed Midnight, darling” She yelled from the other side of the room. Blue ignored her and continued to what she was doing.
“Can you please come to bed?” Yellow asked.
Still being ignored.
“Again, the cherry knot game means nothing”
Blue then looked at her and took the stem out of her mouth “I just keep bending them or breaking them.  It’s that bad?”
“No, for the last time.  Please come to bed” she pleaded.
“Am I a bad kisser?! Yes or no!?”
Yellow sat up “I told you earlier you’re not; Blue, please I have class early”
Blue than got up to lay with her in their double size bed.  she got into bed and kissed Yellow lightly on the lips. Yellow sighed in relived and turned off the desk lamp.  “Good night Blue”
“Good night; Liar”
Yellow instantly turned the light on “What was that?” she sat up.
Blue sat back up with her “You know I’m not good! C’mon your experienced; just tell me”
Yellow shrugged “You’re not that bad; honest”
“That bad?”
Yellow rubbed the back of her head “Well, you could close your mouth a bit more”
Blue gasped lightly “What else do I need to do?”
Yellow then let out a fake cough and began “Maybe be a little less forceful; my mouth isn’t an oyster shell; also, could you not kiss me after eating that weird olive spread?”
Blue glared “You mean Tapenade?”
“Yeah, that stuff”
After she said that Blue gave her a swift kick “Ow! Blue why would you—” she didn’t finish her sentence as she kicked her back. The two bantered back and forth a bit until they heard their neighbor pounded on the wall to signal them to shut up. The two finally went to bed; Yellow was now in a sour mood; deciding to sleep on the couch.  
The next morning the two barely spoke since Yellow woke up first.  She left without saying good-bye.  Blue was now starting to feel guilty.  Being around older women makes her feel less of an adult. Yellow being overly protective also made her feel childish.  Yellow’s just less then a year older than her.  She was just more active at her age then Blue.  Her inexperience made her feel stupid sometimes.  But it was never done out of malice.  Yellow cared for her and wanted her to be comfortable.  She should of know better.  Yellow would never let her feel embarrassed or uneasy in front of people.  
She felt bad now.  Even worse after the note she slipped into Yellow’s lunch box.
 Dear Yellow,
Peanut Butter is more disgusting then Tapenade.  
Love, Blue
You’re an Asshole                                                                    
 Yellow rolled her eyes and crinkled up the note.  Blue sure has a fire in her when she gets mad.  It’s kind of sexy but not in this case.  Even though Yellow knew she did nothing wrong; she felt compelled to do something to make up for this.  After class she went to the store to get some of Blue’s favorite snacks.  Upon coming home, she saw Blue sitting on the couch. Smiling nervously.  “Hi, how was class?” Blue asked.
“Good.  Are you free all day still?”
“Yeah, I just ran a few errands earlier….” She trailed off and looked away. “I’m…. sorry.  About last night”
“Me to”
Blue looked confused “Why? I was the one acting like a child.  I’m sorry.  I must make this difficult on you—I don’t know boundaries, I’m clueless on romance.  You’ve been with older women and here I am unable to kiss you properly—” She signed “You must be losing patience with me” Blue was clearly upset.  She must have been thinking about this all day.
Yellow sat down next to her.  “Look I know your new at all of this.  I never want you to feel like I did when I came out of the closet….” She began. Blue looked at her face.  This was clearly not an easy thing for her to do. Talking about Yellow’s feelings was a bit of a rarity.  “When I came out I did everything I could to find closeness.  When I started dating I was quick to be the fool to older women. I would also feel teased on embarrassed after romantic encounters.  When I started dating you—I decided to never make you feel the way they all did”
Blue hugged.  “Thank you”
“Your welcome” She looked over at the coffee table to see a two empty jars of Cherries “Hey, did you buy another jar of—”
Blue blushed and quickly took the jar and hid it under a napkin “No-No, just the one”
Yellow chuckled.  “Okay, anyways I got you—” she then opened her back and show Blue the jar of tapenade.
“You seriously bought me tapenade?”
“You like it, so why not right?” Yellow responded with a shrug.
Blue giggled and kissed her on the cheek “You’re the best”
Blue then gave a smirk.  “So, I finally got to tie a knot with my tongue”
“Would you like to see what I can do with this new talent?”
Yellow grinned and placed her hands on Blue’s hips.  “Please, show me”
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spnbaby-67 · 7 years
Her Surprise Chapter 2
Summary: What happens when you go to a local Starbucks after you check into your hotel, and Jensen and Jared catch you doing a little dance? 
A/N: Hi ya’ll thank you so much for loving this story, it’s actually my third fiction after Craving You and Mistaken Identity. Don’t forget to read those, currently in progress. I was going to wait till next week to post this chapter, but since I had issues with my tumblr page not letting me post Craving You and others issues I thought I’d give you guys a treat, So hope you love it. Thank you Gaynor @secretlyfurrydragon for your help as always, Au Jensen is Single, No hate to Danneel I love her just the same, Also please don’t post this on any other sites, ask me first, thank you bunches, and here we go!!!! 
Warnings; None maybe Language, Slight freak out, Jensen’s green eyes, Jared’s amazing looks. 
Pairing: Jensen and Reader, 
Catch Up Here
From what I saw on Pinterest, yes I’m a Pinterest nerd and a web head, Vancouver is a beautiful place. Now seeing it in person, I can say it definitely is. We got here about 3 o’clock there time and the sun was still shining, it was a bit chilly. I really didn’t care much and I wasn’t going to let that stop me,  because I wanted to see what we can do before we left and  before Ari had to go home next week. We have been living together as best friends and roommates for awhile, this was the first time we were able to take a trip together. So that there, is going to be awesome.  
Ari and I met three years ago at work, we are both nurses and work at the local hospital in Texas. She kept her personal status a secret for awhile, which I don’t blame her I would have to. She doesn’t have to work, but she loves it. Me on the other hand, I have to work every shift I can to get by.
My parents both passed away, which left me with all their bills plus mine. I had placed an ad for a roommate on the hospital’s rent and buy board we have, three hours later after I posted it she came to me telling me she’ll take the room.
We been best friends ever since. She loves Supernatural just as much as I do, Jared Padalecki is her fave. I love Jared don’t get me wrong, I do. But those beautiful soft candy green eyes of Jensen’s just melts my heart. I’ve been following his career since Days of our lives, I literally cried when he left the show. Course I stopped watching it after that. I was miserable till I found him again on Dark Angel, but even that was short and sweet.
Everyone calls me crazy for liking him, but screw them. They don’t know the great things both Jared and Jensen had done for there fans over the years, including me. That though is a story for next time. Jensen makes me happy and with me being a big girl, depression is a real thing.
Walking from the hotel to the nearest Starbuck’s, it had gotten colder. I’m glad I packed a shawl.  It’s a tradition that every time we go out we hit the nearest Starbucks first, I loved their vanilla bean frappachino, but with it being kind of cool right now, hot chocolate with marshmallows will do.
The shop itself was nice, cosy and warm as we walked in. I had to chuckle because one of the songs on the radio was ‘Heat Of The Moment’ by Asia. I looked at Ari with a grin, we knew then that it was a sign this will be the best weekend ever. There was a bit of a line, but it’s ok we didn’t have a time crunch that needed our immediate attention. So, we waited.
“So, what’s on the schedule for tomorrow?” I asked her as she was looking over the convention schedule she had printed prior to leaving Texas.
“Um, first thing we get breakfast because the doors don’t open till around 10:30 ish. I figured we can order room service while we are getting dressed, that way we can be on time for the show,” as we moved up a bit.
I looked over her shoulder at the schedule to, “Ok, who's first?”
“Looks like Louden Swain will open, big plus there. I love Rob. Um first up on the panels though is Osric.”
“Oh, he’s cute. A little young for me, but he’s cute,” I only had my heart set on Jensen so everyone else was just ok.
“Calm down, you won’t see him till Sunday. Unless he comes for the SNS tomorrow night.”
My goal is to hear Jensen sing live in front of me. Yeah, you can listen to him on YouTube, but nothing beats hearing him in person. We continued talking about the schedule and what we had to do, we didn't hear the bell on the door go as some people came in behind us talking about the convention.
Carry On My Wayword son came on right after Asia, I smiled at Ari and we did a little dance that we always do when we hear this song. Something that we made up, but it went with the beat of the song. Something told me to turn around, and when I did, I almost fainted. It was Jensen and Jared standing behind us clapping at our dance. I think I acted like an idiot I don’t remember as it was a blur, my head felt dizzy though seeing those beautiful green eyes staring back at me. I couldn’t move I was frozen, but somehow I tapped Ari on the shoulder.
She turned to look at me with a questionable look on her face, “What?” she asked me. I move my head to point to the direction where they were standing, she followed my finger I had in front of my chest so they couldn’t see me pointing. What happened next, surprised even me. She placed her hand on my shoulder, as she had to grab me before she fell.
“ARI!” I shouted seeing her eyes closed freaked me out.
I reached down to get her, but Jared noticed her almost fall. He reached out on reflex and caught her before she fell to the floor. “Are you ok?” he asked, as he looked at me then at Ari.
He helped her stand up, she was shaking like a leaf. Much more than I was, “I'm just um, shit Mr Padalecki, I'm a huge fan.” Her voice was shaky and I wanted to laugh, but I knew she’d do the same for my reaction when and if I looked at Jensen who was standing really close to me.
“Please it's Jared, this is Jensen.” He held his hand out for Ari and I to shake it, Jensen followed suit.
“I'm Ari and this is Y/N my best friend. She’s the Dean to my Sam,” I wanted to really laugh now, she was nervous as hell and saying things I couldn’t believe. She bit her lip, then placed her hand on her mouth, course me I’m standing there blushing as Jensen notices me.
“Please to meet you Ari, and Y/N, are you both here for the convention?” Jared asked us.
The barista asked us a couple of times what we were having, every time Jared would distract Ari. I thought it was cute, Jensen was standing ever so close to me that I swore a couple of times our hands slightly touched. It's true what they say when you have that connection, electricity sparks through my whole system. I was literally scared to move. “Um, yes we are it's our first convention,” I told them with what voice I had left.  
“Awesome,” Jensen said in that Dean voice that drove me nuts. I love his Dean voice. “So, you staying until Monday then?” He knew some people only stayed the four days which is the norm.
“Actually,” Ari finally had our drinks ordered correctly this time, Jared ordered his and Jensen’s. “Y/N here is staying a week and a half, it's her vacation time. I on the other hand sadly have to leave next Thursday. I only got a week off.”
We moved to pay our drinks, but the lady at the register said they were already paid for. I looked at Ari and she said she didn’t, then we both looked at Jared and Jensen.
“Really?” I asked such a Dean move.
Jensen winked at me, “Welcome to Vancouver.”
God, I think I just died.
They joined us, after we got our drinks and went to sit down in some empty chairs by the window. Jensen sat really close to me, and Jared across from Ari but close to Jensen.
