#Olivine Snapdragon
teamorcd-a · 4 years
Lose yourself in a Dream
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intelligence. you're a soul that overextends yourself in all aspects to make up for the fact that you're not a disposable cup. you haven't let yourself breathe in years, instead choosing to make yourself 'useful'. whatever that means to you- throwing yourself into an interest so you feel like you know something, holding together a barely stable friend while you yourself are tape and glue, etc etc. i promise it's okay to not always know the answer. things will get better because you're better at things than you think. so keep that heart pumping, yeah? there's plenty of people that want you around.
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love. you're soft hearted, and that's okay. despite feeling unnoticed and undervalued, you've kept it up. you're still doing a great job. i promise it'll be worth it to keep your heart open. people will notice you and treasure you like you deserve. you'll accept the kindness you never got before, and give just as much in return. things will get better because you let yourself feel. so stay kind, yeah? there's a lot of people who haven't gotten to feel the wonder that is loving you.
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perseverance. whether you recognize it or not, you've got a strong soul. your last thread of hope might be fraying and thin, but it's still there. you're still holding onto it. i promise it'll be worth it to keep holding on. over time, you'll notice that it's easier to grab. you won't feel so weak anymore because things will be easier. things will get better because you command them to. so keep your head up, yeah? you've still got some people to prove wrong.
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bravery. you've hardened a shell around the person that you used to be. there was only so much you could take until you needed to gain control, change the only thing you could. you might think there's only a yolk left inside, but there's so much more. in the corners and in the crevices, there's pieces of you that you never got to meet. i promise that little kid is still in there. things will get better because you're good at breaking through things. so keep yourself together, yeah? that little kid still hasn't seen the rest of the world yet.
Tagged by: @nightmarebcrn​
Tagging: Steal it and tag me
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cromwellharvests-a · 4 years
RULES :  think carefully about your muse and their development through their journey ( canon or oc ) within their story. fill out the chart and tag whoever you want! multi-muses, feel free to pick any of your characters—just a few, or all of them. please repost, so the dash isn’t clogged with reblogs.
tagged by :  my beloved @deathleads​
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GODDESS OF :  The Earth, Fruit, Fertility & Compassion. ASSOCIATED WITH :    Harvests, Springtime, growth and fruition, acts of nurture, horticulture/agriculture. SACRED PLANTS :   lily of the valley, snapdragons, willow & walnut trees. SACRED STONES / GEMS :    raw emerald, agate, olivine, rose quartz SACRED ANIMAL (s):   sheep, long-eared hares, sun bears COLOURS :    green, brown(s), the many hues of berries and fruit. FOOD :   strawberries, peaches, bread, gourds. SCENTS :   freshly tilled soil, basil & thyme, peach nectar, honey.
ACCEPTED OFFERINGS / WAYS TO HONOUR :  To honor this goddess is simple: be compassionate and generous in your actions, and never wasteful with the gifts of nature. Every act of kindness, big or small, curries her favor. But also be sure to savor the fresh fruits of each season and be kind to the earth which bore them, share them with your neighbors, both man and beast alike. Nurture yourself, and be kind to your own body, as you are just as precious a fruit as the ripest peach in August.
Take and enjoy what you need, do not feel shame in indulgences of simple, delicious pleasures, but also be mindful not to take more than your share at the cost of other’s access to the same. 
Offer small cuts from each crop during harvest time at the goddess’ altars, and fill a censer with dried herbs and fruit peels to burn in exchange for the goddess’ favor; you’ll be all the more likely to have a bountiful yield from the next cycle. However, she also looks favorably upon hand-crafted gifts and baubles; anything which was made with passion and love. 
Speak prayers to her when planting seeds and during the labor of livestock or wildlife, for luck and safe delivery; even better, sing songs while you gather your fruits or tend to your work in the gardens at all.
This goddess frequently appears directly to mortals to aid in little ways as necessary, but will take on a different appearance for each, often mundane and intentionally unremarkable; a passing stranger, easily forgotten. But statuettes which aim to capture her true form, as it has been witnessed before, will make claim to the swath of thick umber hair which hangs to the tops of her breasts, the curtain which hangs over a supple, buxom figure, scattered with beauty marks. Both her hands and feet appear darker than the rest of her sunkissed skin, as though always rich with soil.
