#Dagger Celestina
dallieart · 1 year
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More doodles of Lafavel from 2021. I drew him A LOT. I think I used him to work through my own negative emotions at the time. Hurray!
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acourtofthought · 2 years
I often see them compare Ruhnlidia and El/riel because their love are both 'forbidden'
Ruhlidia: If anyone that works for the asteris finds out that one of their agents is f*cking one of their enemies, the asteris would very much kill her. Or torture her for Information and betrayel. From the start they hid their identities from each other, even when they're talking mind to mind, so their plans and secrets are completely safe. Their lives are at stakes
But wtf is Rhys going to do when he finds el/riel banging in the gardens? "That's it! Give me your dagger, you're in time out!"??? And what would Elain think of that? She doesn't know that Azriel is forbidden to see her.
Like bruh- if Azriel had told Rhys that he's over Mor and wants to start something with Elain, I'm 100% sure he would've understood and maybe told him to wait until Elain is ready to reject the bond or something. Lucien, though heartbroken, would literally understand and accept it. He already acknowledged that Elain needs space and time and he visits rarely as it is. Remember when he growled seeing Azriel and Elain together but later on told Feyre that Azriel is a decent male? Goes to show that Lucien would fight whatever the mating bond is doing to him and accept the rejection.
Even Celestina and Hypaxia (I forgot how their names are spelled) have an actual forbidden romance. They're barely on page together. Celestina is married to someone the Asteris had forced on her and if they find out she's with someone else, they'll kill Hypaxia (Celestina said so).
LoA and Helion's love was forbidden and still is. After Beron found out, he turned Loa into what she is today. Loa rejected Helion so baby Lucien would be safe from Beron..
And you know what these ships, whose love actually are forbidden, have in common? Each couple is in love. Azriel doesn't seem to love Elain and based on Elain's actions she doesn't seem to love him. It's mostly attraction and interest. But not love 💀
I think the major difference in those relationships is the forbidden love aspect because of the "enemy".
And with the LOA, we don't even know if it was forbidden for her to be with Helion. All we know is her family decided for her and she didn't fight against it (if I'm remembering correctly). Helion even tells us it is her choice to stay with Beron which doesn't sound like forbidden love.
Forbidden love from your friends and family isn't romantic, it's a red flag. Especially because Rhys isn't "evil" family.
Rhys honestly wants what is best for the people he cares for and if he truly got the vibe that Az had real feelings for Elain, he would have stood at the ready to support him. The only reason Rhys was furious and told Az to stay away is because he knows Az isn't over Mor.
And I'm sorry but when Az's two brothers are Pro Elucien (Cassian feeling sadness for Lucien not being able to be connect with his Mate and Rhys demanding Az show Lucien respect) and showing literally no support for E/riel (Cassian doesn't even see any romantic undertones with them), that speaks volumes.
An Elain book is not going to turn into an "US against THEM!" with she and Az hiding their love from their family. This is one of those situations where if the people that know Az best aren't on board, it's for a good reason.
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shallyne · 2 years
Crescent City This or That
Let's play a game. I give you two options and you have to choose one. Reblog or comment with your results
Lunathion or Avallen
Angel or Witch
Shifter or Fae
Starsword or the lost twin dagger
Doing the Drop or not doing the drop
House of Earth and Blood (Blood are shifters, humans, witches, ordinary animals) or House of Sky and Breath (Malakim, Fae, Elementals, sprites)
Working for Micah or working for the Viper Queen
Solas or Luna
Living in the Frat House or living in Bryce's apartment
Is Celestina sus or is she not sus?
Prince of Hel or Asteri
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bookofmirth · 3 years
8, 16, 19
Sorry I missed this, but thank you for the questions!
8) Do you have any new ships? Yes, Ruhn and Lidia! I like them better than quinlar at this point. Jury is still out on Celestina and Hypaxia but I want to love them.
