#Olivia Brereton
womenoflesmis · 1 year
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boxfivetrades · 2 years
in which no one sang the parts we expected them to (except javert)
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marleneoftheopera · 2 years
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The 5 Christine’s that have been in the original (left) and restaged (right) versions of Phantom:
Katie Hall: 2008, 2011 (London), 2012-13 (Restaged UK Tour)
Olivia Brereton: 2012-13 (Restaged UK Tour), 2013-14 (London)
Julia Udine: 2013-14, 2016 (Restaged US Tour), 2014-16, 2021-22 (Broadway)
Amy Manford: 2017-19 (London), 2022-23 (Restaged Australian Tour)
Bridget Costello: 2018-20 (London), 2022-23 (Restaged Australian Tour)
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flyfishfly · 2 years
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General mood for tomorrow’s gig with @EarlCarpenter #thelookoflove (x)
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welshmusicalfan · 2 years
Let's go 🤩
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glassprism · 1 year
Who are your favorite traumatic Christines? I mean, Christines who really have fear. Great screams, great cry. Christines who really portrayed fear. I'm very interesed in this kind of performance.
I think Julie Hanson is at the top there. I got the sense that she wasn't coming out of the 'Final Lair' okay; she'll likely carry the trauma of that event for some time after. I also think Samantha Hill did well at portraying fear, especially with Hugh Panaro, though she had some good fierceness too.
I also tend to think of those dreamy, nervous, dramatic Christines. Anna O'Byrne is number one in that spot, so hysterical and on the verge of going mad at times. Lauri Brons is another great one, tense and anxious even before she realizes who the Phantom is, though like Samantha Hill, she has great strength there. Olivia Brereton and Gina Beck have some great crying faces, you really feel when watching them that they are falling apart. Isabel Schwartzbach was yet another, a fragile voice and big eyes and a waifish look. And I also remember Trista Moldovan being like that, a constant scared look on her face, especially with Tim Martin Gleason (and rather less so with Hugh Panaro, where she was more "well put me down as scared and horny").
Anyway, hope some of those satisfy your curiosity!
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andrewlloydwebber · 8 months
I notice POTO Vienna doesn't have an alternate Christine, do you think Lisanne Veeneman will do all the shows unless sick or on holiday?
the restaged productions (and many other productions over the last 5-7 years) seem to not give as much attention to the alternate Christine as much. in the three, soon to be four productions of the laurence connor nightmare direction, the only alternate to get an official stage photo was olivia brereton in the restaged uk tour.
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some of the us tour alternate/understudies (more on that later) had some side of the stage performance pictures taken by matthew murphy, but those were never printed in the brochure or put on posters. and i don't remember anything of bridget costello either in australia.
meanwhile, broadway, west end, and old us tour alternates usually had a few stage photos taken and at least one of them included in the brochure and a poster outside the theatre.
the restaged US tour christines also had weird schedules, at one point no one could publicly post or answer questions about when they were going on, sometimes there was a "first cover/second cover" situation where one got preference over the other, I remember reading stuff from one of the understudies "[the principal] just takes off any two shows she likes and I do them, any shows I miss or additional shows the principal takes off are covered by the other understudy" (i think i'm paraphrasing celia hottenstein when katie travis was principal but i don't fully remember). and then some time (a couple of years/cast changes) later, suddenly there wasn't as much rhyme or reason to it and both were considered "understudies" with no alternate.
and of course the restaged tour "alterstudies" all perform in the ensemble when not playing christine, as opposed to previous replica productions such as broadway and old us tours, which for the most part have the christine alternate do 1-3 shows a week with a generally set schedule and having the day off when not performing and no additional role besides christine. plus there's 1-2 understudies with a regular ensemble track or swing role.
the vienna revival lists 2 cover christines performing regularly as "princesses", leonie kappmeyer and lillian maandag, but no indication that one is "christine at certain performances" or "first cover". i doubt lisanne clémence veeneman will do 8 shows a week, but i'm not sure how they will arrange who covers her off shows and what dates the 2 covers will perform. at first i wondered if leonie kappmeyer was first cover because she is listed first on the website cast list, with lillian maandag the next person listed, but then i realized the ensemble is listed in alphabetical order by last name, and it's just coincidence that leonie and lillian are next to each other. i guess we'll find out
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phangirl2012 · 7 months
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Christine actresses with the same names part 2!