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courtedclover-a · 4 years
You should tell us more about this Uncle Clover business.
this isn’t a headcanon of mine it’s an au verse i have with stabi’s oc olivine @teamorcd. it’s still being developed as we speak, but clover is basically inducted into the snapdragon family via one good bear. he watches her grow up, defy the odds with her dust surgeries, and clover gains a found niece and found family. he calls her oli and she calls him annoying. she knows how to play a lot of intrusments because mom and dad were never home so fuck you verdant uncle clover took her out a lot. he teaches her how to drive a motorcycle and a military airship. clover also gives oli one of his old lucky charms as a graduation present, a five yen coin because he is uncle clover first human being second
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Money spell correspondences
·         Alfalfa
·         Allspice
·         Almond
·         Basil
·         Bergamot, Orange
·         Blackberry
·         Bladderwrack
·         Blue Flag
·         Briony
·         Bromeliad
·         Buckwheat
·         Calamus
·         Camellia
·         Cascara Sagrada
·         Cashew
·         Cedar
·         Chamomile
·         Cinnamon
·         Cinquefoil
·         Clove
·         Clover
·         Comfrey
·         Cowslip
·         Dill
·         Dock
·         Elder
·         Fenugreek
·         Fern
·         Flax
·         Fumitory
·         Galangal
·         Ginger
·         Goldenrod
·         Golden Seal
·         Gorse
·         Grains of Paradise
·         Grape
·         Heliotrope
·         High John the Conqueror
·         Honesty
·         Honeysuckle
·         Horse Chestnut
·         Irish Moss
·         Jasmine
·         Lucky Hand
·         Mandrake
·         Maple
·         Majoram
·         May Apple
·         Mint
·         Moonwort
·         Moss
·         Myrtle
·         Nutmeg
·         Oak
·         Oats
·         Onion
·         Orange
·         Oregon Grape
·         Patchouly
·         Pea
·         Pecan
·         Periwinkle
·         Pine
·         Pineapple
·         Pipsissewa
·         Pomegranate
·         Poplar
·         Poppy
·         Rattlesnake Root
·         Rice
·         Snapdragon
·         Sassafras
·         Sesame
·         Snakeroot
·         Snakeroot, Black
·         Squill
·         Tea
·         Tonka
·         Trillium
·         Vervain
·         Vetivert
·         Wheat
·         Woodruff
·         Almond
·         Bayberry
·         Bergamot
·         Honeysuckle
·         Mint
·         Patchouly
·         Pine
·         Vervain
·         Aventurine
·         Bloodstone
·         Calcite
·         Cat's-eye
·         Chrysoprase
·         Coal
·         Emerald
·         Jade
·         Mother-of-pearl
·         Olivine
·         Opal
·         Pearl
·         Peridot
·         Ruby
·         Salt
·         Sapphire
·         Spinel
·         Staurolite
·         Tiger's-eye
·         Topaz
·         Tourmaline, Green
·         Zircon, Brown, Green, Red
Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic
Also see:
Love spell correspondences
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
“Yes I’m aware. That’s fine, as long as you’re all getting rest.”
Olivine stood just outside the Atlas Academy, sun starting to dip towards the horizon. The wind as per usual was sharp and brisk and the altitude created just a light snowfall within the city. The Huntress was used to far worse extremes, and thanks to her attire, she was always at a perfect temperature.
The woman stood, listening to the animated woman on the other end of the Scroll. “I’m just going for a slight change in scenery tonight Russet. I’ll get your mission assessment tomorrow, I’m sure... tomorrow or the next day we’ll be heading back.”
There was a moment of pause.
“I know it’s not ideal but this is our circumstance. I’ll let you know when I’m back, feel free to meander. Alright bye.”
Ending the call and pocketing her Scroll, Olivine did a sharp turn to head down the steps. As she did she felt something bump into her arm just a bit too hard, making Olivine step back quickly.
“I’m sorry-oh.” It was Winter. Olivine cleared her throat and stood up a bit straighter. “Sorry about that, I wasn’t paying enough attention.”