16) What’s going to happen with Ruhn and Lidia? Well if it goes anything like lysaedion did, I'm going to throw this whole series in the trash! I saw this post and I am so sorry to OP, I just scrolled through my likes for days and can't remember who said it, but someone said what if his walls were up so that people don't know about his connection with her? Since mate smells and stuff? If someone sends me that post I will link it. Was it @nixieteeth?
But I also think that 1) they are mates and that will be revealed, 2) she will help rescue him, 3) it would be sexy if he gets to watch her kill Pollux
19) There is the prophecy that once the Starsword is reunited with the dagger, the fae peoples will be united. What’s that all about? Okay so this is my most most crack theory ever, and when I say that I am serious. But what if Ruhn is the end of his line because he gets the fuck out of Midgard and goes to Prythian and he becomes the HL of Dusk because then all the Starborn people will be reunited.
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prospering-orchid · 3 years
Remadora fluff
Part 1
AU where Remus, Tonks, Ted, Sirius, Fred, Dumbledore and Snape are alive.
Tonks POV - Today is Remus's birthday which after much persuation from Dumbledore was being celebrated at Hogwarts and she was sure Sirius and the twins were planning something.
But when nothing happened all evening she stopped getting suspensious and started to enjoy herself. She was feeling anxious in leaving Remus alone but she had to put Teddy to bed, they were staying in one of the empty rooms, afterall Remus can take care of himself can't he?
No he can't.
She entered the great hall where everyone gathered and stopped short.
Arthur and Molly and her parents were dancing to Celestina Warbeck and looked a little tipsy, which was a surprise as Molly would never drink in front of children even when said children were of age now.
Dumbledore was swaying his legs like a child and was watching everyone smiling widely.
Slughorn and Flitwick were singing opera.
McGonagall, Sprout and Madam Pomfrey were giggling like teenage girls and gossiping.
Children were looking at the teacher's table intently, she followed their gaze and there he was flushed and glaring daggers at Snape who was tied to a chair and gagged. Not only this was out of character for him to show open hospitality but he was DRUNK!!
Oh Merlin. *face palming*
This is going to be a long night. Remus can get tipsy on butterbeer, something to do with being a werewolf and this looked like he has consumed firewiskey if the bottle in his hands was anything to go by. And top of it the grinning like loons trio were eating POPCORN?!!. She is going to kill them. But later, now she has a swaying like pendulum husband to take care now.
Tonks marched up to Remus who was swaying quite dangerously and steadied him.
Remus looked up when she came to him and glowed like a Christmas tree.
Remus (beaming) - DORA!! HOW YOU DOINGG?!
Tonks closed her eyes and massaged her temple.
Tonks - I should be asking you that question Remus, why are you drunk and why Snape is tied up?
Remus (pointing an accusing finger at him) - HE INSULTED YOU!
Tonks raised an eyebrow and glanced at Snape," Did he now?"
Remus nodded vehemently then winced.
Tonks - What did he say then?
Remus shook his head and said in a slightly slurred voice, "Won't shay. Bat man shaid bad word. Only bad people shay bad word. And am not bad Dora"
Tonks eyebrow almost flew up to her hairline though that may have to do with her metamorphic powers.
Tonks - You do know that Bat Man is a superhero, right Remus?
Remus (blinked owlishly at her) - oh
Remus squinting at Snape,"Black man then."- straightening and repeating-"HE INSULTED YOU. SO I PUNCHED HIM. NO ONE INSULTS MY GIRLFRIEND".He nodded to himself like justice has been served.
Tonks pursed her lips to contain her smile.
Tonks - I am not your girlfriend Remus.
Remus's bottom lip wobbled,"Are you breaking up with me, you don't love me anymore?"
Tonks - No I still love you sweetheart, I was saying that I am not your girlfriend, I am your wife now.
Remus eyes bugged out so much she thought for sure that they were going to fall out.
Remus spoke in a hushed voice,"I have a wife?"
Tonks nodded sagely,"And a son too"
Remus looked at her in wonder," I have a son"-He spread his hands like he was holding a watermelon-"Wow"
He glanced up, "Can I meet him?"