“So if your name's Y/N, what’s with the letter J on your necklace?” Jensen asked as he held the chair for me to sit.
Ari laughed, I blushed harder. I looked over at Ari to tell her to shut up. “It’s um, she got me something for my birthday tomorrow and this was it.” I opened the little heart revealing his photo, I swallowed hard as now I really felt like a stalker.
He smiled, looks at Jared, “I told you she was a Dean girl,” with a satisfied smirk on his face.
We laughed that off, then I decided I better drink my hot chocolate. I sighed letting my head falling back a bit after taking my first sip. “Oh my god that’s so good.” They looked at me kind of funny. “What?” I asked looking at them.
Jensen did that nose thing when Dean pulls before he reaches over to a pretty girl, then he did just that, “You um, got marshmallow on your upper lip.” He gently took his finger and wiped it away.
Thank god he wasn’t holding my hand or anything, because he would have felt the heat creeping through my body. I think my body temp just rose at least to 110 degrees inside. HOLY HELL. I turned to smile at him and thanked him, but not before I look at Ari with a holy crap look. Yup, I just died. Jensen Freaking Ackles touched my lip, I can die happy now.
We talked for about thirty minutes more before Jensen had gotten a call on his cellphone, he excused himself to take it leaving Jared with us. I dunno why, but when he left it took a bit of my heart with him. I mean it’s a freak of chance we get to meet with them, as many fans don’t get the opportunity to. But it just felt weird, you know?
Jensen came back over to us, he placed his hand on my right shoulder and looks down at me, “I am so sorry sweetheart, but Cliff our security guard will be here in just a few minutes. We got work to do.”
For some reason hearing him say “we got work to do” just made my day, what can I say I’m a huge Jensen/Dean fan. “It’s ok,” I tell him as I stood up to meet his eyes. “It was really great to meet you.”
He smiled at me, then leaned in for a hug he took his cellphone out of his pocket, then asked for mine. we took a selfie. I guess he was thinking we were expecting that. “You didn’t have to do that you know, we are not like that.”
He holds my hand a moment, “It’s ok, I wanted to. Happy birthday y/n,” he paused a second. “See you around, yeah?”
I watched him stop and sign something for a fan before he left, “Yes, thank you. See you later.” Oh I so hope so.
He and Jared left us in a blubbering mess shortly after that, I fell back into my seat rehashing everything. This man is so super sweet it’s unbelievable. I open my eyes to see Ari smiling at me. “What? Not you to?”
“Someone is in love,” she sang stressing the love part.
I rolled my eyes at her, “Don’t you dare start, he was just being sweet. Just as Jared was being sweet to you, I’m sure he has a girlfriend who would pound my head into the wall if she saw us flirting just now. I’m so not looking forward to that moment.”
“It’s ok Y/N, I was just teasing. But I bet you will have sweet dreams tonight huh?” she had a mischievous look on her face.
I threw the napkin I had in my hand at her, as I sat there with a dreamy look on my face. So far, all is perfect with the world. I mean how could it not be? Note to self, relax and enjoy the weekend ahead, it’s going to be awesome.
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happy-meo · 7 years
SILVER SPOON: Part 9 FINALE [Yoongi x Reader; Rom-com, fluff]
A girl who had to work hard every day of her life to rise from nothing, meets a man who was born with and given everything.
A classic tale of what happens when a cold, uptight farm girl meets a playful, rebellious, easy-going city boy that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Summary: Having been born and raised in the country side, you have worked hard your entire life to make it to the big city. You eventually achieved your dream and now you have a wonderful paying job for a large company and you continue putting your 110% into everything you do. However, your perfect plan to climb to success through consistent effort and hard work becomes disarrayed with the arrival of your branch’s new rebellious and easy-going CEO, who never desired the position in the first place and has never truly worked hard a day in his life. Your job is on the line if he can’t be turned into a quality CEO within a year, but he has no intention of changing himself for anyone or letting you boss him around so easily. How will you work your way through this obstacle? Will you succeed in changing him or will he be the one that changes you?
Yoongi x Reader (ft. Jimin & VIXX’s Leo as side characters; some other BTS members show up too lol) Office au Romantic Comedy, Fluff
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 (Finale)
A/N: Ahh I can’t believe this series has come to an end! Thank you everyone for loving my light-hearted floof series <3 
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           "Oh crap. Holy shit. Crap." Yoongi stumbled around his apartment frantically.
           "Slept through your alarm again, Sir?" Leo smirked at the doorway as he watched his master scrambling around, chucking suit after suit out of his closet.
           "Dammit Leo, what should I wear?" Yoongi hissed.
           "This is why you should've listened to Miss Y/N and chosen your clothes beforehand." Leo shook his head.
           "That is not helping right now, Leo. I need to look good today."
           Leo rolled his eyes. "I am sure it is not exactly a need, but a want to look good."
           Yoongi pushed his head out of his closet to glare at Leo. "You really want to get hit today, huh?"
           Leo chuckled. "I would find it quite enjoyable for you to attempt to hit me."
           "Ugh Y/N is going to kill me if she finds out I overslept again."
           "I believe that's too late." Leo smiled mischievously.
           Yoongi clipped his pants on as he looked up to find Leo holding up his phone.
           "Don't answer!" he panicked.
           But Leo smirked and swiped his hand to accept the call.
           "Yoongi? Hello?" Your voice echoed. "Don't tell me you're still getting dressed."
           "I am..." he huffed as he tried to button his shirt but ended up missing a hole, so they were misaligned. "...not."
           You exhaled. "You think after two years, you'd be able to do SOMETHING on your own."
           "Excuse me?" Yoongi argued. "I've been doing just fine."
           "How many times have I had to call you on my way to work just to make sure you were awake?"
           "Almost every day Miss Y/N." Leo answered honestly, earning another glare from Yoongi.
           You giggled. "Thank you Leo. Anyway, just throw something on like you do every day."
           "Today's special! How I look is important."
           "Special?" You chuckled. "Isn't it just another meeting?"
           "Yah. This is a meeting with ALL of the CEOs in person, especially my arch nemesis, and I'm heading it! I need to assert my dominance."
           "Oh...I'm sure we're all aware of who you are Yoongi. And I'm pretty sure that rivalry is one-sided on your end."
           "You're distracting me!" Yoongi complained.
           "Alright, but I called to say that I really liked your turtleneck under your suit look ~" you suggested. "If that's what you're wearing today, I'd very much like a selfie."
           Yoongi paused and immediately threw off the white button up he was struggling with and grabbed one of his black turtlenecks.
           "Yeah, that's exactly what I was putting on." he stated nonchalantly.
           "Oh really?" you said half-heartedly.
           Leo chuckled, already used to how well you were able to manipulate Yoongi despite the distance.
           "Anyways, I have to go. Have a good day, love." You giggled.
           "Wait!" Yoongi whined.
           "You're really not coming again today?"
           You paused. "I love you, Yoongs."
           Yoongi frowned. "I love you too."
           With a sigh, he hurried to finish changing and made his way to the office.
           It had already been two long years since he dropped you off at that station. The last time either of you saw each other-- in person at least. You both still made time to webcam, text, and call each other whenever possible. But it was difficult to romance through the screen and the need to hold you and kiss you was becoming more and more unbearable for him each day.
           As promised, you had graduated with the highest honors in your university, even winning the spot of commencement speaker and making it to the news with your eloquent and inspiring speech. The nation was astounded by the woman who came from a humble background and ended up rising to the status of CEO, cultivating one of the strongest branches in a world-renowned company. To Yoongi's dismay, you received a nomination to be a Director of the Board and became one of the candidates for Chair along with him and one other.
           But while you accomplished a lot already, you still hadn't been able to see each other. The Chairman forbid both of you from attending meetings in person at the same time, so more or less, one of you would be on webcam during conferences. There were no traces or connections between you two, other than the fact that you both had once worked together as boss and secretary. As the Chairman wanted, you kept your relationship the utmost secret from the world, until you two were able to stand on your own.
           And Yoongi had fulfilled his duty just as excellently as you did. Although he woke up late almost every day, he still made it to work on time. And even without you and Jimin, he continued to advance the Daegu branch without troubles, winning many mergers and partnerships with large companies. He even expanded his own franchise outside of the company, wanting to test his own skills without the help of his family name and not being restricted to just what was good for the company. It was a business run by himself, for himself. The Board of Directors took notice of his progression and seriousness, keeping a close eye on him for the past two years, since he was, in fact, the rightful heir to the corporation.
           Yoongi pouted as he made his way to the conference room, nodding slightly to acknowledge the people bowing deeply as he passed. He really hated how unnecessary all of these rules were that his grandfather was still instating. You both had kept your end of the promise already. Why couldn't you see each other yet?
           He grumbled as he fixed his suit in front of the conference room. After checking that he had all his notes and files in hand, he took a deep breath and pushed the door open. He was ready to do this. But what he saw as soon as he walked in, he was not prepared for, and it froze him in his spot almost immediately.
           You grinned as everyone stood up respectfully when Yoongi arrived. Your eyes locked with each other upon entrance and you saw him freeze in shock. You tried to fight back your laughter at your successful surprise. You subtly gestured for him to take his seat at the head of the table and he coughed to compose himself.
           "Please. Have a seat." he stated amiably, but he couldn't stop beaming brightly.
           Jimin elbowed you and leaned over to whisper. "Still can't hide his feelings too well when it comes to you, huh?"
           You giggled and shook your head. "I'm afraid not."
           "Well regardless, it's good to see everyone in the same room again." Jimin smiled.
           "Yeah, it really is." You glanced over at Yoongi proudly as he organized his papers in front of him.
           "Is everyone here?" Yoongi looked up and scanned the room.
           "One more person has yet to arrive, Mr. Min."
           "Ah. I'm sure we can start without him." Yoongi stated curtly.
           You glanced at Jimin and Hoseok curiously.
           "The third person nominated to be the Chair and Yoongi's sworn arch nemesis." Jimin whispered knowingly.
           "Ah that guy...he's talked about it with me. But I didn't think it was this bad." You mentioned.
           "He's top of his class too. Mature, wise, handsome." Hoseok commented.
           "But not as handsome as me." Jimin interjected.
           Hoseok rolled his eyes.
           "I can't seem to remember the man's name. I don't think Yoongi ever mentioned it." You pondered.
           "Oh it's --"
           "Shall we get started?" Yoongi smirked. "Those who are running late can catch up in the minutes."
           "My apologies, Mr. Min." A new voice echoed into the room.
           Yoongi groaned, while your eyes widened when a familiarly tall figure entered the room.
           "Mr. Kim." Yoongi greeted bitterly. "Nice of you to finally join us."
           "I figured everyone would need a bit of caffeine for this long meeting." The man grinned, exposing his deeply dimpled cheeks, as he held up two large bags of packed coffee.
           "One point for Mr. Kim." Hoseok cackled under his breath, causing Jimin to snicker with him.
           "Y/N." The man bowed lightly as he handed you a cup of coffee. "Long time no see."