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
@courtclover liked for a starter
Atlas military uniform was a consistent white, grey, black, blue with accents of red. Give or take a few shades here and there. When two individuals walked through those military halls in vibrant green long coats, there was always a few looks from passers by. Anyone who knew better had recognized the older gentleman: Verdant Snapdragon was an eccentric oddball of a man who kept all the new recruits informed of the do’s and don’ts of Dust in the live field. They were always entertaining and memorable.
However this time he had demonstrated such a training exercise with someone new. Olivine had only been a couple weeks out of Atlas Academy, completing her rushed training curriculum in a much shorter time than recommended for training Huntresses. Nevertheless, Verdant was a proud man and didn’t need an excuse to show off his only child.
Luckily Olivine had been left alone in her father’s office while being called away by a business call. Taking the moment of peace, she wandered around the small office, decorated in family photos. She was enamored by the amount, even the ones of permanent staff residents were among the treasured pictures. The woman’s attention was broken when she heard the door open behind her.
“So, was it we know who-” Olivine turned, finding not her father, but instead one Clover Ebi, coming into the office. “Oh, I’m sorry I thought you were Verdant. Did you have a question about the demo today Mr... Ebi?”
Olivine wasn’t entirely sure what the man’s rank was or how to address him, but she was hoping he’d forgive the mistake.
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
STABI LOVING HOURS HERE TOO!!!!! But also I'll throw in some questions too. What inspired each of your muses? Is there meaning behind the team name? Do you have main character arcs for each of them to go through, or are you winging most of their growth?
at least you asked questions this time ray
So really I just make OC’s for content that I like. I like exploring the created media and fictional worlds I enjoy. As anyone would tell you, something you create does take on a life of it’s own and that’s no exception here. It started with one, then a whole team, then it expanded and then the next thing I knew I was writing an adjacent story because hiatuses were long. I started to build things of my own accord away from the main story because I didn’t want to have to change anything on a large scale, and I had the freedom to do what I wanted.
This is gonna be a long tangent so read more if you want!
What inspired each of your muses?
Sometimes I get an idea and it just comes to life. Sometimes you make puzzle pieces that all just happen to fit together. Chroma and Russet were first, then I figured “well I’m halfway through a team might as well” but I always like doing something different. They weren’t going to be from just one kingdom, but what circumstances would that happen? Then I thought where do all the odd ones out, misfits, academy failures go? Then the experimental team I have now was made. This was around early V2 but I never actually got the blog up until much later.
Olivine originally was conceptualized as ‘how close can I get to magic without magic’ and ‘how do i make a wizard but not’ before the reveal of the Maidens. Also the concept of Dust is like ‘RT pls gib me more info ilu’. Magic rocks yes please. Then when the show confirmed Dust tattoo’s were a thing she got those. Though during the Watts/Ironwood fight when I saw what Hardlight Dust did to human flesh I became very concerned because guess who has that as a Dust tattoo? This woman on borrowed time that’s who.
Chroma’s original theme that still persists today is irony. The phrase blind as a bat that was twisted around. She originally had a different name until the naming rule was made widely known. Thus she is a bat faunus, made blind, named after something she can’t see, and what she uses to see with she can manipulate. Her motif was also twisted around a bit, rather than being cursed to repeat what she hears, she’s curse to warp her reality so she can see.
Russet was made partly as a foil to Chroma because... well read her profile. She’s the most... call it plain of the four but that’s also kind of the point of her character: she’s a ray of sunshine, incredibly animated, can be over the top and so on and so forth. However she also falls into a category of being someone a lot of bad things don’t happen to. She’s a grounding anchor of reassurance, even if she does have a lot of survivors guilt about nothing bad happening to her.
Delaney just... became team mom and occasionally wakes up and tells me things about himself and then goes back to sleep. He didn’t get his proper semblance until about a year or so ago? He finally figured it out, motif and then just, went back to bed. Kool-aid Man’d through my mental brain and I’m just like ‘okay man????’. His story was the reason my whole villain group has any footing in my brain and oh boy are they quite unpleasant.
Is there meaning behind the team name? 
