#Omnipoint kinks: Vore
omnipointmuses · 8 months
POV Sonic's upper torso is sticking out of your mouth, her massive chest swaying erratically as she tries to worm her way out, to no avail.
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omnipointmuses · 8 months
List of things Big Bastard Trixie has done to spite Twilight
Bred and ate all of her friends
Pillage Ponyville and most of his inhabitants
Sat on and nearly smothered Celestia and Luna under her fat ass before shoving them into it
Tonguefucked Discord/Eris's throat before slurping them up like a noodle
Seduced and slushed Cadence and Shining Armor in her breasts
Impregnated Chrysalis before pumping her into a condom along with her hive
Has Twilight permanently digesting and reforming in her gut.
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omnipointmuses · 9 months
"Mmh~ You know little Sparkle, I've always thought about crushing you though the great and gluttonous Trixie must admit, I'd never thought you'd enjoy it as much I would~" The massive unicorn huffed as she sat straddling Twilight's torso, her immense stomach covering the smaller mare's modest chest and neck while her eyes looked up at her captor with a mix of apprehension and arousal even as she reached down and gripped her horn with her pudgy fingers to force the lavender gal's face firmly against her flab, filling her ears with the sounds of guttural churning a sound that reminded Twilight how much her once self-proclaimed rival's hunger had skyrocketed sending a pang of fear up her spine coaxing her to pull away for a moment only to be pressed more firmly against the oppressive gut. "Ah ah ah little Sparkle, you must learn to appreciate Trixie's magnificent gut, or do I need to give you the same inside tour I gave your friends?~"
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omnipointmuses · 8 months
(OS) Accidental Breakup
Alphys sighed nervously as he posted the picture of himself posing as provocatively as he could at the moment. It was a simple pose with him doing a peace sign with his clawed digits as he took a mirror selfie. What was more eye-catching was his absolutely massive nuts that hung between his plush thighs supported by only a pair of "Mew Mew Kissy Cutie" panties that were stretched beyond saving now, for wearing at least, they were a collector edition after all. Attached to them with a piece of tape was a picture of Alphys's (former) girlfriend Undyne. Below the post was a caption that read as such.
Text: accidentally turned my buff fish gf into nutslush Text: anyone wanna help empty her out or follow her? <3
He did feel kind of bad about asking around so soon after her "passing" but the idea of messing around with someone while she bloated his scaly nuts was too alluring. It didn't help she left him so backed up too.
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omnipointmuses · 1 year
"Fluer de Lis? I'm afraid I haven't seen her now if you'll excuse me..." Mayor Mare lead off as she slowly, but firmly closed the door on a pair of royal guards just as a belch bellowed it's way up her throat and out of her maw, dragging a pair of expensive panties and jewelry through the aged mare's bloated gut with it causing them to land on her carpet with a soft thump while the earth pony took a deep breath to collect herself before collecting the discarded items.
"Phew~ that was much too close..." She sighed out as she made her way back to her private study casually tossing the earrings into one of her desk drawers and was about to do the same to the pair of sodden panties before a perverse idea came over her. With a shaky hand and shy smile she reached under her business skirt before pulling down her own panties, pearly white and unassuming it looked practically conservative compared to the thin dark-purple fabric she was stepping into. With a few tugs the thong stretched itself over Mayor's wide hips and wedged itself deep into the crack of her ass before she waltzed over to her full-body mirror and showed herself off before giving a soft chuckle at the sight of the expensive, almost gaudy underwear stretched to it's near limits, sinking into her cellulite dotted ass, with a bloated, gurgling gut hanging over it's waistband, she could practically see the look of horror on Fleur's face at the knowledge that not only was one of her more private clothing was not only being worn by someone else, but also being destroyed by this very act. With a satisfied sigh she gave her stomach a firm pat causing it's contents to slosh softly within before she stepped back into her business skirt enjoying the fact she was wearing her catch in more ways than one.
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omnipointmuses · 10 months
"What happened to everyone else?... ah you mean the congregation from earlier." Arianna answered upon being asked why her church was suddenly so empty despite being quite busy just moments before. "They're attending a private sermon at this time so I'm not at liberty to reveal their location."
With a pause she raised a balled fist to her mouth a stifled a rumbling belch as the faintest imprint of a hand appearing on her muscular abs and shifting her habit ever so slightly. "Mmmrrrp~ Though... if you really want to know where they are you can join them if you wish."
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omnipointmuses · 11 months
Toriel sloshing around as semi-sentient sludge in your gut giggling at how long it took your untrained gut to get her down to this state, though ever bump and imprint of her hefty form on your gut has been smoothed out you're still rendered immobile by the immense orb of chyme she's become. That being said she's at your mercy just as much as you are hers, both stuck waiting as your body absorbed her bit by bit, pumping her through your guts as nutrient slush and soon wobbling flab, and she was going to enjoy every bit of it.
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omnipointmuses · 7 months
The First Soul
The first soul radiates a soft aura an is in the shape of a feline demi-human. As you get closer it recants it's tale.