           You grinned and accepted it. "You too... Namjoon."
           "Mr. Min's glaring at you, Y/N." Jimin whispered, warningly.
           "No, that's his normal face. Don't worry." You waved your hand as you continued to stare at Namjoon.
           "Is the seat next to you taken?" Namjoon questioned.
           You shook your head. "It's for you. But be careful sitting down."
           Namjoon chuckled. "You might have to hold my chair so it doesn't spin out from underneath me."
           You giggled knowingly, and you suddenly heard a loud cough from the front of the room. You and Namjoon glanced at each other amused then both turned your attention towards Yoongi.
           "Shall we get started?" Yoongi stated through gritted teeth, staring daggers at you.
           You bit your lip to fight back your amusement and looked down at your notes to avoid his lingering eyes.
           "Let's do it, Mr. Min!" Jimin cheered, earning a scolding nudge from Hoseok.
           The meeting progressed smoothly. You were extremely impressed by how Yoongi handled it. He passed out outlines for everyone at the beginning in order to direct the flow of conversation and to make sure every important topic was discussed thoroughly. You couldn't help but smile proudly as you watched him leading the conference confidently and knowledgeably, like a true CEO.
           Jimin nudged you. "Stop making those googly eyes, gosh."
           You glared at him. "I am not making googly eyes."
           "This is what your face is telling me you're thinking: 'Oh my gosh. He's so attractive. He's so dreamy. He's so manly. He's come so far, I'm so proud. I'm in love all over again.'" he teased.
           You reached over and pinched Jimin's cheeks harshly. "And you're still annoying, Park Jimin."
           Hoseok snorted as he continued writing down notes.
           "Y/N. Jimin." Yoongi called out.
           You two sat up straight, embarrassed at being caught.
           "Do you have anything else you wish to discuss?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow at you challengingly.
           You smirked. "Why yes, Mr. Min. I have a few things I want to bring up to the table."
           "Here we go." Jimin muttered and you kicked him under the table as you took out your own handouts and charts to show off.
           After the meeting ended, the CEOs mingled around for a few minutes before making their way to the complimentary luncheon. Some people approached Yoongi and Namjoon to speak to them directly and introduce themselves to the possible Chairs of the company.
           "Even though you're nominated, people don't believe you'll take the Chairwoman position." Jimin shrugged as he sat on the table nonchalantly. "You should just take it and get a big laugh at everyone's face."
           You chuckled. "I'd rather not just sit on my butt all day and not do much."
           Jimin snorted. "Don't let your future Gramps hear you say that."
           "What have you been up to? You seem to have been busy the past year." You changed the subject.
           Hoseok shook his head. "Yes, very busy."
           "Oh no." You rolled your eyes. "I'm afraid to ask what he was busy with...or with who more so."
           "Hey!" Jimin huffed. "It's not bad! Well it was bad at first, but I'll have you know that I'm finally in a stable relationship."
           You gawked at him. "Are you serious?"
           You glanced at Hoseok for confirmation.
           "I'm afraid so." Hoseok laughed with a light shrug. "It was a surprise to me too."
           "Oh my gosh! That's great! Is it her? Your used-to-be-fake-girlfriend that I knew you had feelings for??" You gushed.
           "Yes. That's exactly the one." Hoseok shook his head.
           Jimin blushed.
           "How did it happen?" You breathed. "Wow, I missed so much."
           Jimin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "It's a pretty long story."
           "Well, no matter. The result is what's important. I can't believe you're taken." You clapped. "We all have to get together one day with our significant others. We'll come to you guys in Seoul for the next meeting!"
           "Sounds perfect." Jimin smiled.
           "And congrats to you too, Hoseok. I heard from the grapevine about you and Silver getting together." You grabbed Hoseok's and Jimin's hands warmly. "I'm so happy for you two."
           "Yah, yah, yah." Yoongi approached you three, a warning tone in his voice.
           You rolled your eyes and let go of their hands. The other two chuckled.
           "Is this the thanks I get for helping you out, Jimin?"
           Jimin laughed, "She grabbed me, Mr. Min. I'm innocent. I would never betray you, but this one is trouble. You have to keep an eye on her."
           You shoved Jimin while chuckling.
           "I know she is." Yoongi glanced at you endearingly.
           Jimin shivered and pushed Hoseok to the side. "Okay, let's go before they jump each other right here."
           "That's something YOU would do, Jimin." Hoseok rolled his eyes.
           "Read the situation, Hoseok." Jimin hissed then bowed to you and Yoongi. "Please have lots of beautiful children, Mr. & Mrs. Min."
           "YOU read the situation!" Hoseok scolded, shaking Jimin angrily as the other giggled mischievously.
           You and Yoongi blushed and smiled at each other. But before either of you could say anything, another person approached you two.
           "Mr. Min. Y/N."
           Yoongi's face immediately turned sour. "Namjoon."
           "The meeting was handled really well. You have my sincerest compliments." Namjoon bowed.
           "I'm glad you think so, but I don't need your compliments to know I did a good job."
           "Mr. Min!" You scolded.
           "It's alright, Y/N. This is how we converse." Namjoon chuckled. "It's refreshing."
           Yoongi scowled at his good natured mentality."Well, why are you two so chummy?"
           "Oh." You smiled. "Remember the traveler that Tae took in?"
           "The only one who solved your super hard problem that you gave to people who wanted to date you?" Yoongi eyed Namjoon skeptically.
           "More or less." You laughed. "That was Namjoon."
           Namjoon grinned brightly.
           "Wooo." Yoongi stated flatly.
           "How did I not know you worked here?" You turned your attention back to the tall man, ignoring your boyfriend’s gloomy behavior.
           "I was adapting to the new responsibilities for a while and wanted to focus on my internal branch affairs before dealing with external ones. So I only went to a handful of meetings. What about you?! I had no idea you worked here too! When I saw your speech on the news, I was stunned. Then I knew our paths would cross soon enough." Namjoon grinned.
           Yoongi looked at the two of you with apparent disgust.
           "Well, shall we go to the complimentary lunch?" Namjoon gestured.
           "Let's." You smiled as you followed him to the door, enjoying taunting Yoongi.
           "Y/N." Yoongi called dangerously.
           Namjoon glanced between the two of you and the situation seemed to dawn on him. "Ahh, I'll go on ahead then."
           You chuckled gratefully and he winked at you before shutting the door behind him.
           "CEO Min." you turned to him and bowed coyly.
           "Don't CEO Min me." He growled as he took three strides towards you and slammed his lips against yours hungrily.
           You cupped his face as his hands settled onto your waist. It was so wonderful, finally being able to touch him after so long.
           You laughed as you broke the kiss, "I missed you too."
           He grabbed your hand and led you to his chair. Gently, he sat you on his lap as you played with his hair gently.
           "I can't believe you were flirting with my arch nemesis." He sulked.
           You snorted. "Why is Namjoon your arch nemesis? Cause of the Chairman position?"
           "In more ways than that." Yoongi grumbled.
           You chuckled and shook your head. "As I said, I'm sure it's a one-sided rivalry."
           "It isn't! That man just doesn't show his competitiveness outwardly. I can sense it."
           "Well it sounds like you're good friends then."
           "We're not."
           You grinned but yielded, "Of course."
           "Did you hear about the transfer papers?" he hummed. "I figured if my grandfather was still trying to keep us apart, I had to take matters into my own hands."
           "I did."
           "Did you accept?"
           "Mmm I still have to think about it." you grinned playfully.
            "Why?" he drummed impatiently on your leg.
           "Because I can't jump too enthusiastically at the offer, I have to play hard to get."
           "With your boyfriend..." he answered flatly, as if you were doing the stupidest thing in the world.
           "With my boss." you whispered as you batted your eyelashes at him. "I have to see how much he wants and values me."
           Yoongi's lips curled up mischievously as he tightened his grip around your waist, "Shall I show you how much I want you?"
           You laughed and smacked his chest at his insinuation. "Yoongi."
           His eyes twinkled happily at finally having you in his arms and hearing your voice in person.
           "Marry me." he whispered and you inhaled sharply at the suddenness of the request.
           "What? Yoongi --"
           "That's how much I want you." he smiled warmly as he leaned his head comfortably on your chest. "I want to see you every day. I want to show you that I can make you proud and that I can make you happy."
           "But still --"
           "Well if you won't marry me yet, accept the transfer." he smirked.
           You chuckled and rolled your eyes at his ultimatum. "I'm pretty sure this is abusing your power."
           "You're abusing my love for you." he pouted cutely. "I just want you to be where I can see you, where I can be with you."
           You laughed as you squeezed his cheeks. "I was going to accept it anyway. I just need to act like I was in contemplation. I still have pride in my branch, you know. It's like my child."
           He grinned then scrunched his face.
           "Fine. I'll wait then."
           You pecked his lips lightly. "Thank you."
           "Where are you staying tonight?" he questioned.
           "Mmm I was hoping I still had a room at a certain apartment complex." You grinned.
           Yoongi chuckled. "I was hoping you'd say that."
           Later that day, you found yourself curled up in Yoongi's couch once again. He lay on your lap, relaxing while you carded your fingers through his hair.
           "This isn't a dream, right?" he exhaled, his eyes still closed.
           You tugged at his hair causing him to wince and scream in pain. 
          "Ah! Gosh! Okay! It's not a dream. Sheesh. I need all my hair for goodness sake!"
           "Maybe you should stop dye-ing it so often, hm?" You hummed. "It looks like you infected Jimin with your habit."
           Yoongi grinned. "He's the one that asked me to dye it with him."
           "Oh right, what happened between you two? You helped him out or something?"
           "Mmm at first, I asked him for a favor for a week or two, since the influx of work increased in the Daegu branch. But then, he ended up begging me to have him stay longer at the branch, due to a woman problem."
           "Ah maybe his girlfriend."
           "He looked like hell, Y/N." Yoongi snorted. "I don't exactly know what happened, but he was so miserable when he first arrived. Then he spontaneously asked me to take him to where I get my hair dyed because he needed a change."
           "Wow. Seems like you two do actually get along." You giggled.
           "Well he's no longer a threat since he's taken." he shrugged. "But it wasn't for free, I had to ask Jimin for a favor too."
           "What favor?"
           "It's a secret." Yoongi cackled.
           "Then why mention it?? You're so annoying!" You shook him, but gently, he grabbed your hands and opened his eyes to look up at you intently.
           You stared at him questioningly, feeling an odd sort of intensity from his look.
           He smiled and reached up to stroke your cheek.
           "Move in with me."
           Your heart flipped over inside your chest.
           "Live with me here in the city. Once you accept the transfer, I want to move in together."
           You blushed. You were ecstatic, truly. You wanted nothing more than to say yes. You wanted nothing more than to see Yoongi first thing in the morning and last thing at night, but...
           "Yoongi, I'm worried about my family. My little sisters, Tae, Jin."
           He chuckled lightly. "I told you not to worry about them, didn't I? I took care of them while you were away."