ORCD was, well a flower and it fit the colour rule. Then everyone kind of fell into a flower theme for names. Well do you know how particular and picky an orchid actually is? It’s hard to take care of, and if not done correctly, it will die. Oddly enough, so does everyone else on this team: Olivine can’t burnout of her semblance because she’ll risk heart problems. Russet’s pessimism can destroy her on a mental level. Chroma just... Chroma. Delaney has a target on his back and if he’s not careful with himself he could get a lot of people hurt.
Do you have main character arcs for each of them to go through, or are you winging most of their growth? 
Yes, as I said the ORCD story runs during the events of the show/a bit before. Everyone has staple moments in their own stories that will be relevant no matter what. Major moments in the main story will have impacts on these characters. I just need to get off my ass and write them all up and have them posted on the blog at some point. Sometimes some unexpected things happen that would count as winging it, but like I said, mind of it’s own creation, you can’t account for everything. There is so much in my head that I need to get out before it all blends together.
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
There was always something to be done in the nearly isolated fortress home of Cathawl. There was always something pleasantly peaceful about waking up with the morning crew and shuffling between sleepy faunus and humans in the kitchen. The kitchen staff had to eat before the rest of the place was fed properly, and unfortunately Olivine had no time to help them out. There was an important item that had gone missing.
To say it was missing wasn’t entirely accurate. Once Olivine had figured out the breakfast situation - Waffles and the Works as they called it - she brought it upstairs back to her room, setting it down on the table in front of the couch. There was one mug of coffee and one mug of tea as well that began to fill the room with pleasant aromas.
Olivine looked at her now permanent guest when she came in from one of the adjacent rooms. “Weiss, we’ve had this talk for a day now. There’s a very important Dust field test I need to perform today and I need all my equipment. It’s not going to be as safe if I don’t have it all.”
The woman looked at the other who was clad in green. “What is it going to take for you to give me my jacket back...?”
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
ಥoಥ for all of the main team
ಥoಥ: How are they like when they cry? Do they just stream tears nonstop? Does their nose get clogged to the point that it’s hard to breathe? Is it easy for them to speak when they are sobbing? Do they hiccup when they cry? 
Olivine: She’s a rather quiet crier. She’s very well spoken despite being upset, but tears tend to flow and not stop until she’s better. Being the daughter of a doctor, it’s very easy to avoid congestion. Olivine has a habit of becoming very languid and clingy when she’s crying.
Russet: Russet does all kinds of crying. She’ll ugly cry, softly sob, wet faced, hiccups and everything. It always depends on what she’s crying about however. She lives vicariously through her emotions. If she’s ever crying quietly to herself, she often not wants to bother people.
Chroma: If Chroma is ever found crying then there is a significant problem. She becomes silent and shuts down in a corner. Sometimes she forgets to breathe, but refuses to speak at all whatsoever. Any attempts to make sound naturally is often hitched and broken.
Delaney: This guy is a subtle man, and thus tears come slowly and he’s rarely vocal about it. He won’t hide it though, and few things get him riled up enough to express his sadness any worse than just sitting and letting it happen.
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
✘ "Olivine, am I best uncle?"
Truth Only Asks 1/10
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“Clover, you’re my only uncle, but yes, you’re my best uncle. Bear approved and recommended.” She’s trying not to smile and chuckle, but even a bit of adult silliness will get her every now and then.
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
“You know those days when you’re like ‘this might as well happen’?” ((surprise me uwu))
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“I’m pretty sure that was Dad’s attitude when you all brought Rozco home the first time.”
That was a faint and distant memory. Mom had explained she was bringing a bear home. Quite literally, that is what she did. A live, mistreated bear. Olivine was perhaps around seven at the time, post-surgery. She couldn’t quite remember the details other than the arrival of the new family member.
“Then of course that’s just how testing Dust at home works all the time.” She continued calmly, sipping at a coffee while going over that very paperwork, occasionally looking up from it to see Clover’s expression. “So what happened with your day?”
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
tagged by: @courtclover
tagging: @nightmarebcrn @sundragcn @serpentinehunter @silvcrphantom​ @ultravioletvoleur Steal it if you want
Since no Galar Pokemon are involved (much to my sadness) I cannot pick them.