Tonks shook her head, "Not now, he is sleeping."
He dejectly looked down which caused him to stumbled and rested his forehead against her shoulder for moment. Suddenly he straightened.
Remus looking quite distressed," I am going to be late". Pulling at his hair, he stood up and started to go but Tonks grabbed his arm. He looked back confused.
Tonks - Where are you going?
Remus,"To prepare, I am going to propose my girlfriend."-His eyes were glazed over-"She is the most amazing, beautiful and stunning woman and she is a badass auror. I love her so much. I am going to ask her to marry me"-Terror filled his face-"What if she says no?"
Tonks stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek, "She won't, I promise"
Remus seemed reassured by that. Then his head lolled forward on her shoulder and his quite snores filled the hall. Tonks looked down at him lovingly and kissed him on top of the head.
The golden trio approached her.
Harry apologetically, "Sorry Tonks, we couldn't find any hangover potions. And he wouldn't go to sleep it off when we tried"
Hermione and Ron nodding their heads from behind.
Hermione - And hangover potion takes 5 hours to brew.
Tonks ,"It's alright you three. Though I have a feeling that the missing potions may have to do with your dogfather and brothers". Nodding at Harry and Ron.
Tonks eyes twinkled," Why have none of you untied Snape?"
They blushed.
Hermione - We-well, Remus would have again tied him and he has werewolf reflexes so it would have been difficult to take his wand.
Tonks nodded, eyes still twinkling madly, "Ofcourse, containing a drunk werewolf who can't even stand without swaying must be hard, especially when you can't use expelliarmus." At that she glanced at Harry who nodded.
Hermione stuttered and flushed pink.
Ron beside her was grinning widely, "Yeah, it has nothing to do with Snape being a terrible teacher and a git even if he was on the light side".
Hermione elbowed him glaring.
Ron - What! you know it's true Mione.
Harry coming forward to wrap Remus's arm around his shoulder, " Let me help you with Remus".
Tonks - Oh, thank you Harry.
But Remus buried his face on the crook of her neck and refused to budge, so he settled for his waist. Together they were able to get him to their room and lied him on their bed.
Remus suddenly sat up and grabbed his head at the sudden wave of dizziness.
"Dora?",he murmured.
Tonks sat beside him, "Right here darling"
He looked at her and grinned goofyly, kissed her straight on the lips with a smack," I love you", giggled then buried his face in her lap and fell asleep. She brushed his hair off and kissed him on his forehead, Remus sighed contently.
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She turned to Harry who looked quite uncomfortable at the little display of affection and smirked but let it go, she had more important things at the moment. She started walking and called over her shoulder, "C'mon, I have a lesson to teach to that mutt".
She shifted him back to his bed, wrapped him up with the blanket like a burrito and stood up.
Harry gulped behind her as he watched the short metamorphmagus who for sure had some evil pranks brewing in her brain. He didn't want to be in his godfather's place and watched as an evil smile broke on her face.
Not at all.
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darling-archeron · 3 years
How much crossover will there actually be with acotar, do you think? (IE how long will Bryce be with the IC)
There is the prophecy that once the Starsword is reunited with the dagger, the fae peoples will be united. What's that all about?
What was your favorite plot twist?
How much crossover will there actually be with acotar, do you think? (IE how long will Bryce be with the IC)
I hope not too long. I think the idea is cool, but tbh I'd prefer to keep the series mostly separate. I also don't think logically it makes a ton of sense to put huge plot points about either series in the other books. Also Bryce is ***desperate*** to get to Hel, so my guess is she'll be in Prythian like...50 pages max. Long enough to get stuff sorted out with the Starsword and Truthteller and get some info.
There is the prophecy that once the Starsword is reunited with the dagger, the fae peoples will be united. What's that all about?
Going to be honest, I remembered almost none of the lore either book so I hadn't made any of the connections with ACOTAR (I feel like if I had bothered to do literally any rereading I could have strung together some theories lol) I'm guessing it'll be uniting not only the fae of CC, but also the shifters and others that we learn are actually fae too. Maybe even the fae from other worlds? But like I said I want crossovers to be fairly minimal.