           You furrowed your brows angrily. "Speaking of which, none of them will tell me what they've been up to! I know you helped my sister cover the rest of her university tuition because I bribed it out of her! And I heard Jin disappeared to no one knows where suddenly but he keeps messaging that he’s fine? And Tae? I've been getting e-mails but I have no idea what he's doing or where?"
           Yoongi's lips curled up.
           "Hyung?" Tae called as he found Yoongi sitting on the couch in the middle of the night, the place where you used to sleep.
           Yoongi smiled sadly.
           "You miss her, huh?" Tae smiled as he sat beside him.
           "Yeah, a lot."
           "It's okay, hyung. This is her dream. It's no one's fault." Tae squeezed Yoongi's hand."She decided it herself."
           Yoongi glanced at the younger, "You know, you matured a bit."
           Tae grinned. "When I think of how hard Y/N has been working for us and for herself, it makes me wonder if I'll ever get close to my dream like she has."
           Yoongi stared at Tae, "Do you still want to go to Seoul, Tae?"
           Tae smiled and nodded. "Very much."
           "Good." Yoongi's grin widened. "Because there's an opening for a part-time job at one of the top vet hospitals there, and I've already put in a good word for you since I have a connection in there. And they'd like you to come in for an interview soon."
           Tae gasped, his eyes widening. "What? Really?"
           Yoongi laughed and nodded. "Yes, really."
           "Oh my gosh, hyung!" Tae flung his arms around Yoongi excitedly. "Seriously? I have a chance to be a vet in Seoul??"
           "I wrote you a stunning recommendation letter and asked your boss at your current hospital to do so too. It's all up to you now."
           Tae's eyes watered happily. "Thank you, hyung. I don't how to thank you."
           "While you're there, would you like to make some cash on the side?" Yoongi's lips curled up.
           "Huh?" Tae blinked.
           "I want to hire you to keep an eye on the new business I'm starting up in Seoul."
           Yoongi nodded. "I trust you. Plus I think you'll like the place. It won't be a boring job. You'll get to meet all sorts of people, and there'll be music and performances every day. What do you think?"
           "Yes!" Tae beamed. "I'll help you out, hyung. Of course I'll help!"
           Yoongi felt a tear drop fall onto his face from yours and he sat up from your lap carefully.
           "Hey." he whispered softly, trying to get you to lift your face.
           You shook your head and cried. "I-I don't know how to thank you, Yoongi. You didn't have to. I have to pay you back for my sister's tuition and for Tae--"
           Yoongi kissed you and smiled. "They're my family too. You don't need to do that."
           You sniffled and wiped your tears.
           "But if you do want to do something for me," he smirked as he leaned closer to you. "I could think of a few things I'd like you to do for me."
           You chuckled, "Is one of them moving in with you?"
           Yoongi nodded lightly, "But there are a few other things you could do for me right now."
           "Come here then, Min Yoongi." You pulled him towards you by gripping his turtleneck and locked lips with him happily.
           "I was thinking cooking for me," he grinned cheekily. "Didn’t know you were so dirty minded, Y/N."
           You rolled your eyes and tried to shove him away playfully, but he resisted, climbing over you and kissing you sweetly.
           "I missed you, Farm Girl."
           "I missed you too, Silver Spoon."
           "Let's work hard together from now on, hm?"
           You grinned. "I don't know about you, but I've been working hard all my life."
           Months later, Jimin grinned as he scrolled through the news on his phone, as he did every morning. But today, instead of boring articles about stock markets, and businesses crashing, pictures of you and Yoongi were scattered throughout every news site and all over his social media. The headline read "BREAKING NEWS: DAEGU ROYALTY, MIN YOONGI, DATING DAEGU'S VERY OWN CINDERELLA, Y/N!". He chuckled as he scanned through the pictures of you two boldly holding hands on the street, openly dating, beaming at each other. He plugged one earphone in and played the news video.
           "Women all over the world are gushing over the news. Folks, it is real! This has never happened before in the history of the nation. No longer is it just a fairytale, but it's become reality. Someone from humble birth -- a farm girl from the Daegu countryside to be exact-- has in fact, snatched herself a man of wealth and status. And it isn't just recently either, the couple has in fact been together for almost three years! Talk about a BIG surprise!
           While there are mixed opinions about this unprecedented relationship, there isn't much to be said about why these two can't be together. She certainly has proven herself to be worthy of such a status and has shown the world that no matter where you come from, you can be whoever you want to be through hard work. Alternatively, CEO Min Yoongi has stated that he has never intended to date or marry for wealth, but for happiness and love." The reporter spoke.
           Then Yoongi appeared on the screen, "I have money already, and I have a steady job so I'll be gaining more. Why do I need to marry someone for even more money? I think that's just ridiculous. There are more important things in relationships and in life."
           Once again, the reported appeared and continued, "When we asked the Chairman, CEO Min's grandfather, about his opinion on the matter, he also expressed his support and approval for this relationship. Many of the wealthy are absolutely shaken up, but for all of us normal folks, it is a sliver of hope to break down the economic barriers. The couple has accepted many exclusive interviews and has stated that all of their broadcasting fees will be donated to an organization. What an inspiration! We'll be keeping everyone updated on this truly modern day fairytale so stay tuned."
           Jimin snorted. "But I was the Fairy Godmother. Do I not get thanks too? Ungrateful friends."
           "Oh? I know her!" Jimin's girlfriend appeared behind the counter, peeking at his phone.
           "Well, yeah. She's all over the news."
           "No. Look." she pointed at a picture on the wall.
           Jimin's eyes widened. "What's she doing there?"
           She chuckled, "She owns this coffee franchise. You've been going here every day and you didn't know about it at all?"
           Jimin cracked up, incredulously. "That girl is truly unbelievable."
           "Looks like something good happened?" His girlfriend questioned curiously, as she handed him his usual three cups of coffee.
           He nodded. "Yes, something wonderful happened."
           "What did?"
           Jimin beckoned her to come closer. His girlfriend leaned over, believing he was going to whisper it to her, but instead he kissed her cheek sweetly.
           "Chims! I'm at work!" she huffed and glanced around worriedly.
           Jimin grinned cheekily.
           "Hope happened, babe." His face softened. "Hope for the future."
           "What're you writing now?" Yoongi peeked at what you were doing, resting his chin on your shoulder cutely. "We need to sleep early for our thousandth interview, and the bed is cold without you."
           "I'll be in soon. I just want to finish this bit." You grinned. "I'm sending in a story for publishing."
           "Without telling me?" Yoongi huffed and he squeezed himself onto your lap. "Let me read! Is it an autobiography?"
           "Mmm..." Your lips curled up as you wrapped your arms around his stomach warmly as he scrolled through your document. "In a way."
           Yoongi leaned back onto you and covered your hands with his. "What is it about?"
           "A Silver Spoon falling in love with a Farm Girl."
           Yoongi chuckled as he played with your fingers.
           "I think it was the Farm Girl who fell in love with the Silver Spoon though."
           "No, definitely not." You leaned your head against his shoulder. "She had to work hard to earn a living. She didn't have much time for love. In the meantime, he had everything so he was able to flirt and seduce her freely."
           Yoongi smiled gently. "No...he didn't have everything. In fact, he actually had nothing back then."
           "Oh?" You glanced up at him playfully. "So...does he have everything now?"
           Yoongi grinned as he fiddled with the ring on your fourth finger.
           "Yes... he truly has everything now."
           "Shall I spoil the ending?" You whispered teasingly.
           Yoongi nodded, his eyes twinkling with unspoken happiness.
           You giggled and held your left hand up next to his, showing off your matching rings.
           "The Farm Girl has everything now too." 
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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Jamie Rhodes-USA TODAY Sports
Hey, we finally got a huge weekend of impact games!
Whoa! Week three’s in the rearview mirror, and Auburn is 3-0 with a huge showdown at Texas A&M Saturday afternoon. HOWEVER, there’s a ton of other good college football including a top ten showdown in Athens. How do we think these games are going to turn out? Let’s see...
Michigan @ Wisconsin (-3) (O/U 43.5)
I can’t quite figure out Wisconsin. Consecutive shutouts are good, but that offense? Ugh. Then again, Michigan has had their own struggles this season. I really thought Army would pull off the upset. Wisconsin 24, Michigan 17 - Josh Dub
I saw Wisconsin buzzsaw through USF in the opener while the only Michigan game I’ve seen was them nearly losing at home to Army. In addition to the game being in Madison, I’m gonna take the Badgers to win and cover. Wisconsin 27 Michigan 14 - Will McLaughlin
This is a fascinating matchup. I know we all got a kick out of laughing at Michigan going into OT to beat Army but you have to remember Oklahoma did the same thing last season and went on to win the Big 12 & land a bid to the College Football Playoff. Granted, Oklahoma absolutely shredded Army’s defense when they got the ball but could not for the life of them get a stop and were forced into having only 8 possession all game scoring touchdowns on half of them. A little different than Michigan’s performance.
Wisconsin, on the other hand, has been dominant out the gate. All the fancy maths LOVE them some angry Badgers right now with Wisconsin ranked 7th by SP+, 10th by FPI and 10th by Sagarin. The Badgers, unsurprisingly, feature another dominant rushing attack lead by Heisman hopeful Jonathan Taylor. With this game also in Madison, you REALLY have to like the Badgers chances.
But this might be the most important game in the Jim Harbaugh era. While Michigan has not been bad under their former QB, they haven’t been championship calibre which was the expectation when hiring Harbaugh. They still can’t beat Ohio State and are something like 1-14 vs top 10 opponents. If the switch is to flip, it feels like maybe this is the weekend for it to happen.... Nah... Go Badgers. Wisconsin 31 Michigan 20 - AU Nerd
Talk about a one sided rivalry. Blue leads this series 51-15-1. This time should be one of the ones that goes to the Badger-Badger-Badger-Badgers. Shea Patterson really hasn’t panned out like the fans and Jim Harbaugh would like and I don’t see any reason how he figures things out in Camp Randall. Take the Badger and go with the over. Sconny 31-17 - Drew Mac
Man, can you imagine thinking Wisconsin was going to be favored in this game in the preseason? Wisconsin has been downright dominating through three games, winning their two games 110-0 so far. Michigan has been one of the best defenses in the country so far, but their offense behind Shea Patterson has been real bad. Like 74th in SP+ bad. My head says Michigan will pull this one out, but my heart says go with the Badgers to make Michigan an early favorite to finish #3 in the Big 10 East. Badgers it is, 20-7. - Ryan Sterritt
Wisconsin can run the ball and Michigan has identity issues with their offense and a madman for a head coach. These are the kinds of games we forget when we see Wisconsin in the B1G Championship game at the end of the season. Wisconsin 35 Michigan 17 - Josh Black
Oh yay, an early morning B1G snoozefest. I’m not going to dwell here too long. Cheese 27 - Khakis 17 - AU Chief
Something something real men something leadership something prestige. Sconny 30 Michigan 10 - Son of Crow
Wisconsin is about one standard deviation ahead of Standard Wisconsin so far, but that hasn’t been against anyone with a pulse. Michigan really hasn’t cut loose yet, but they’ve had a week to plan. I think this one stays close, and both teams lean on their defenses. I’ll take Wisconsin to cover, but not by much. Wisconsin 19, Michigan 14. (Wisconsin wins and covers, UNDER) - James Jones
‘Scuse me while I go spend a few hours in the library reorganizing the card catalog. Michigan’s the miserly old librarian shushing people, and Wisconsin’s the high school sophomore who thinks he’s cool because he brought McDonald’s with him to work on his school paper. Badgers cover easily, 31-10 - Jack Condon
Tennessee @ Florida (-14) (O/U 49)
Tennessee isn’t dead yet. I think they’re just good enough to test Florida and put some things on film for Auburn to use. Dan Mullen will survive…this week. Florida 28, Tennessee 20 - Josh Dub
This game always produces some weird games even though most end up in Florida wins. Florida moves on without Feleipe Franks at QB and we’ll see who emerges at that position for the Gators. I would love for Tennessee to make this a game but I just don’t see it. Florida 27 Tennessee 10 - Will McLaughlin
Florida won in the most predictable of fashion vs Kentucky last weekend after being predictably outplayed for a good portion of that game. That series is just the same tragedy played out over and over made even more harmful by UK winning last year. Now Kat fans truly believe those games will go their way. You poor, said, obnoxious Elite 8 losers....
