omnipointmuses · 8 months
(OS) Accidental Breakup
Alphys sighed nervously as he posted the picture of himself posing as provocatively as he could at the moment. It was a simple pose with him doing a peace sign with his clawed digits as he took a mirror selfie. What was more eye-catching was his absolutely massive nuts that hung between his plush thighs supported by only a pair of "Mew Mew Kissy Cutie" panties that were stretched beyond saving now, for wearing at least, they were a collector edition after all. Attached to them with a piece of tape was a picture of Alphys's (former) girlfriend Undyne. Below the post was a caption that read as such.
Text: accidentally turned my buff fish gf into nutslush Text: anyone wanna help empty her out or follow her? <3
He did feel kind of bad about asking around so soon after her "passing" but the idea of messing around with someone while she bloated his scaly nuts was too alluring. It didn't help she left him so backed up too.
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omnipointmuses · 9 months
Cue Alphys bending over revealing her car tire sized pucker between her vast cheeks.
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omnipointmuses · 9 months
Mmh, yes~
"E-eh? Is that about me?" Alphys asked curiously as he pointed at himself, prodding his own pudgy chest.
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
“UuuooorrrRRRRrrp~ Uff~ I-I didn’t think dating humans would be so... fattening..” Alphys belched out as she reached down and squeezed her plush yellow gut feeling the newly gained flab on her gut and gave it a few firm pats causing it to jostle and bounce softly against her heavier chest and widened rump. As her stomach growled once again she grabbed her phone and flipped open Gurglr once again to see if she had any “dinner dates” messaging her.
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omnipointmuses · 6 months
POV Your muse looks up Alphys on your local vorey dating site and the list of tags pop up.
#GoatMonster Gulper #Fishgal Fucker #Human Lover #Human Garbage Disposal #Apex Pred #Orgy Devourer.
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omnipointmuses · 1 year
Undertyrant Alphys is just a crass and rude neet who only leaves her nerd cave to eat and plow a few dozen folks
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
“Mmgh~ Hhhh~ I-it’s no u-UUURRROORRrrrp~!-use guh, no matter how much I eat I can’t g-get full for long...” Alphys huffed as she heaved and hefted her hanging, wobbling, gut as she waddled forwards. Beads of sweat formed from her efforts and trailed downwards, some being stopped by one of it's many folds and others being smeared into stains on the now diminutive labcoat as her flabby arms lurched forwards to scratch at the glowing tattoo on her gut that simply read “Gutslut Gurgler” in bright green letters while she let out another belch sending flecks of clothing and bone flying out of her maw. “Mmmg~ I don’t think there’s anyone else left in Hotland...guess I’ll need to search somewhere else...~”
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
“Hhhooorp~ ah~ uff~ w-well it seems like the cloning program is a success so fa-Oooourr~” Alphys belched out causing an eyepatch to fly out of her maw and landed stuck right onto an area of her gut right above where one of her Undyne-clones were burying her face against while the lizard had another playfully pinned under her arm and facefirst against her pit. “Mmmh~ Maybe I should test this further~”
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
POV Alphys is plopping her fat ass on your lap.
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
Which of alphys’s friends taste the best?
"Uff~ They a-all taste pretty good, I think I have a weakness for Frisk though, the pure taste of meat is just the best~" Alphys gushed before her plump gut growled nosily over her words. "A-ah I think I'm gonna go look for them..."
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
“C-cold blooded? No I’m not why would you think that?” Alphys questioned curiously before patting her plump yellow gut. “I-if I was so cold inside how could my stomach melt down it’s meals so quickly?”
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
Writes “Holding Cell” on Undyne’s abdomen with some arrows pointing down to her groin.
"Heh~ Shoulda wrote that on my sack to be more accurate, but I guess Alphys is too busy gargling them anyway~" Undyne chuckled as she itched her abs.
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
Hey Undyne, is there room for one more in there? -u-
"Sure if ya want~" Undyne hummed as she tugged her waistband forwards, showing off the base of her girthy pillar of a cock causing visible trail of steam and musk to rise out of the opening. "Becareful though, Alphys is already musk drunk so she might hump your brains out, or eat you, or both~"
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
Cue Alphys walking out of a supply closet while rubbing her eyes.
“Aaah~ ...o-oh...how long was I out for?”
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omnipointmuses · 5 years
Goat Pancake
“Catty?! wait hang on, Dr.Alphys is testing something on me, my body won’t act nor- Mmph!” Asriel was able to eek out before he felt the alley cat’s cheeks collide with her own as she backed up trying to wedge his face deep into the clothed canyon her hefty ass made whenever she slipped into her snug overalls until the back of Asriel’s head met with the wall, that’s when something strange happened. Instead of feeling the goat-boys face being pressed more firmly against the seam of her overalls she instead felt a warm sensation spread out around the inner-sides of her cheeks, curious she turned and saw a strange and humorous sight, Asriel’s face flattened out against her rear while his hands tried to push back against it in an attempt to free himself.
“Oh. My. God. This is so hilarious!” Catty laughed out as she pressed downwards with her wide ass squishing the goat boy flat against the ground before standing back up to giggle at his squashed form before getting an idea and stripping out of her overalls and panties, freeing her ass and jiggling it right above the welcome mat of the goat causing him to blush hard and turn his snow-white body to turn a very light shade of pink as he attempted to get out a word only for the cat-monster to once again plop her wide ass down on top of his flattened form and grinding downwards, trying to get the goat as flat as possible before standing back up and turning around to see her handiwork only to find Asriel’s discarded clothes prompting he to look around for a bit before finally looking at her rump to see Asriel’s fluffy furred body flattened and adhered right against her ass, the sight of which made the feline monster giggle at the goat boi’s current predicament while she gathered up her clothes and began to walk away with him in tow, whether he liked it or not. “Since you’ll be sticking around I guess I’ll have to entertain you, don’t worry, I’m sure me and bratty can think of a lot of different ways to play with you cutie~”
After a while Alphys would finally return with a serum that should cure her assistant’s little situation, alas, she could only find his clothes and notebook, both of which looked as if they had been through some wear and tear.
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omnipointmuses · 5 years
Would said Bizzard enjoy slurping down a princess? Or perhaps being slurped up her yearning rear end?
“W-well no offense to the princess b-but I’m a little bit too busy to be eaten right now....however I’m more than happy to accommodate you in uh...other ways.” The chubby dino suggested as she undid her topmost button on her labcoat to show some cleavage that rested upon her corpulent yellow gut that had already snapped a button or two.
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