What was your favorite plot twist?
Daybright being The Hind! The hints were totally there, I was just way too into my theory that it was somehow Celestina or maaaaybe Hypaxia.
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missstar-gazer · 4 years
OCs Getting a Box from the Past/Future:
Ash: Returning from a luckily short shift, Ash walked up to her front door in a good mood. She pauses once she saw a small box but picked it up without a second thought. After entering the house, she took the box to the kitchen to open. Confused to see letters in a box, she pulls them out before going to sit on the couch to read them. It didn’t take her to get far into the letters before tears ran down her face. Each page was an explanation of why a lover decided to leave her. 
Lucifer: Lucifer held Aj close as they cuddled on the couch. The current discussion was over her new powers but it was interrupted by the doorbell. He let his lover go before going to answer the door only to discover a box. He looked around for the person who may had set it down but no luck. Lucifer shrugs before bringing it in. He sat down on the couch beside AJ once again as he opens the box. His eyes widen at the contents as he saw what the box held. A shaky hand pulled out the bloody feather that had rested by the angelic dagger.
Nicholas: Coming home from a trip across seas, Nicholas was glad to finally be home. Humming happily as he enters the house, he is greeting by Ash who passes him a box. He thanks her before going to his room. He sat down his bags before sitting himself down on his bed with the box in his lap. He pulls out his knife and opens the box. He sets his knife aside and reaches in the box to pull out official documents. Two death certificates were held in his hands. One he recognized and one that he had wished to never see.
James: He waves goodbye to Nicholas as Nicholas leaves the ship. James promised Nicholas that he would watch over the ship while the German went home for a week. Once the other was out of sight, James made his way to his room. As he opens the door to his room, he sees a box on his bed. Thinking it was a gift from Nicholas he opens it. He blinks as he pulls out his old sailing contact before taking a shaky breath as he noticed the blood on it.
Chaviva: She was just awaking from a well needed nap when she saw it. A small box on her bedside table. Curious of what its contents were, she sat up and began to open it. However, as a flash of messy red hand writing and a glimpse of a set of pictures reached her eyes, she quickly shut the box again. She leans over the box with labored breathing. 
Celestina: Celestina was packing for her next set of concerts when Nicholas gave her the box. She thanked him before kicking him back out of her room so she could keep packing in peace. She set the box down at first to pack but soon she couldn’t ignore it. She turns back to the box and opens it. Inside the box was multiple pictures of a house and a last picture of her and a young man. She went to chuck the box at the wall when she saw written on the back of a picture was a name. She held that picture close to her chest as the tears fell down her face.  
Mei: Having returned from a day out with Sam, Mei was heading to her room to turn in for the night. However, a box on her pillow was in her way. She thought about just moving it but she decided it would be best to just open it. She opens the box before freezing once she saw the half burned sketch book and the blood rag that poked out from under it.
Irene: Irene was almost out the door to go for a run when she noticed the box on the kitchen table labeled for her. She shrugs at the timing before grabbing a knife out of the drawer to open it up. She pulls out a hand painted wood box out before sat down at the table with it. She recognized the box but couldn’t recall where she had seen it. As she lifted the lid on the decorated box, she remembered that the box was her mothers. Inside the box was pictures of her and her mother. The last thing in the bottom of the box was a newspaper clip that talking about her mother’s death. A sad smile reached her lips as she carefully went over all the pictures.  
Adeline: Coming off the stage for intermission, Adeline went to her dressing room to change for the next scene. However, she wouldn’t get to change as a box on her vanity caught her eye. She opens it quickly knowing she didn’t have much time. Her eyes widen as she saw the pictures someone had taken of her in her own home. She pulls them out to reveal a letter which she quickly scans. However, its message has her stumbling to the door in fear.