Anyway... I can’t explain why. Maybe it’s what I ate last night or my nerves for Auburn’s game this Saturday but there’s just this feeling that maybe Tennessee pulls the stunner. I mean it would be a very Dan Mullen thing to lose this game. But given the Gators disruptive OL, an offense that honestly looked better with Trask at QB and the general suckiness of the Vols, I don’t have the stones to pull the trigger. I do think Tennessee covers which they can kinda take as a win I guess? Florida 38 Tennessee 27 - AU Nerd
NOON KICK! Ugh! I love the people that say ‘Remember when this was a real matchup?’ No...I remember Spurrier beating Phil and Peyton around like rented mules but no...I don’t remember this being a matchup. Which brings us to this year! Florida has their backup QB who is better than Felipe Franks (sad that he got injured, but Trask is a better QB for this offense) and that doesn’t bode well for Tennessee. However, the Vols are better than their first week showing that 14 is a big number so I will take the Gators to win but will take the Vols and 14. Also, go under. Gatas 23-14 - Drew Mac
The trap has been set perfectly for this upset. Tennessee is in shambles, but maybe has a ray of hope after beating down an average FCS team. Florida, after stealing a come from behind win with their backup quarterback, is on the highest of highs right now. If only the Vols didn’t have Jeremy Pruitt, I might pick them in an upset here, but I can’t trust him to pull this one off. Florida is going to probably be down or tied at half time, but Gators win this with a few late scores 31-14. - Ryan Sterritt
Y’all are going to think I’m crazy but Tennessee didn’t just win last weekend, but showed that they’re still willing to get after it. Pruitt still has this team engaged and this is a game that could completely change the current narrative in Knoxville and I am so tempted to pick Tennessee. Florida’s front 7 on defense is why I’m not. Florida 27 Tennessee 13 - Josh Black
Hey, Tennessee finally go them one against he Mighty Moc’s of Chattanooga. Florida nearly blew it against Big Blue. They are apparently planning on running out both back-up QBs this week. That smells like a disaster, but who knows. Both these coaches can take a long walk off a short pier as far as I’m concerned but I guess I’ll go with the Hunchback of formerly of Starkville. Jorts 33 - People That Only Know One Song 17 - AU Chief
Hey I think Florida is gonna lose you guys. I mean, I don’t really, but I need to start picking against the grain because otherwise I’m not going to win. Tenn 21 Florida 20 - Son of Crow
SP+ does not know Franks is out and likes the Gators by 19. Do we really think Franks to Trask/Jones is a 5 point drop? I don’t. I also don’t think Tennessee figured anything out enough to go on the road and keep this one within two scores. Florida 34, Tennessee 17. (Florida wins and covers, OVER) - James Jones
Here’s Cam Newton clowning Tennessee while in a different shade of orange and blue. Glad we got him in the end. Vols are about to be 1-6. A new losing streak starts here. Gators 34-13 - Jack Condon
Notre Dame @ Georgia (-13.5) (O/U 56.5)
I am looking forward to this. Georgia is my least favorite team, by a very wide margin, but Notre Dame is my third or fourth least favorite team. I think Notre Dame will get exposed. This one will be over before halftime. Unfortunately, CBS threw all their eggs in one basket. Now we get to listen to Gary and Brad filibuster. Georgia 42, Notre Dame 14 - Josh Dub
Okay, this is where I know for darn sure I’m going out on an island. Look, Georgia is great but they have played Vanderbilt, Murray State and Arkansas State. No offense to those teams, Notre Dame is a much better football team than those 3 teams. While Georgia’s run game seems to be a huge advantage in this one, I just have a gut feeling that Notre Dame is going to rise to the occasion. Give me the Irish in a huge upset! Notre Dame 37 Georgia 34 - Will McLaughlin
Preseason I had this down as a loss. I just thought with the pieces needed to be replaced at WR, some question marks surrounding the Dawgs pass rush and UGA’s general ability to piss away golden opportunities that maybe the Fighting Irish would roll into town and pull the stunner.
But there’s one hitch in that plan. Notre Dame can’t stop the run...
Per Cole Cubelic the Irish have allowed 19 run plays of 10+ yards or more. They are one of 13 teams to do so. Those other 12 have played 3 games. ND has played 2...
You can beat the Dawgs if you can stop the rushing attack and pressure the QB. Not sure ND has those pieces. I think this turns into a romp with Kirby having circled this as his showcase game all summer. The Dawgs are bringing an enormous amount of elite prospects to campus, college gameday is in town and it’s UGA’s first opponent with a heartbeat. I expect a bludgeoning leading to more UGA hype and more 5* commits. Life is pain. UGA 42 ND 20 - AU Nerd
FINALLY! Georgia gets someone with a shot at actually scoring double digit points. The Irish have looked dominant in their 3 wins just as Georgia has, however the bookies don’t think this one will be close...and I agree sadly. Nothing would make me happier than seeing Georgia get run at home (especially if they put on those blood clot black jerseys) but it wont happen here. I think of ND as the Not Ready for Primetime Players of the college football world. Georgia proves me right because they hate me. Georgia and the Over. DAAAAWGS 45-20 - Drew Mac
I’ve never rooted harder for the Irish, including last year when UGA went to South Bend. After all of the shit they’ve talked in the last calendar year, Georgia deserves to get it handed to them at home, with Gameday in tow. They won’t, though. UGA is going to gash these poor Catholics on the ground, and even if the score is close, the game won’t be in doubt. 31-21 Georgia. Ugh. - Ryan Sterritt
Look y’all no one likes Notre Dame. But would I be willing to break out my old football jersey and helmet from playing days for the Briarwood Lions (look just like Notre Dame) for the sake of celebrating a Georgia loss at home? YOU BET I WOULD! Sadly this Georgia team is going to run through Notre Dame the same way Clemson did last season. Georgia 41 Notre Dame 17 - Josh Black
It’s hilarious to me that people are playing up this game like Notre Dame has a chance to win. Give me a break. Grown Men Barking 37 - Team That Won Their Last Title Less Than Thirty-nine Years Ago 24 - AU Chief
Guys I think Georgia might destroy this Notre dame team. I am shocked this line is so low. Maybe Vegas knows more than me, but maybe also Georgia just blows them out and you win money. Dwags 55 irish 4 - Son of Crow
Lol we get this at 13.5? It’s currently shooting up near 16 or 17. Fuck Georgia, but they’ll blast the Irish. Georgia 38, Notre Dame 16. (Georgia wins and covers, UNDER) - James Jones
Sadly, leprechauns aren’t real, and I think Georgia’s got their magic flute and armor to ward off spells. Bulldogs 45-23 - Jack Condon
Oklahoma State @ Texas (-5) (O/U 74)
Texas ain’t back, still. They’ll win, but they ain’t back. Texas 41, Oklahoma State 35 - Josh Dub
Well we learned 2 weeks ago that Texas wasn’t quite back yet. The Cowboys have won 4 straight in this series. Make it 5! Oklahoma State 41 Texas 35 - Will McLaughlin
In terms of most fun to watch, it’s hard to pick against this matchup. OKST features one of the best players in the country no one is talking about (or weren’t talking about) in Chubba Hubbard who I think was briefly an AU target. He’s been insane to start the season averaging 7.9 yards a carry and scoring 7 TDs. On the other side, Sam Ehlinger did all he could to go blow for blow with Joe Burrow but fell just a bit short. However, I think this time he gets it done in a wild but entertaining affair. Gotta go with the over. Texas 42 Oklahoma State 38 - AU Nerd
Sam Ehlinger has been an absolute beast this season, physically taking this Texas squad on his back and trying to drag them to victory. If it weren’t for getting Burrowed, they would have done it against LSU. Mean while Okie State has quietly been very efficient at gutting opponents offensively while having a not so terrible defense. This one will be fun, but Okie State has won the last 6 in the series and while the Horns have looked good, I still need them to win one of these game before I truly believe the hype. Okie State straight up and under. Cowboys 42-31 - Drew Mac
Time to hop back on the “Tom Herman can’t win as a favorite” train. SP+ even has this game as a pick’em, so yeah, give me the Cowboys to come in and pick off Texas for, let me check, THE EIGHTH TIME THIS DECADE. Pokes 40-34 in Overtime. - Ryan Sterritt
I think Texas is a legitimate top 10 level team this year and may end up splitting the OU games again because I believe they’ll play twice. Texas 48 OSU 38 - Josh Black
I like the Cowboys. Always have. I would love to see their superior color of orange roll into Austin and and show the world that, Texas is indeed not back. And that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Men of a Certain Age 35 - Town Full of Weirdos (And Keep It That Way) 34 - AU Chief
Okie State is a fun team to watch yet again. I genuinely believe in this Texas team, though. They torched a really good LSU secondary and won’t see ANYTHING like that again the rest of the season. Look at that O/U man, the big 12 is W I L D. I think Ehlinger is a good QB, and the Horns have weapons all over that offense. We are beginning to see Tom Herman’s stamp on this team, and I think Texas runs away with this win. UT 42 OKState 31 - Son of Crow
There’s an SEC angle to this one: is LSU really that good throwing the ball now, or is Texas just a standard Big 12 defense? Oklahoma State has looked good under new OC Sean Gleeson. I think they keep things close in an absolute barn burner. Texas 45, OK State 42. (Texas wins, OK St covers, OVER) - James Jones
Texas is strutting into DKR with the Ted Nugent t-shirt and the cigs rolled up tight in the sleeve. They got a job, workin’ for the city (workin’ men, huh?). Keep a little money in their pocket. Still thinkin’ about getting back in JC or somethin’ though. Horns in a fun one, 40-37 - Jack Condon
Cal @ Ole Miss (-2) (O/U 44)
Cal is sneaky good, folks. Maybe? Hard to say. All I know is Ole Miss is sneaky bad. Maybe not even sneaky bad, maybe just plain bad. Cal 27, Ole Miss 14 - Josh Dub
I was trying to figure out how in the world Cal became ranked in the Top 25? Well a win at Washington would certainly help matters but have been fairly unimpressive in wins over North Texas and UC Davis. This will be a 9AM kick Berkeley time but keeping with my theme of picking games this week, I’m picking the underdog straight up. Cal 24 Ole Miss 21 - Will McLaughlin
This will be a bizarre game. Cal seems to be trying to copy the Michigan State philosophy of playing smother defense but frustratingly bad offense only to beat you in the most hair pulling of ways. Of course, it also makes them VERY susceptible to being upset.
