flyfishfly · 3 months
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Meet Pando, not a forest but a single tree. Every trunk of the Quaking Aspen is genetically identical & connected by a single 80,000 year old root system, making it one of the largest and oldest living entities on Earth!
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flyfishfly · 5 months
new year, same phantom of the opera hyperfixation.
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flyfishfly · 9 months
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Man Tracks Down People He Photographed in the Street 40 Years Ago to Recreate Their Pictures
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flyfishfly · 10 months
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flyfishfly · 1 year
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The Kiss, by Italian painter Silvio Allason (1910). In private collection.
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flyfishfly · 1 year
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earl carpenter disney star
(x, x)
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flyfishfly · 1 year
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flyfishfly · 1 year
The Phantom of the Opera (2023)
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Earl Carpenter and his leading ladies (you're welcome) Do not repost anywhere x
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flyfishfly · 1 year
I live. I die. I live again. (x)
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flyfishfly · 1 year
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flyfishfly · 1 year
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flyfishfly · 1 year
As a fellow trans person, do you by chance have an up to date map of "safe states" in the US? bc as someone who lives in florida and is getting Very Concerned about my health and safety, i can't seem to find any that are more recent, and i don't trust trying to google that shit rn.
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This is up to date as of April 2.
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flyfishfly · 1 year
When Tina Turner left her first husband - who was also her boss, captor, and brutal tormentor - she snuck out of their Dallas hotel room with a single thought in her mind: "The way out is through the door." From there she fled across the midnight freeway, semi-trucks careening past her, with 36 cents and a Mobil gas card in her pocket. As soon as she decided to walk out that door, she owned nothing else. When she filed for divorce, she made an unusual request. She didn't want anything: not the song rights, not the cars, not the houses, not the money. All she wanted was the stage name he gave her - Tina - and her married name - Turner. This was the name by which the world had come to know her, and keeping it was her only chance to salvage her career. Things could have gone a lot of ways from there. She could have labored in obscurity for decades, maybe making records on small labels to be prized by vinyl connoisseurs in Portland. She could have stayed in Vegas, where she first went to get her chops back up, and worked as a nostalgia act. And, of course, given what she had been through, she might have … not made it. What happened instead is that Tina Turner became the biggest global rock star of the 80s. I'm old enough to barely remember this, but if you aren't, it was like this: The Rolling Stones would headline a stadium one day, and the next day it would be Tina Turner. A middle-aged Black woman - she became a rock star at 42! - sitting atop the 1980s like it was her throne. She managed this because of whatever rare stuff she was made of (this is a woman whose label gave her two weeks to record her solo debut, Private Dancer, which went five times platinum); because she decided to speak publicly about her abusive marriage and forge her own identity, and in doing so give hope and courage to countless women; and also because - in a perhaps unlikely twist for a girl from Nutbush, Tennessee - she had her practice of Soka Gakkai Nichiren Buddhism, to which she credited her survival. She remained devout until the end. Tina's second marriage - to her, her only marriage - was to Edwin Bach, a Swiss music executive 16 years her junior. Of him, she said, "Erwin, who is a force of nature in his own right, has never been the least bit intimidated by my career, my talents, or my fame." In 2016, after a barrage of health problems, Tina's kidneys began to fail. A Swiss citizen by then, she had started preparing for assisted suicide when her husband stepped in. According to Tina, he said, "He didn't want another woman, or another life." He gave her one of his kidneys, buying her the remainder of her time on this earth and perhaps closing a cycle which took her from a man who inflicted injury upon her to a man willing to inflict injury upon himself to save her from harm. Born into a share-cropping family as Anna Mae Bullock in 1939, she died Tina Turner in a palatial Swiss estate: the queen of rock 'n roll; a storm of a performer with a wildcat-fierce voice; a dancer of visceral, spine-tingling potency and ability; a beauty for the ages; a survivor of terrible abuse and an advocate for others in similar situations; an author and actress; a devout Buddhist; a wife and mother; a human being of rare talent and perseverance who, through her transcendent brilliance, became a legend.
Credit: Will Stenberg
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flyfishfly · 1 year
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Thursday, May 25th, 2023 3:47pm (x)
A musical theatre star based in Ryde is set to appear at the inaugural Cowes Fringe — sandwiched between performances in Shanghai and a Disney tour!
Earl Carpenter has been incredibly prolific over the past two-and-a-half decades, since breakout roles in Les Miserables and Beauty and the Beast.
He spoke to Isle of Wight Radio about his impending performance at the first ever Cowes Fringe.
Hi Earl, for people who aren't aware of your background in the arts, how would you describe your career?
I am a performer in musical theatre and have been for 30 years, I've been very lucky over those years to play some of the biggest musical theatre roles ever, including on Broadway.
I've found myself on the Island for the past 15 years, and have a production company based around musical theatre, I love it here!
What are your thoughts on the inaugural Cowes Fringe?
It's nice to see a gig like Cowes Fringe bringing something a little different to the Island.
It's reassuring that in-between all of the uncertainty there are fringe events that encompass everything to do with arts and culture.
What better place could there be for it than the Isle of Wight?
Are there any acts on the bill you're looking forward to seeing?
I really wanted to see Rob (da Bank) but unfortunately he's on right after us and I need to skedaddle to get a ferry and fly to Glasgow for a Disney arena tour!
I think what's really great to see is the variety of stuff that's on - a really good selection of things for people to go along to and support.
What are your links with Claire Sweeney?
We know of each other through the theatre and have met at some events but have never worked together.
She's a great person from the point of view of having a laugh and I think the intention for us on Sunday is to enjoy being on the Island, singing some good tunes and enjoying a giggle together.
Is theatre on the Isle of Wight in good health?
There are some great venues on the Island - Shanklin Theatre for example has got its programme really sorted.
The industry is dictated by venue more than anything.
I did look into buying Ryde Theatre with a consortium but it was in such a state of disrepair internally that we weren't able to do so — that's a terrible loss of a historical venue.
When you have something like Ryde Theatre, you'd want some way of reinventing it to be somewhere to take professional productions.
How much more challenging has it become for theatre since the pandemic shut everything down?
Our little industry has taken quite a battering through the pandemic and subsequently trying to juggle what people's priorities are with regards to the cost of theatre as well.
Earl will join the Disney 100 UK Tour straight after Cowes Fringe, before heading to Italy to join a reimagined version of The Phantom of the Opera as Monsieur Andre.
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flyfishfly · 1 year
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earl_carpenter What an amazing experience to have seen 2 of 3 companies performing @phantomopera at the stunning #ShanghaiGrandTheatre before it heads off on a massive tour around China.
The first Mandarin production presented by a fabulous bunch of glorious people who made me feel so incredibly welcome.
Welcome to the Phantom family.
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flyfishfly · 1 year
Earl Carpenter performing ‘Music of the Night’.
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flyfishfly · 1 year
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Earl Carpenter with Yang Chenxiuyi and Zhao Chaofan
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