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
1ST  RULE   —   tag some muses you would like to know better. 2ND  RULE   —   BOLD the statements that are true for your muse. ITALICS for situational
Tagged by: @nightmarebcrn
Tagging: Steal it and tag me.
(Everyone under the cut because long post is long)
muse.  Olivine Snapdragon
occupation.  Graduated Huntress
age.  20+ Timeline dependant
sexuality.  Biromantic/Bisexual Disaster, a Bi-saster if you will
pronouns.  She/Her
i  am  5'7" or taller.
i  wear  glasses.
i  have  at  least  one  tattoo.
i  have  at  least  one  piercing.
i  have  blonde  hair.
i  have  brown  eyes.
i  have  short  hair.
my  abs  are  at  least  somewhat  defined.
i  have  or  have  had  braces.
i  love  meeting  new  people.
people  tell  me  that  i’m  funny.
helping  others  with  their  problems  is  a  big  priority  for  me.
i  enjoy  physical  challenges.
i  enjoy  mental  challenges.
i’m  playfully  rude  with  people  i  know  well.
i  started  saying  something  ironically  &  now  i  can’t  stop  saying  it.
there  is  something  i  would  change  about  my  personality.
i can sing well.
i  can  play  an  instrument.
i  can  do  over  30  push–ups  without  stopping.
i’m  a  fast  runner.
i  can  draw  well.
i  have  a  good  memory.
i’m  good  at  doing  math  in  my  head.
i  can  hold  my  breath  underwater  for  over  a  minute.
i  have  beaten  at  least  2  people  in  arm  wrestling
i  know  how  to  cook  at  least  3  meals  from  scratch.
i  know  how  to  throw  a  proper  punch.
i  enjoy  playing  sports.
i’m  on  a  sports  team  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.
i’m  in  an  orchestra  or  choir  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.
i  have  learned  a  new  song  in  the  past  week.
i  work  out  at  least  once  a  week.
i’ve  gone  for  runs  at  least  once  a  week.
i  have  drawn  something  in  the  past  month.
i  enjoy  writing.
i  do  or  have  done  martial  arts.
i  have  had  my  first  kiss.
i  have  had  alcohol.
i  have  scored  the  winning  goal  in  a  sports  game.
i  have  watched  an  entire  season  of  a  tv  show  in  one  sitting.
i  have  been  at  an  overnight  event.
i  have  been  in  a  taxi.
i  have  been  in  the  hospital  or  ER  in  the  past  year.
i  have  beaten  a  video  game  in  one  day.
i  have  visited  another  country.
i  have  been  to  one  of  my  favorite  band’s  concerts.
i’m  in  a  relationship.
i  have  a  crush  on  a  celebrity
i  have  a  crush  on  someone  i  know.
i  have  been  in  at  least  3  relationships.
i  have  never  been  in  a  relationship.
i  have  asked  someone  out  or admitted  my  feelings  to  them.
i  get  crushes  easily.
i  have  had  a  crush  on  someone  for  over  a  year.
i  have  been  in  a  relationship  for  at  least  a  year.
i  have  had  feelings  for  a  friend.
i  have  at  least  one  person  i  consider  a  “ best  friend ”.
i  live  close  to  my  school.
my  parents  are  still  together.
i  have /  had at  least  one  sibling.
there  is  snow   where  i  live.
i  have  hung  out  with  a  friend  in  the  past  month.
i  have  a  smartphone.
i  have  at  least  15  cd’s.
i  share  my  room with  someone.
i  have  break–danced.
i  know  a  person  named  jamie.
i  have  had  a  teacher  with  a  last  name  that’s  hard  to  pronounce.
i  have  dyed  my  hair.
i’m  listening  to  one  song  on  repeat  right  now.
i  have  punched  someone  in  the  past  week.
i  know  someone  who  has  gone  to  jail.
i  have  broken  a  bone.
i  have  eaten  a  waffle  today.
i  know  what  i  want  to  do  with  my  life.
i  speak  at  least  2  languages.