Ole Miss’s brief flirtation with great defense is over having surrendered 29 points to Southeastern Louisiana. But this game is basically a toss up per the math folks I trust. Given it’s at home and Cal’s penchant to not be consistent at all, I actually do think Matt Luke gets it done. It won’t be pretty and will have you questioning your sanity by the end of the game but the Rebels defense the SEC’s honor. Ole Miss 28 Cal 21 - AU Nerd
Wow....um....so Cal beat Washington and Ole Miss lost to Memphis and squeaked by Piggy....alright. Bears (the west coast ones) straight up and over. Cal 34-24 - Drew Mac
Ew, gross. Two top 20 defenses and two bottom 40 offenses. Exactly what everyone thought when this series was scheduled! I would say I expect Cal to win this one, but I’m not sure I can really trust them to 4-0 to start the season. Then again... the Pac 12 has to beat someone, right? Golden Bears over Black Bears, 20-18. - Ryan Sterritt
Ole Miss is catching 2 points because they’re at home. Ole Miss is a very bad football team. Cal 27 Ole Miss 21 - Josh Black
Both these teams may stink, but this is a matchup I might actually tune in to watch, just because it’s not one you see every day. Berkley and Ole Miss might be the two most contrasting places in this great nation of ours. It’s one of those things that reminds me what makes college football so fun. Unfortunately, the fun stops on the field. By virtue of it being a road game for Cal, and Ole Miss still being a school that recruits SEC talent to a a degree, I’m going with the that school up north. Admiral Akbars 24 - The Other California Bears 13 - AU Chief
This game seems super gross. Cal is good on one side of the ball: Defense. Ole Miss is good on 0 sides of the ball and is categorically terrible on defense. This game is the football equivalent of potty training. It’s going to go terribly, and even the successes won’t feel worth it at the time because of all the hours you’ve spent washing poop off your hands. Cal 15 Ole Miss 10 - Son of Crow
SP+ likes Ole Miss because the recruiting rankings aren’t totally fazed out. That, the weather (hot as all get out), and Cal’s body clock really has me leaning Ole Miss. HOWEVAH, I just can’t get past how terrible Ole Miss looked against Memphis, and Cal’s defensive line is legit. I think that unit carries them through in a low-scoring game. California 17, Ole Miss 10. (Cal wins and covers, UNDER) - James Jones
Ole Miss ain’t gonna be able to lie their way through this affair. Cal’s fairly salty, and I don’t think the Rebels have the guns. Yella Bears 28-9 - Jack Condon
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/9/19/20874938/staff-picks-college-football-week-4
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happy-meo · 7 years
SILVER SPOON: Part 4 [Yoongi x Reader; Rom-com, fluff]
A girl who had to work hard every day of her life to rise from nothing, meets a man who was born with and given everything.
A classic tale of what happens when a cold, uptight farm girl meets a playful, rebellious, easy-going city boy that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Summary: Having been born and raised in the country side, you have worked hard your entire life to make it to the big city. You eventually achieved your dream and now you have a wonderful paying job for a large company and you continue putting your 110% into everything you do. However, your perfect plan to climb to success through consistent effort and hard work becomes disarrayed with the arrival of your branch’s new rebellious and easy-going CEO, who never desired the position in the first place and has never truly worked hard a day in his life. Your job is on the line if he can’t be turned into a quality CEO within a year, but he has no intention of changing himself for anyone or letting you boss him around so easily. How will you work your way through this obstacle? Will you succeed in changing him or will he be the one that changes you?
Yoongi x Reader (ft. Jimin & VIXX’s Leo as side characters; some other BTS members show up too lol) Office au Romantic Comedy, Fluff
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 (Finale)
A/N: This is part is just straight up fluff rom-com with slight hints of plot progression x) I just wanted to give you guys a quick update to start off the week. The next parts following will definitely have the plot thickening, I promise! But for now, enjoy the fluffy update <3 
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           Yoongi groaned once again as the blaring screech from that blasted rooster pierced through his deep slumber. His body ached and throbbed like it never had before, probably because he never moved as much as he did yesterday in his entire life.
           "Leooo." He cried out and his body guard's face appeared, hovering above him curiously, or at least that's what Yoongi assumed his face was expressing.
           "I'm sore." Yoongi whined.
           "I shall go ask Y/N what to do about this predicament." Leo disappeared in a flash.
           "Wait! No I--" Yoongi sighed as he heard the door shut.
           After the awkward walk-in last night, where the entire family saw him in almost all of his bearings, he didn't know how to face Y/N. He forced himself to roll out of the blankets, but his muscles felt strained, like gravity was pushing him onto the floor, so he lay there in his pajamas, waiting for someone to move his limbs for him. He didn't have to wait long before you and the twins entered the room.
           "I figured you'd be sore." He saw the apologetic look you threw at him.
           "I'm not usually this weak I promise."
           He heard you snort then felt you kneel next to him.
           "I'm glad to see you decided to be fully clothed today at least."
           "Yeah, sorry about that. I was so tired after the field." Yoongi chuckled.
           "It's okay. My family may tease a lot but they pretty much forget about it the next day. Except for Tae. Tae likes to bring it back as much as he can."
           Yoongi smiled at you as you grabbed his arm and started pressing your fingers against his muscles. He groaned then felt smaller hands take his other arm and attempt to do the same.
           "Is this okay, Mister?" the twins asked.
           He grinned gratefully and nodded. "Perfect. Thank you."
           The girls giggled and continued copying you.
           "It seems like you do this often?" Yoongi directed to you.
           Your lips curled up, "Yeah. I learned from my mom. She would do it to my dad often when I was younger and so, I wanted to do it to my brother too. Now I do it while she tends to other things."
           After his arm started feeling more relaxed, he felt you hesitate.
           "Legs too?"
           "Yeah." He answered without much thought.
           But when he felt your hands on his thighs, he tensed up. Oh.
           His eyes wandered down and spotted your cheeks turning a light shade of red as you kneaded your knuckles and palm on his thigh. The girls giggled and started doing the same to his other leg, but it ended up tickling more than massaging. Yoongi bit his lip to fight back his laughter.
           "Make sure you girls are getting all those bumps in his muscles." You instructed.
           "Yes ~" they replied.
           "There's a big bump right there." One of the twins spoke, but Yoongi was too into the massage to really think much of their statement.
           "Ooo I'll get it!"
           Yoongi hurriedly sat up when he felt pressure in that area between his legs. The twins were taken aback by his reaction and he stared at them in shock. Then realized that they had no idea what it was that they had touched. He laughed nervously as he covered it up shyly with his own hand, afraid they would graze his sensitive area again.
           "That's a big knot, Mister. Y/N, might need to do that one." the twins pointed out.
           Yoongi saw you follow the direction of their finger that was pointing towards his crotch. He assumed you saw his horrified expression and defensive position, and put two and two together.
           "Oh my god. Did you touch him there?!" You leaped up at the realization.  
           "Yeah, you told us to get all the bumps." The twins blinked up at you innocently.
           "Oh my god. I'm so sorry." You breathed, worriedly glancing at him.
           "I-it's okay. I was just a bit surprised." Yoongi felt his cheeks warm and you also averted your gaze.
           "Um hold on. I had them come in to help with your back...maybe we should do that first..." You suggested frantically, and he nodded in agreement.
           He hurriedly flipped onto his chest, grateful that none of you would pay any attention to his "bump" while he was in such a position.
           "Okay girls. Just like how you do to do Papa and Jin." You instructed and soon Yoongi felt their little feet marching all over his back.
           He exhaled and closed his eyes; the pressure was exactly what he needed to loosen his strained muscles. If the twins weren't giggling so loudly, he would have fallen back asleep easily. But after a few minutes, the constant drumming dissipated and he groggily opened one eye to find your face looking at him curiously.
           "Wow. You look the same in the morning." he stated.
           He caught your eyes widen slightly in surprise, then you chuckled.
           "Thanks? I guess."
           "Y/N. What about the big bump between his legs? Will you be helping with that?" The twins brought it up again.
           Yoongi looked up at you and you two shared an amused look.
           "Um...that's something that'll go away on its own. Don't worry. Now go run along and help them in the chicken coop, okay?"
           "Thanks girls." Yoongi stated, still faced down comfortably on the ground.
           They giggled and patted his head.
           "You're welcome Mister. I hope you'll come out and play with us soon!"
           "Is your sister good at massages?" he questioned.
           "Oh, she's the best! Jin, Dad, and Tae say that they could work in the field for hours after she massages them!" the girls exclaimed. "In the country side, they call her the 'Miracle Hands'."
           You blushed and shooed the two away.
           "I'm sure I'll be out to play with you in no time then." Yoongi smiled lazily and caught your lips curling up gently too.
           "Okay. But here, Mister."
           A sewed together stuffed animal appeared in front of his face.
           "Sometimes her massages hurts though...Tae-Tae holds this when it does."
           "Thank you."
           "Alright girls, go on." You ushered.
           The giggling grew further away and the door shut softly. Yoongi felt your light footsteps against the ground, but no words were exchanged between you two. Instead, he felt your fingers curl into his hamstrings and he groaned.
           "Sorry about that." You said apologetically. "They're a bit young."
           Yoongi chuckled. "Well they weren't wrong, right? It was a big bump."
           He felt you smack his leg at your comment.
           Yoongi laughed as he rested his cheek on the ground, reveling in your touch against his aching calves. "I thought I was a pretty cool and smooth guy. But odd things keep happening here."
           "Welcome to the country side, Silver Spoon." He heard the jeering tone in your voice.
           "Okay, Miracle Hands Farm Girl. Why am I 'Silver Spoon'?"
           "Cause you've literally never had to work for anything in your life. You were born into wealth. There's that saying that you were 'born with a silver spoon in your mouth'."
           Yoongi hummed, unable to deny the truth of that statement because well, everybody in Daegu knew everything about him and his family.
           "Why did you come to the city?"
           He felt your fingers still then start again.
           "Mmm, because I wanted more than this."
           "I think this is nice." Yoongi smiled.
           "Mhm." Yoongi nodded.
