#Omnipoint: Open starter
omnipointmuses · 2 years
Last Failing Grade (OS)
“So my dear student, care to explain this?~” Miss Muffet chittered as she slid your muse’s test forwards, a giant red F clearly visible right next to your muse’s name at the top and the reason why she asked your muse to stay behind after class, especially when she scooted forwards and rested her heavy bust on her desk obscuring your muse’s test with the view of her cleavage along with various items that belonged to a few of the past students wedged between them, from phones to underwear all tucked away on her person or in her personal hoard she has hidden away in the academy. “I hope I don’t have to remind you what I do with failing students~”
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omnipointmuses · 1 month
(OS) When in Sol
"Come to mama you beautiful lil thing-" Rouge hummed as she reached into a glass case, through the cleanly cut hole in the glass, towards the shiny, red Sol Emerald, not one of her usual go-to's but when Rome. That's what she thought when she decided to break into one of the Sol Empire's temples that was housing the treasured gem. Right as her fingers were wrapped around the gem a bright glow enveloped her body, she felt herself compress down, growing shorter as mass shifted towards her chest and her rear. When all was said and done she was cut down to about two feet tall and toting a heftier bust and an ass that turned her walk into more of a waddle, she could swear even her lips were plumper as well.
"Well this is different...." Rouge muttered as she poked her lips and her chest before pressing a button on her suit that caused it to shrink down and conform to her new state and stuffing it down into her cleavage. "Now to make my exit before a certain princess gets her claws on lil' ol' me~"
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omnipointmuses · 8 months
(OS) Accidental Breakup
Alphys sighed nervously as he posted the picture of himself posing as provocatively as he could at the moment. It was a simple pose with him doing a peace sign with his clawed digits as he took a mirror selfie. What was more eye-catching was his absolutely massive nuts that hung between his plush thighs supported by only a pair of "Mew Mew Kissy Cutie" panties that were stretched beyond saving now, for wearing at least, they were a collector edition after all. Attached to them with a piece of tape was a picture of Alphys's (former) girlfriend Undyne. Below the post was a caption that read as such.
Text: accidentally turned my buff fish gf into nutslush Text: anyone wanna help empty her out or follow her? <3
He did feel kind of bad about asking around so soon after her "passing" but the idea of messing around with someone while she bloated his scaly nuts was too alluring. It didn't help she left him so backed up too.
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omnipointmuses · 19 days
Setting Sun (OS)
Celestia sighed as she finished her monthly ritual of draining out her magical energy into the sun to keep it from building up and eventually... spilling out for lack of a better term. It wasn't a painful process, just left her feeling exposed for the most part. Losing much of her magical power left her feeling limited and losing bodymass left her disoriented until she could find her footing again. Though this time around she felt a bit more disoriented than before as she floated down from the air and felt her feet hit the floor of her balcony and almost immediately she noticed how close to the ground she was, even more so than usual after she drained herself. It took just one step to find out what had happened after she felt herself tip over on legs much shorter than what she was used to and flop forwards onto her hefty chest that easily cushioned her short fall.
"Oh... oh no..." Celestia murmured as she pushed herself back onto her feet and scampered away from her balcony and into her room to look herself over in her vanity mirror. Normally after draining herself she was cut down from her 12 foot tall self down to six feet tall, but right now she was down to about half that. Three feet tall in height and still carrying around a bust and butt she'd usually tote in her drained state made her into quite the shortstack, a thought that wasn't lost on her as she cracked a small smirk as she gave her hip a pat. "Goodness... I'm shorter than a pegasus..."
After enjoying the view of herself for a moment and wandered over to her closet in an attempt to scramble together something wearable. Though she did the ritual fairly early in the morning she didn't doubt some of her more keen eyed subjects or savvy enemies could sense her magical power being drained into the sun and she had to at least be decent when they came and attempted to check up on or claim her.
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omnipointmuses · 11 months
Cue Toriel plopping her hefty goat buns on top of your muse's everything.
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omnipointmuses · 1 year
(Open Starter)
"Tempered glass my ass..." Samus grumbled as she held a glass and metal canister in her hand while in her other hand she held a syringe and was gently pressing down it's plunger and dripping sealant along the large noticeable crack that constantly leaked plumes of pink gas that it contained up until the crack was completely covered in the quick-hardening substance. Once that was done the bounty hunter let out a loud sigh before slumping in the seat of her cockpit before placing the canister down gently and bringing up her webcam to confirm the changes she felt on herself and much to her chagrin she saw what she expected, her already prominent bust and hips had plumped up a bit more giving her a more hourglass figure and her lips had bloated out immensely obscuring much of her lower face and gained a shiny pink sheen as if covered by a thick layer of lipstick and judging by the pink smears on her fingers she found after pulling them away from the soft mass that was now her lips she could only guess that her saliva glans had been mutated as well. When she leaned forwards to inspect the final change, her newly pink irises, her console suddenly lit up with the words "Incoming Call!" causing her to jerk back into her seat and let out a muffled curse as she disabled her camera before quickly answering out of reflex and attempting to sound as professional as she could in her situation. "This is bounty hunter Samus Aran, state your business."