muse.  Russet Marigold/Wulfstan
occupation.  Shade Academy Student
age.  18+ Timeline Dependant
sexuality.  Panromantic/Asexual
pronouns.  She/Her
i  am  5'7" or taller.
i  wear  glasses.
i  have  at  least  one  tattoo.
i  have  at  least  one  piercing.
i  have  blonde  hair.
i  have  brown  eyes.
i  have  short  hair.
my  abs  are  at  least  somewhat  defined.
i  have  or  have  had  braces.
i  love  meeting  new  people.
people  tell  me  that  i’m  funny.
helping  others  with  their  problems  is  a  big  priority  for  me.
i  enjoy  physical  challenges.
i  enjoy  mental  challenges.
i’m  playfully  rude  with  people  i  know  well.
i  started  saying  something  ironically  &  now  i  can’t  stop  saying  it.
there  is  something  i  would  change  about  my  personality.
i can sing well.
i  can  play  an  instrument.
i  can  do  over  30  push–ups  without  stopping.
i’m  a  fast  runner.
i  can  draw  well.
i  have  a  good  memory.
i’m  good  at  doing  math  in  my  head.
i  can  hold  my  breath  underwater  for  over  a  minute.
i  have  beaten  at  least  2  people  in  arm  wrestling
i  know  how  to  cook  at  least  3  meals  from  scratch.
i  know  how  to  throw  a  proper  punch.
i  enjoy  playing  sports.
i’m  on  a  sports  team  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.
i’m  in  an  orchestra  or  choir  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.
i  have  learned  a  new  song  in  the  past  week.
i  work  out  at  least  once  a  week.
i’ve  gone  for  runs  at  least  once  a  week.
i  have  drawn  something  in  the  past  month.
i  enjoy  writing.
i  do  or  have  done  martial  arts.
i  have  had  my  first  kiss.
i  have  had  alcohol.
i  have  scored  the  winning  goal  in  a  sports  game.
i  have  watched  an  entire  season  of  a  tv  show  in  one  sitting.
i  have  been  at  an  overnight  event.
i  have  been  in  a  taxi.
i  have  been  in  the  hospital  or  ER  in  the  past  year.
i  have  beaten  a  video  game  in  one  day.
i  have  visited  another  country.
i  have  been  to  one  of  my  favorite  band’s  concerts.
i’m  in  a  relationship.
i  have  a  crush  on  a  celebrity
i  have  a  crush  on  someone  i  know.
i  have  been  in  at  least  3  relationships.
i  have  never  been  in  a  relationship.
i  have  asked  someone  out  or admitted  my  feelings  to  them.
i  get  crushes  easily.
i  have  had  a  crush  on  someone  for  over  a  year.
i  have  been  in  a  relationship  for  at  least  a  year.
i  have  had  feelings  for  a  friend.
i  have  at  least  one  person  i  consider  a  “ best  friend ”.
i  live  close  to  my  school.
my  parents  are  still  together.
i  have /  had at  least  one  sibling.
there  is  snow   where  i  live.
i  have  hung  out  with  a  friend  in  the  past  month.
i  have  a  smartphone.
i  have  at  least  15  cd’s.
i  share  my  room with  someone.
i  have  break–danced.
i  know  a  person  named  jamie.
i  have  had  a  teacher  with  a  last  name  that’s  hard  to  pronounce.
i  have  dyed  my  hair.
i’m  listening  to  one  song  on  repeat  right  now.
i  have  punched  someone  in  the  past  week.
i  know  someone  who  has  gone  to  jail.
i  have  broken  a  bone.
i  have  eaten  a  waffle  today.
i  know  what  i  want  to  do  with  my  life.
i  speak  at  least  2  languages.
muse.  Chroma Iolanthe
occupation.  Shade Academy Student, Self Proclaimed Lord of Spite
age.  19+ Timeline Dependent
sexuality.  Demiromantic/Demisexual
pronouns.  She/Her
i  am  5'7" or taller.
i  wear  glasses.
i  have  at  least  one  tattoo.
i  have  at  least  one  piercing.
i  have  blonde  hair.
i  have  brown  eyes.
i  have  short  hair.
my  abs  are  at  least  somewhat  defined.