           "I don't know..." Yoongi hummed as he sat up, turning to face you as he thought more deeply about it. When his eyes found you staring back at him curiously, he realized his answered. "It just feels like what I imagined a home to feel like."
           He watched you slightly frown at the sadness behind his statement then smile gently again a few seconds later.
           "Well I'm glad you think so." Then you giggled. "I mean, they did already see you pretty much naked after all."
           Yoongi laughed heartily. "I guess that's one way to bond."
           "Alright, well." You stood up and he watched you dust your clothes off. "Get changed and meet me out in the front."
           You turned to leave then paused. "Oh right." You chucked a bottle at him. "Sunscreen. The sun's supposed to be scorching today so apply that often."
           "Yes ma'am."
           With a curt nod, you left the room. Yoongi grabbed the stuffed animal that the twins had left him and grinned widely. He really did feel like a new man after that massage. He was ready to tackle this day in higher spirits than the day before.
           "She's got to teach Leo that one of these days." he mumbled to himself as he got ready.
           Yoongi's eyes widened in surprise when he spotted you waiting outside, wearing a large straw hat, short shorts, and a loose tank top. He hadn't known you for long, but he was still constantly being surprised by you.
           "Well damn." he laughed.
           You turned and raised an eyebrow. "What?"
           "Well you're always covered up from head to toe in the office. I was surprised you'd wear something like this." he admitted.
           He saw you blush slightly then huff. "I can't exactly wear professional attire when working on the farm. And it's going to be hot. I need ventilation in order to be 100% efficient and beneficial."
           "Sure, sure." Yoongi waved away your logic. "Whatever you say."
           You rolled your eyes, "Follow me then."
           He grinned widely as he did so. "What new thing am I doing today?"
           "Milking the cows."
           As far as fears go, you've encountered plenty thanks to your childhood on the countryside, then later with your clients in the city. But never did it occur to you that someone would have a fear of cows, until you watched Yoongi's face turn even paler than usual at the mention of them.
           "Wh-what?" You glanced around, wondering if he had seen a ghost.
           "Y/N. I-I can't." he shook his head fervently.
           "You can't?"
           "I don't like cows." he breathed.
           You looked at him incredulously. "What?"
           His breathing shallowed. "I think back when mom and dad were alive. They took me to a farm and I wandered away. A cow almost trampled me and ever since then, I've been terrified of them."
           You relaxed realizing it stemmed from a traumatic childhood experience. "You're really open, aren't you?"
           "What?" he blinked.
           "Well you just told me one of your biggest fears and the back story. That's not something everyone divulges easily."
           "Why not?"
           "People can use it against you."
           "Are you going to sick a cow on me?" He raised an eyebrow.
           "Well, no..."
           "I trust you." he stated with a shrug. "I don't know why. But ever since we met, I felt like I can trust you."
           You stared at him, trying to figure him out. "I really don't understand you, Mr. Min."
           His lips curled up. "I don't think I'm that hard to figure out."
           "But you are." You chuckled. "And I'm not one to like being puzzled for long."
           "Is that your subtle way of telling me you want to get to know me better?" he grinned cheekily.
           You rolled your eyes and avoided answering him. "You said you trusted me right?"
           "Then come milk the cows with me." You outstretched your hand. "I promise on my job and doubled salary that you'll be safe."
           "Well if you promise it on those things..." Yoongi bit his lip. "I guess I'll have to."
           Shakily, he grabbed onto your hand and let you lead him inside. Everyone in the family was already inside, milking and chatting away loudly. Even Leo was beside Jin watching him curiously.
           "Oohh~ the love birds." Tae beamed as he spotted you two. "Even holding hands now, huh?"
           "Shush, Tae." You snapped. "He has a cow phobia so I'm trying to help him."
           "Aww no." Tae quickly frowned, sympathetically. "I'm the same with lizards. If you need to hold my hand too hyung, just let me know."
           Yoongi smiled at him thankfully, but his legs felt wobbly being surrounded by cows. He had visions of them all going on a rampage in the enclosed space and seriously injuring everyone.
           You felt him squeeze your hand tightly and you glanced back at him. His eyes were blown out and frantic, a look you hadn't ever seen on him. He was usually calm and collected, passive to most things. The vulnerable look awakened your maternal instincts and made you want to protect him. You squeezed his hand back reassuringly and he directed his attention back to you.
           "You're good, Mr. Min. Trust me."
           You saw him gulp, but nod nonetheless. With your free hand, you dragged two little stools beside the unattended cow eating peacefully.
           "Sit and I'll guide your hands." You instructed.
           Nervously, he did so. You straddled the stool behind him and reached around grabbing his hands.
           "You think you can put on gloves on your own?"
           "This might be lame..." he chuckled. "But I don't think I can move anything right now..."
           You nodded and helped pull the gloves over his stiff fingers. You placed a pail underneath the cow's utters and wrapped your arms around Yoongi carefully.
           In the distance, Tae was singing some old love song tauntingly, but you tried to fight back the urge to yell at him, seeing how tense Yoongi was in front of you.
           "Y/N. I-I don't think I can do this."
           "Yes, you can." You said softly. "You're not alone."
           You felt him relax at your statement.
           "Not alone?"
           "Yeah. I'm gonna stay behind you." You giggled. "I won't leave you to do it alone when I know you're afraid. That's just cruel."
           You spotted him smile a bit, but then the cow lifted one of its legs lightly. He hurriedly spun into you and curled up into your chest. When you saw how quickly he retreated, you felt sorry for forcing him to do this all of a sudden. You patted his back gently to calm him down. Then he seemed to have realized what he had done because he scrambled away from you.
           "It's fine. Look." you pointed and he turned. "She probably just had a leg itch or something."
           Then you paused.
           "We can just skip this if--"
           "No." he stated firmly and straightened up in front of you. "If I don't do this now, I'll have to live with it forever. Let's do this."
           You chuckled and grabbed his hands in yours, guiding it towards the utters.
           "Oh this is so weird..." Yoongi winced. "Is it okay to touch it? Like shouldn't we ask her permission or something?"
           "I did this morning. Don't worry." You teased.
           "Oh my god. This is going to feel weird." He squeezed his eyes shut as you moved his hands for him.
           You laughed as you continued to do the motions for him.
           "You're doing it already. Open your eyes."
           Yoongi peeked out and spotted both of your hands squeezing the utters rhythmically and milk coming out of it.
           "Oh gross. No." he groaned. "This is so weird. I don't like this."
           "I thought so at first." Tae called out. "But then I started thinking of it as lasers coming out of a gun and you're pulling the trigger, and then it became AWESOME! Pew pew!"
           "No Tae. Please." Your younger sister shook her head.
           "You're just jealous you don't have an intergalactic space cow shooting lasers." Tae huffed.
           Yoongi chuckled at the two's bickering.
           "You think you can do it on your own?"
           "No." he said quickly.
           "Too bad." You released your hands from his and he began sputtering irregularly. "Relax. Since you like music, think of a steady beat."
           "How'd you know I liked music?"
           "Um you had a bunch of CDs in your car. And in your house there's a large vinyl record player, a massive stereo system in your living room, AND your bathroom. And you listened to music all the way here the other day? But you know, it's just a big guess." You grinned.
           He snorted. "Smartass."
           "Oooo! Mister said a bad word!!" One of the twins tattled.
           "Oops. What's my punishment?" Yoongi shot you a worried look.
           "You just have to give them a piggyback later. Will you be able to handle that Hercules?"
           Yoongi snorted. "They're light. Please."
           "Both of them at the same time."
           "Okay...it's pushing it... but I think I can manage." Yoongi bantered.
           You giggled.
           Suddenly, Leo stepped in front of your cow, with a cup of fresh milk, staring at it intensely.
           "Leo, what're you...?" Yoongi questioned.
           Leo lifted his cup and drank, maintaining eye contact with the animal.
           "Oh, noooo!" Yoongi groaned, in disgust. "Leo! Don't do that! That's practically cannibalism."
           "No it's not." You laughed. "You're ridiculous."
           "Then harassment! That came out of them!" Yoongi complained.
           "I was complimenting them." Leo explained and patted the cow's head gently. "It tastes good."
           "Oh...come on." Yoongi winced, making a face of disapproval at Leo.
           "Want to taste, Sir?"
           "No." Yoongi shut his lips together as Leo pushed the cup into his mouth.
           "Miss." Leo stated and you obliged by wrapping your arms tightly around Yoongi so he couldn't escape.
           Yoongi wriggled and shook his head as the two of you ganged up on him.
           "Just a sip, Mr. Min."
           "I refuse! I'll drink it later, but I want them to like me so I won't in front of them!" he protested.
           Leo smiled slightly and retreated respectfully.
           "Oh, so that's how it is. How thoughtful." You smirked, noticing that Yoongi's hands automatically went back to milking the cow.
           "That is how it is."
           "Looks like you're doing fine with them though." You pointed out and Yoongi finally realized that he was milking unconsciously. He pulled his hands back, surprised.
           "When did those get there?"
           "Got an utter fetish, Mr. Min?" You teased.
           "Gross. No way."
           "Hey, you never know- to each their own. But I do have to protect my cows so please be honest so I can bring out the restraining order."
           "Shut up." Yoongi rolled his eyes.
           You chuckled as you squatted beside him and watched happily.
           "What?" he questioned.
           "Nothing. Just standing by to make sure you're okay." You shrugged.
           He smiled. "Thanks."
           "I mean, you're still my boss and the Chairman's grandson. Don't want to be arrested for assembling an army of cows against you."
           Yoongi shivered. "Don't say things like that."
           "'The Planet of the Cows', 'The Rise of Zombie Cows'." You pressed in an eerie tone.
           "Stooppp!" Yoongi whined.
           "Oh Mister!" the twins called out. "Did that bump in your pants go away?"
           "What??" Everyone else looked at you two in surprise.
           "Yeah, there was a big bump between his legs. Apparently it goes away on its own though. But it was pretty hard when I touched it."
           "Oh my god." You mumbled under your breath, not sure whether to laugh hysterically or be mortified.
           "You mean his knees?" Tae tilted his head to the side. "Silly, that's not a muscle."
           "Okay!" Jin squeaked, getting the jist of the conversation, and stood up while clapping his hands. "I think it's time to move on to the next thing. What do you think?"
           The twins cheered excitedly.
           Jin shot a questioning glance towards you and Yoongi. You lifted your hands up innocently.
           "It was the usual morning problem. You should know, right?" You stuck your tongue out defiantly.
           Jin glared at you with a blush then scurried the twins away.
           "Do you always talk about your older brother's morning wood?" Yoongi snorted.
           "Oh that." Tae appeared beside you two, leaning against the cow nonchalantly, and grinning widely. "One time, Jin hyung had a wet dream. At the time, me, Y/N, and him were still sharing a room cause we were all kids and whatever. Being younger and more energetic though, me and Y/N woke up earlier than him and saw you know...his thing rising up in his shorts... and we thought an animal climbed into his pants and we both screamed for help. Everyone came and witnessed Jin hyung's ASCENSION to manhood...literally." Tae bellowed the last statement valiantly.