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omnipointmuses · 1 year
(OS) A Challenge
Biker Tori blinks as she felt someone strike her ass with a slap and looked before her shoulder with a small smirk. "Gonna hafta hit harder than that sug, tall ya what, I'll give you one more swing, get a moan out of my lips and I'll give ya a reward, if ya fail though... well I'll think of somethin'~"
She gave a small chuckle at her own words and flexed her wide-jean clad rump causing the pair of sizable cheeks to collide softly with each other. "So what do ya say sug?"
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
Cue Link plopping his massive ass onto your muse's lap, nearly engulfing their lap between his cheeks as they strained the wavy, breathable material. Along his lower back the words "Grade S Hero Meat" could be seen in the form of a tattoo.
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
(OS) Less Than Everfree
Your muse had been exploring Everfree Forest, curious about the reasons why the residents of Ponyville would avoid the seemingly normal forest and told your muse to do so as well. However despite the warnings your muse was having a good time, up until a large pegasus shifter suddenly rounded a tree you were passing, gripped you by both of your wrists and pinned you up against the tree keeping your feet inches off the ground as she held your hands above your head. Her long pink mane draped down the side of her face as she leaned forwards, pressing her imposing bust and torso against your smaller form pinning you up against the cold wood that contrasted against her warm body and simply asked. "Are you pleasure, or food?"
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
(OS) Hard Earned Wage
“Hey so unfortunately we don’t have a ton of positions open for someone of your skillset but we do have a few open ones and they still pay a good deal more than the same offers you’d get from others.” Tazzle states before snapping her fingers causing several holofiles to be projected in front of her and with a small amused smirk the goblin pushed them right in front if your muse. “Take a look and if you have any questions ask away~”
Personal Assistant and Secretary
VR Brothel Pilot
Personal Condom Filler
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
(OS) King in Lace
“Huh~ Haven’t worn this thing since college but still... not bad~” Bowser hummed as he stood posed in front of a fullbody mirror clad in lingerie. The stocking and sleeves strained against his thick arms and legs while the lacy underwear wasn’t much more than a skimpy thong that was stretched by the king’s massive girth and swallowed up between his deep crack.
The king was so encapsulated by his own reflection he didn’t even notice his was slowly creaking open for your muse.
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
(OS) A Demonstration
“You want to experience my sorcery?” Brunhilde confirmed questioningly as she raised a curious eyebrow at your muse and scratched her gut right where the black mark of a feline’s face was etched into her white fur. “You do know that requires me eating you, correct?”
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
(OS) Curious Little Thing
“Huh, so maybe stealing that gem wasn’t the best idea.” Your GF Rouge hummed as she looked down at her newly gained asset, a girthy prick roughly the size of a two-liter bottle of soda and a pair of hefty melon sized nuts. Curiously she rolled her hips back and forth causing the sound of sloshing to emanate from those cumtanks as well as the light slap as her soft member bounced against them, not to mention the more audible and familiar sounds of her wide cheeks clapping together, a sound you were already familiar with. With a fanged smirk and turned to you as she rolled the small innocuous gemstone in her hands. :What do you think hun?~ Should I give this one back or keep it?~”
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
(Open starter) Emergency Preyslut Hero Required!
Cue Link making a confused expression, he had no idea why he’d need to put on a short skirt or have his huge, wobbling boybutt painted with a sweet smelling glaze just to meet a royal but their servants had been so insistent on it he wasn’t going to argue!
He did wish they hadn’t forgotten to give him his underwear back though it felt so breezy walking through these large daunting halls without them.
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
“Do I know why I’m squishy as hell? No, but I can say that my being flat days are over, Sonic the hedgehog will never be flattened again!” Sonic stated brazenly with a flourish of their hands not noticing your muse approaching them from behind or their ill-intentions.
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
(OS) Speed Meal
“O-okay, geeze you’re really persistent huh?” Sonic wheezed out as their hands rested on their bent knees while sweat dripped from their form from running through several zones in an attempt to escape their persistent predator though now just as they were about to make their fifth pass through green hill they could finally feel themselves worn down. “Hey, how about we take ...a quick break before we start up the chase again?”
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