#Oh wow these are the ones without Dande
dallieart · 11 months
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More doodles of Lafavel from 2021. I drew him A LOT. I think I used him to work through my own negative emotions at the time. Hurray!
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For the Fan Fiction Ask Game: 🌻 🌹🌷
Hello, Dande!! 😄 Ooh, these are great ones!
🌻How long have you been writing fanfiction?
This is an interesting question because the real answer is actually over a decade, but I didn’t know that it was called fanfiction at the time and I certainly never posted anything!
My first fanfics were stories about characters in cheesy otome games because I was so offended by the idea of a cut-and-paste love interest that I decided to make a brand new character (none of them were self-inserts, amazingly) for each of the characters in the games. Then I went for a number of years writing casual fanfics about characters from various books and shows that I loved so much that words spilled out (which I rarely ever shared with anyone). Finally, I decided to start publishing fics I wrote for Good Omens in 2020, and I kept going afterwards!
🌹What is your favourite kind of fanfiction to write?
I am a huge sucker for writing human AUs for Good Omens, partially because I think that the canon was already so neatly packaged and brilliantly done that anything I might try to add to the canon-verse conversation would be almost redundant 😂 In all seriousness, I adore creating new worlds and imagining the impact of those worlds on the characters, and it really gives me a ton of space to brainstorm and be creative without having to make the characters from whole cloth! Also fluff abounds in my realm. I write angst occasionally, but it will always and forever have a happy ending!
🌷Who do you recommend as a fanfiction writer?
Oh wow, how can I even begin to answer this one? I am so in love with so many works by so many writers, and I couldn’t list the number of them if I had a week, but the ones that come to mind off the top of my head are you, @entanglednow, Hapax, AppleSeeds, @moveslikebucky, SodiumAzide, @ineffablelawr, @hasturswig, @elfontheshelves and soooo many others I can’t even count them all! I have the tremendous benefit of knowing and working with a lot of writers, and I love every single one of them, so it’s very hard to choose! Also this goes for every single one of the people in GTA! They’re all lovely, as you know 😄
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returnn-of-the-mac · 4 years
Follow-up to sole traveling back in time, how would the companions react to Sole asking them “why are you so sad? You know you’re coming with me, right?” (And in Macready and Piper’s cases they can bring their family, too)
*danse casually strolls into vault 111 with a fatman in his pocket. take that, vault tec*
I try to answer my requests in the order that I get them, but we all needed this one, yeah? I’m sorry I broke so many hearts with my last post; I didn’t mean to lol. Here is a slightly happier ending to it! Please enjoy!😊
Part 1
FO4 Companions React: Sole Traveling Back In Time To Be With Family (Part 2)
After some heartfelt goodbyes, Sole started laughing. [Companion] raised an eyebrow and Sole put a hand on their shoulder.
“You know you’re coming with me, right?”
Companion stared at them blankly for a few seconds as they processed the news.
Nick: You’re being serious? I can’t believe it. Now I’ll finally have the chance to put that scumbag Winter in the slammer.
MacCready: I can’t believe it. And you’re letting me bring Duncan too? I owe you. Big time.
Deacon: Wait, woah, what, really!? Sick! I’ve always wanted to use a time machine!
Danse: Outstanding. And that we know about the fate of the future, we might be able to prevent history from repeating itself.
Hancock: No kidding? Damn, talk about the opportunity of a lifetime. Hell yeah. Let’s go, [brother/sister].
Ada: I’ve always wondered what life was like back then.
Curie: Oh my! Zink of all ze rezearch I can do on zubjects zat are not contaminated by radiation! Zees eez amazing!
Gage: Oh geez boss, I…will Nuka World hold up without us? [thinks for a moment] Ah, what the hell. Count me in.
X6-88: I am one hundred percent on board. It’ll be refreshing to experience a civilized society.
Longfellow: As long as there’s liquor, I’m on deck.
Cait: But doesn’t that mean I’m gonna have to experience the bombs droppin and being frozen in the Vault? Eh. Still better than my life here. I’ll come.
Codsworth: [weeping] Oh, I’ve dreamed of this day for two centuries. Thank you, [sir/mum]!
Strong: How will old humans react to Strong? They hate him? They kill him?
Piper: You’re serious!? And Nat can come too!? Oh god, this is so exciting!
Preston: I’ve always wanted to see what Pre-War America was like. I can’t wait!
Nick(❤️): What an amazing opportunity. I know you have your [husband/wife] back at home, so why don’t we remain friends? I might even be able to stop Winter in his tracks and save Jenny.
MacCready(❤️): No crap!? Wow, thank you! [sad, but understanding] But you’re probably going to want to be with your [husband/wife], right? I understand. Just as long as we can stay friends and I can still see Shaun, I’ll be alright. I just can’t believe it. Duncan dand I get to start over with a clean slate.
Deacon(❤️): Yes I want to time travel! I guess this is the end of our romance then, yeah? At least for now? [slightly hurt] It’s…it’s okay! As long as we stay friends! I’ll just move next door and be that crazy neighbor.
Danse (❤️): Thanks for taking me with you. For the sake of normalcy, I think we should just remain friends for now. I still want to be a part of your life, but stay loyal to your [husband/wife].
Hancock (❤️): What if your [husband/wife] found out about your relationship with a ghoul? Ha! I’m just kiddin ya, my lips are sealed. We’ll just be friends for now. [smirking] Unless ya’ll are into the idea of a threesome.
Curie(❤️): Ah, what a wonderful opportunity, my love! But, uh, I can’t call you that anymore, can I? We zhould just be vriends vrom now on, yes?
Gage (❤️): Sure, what the hell, I’ll go back with ya. But dontcha have a [husband/wife] back at home? I’ll leave ya to it. Stay outta ya hairs, boss. We’re still gonna be tight though?
Cait (❤️): [hurt] Does that mean yer just done with our relationship then? Horseshite. But fine. I’ll go back with ye.
Piper (❤️): Oh man, this is so exciting! But does that mean we’re…over? [holding back tears] I…I understand. We can still be friends though, right?
Preston(❤️): Thank you so much for this opportunity, General. But what about us? You have your [husband/wife] back home and I don’t want to interfere. Let’s just be friends for now, okay?
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