i  have  or  have  had  braces.
i  love  meeting  new  people.
people  tell  me  that  i’m  funny.
helping  others  with  their  problems  is  a  big  priority  for  me.
i  enjoy  physical  challenges.
i  enjoy  mental  challenges.
i’m  playfully  rude  with  people  i  know  well.
i  started  saying  something  ironically  &  now  i  can’t  stop  saying  it.
there  is  something  i  would  change  about  my  personality.
i can sing well.
i  can  play  an  instrument.
i  can  do  over  30  push–ups  without  stopping.
i’m  a  fast  runner.
i  can  draw  well.
i  have  a  good  memory.
i’m  good  at  doing  math  in  my  head.
i  can  hold  my  breath  underwater  for  over  a  minute.
i  have  beaten  at  least  2  people  in  arm  wrestling
i  know  how  to  cook  at  least  3  meals  from  scratch.
i  know  how  to  throw  a  proper  punch.
i  enjoy  playing  sports.
i’m  on  a  sports  team  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.
i’m  in  an  orchestra  or  choir  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.
i  have  learned  a  new  song  in  the  past  week.
i  work  out  at  least  once  a  week.
i’ve  gone  for  runs  at  least  once  a  week.
i  have  drawn  something  in  the  past  month.
i  enjoy  writing.
i  do  or  have  done  martial  arts.
i  have  had  my  first  kiss.
i  have  had  alcohol.
i  have  scored  the  winning  goal  in  a  sports  game.
i  have  watched  an  entire  season  of  a  tv  show  in  one  sitting.
i  have  been  at  an  overnight  event.
i  have  been  in  a  taxi.
i  have  been  in  the  hospital  or  ER  in  the  past  year.
i  have  beaten  a  video  game  in  one  day.
i  have  visited  another  country.
i  have  been  to  one  of  my  favorite  band’s  concerts.
i’m  in  a  relationship.
i  have  a  crush  on  a  celebrity
i  have  a  crush  on  someone  i  know.
i  have  been  in  at  least  3  relationships.
i  have  never  been  in  a  relationship.
i  have  asked  someone  out  or admitted  my  feelings  to  them.
i  get  crushes  easily.
i  have  had  a  crush  on  someone  for  over  a  year.
i  have  been  in  a  relationship  for  at  least  a  year.
i  have  had  feelings  for  a  friend.
i  have  at  least  one  person  i  consider  a  “ best  friend ”.
i  live  close  to  my  school.
my  parents  are  still  together.
i  have /  had at  least  one  sibling.
there  is  snow   where  i  live.
i  have  hung  out  with  a  friend  in  the  past  month.
i  have  a  smartphone.
i  have  at  least  15  cd’s.
i  share  my  room with  someone.
i  have  break–danced.
i  know  a  person  named  jamie.
i  have  had  a  teacher  with  a  last  name  that’s  hard  to  pronounce.
i  have  dyed  my  hair.
i’m  listening  to  one  song  on  repeat  right  now.
i  have  punched  someone  in  the  past  week.
i  know  someone  who  has  gone  to  jail.
i  have  broken  a  bone.
i  have  eaten  a  waffle  today.
i  know  what  i  want  to  do  with  my  life.
i  speak  at  least  2  languages.
muse.  Delaney Hemlock
occupation.  Ex Con, Huntsman in Training
age.  19+ Timeline Dependant
sexuality.  Questioning
pronouns.  He/Him
i  am  5'7" or taller.
i  wear  glasses.
i  have  at  least  one  tattoo.
i  have  at  least  one  piercing.
i  have  blonde  hair.
i  have  brown  eyes.
i  have  short  hair.
my  abs  are  at  least  somewhat  defined.
i  have  or  have  had  braces.
i  love  meeting  new  people.
people  tell  me  that  i’m  funny.
helping  others  with  their  problems  is  a  big  priority  for  me.
i  enjoy  physical  challenges.
i  enjoy  mental  challenges.
i’m  playfully  rude  with  people  i  know  well.
i  started  saying  something  ironically  &  now  i  can’t  stop  saying  it.
there  is  something  i  would  change  about  my  personality.
i can sing well.