           "You all thought it was an animal?!" Yoongi cracked up. "Just how big is he?"
           "No, no, no, no." You stood up. "We are not discussing this in my presence."
           "Shall we compare later?" Tae wiggled his eyebrows to Yoongi, who did it playfully in return.
           "Oh my gosh. Please don't." You covered your ears frantically.
           Tae and Yoongi laughed as you jogged around the cow to make yourself forget what you just heard.
           "Is Y/N the only one who's prim and proper around here?" Yoongi questioned.
           Tae hummed. "Pretty much? But it's been helpful. She organized all our chores and stuff into a schedule so it makes things easier. She helps out other farms to work more efficiently too."
           "Ahh." Yoongi glanced at you as continued smacking your ears and mumbling incoherent things to yourself.
           "Yoongi dear. Would you like to help me in the kitchen?" Your mom suddenly appeared getting all your attention.
           "Really?" Yoongi blinked. "But I've never--"
           "I'll teach you. Come."
           "Are you sure?" Yoongi glanced at you and Tae.
           "Yeah, go." You urged. "Consider yourself lucky. You get out of morning duties."
           "Auntie! How about me?" Tae called, batting his eyes sweetly.
           "Nope. Just Yoongi." Your mom bluntly stated, causing Tae to fake cry into your arms.
           Your mom then flinched when Leo appeared beside her suddenly. She exhaled and patted his cheek.
           "You can come too Leo. If you insist."
           Leo's lips curled up slightly and the two followed her back into the house.
           "Yoongi and Y/N kissing in the tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Tae sang as soon as they disappeared, and skipped around you tauntingly.
           "I was going to let your singing earlier slide, but not this." You growled and grabbed Tae's ear, twisting it. "Let's go help the others, my dear cousin."
           "Ow. Ow. Y/N. I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Tae winced.  
           Yoongi smiled as he watched you wrestling Tae roughly as you two departed the barn.
           "So she can be like that too." he mumbled to himself.
           "Yoongi dear." your mom called sweetly.
           "Oh yes Mom." he said easily, surprising himself.
           "Can you take out the egg carton out of the fridge?"
           "Sure." Yoongi obeyed.
           "So you've never cooked before?" she asked.
           "Oh no... Leo had always cooked for me. If not, one of our maids." Yoongi explained.
           "What about when you're away from home?"
           "I just buy food. But Leo is always close by so..."
           "No, no, no." your mom shook her head. "A man needs to be able to feed himself somehow, someway. I'll teach you how to make eggs, okay? Then we'll make honey ham."
           "Yum." Leo uttered softly.
           Yoongi threw his bodyguard an amused look before grabbing the carton from the fridge.
           Later on, you all walked into the house smelling like coal and burnt firewood in mild panic, wondering if something had caught fire. But then you all stopped at the door when you saw that Yoongi was sitting on the table apologetically, while Leo was showing off his expertly flashy cooking skills to your excited mom.
           "First time cooking didn't go too well?" You patted his shoulder.
           "I couldn't crack the eggs properly then I ended up burning them cause I was watching her and Leo with the ham. Then Leo exiled me." Yoongi pouted. "Said I was wasting food."
           You laughed.
           "So I apologize if your eggs have shells in them." Yoongi bowed his head.
           "It's all good. It's extra nutrition." Jin chuckled lightly. "Why don't you help us set up the table then? Not everyone becomes a chef on their first try."
           You and Tae rolled your eyes. "Oh no...don't get him started."
           "Except for me of course." Jin proudly grinned. "I was cooking and baking since I was little. When I was old enough to stand, I was holding a spatula. It's a gift."
           You and the other siblings groaned and went to go get the plate settings while Jin chatted away to Yoongi.
           "If you want, I could teach you a thing or two." Jin puffed up his chest.
           "Don't do it." Your sister whispered audibly, earning a glare from Jin.
           Yoongi giggled. "When I'm less busy, I'd appreciate the help. It'd be nice to cook what I wanted instead of waiting for Leo."
           Leo looked over his shoulder curiously.
           "I love Leo's cooking though!" Yoongi tensed up. "It'd just be nice to give him a break!"
           Leo turned his attention back to the ham, appeased, and Yoongi visibly exhaled.
           "He gets scary with food." he whispered softly to the others.
           "I've noticed." Tae giggled. "But so does Jin hyung. That's probably why they get along."
           Breakfast was saved thanks to Leo, but everyone's eggs did have an immense collection of shells inside them.
           "What? Did you throw the entire egg inside?" Your little sister commented.
           "Don't be rude." You scolded.
           Yoongi laughed and shook his head. "It's okay. It pretty much ended that way."
           "Ow." Tae spit out a shell and rubbed his cheek.
           "My bad." Yoongi smiled weakly.
           "Don't worry, honey. Cooking is one step at a time." your mom comforted him by rubbing his back. "The eggs didn't turn out so bad."
           The twins doused their eggs in ketchup in the middle of her statement, the container making a loud farting noise, earning a glare from their mother. Tae snickered at the sound and nudged Jin to join in.
           "What? It tastes less burnt with ketchup." the twins retorted with a shrug.
           You shook your head and sighed at your family's bluntness.
           Yoongi giggled, not minding it.
           "Next time for sure, I'll get it. You can bet on it."
           After breakfast, everyone set out to clean the biggest barn, where they stored hay and other equipment. You giggled as you watched Yoongi struggle to carry stacks of hay and get scolded by your father to properly use his legs, not his back when lifting. You also looked on as he fooled around with Tae by jumping into stacks of hay on a dare and both of them getting told off by Jin. Then in retaliation they shoved Jin into the stack with them and the eldest began whining that the hay was hurting him.
           The twins then joined in and demanded for Yoongi to enact his swear punishment at that moment. With a determined breath, Yoongi knelt down and allowed them to climb onto his back. Jin was in panic at how unsafe it was, while Tae was running around asking Yoongi to catch him. You smiled as you watched the happy scene.
           "He's nice." Your sister's voice pulled your eyes away from them.
           "Yeah, he is."
           "You made it seem like he was the devil before."
           "Okay. I might've exaggerated." You rolled your eyes as you bundled up the hay in a swift motion. "But he was being a lazy ass at work. I'm a bit nervous he'll still be that way. We'll be going back tomorrow after all."
           Your sister smiled gently and didn't say much else, so you went back to watching the others as you mindlessly cleaned up.
           "Mister! Mister! Faster! Tae is getting away!" The twins giggled. "Catch him!"
           "Hold on!" Yoongi instructed and seeing their chance, the twins gripped his pink hair tightly. He cried out in pain as the twins cackled.
           "Girls!" Jin bellowed sternly.
           They gave Jin their best puppy faces, but their older brother was immune to that, having gone through yours and your younger sister's puppy dog pouts already.
           "Down." Jin ordered firmly.
           The girls slid off Yoongi's back with their head hung down dramatically.
           "What will you say to Yoongi?" Jin crossed his arms. "It's not nice to hurt people, right?"
           The twins nodded and pouted, turning to face Yoongi who was rubbing his scalp. "We're sorry, Mister."
           Yoongi chuckled and patted their heads. "It's okay. And just call me Oppa. I'm a bit younger than your brother so I feel old being called 'Mister'."
           The girls beamed up at him excitedly, forgetting that they were being scolded in mere seconds. "Oppa! Oppa!"
           Yoongi grinned widely at their enthusiasm.
           "Hey! Someone push me!" Tae, feeling neglected, called out from inside a wheelbarrow.
           "Oh for goodness sake, Tae. Get out of that wheelbarrow." You chimed, seeing your cousin goofily grinning and trying to roll himself forward from inside it.
           "I'll push!" Yoongi volunteered.
           "No, Mr. Min--"
           He stuck his tongue out at you rebelliously. Then he proceeded to push forward, but it didn't budge.
           "Huh?" he blinked then used his legs as a staple to move the wheelbarrow forward.
           Everyone fought back their laughter as Yoongi tried several methods of getting the cart to budge while Tae cheered him on eagerly. Suddenly, you couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing. All of his failed attempts were just too hysterically sad. The others soon joined you.
           "I was going to say that Tae's pretty heavy for you to wheel around." You wiped your tears as you cracked up.
           "What's that supposed to mean?" Yoongi was offended.
           "I mean..." you giggled. "You couldn't move him even the slightest!"
           Yoongi rolled up his sleeves and pressed his back against the cart, digging his feet into the ground. He held his breath and leaned, willing the wheelbarrow to move until his face got red and he ran out of oxygen. With a gasp, he fell on his butt, defeated.
           Tae giggled and scratched the back of his head. "My bad. It's not you, it's me."
           "I'm pretty sure it's him." Your younger sister snorted, pointing at Yoongi, and everyone continued their giggle fit.
           Yoongi sighed as he stood up. He then found himself smiling at everyone having a good time-- even if it was because they were laughing at his weak ass. Their laughter and cheerfulness were quite infectious.
           After the barn clean up, and as per usual, the men returned to the field, while the women and girls tended to their own chores around the farm. And once the sun began setting, the men made their way back before it go too dark to find their way back.
           "I made a big dinner because tomorrow's the beginning of the new week and the first work day!" Your mother clapped excitedly and everyone cheered just as enthusiastically, exhausted and starving from their labor.
           Everyone stuffed food into their mouths without manners and you frowned until you spotted Leo and Yoongi doing the same. Chuckling, you used your utensils to split the chicken and eat it, but you were relieved to see the two were fitting right in.
           Leo even went so far as to fight Jin for the last chicken.
           No one had ever dared to do that to Jin.
           But you weren't sure who was more intimidating at this point. Both of them seemed pretty intent on eating the last piece. The two had decided to play rock, papers, scissors, which Jin ultimately lost, much to his dismay.
           Still sulking, Jin turned in early while the others took turns washing up.
           Yoongi, still getting used to the "sleeping early, waking up early" routine, decided that he'd be fine washing up last. So he stepped out of the bathroom and into the darkness and stillness of the house. Everyone was already fast asleep.
           Curiously, he padded his way passed the kitchen to the living room. He frowned, seeing you curled up inside a thin blanket, lying on the ragged couch comfortably. He had suspected that you had offered him your own blanket the night before, and seeing you like this just confirmed it. He knelt beside you and pulled the sheet over your exposed shoulder, tucking you in so there was absolutely no way a draft would come in. Then, he made a mental note to order Leo to go to his apartment tomorrow to grab a few more things to bring back to the house.
           He flinched as you suddenly moved, curling up more deeply inside your blanket and mumbled.
           "No. These are the wrong stats. We won't merge..." You furrowed your brows angrily.
           Yoongi chuckled and poked your forehead. "Such a workaholic."
           "Stupid Mr. Min. Won't help."
           He blinked and stood up, frowning at your sleeping figure.
           What was he going to do tomorrow?
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