•Kayleigh Marven (Austrialian Tour) & Kaley Ann Voorhees (Broadway & World Tour)•
•Song (Lucy) Eun Hyes (Korea) & Lucy St. Louis (Westend)•
•Silvia Luchetti (Madrid) & Silvia Rhyne (Canada & World Tour)•
•Celia Graham (Westend) & Celia Hottenstein (Restaged US Tour)•
•Caitlin Finnie (World Tour) & Kaitlyn Davis (Restaged US Tour)•
•Coleen Besett (Vienna) & Colleen Rose Curran (Westend)•
• Erin Stewart (US Tour) & Eryn LeCroy (Broadway)•
•Emilie Kouatchou (Broadway) & Emilie Lynn (World Tour)•
•Olivia Brereton (UK Tour & Westend) & Olivia Safe (Hamburg)•
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horsegirlneigh · 3 years
Olivia Brereton (2nd u/s Fantine) at The Staged Concert.
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phantomchristinesuk · 2 years
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Phantom London: throwback
In 2013 the London production had 4 Christines for the first time.
At the cast change in September 2013, the show added an additional Christine.
Sofia Escobar was Principal performing 4 shows a week.
Harriet Jones and Olivia Brereton were Alternates performing 2 shows each.
Ashleigh Fleming was the Understudy.
Sofia was originally meant to stay until December but departed in October.
The production then returned to the traditional 3 Christines, with Harriet and Olivia sharing the role (4 performances each).
From February 2014 Harriet became Principal & Olivia became Alternate.
Credit: Phantom of the Opera Facebook Harriet Jones Twitter, Ashleigh Fleming Twitter, Olivia Brereton Instagram
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womenoflesmis · 3 years
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boxfivetrades · 3 years
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Olivia Brereton as Fantine 💙
1: From her cover run with the UK Tour
2-4: From her cover run with the Staged Concert
5-8: From her first few shows as Fantine
All photos are from her Instagram feed and stories
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Olivia Brereton during her cover run for Cosette
Photos from her Insragram
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incorrectbensler · 3 years
Olivia: Pass the salt.
Elliot: What's the magic word?
Olivia: Or else.
Elliot: That's two words but point taken.
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glassprism · 2 years
Who do you think was a better christine: Sofia Escobar or Katie Hall? I like Sofia but I do wish Katie was the principal so it would have more audios of her with JOJ and maybe some videos out there. I really love her with John, also Harriet Jones and probably Emmi too but again, no video of them. I wonder how she acted with him, if she was similar to Gina Beck. The Restaged Tour ruined everything really, with a good directing they'd have been insane together. A couple of years ago I was obsessed with Michael Crawford and since sadly there's no video of JOJ with Katie, at least I can enjoy the MTV style music video of Michael with Sarah Brightman lol.
By far, Sofia Escobar, but admittedly this is towards the end of her run when she was with Phantoms like Marcus Lovett and Geronimo Rauch. Escobar's Christine was very... head-in-the-clouds, introspective, with a golden voice. I thought she did quite nicely opposite Lovett's more oddball Phantom because of that, versus, say, Geronimo Rauch, who she was with at the beginning of his run when he felt more like your typical, conventional Phantom, kind of a JOJ-clone if you will. So in a way, I did get to see what Escobar would be like opposite JOJ, in a sense, and found myself preferring her with Lovett - I thought she had more to react off of with him.
Whereas with Katie Hall... I never really liked her voice, even once she had grown into it, she always came off kind of squeaky, and although the only video I have of her is in the restaged UK tour, I felt like she was too calm and sedate, considering everything being done to her there. I actually preferred her alternate, Olivia Brereton, who was hysterical and terrified and a crying mess at times. With all the crap Christine undergoes in the restagings, I thought Brereton's interpretation made more sense.
Similarly, I also preferred Harriet Jones with people who were not JOJ. Harriet Jones I watched in a video with Geronimo Rauch, but this was Rauch after he had grown into the role, and he was quite interesting - maybe a touch too violent at times, but he did a lot of interesting things, came off simultaneously very volatile and dangerous but also very sad and... kind of an internal wreck, and that gave Harriet Jones a lot to do. Same for Emmi Christensson, I liked her better in Stockholm with Peter Joback - her Christine was very subtle and quiet and not into the Phantom at all, and Joback's Phantom... is not my favorite, but he was weird and campy and it made sense that her Christine would react that way to him. It might also have helped that she was acting in her native language too.
Oh, and for that matter, Celinde Schoenmaker was more fun to watch with Ben Forster, probably because she was more settled into the role by that point, but also because she felt like a more modern, take action sort of Christine and that bounced off better against Forster's oddball, kooky little Phantom.
In fact, now that I think about it, I think I even preferred Gina Beck with other actors, like David Shannon, even if I didn't like his Phantom as much, just because I felt like she had more time to get to know his Phantom and she reacted better off of him. I think the main actresses that I prefer to watch with JOJ are Celia Graham (she had some rocking chemistry with him) and Rachel Barrell (she was so feisty and strong opposite JOJ).
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