Bridget: Bridget stumbles into her room after a night out with friends. She made her way to her bed but trips over something. Glancing back she notices the box which she picks up. It held no return address but it was for her. She rolls her eyes but opens it up. Reaching in, she was surprised to see the see a hospital band that she had thrown away a year ago. She throws the box to the floor as she leans against the wall trying to fight the memories.
Dmitri: Dmitri sat outside on the porch reading when Ash passed him the box. He thanked her as she walks away and sat his book down to look at the box. It had only his name on it. Surprised that anyone sent him something he assumed it was from Siren. He opens it up rather quickly to see if it held a gift but paused when he saw the photo album. He slowly pulls it out and lets the box drop to the floor. Dmitri allowed himself to take a deep breath before he flipped through the pages.
Sherlock: Sherlock was deep in conversation with Chaviva when the knock came. He told her that he would be right back before he went to answer the door. To his surprise there was no one at the door but rather a box. He picks up the box confused to why it was addressed to him but he brought it in anyways. Walking to the living room, he began to open it as he moved. However, once the dried flowers were revealed he stopped walking and a tear ran down his face as he gingerly touched one of the flowers. 
Haneul: He had just arrived at his girlfriend’s home when he noticed the box in his back seat. Believing it was something she had left in his car he picked it up. It was when he saw his name that his curiosity got the best of him and he opened it. His curiosity quickly became confusion when he saw a set of pictures with his mother in it who looked like she was suffering with a terrible illness.
Nasya: Nasya was working on a new painting when Nicholas gave her the box. He mentioned that he liked the painting before leaving to let her open the box. She opens the box with paint stained hands before pulling out a set of letters between her and her father. She blinks confused as she read the first few before reading the last one which was between her and her uncle instead. 
Jaeyeong: Jaeyeong was waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up so they could go practice on the steps of the porch. As she waited, Irene gave her a box before heading off to run around the town. Jaeyeong opens the box quickly as she had been expecting mail from her father. She reaches into the box as she looks towards the drive way after hearing her boyfriend’s car pull up. She flashes him a smile before looking to what was in her hands. The letter that seemed to had gone through a fire was opened and read. Her eyes widen as she read before she quickly shoved it back in the box so her boyfriend didn’t see it. 
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thebloodychampion · 5 years
Muse Info: Nicolas Belmond
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Name: Nicolas Belmond Nickname: None Age: 40 (in 9:41) Sex: Male Sexuality: Pansexual Date Of Birth: 10th Ferventis 9:01 Place Of Birth: Antiva City, Antiva Face Claim: Pedro Pascal Family:
Father: Gabriel Belmond (deceased)
Mother: Carmen Belmond
Wife: None
Children: Adelina Belmond (21), Celestina Belmond (18), Paulina Belmond (15), Sierra Belmond (10)
Race: Human Nationality/Culture: Antivan Class: Rogue Weapons of choice: Daggers
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Height: 6′0″ (182 cm) Weight: 171 lbs (77 kg) Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Brown Piercings: None Tattoos: None
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Allignment: Chaotic Neutral MBTI: n/A Positive Traits:  loves all his children, rather relaxed and laid back, doesn’t mind taking his time, positive about his sex life and sex in general Negative Traits: former antivan crow, knows how to kill people and would do it again, influential merchant prince of Antiva, cold hearted at times, revenge seeking Mental Illnesses/Ilnesses: None
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droo216 · 7 years
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ONCE UPON A TIME : the reboot by drew and menelaos
season 7, episode 2 : The Forms of Things Unknown
present : Inspired by the Land of Ever’s potential for a happy ending, Emma decides to return to the Land Without Magic to find Ryan and unite her family once and for all. When Cynthia arrives from the Land of Oz to be with Ruby, Emma asks her about the nature of realm-jumping, and Cynthia reminds her about the rules of the totem that allows a person to jump to and from the Land Without Magic. Suddenly remembering that Merlin enchanted her swan necklace to allow her and Mary Margaret to jump through time, Emma uses it to take herself, Ruby, and Cynthia to the Land Without Magic once again. Regina eases herself back into life in the Land of Ever, gladly accepting a room in Castle Misthaven, and as a promise to Henry, she swears off any use of magic. Meanwhile, far, far away, on Bald Mountain, Chernabog has been brought back to life by the ending of the Servant’s cursed legacy and finds that he is surrounded by hundreds of other Servants, including Gold and Zoso. However, they are all bound to Bald Mountain, and cannot leave - but Chernabog has an idea of how they might gain their freedom once more.