I was Queen Xocolati's first husband, taken so she could assume the title and responsibilities without pushback from the noble class even though they sneered at my status as a now former slave. Despite my marriage being out of mere necessity I had little to complain about, though I did have fears about how my queen would see me but to my surprise she treated me as an equal and often sought my consul about how to properly run her kingdom, together we even outlawed and dismantled most of the slave trade within The Golden Desert region.
My end came when I retreated with her to our bedroom for the final time. Her touch was always softer than I was ever used to and she never crossed the limit I set, but slowly but surely I grew to find a certain comfort to be under her power, her expansive girth. Eventually I found myself pushing my way into her open maw, over her tongue that licked so tenderly as if to savor every taste of me. Eventually her mouth crested over my admittedly wide hips and by then I knew I was hers in body. Despite how vast her unsealed form was her stomach held me with a cozy embrace behind her thick wall of fat I once embraced. Even then I could faintly feel her, graciously patting her gut as if I was the best meal she's had in a long time and heard her voice assuring me that she would either let me out soon or could reform me later. I rejected both offers, I felt that this was right becoming completely one with her and after an agonizing moment she asked if I was sure, I was. So she obliged my desires, I have to admit that the idea of all safety nets were cut made my pulse pound and I selfishly gave into those impulses and pleasured myself against her walls, coaxing her into reaching down and squeezing her gut, squeezing me, milking me for everything I could offer until my form fell apart through the churning chyme, but still I didn't leave, I couldn't leave. I don't know if this was one purpose or if she was even away but when my soul fled my slurried form it could not escape the confines of her gut so instead I sank deeper and became one with it and thus she claimed me in spirit. I see the world through her eyes and await the day she seeks my consul again, and maybe I would experience her touch once more.
The shape vanishes in a plume of light and what remains is an urn atop a pillar made of sandstone along with a cube of resin that contained a pair of thongs. Below it there's a plaque that reads.
Here lies the First King of The Golden Sands Husband to Queen Xocolati Danos (Blank) Danos (First name lost to time.)
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omnipointmuses · 1 year
"Now then Trixie thinks you have two choices, fir-uurrrsstly you can either help save your precious princess Sparkle," The tubby unicorn belched out as she gripped her teal gut by one of it's folds before giving it a hearty shake, causing it's prisoner to let out a grown that was heavily muffled by the surrounding flab before leaning forwards to whisper into your muse's ear. "Or, you can help Trixie and hump my gut until she's pulverized into pulp, your choice~"
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omnipointmuses · 1 year
"You wish to talk to Princess Sparkle? Very well..." Trixie puffs before pulling up her stretched sweater revealing her flabby gut allowing it to bounce free following the sound of it's sloshing contents along with a heavily muffled moan as faint imprints of a pair of hands and face dotted her teal gut for a moment, the sound of which made the showgal smirk with smug satisfaction as she crudely scratched at her tenting crotch. "Better get on with it, and say your goodbyes as well, Trixie is getting into a mood and I doubt she'll be solid afterwards~"
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omnipointmuses · 7 months
something something vorey app that lets you look up local preds and tag them for local prey "Endo" "Fatal" ect
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omnipointmuses · 10 months
"...This probably classifies me as a cannibal huh..." Snau mumbled as she rubbed her massive, round gut as it rested on her lap, letting her hands sink in and slosh around the bubbling bunny broth pressing a heavy belch out of her lips, sending torn shreds of a student's long white uniform blouse and ribbon, an acid worn purple skirt and yellow shirt, and a robotic arm still fully intact as it clattered in front of her.
"OOOOOOOOuuuurrrp!~ Uff~"
"...Is it bad that this is probably not gonna be the last time this happens...?"
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omnipointmuses · 8 months
Canonically Mocha would be too kind and caring to even think of eating anyone, especially her students or fellow teachers
But horny brain says she's belching up half melted skulls while humping her fat wobbling gut.
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omnipointmuses · 1 year
Biker Tori takes you to her favorite diner and giggles as you struggle with a burger the size of a car tire while she puts them away one after another and even the waitress when she asks for you two to leave.
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
Last Failing Grade (OS)
“So my dear student, care to explain this?~” Miss Muffet chittered as she slid your muse’s test forwards, a giant red F clearly visible right next to your muse’s name at the top and the reason why she asked your muse to stay behind after class, especially when she scooted forwards and rested her heavy bust on her desk obscuring your muse’s test with the view of her cleavage along with various items that belonged to a few of the past students wedged between them, from phones to underwear all tucked away on her person or in her personal hoard she has hidden away in the academy. “I hope I don’t have to remind you what I do with failing students~”
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
Cue Vanilla belching up a huge blue bra that once belonged to a certain heroic hedgehog and patting her sloshing gut as the undergarment struck the wall with an audible splat. With a casual hum she scooped up the ravage bra and tucked it under her arm, though it was much to big for her to wear, yet, but it’d look wonderful on her trophy wall until then~
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