i  can  play  an  instrument.
i  can  do  over  30  push–ups  without  stopping.
i’m  a  fast  runner.
i  can  draw  well.
i  have  a  good  memory.
i’m  good  at  doing  math  in  my  head.
i  can  hold  my  breath  underwater  for  over  a  minute.
i  have  beaten  at  least  2  people  in  arm  wrestling
i  know  how  to  cook  at  least  3  meals  from  scratch.
i  know  how  to  throw  a  proper  punch.
i  enjoy  playing  sports.
i’m  on  a  sports  team  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.
i’m  in  an  orchestra  or  choir  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.
i  have  learned  a  new  song  in  the  past  week.
i  work  out  at  least  once  a  week.
i’ve  gone  for  runs  at  least  once  a  week.
i  have  drawn  something  in  the  past  month.
i  enjoy  writing.
i  do  or  have  done  martial  arts.
i  have  had  my  first  kiss.
i  have  had  alcohol.
i  have  scored  the  winning  goal  in  a  sports  game.
i  have  watched  an  entire  season  of  a  tv  show  in  one  sitting.
i  have  been  at  an  overnight  event.
i  have  been  in  a  taxi.
i  have  been  in  the  hospital  or  ER  in  the  past  year.
i  have  beaten  a  video  game  in  one  day.
i  have  visited  another  country.
i  have  been  to  one  of  my  favorite  band’s  concerts.
i’m  in  a  relationship.
i  have  a  crush  on  a  celebrity
i  have  a  crush  on  someone  i  know.
i  have  been  in  at  least  3  relationships.
i  have  never  been  in  a  relationship.
i  have  asked  someone  out  or admitted  my  feelings  to  them.
i  get  crushes  easily.
i  have  had  a  crush  on  someone  for  over  a  year.
i  have  been  in  a  relationship  for  at  least  a  year.
i  have  had  feelings  for  a  friend.
i  have  at  least  one  person  i  consider  a  “ best  friend ”.
i  live  close  to  my  school.
my  parents  are  still  together.
i  have /  had at  least  one  sibling.
there  is  snow   where  i  live.
i  have  hung  out  with  a  friend  in  the  past  month.
i  have  a  smartphone.
i  have  at  least  15  cd’s.
i  share  my  room with  someone.
i  have  break–danced.
i  know  a  person  named  jamie.
i  have  had  a  teacher  with  a  last  name  that’s  hard  to  pronounce.
i  have  dyed  my  hair.
i’m  listening  to  one  song  on  repeat  right  now.
i  have  punched  someone  in  the  past  week.
i  know  someone  who  has  gone  to  jail.
i  have  broken  a  bone.
i  have  eaten  a  waffle  today.
i  know  what  i  want  to  do  with  my  life.
i  speak  at  least  2  languages.
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teamorcd-a · 5 years
Olivine, for whatever reason I picture a Zebstrika. Russet is probably a Chatot. Chroma...I can see being a Chandelure? I don't wanna say Zubat for her. And Delaney...either a Furret, Slaking, or Ursaring.
“I’m... okay with this electrical bicorn. It looks rather capable and elegant.”
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“Heck yeah Chatot is great! That’s one of my favourites!”
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“... I can get behind something that burns the souls of the living.”
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“Furrets are cool. Slaking is a bit on the nose I think... Ursaring though? Yeah. Can agree.”
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
💭+Chrom [Chroma], 💭+the butler that comes by every now and again [Olivine]
“I called you a butler once. Clearly I’m not allowed to live it down. It was a slip of the tongue alright?”
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“He’s a pleasant enough gentleman who has earned my attention. In a non-spiteful I’ll eventually kick your ass kind of way either.”
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teamorcd-a · 4 years
Inquiring minds need to know 💭 + Cherries for Russet and Olivine
“I find they can be a bit difficult to cook with sometimes, but they do make good morning tarts. They aren’t my first choice of berry but I wouldn’t shy away from one.”
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“Cherries are great! Especially when you bring them camping. Roast those babies over a fire and it’s a great way to start the morning. Also of course you start spitting the pits out at your siblings because that’s just what someone had to start first thing in the morning... Blaine...”
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