past :  Thousands of years ago, Titania, queen of the fairies, gives birth to a pair of twins called Chernabog and Celestina. She raises them on their own, passing along the fairy traditions, knowledge that will be valuable throughout their immortal lives. But when the twins turn ten years old, their father, Oberon, kidnaps Chernabog and begins to corrupt his mind with dark magic. Titania raises Celestina to be wise, honest, good, and always helpful to others. When the twins reach adulthood, Oberon and Chernabog enchant a dagger that, for the first time, will be able to kill a fairy, and Chernabog is given the task of killing Titania. When he does so successfully, his sister is horrified and binds his soul to the dagger by engraving his name on its blade, forcing Chernabog to be under the control of whatever person possesses it. Celestina uses the dagger to banish Chernabog to Bald Mountain, where his darkness cannot harm anyone. Chernabog spends decades magically corrupting his soul to allow him to live on after the death of his physical body by inhabiting the spirit of whomever kills him with the dagger. Chernabog confronts his sister in a battle for the possession of the dagger and just when he gets the upperhand, one of Celestina’s followers, a fairy named Mab, manages to steal the dagger from Chernabog and kill him with it, unaware of his wicked plan. As the life leaves Chernabog, his cursed spirit - a hulking winged monster with massive horns - rips itself from his body and passes into Mab. Chernabog’s name fades away from the dagger and is replaced with hers. Before he dies, however, Chenabog uses the last of his magic to banish his sister to the evening star, only able to return when someone calls upon her.
‘once upon a time’ stars : Salma Hayek as the Evil Queen/Regina Mills, Emily Rose as Emma Swan, Jaimie Alexander as Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard, Raphael Sbarge as Jiminy Cricket/Dr. Archie Hopper, Cate Blanchett as the Blue Fairy/Celestina/Evelyn Oxford, Daniel Gillies as Peter Pan/Dr. Matthew Llewelyn, Meghan Ory as Red Riding Hood/Ruby Connor, Sonequa Martin-Green as Cynthia Fogg, CJ Adams as Henry Mills, and Robert Carlyle as Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
recurring stars this season include : Michael Fassbender as Chernabog
guest stars include : Gustaf Skarsgard as Zoso, Michelle Pfeiffer as Titania, Vincent Cassel as Oberon, DJ Greenburg as Young Chernabog, Megan Charpentier as Young Celestina, Katie McGrath as Mab
[ previously on once upon a time ]
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droo216 · 7 years
What becomes of Excalibur, now that Chernabog is sealed within it? And are the people of the Land Without Magic aware of this bridge to other worlds, even if it's just certain individuals? If you don't mind my asking :)
Ooh good questions!
So fairies are immortal, technically. This is the only time this type of magic has been used - when Celestina/Evelyn links a blade to Chernabog’s soul, that allows that weapon to kill him. With the dagger, there was additional magic used, performed by Chernabog, that passed the Servant’s curse to each subsequent killer. During the final battle, that magic didn’t happen… so once Chernabog was dead, the sword became a sword and that’s all it is now. I also doubt any other fairy is as strong and powerful enough as Evelyn was to be able to replicate that magic… I think Henry hangs onto it, he’s a rather sentimental person, but it has no more powers than any other sword at this point!
There are definitely people in the Land Without Magic that know about the bridge. Alice and Jefferson, for example. I also think some people decide to leave the magical realms in favor of lives in the Land Without Magic. The idea is to create unity, to allow everyone to live in the place that they want to live. I also think the bridge brings balance to the time differences between the realms, so things tend to progress at the same rate moving forward.
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